Course Outline School of Business Program: Part Time Studies Option: Operations Management Total Hours: 36 Total Weeks: Hours/Wee k: 3 OPMT 1198 Fundamentals of Operations Management Lecture: Lab: Prerequisites Course No. Term/Level : 12 Shop: 20 Course Credits: Seminar : 3.00 Other : OPMT 1198 is a Prerequisite for: Course Name Course No. Course Name ■ Course Description This course presents the fundamentals in operations management based upon established systematic & theoretical approaches to problem solving methods & improvements in businesses. Material will include critical thinking and examination, analysis of data, and development & selection of applicable solutions to business operational issue. Course materials will explore operations applications to both manufacturing and services environments. (3 credits) Evaluation Final Exam Mid-Term Assignment #1 Assignment #2 Participation 35% 20% 05% 30% 10% TOTAL 100% Comments: Participation marks are a combination of the student’s contributions to class discussions and group work. I expect all students cameras to be turned on during the class. Course Outline OPMT 1198 – Introduction to Operations Management Passing grade for the course is 50%. Course Learning Outcomes At the conclusion of the course the student will be able to: Describe the operations function and the nature of the operations manager’s job Describe the primary ways business organizations compete Define the term productivity and explain its importance to organizations Explain the importance of capacity planning Describe basic processing operations Describe basic layout types Explain the importance of work design and methods analysis Describe some of the major factors that affect location decisions Explain why product / service quality is important Understand the problem solving process and the use of the quality tools Explain the need to manage the supply chain Discuss the objectives of inventory management Understand the requirements for effective inventory management Describe MRP/ERP/JIT and their application Verification I verify that the content of this course outline is current. RT 2024-01-09 Remi Trepanier (Instructor) Date Note: Should changes be required to the content of this course outline, students will be given reasonable notice. Instructor Remi Trepanier B. Sc. E-mail: Phone: 403-899-8981 Page 2 Course Outline OPMT 1198 – Introduction to Operations Management Learning Resources Required: Weekly lecture slides provided – see this course under o Not all exam questions are on the slides, please take notes and pay attention during class... Calculator Mandatory Textbook: Operations Management (Optional) By: Stevenson & Hojati McGraw Hill Ryerson Most current edition available in BCIT Bookstore As this is a highly interactive class, students are required to provide relevant work/personal experience to operations examples and current issues discussed weekly in class. The sharing of ideas and examining operational issues of current events is a major component of the weekly learning. Information for Students Group Assignments: Late assignments will be accepted with a 10% deduction per day. It is expected that each individual must fully contribute to the group assignement. Personal assignement grades may vary depending on individual participation. Individuals who did not participate will receive a grade of 0% based on the other group members feedback. Makeup Tests, Exams or Quizzes: There will be no makeup tests, exams or quizzes. If you miss a test, exam or quiz, you will receive zero marks. Exceptions may be made for documented medical reasons or extenuating circumstances. In such a case, it is the responsibility of the student to inform the instructor immediately Ethics: BCIT assumes that all students attending the Institute will follow a high standard of ethics. Incidents. Violation of academic integrity, including plagiarism, dishonesty in assignments, examinations, or other academic performances are prohibited and will be handled in accordance with Policy 5104 - Academic Integrity and Appeals, and accompanying procedures. Attendance: Regular attendance in lectures and labs is seen as integral to student success, therefore, attendance in class is monitored. Unexcused absences in excess of 10% of the time prescribed for this course may result in the assignment of a failing grade and/or removal from the course. In case of illness or other unavoidable absence, students must communicate with the instructor as soon as possible indicating the reason for the absence. Students who are seeking accommodation for a medical absence must have a BCIT-approved medical certificate. For other absences, students must be prepared to provide appropriate supporting documentation. These requirements are set out in accordance with BCIT Policy 5101 “Student Regulations” I excused absences in excess of 10% is the equivalent of more than 1 class. Attendances will be taken at the beginning of the class, if you do not confirm your attendance by the time I finish taking the attendance, but come to the class, you will loose participation point. Page 3 Course Outline OPMT 1198 – Introduction to Operations Management Illness: A doctor’s note is required for any illness causing you to miss assignments, quizzes, tests, projects, or exam. At the discretion of the instructor, you may complete the work missed or have the work prorated Course Outline Changes: The material or schedule specified in this course outline may be changed by the instructor within a reasonable time period. Assignment Details: Please submit all assignments on 8.5” x 11” paper word-processed (word or pdf), with 1.5 line spacing. Assignments will be submitted through the learning hub. Late assignment will be accepted with a 10% deduction per day up to when the lass day of the class. Page 4 Course Outline OPMT 1198 – Introduction to Operations Management Schedule Session 1 2 3 Date January 8, 2024 January 15, 2024 January 22, 2024 Topics Notes Textbook Course introduction Intro to Operations management Introduce Assignment # 1 Introduce Assignment #2 Ch 01 Demand, competitiveness, strategy, productivity Product and Service design Ch 02 Ch 03 Ch 04 Ch 05 Capacity planning Process selection /facility layout Group work 4 January 30, 2024 Design of work systems Location planning & analysis Group work Ch 06 Ch 7 5 February 5, 2024 Intro to quality Statistical quality Mid-Term Review Group work Ch 08 Ch 09 6 February 12, 2024 Midterm February 19, 2024 Family Day 7 February 26, 2024 8 March 4, 2024 9 March 11, 2024 10 March 18, 2024 Quality Control Inventory Management Group work Material Requirements Planning Group work JIT, Lean Manufacturing Group work Supply Chain Management Scheduling Group work Due Assignment 1 Midterm Ch 10 Ch 11 Ch 13 Ch 14 Ch 15 Ch 16 Page 5 Course Outline OPMT 1198 – Introduction to Operations Management 11 12 March 25, 2024 April 1, 2024 Project Management Assignment #2 Presentation & Report Due Final Exam Review Final Exam Ch 17 Assignment #2 Due This outline and session schedule is intended to provide an overview of lecture topics and relevant text material. However, depending on class progress and / or student interest, the instructor may change the schedule in a reasonable time period. Page 6