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Education Policy 2017: Goals and Key Areas

Education Policy 2017
Key Areas of Education Policy (2017)
The new education policy will focus on the following Key Areas.
1. Ideology-based Vision and Mission aimed at Unity, Faith, and Discipline.
2. Character building through Taleem, Tarbiyya and Tazkia.
3. Holistic development of a child (Physical, Social, Intellectual, Moral, Spiritual and Cognitive etc.)
Character building
1. Taleem (Seek, Use and Evaluate Knowledge), Tarbiyya (Social, Technical, Moral and Ethical Training)
and Tazkyya (Purification of the Soul) are three pillars of the policy.
2. Character building based on universal Islamic values integrated with ethical values relevant to all
human beings.
Chapter three is on Islamic Education. The policy focus areas are: the propagation of the ideology of
Islam; teaching of Quran with translation; teaching of AHADIS and SIRAT-ATAYYABA; character building
(TARBIYYA) and purification of the soul (TAZKIYYA-ANNAFS)
Character building
1. Taleem (Seek, Use and Evaluate Knowledge), Tarbiyya (Social, Technical, Moral and Ethical Training)
and Tazkyya (Purification of the Soul) are three pillars of the policy.
2. Character building based on universal Islamic values integrated with ethical values relevant to all
human beings.
Meeting Learning Needs (Knowledge, Skills, & Values)
3. Meeting the learning needs of the child which include learning tools (literacy, numeracy, problemsolving and oral expression) and learning contents (knowledge, skills, values and attitude).
4. Literate, knowledgeable and knowledge-based society focusing on the holistic development of
humans, catering to their educational, social, economic, cultural and spiritual needs.
5. Continuous and lifelong learning programmes.
Pakistani Nationhood and National Integration
6. Promote and foster the ideology of Pakistan creating a sense of Pakistani nationhood on the
principles of the founder of Pakistan i.e. Unity, Faith and Discipline.
7. Foster the ideals of Muslim Ummah. Cultivate inter-faith harmony and celebrate diversity of faiths.
8. Promote the values of peace, tolerance, respect for human rights, universal brotherhood,
understanding and mutual co-existence
Right to Education: Expanding Access
9. Honour national and international commitments in education and literacy.
10. Universalization of Education up to Matric in light of article 25 (A) by 2020 or sooner on an
emergency basis.
Quality of Education & Institution Building
11. Quality assurance of academic programmes.
12. Promote a culture of research and innovation.
13. Establishment, Expansion, Strengthening and Capacity Building of institutions and organizations
related to Education and Literacy.
14. Institutionalize a uniform, valid and reliable examination system.
Conceptual Framework
To contribute to the Education of Youth through a value system based on Scout Promise & Law for their
Character building to make them responsible members of the society.
Scouting is a voluntary non-political educational movement for young people, open to all without
distinction of origin, race, or creed, by the purpose, principles and method conceived by its Founder:
Purpose: - Personality grooming and character building of young children and the youth, through 5-Tier
training i.e:-
Tier Principles:
* Duty to Allah
* Duty to Others
* Duty to Self
Training Method: - A system of progressive training and self-education through:
* Adherence to Scout Promise & Law
* Learning by doing in camping/natural environment
* Working in Small Groups (Patrolling System)
* Progressive & stimulated collective programs system which includes
Badge System, Fellowship, Adventure and Community Development
2- Importance and Significance
Scouting produces responsible citizens and a healthy society. It educates the young people, through a
value system based on the Scout Promise and Law, to help build a better world where people are selfreliant and motivated as individuals and play a constructive role in society
JS Science Department may define the main pillars or traits of character to include:
1. Trustworthiness,
2. Responsibility,
3. Respect,
4. Caring,
5. Fairness
6. Citizenship
7. Courage,
8. Being unbiased
9. Curiosity
10. Reflection
11. Resourcefulness
12. Autonomy
13. Honesty
14. Compassion
15. Integrity
16. Neighborliness
17. Collaboration
18. Perseverance
19. Resilience
20. Confidence
21. Motivation
22. Diligence
Teacher presence on
time, praying before
learning, supervising
student neatness,
supervising student
presence, teacher as
model, greeting before
apperception and in
closing activities,
suitability between
planning and action,
competences in
character building.
Religious, honesty,
discipline, clean
and healthy, tolerance,
working ethos, and
Praying before starting
and ending
activities, creating
fun situation in doing
activities, involving
character values in
activities, and working
together in doing
Involving society to
supervise character
education, cooperation
with society in deciding
school program of
character education
and maintaining school
a) Do not be rude in speech (Qur'an 3:159)
b) Do not be arrogant (Qur'an 7:13).
c) Speak to people mildly (Qur'an 20:44).
d) Do not ridicule one another (Qur'an 49:11)
e) Do not spy and backbite (Qur'an 49:12)
f) Respond to evil with good (Qur'an 41:34)
The primary mission of the Prophet was to instill good character within the believers in every aspect of
their lives. Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: Verily, I have only
been sent to perfect righteous character (Musnad Aḥmad, 8729).
Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: I have been sent to perfect good
character (Al-Muwaṭtạ , 1614).
Abu Dharr reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: Behave with good character
toward the people (Sunan al-Tirmidhi ̄, 1987)
Abdullah ibn Amr reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: ‫( أ‬The best of you are
those with the best character. (Ṣaḥ i ̄ḥ al-Bukhāri ̄, 3366)
Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: The most complete of the
believers in faith are those with the most excellent character, and the best of you are the best in
behavior to their women (Sunan al-Tirmidhi ̄, 1162)
Character education is an important part of any student's education. The teacher's role is to establish a
classroom atmosphere that encourages self-discipline, self-respect, responsibility and a sense of moral
obligation toward others.
So, in light of the above brief review, it is concluded that Character is the solid foundation on which an
individual’s entire life is based. Men of good character have been remarkably successful. Character
determines the success of individuals and teachers have the ability and the potential to develop and
strengthen students’ character.