Uploaded by rawiyav441


I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the behaviour of the
registrar office staff. During my recent interactions with the staff, I
encountered extreme rude behaviour that was disappointing and
On multiple occasions, I was met with dismissive attitudes from the office
staff. Instead of receiving courteous assistance, I was subjected to
impolite remarks and unwelcoming conduct. This type of behaviour
made it extremely difficult to address my concerns and obtain the
necessary support. ​
It has caused unnecessary stress and discomfort, creating an
environment that is unwelcoming and unprofessional. This kind of
conduct is not conducive to maintaining a positive relationship between
the office and the people it serves.
The behaviour of the registrar office staff has been incredibly
unprofessional and has fallen short of the expected standard of
professionalism. I hope that this complaint will lead to a positive
transformation in the way the office staff interacts with individuals,
fostering a more respectful and accommodating environment for