Uploaded by happy men


Step 1. Find a game that has the biggest demand for cheats by doing some research. For reaching the largest audience, this step is crucial.
Step 2. Create a modern looking user interface with the most popular cheat features for the game you chose.
Step 3, download the rat to the victims pc. Write a few lines of very simple code that 1, Downloads the rat from a filehosting website. 2, Hides the file in filemanager. 3, Adds the .exe to autostart and 4, runs the exe.
Step 4. Where are you going to sell your cheat? The best place to sell your cheat is in the 12 year olds own habitat, Discord. Simply make a server, add some channels, buy some bots and give some of the bots customer roles. To make it look like the server isnt full of bots I send messages from accounts ive stolen in the past in the general channel.
Step 5, marketing. To reach your target audience of 12 year olds you have to upload youtube videos showing the UI and show how it works. You can easily make the illusion that your cheat works by stealing someone elses gameplay from youtube. Step 6, payment methods. Since kids does not have crypto paypal is what i take payments in, aslong as the paypal account isnt connected to your bank account you should be relatively safe. Occationally your paypal accounts get locked and you have to submit legal papers so make sure you move the money to a safer place.
Step 7, Optional moneymaking method. Since your rat is on the kids computer you can have some fun with him, scare him and get a few more dollars out of him.