Aviation Meteorology Aviation Meteorology Meteorology is the study of the atmosphere and the weather processes that occur in it. Since an aircraft is flown through the medium of the atmosphere, an aviator must have adequate knowledge of meteorology and an appreciation of the effect of weather on all aspects of flying. The Atmosphere The invisible and odorless gas which we breathe, which sustains life and produces an infinite variety of phenomena is what we call air. The envelope of air surrounding the earth and extending to great heights is the atmosphere where vast physical processes occur, giving rise to the ever-changing weather phenomena. Composition Air is a mechanical mixture of a variety of gases. The main constituents of this mixture are nitrogen and oxygen, accounting for almost 99% of the whole, with roughly three parts of nitrogen to one part of oxygen. There are small amounts or traces of other gases. The composition is more or less the same upto about 60 kilometers. The percentage composition of dry air (by volume) is in the proportions shown below: Nitrogen 78.09 Oxygen 20.95 Argon 0.93 Carbon dioxide 0.03 Traces of Neon, Ozone, Krypton, Sulphur dioxide, Helium, Nitrogen dioxide, Xenon, Ammonia, Hydrogen, Carbon monoxide, Methane, Iodine and Nitrous oxide. The atmosphere is never completely dry. Water vapour is always present in varying amounts. Water vapour also behaves as a gas. It is the change in the amount and state of the water vapour (solid, liquid and gas) which is important in the physics of the weather processes in the atmosphere. Apart from water vapour, suspended particles like dust, smoke and other impurities affect the transparency of the atmosphere. In the higher layers, there is concentration of ozone between 30 and 50 kilometers. At heights of above 70 kilometers, the effect of molecular diffusion becomes significant and the effect of gravitational separation can be noticed in the case of the lighter gases, which finally escape into space. Solid particles • Apart from water, solid particles are present in their varied size, shape and composition. In size, they range from sub microscopic to large elements that can be detected by naked eyes. They may be organic such as seeds, pollen, spores or bacteria or inorganic like soil, Industrial pollutants, smoke or salt from ocean spray. • These particles reduce visibility through the air. • These are important in the process of condensation (change from Gaseous state to water droplet) and sublimation (change from gaseous state to ice crystal or vice versa). • Even when air is cooled below the saturation temperature, condensation and sublimation process will not take place unless a small particle called condensation or sublimation nuclei is contacted. 61 Aviation Meteorology • Concentration of these particles is changes with location. Number of particles per unit volume is much higher near cities and industrial areas than in the rural areas or over the sea. Structure The average conditions below about 25km have been well explored by the aid of balloons and instrumented aircraft. The properties of the higher layers are not so well known. However, studies by means of rockets, sound and radio waves, aurorae, meteors etc. have given fairly reliable information of the characteristics of the atmosphere upto almost 100 Km. The Troposphere This is the lowest layer of atmosphere nearest to the earth. It extends 8 to 9km at poles and 16 to 18km at the Equator (i.e. the average height of The Tropopause is taken as 11km). • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • This is the first layer of the atmosphere All the weather occurs in this region due to the presence of water vapour and large- scale vertical currents of the air in this part. About 75% of the air mass concentration. Majority of the aviation activities take place here Pressure falls @ of 1hPa /27 feet with height Temperature decreases with increase in height at a constant rate independent of latitude and altitude. Rate of fall of temperature is known as lapse rate ( )ץof temperature. Top of troposphere is called Tropopause. Average height of Tropopause is 16 – 18km at equator and 8 – 10km at poles. Equatorial Tropopause is colder than polar Tropopause being twice higher than it. Height of Tropopause varies with latitude and from season to season. During winter, the Tropopause comes down to very low heights and in summer it goes up and it is higher in warm latitudes rather than cold latitudes (highest over equator and lowest over the poles). Sometimes breaks occur in middle latitudes with overlapping Tropopause. In these breaks high velocity winds (complex in structure due to narrow bands and rapid movement) called Jet Streams are found. Winds with speed more than 60kts. are termed jet streams and can reach their maximum speeds of 200 knots in the upper cold portion of Tropopause. 62 Aviation Meteorology Stratosphere This layer extends from Tropopause up to 50 km from the surface of the earth. • Layer is very deep at poles as stratopause is circular. • Temperature remains steady between Tropopause and up to about 20 km and beyond that it increases with height (0°C at stratopause) • Ozone concentration is found from 15km up to 35 kms from the earth surface and above which temperature rises due to absorbed solar ultra violate radiation by ozone layer. If this ultraviolet radiation were to reach the earth surface it would kill all life on the earth. This layer of Ozone is called Ozonosphere. • Stratosphere is Stable region of very low humidity, excellent visibility, no turbulence and no Weather. Rarely, a type of cloud ‘nacreous’ (mother of pearl) Occurs at about 20 to 30 km in winter and are thought to consist of ice crystals. Ozone causes sickness in human being and corrodes metals. Precaution must be taken while flying within Ozonosphere. Mesosphere This layer of atmosphere extends from 50 to 85km from the surface of the earth. • • • • Temperature decreases with height. At Mesopause temperature is of the order of -90°C (the lowest temperature of the atmosphere). Pressure in mesosphere is very low decreasing from about 1 hPa at 50 km to .01 hPa at 90 km Mesopause is situated at 90 km from the surface The Thermosphere This layer of temperature extends from 85km from the surface of earth upwards. 63 Aviation Meteorology • • • • The upper limit of thermosphere is not specified. Above 90km temperature again increases dramatically to thousands of degrees Celsius. Atmospheric density is very low in this region. Due to the thinness of the air the temperature is not felt on human body and only a kinetic temperature which governs the speed of the molecules in the thermosphere. The aurora is found in this layer and is caused by particles from the sun causing molecules of Oxygen, Hydrogen and Nitrogen to fluoresce. Upper layer or top of thermosphere is undefined. However, at about 700 Km, the gravitational pull of the earth is practically absent and the particles can escape from the atmosphere into space. This is often referred to as exosphere. There are intense radiation belts known as Van Allen belts at about 3,000 Km and 15,000 Km above earth’s surface. In the thermosphere, the temperature increases rapidly with height to about 200 Km and reaches values of the order of 600 °C. International Standard Atmosphere A standard average atmosphere has to be specified for various purposes like the design and testing of aircraft, evaluation of aircraft performance, calibration of pressure altimeters, etc. For this purpose, a standard atmosphere is defined and used as a basis of reference. The standard atmosphere is a hypothetical atmosphere, corresponding approximately to the average state of the real atmosphere. The most widely used atmosphere for reference purposes is the one defined by the ICAO, known as the International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) whose specifications are: Mean sea level temperature Mean sea level pressure Surface density Acceleration due to gravity Temperature Lapse Rate up to 11km 15°C(288.15 °K) 1013.25mb 3 1225 g/m 980.665 cm/sec2 6.5°C/km Temperature assumed constant at —56.5°C (216.65°K) with an isothermal lower stratosphere above 11km up to 20km – From 20 to 30km there is a rise in temperature at the rate of 1° C/km with a temperature of -44.5°C (228.65°K) at 32km. Temperature Temperature is a measure of the degree of warmth of a substance. It is measured by a thermometer which works on the property of the expansion of a liquid when the temperature increases. Thermometers Thermometers may be either alcohol-in-glass, spirit in glass or mercury-in-glass type. The mercury-in-glass thermometers are more accurate because mercury responds more quickly to changes in temperature than alcohol. The thermometers commonly in use for meteorological purposes are: Dry bulb thermometer, wet bulb thermometer, maximum thermometer and minimum thermometer. The names indicate the type of readings, registered by them. The minimum thermometer is alcohol-inglass type while the others are mercury-in-glass. Scale of Measurement 64 Aviation Meteorology Temperature is expressed in degrees. There are several scales of temperature in use. Three commonly used scales are: — (a) Fahrenheit — in which the temperature of the melting point of ice is 32 degrees (°F) and of the boiling point of water 212 degrees (°F). (b) Celsius (Centigrade) — in which the melting point of ice is 0 degrees (°C) and the boiling point of water is 100 degrees (°C). (c) Absolute — in which the melting point of ice is 273 degrees (°A) and the boiling point of water is 373 degrees (°A). This is also known as degrees Kelvin (°K). In meteorology, the Celsius (centigrade) scale is used. The absolute scale is used in theoretical calculations as in the case of the behaviour of air under different conditions of temperature and pressure. For converting values of temperature obtained on one scale to those of another, the following formulae may be used: F = 32+(9/5) C C = 5/9 (F - 32) A = 273+C = 273+5/9 (F - 32) Diurnal variation in temperature – Maximum temperature is reached about 2 hours after midday. At night the ground cools because the earth emits long wave radiation. At the time of the minimum temperature, the ground is colder than the air close to it sometimes by about 5°C when the sky is clear and radiation effect is at its maximum. Minimum temperature is reached near about sunrise time. Atmospheric Pressure The weight of a vertical column of air standing on unit area and extending to the uppermost levels of the atmosphere is known as atmospheric pressure. Pressure can be expressed in terms of different units like pounds per square inch, grams per square centimeter etc. Pressure in the atmosphere decreases with height The instruments used for measuring pressure are called Barometers. They are of two types: 1. 2. Mercury Barometer Aneroid Barometer Aneroid Barometer Mercury barometers are delicate instruments and are unsuitable as mobile units. An instrument which is sturdy and compact, though less accurate, is the aneroid barometer. It is illustrated in the figure below: 65 Aviation Meteorology Aneroid Barometer It consists of a chamber made of two corrugated lids, hermetically sealed after removing air from the inside. When the atmospheric pressure increases, the lids are pressed closer together. When the pressure decreases, the lids are displaced away from each other. The movements are magnified and transmitted to a needle which moves along a graduated dial, on which the values of pressure are indicated. The aneroid barometer is initially adjusted by comparison with a mercury barometer. Aircraft altimeters are actually aneroid barometers in which the dial graduations are in terms of heights in the atmosphere instead of in units of pressure. Unit of Measurement Although for many purposes pressure continues to be expressed in terms of inches or millimetres of mercury, the unit of pressure commonly used in meteorology is millibar (mb). A millibar is 1000 times the c.g.s. unit of pressure (dyne per square centimeter) used in physics. Thus, 1mb 2 = 103 dynes/cm . Mercury barometers as well as aneroid barometers are nowadays graduated directly in millibars. The standard sea level pressure of 29.92 inches or 760 millimetres of mercury is equivalent to 1013.2mb. The term millibar has been changed to hectopascals(hPa) and 1hPa=1mb Diurnal Variation of Pressure Superimposed on irregular changes in pressure due to movement, etc. of pressure systems, is the rhythmic oscillation of pressure which gives rise to two maxima and two minima of pressure every day. The maxima are at about 1000 and 2200 hours local time and the minima at about 0400 and 1600 hours local time. The range between the maxima and minima is highest at the equator (about 3 - 4mb) and negligible at the poles. QNH The most convenient setting of the sub-scale while in the vicinity of an airfield is QNH or altimeter setting. QNH is defined as the pressure over the airfield reduced to mean sea level assuming that the rate of variation of pressure between the airfield level and sea level is the same as in the ISA. Thus an ICAO altimeter whose sub-scale is set to the current value of QNH, will read, while on ground, the elevation of the airfield above sea level. While flying in the immediate neighborhood of the airfield, the altimeter will indicate reasonably true altitudes. Current values of QNH are supplied to aircraft in flight by ATC in hPa, inches or illimeters as required. QFE 66 Aviation Meteorology Another setting which may be used while in the vicinity of the airfield is QFE. This is the current value of the pressure reduced to the level of the airfield, (i.e. the airfield reference point). An altimeter set to QFE will read, while on ground, zero height. While in flight in the vicinity of the airfield, altimeters set to QFE indicate reasonably true heights above the airfield level. As has been explained earlier, that pressure altitudes or indicated altitudes are not necessarily true altitudes. In fact they are rarely so. This should be borne in mind while flying over mountainous terrain. QFF QFF is the value of pressure reduced to mean sea level according to standard meteorological practice. This value is used only in the preparation of surface charts. QNE QNE is defined as the height (in feet) indicated by an aircraft altimeter on ground, when the subscale of altimeter is set to a value of 1013.25hPa Air Density Density is defined as mass per unit volume. The density of air in the atmosphere is not measured directly. It is calculated from the well known gas equation: Where, P is pressure, ρ is density, T is temperature in °A and R is the gas constant for air. Variation in Surface Density At a given pressure, density is inversely proportional to the absolute temperature. Hence, warm air is comparatively lighter than cold air. Density Altitude This is defined as the altitude in the ISA at which, air density is the same as the observed density. Obviously, a higher density altitude means lower air density. In aircraft manuals density altitude (instead of density itself) is used as a parameter in monograms for computation of permissible take-off loads. Density altitude is calculated by the formula: DA = (DB-MSLT) x 120’ Vertical Variation of Density Pressure decreases with height much more rapidly than the temperature. Density decreases with height at all levels. Air density at about 6.0 Km is about 50%, 25% at 12.0 Km and at 20.0 Km 10% of the standard density at sea level. Relationship between temperature, pressure and density:Temperature is inversely proportionate to pressure, that means if temperature is higher pressure will be lower because warm air will expand and there will be less weight of air at a particular area and vice versa. 67 Aviation Meteorology Temperature and density are also inversely proportionate to each other. That means if temperature is lower, the air will be cooler and denser and if temperature is higher, air density will drop or will be lower. Pressure and density are directly proportionate to each other i.e. higher the density, higher will be pressure and lower the density, lower will be the atmospheric pressure and vice versa. Wind Air in horizontal motion, is called, wind. Wind is measured by using anemometer which gives wind speed in kms and knots and wind vane which gives direction of wind in O 360 of compass.(Direction of wind is the direction from which the wind is coming or blowing.) Pressure and Wind Like any other fluid, the tendency of air is to move from a region of surplus (high pressure) to a region of deficit (low pressure). The rate of horizontal movement, i.e. speed of wind, is directly proportional to the gradient of pressure. If the pressure gradient were the only force, the wind would be directed from the high pressure area to the low pressure area and at right angles to the isobars. Buys Ballot's Law A chart on which isobars are drawn and prevailing winds are plotted shows that the winds do not blow across the isobars. They usually blow nearly parallel to the isobars, with the low pressure to the left in the northern hemisphere. This rule is known is Buys Ballot's Law which is stated as: If an observer stands with his back to the wind the lower pressure is to his left in the northern hemisphere and to his right in the southern hemisphere. Veering and Backing A wind is said to veer when its direction changes in a clockwise sense; it is said to back when its direction changes in an anti-clockwise sense. Winds at Higher Levels At higher levels the temperatures decrease from the poles to the equator. Thus the thermal wind would be a westerly wind. Observations support this. In the middle latitudes, westerly winds increase in speed progressively with height until the Tropopause is reached. Land and Sea Breeze 68 Aviation Meteorology Large change in wind direction occurs, during the day and night near the coastal areas, even when no major synoptic situation or steep pressure gradient exists. The wind blows from sea to land during day and land to sea during night, irrespective of prevailing pressure pattern. These are referred to as, land and sea breeze. The diurnal difference of temperature between land and sea is the reason for these breezes. Sea Breeze During the day, air rises from the land due to increasing temperature and decreasing pressure, the cool and heavy air of the sea starts moving from the sea to land in the lower levels of the atmosphere establishing the sea breeze. A counter current at higher levels from the land to sea with rising air over land subsiding over sea completes the circulation. Land Breeze During the night the process is reversed. The land gets cooled faster, while the sea remains warmer. The off shore wind starts blowing from the land to sea at ground level with the counter current from the sea to land aloft. In both the cases upper air flow is spread over considerable depth. In general, sea breeze is more prominent than the land breeze. Its onset is sudden and is accompanied by a sharp fall in temperature and a sharp rise in humidity. Sea breeze generally set in before noon. On occasions when a steep pressure gradient exists, the sea breeze may be delayed considerably. On the rare occasions it may not set in at all. The sea breeze penetrates in land 25 miles or more. In comparison the land breeze is weaker than sea breeze. Katabatic Wind At night, slope of a hill cools more rapidly than the air; consequently the air close to any point on the slope is cooler and hence denser than the free air at the corresponding level. The denser air close to the slope slides down and blows as “Katabatic wind”. These winds are characteristic features of hilly areas and are of great importance on the Himalayan areas and NE India. It causes early morning thundershowers in the valleys. Anabatic Wind During the day time the hill slope gets heated up more quickly than the free air and the air close to the slope become warmer than the air at the 69 Aviation Meteorology corresponding level resulting into an up slope wind. This wind is termed as “Anabatic wind”. Fohn Wind On meeting a mountain barrier, a fairly steady and strong wind containing moisture surmounts the barriers and descends on the lee side. During ascends to the top, the air cools and cloud formation takes place which results rain. While descending on lee ward side, the air is dry and warms at a greater rate than during ascends on the wind ward side, resulting into a warm dry air on the lee side of a mountain. It is known as, “Fohn wind”. Valley Wind The direction of the wind at low level tends, up to some extent to conform to the ground contours. Thus a stream of air blowing towards mountain ranges gets deflected parallel to it. If the range is broken by a pass or valley, the air will be forced through it with enhanced velocity and very high wind speed may be attained locally. The channeling of wind through the valley is known as, funnel effect or valley wind. Clouds Definition of Cloud A cloud may be defined as a visible aggregate of minute particles of water or ice or both, in the free air. From a brief observation of the sky two fundamental characteristics of clouds become apparent, first, their infinite variety of form and second, their continual change m appearance. Clouds form in sky, develop, take different shapes and dissolve. Each process is an indication of some physical state or process in the atmosphere. Formation of Cloud The various mechanisms which result in ascent of air are: a) Turbulence b) Orographic Lifting c) Convection d) Convergence e) Frontal Lift Either singly or in combination they can cause, the formation of clouds if the ascending air reaches the condensation level. The further build up of the cloud depends on the humidity and the lapse rate aloft. Instability and a high degree of humidity can cause the build-up of clouds upto great heights; on the other hand, stable lapse rate and low humidity aloft restrict further growth. 70 Aviation Meteorology Classification of Clouds Families: Clouds are divided into four families according to the average height and development, as shown below: Family Height High Medium Low Clouds of Vertical Development Km 3-8 2-4 Height ranges in region Polar Temperate Tropical Thousand feet Km Thousand feet Km Thousand feet 10-15 5-11 16-35 5-18 16-60 6-13 2-7 6-23 2-8 6-25 From the Earth's surface to 2km (6500 feet) Base 0.5 - 2km (1500 - 6500’), Tops up to 18km (55,000’) Nomenclature Clouds are given descriptive names which depend mainly on their appearance. They are based on the classification proposed by Luke Howard in 1803. The three fundamental forms in his classification are: (a) Stratus: Stratiform clouds or sheet layer type (b) Cumulus: Cumuliform clouds ; like a heap of cotton or cauliflower (c) Cirrus: Fibrous or Cirriform clouds ; like threads Despite their infinite variety of forms, it is possible to define ten basic types of clouds of worldwide occurrence. These are taken as genera. Most genera possess several species and many of these, in turn, occur in a number of varieties, sometimes accompanied by supplementary features and accessory clouds. Description of the genera is given below: High Clouds Cirrus (CI): Detached clouds in the form of white, delicate filaments or white or mostly white patches or narrow bands. This clouds has a fibrous (hair like) appearance or a silky sheen or both. Cirrocumulus(CC): Thin white patch, sheet or layer of cloud without shading, composed of very small elements in the form of grains, ripples etc., merged or separate and more or less regularly arranged; most of the elements have an apparent width of less than one degree. 71 Aviation Meteorology Cirrostratus (CS): Transparent whitish cloud veil of fibrous or smooth appearance, totally or partly covering the sky and generally producing hallow phenomena. Medium Clouds Altocumulus(AC): White or grey or both patch, sheet or layer of cloud, generally with shading, composed of luminate, rounded masses, rolls etc., which are sometimes partly fibrous or diffused and which may or may not be merged; most the regularly arranged small elements usually have an apparent width of between 1 and 5 degrees. (b) Altostratus(AS) : Greyish or bluish cloud sheet or layer of striated, fibrous or uniform appearance, totally or partially covering the sky and having parts thin enough to reveal the sun at least vaguely and through ground glass. Altostratus does not show hallow phenomena but many a time gives rise to corona. Low Clouds (a) Nimbostratus (NS): Grey cloud layer, often dark, the appearance of which is rendered diffuse by more or less continually falling rain or snow which on most cases reaches the ground. It is thick throughout, enough to blot out the sun. Low ragged clouds frequently occur below the layer with which they may or may not merge. NS often merges with AS. (b) Stratocumulus(SC) : Grey or whitish, or both grey and whitish patch, sheet or layer of cloud which almost always has dark parts composed of tessellation, rounded masses etc, which are non-fibrous and which may or may not be merged; most of the regularly arranged small elements have an apparent white of more than five degrees. 72 Aviation Meteorology Stratus (ST): Generally grey cloud layer with a fairly uniform base, which may give drizzle, ice prisms or snow grains. When the sun is visible through the cloud, its outline is clearly discernable. Stratus does not produce hallow phenomena (except possibly at very low temperature). Clouds of Vertical Development Cumulus (CU): Detached clouds, generally dense with sharp outline, developing vertically in the form of rising mounds, domes or towers, of which the bulging upper parts often resemble a cauliflower. The sunlit part of this could are mostly brilliant white; their bases are relatively dark and nearly horizontal. Cumulonimbus (CB): Heavy and dense cloud, with considerable vertical extent, in the form of a mountain or huge tower. At least part of its upper portion is usually smooth or fibrous or striated and nearly always flattened; this part often spread out in the shape of an anvil or vast plume. Under the base of this cloud, which is often very dark, there are frequently low ragged cloud either merged with it or not and precipitation. Special Type of Clouds Apart from the ten fundamental type of cloud listed above, there are some kind of clouds which form either by the peculiarity of topography or due to special meteorological situation. Some of them are described below: Fracto Cloud: The prefix Fracto is used for a cloud when it is broken into ragged type of fragments. Fracto Stratus and Fracto Cumulus are indicative of turbulence at the base of the cloud leading to fragmentation of the lower portions. Castellanus: When an Altocumulus or Stratocumulus cloud has a turreted shape, these are known as Castellanus. These are an indication of instability at higher levels. 73 Aviation Meteorology Lenticular Cloud: Lens shaped clouds, seen at times near mountain tops, are on the lee side and are indicative of the crest of the waves. Line Squall Cloud: Roll clouds of dark color in the shape of an arc, slightly ahead of a long line of the Cumulonimbus cloud. Their approach indicates impending severe squall/thunderstorm. Rotor Cloud: Roll type of cloud which sometimes forms on the leeward side of a mountain in a zone of severe turbulence. SC ST AS AC SC SC NS CU CI CC cs CU CU CB Flying in Clouds Flying in clouds has to be done under Instrument Flight Rules unless the clouds are thin or of patchy nature. Before entering any cloud aircrew must be thoroughly sure of the kind of cloud, its approximate thickness and horizontal coverage. Flying through cloud is associated with the following hazards: 74 Aviation Meteorology (a) Poor Visibility. In cloud, the vertical as well as horizontal visibility is poor. The horizontal visibility ranges from 1 kilometer in cirrus clouds to less than 10 meters in well-developed cumulus or cumulonimbus. In general, rain-giving clouds, which have a concentration of larger water drops, are associated with much less visibility than the non-precipitating types. (b) Turbulence. All clouds are associated with vertical motion of air, because this is a pre-requisite for their formation. The vertical motion may be in the form of columns of rising or falling air or in the form of smaller eddies with irregular random motions. When their sizes are comparable to the dimensions of an aircraft, they cause bumpiness in the motion of the aircraft; the turbulence may range from slight to severe type. In general, cumuliform clouds give more turbulence than stratiform clouds. Clouds associated with instability give rise to severe turbulence. (c) Ice accretion. Ice may form on the aircraft surface disturbing the aerodynamic properties, control surfaces and in the carburetor. Precipitation Precipitation is the general term used for the fall of liquid water drops or ice crystals on to the ground from clouds. It thus covers the phenomena of drizzle, rain, shower, hail, sleet and snow. Definition Precipitation is a general term used for the fall of liquid water drops or ice crystals to the ground from clouds. It thus covers the phenomena of drizzle, rain, shower, hail, sleet and snow. Water droplets or ice crystal in a cloud are usually of such small dimensions that they are kept suspended in mid air by the vertical currents at the base of the clouds. These vertical currents are necessary for the formation of clouds and their maintenance. For the water droplets or ice crystal to overcome the vertical current and fall under the force of gravity, their diameter should be of the order of a millimeter or more. Theories of Precipitation The exact process by which the minute cloud particles attain sizes large enough to overcome the vertical current is not yet fully known. The following theories have been put forward: Ice Crystal Theory: This is also known as Bergeron theory. This theory was proposed by Bergeron in 1935. As per this theory the precipitation occurs from clouds which grow beyond the freezing level. In such clouds super cooled water drops and ice crystals co-exist above the freezing level. Due to difference in vapour pressure over water and ice, the super cooled water droplets evaporate and condenses on the icecrystals. Thus the ice crystals grow at the expense of water drops and soon attain sufficient size to escape from the cloud. When they pass through temperature above 0°C they melt and fall as rain. Coalescence Theory: The Bergeron Theory assumes that precipitation is initiated by the presence of ice crystals. But in the tropical region precipitation occurs from clouds which do not grow beyond freezing level and thus do not contain any ice crystals. In order to explain principle of precipitation from such clouds Irving Longmuir proposed the Coalescence theory. According to this theory the clouds drops initially grow in size due to condensation and subsequently grow due to collision and coalescence with 75 Aviation Meteorology other smaller droplets. A comparatively larger cloud drop (radius 50mm) while falling through the cloud, overtakes, collides and fuses with some of the smaller droplets on its path and grow to large size. Due to air resistance these drops break up and again grow by coalescence and break up. A chain reaction is thus set in and cloud drop grow in size till it falls as precipitation. Types of Precipitation The following are the types of precipitation: (a) Drizzle: Liquid precipitation in the form water drops with a diameter less than 0.5 mm usually reaches the ground from the clouds such as Stratus and Stratocumulus. Falling drops are very close to one another. (b) Rain: Liquid precipitation in the form of drops of appreciable size (more than 0.5 mm in diameter) reaching the ground from AS, NS, CU and CB clouds. (c) Shower: Large water drops with a diameter of 5 mm or more which occur usually from vertical type of clouds for short duration. (d) Sleet: Partly melted snow flakes or rain and snow falling together. (e) Hail: Small balls, pieces of ice with diameter 5 – 50mm some times more, falling either separately or conglomerated into lumps. (f) Snow: White opaque pellets (2 – 5mm in diameter) or very small white opaque grain of ice (less than 1 mm). These may be spherical, conical, and flat or elongated. These occur from NS, AS, SC and CB clouds. (g) Freezing Precipitation: Rain or water drops which freeze on impact with the ground. (h) Thundershowers: Thunderstorm with precipitation is known as thundershowers. It occurs from CB clouds. Nature of Clouds and Precipitation The type of precipitation from a cloud depends on the strength of the vertical current which it has to overcome, and this in turn depends on the mechanism by which the cloud is formed. The types of precipitation encountered with different clouds are: (a) Stratus cloud is formed due to frictional eddies near ground level. The strength of the vertical current in these eddies is small. Thus even minute droplets are able to overcome them and fall to the ground as drizzle. (b) Altostratus and Nimbostratus cloud are formed by frontal ascent or ascent of air in its own zone of convergence. The vertical current involved are of moderate strength. Here medium size drops are able to overcome upward current to fall as rain. (c) Cumulus of great vertical development or Cumulonimbus cloud form due to rigorous convection coupled with instability. The associated vertical currents are strong. Precipitation from these clouds is therefore in the form of large shower drops or even hail. Orographic Rain 76 Aviation Meteorology In certain parts of the world, purely orographic rain occurs in considerable amount. Elsewhere, orographic features serve to increase the precipitation in circumstances where rain is already more or less general due to other causes. The leeward side of a mountain is associated with predominantly downward motion of air. Further due to orographic rain on the windward side the air is denuded of a good amount of moisture. The precipitation on the leeward is thus much less than on the windward side. The area immediately to the lee of the mountain, therefore, forms a rain shadow area. Thunderstorms Cumulonimbus is a cumulus cloud which develops upto great heights due to instability and a high degree of humidity in a deep layer of air. The release of energy due to the over-turning of air in the unstable layers gives rise to a storm. The electrical charges developed in the cloud give rise to lightning and thunder. Thunderstorms are one or more convective cells in which electrical discharges are seen as lightning or heard as thunder. Conditions Favorable for Cb Formation The necessary conditions for the formation of Cb clouds are: (a) A lapse rate steeper than the SALR throughout a layer at least 5 to 6 kilometres in depth, permitting development of clouds to heights at which the temperature is below 0°C. (b) An adequate supply of moisture from below. (c) A process which produces saturation in the region of the steep lapse rate or a triggering mechanism. As the instability cloud grows upwards, some of the surrounding unsaturated air is entrained into the cloud mass. Consequently, some of the cloud droplets evaporate. If the humidity of the surrounding air is very low, evaporation becomes dominant and arrests further growth of the cloud. Well developed Cbs are thus possible only when the humidity aloft is sufficiently high. The triggering mechanism which sets off a thunderstorm may be: (a) Local convection (insolation) (b) Orographic lifting (c) Convergence (d) Frontal lifting (e) Radiational or katabatic cooling Stages of a Thunderstorm There are three stages of a thunderstorm: (a) Growing (b) Mature (c) Dissipating 77 Aviation Meteorology Formative (or developing or Cumulus) Stage: This the first stage when one or more cumulus clouds begin to grow into a large Cumulus. • • Throughout the cloud only up draughts prevail An extreme velocity of up draughts can reach 100 ft/sec; they increase with height and are stronger in the middle than those near the edges. The strongest up draughts are found near the top pars of the cloud. Mature Stage: This stage begins with fall of rain from the cloud • The fall of rain causes a viscous drag on the surrounding air initiating an onset of down draughts, which once started in this manner maintains on their own accord due to descending air being colder than surrounding. Rain falls and first gust or squall reaches the ground. • In this stage down draughts are strongest up draughts are also as strong as they were in the formative stage. Maximum up and down draught velocities are encountered in the middle of the cloud. • Extreme down draughts velocities can reach 40 ft/sec. After rain starts to fall. Anvil extends in the direction of movement of cloud. In between up and down draughts there is severe turbulence. Down draughts produce squall on ground. • It is in this stage that lightning and thunder occurs. • Hail forms above freezing level and their size depends on the strength of up draughts. Bigger hail size is found in stronger up draughts. 78 Aviation Meteorology • Due to splitting of water droplets negative and positive charges accumulate in the cloud which causes lightning. • Thunder occurs when air in the path of lightning gets heated up and expands and contracted by the cooler air in surrounding. This sudden expansion and contraction of air results in clapping, producing sound waves which are heard on the ground as thunder. Dissipating Stage Gradually, the downdraughts spread across the lower level of the cloud and up draughts which are restricted to the upper part of the cloud become of secondary importance. The lower part of the cloud descends with the down draughts and ultimately dissipate away some times leaving behind a stratified layer of clouds at higher level. This may continue for some time to give rain after lower part of the cloud has dissipated. Usual life cycle of a Cb cell is 2 to 3 hours but the most active period comprising of the first and second stages lasts for 30 to 40 minutes. The thunder storm comprises of a number of cells. The weather on the ground depends upon a particular cell, whichever is over head and its stage of development. Unicellular Cb is rather common. Flying Hazards in Thunderstorms Thunderstorms pose a variety of hazards to aircraft in flight. The more important ones are: (a) Squall: Sudden increase in wind speed and possibly change of direction. 79 Aviation Meteorology (b) Heavy showers: These may reduce ground visibility to very low values for short durations. (c) Fractostratus clouds: These clouds are actually ragged fragments of the base of the Cb; the fragmentation occurs due to turbulence caused by the squall in the region between the ground and the cloud base. At times the base of these fragments may be as low as 100 meters, even over comparatively plain ground, while in the case of high terrain, the hills may be completely in cloud. (d) Poor in-flight visibility: In the interior of a Cb cloud the in flight visibility is practically nil. Cb clouds have a larger amount of water content per unit volume as compared to other clouds, both the concentration as well as the size of drops being higher. (e) Draughts: Within the cloud, strong updraughts and downdraughts may cause sudden and large variations in the attitude of an aircraft. In general the updraughts are stronger than the downdraughts, both being predominant in the middle and upper parts of the cloud. In the Thunderstorm Project in the USA, the traverses were made at a cruising speed of about 160kt. The highest vertical displacement encountered was 6000 ft. in the upward direction and 1400 ft. in the downward direction, both at a flight level of about 25,000 ft. The storms traversed were of the sub tropical variety. It is possible that in the summer thunderstorms in the tropics, the displacements may be of a higher order. (f) Gusts: Near the borders of the updraughts and downdraughts the large difference in the velocities creates friction. This friction is responsible for vigorous eddies, which once formed, travel horizontally with the wind and also in the vertical direction with draughts. They are mainly responsible for the extreme bumpiness within the cloud. The effects of the frictional eddies on an aircraft are expressed in terms of effective gust velocity on the readings of an accelerometer fitted in the aircraft. In the USA Project the most severe gust velocity was 73 ft. per second experienced on the edge of an up draught. The effectiveness of the gusts due to frictional eddies in producing bumpiness is not dependent on gust velocity alone, but also on the frequency of the gusts encountered. Pilots report severe bumpiness when gusts exceeding 14 ft. per second are encountered with a frequency of more than four such gusts in 3000 ft. of traverse. The severity of bumpiness increases with height upto the middle part of the cloud and remains constant upto about 10,000 ft. below the top. Further aloft it decreases rapidly. Bumpiness is much less in the cloud-filled lanes between two adjacent cells of the same storm. (g) Ice accretion: It may be emphasized that unlike other clouds, Cb clouds can have super-cooled water drops and hence chances of icing upto great heights. The water drops are carried up rapidly in the updraughts and do not readily freeze until they reach very low temperatures. (h) Hail: Hail forms in well-developed Cb clouds. These may strike the aircraft. (i) Lightning: Apart from distracting aircrew and temporarily dazzling their eyes, lightning may interfere with radio communication and may seriously affect the magnetic compass performance. The accompanying thunder may make listening-in on intercom difficult. The aircraft itself does not, however, get damaged due to lightning strike, since it is bonded. Visibility Visibility is a measure of the degree of transparency of the atmosphere. It is expressed in terms of the distance in meters/kilometers upto which objects are visible to the naked eye and can be recognized as such. During daytime, visibility is estimated with reference to landmarks at known distances. At night, the method adopted is to estimate the equivalent day-time visibility. This is done by installation of lights of 80 Aviation Meteorology standard candle power (100 CP) at different specified distances. From careful experiments, the equivalent day-time visibilities have been computed. If such lights are not available, the visibility is estimated by using existing lights and their distances. (a) Haze: Atmospheric obscurity due to moisture, dust or smoke, wherein visibility is reduced to 5 kilometers or below. (b) Mist: Moist haze wherein visibility ranges from 1 to 5kilometers. (c) Fog: Moist haze which is so thick that visibility is less than 1 kilometers (d) Smog: Moist haze which is so thick that visibility is less than 1 kilometer with smoke and dust QNH The most convenient setting of the sub-scale while in the vicinity of an airfield is QNH or altimeter setting. QNH is defined as the pressure over the airfield reduced to mean sea level assuming that the rate of variation of pressure between the airfield level and sea level is the same as in the ISA. Thus an ICAN altimeter whose sub-scale is set to the current value of QNH, will read, while on ground, the elevation of the airfield above sea level. While flying in the immediate neighborhood of the airfield, the altimeter will indicate reasonably true altitudes. Current values of QNH are supplied to aircraft in flight by ATC in millibars, inches or millimetres as required. QFE Another setting which may be used while in the vicinity of the airfield is QFE. This is the current value of the pressure reduced to the level of the airfield, (i.e. the airfield reference point). An altimeter set to QFE will read, while on ground, zero height. While in flight in the vicinity of the airfield, altimeters set to QFE indicate reasonably true heights above the airfield level. As has been explained earlier, that pressure altitudes or indicated altitudes are not necessarily true altitudes. In fact they are rarely so. This should be borne in mind while flying over mountainous terrain. QFF QFF is the value of pressure reduced to mean sea level according to standard meteorological practice. This value is used only in the preparation of surface charts. QNE QNE is the value of height indicated by ICAN altimeter when the aircraft is on ground and sub scale is set to the value of SPS (1013.25hPa) Q codes Weather reports may also be passed on R/T in the International Q code. A few important Q codes in common use are given below: QAN QNT QBA QBB QAM QAO QFE QNH QNE Surface wind Maximum speed of gust Visibility Cloud type, amount and height of base Weather Upper wind at specified level Pressure at airfield level Altimeter setting Altimeter setting: Mean Sea Level (ICAO Atmosphere) 81 Aviation Meteorology METAR & SPECI Aviation routine weather reports use the symbolic form METAR. These are issued hourly or half hourly. Special weather reports are issued when there is sudden deterioration or improvement of weather (in relation to certain laid down criteria) at an airfield. These are called Aviation selected special weather reports and use the symbolic form SPECI. The symbolic forms and explanations are given below: METAR GGgg CCCC dddff/fmfm VVVV w'w' (NsCC hshshs) or CAVOK (T'T'/Td' Td') (PHPHPHPH) The groups in brackets may be omitted. In civil practice, whenever the visibility is 10km or more and there is no significant cloud layer below 3km, a group CAVOK (cloud and visibility OK) is included. An explanation is needed here for the meaning of the term significant cloud layer. It covers the following: (a) Lowest cloud layer (b) Next higher layer if amount 3 oktas or more (c) Next higher layer of amount 5 okta or more (d) Cb cloud, irrespective of amount and height, if not reported already. Cloud groups may have to be repeated depending on the number of significant cloud layers. On no occasion can there be more than 4 cloud groups in the message. However, in Air Force practice, all layers of cloud are reported so as to give a realistic picture of the sky condition. Also, the total amount of clouds is indicated by an additional group TTL (total amount). SPECI Code The code form used for messages indicating sudden deterioration in any element and subsequent improvement is SPECI. This code form is the same as METAR, except that temperature and pressure groups are omitted. Aerodrome Warnings A warning message is a notification of the occurrence or expected occurrence, not previously notified, of specified meteorological conditions which may affect safety of aircraft. Thus any meteorological phenomenon which presents a potential hazard to flight safety forms the subject of a warning. PANSMET lays down that warnings for the protection of parked and moored aircraft are to be issued in respect of the following phenomena: Gale, squall, thunderstorm, sand storm, rising sand or dust devil, frost, rime, snow, freezing precipitation, rough sea and swell. These warning messages are normally not passed outside the aerodrome of issue or the aerodrome for which issued (in case the meteorological service is provided by a Met Office not located at the concerned aerodrome). Use of CAVOK When the following conditions occur simultaneously at the time of observation: 82 Aviation Meteorology (a) Visibility, 10km or more; (b) No cloud below 1500 m (5000 ft) or below the highest minimum sector altitude, whichever is greater, and no cumulonimbus; (c) No weather of significance to aviation as given in and; then, information on visibility, runway visual range, present weather and cloud amount, type and height shall be replaced in all meteorological reports by the term “CAVOK”. Criteria for issuance of local special reports and SPECI Local special report and SPECI shall be issued whenever changes in accordance with the following criteria occur: Surface Wind 0 (a) When the mean surface wind direction has changed by 60 or more from that given in the latest report, the mean wind speed before and/or after the change being 10 knots or more; (b) When the mean surface wind speed has changed by 10 knots or more from that given in the latest report; (c) When the variation from the mean surface wind speed (gusts) has increased by 10 knots or more from that given in the latest report, the mean speed before and/or after the change being 15 knots or more. Visibility When the visibility is improving and changes to or passes through one or more of the following values, or when the visibility is deteriorating and changes to or passes through one or more of the following values: 800, 1500, 3000 or 5000 meters. Runway Visual Range (RVR) When the runway visual range is improving and changes to or passes through one or more of the following values, or when the runway visual range is deteriorating and passes through one or more of the following values: 150, 350, 600 or 800 meters. These SPECIs are to be issued by all offices equipped with instrumental recording facilities of RVR. Present Weather When the onset, cessation or change in intensity of any of the following weather phenomena or combinations thereof occurs: Freezing precipitation, freezing fog, moderate or heavy precipitation, (including showers thereof), low drifting dust, sand or snow, blowing dust, sand or snow (including snowstorm), dust storm, sandstorm, ice crystals, thunderstorms (with or without precipitation), squall, funnel cloud (tornado or waterspout). Cloud (a) When the height of base of the lowest cloud layer of BKN or OVC extent is lifting and changes to or passes through one or more of the following values, or when the height of base of the lowest cloud layer of BKN or OVC extent is lowering and changes to or passes through one or more of the following values: 30, 60, 150, 300, or 450 m (100, 200, 500, 1000 or 1500 ft.) 83 Aviation Meteorology (b) When the amount of a cloud layer below 450 m (1500 ft) changes from SKC, FEW or SCT to BKN or OVC; or from BKN or OVC to SKC, FEW or SCT. Vertical Visibility When the sky is obscured and the vertical visibility changes to or passes through one or more of the following values: 30, 60, 150 or 300M (100, 200, 300, 1000 feet) Air temperature 0 When air temperature has increased by 2 C or more from that given in the latest report. METAR/SPECI --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STATION DATE TIME OF OBSERVATION O SURFACE WIND --------- /-----------kt/kmph/mps Max Wind ----------------------kt/kmph/mps Visibility ----------------------meters/km Present Weather ------------------------------------ Clouds st Amt/Type Height 1 layer ----/--------------m/feet nd rd 2 Layer ------/--------------m/feet 3 Layer -----/-------------m/feet Total Amount: ----------------------/8 Temperature: Dew point Temperature: ---------------------- C o ---------------------- C QNH: ----------------------hPa/Inches/mms QFE: ----------------------hPa/Inches/mms Recent Weather: ---------------------- Wind shear: ---------------------- Trend: ---------------------- o Remarks: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Time of issue ------------------------------------------- Signature of Observer --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 84 Aviation Meteorology Instruments and methods used to measure Meteorological Elements. Instrument or Method 1. Mercury Barometer 2. Aneroid Barometer Element Units Atmospheric Pressure Millibar/Hactopascle 1. Anemometer Wind Speed Knots 2. Wind Vane Surface Wind Direction °True 3. Wind shock Surface Wind Direction Surface Wind Speed Approx °Magnetic approx Knots 1. Transmissometer 2. Skopograph 3. By estimation 1. Visibility 2. RVR is taken when Visibility falls below 1500m meters/Kilometres meters 1. By estimation Amount of clouds Octas 1. Alidade apparatus 2. Ceilometers 3. RADAR 4. By estimation 5. Aircraft Observation 6. Balloon Assent Height of Cloud base Feet/meters 1. Radio Sonde it is released with a balloon ascent Upper air -Temperature & humidity) °C %age 1. 2. 3. 4. U/ Wind direction Upper Wind speed °true knots DEW POINT °C Rain Inches/mms RAWIN Balloon Trajectory Aircraft observation Nephoscope WET and DRY bulb temperature Thermometer Rain gauge 85