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He teases her. He challenges her. He fascinates her while he irritates her like
no other. He drives her insane. He makes her...ughh, so mad she could
scream! The only thing he won't do is let her go. Quincy: I'm a human living
among werewolves. My mom is a werewolf. I’m a drunken mistake. They all
hate me, but my Nana loved me. Then Nana died. Now, their old Alpha
wants to make me his. So I run and want nothing to do with their kind
anymore. I'll be a normal human living among humans. I'll be so normal,
even the most average normal humans will feel like freaks next to my normal
ass. They will bow down before me and call me Queen Normal. Then I see
him. The best specimen of men. I know he's not human or a werewolf...so
what is he? There’s this pull between us but I know I shouldn't get close to his
kind...whatever he is. The trouble is, he won't leave me alone. Caspian: I'm
supposed to take over the throne and my mother wants me to make Lady
Celeste my queen. I want nothing to do with her. I want my erasthai. Then I
saw her. The most beautiful mesmerizing creature ever, and she's mine! I
thought it's going to be easy. It should have been easy. Come on, ALL girls
want me. I mean, look at me. I'm gorgeous! Mirrors weep when I walk past
them. She wants nothing to do with me. Well, too bad princess. I'm not about
to let you get away. I'm Prince Caspian. I always get what I want.
My trusted assistant, François, is holding up my robe as I slip
out of the rumpled bed. Long legs tangled and hands with
perfectly manicured nails are sticking out from under the
“Wake her up and get Beckett to drive her home,” I tell
François as I shrug my robe on.
“Your Highness....where do think you’re going?” says a velvety
seductive voice from the bed. A second later, her sleepy face
with disarray ringlets of brown hair emerges from underneath
the blanket.
“I’m going to bed. You need to get home,” I say curtly, ready to
“But Prince Caspian...we are in bed. I mean you were...” She
slinks out of bed in nothing at all and attaches herself to my
back, her hands start to roam my chest and my lower region.
François doesn’t even bat an eyelid. He has seen it all before.
“Come back to bed and I’ll make Your Highness very very
happy.” Her hands grow bolder.
I pry her fingers off me and re-tie my robe. I don’t usually need
to tell people twice what to do.
“Why can’t we spend the whole night together?” I can sense her
pouting behind me. She’s getting clingy. I don’t do clingy. “Why
can’t I sleep in your bed?” Nope, she’s going nowhere near my
private quarters. “Last night was magnifique, my prince.” Of
course, she would think so. I’ve been with her twice and I’m
already bored. She’s beautiful, most of lycan women are, but
this is the last time she’s setting foot in here.
“What time is it, François?” I ask my assistant as slip on my
slippers before I exit the room.
“It’s almost four in the morning, Your Highness,” he answers
after flicking his eyes at his pocket watch.
“Prince Caspian! Please...” I hear her whinny voice behind us.
“Make sure she’s dressed then escort her out,” I tell him even
though I know he needs no such instruction.
“I’ll make sure she’s out before anybody sees her or the Queen
hears about her,” he replies.
I nod my head even though I couldn’t care less if mother saw
my latest conquest. Actually, it’s better if she does. I stop
walking. “François?”
“Yes, Your Highness?”
“Make sure to escort her out through the main entrance,” I tell
him. My smile is widening. Mother will hear about this.
“You’re an idiot, do you know that?” says my cousin,
Constantine. He has no doubt heard the tail end of my
instruction to François.
“Oh, he knows,” mutters Lazarus.
My shoulders are relaxing and my mood improves drastically
as I find myself among my trusted friends. I’ve reached the
East wing of the palace where I can be myself. Where my pack
members are. My family.
As the crown prince, I learn very early and the hard way that
not everybody can be trusted. Everyone wants something from
me. Those trusted few friends that I have, I keep.
Lazarus is my guardian as well as my head of security. He also
happens to be Constantine’s cousin from his mother’s side.
We’ve been together for centuries. We are all the same height,
around 6′ 5" but Lazarus, being one of our best warriors, is
“What are you two doing out of bed at this hour? Don’t you
have your mates to please?” Both of them have found their
mates or rather “erasthai” for us lycans. Lucky bastards.
Their mates are also now part of our small pack. Lazarus found
his erasthai, Serena over sixty years ago. Constantine claimed
Genesis three years ago. Both Serena and Genesis are like
sisters to me.
“Genesis is accompanying Penny to the airport as we speak,”
answers Constantine.
“What? Now?” I ask him. “My Beany didn’t even wait to say
goodbye? She didn’t say anything about leaving last night.”
Penny, or Beany as I call her, is Genesis’s best friend. We’ve
discovered that she’s the erasthai of Commander Darius Rykov,
one of our close friends. We’ve come to accept her as one of us,
even though he hasn’t claimed her yet, much to our frustration.
She’s trustworthy, loyal, and strong...though very short
tempered. I enjoy rilling her up.
“Something must’ve happened last night to cause her to leave.
She wouldn’t say what it was...but she looked pretty upset,”
explains Constantine.
“Darius did mention he wanted to mark someone else,” retorts
“Then he’s a fool!” I growl. I can’t believe he could even think
of marking someone else when he’s found his erasthai.
“Don’t get involved,” warns Lazarus. I’m making no such
“Yeah, you’re in a lot of trouble yourself, Caspian,” agrees
Constantine. “There’s going to be hell to pay when the queen
hears about your latest indiscretion... leaving through the main
entrance no less.” he shakes his head at my newest stunt. “The
hell’s going to explode.” Oh, I’m counting on it.
I grin and pull the door open as we reach my bedchamber. I
give them a quick salute before I disappear inside. I’m waiting
for hell to explode.
There’s always tension between mother and me. As the crown
prince, I have a responsibility to mate and take over the throne
from my father. My mother, Queen Sophia has made her choice
clear in the form of Lady Celeste, the daughter of one of her
closest friends. Forget the idea of finding my erasthai. Mark
Lady Celeste and be crowned King.
As a lycan, we are born to recognize the one. Our erasthai. Our
life force. The one who calls for our soul. The one who would
mold to fit us even more so physically, mentally, and spiritually
once we mark and claim her as ours. I may be a player, but
when you’ve lived for hundreds of years searching, loneliness
creeps in. I know that no amount of meaningless hookups can
make me feel whole.
All those women I hook up with, they know the score. They’re
mostly sophisticated socialites. Definitely no blushing virgins.
They know what they’re in for. Just some fun.
Still, some grow clingy. Most of them hope to be the next
I refuse to mark just anyone. Marking anyone else will never
satisfy my soul...definitely not Lady Celeste. I will find my
erasthai one day. I need to find her.
As expected, hell did explode. My mother and I had a huge
argument that very morning. The argument had me destroy
some parts of the palace, including my own bedchamber. The
fight had also the expected result: my father, King Alexandros
encouraged me to take a break. That means I’m free to stay
away from Banehallow Palace and Russia for a few years. I
have a plan.
“Come on, Red, throw the dart already,” I urge Genesis after
my last dart landed somewhere in the middle of Lake Huron.
Yeah, that’s right. My grand plan is throwing the dart on the
map to figure out where we’re going to spend the next few
“This is stupid, Caspian...throwing the dart. Really? Why can’t
we just pick a good college that offers a good program that we
like, apply like normal people do and just go?” BORING.
“That’s a stupid way to do it...besides, this is more fun,” I
disagree. “Look, the last time I did it, you ended up meeting
Constantine. You still think it’s stupid?”
At least I plan on going to college instead of a high school like
the last time. These people should be thankful. Where’s the
“Fine!!!! Give me that thing!” she exclaims in annoyance. I
swear by the look in her eyes that she would rather stick that
dart on my forehead instead. Oh, Red.
I know it annoys her when I call her Red but with her
distinctive red hair and craziness, it fits.
“Did you tell everyone else that this is how you decide they’re
spending the next few years of their lives? By throwing the dart
on the map?” she asks me before she closes her eyes and
prepares to aim.
“Nope! You’re the only one I let in the secret. You should feel
honored, Red.”
The dart whizz through the air and lands right on the edge of
the USA. Near the ocean.
“That’s it! The dart has spoken. Pack your bag, Red. We’re
going to California.”
*To my new readers, even though this book can stand
on its own, I highly recommend that you read Fighting
Darius (or better still, Catching Genesis) prior to
reading Trapping Quincy.
Chapter 1 - Evil Deviled Eggs
If you did something bad enough, they’ll never ask you to do it
again. That’s what my Nana used to tell me.
“Quincy!!!!!” Somebody yells my name from the kitchen.
Jeepers!!!! I think they’ve already discovered those eggs.
Well, my Nana said they might not ask you to do it
again...much, she didn’t say you won’t get yelled at.
I slowly lower my foot out of the window and onto the ledge.
When I find the footing, I swing my whole body out while my
hands clutch the window frame tightly. Yessss!!! I can almost
smell my freedom. Freedom here I come!!!
“There she is,” says a familiar voice from below. I look down to
find a few sets of angry-looking eyes. “Told you she’ll try to
escape through here,” adds my fifteen-year-old half-sister,
Caitlin Rose, her finger is still pointing at me.
Oh, Goddamn it! So close!!!
“I can’t believe you can’t even boil eggs without burning them!”
yells Luna Bianca. Luna Bianca is just a couple of years older
than I am, and she never liked me before. Now I think she
hates me. “Don’t even bother to come down for dinner tonight.
You’ll be having those eggs for the next few days.”
I can hear a few snickers coming from the doorway. I’m sure a
couple of them come from my cousin, Joelle, and her gang.
O-kay, burnt eggs for a few days. Got it.
So, I can’t cook. Sue me. My Nana tried to teach
me....even she gave up! I did try, though. Why, just a month
ago Gemma, the pack cook, left me in charge of making a pasta
dish. I followed her instruction to a T. I swear I did. It wasn’t
my fault that the pasta decided to clump together and the sauce
decided to jump out of the pot. The pasta came out in one big
clump...or something. The sauce exploded and popped like
molten lava all over the place. It was everywhere! It was even
better than our science project at school. Except that everyone
was yelling....and I had to clean up after....and everyone was
pissed...and I had to go to bed hungry...again.
They never left me in charge of cooking anymore...until today.
They must have forgotten that pasta fiesta. I was told to boil
the eggs this morning. A lot of eggs! I think Gemma meant to
make deviled eggs...or something. I waited and waited for the
water to boil. Oh, I waited for ages! Then I got tired of waiting.
That’s when I went upstairs and decided to read for a bit. When
I smelled it, it was already too late. The smoke alarm was
blaring. Black foul smelling smoke was coming out of the pot. A
whole level of the pack house was foggy and smelt of burnt
eggs. The water was totally dry. The eggs at the bottom of the
pot were all black and crushed. The rest of the eggs smelled
I ran around the kitchen fanning the alarm with the dishcloth,
opening all windows, cursing like a sailor. I really had no clue
what to do! Eeekkk!!! Then I heard footsteps coming in. So I
ran up to my room and tried to escape through the
window...and that’s when they caught me.
I live in a pack house now. They wanted me to be one of the
cooks in the house. Not like I’m an Omega or something. Nope,
I’m worse...I’m a human! How does a human like me get to live
in a pack house with a bunch of werewolves you ask? Well...it’s
a long story, but the short version is, my mom is a werewolf.
She had a drunken night in town in her rebellion days. Had too
much fun with a human...bibbidi bobbidi boo! Nine months
later. Walla! Me!!!
So how come I’m a human, you ask. Doesn’t that make me half
werewolf? Well, technically, yes but I smell like a human and I
don’t have that inner wolf in me to change into one. I didn’t get
the dream where the name of my werewolf is whispered to
them in a dream, signaling that my change is about to happen
in a few days time when I was 13 or 15. So I’m considered a
human. Well, that’s just awesome! Who wants to be a werewolf
anyway? Who wants to change into an ugly, furry...but
somewhat cute yet fierce looking animal and run free...and
have parents who are proud of them and get treated so much
better...Well, not me. Obviously!
I guess that means I won’t be sensing my mate when I turn 18
in a few days time. Well, good! Who wants a mate who will be
so possessive and restrictive...yet so protective and loving no
matter what...well, I don’t need a mate! Nope. Don’t want it.
Don’t need it.
My mom met her mate a month or so after she had me. She left
me with her mom, my Nana who was living on her own after
her mate died not too long before that.
So, my Nana raised me. She was the only one who loved me. I
lived with her until three months ago. She died. Just a few
months before I would turn 18...we had so many plans. I still
can’t believe that she’s gone. They’re selling her house, so they
moved me here. I guess I should be grateful that they didn’t
throw me out on the street.
So I’m living here now with my mom and her family; her mate
aka my stepdad, Jon and their daughter Caitlin Rose.
Each family has a unit here with a small family room and
bedrooms, depending on how many kids a family has. We all
eat together in the pack big dining room.
I have my own room. It’s small...okay so, it’s tiny and has no
window. I think it’s originally a walk-in closet for Caitlin Rose,
but..whatever. At least I have some privacy. Who needs a big
room when I can be like Harry Potter or something.
It’s after 9 pm. and my stomach growls. I haven’t eaten
anything the whole day today. I’ve been hiding out in my room
right after the egg fiasco this morning.
“Stop staring at me like that, Oliver,” I warn my best friend,
Oliver. “I’m not a coward, I’m just not feeling like socializing
right now.” Well, okay, so Oliver is an old tattered teddy bear
but he got these eyes that can stare you down and make you
feel like confessing even to a crime that you didn’t commit. I
turn Oliver to face the wall.
My stomach growls again and I sigh.
The tv is on in the family room. I guess they won’t be going to
bed anytime soon.
I open the door slowly and creep out of my room, careful not to
make any noise.
My mom is sitting in the middle of the sofa. Jon has his arm
around her. My half-sister, Caitlin Rose is sitting on the other
side with her head on mom’s shoulder. Mom’s finger is playing
gently with her soft brown hair. They’re a picture of a perfect
Three sets of eyes land on me simultaneously as I’m crossing
the family room from behind the sofa. Those darn werewolf
I stare at them and they stare right back. I shuffle my feet a bit,
shifting my weight from one foot to another. “I uh...gonna get
some eggs for dinner,” I mutter. Nobody says anything. “Well,
okay...” I add then awkwardly make my way out the door with
three sets of eyes still staring at me.
Sometimes I wonder what it’s like to really feel you belong
somewhere, you know. To feel like you’re really wanted...not
just tolerated. To be like Caitlin Rose.
Still, I wouldn’t dwell on that. I have a pretty okay life. Real
lucky if you asked me. My Nana loved me. Sure, she’s gone
now, but she loved me when she was still alive. My stepfather
doesn’t hate me or anything. At least, I don’t think so. My mom
mostly ignores me, but once in a while, she seems okay with
me. My half-sister doesn’t like me, but she’s only a kid.
I made it into the kitchen without encountering anybody. I look
around the kitchen and find a big plastic container of burnt
eggs on the floor near the sink.
I lift the container up onto the kitchen counter and take the lid
off. The awful smell wafts out in the air. They must have saved
me all the blackened ones at the bottom and took all the edible
ones at the top.
I stare dispassionately at the black matter in the container. My
stomach rumbles, but eating this is akin to eating soot.
“Oh, look! She’s going to eat those eggs!” My cousin Joelle
exclaims from the doorway.
“We should take pictures of this,” her bitch clone...sorry, I
mean her best friend, Kelly joins in.
“No, take a video!” Exclaims another girl.
A group of eight or so teenagers is standing behind them. All
their faces are looking excited and eager to watch me eat the
blackened burned eggs. All except for my cousin, Jorden and
his best friend, Trey. Jorden is Joelle’s brother. Their father is
my mom’s older brother who is also the Beta of this pack.
Jorden is a year older, while Joelle is a year younger than me.
“Come on, hover it!” yells Joelle. Her iPhone is at the ready.
“Awesome! We can post the picture so everyone can see it,”
says Dan, another moron in the group.
I glance at Jorden and Trey. Jorden has his jaw clenched and
his lips pressed together, while Trey avoids looking at me
I scoop the blackened mash of destroyed eggs and they get even
louder. I see their eyes bright with excitement. Stupid
werewolves! Not enough entertainment in the pack house, it
seems. They should get Netflix for this place. My Nana did.
I keep my focus on Joelle’s big forehead and my lips stretch out
into a grin.
THWACK! Bullseye!!! The room falls silent.
Joelle has a big egg pulp in the middle of her forehead. The
black goo with a little bit of grey and yellowish mush is now
dripping down her face slowly...then falls onto the floor with
another thwack, splashing black goo. Her friends jump back.
“Aaarrrrgghhhhh!!!!!” Joelle’s voice breaks the silence. Her
friends are staring at her in horror, some boys snicker, while
some, especially Jorden and Trey struggle to keep from
laughing. Jorden flash me a proud smile before he turns to hide
“How dare you, stupid human whore!!!! I am so going to make
you pay for this!” yells Joelle. She suddenly advances, her
hands are tightly balled into fists at her sides. Her hazel eyes
flash and darkened. Her posse, Kelly and a few other girls step
towards me.
While Joelle looks furious, Kelly and the others look gleeful.
Their eyes glint with cruel delight. Oh uh...they’re going to kill
I scoop another handful of the burned eggs, ready to launch at
anybody who dares to come near.
“Hey! What are you kids doing here?” snaps old Mr. Maddox,
our former Alpha.
They stop in their tracks and quickly lower their heads in
submission. Even though old Mr.Maddox is no longer our
Alpha, he still emanates alpha power. At least that’s what I
understand from what I hear. I don’t feel the need to submit to
anybody, not even to the current Alpha. Nana said maybe that’s
because I’m a human.
“What’s going on here?” he asks again. Old Mr. Maddox is
really old though he is still tough looking. His face is all wrinkly
and leathery tanned as if he’s been in the sun for too long.
“She did this to me,” says Joelle, pointing at herself.
“She must have a good reason to have done that. You lot must
have been bullying her,” he says. “Now, get out of here. Leave
the poor girl alone.”
Something in the way that Joelle glares at me before she
scuttles away with her friends warns me that this isn’t over. I
notice Jorden hanging back.
“What are you still doing here?” barks Old Mr. Maddox, glaring
at Jorden.
Jorden flashes me a worried look before he disappears through
the doorway.
“Are you okay, Quincy my dear?” asks Old Mr. Maddox,
turning to look at me with concern.
“Uh...yeah. I’m fine...thanks,” I notice he’s moved in much
closer to me now. Much too close. Before I could take a step
away, he places his hand on my back. There is something in his
eyes and the way he looks at me that creep me out.
“You poor girl,” his hand starts rubbing up and down my back.
My skin crawls.
“I’m okay. Really I’m fine,” I move forward, trying to get away
from his seeking hand, but he steps in to press his body to
mine. Oh, fvck! I mean, fiddle shtick!
I pull away while forcefully push him back. Suddenly I don’t
care if I will get punished for being disrespectful to a high
ranking werewolf. Luckily, he lets me go.
I duck and place the plastic container with burned eggs near
the sink, and leap out of the kitchen.
He chuckles. “Have a good night, my dear Quincy.”
“Yeah, have a good night, Mr. Maddox!” and go suck an egg or
a lemon...or better still, go jump out a high flying airplane
without a parachute!!!
I sprint away and encounter my cousin, Jorden hanging around
in the hall between the kitchen and the stairway. He looks relief
to see me. We nod at each other and I climb up the stairs as
quick as my legs can carry me.
I jump straight into my small bedroom and lock the door. I
never like the way old Mr. Maddox looks at me. He’s been
giving me this funny looks since I was twelve.
His mate is still alive. The former Luna has been bedridden for
years now. I don’t know how she got that way, but somebody
ought to put a leash and a muzzle on her husband.
I lie down on my small bed, hugging Oliver. My stomach growls
and my skin still crawls from the way Mr. Maddox touched me.
I feel like taking a shower and scrub my skin of his touch and
smell but I don’t want to face mom or Caitlin Rose again
“I’m not feeling very social tonight,” I explain to Oliver. “What
am I going to do, Oliver?”
Chapter 2 - Slippery Eyeballs
I lie down on my small bed, hugging Oliver. My stomach growls
and my skin still crawls from the way Mr. Maddox touched me.
I feel like taking a shower and scrub my skin off his touch and
smell but I don’t want to face mom or Caitlin Rose again
“I don’t feel very social tonight,” I explain to Oliver. “What am I
going to do, Oliver?”
I miss my Nana. I miss my Nana’s old house. I miss my Nana’s
cooking. Coming home from school, there was always the smell
of food cooking on the stove or fresh bread baking in the oven
as soon as I opened the front door.
I’ve lost quite a lot of weight since I moved to the pack’s house.
I’m constantly hungry. My cousin Jorden did say I’m such a pig
when it comes to food. Well, at least I get to go on a diet
here...though not voluntarily.
I’ve been in trouble so many times since I’ve been here, I’ve lost
count. I’m not very good at being sweet all the time and not
fighting back when pushed into a corner and they can’t seem to
leave me alone. Fighting back is what lands me in trouble all
the time, not to mention hungry.
The image of roast beef with gravy, mashed potatoes and
Yorkshire pudding that I know they had for dinner tonight
keep floating in my mind. I smelled them when they were
having dinner. Now I could almost taste them in my mouth.
To stop myself from thinking about food, I pull out the letter of
acceptance from West Virginia University from under my
pillow. Every time I feel helpless or sad, I pull it out and it
never ceases to make me feel excited. Nana and I decided on
WVU because it’s 3 hours drive away from here. We were
planning to visit each other often.
Nana had some money saved up for my education since I was
very little. I used to work in the evenings after school and fulltime in the summer to make some money to add to the fund.
It's not much, but with the savings and the financial aid I’ll be
getting, and me working part-time, I think I’ll get by.
My stomach makes a loud growling sound again. Oh, fight me!
You’re not the boss of me!
This is what I am reduced to...fighting with my own stomach.
It’s sorta hard to fall asleep when you’re fighting with your
It’s ten in the morning and I’ve already cleaned 3 washrooms,
I’m feeling very accomplished. Some people might argue that
I’m very slow since I still have 8 more washrooms and 25
bathrooms to go but....whatever. There are 11 washrooms and
25 bathrooms in this pack house that I’m supposed to clean
twice a week. That has been my job from the very first day I
was moved here. I also do the laundry. They wanted to add the
cooking...well, we all know how that went.
Come to think of it, I’m pretty crappy at cleaning the
washrooms and doing the laundry too. Last week, a whole load
of laundry turned purple. They’re rather a pretty shade of
lavender if you asked me. I don’t know what the fuss is all
about. Manly warriors turning up for practice in lovely
lavender shirts? I dig that.
If I have to be honest, I have to admit that I’m not good at
anything around here. I make the worst unpaid maid ever.
Pretty close to being useless.
I groan and shudder involuntarily when I open the men’s
washroom on the main floor. Men here are such pigs. Why
can’t they aim properly? It’s not like they don’t have the chance
to practice shooting the target every day! Ughh...I hate cleaning
their washroom.
I’m not a fan of chores but I understand that I have to pull my
weight since I’m staying here for free. My biggest nightmare is
that I would be stuck as an unpaid maid in the pack house
An unpaid maid. I decided to go with that word because it
sounds prettier than the word slave.
“There you are,” says Joelle. There’s a satisfied smirk on her
face as she stands by the door watching me on my knees,
scrubbing the toilet bowl. “My father wants to see you.”
Ahhh...the Beta, my uncle or Beta St. Martin as I’m supposed
to call him. The last time I was officially summoned to his
office was when he delivered the news that they’re selling
Nana’s house and they’re moving me here, into the pack house.
The hateful glare that Joelle gives me tells me that she hasn’t
forgotten last night’s incident. The gleeful glint in her eyes
warns me that she’s about to enjoy whatever is going to happen
in the next few moments of my life. I throw the rubber gloves
I’ve been using onto the floor and curb the urge to show her my
middle finger as I walk past her.
I know Joelle never scrubbed a toilet once in her life. No
daughters or sons of high ranking werewolves, meaning the
Alphas or the Betas are required to do such chores. Those are
reserved for the lowly Omegas or a human like me.
Joelle follows me inside and closes the door behind us as soon
as I step inside Beta St. Martin’s Office.
“Finally, you found her, princess,” says the Beta to his
daughter. Yeah, she deserves a trophy for finding me. A big
accomplishment there! I feel all eyes are on me. What? Did I
just say that out loud?
Maria, Beta St. Martin’s mate lifts her eyebrows in disdain. Her
lips turn down at the corners disapprovingly as she surveys my
appearance. So I’m not in designer jeans or expensive top like
Joelle. All my outfits came from Target or Walmart...at least
I’m not naked. Ha!
The room is just as I remember it. It’s a good-sized office but
rather bland, in my opinion. The walls are painted beige and
the furniture is mainly oversized dark leather. No paintings or
anything on the wall, except for a few pictures of his family and
a large map of their pack’s territory, the Loup Noir Pack,
behind his desk. The Beta himself is sitting in his office chair
behind a smooth oak table. My mom and Caitlin Rose are
sharing a love seat. Beta St. Martin’s mate is sitting on a big
leather sofa. Joelle walks over and sits beside her mom.
I glance at Jorden who is sitting in a chair by the corner, a bit
further away from everybody. It seems like he’s trying to
distance himself from everybody else. As soon as my eyes meet
his, Jorden shifts his eyes to stare broodingly at the tip of his
black boots. That right there is already a sign that I’m not going
to like what’s going to happen next.
“Grab yourself a seat, Quincy,” says Beta St. Martin.
I don’t want to be here but I square my shoulders and I
reluctantly take my seat in the only available chair directly
facing the Beta.
He skims through the files he has in front of him and pulls out
a few documents. “We’re dividing my mother’s assets among us
and I’m acting as the Executor of the will, and since my mother
didn’t leave a will, it’s up to me execute it accordingly.”
So they’re dividing my Nana’s worldly belongings among
themselves? I thought my Nana did leave a will...I might be
“Since you weren't anywhere to be found before, Quincy, we've
discussed that all the assets, including the sale of her property
to be divided between my sister and me,” he says. Okay, I
expected that most of the money and possessions to go to him
and my mother.
“Now, my mother also had some savings under a couple of
accounts, there is one account under her name which doesn’t
have much, but I decided that all the money should go to all
her four grandkids, Jorden, Joelle, Caitlin Rose, and Quincy.
Each of you will get three hundred dollars.
“Another account is a joint account between mother and
Quincy," he continues. "Quincy, since you’re still underage,
living here and you’re under our guardianship, you won’t be
needing it. The money will go towards your accommodation,
food and other expenses here.”
Wait! What? “Wait a minute! That money is for my education.”
I spring up from my chair. “And I don’t want to live here!”
I worked hard for half of that money. Babysitting since I was
twelve, snow shoveling in the Winter and mowing lawns in the
Summer for humans, working at the stores in town...basically
doing anything I can to earn the money. All year round.
“I need that money for College.”
“College?” He lifts an eyebrow. Then he laughs. He laughs! His
wife and Joelle join him laughing. You mean this one?” He
picks up a familiar looking envelope from the table. My WVU
acceptance letter and the whole package that came with it. It
was in my room. How did he get it?
I turn to look at Caitlin Rose who just smirks at me and then at
my mom who won’t even look at me in the eyes. She never
really look at me in the eyes.
“Oh, Quincy. Whoever filled your head with such nonsense?”
says Maria, still laughing.
“You’re not going to make it out there. You’ve never been
anywhere but here. It’s a dangerous and scary world outside.
You don’t know what it’s like,” adds Beta St. Martin. “Be
thankful that we’re kind enough to shelter you and keep you
safe here.”
Just for a second, I waver. I know I’ve never been anywhere
outside of Loup Noir Pack territory. Is it really scary out there?
If it’s that dangerous, why did Nana encourage me to go? Nana
believed I could do it. These people don’t know me.
“I still want to go,” I tell him. My voice surprisingly sounds
confident and strong.
He narrows his eyes into calculative slits before he tears the
envelope along with its contents into two and drops it into a
trashcan beside his table. Noooo!!!!
“I told you, you’re not going anywhere and that’s that,” he says,
using his commanding voice on me. I feel the blood rushing to
my head and hear my own pulse beating in my ear. I feel my
hatred level for him rising.
“You are not to leave this place,” he adds more forcefully. Does
he not know that his Beta mojo or voodoo power or something
doesn’t work on me?
“You’re Beta Asshole!” I blurt out. I hear gasps from people in
the room. I’m about to open my mouth again when his big
hand clamps around my neck. The intense, painful pressure on
my windpipe stops the oxygen that I try to draw in. My
heartbeat skyrocket. In a panic, I start to claw at his hand.
It stops as fast as it begins. The next instant, I’m free again,
staggering to the floor. I drag in a gasp of air with a wheezing
sound and touch my throat, feeling light-headed.
“You almost killed her!” growls Jorden. I look up to see Jorden
standing with his feet braced apart facing his father. His hands
are gripping his father’s arm.
Beta St. Martin shakes Jorden's hands off and snarls down at
me. His eyes flash dangerously, reminding me what they are.
Werewolves. I don’t trust him at all. I don’t trust any of them.
Not for a minute. “Somebody should teach her a lesson. She
should have been taught her place! My mother seemed to have
done a very poor job at it.” He moves away from Jorden.
My eyes follow his every movement, just in case he’s coming to
finish what he’s started.
He rounds his table and takes his seat. His mouth stretch out
into a cold, sinister, and calculative smile. He picks up the
cheque from the table and casually tears it into two. “Three
hundred dollars is too generous for you.”
I clamp my mouth shut and ball my fists tightly until I feel the
sharp pain on the skin of my palms.
“You may go now, we’ve nothing else to discuss,” he says,
dismissing me.
I’ve locked myself in the darkness and the stuffiness of my
room since this morning. I can still feel his hand on my throat.
There’s an angry red mark around my neck. It hurts to swallow.
For the first time in my life, I feel truly hopeless and helpless.
Not even after Nana’s passing did I feel this helpless. True, I
was devastated for losing the only person who loved me, but I
was more determined than ever to leave this place. Now I don’t
own enough to even make it out of here.
Well, it isn’t so bad living in the pack house forever when...
Who needs to go to college when...when... Well, at least...I’m
alive. Maybe I’ll come up with a better positive reason
When a situation or people fail me, I make up excuses all the
time. Sometimes I believe my own lies, sometimes I don’t. It
doesn’t matter. This time I feel my shoulders slump in defeat. I
didn’t see my mom coming to my rescue when her brother had
his hands around my neck. This time I can’t find the right
excuses for the stranger I call mom.
These people...no, these werewolves really want to break me.
Every day I kept my head up and find a reason to smile. Today,
I really feel defeated. I feel the trap closing in.
I miss my Nana more than ever. I hug Oliver, my tattered teddy
bear close to my heart. I’m not feeling sorry for myself. I’m not
feeling sorry for myself. I’m not feeling sorry for myself. My
Nana didn’t raise a weakling or a whiner. Still, tears leak from
my eyes.
Nana said tears are not a sign of weakness. She said sometimes
you need to cry to wash away the dirt from your eyes so you can
see better...just don’t do it too often, otherwise your eyeballs
get too slippery and they would fall out of your eyesockets. I
don’t cry very often so my eyeballs aren’t that slippery. So I let
my tears flow out freely tonight.
* My next update is next Friday. Have a wonderful
weekend, dear readers.
Chapter 3 - Q and J
The atmosphere is certainly different when I open my eyes this
morning. I don’t know what it is, but I can feel it. It’s already
nine in the morning but the whole house is quiet.
I didn’t even bother to attempt to finish cleaning up the
washrooms after the meeting yesterday or do the laundry like
I’m supposed to today. I figure I’m paying enough for my
accommodation that is this closet, and no food condition in
this pack hell house with all my life savings they took from me.
Yeah, I’m salty and petty like that. Surprisingly, nobody comes
knocking at my door demanding that I do my usual chores this
The somber atmosphere follows me as I make my way to the
bathroom across the hall to brush my teeth and take my
shower then back quickly to lock myself in my room again.
“I’m bored,” I inform Oliver. It’s noon now and I’m feeling very
hungry. I’m trying to figure out what I’m going to do next but I
can’t think when I’m hungry. “Why is it so quiet today?” I ask
A sudden knock on my door makes me jump off my bed. I
creep slowly to the door, contemplating whether or not it’s wise
to open it. I can still feel the Beta’s hand around my throat. I
had nightmares about it last night.
“Hey, it’s me,” says a quiet voice through the closed door.
I quickly unlock the door and pull it open. “Hi.”
His chocolate brown eyes peer down at me from the doorway.
“Meet me in Nana’s back garden in twenty minutes,” he says
before he quietly slips away.
I close the door with a click and change from my pajama shorts
into a pair of jeans. I put on a grey t-shirt and a pair of white
Converse and lastly pull a comb through my straight black hair.
I have a small old mirror hanging on the wall across from my
bed. I took that mirror from my Nana’s old house and hung it
there myself. I’m not vain, but a girl needs a mirror.
My green eyes stare back at me from the mirror. People always
comment about how unusual and vivid my green eyes are. I
always wonder if I got that from my unknown biological father
because none of my relatives here have green eyes. I guess that
is one of the things in life that I’ll never figure out. At least the
puffiness around my eyes from crying last night is gone.
I hurry outside because Nana’s old house is fifteen minutes
walk away from the pack house. Before I step outside, I grab a
scarf and wrap it lightly around my neck.
“Hi, J!”
“Hey, Q.”
Jorden calls me Q and I call him J. Together, we’re Q and J, get
it? No? Well...that’s okay. I don’t understand it either but when
a seven-year-old Jorden told a six-year-old me that we’re going
to be J and Q, I agreed with him wholeheartedly. The six-yearold me thought it was the coolest thing ever. That was until I
figured out that I was his sidekick, the one to fetch things for
him when we’re fighting the evils of the world. I’m nobody’s
sidekick. We argued about it. Now we’re Q and J in my head. In
his mind, we’re still J and Q.
I survey the garden before me. This used to be my Nana’s joy.
Nana used to spend hours happily tending to her garden while
Jorden and I used to play back here. It’s been a couple of
months since I last saw it and now it’s grown wild. There are
weeds among the coneflowers, penstemons, lilies, and blackeyed Susans. Wild grass is growing freely between the tomato,
peas, squash, and beets.
Jorden must have seen something in my eyes because he says,
“I came to water them once in a while but I’m not good with
anything else. Maybe the new owner will be better at it.”
“Yeah,” I choke out my answer. It’s hard to believe that this
place is owned by somebody else now. The new owner hasn’t
moved in yet but I hope they will love and care for this place as
much as Nana did.
I look up and give my cousin a watery smile.
“Here,” he says, handing me a sandwich wrapped in paper
napkins. The smell alone makes my mouth water. I stuff the
turkey club sandwich into my mouth. Oh, so good! I know I
look like a pig, but I’m hungry and it’s just Jorden. It feels like I
haven’t eaten in days! Oh, wait! I haven't eaten in days safe
from some bananas I stole from the kitchen yesterday morning
before I started my chores.
I look up at my cousin, giving him a big smile with my mouth
still full. The smile he gives back looks pained. I find his dark
eyes watching me carefully as I finish eating. Swallowing still
hurts but hungry stomach hurts too.
All of a sudden he steps closer and starts to unwind the scarf
from around my neck. “Jorden...” I protest, but he tilts my
head up to inspect my throat.
A muscle ticks at his jaw as his finger skims the reddened skin
on my throat gently. Just as quickly, he lets me go and shoves
his hands down the pockets of his jeans. He turns around and
kicks the pebbles at his feet. His movement mirrors his
frustrations. He kicks the pebbles over and over again. “You
have to get out of here,” he says.
My heart stutters at his words and I just watch him for a
moment. His broad shoulders hunched and his head down. The
wind blows his hair wild. His dark hair is getting long and
starts to curl. If it gets long enough, it’ll start to turn into
ringlets. I used to make fun of his hair when we were little
while secretly wished I had those ringlets.
“Did you hear me, Q? You have to get out of here. Very soon.”
He turns around to look at me. His eyes are very sad. “I can’t
protect you, Q. You have to go far away from here and don’t
come back.”
“Why?” I know Jorden. There’s something he’s not telling me.
“Everything is fvcked up, you know that right, Q? My father is
fvcked up. This whole pack is one big clusterfvck.”
I’ve never heard Jorden St. Martin swears so much before. It
was always me and Nana who swore a lot, so much so that we
had a swear jar...I still have that swear jar. We used to put a
dime in it for each time we swore. That’s why I try very hard
not to swear anymore. I’m broke.
Jorden runs his fingers through his unruly curls before he rubs
his hand over his face. His eyes look tired.
Jorden is more than a cousin to me. He’s like a brother. He’s
the only one who used to visit Nana and me often. Nobody else
did. I used to secretly feel guilty that Nana had to go to the
pack house in order to see them all. Maybe if I wasn’t living
there they would have visited their mom and their
I listen to the sound of the wind blowing the leaves and rustling
the blades of the long grass together. The chirping of the birds
never sounds so sweet. We’re so far from everybody and that,
in itself, is a freedom. I miss it out here.
“Do you know that Judith Maddox, our former Luna died last
night?” says Jorden, breaking the peaceful silence.
“She’s dead?” Maybe that’s why it felt odd this morning. I
didn’t know the old Luna that well and she’d been bedridden
for years but I still feel kinda sad.
Jorden nods. “She died last night,” he repeats. “You wanna
hear something funny, Q?”
“Okay,” I say. I don’t know what can be funny about this.
“Yesterday, after everybody left my dad’s office, Old Mr.
Maddox came to visit my dad.
“I guess there’s nothing weird about it since they’re best
friends. My father served as his Beta for decades while he was
still an Alpha...but somehow I had a bad feeling about it. Or
maybe because I was still pissed with my father for putting his
hands on you. I don’t know, but whatever it was, I decided to
listen in on them. I went into a broom closet next to his office
where the wall is thinner.
“Q, I heard him tell my dad that you’re his second chance
mate,” he says. His breathing gets heavier. His chest moves up
and down very fast. “It’s bullshit, Q. How can he find his
second chance mate when his true mate was still alive? The
bastard! It’s a load of bullshit and I heard my father agree with
him. They agreed that you’re his mate yesterday afternoon and
last night... last night, his mate died!”
He snatches my arms and grips them tightly. “I can’t let them
touch you, Q. I can’t let my father lay a hand on you again or
you’ll be dead. I can’t let that old swine lay a hand on you...” his
voice breaks and he shakes his head. “They must have done
something to her. They must have. I can feel it in my gut. If
they killed her, what would they do to you?”
I pull my hands out of his grip, wrap my arms around his
middle and lay my cheek against his chest. His body is so taut
and stiff. His heart is beating fast. This must be very hard for
Jorden. I don’t know why I’m so calm right now. I think I’ll
start to freak out soon but I have to make sure Jorden is
calmed first before I start to lose it.
After a while, I can feel his body starts to loosen up as he wraps
his arms around me and buries his face in my hair. His
heartbeat starts to return close to normal. “I don’t want you to
go but I can’t keep you safe. I hate it that I can’t protect you,
“That’s okay, J. That’s okay,” I tell him even though my head is
spinning. I don’t have any money. Where can I go? How do I
get out of here? I know they wouldn’t let me go before, but once
one of them claimed me as his mate, it’ll be impossible to get
out of here.
I let Jorden go when I’m sure that he’s calmed enough. We
both sit cross-legged on the grass, facing each other like we
used to do when we were younger.
“I love you as much as I love Joelle, maybe more. I just lost
Nana and now I’m about to lose you too.” I see his Adam apple
bobs as he swallows hard. “Life sucks.”
I just nod. How am I going to survive? It’s a scary world out
there but then the thought of being marked by old Mr. Maddox
and be trapped here forever is scarier.
I can’t go to WVU as planned. It’ll be the first place they’d be
looking for me when they discover that I’m gone. I have to get
as far away as possible where they can’t trace my scent.
I have to get myself a job. Who’s going to hire me? I would
have to go down South. Maybe I’ll go to Vegas and be a
showgirl. Maybe I’ll move to Texas and work at a seedy bar as a
waitress. “I might have to work the streets or something and
change my name to Candy.” No offense to Candy anywhere but
if I have to work the streets, I want that to be my name.
“Why do you have to work the streets and change your name to
Candy?” Jorden asks me after staring at me oddly for almost a
“Well, a girl gotta eat. Duh!”
Jorden signs. “You’re not going to sell your body, Q. I won’t let
you,” he says. “You’ve got such a wild imagination.” He shakes
his head. “Don’t worry, I have it all figured out.”
“Where would I go, J? I have nowhere to go. I have no money.
Even if I had the money, I know they’ll find me if I went to the
University as I planned to.”
“No, the University is now out of the question. You have to go
far away. As far away as you can so nobody can trace your
scent. Here, this is where you’re going,” he says, handing me a
piece of paper from his back pocket.
It’s an acceptance letter from a small college in California. I
remember leaving that letter in my old room in Nana’s house.
It was just a wishful thinking on my part when I applied to that
college. I dreamt of going somewhere far away from here where
nobody knows me. Back then Nana was still alive and I had no
real intention of moving across the country from her.
“But I emailed the college that I wasn’t going there. I think they
would have given my spot to somebody else by now.”
“Yeah, but Jonah is there to look out for you and he knows
somebody who can fix that.”
“Jonah?” My mouth is hanging open. Jonah is Jorden’s older
brother. He was supposed to take over the Beta title from his
father when he turned 21 six years ago but he left the pack
before that happens. I heard that he had a big fight with his
father and Old Mr. Maddox who was still the Alpha back then. I
was 12 when he left and I don’t know much apart from what I
heard from what everybody around me was saying about him
back then.
Jonah was known as a troublemaker. He’s always rebelling
against his father. Always doing what he’s not supposed to be
doing. Mixing with the wrong crowd. Fighting. They said he’s
bad news. Nobody knows where he went. Well, apparently,
Jorden knows.
“I didn’t know you’re still in touch with him.”
“Yeah, he got in touch with me two years ago...and he gave me
his number, just for emergency. This qualifies as an
emergency,” Jorden answers. “They’re having the burning
moon gathering tonight. Get ready to leave around eight when
everybody’s occupied out there.”
I know what’s going to happen. There’s going to be a big
gathering under the moonlight where the body will be burned
in a pyre out in the clearing in the woods about half a mile from
the pack house. Then everybody will change into their wolves.
They will howl at the moon and go for a run to show their last
respect to the person, in this case, old Mrs. Maddox. I was
there for my Nana’s, though I just stood on the side by myself
when everybody phased and went for the run.
“Here, take his number, call him as soon as you get there, and
some money. I know it’s not enough but it’ll get you started.”
I stare at a piece of paper and a thick rolled up fifty dollar notes
in my hand. There must be over a thousand dollars in there. “I
can’t take this money, J. This is your money.”
“Precisely. It’s my money so I can do anything I want with it
and I want you to have it,” he says. “Just take it, Q. Stop
arguing with me. You can’t afford to be too proud right now.
You’re going to need it.”
I stare at the money in my hand again. I know he’s right.
“Thanks, J,” I tell him.
“Hey, Q?”
“I’m sorry I never defended you when they made fun of you
and bullied you. I’m-I’m such a coward.” he looks down at the
ground, not meeting my eyes. It must be hard for him to admit
“That’s okay, J,” I answer truthfully. I never expected anybody
to fight my battles for me.
“For what its worth, I’m proud of you, Q. You never backed
down. You don’t deserve any of it and you’re so strong,” he
says. “You go out there and have a good life, Q. Don’t ever look
Yes, I have nothing else here. I don’t think I’ll be coming back.
The only person I would miss would be Jorden. Tears start to
well up in my eyes, but I tip my chin up and smile.
“I’ll pay you back, J. One day I’ll pay your money back.” I don’t
know if that’s possible, but it feels nice to say it. It makes me
feel like I was going to see him again.
“You are so much like Nana, Q.”
“Really???” I smile up at him. A couple drops of tears fall on
my cheek. I wipe them away quickly. That’s the biggest
compliment anybody could’ve given me. My Nana was
My Nana had just lost her beloved mate when her daughter
dropped an unwanted newborn baby that she didn’t even
bother to name on her doorstep. My Nana took the baby in. She
named it after her mate, Quincy St. Martin. Yes, she named me
after my late grandfather. She could’ve rolled over in grief after
suffering such a great loss, yet she got up and gave the baby a
name and a home. That’s how awesome my Nana was.
“Yes, you’re proud and strong yet gentle and kind...and a bit
coocoo,” says Jorden.
“I love you too, J. I love you too.”
*My next update will be next Friday again if not
sooner. Have a wonderful weekend, everybody♥
Chapter 4 - Queen Normal
My heart is pounding hard in my chest as I pace the floor of my
tiny bedroom. I’m sure if there were any werewolves around,
they would be able to hear it. Right now I assume all of the
occupants of the pack house are at the burning moon
I have most of my stuff already packed in an old suitcase that
belonged to my Nana. I don’t have a lot, mostly my clothing,
old pictures, a few books, and a couple little things I picked
from Nana’s old house for keepsakes. I fill up my backpack
with everything else, like the disposable cellphone Jorden gave
me, money, important documents, toiletries, a book for the bus
ride, a change of clothing and oh, my swear jar and Oliver.
Can’t leave without my swear jar and Oliver.
Jorden told me that he’ll come to my room tonight to take all
my stuff to his car. He will then drive his car past the border
inspection post where they don’t usually check for anything
other than the occupants of the car. I have to make my way on
foot to where Jorden will be waiting just outside the border
about a mile and a half from here. He is driving me to a little
bus station in the next town over where nobody will recognize
Jorden promised me that he’d be here at 9 pm. It’s already 9.15
and I’m getting worried. What if they found out what we’re
planning to do?
Nervously, I begin to tug and wrap my fingers around my
braided hair. I have my jeans and a pair of sneakers on. It’s a
bit chilly tonight, so I’ve pulled on a dark grey sweater that
used to belong to my Nana over my dark blue t-shirt. Her
sweater will also be able to cover my scent a little when I’m in
Jorden’s car. Nana’s faint but familiar scent helps to calm me a
bit. I still jump when I hear a soft knock on my door.
I think my eyes bugged out as soon as I see Jorden at my door
with Trey standing next to him. It’s bad enough that I have
Jorden involved, I don’t want Trey to be sucked into this as
well. God knows what they’ll do to us if we get caught.
“Change of plans,” says Jorden. “I needed him to cover for me
but he wants to come with us. Don’t waste time arguing with
him. He’s just as stubborn as you.” Without waiting for my
response, Jorden grabs my suitcase while Trey hoists my
backpack onto his shoulder. Both of them look wary and
Jorden goes first, carrying my suitcase with him. Trey turns to
look at me. His eyes roam over my face for a while. “Quincy, I --” he says. I look up at him expectantly but then he shakes his
head and closes his mouth.
Jorden and Trey have been friends forever. A little over a year
ago, Trey confessed his feelings for me and we started dating.
He was my first kiss. He was my first everything...until he
found his mate, Èmilie, five months ago.
I knew that would happen so I was prepared. It still hurt, I
can’t lie, but I’m happy for him. At least his mate, Èmilie is a
nice girl. It’s not like we’re friends or anything, but she’s not
one of those girls who bully me. She mainly stays away and
keeps things to herself. Trey is a nice guy and I believe he truly
did care for me before he met his mate. He deserves a good
mate and to be happy.
“I’m going to miss you,” he whispers finally before he too
disappears with my backpack down the dark hallway.
After ten minutes, and when I think they’re off, I walk out of
my bedroom. The whole house is dimly lit and eerily quiet. I try
to walk casually so as not to arouse suspicion if anybody saw
me. My heart refused to calm down even after I make it outside
the pack house without encountering anyone. It seems that
everyone is at the gathering. The former Luna was well loved.
It’s dark and windy outside. The moon is half covered by black
heavy clouds. I start towards the driveway but then I change
course when I see some movements not too far away.
Patrolmen on duty. I start jogging towards the clearing where
the burning moon gathering is being held.
“I’m going to the burning moon gathering,” I tell them without
being asked. Darn it, Quincy! Keep your mouth shut! I knew it!
I know I won’t make a good spy agent.
Fortunately, they don’t really care about one stupid human in
the pack. One of them nods his head while another one just
ignores me. They don’t seem at all interested to know where
I’m going.
As soon as they’re gone, I look casually around before I turn my
direction towards the border on the Northside and pick up
speed. I’m hoping that I won’t be running into any more
patrolmen from now on.
Even though I can’t turn into a wolf, I’m very fast. Almost as
fast as a werewolf who already phased. That’s something that
only Jorden and Nana knew. The wind is whooshing in my ears
and I’m straining my eyes in the darkness so as not to run into
trees or stumble on anything. I wish the moon is brighter.
I approach the road and increase my speed as soon as I see the
tail lights of Jorden’s waiting car. He starts moving as soon as I
jump in the back.
“You okay?” he asks me.
“Yup, I’m good. I think we’re good.”
The pack house is surrounded by acres of forest. The small
road that connects the rest of the world to the pack house is
long, narrow, and flanked by tall trees. As we pull out of the
dirt road into the paved deserted country road, I hear the long
mournful howling of the wolves into the crisp night air.
My heartbeat starts to settle down as the car takes me further
and further away. I can’t wait to be among humans though I
wish I didn’t have to leave Jorden behind.
Only when the bus pulls out of the station and onto the
highway do I feel my shoulders start to relax. This is it. I’m
doing this! I’m really doing this! I’m finally going to be free of
werewolves. I will have nothing to do with their kind anymore
except for my cousin Jonah because...well, because Jonah is
family just like Jorden. I’ll be a normal human among other
normal humans. I’ll be so normal, even the most average
normal humans will feel like freaks next to my normal ass.
They will bow down before me and call me Queen Normal.
5 days of traveling. I did everything that Jorden taught me to
do to throw them off my scent if they happen to send trackers
after me. I took 3 different buses, stopped at 19 different bus
stations. I took subways and lost myself in the crowd. I spent
most nights on buses, except for the third night. I spent that
night at a cheap little motel for a shower and a good night sleep
on a proper bed. It was scary and exhausting yet exhilarating.
The taste of freedom is heady.
The fifth day, I finally arrive at the bus station and give my
cousin, Jonah whom I haven’t seen in six years a call. It’s just
after 4, Friday evening.
“Jonah would love to have you there,” I clearly remember
Jorden said to me before I climbed into the bowel of the
Greyhound bus. The person standing before me now doesn’t
look like someone who “would love to have me” anywhere. If
anything, he looks pissed off. Scary too, with tattoos, corded
muscles and piercings...and tall. What is he? 6′3"? 6′4"? I don’t
remember him being this tall six years ago. My 5′8" frame feels
like a waif next to him.
“What are you? 6′4” or something?” My god, my filter is truly
broken! I slap a hand on my mouth as soon as those words
come flying out.
Jonah doesn’t answer me. He just harrumphs and mumbles
something under his breath. I’ll take it. At this point, I’m
thankful that he doesn’t intend to kill me....yet. Maybe. With
my broken brain to mouth filter, who knows what’s going to
happen in the near future.
Jorden informed me before I got on the bus that Jonah
managed to secure me a place at the school but the dorm is full.
That means I will have to stay with Jonah for the time being. I
plan to pay rent. I have to find a job right away.
Jonah hauls my luggage into the back of an old red Jeep
Wrangler, then he wrenches the door of the driver’s side open
and hops in without waiting or saying anything to me. He
starts the engine, and I clamber into the passenger side of his
Jeep before he leaves without me. He just might, right? He
looks tempted enough to do it.
He starts pulling out even before I can close the door properly.
He drives in silence and I watch our surroundings then I watch
him. I’ve never seen anyone quite like Jonah back in our pack.
He has the same dark brown hair as Jorden but while Jorden’s
hair is an unruly mop of curls, Jonah’s is cut short on the sides
but long-ish at the top. He has a full tattoo sleeve that looks
like an eagle and a dragon or something snaking up one arm
and disappears into his dark blue wife beater shirt. He has
pierced ears, a barbell on one eyebrow, a lip ring on the left of
his full bottom lip.
Jonah actually looks a lot like an older and scarier version of
Jorden with dark eyes, dark hair, and almost the same facial
features. I think that helps me feel a bit more comfortable
around him. He glances at me and his scowl deepens when he
sees me studying him. I quickly flash him a big smile. That
doesn’t help any.
My god, he’s like a bear with a sore head! Is he always like this?
My mouth is itching to say something but I don’t. I’m mighty
proud of myself when I manage to keep quiet for a whole 10
I gaze around at our surroundings again. This place, open
space, palm trees, houses and buildings with stuccoed walls,
certainly looks different from where we came from.
“Wow! This is very different from Philidelphia, huh? We’re
definitely not in the Loup Noir Pack territory anymore,” I
comment. Of course, I can’t keep my mouth shut indefinitely.
He keeps his eyes on the road and continues as if he didn’t hear
me. The only indication that he heard me is the hardening of
his eyes.
“Sooo...you heard anything from Jorden? He’s okay, right?” I
just have to ask him. So many times during those five days of
traveling I was tempted to give Jorden a call to find out if he
and Trey were okay but he warned me before I got on the bus
not to call him. He didn’t want anybody to suspect anything
and find out where I’m heading. So I didn’t, but I’m worried
about them. I don’t know what I’d do if the pack found out and
they got into a big trouble for helping me escaped.
Jonah doesn’t say anything for a full minute that I thought he’s
not going to answer me when he finally says, “He’s fine.
Nobody knows.”
We turn into a small quiet street, lined with old brick houses.
One house looks the same as the other. Some look neglected
while some others look reasonably well-kept. I don’t think
we’re in a bad area but we’re not in the affluent part of the city
either. We stop in front of a single story house. The small front
yard has a tiny flowerbed overgrown with weeds but the grass
has recently been cut. There are a motorbike and a bicycle
parked close to the front door.
Jonah carries my luggage inside and I follow him like a lost
There are three other people living in the house. Two of them
are werewolves. So much for my dreams of living among
The she-wolf, Lana, seems to dislike me on sight. Another
werewolf, Isaac, on the other hand, seems to like me on sight.
Only too much. He flirts and holds my hand a bit too long
during the introduction that Jonah gives him a hard stare.
The human girl, Layla is a pretty girl who originally came from
Ethiopia but grew up here. She seems nice, which is a good
thing since I’m supposed to be sharing a room with her. She’s
also going to the same college but she’s in her second year.
The house is an open plan and small but clean and clutter free.
The living room consists of a comfy looking black suede chair, a
loveseat, a sofa, and a wooden coffee table in the middle. There
is a 40-inch tv mounted on the wall facing the sofa. The
windows have no drapes but they do have simple white blinds
for privacy. The living room opens up to a tiny kitchen. There
are four bedrooms and two bathrooms in the house.
“The sink in the bathroom at the back is leaking, Jonah,” says
Lana. The she-wolf looks at me like I was gum underneath her
shoes but her tone of voice when she talks to Jonah, is sweet
and annoyingly whiny.
“I’ll take a look at it,” answers Jonah.
Jonah leaves my luggage in a bigger room with two single beds
on each side of the walls. There are two study tables by the
headboards near the windows. The walls are painted eggshell
white like the rest of the house. I guess this is the room that I’ll
be sharing with Layla. She's sharing the room with me to save
on rent money and I’m all for saving money.
“Is the room okay for you? I hope you don’t mind sharing,”
says Layla. Okay? This is like The Ritz or the Four Seasons for
me compared to my windowless tiny room back at the pack
“This room is great! Sharing is awesome,” I tell her. I guess I
said it with too much enthusiasm because she gives me a funny
look. Okay, let’s dial down on the weirdness, Quincy. You’re
scaring the normal human! The only normal human in this
house...apart from me. Yeah, I’m totally normal.
Jonah, Lana, and Isaac leave the house together around 6 pm. I
have no clue where they’re going off to but secretly I’m
relieved. Call me crazy but I don’t really enjoy having one
woman staring at me like she’s planning on taking me out as
soon as my back is turned and a man who keeps checking me
out like he wants to eat me for dinner around. I’m used to those
kinds of looks when I was at the Loup Noir Pack but it doesn’t
mean that I’ve grown to like it.
Layla and I spend time talking for a bit before she has to leave
for work at seven. She works irregular hours some evenings for
a cleaning company. I don’t know how much Layla knows
about werewolves and stuff but I like her already. I think we
will get along just fine.
After Layla left, I spend my time alone in the room putting my
things away, which doesn’t take much time at all. Then I take a
much-needed shower. After I’m all dressed, I take my backpack
with me to the living room to sort out all the stuff while
munching on a chocolate bar I found in there and trying to
watch TV. All at the same time. I’m awesome at multi-tasking
like that.
Jonah comes home around nine with some burgers, fries, and
two cans of Coke. My mouth water at the smell. He drops
everything on the coffee table in front of me. He takes a burger
and a can of Coke out then shoves the rest to me without saying
a word.
Suddenly I don't feel hungry anymore. I’ve never felt more like
a charity case than I am right now. I’m grateful that he’s
helping me and all but I’m tired of feeling unwanted and a
burden to those around me.
“Look, Jonah. You don’t have to feed me,” I tell him. “I’m
grateful for everything that you’ve done for me. Truly I am, but
I know you don’t want me here. I know you’re mad at me or
hate me for whatever reason but I’ll get out of your hair very
soon. I promise I’ll move out as soon as I find another place to
stay.” I don’t know how or where but I’ll sleep on the street if I
have to.
For a moment he looks stunned. Then he starts to frown again.
“You’re not going anywhere. You’re staying here where I can
keep you safe,” he huffs. He takes a huge bite out of his
hamburger and starts chewing with a big scowl on his face.
Well, at least it wasn’t my head that he’s chewing on, I start to
make a list of positive things in my head.
He sighs and tosses the rest of the hamburger onto the coffee
table. “I don’t hate you. I hate how those people treated you,”
he says. “Now eat before I lose my appetite.”
He stares at me pointedly until I take a burger out. He picks his
burger back up only after I take the first bite, then we both eat
in silence.
“Did he ever touched you?” he suddenly asks. His jaw taut with
The question takes me by surprise but I immediately know who
he’s talking about. “Um...he..uh, yea, no...sorta...not that
way...not really,” I answer.
He tilts his head to the side for a while as if mulling over my
answer. The way a muscle in his jaw ticks reminds me so much
of Jorden when he’s pissed off. “Alpha Maddox is an asshole,”
he finally says. No argument from me there.
“Yeah, he’s a fvcking asshole,” I agree with him.
“Hey, you’re not supposed to swear.”
“Why? You swear,” I tell him, but I reach into my bag and take
out my swear jar. I fish around the bottom of my bag and pull
out a penny, two nickels, and a quarter. I hold the jar out to
him after I drop the change in. Surprisingly he reaches into his
pocket and places a dime in.
“You need to put in more than just a dime. I heard you swear
worse than a trucker when you were fixing the sink this
evening.” I shake the jar in his face and the coins rattle.
He ignores me. He drains his Coke, then he stands up and
steps outside into the warm night. The next minute I see him
bending over, under the hood of his Jeep. I hear some clunking
noises and him muttering something about Nana and her
damn swear jar. Then he swears some more when he dropped
his tool and hit his head against the hood. I’m impressed with
his very extensive list of swear words. I see a bright future for
my swear jar.
We get along much better after that first night. Me and Jonah. I
understand him better now. He doesn’t talk much. I think my
cousin was born grumpy and you can’t take it personally.
Underneath that tough exterior, he’s not bad.
He took me out for a drive around the city on Saturday and
helped me buy things for school. On Sunday, he’s gone all day,
along with the other two werewolves, Lana and Isaac. I didn’t
mind since I got to talk and watch movies with Layla.
Monday morning and I’m getting ready for school. I’ve missed
my induction week, which is not a big deal, according to Jonah.
I might have to find the Student Support Coordinators for
I’m wearing my nicest jeans, Converse, and my favorite off
shoulder summer top. The top is light and white with tiny pink
flowers and I think I look pretty in it. I brush my hair till it
shines and swipe some lipgloss over my lips. It's time for this
normal human girl to get some education and meet some
normal hot human man!
* 86 Degree Fahrenheit = 30 Degree Celcius.
My next update will be Friday, 13th Apr. (Friday the
13th! Get it =D)
Chapter 5 - Hobo Hoodie
My roommate, Layla is still sleeping. She got back pretty late
last night, so it’s a good thing that she doesn’t have any classes
this morning. Even though she told me that she’s a heavy
sleeper, I try not to make too much noise when I’m getting
“First day of College, Nana. Wish me luck,” I whisper as I
gently touch a framed picture of my Nana on my study table.
Nana’s warm brown eyes gaze back at me. I wonder if Nana is
proud of me now. “I’ll study hard...but not too hard. I'll make
sure that hot human men here won’t know what hit them,” I
assure Nana.
"Love you, Oliver. Try not to miss me too much today." I pat
my teddybear's head.
Layla has a big mirror hanging near the door. I decided to give
myself a quick once over before I go. “Oh, there you are!" I
greet myself. "Hello, you sexy beast.” I point two fingers as if
I’m holding two guns at my reflection and wink. I know it’s
lame and I don’t necessarily think that I look sexy, but Nana
told me that if you keep telling yourself that you look great,
then you will look great...eventually. I want to look and feel
sexy, so sometimes I call myself a sexy beast. Mostly in my
I hear a laughter coming from the bed next to me. “That’s it! I
can’t hold it in anymore. The hell are you up to so early in the
morning, Quincy St. Martin?” asks Layla, poking her sleepy
head out of her cotton sheet.
I am mortified that Layla saw my lame move but I scowl, put
my hands on my hips and accusingly say, “Hey! I thought
you’re a heavy sleeper. Have you been listening in all this
She laughs again. “How can I not? You are so funny...and
strange. Do you always talk to yourself like that?”
Funny and strange? This girl doesn’t know what she’s talking
about. I am so normal. No, scratch that, I’m beyond normal. I
sassily flip my hair. “Pshhh...but you love me. See you later,
bitch,” I tell her.
"Yeah, see you later, skank," she answers with a laugh.
It feels great to have a friend like Layla. We get along well and
we can joke around like we've known each other for ages. She's
another person who can make my swear jar prosper.
I grab my bag and step outside our shared bedroom to come
face to face with Jonah who is standing right in front of the
bedroom door as if he’s been waiting for me to come out.
“Oh, hey Jonah.” I smile up at him. “Good morning!”
He stands there just staring at me for a second as if my cheerful
greeting surprised him. “Here,” he says gruffly, handing me a
rectangular object wrapped in a colorful wrapping paper.
“What is it?” I ask him even when my hand is already reaching
for it. “Is it food?” Please tell me it’s food.
He looks like he wants to roll his eyes but he doesn’t. I’m sorry
that my tummy rules my head sometimes...okay, most of the
time. “Jorden told me it’s your birthday today. So...happy
birthday,” he says, looking very uncomfortable.
Oh god! I forgot my own birthday! I guess I have a lot on my
mind these last few days that the last thing I could think of is
my own birthday. I’m 18 today. That’s a magical number for
werewolves since their instinct will be opened to sensing their
mates when they reach that age. Not for me though. I have no
A thought suddenly occurs to me. If Old Mr. Maddox, the
former alpha wants to claim me, today would be the day he
would formally do that. I shudder at the thought. I escaped just
in time.
I stare at the badly wrapped gift in my hand and picture Jonah
struggling to tape the paper together. That’s so hilarious but
oh, so very sweet! I can’t stop the big smile that breaks across
my face. I fling my arms around him with a giggle and exclaim,
“Thank you! Thank you, Jonah! You are so sweet!!!”
His body is stiff and he sounds strangled when he says, “You
don’t know what it is yet.”
I loosen my hold and look up at him. He’s scowling again but
he doesn’t look at all scary. “And I’m not sweet,” he adds
It really doesn’t matter what the gift is. The only people who
ever gave me anything or ever wished me happy birthday were
my Nana and Jorden...and now Jonah. I’m a very lucky girl.
This is the first birthday I have without my Nana. I suddenly
feel tears pricked at the back of my eyes and something hard
lodged in my throat. My smile slips. I blink rapidly, push the
thought away and force a big smile back on my face. “True. I
don’t know what it is yet but I bet it’s great!”
I eagerly rip the wrapping paper apart then stare at the book in
my hand in surprise. Skulduggery Pleasant, Midnight, the
latest in the series by Derek Landy.
I don’t even have to ask how he knew that I wanted this book.
Jorden must have told him.
I’ve been reading Skulduggery Pleasant since I was in middle
school. I’d never been able to afford to buy them, so I had
always borrowed the books from the school library. Jorden
wasn’t really big on reading but I got him hooked on the series
too. He knew that I had been waiting for this book to come out
for ages.
I open the book and touch the printed pages reverently. Then I
bring the open book close to my nose and breath in deeply. Oh,
the feel of the smooth and crisp paper, that magical smell of a
book being opened for the very first time. Nobody else ever
opened it. Just me.
“Thank you, Jonah,” I say, and I give him another hug. I know
he doesn’t like hugs but I don’t care. I know he said he’s not
sweet but he totally is. He doesn’t say anything this time but he
clears his throat and pats my head awkwardly.
“Now put this on,” he says, brusquely as soon as I let go of him.
A strange, sickly sweet and pungent smell assaults my nose as
soon as he pulls a thick black material from out of a plastic bag.
I unfold the material and hold it up. It’s an ugly, old, big, black
hoodie with some white stains on the arm, near the chest area,
and at the end of the sleeves. I’m afraid to ask what the stain is.
The bottom edge of it is a bit shredded like it had been chewed
“Is this my birthday gift too?” I ask him, feeling very confused.
Why would he give me this ugly stinky hoodie as a gift? My
cousin is obviously not as normal as I am. Or maybe there’s
something seriously wrong with my family gene pool. I think
we should stop procreating as a gift to all humankind...and
“No, but just put it on,” he insists.
“Seriously?” As if I didn’t spend the last fifteen minutes trying
to look this awesome only to cover myself up with an ugly ass
hoodie. “You want me to wear this on my first day of class and
in this weather?” I’ll be sweating worse than a pig wearing the
hoodie in this heat, not to mention it smells funny. “Why?” I
try to give it back to him.
“Just put it on, Quincy.” He shoves it back to me and I
scrunched up my nose.
“Why?” I repeat. I know there’s something he’s not telling me.
He needs to know that I will not follow orders blindly even
after an awesome gift...or even food.
He sighs as if he’s trying to summon his patience. Like he
didn’t just ask me to do something unreasonable like wearing a
big, thick, ugly hoodie in 86 degree Fahrenheit. “Quincy,” he
says in a warning tone.
“Jonah,” I say, mimicking his tone. “Why?”
He stares at me like he has some magic power to control me
with his eyes and I stare right back at him without blinking. His
jaw ticks just like Jorden’s when he’s ticked off. I take it back,
he is not sweet. He looks more threatening than Jorden but I
will not back down.
“Damn it, Quincy! You’re just like Nana!” he bursts out,
breaking eye contact.
And that’s an insult, how? Like I said before, my Nana was
awesome. “Thank you,” I say with a sugary sweet smile and I
fold my arms across my chest to let him know that I’m not
wearing that hoodie unless he has a good reason for it.
“Jorden told me that they sent trackers after you. If they’re
here, this...thing will hide you and mask your scent.” He looks
at the garment as if he wants to murder it. It’s obvious that he
doesn’t like the hoodie either.
I sigh in defeat. I thought that I’m finally free from them here. I
almost gag when I put the hoodie on. The cloyingly sweet and
pungent smell is overwhelming. Oh, God, they don’t have to
find me. The smell alone could’ve killed me.
“Wow, is this the original Eau de toilet?” Seriously, the smell is
bad. I’ve no doubt that the Satan himself will gag at the smell.
It will totally repel any hot normal man on campus. “There
goes my chance of ever marrying a normal human man and
having cute normal human babies.”
He shakes his head as if he’s dealing with a silly little kid and
ignores my little comments. “Jorden thought that you’ve
managed to shake them off but I want you to wear it just in
case,” he explains. “At least until after I scout the area out to
make sure that they’re not here.”
To be honest, I’d rather die soaked in my own sweat and
choked on the awful saccharine smell of this big ugly hoodie
rather than being hauled back to the pack house. The thought
of being mated to the old Mr. Maddox makes my skin crawl
and I quickly pull the hood over my head despite the smell and
the sweltering heat.
Jonah gathers the front of the hoodie together and pulls the
zipper up. “I look like a hobo,” I tell him. Not to mention smell
like one. “Don’t you have anything prettier?” The bottom of the
hoodie almost reaches my knees. I fold the sleeves up several
times. “I like purple better. Remember to get purple next time.”
“Try not to draw attention to yourself,” he says, ignoring my
Seriously? Wearing this thing in this heat? “Sure, I’ll blend
right in...and the smell. Yeah, totally won’t be drawing
Jonah stares at me like he’s unsure if I was losing my mind or
being a total smartass.
Oh, god, I’m going to die of heatstroke, I swear, and it’s not
even noon yet. I’ve attended one class so far and now I’m
heading for my second in the next building. All morning I’ve
been tugging the hood all the way down to cover my face,
especially when I see a hot looking guy walking past. I know, I
know that’s totally the opposite of what other normal, straight
human girls are doing but I don’t want them to see the weirdo
underneath the stinky ugly hoodie. So much for being normal.
Think positive. Think positive. Oh yeah, well...at least I don’t
have to worry about birth control and stuff. Who needs birth
control when you have a hobo hoodie on? Yup, that’s right. I’m
calling it a hobo hoodie. Nana would be so proud. This is a
great way to start my new life here as Queen Normal. It's
“Oh god, somebody must’ve taken a bath in cheap perfume,”
says a brunette in a yellow sundress, waving her hand in front
of her nose. The three girls in front of me make a point of
turning to look at me before they burst out laughing.
Oh, great! We have a joker in the house. This is my second
lecture of the day and I’ve made a point of finding a seat at a
corner near the wall, as far away from everybody else in this big
auditorium as possible. I was early and it was peaceful until
these three girls slip in a row right in front of me.
“Maybe she slipped and fell into a cheap perfume factory,”
answers another one in a floral sundress. Wow! Funny! My
bad, two jokers.
“Maybe somebody forgot to take a shower and tried to mask
her BO with cheap perfume,” adds the third, who is also in a
“Ewww.” I hear them say. The sundress squad moves a few
seats away and keep whispering and giggling while giving me
sly looks once in a while. I know they’re still talking and
making fun of me but...whatever. Sticks and stones may break
my bones as Nana used to say. Yeah, be nice. Be nice, Quincy.
This is only the first day, be nice. I pull the hood more securely
over my head while slowly bring my middle finger out and flip
them. I hear their gasps of shock and indignation. Bitches!
I tip my chin up and smirk at those girls...and that’s when my
eyes catch the sight of him. My heart jolts in my chest and my
stomach dips the moment my eyes land on them...him.
He is very tall, taller than my cousin Jonah. If not for his height
and looks, the way he walks definitely draws attention. Stalking
in like he owned the place. So much confidence and elegance. A
mesmerizing mix of regal and predatory.
The world around me fades away and I suddenly find myself
involuntarily standing up. I quickly sit myself back down and
try to calm my frenzied heartbeat. It’s hard to think, my
stomach is rolling and my body is shaking. My breathing is
labored. What is wrong with me? He’s like a magnet pulling me
in. Oh, god, what’s going on?
The two newcomers keep moving further into the room and
there’s no way that anybody would be able to ignore such
presence. The buzz of conversation almost falls into a hush. I
know all eyes are now on them, just like mine.
“Oh. My. God,” says one of the girls who was talking about me.
“I know right?” I vaguely hear her friend says breathlessly.
I know what she means too. He is definitely the most beautiful
creature I’ve ever seen. It’s hard not to notice the way his white
t-shirt clings tightly to his broad shoulders and chest and
tapered down to the flat stomach. The way the designer jeans
molded beautifully to his long legs and tight butt. Dayyumm!
Bad Quincy! look away, Quincy. Look away.
I’m aware of a stunningly beautiful redhead walking next to
him but I can’t take my eyes off of him. My eyes track the two
of them all the way to their seats. I curl my fingers into fists
and wrap my shaking arms around myself.
They seat themselves right in the middle of the back row, quite
far away from where I’m sitting and a lot of the other students
move to sit closer to them. Like a moth to a flame.
Everything about them screams elegance, wealth, and power.
These people around me can’t sense it, but I sense dangerous
vibes coming out of them in waves. I don’t necessarily feel
threatened or feel like I’m in any kind of danger from them but
I know they’re dangerous. Deadly dangerous.
Even with that knowledge, I still can’t keep myself from staring
at him from underneath my hood.
My eyes move from his strong aristocratic nose to the high
cheekbones and sharp angular jaw. Sharp contours of his face
make it seems like it’s carved from granite. His silky shiny
golden blond hair is streaked with lighter golden locks and
perfectly styled. His smooth flawless golden tan skin glows. A
golden god, that's what he is.
He’s looking bored. He sits back, draping his magnificent body
on the chair behind him lazily and scans the people around him
with lack of interest. Like he's some kind of a king. Like we’re
beneath him. A mix of haughty and boredom. For some reason,
the bored-haughty expression on his face is totally sexy.
I don’t know what color his eyes are from here but even from
this distance, the eyes under those strong prominent eyebrows
seem piercing. His cursory glance skims over me without
stopping even for a beat, dismissing me as unimportant and of
no interest. For some reason, that makes my heart aches.
I see his eyes linger on some of the pretty human girls who are
now showing him more skin than they should as they flock to
sit closer to him. His companion, the gorgeous redhead rolls
her eyes and say something in his ear. His sexy sensual lips curl
up into a little smirk before he looks around in boredom again.
Quincy! Keep your head and stay away! I could almost hear
Nana’s voice in my head now. Yeah, I know it’s totally not
healthy to be hearing voices in my head especially of someone
who’s already gone but hey, I never claim to be right in the
head and now I’m totally going bonkers!
I wonder if the redhead is his mate or something. Ughh...why
does the thought make me feel sick?
I manage to drag my eyes away from him when our Professor
enters the room. As soon as the middle age professor turns
around to write on the board, my eyes return to look at the
golden blond god again.
How can he look so sexy, flicking the pen like that? Everything
he does look freaking sexy. No, no, no...this is not happening!
Normal human man. Normal human man. Remember normal
human man, Quincy. No lusting over...whatever creature he is.
I stare at the blank notepad in front of me. Oh, Quincy what are
you doing??? Pay attention! So far, all I’ve gotten from this
class today is that my lecturer’s name is Professor Harrison.
Yup, that is a very useful information for my exam.
No matter how much I try, I keep finding my eyes straying
toward him.
Now I’m noticing how long his legs are, spread out underneath
the table or how good they look encased in those blue jeans.
By the end of the lecture, I’m fuming. I’m so mad and
frustrated with myself I could cry. I have no clue what was
being taught today. Why? Why Quincy? He’s not even
interested in you, not even in the slightest...which is good. Very
good. Absolutely, awesomely good. Totally!
I am very sure those two are not human. They're not
werewolves either. What are they? Nope, I should not care. It
doesn’t matter what they are. What really matters is, I should
stay away from anything that’s not human. Insanely sexy and
stupidly gorgeous though he may be.
I sigh as I gather my things together. Why am I so drawn to
him? Why are the “not normal” ones have to be so darn
gorgeous and attractive?
*Sorry, a bit late today. I wasn't happy with the
chapter so I made a lot of last-minute changes. Hope
you like it though. Next update Friday again. Have a
wonderful weekend you beautiful wonderful people!
Chapter 6 - Time Crunch
Colorful strobing lights are flashing in tune with the upbeat
modern music. The decor is classic and very rich in silk and
velvet. Overhead, glittering chandeliers are hanging from the
ceiling by steel chains and women in sparkling heels, tiny
shimmering g-strings and nothing else are swinging and
dancing on each one of them.
Half-naked bodies of beautiful lycan patrons are swaying on
the dance floor everywhere. This club is exclusively for lycans
but once in a while, you’ll spot a werewolf in the mix.
I’m glad that here, I’m just another lycan. Nobody knows that
I’m a prince. Somewhere in here, my security detail is watching
me. They’re so good at being discreet that even I can hardly
spot them.
I stare at the brooding man sitting in front of me. Commander
Darius Rykov, one of my very few trusted friends. He just
arrived this evening. His face is unreadable but I can tell that
his mind is miles away. More precisely where his erasthai is
right now. His erasthai, Penny totally ignored him, left the
house not ten minutes after his arrival to go to some frat party.
I dragged him here after Penny left. I can see that this is the
last place he wants to be.
Penny is a werewolf and we are a pack of lycans. Lycans are
different from regular werewolves. We are smaller in number
compared to humans and werewolves but we are the strongest.
We, lycans, also live for centuries. While Fae folks grow
normally like humans until they hit the age of sixteen, we
lycans stop aging like humans at the age of eighteen.
We are the direct descendants of the moon goddess, so we are
treated with reverence in the werewolf world. However, we’re
not given mates chosen for us by the moon goddess like
werewolves. We are blessed or cursed, depends on how you
look at it, with erasthais. The one that our souls call for. The
one that could be the end of us or the one to make us whole.
Our erasthai could be anyone; another lycan, a werewolf, a
human, or a faery. We could claim them, mark them, and take
them away, no matter if they’re already mated or married to
another. Of course, we’re free to mate with anyone other than
our erasthai, but the bond would never be as strong as or the
same as with our erasthai. Once we marked them, the
werewolf, human, or faery of our choosing would gradually
turn into a lycan.
Penny and Darius met each other three years ago and felt the
erasthai pull right away. Penny was crazy about him but for
some reason, he refused to mark her. Darius even went as far
as telling her that he’s marking another woman. The idiot. She
waited for him. She tried everything to try to get him to accept
her. My brave Beany. Something must have happened a couple
of months ago that made Penny finally stopped trying. She’s
out there trying to move on and forget about him.
I take another sip of my drink and realize that it’s empty, so I
lift two fingers up to beckon a passing waitress over.
Her smile turns seductive and her hips sway even more when
she sees us. Her black silk waitress uniform barely covers any
essential parts of her body and her eyes are a pure invitation.
“Good evening, gentlemen,” she says. “What is your poison?
Just name it.” Her tone implies that she is also on the menu.
“Dirty martini, wet, shaken, straight up,” I tell her, curving my
lips up into a tiny smile.
Always be nice to people who handle your food and your
“And what about you, sir?” she directs her question to the
stony-faced warrior.
“Whiskey, neat,” answers Darius. His tone is curt and his face
doesn’t encourage any flirting. Yup, this is the last place he
wants to be right now and I’m the devil who brought him here.
“Right. I’ll be right back, mon chérie,” she says with a lilt to her
voice. If she notices his curt and unfriendly demeanor, she’s
doing a good job at ignoring it. She winks and walks away with
that exaggerated sway of her hips. She glances back over her
shoulder after a few steps and when she sees that my eyes are
still on her curvy ass, her coy smile widens.
I steeple my fingers together and turn my attention back to my
friend, Darius. “So, why are you really here, Commander
Rykov? Personal or official, my friend? Is there really a new
serious threat to our safety?”
I know very well that whatever threat we’re having, my pack
and our own security team are capable of handling it. Whatever
brought him here, to the USA all the way from Russia, must
have something to do with our conversation a week ago when I
let it slipped that his erasthai, Penny is out partying with
random human men. The slip might or might not be accidental.
It’s true. She comes home reeking of cheap booze and various
human men every weekend. I try not to interfere, but Penny, or
Beany as I call her, is miserable. Even though his demeanor is
unreadable, his feelings impenetrable, I can tell that the
warrior in front of me is miserable as well.
Before he has the chance to answer me, two women approach
our table. “Hello there, gentlemen,” purrs one of the ladies.
“Would you two fine gentlemen mind if we join you?” asks her
friend. Already, one of her hands dances over Darius’s broad
“I’d rather you not,” says my friend coldly and I hide my smile
behind my joint fingers. I have to give it to the man, though,
he’s composer is flawless. Not a single muscle betrays how he
really feels. Only his tone indicates that he’s pissed off and
wants nothing to do with any other females, which is typical
with lycans who’ve met their erasthais. He’s smitten with my
Beanie. If only he stopped being stupid and mark her already.
The woman looks offended and grabs her friend’s hand to drag
her away. Her friend gives me a lingering look and I give her a
smile and a wink before she reluctantly follows her friend back
to their table.
“So, does she bring men home with her after every party?” asks
Darius. Ahh...now we’re talking about Penny.
“No,” I tell him. I watch his jaw and shoulders relaxed a tiny
bit. “But then again she might spend time at their place. Who
knows.” I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly.
I suddenly feel the heat of his fury. “Hey, where are you going?”
I call out to him when he stands up suddenly. My own smile
I suspect that if I wasn’t one of his closest friends and also the
next king of werewolves and lycans whom he supposed to
protect, he would have snapped my head off for being an
*sshole and for bringing him here.
“Out of this hellhole,” he growls, walking away. I hope he’ll
make the right decision soon. I want them both in my pack. In
my mind, Beany is already ours.
I rub my face and my neck after he disappears behind the
swaying crowd. What am I still doing here? We’ve been in
California for close to a month now and I still haven’t seen any
indications that my erasthai is here. I’d like to just up and go
but I know my friends, especially Penny would have my head.
We just moved to California but my erasthai is not here. If she’s
here I would’ve seen her.
Still, my lycan is restless. I normally trust my lycan instinct. It
has never steered me wrong. Something doesn’t add up but I
can’t stay here forever. Like it or not, very soon I think we’re
moving on. Another dart on the map, perhaps? Beany is going
to kill me. If she didn’t get to me first, I suspect, Red would.
I didn’t tell my pack mates but I’m in a time crunch. I’ve made
a deal with my mother, Queen Sophia that I’ll take Lady Celeste
as my mate and take my rightful place as king if I didn’t find
my erasthai within the next three years. My mother talked my
father, King Alexandros into agreeing to Rule of Seven to find a
new King if I refused. It’s a barbaric, outdated rule. Hell, I
know what that would do to our kind. The violence could spill
to the human world. I might be an *sshole, but I’m an *sshole
that can’t let that happen. I will not let that happen.
Very soon, the same waitress appears with my drink.
“I’m back, as promised,” she says. “Oh, your friend is gone?”
she asks as she places our drinks on the table beside me. “Well,
too bad. Anything else I can get you, sir?”
“No, that’s all,” I tell her.
“Are you sure I can’t get you anything else?” Her voice becomes
breathier in my ear and she slinks into my lap while her hands
slither across my chest and my shoulder.
I sit back, rest my arms on the armrest of my chair, and slide
my index finger across my lips. Watching her. She presses her
breasts against my chest and grinds her lower body against my
crotch. Her eyes flicker up to look at me with a naughty glint
and she licks her lips seductively as she grinds harder.
I’ve made up my mind. “Yeah, I’m sure.” I sit up and guide her
to stand up. I raise the glass to my lips and drain it in one gulp,
then I throw some money on the table. I think it’s time to go
home. Alone.
Truth is, I’m tired of all this. Bored and restless. Different
centuries, different countries. Same shit.
*My next update next week will be earlier (Tuesday).
This chapter will tell you the approximate timeframe
if you’ve read Fighting Darius.
Chapter 7 - The Birds and The Bees
I drop my bag at the foot of the bed, peel the hobo hoodie off
me and fling it into the far corner of the room. I flop myself
onto my bed with a resigned sigh.
I’ve been to several job interviews in the last few weeks. Today
was my seventh but I could tell right away that they’re not
interested in hiring me.
I'm not being ambitious or anything. I’m not aiming for a high
flying job at all, more like flipping burgers and stuff. Initially, I
had been searching for jobs on the web. Yesterday and today, I
just walked around town and went in whenever I saw a help
wanted sign on the window.
Hobo hoodie is lying in a heap on the floor like an old rag. I
glare at it for a full minute, then I sigh in frustration. We have a
love-hate relationship. Hobo hoodie and I. It’s complicated. I
wanna break up with it but then I need it. I want to burn it but
then I don’t. See? It’s complicated.
The trouble is, I don’t think I can score any job with hobo
hoodie on. I wish I can ditch it but I think I saw one of Loup
Noir pack members on campus on my very first day of school
during lunch, a few weeks ago. It was just for a split second.
Like a coward, I took off. I didn’t stick around. Call me crazy
but I didn't feel like getting re-acquainted and talk about the
weather or exchange contact information with the guy. No,
thank you. Jonah confirmed the night after that they were here.
So, love it or hate it, hobo hoodie is keeping me safe.
Jonah keeps telling me not to bother looking for any jobs yet
because it’s not safe but I can’t go on sponging off my cousin.
He keeps buying me food. I also learned that this house
belongs to him and he refused to take my rent money. A week
before, he drove me to school and gave me a bus pass for the
whole semester. Last week when he offered me money after
another failed interview, I almost had a melt-down. He shook
his head and called me abnormal. He stated that he never met
anybody who had a melt-down after being offered money. Then
he slipped the money into my swear jar and left.
It’s not really about the money. It’s about not having my life
controlled by Loup Noir Pack anymore. I want to be free of
them. Why can’t they just leave me alone? I just want to be
normal. Werewolves and those other creatures are trouble.
They make my life hard and sometimes I can’t deal, no matter
how many times I keep counting my blessings. Jonah and
Jorden are the only two “not normal” people that I can allow in
my life right now.
After a shower, I put on a baggy t-shirt and pajama shorts and
wander into the living room. It’s already after eight but nobody
else is home. The house is very quiet and in total darkness
except for the light from my bedroom. So I turn the lights and
the TV on and plonk myself on the sofa and try to read.
It’s no use, really. My mind keeps drifting back to a certain
non-human golden god. I learned that his name is Caspian.
Lord, even his name is sexy. I hear girls talking about him all
the time. It’s been a few weeks since the first time I saw him. I
still see him once a week in that lecture hall. I’ve seen him
around campus a few times since then too. He’s almost always
in the company of these three stunningly beautiful girls,
turning heads wherever they go. Not one of them is human. If
he’s not with any of them, he’s always surrounded by human
girls who compete for his attention. Some of them look so
desperate, it’s embarrassing. There are times when he seems to
ignore their attention and looks so bored but there are days
when he seems to be enjoying it. His eyes linger on the breasts
almost spilling over the top or the legs under the shorts and
skirts so tiny they might as well be invisible. Uggh...it’s
Maybe it’s my own fault. I should stop watching him. I feel like
a creeper watching him like that but I can’t help it. I vow not to
be one of those girls who fawn over him and make a fool of
myself no matter how fvcking gorgeous he is.
I can’t seem to get him out of my mind and it’s driving me
crazy. Why am I so drawn to him? I know that he’s gorgeous
but this is stupid. I don’t want to be drawn to him.
Wait. Is my book upside down? I throw the book on the sofa in
frustration just as Jonah’s Jeep pulls in. The lights from his
Jeep flare into the living room through the slits of the blinds.
He kills the engine and not a minute later he walks in.
“I’m going to order Chinese. What do you want?” he asks,
walking past me across the living room. Just like Jonah.
"Hello" and "how are you" don't exist in his vocab.
“Anything you’re having.” I know that I won’t be paying and it
feels wrong to ask for anything. Besides, I’ll eat anything on the
menu. Food is food. I’m easy like that.
Jonah disappears into his room and I hear him making his
order on the phone before he closes the door. Twenty minutes
later, he joins me on the sofa. His hair is damp from the
shower. He looks relaxed in his tan shorts and a grey short
sleeved t-shirt. He reaches behind me for the remote control
and starts to change the channel.
“Jonah, do you think they’re gone by now?”
He doesn’t answer me. He just keeps changing the channel.
Sometimes I think changing the channel is his hobby. He
doesn’t really watch anything, he just changes the channel.
Sometimes he stops when he sees something interesting and
just when I start to get into the show, he changes the channel
again. He’s crazy like that. Sometimes I suspect that he’s doing
that just to annoy the crap out of me.
“Jonah!” I tug his arm. “Do you think Loup Noir Pack trackers
are gone now?”
Still, he ignores me but he stops at ESPN to watch the sports
“Jonah. Jonaaah! Jonaaaah!!! I start poking his arm with my
index finger.
“Goddess, you are annoying!” he says.
Of course, I am. What’s with him stating the obvious now? “If
you just answer my question like normal people do, then I
don’t have to be too annoying now, do I?”
He just grunts, scowling at the TV now. He starts changing the
channel again and I’m getting impatient, so I pluck the remote
from his hand.
“Are they gone? Yes or no?” I ask him. “Jonah, just say yes or
“Just keep wearing the hoodie,” he says, snatching the remote
from my hand.
“But it stinks and it's ugly and I can’t get a job wearing it,” I
protest. “They’re gone now, aren’t they?”
He grunts again and keeps changing the channel.
Is that a yes or a no? This is so confusing. He refuses to answer
the simple question. He even refuses to look at me now.
Suddenly dawns on me. They’re gone! They’ve probably been
gone for weeks now. Jonah just wants me to keep wearing hobo
“Why didn’t you tell me they’re gone? Why d’you let me keep
wearing that ugly *ss hoodie?” I ask him. “Jonah?”
“That hoodie will keep you out of trouble. It will keep those
college pricks from looking at you. You don’t know what they
are like. They’ve got one thing in their minds when they see
girls like---”
“Really? For real, Jonah? Are you going to teach me about the
ways of the birds and the bees now?”
I am slightly mad that he made me wear hobo hoodie for longer
than necessary but never have I seen Jonah more
uncomfortable than he is right now. His face pulls back into a
painful grimace when I mentioned “the birds and the bees”. It’s
so comical and payback is a bitch, so I innocently say, “Nana
sat me down for the birds and the bees talk once. She told me
about how they make babies. Daddy part goes into mummy
part, then they go---”
“Enough!” he says, springing up from the sofa. His face is
slightly red. I slap my hands over my mouth to muffle my
laugh. Oh, god, that’s the funniest thing ever!
Jonah looks so relieved when the doorbell rings. He can’t get
away fast enough to answer the door. The food has arrived.
He should be thankful that I didn’t give him the real version of
Nana’s birds and bees talk that happened when I was eight. She
left me quite shaken and made me look at boys suspiciously
and pregnant women with sympathy for the next couple of
years after the talk.
We spread the egg rolls, shrimp low mien, chicken fried rice,
honey garlic spare ribs, beef and broccoli, and Kung Pau
chicken on the coffee table in front of us.
“Wow, this is a lot of food,” I comment.
“Are you complaining now?” he asks me.
“Nope, never,” I say quickly, shaking my head vehemently.
“Nana used to say, when it comes to food, a lot yes. Never
enough,” I tell him.
He grunts in agreement, then we eat in silence. I’m still trying
to wrap my head around the thought that I’m finally free of
hobo hoodie. So all this time, Jonah just wanted to stop me
from meeting men...or rather men from seeing me. I can’t help
but plan what I’m going to wear to class on Monday. I suspect
that Jonah is just relieved that I’m no longer bugging him
about birds the bees...and daddy part and mummy part.
After we eat, we clean up and watch tv for a little bit. Then
Jonah disappears into his bedroom. A few minutes later, he
comes out of his bedroom wearing the same grey t-shirt but
with a pair of black jeans and biker boots.
“Where are you going?” I ask him.
“Out? Are you going out to a party? Can I come?” I ask him
eagerly. “Please? Can I come? I’ll be good, I promise. I’ll be
super good. I’ll be super suuuper good. Please? Please?”
“I can be your wingman...or wingwoman.”
I smell food even before I open my eyes. The morning sunlight
is filtering through the gaps in the blinds. Saturday. How I love
Saturday. The clock on the wall shows that it’s just after eight
in the morning. Too early to get up, but the smell of food is
making my mouth water. Hmmm...food or bed. Such tough
decisions so early in the morning. The struggle. Life is unfair.
I’ve finally come to a decision after ten minutes of debating.
That’s it! My stomach is growling.
Layla is standing by the stove making breakfast. Scrambled
eggs and hash browns. The smell of coffee in the percolator is
“Good morning, sleepyhead!” says Layla cheerfully.
“Morning, Layla. God, woman, you’re making breakfast! I
could marry you,” I tell her. “If I swing that way.”
Layla laughs while Isaac, who is tucking in his breakfast at the
small breakfast table gives me a wink. Mainly because his
mouth is full. Lana who is popping the bread into the toaster
just ignores us.
I get along better with Isaac these days. He doesn’t flirt with
me as much anymore. I think Jonah might have something to
do with it. Lana mostly ignores me, which I don’t mind at all.
“It would be better if you cook us bacon as well,” Isaac says,
looking at Layla hopefully.
“I don’t eat bacon. You want bacon, you cook it yourself,”
replies Layla.
Layla is plating our food near Isaac when the door to Jonah’s
bedroom swings open and a girl about my age comes strolling
out. She’s wearing a red and white flannel shirt, tied at the
waist, Daisy Dukes, and cowboy boots. Her dirty blond hair
looks stiff and stuck to one side of her head and she has a bit of
eyeliner and mascara smeared underneath her eyes. If this is
not a walk of shame, I don’t know what is.
“Hello,” she says with a big happy smile. Very friendly, this girl.
“I thought he had a different girlfriend last weekend,” I whisper
to Layla as the strange girl peeks at the food on the stove.
“He has a different girl every week,” Isaac whispers to me with
a smirk. “None of them is his girlfriend. Oh uh, drama. Watch.”
“Why are you still here?” asks Lana. “He doesn’t offer breakfast
for an easy lay." Her eyes shooting daggers at the girl. The girl
reels back as if she’s been slapped and I can see that she’s
struggling to come up with a comeback.
I think there’s something close to jealousy and hurt in Lana’s
expression when she looks at Jonah walking out of his room
with a set of keys dangling from his fingers.
“Ready, Lisa? I have someplace else to be,” says Jonah.
“It’s Abby,” replies the girl. “My name is Abby.”
“Sure,” says Jonah with a shrug as if it doesn’t matter.
“I’ll go get my purse and my phone. They’re still in your room,”
the girl, Abby answers with a pout.
Isaac, Layla and I just sit silently watching with our mouths
wide open. Suddenly, a realization sets in. My cousin is a
manwhore! I can see that it’s not hard for him to find willing
girls in this college area.
I run a critical eye over my cousin for the first time, try to see
him the way other girls see him. He’s not bad looking in that
rough around the edges kinda way. Tall with shiny dark hair,
piercing dark brown eyes, chiseled features, golden tanned
skin, a muscled body with tattoos, pierced ears, a lip ring. I
guess some girls might even say that he’s hot...but he’s my
cousin, so, Ewww.
“Hey, do STDs only affect humans or do they
affect...errr...other creatures too?” I ask Jonah when he steals a
bite of my scrambled eggs. By other creatures, I mean
“What’s with the judgy question?”
Judgy question? I thought that was a legitimate concern.
“Somebody’s touchy,” I sing.
“You’re very annoying,” he says. That’s true but what’s with
him stating the obvious?
It’s Monday morning and I’m humming to myself as I get ready
for class. Most people hate Mondays, but I don’t mind it even
though I do like Saturdays better. I’m actually looking forward
to this one especially since today, for the first time, I’m no
longer wearing the abominable hobo hoodie to college.
I have on a cute little white sundress this morning. It has pink
roses print around the hem and the neckline. I put my hair into
a loose side fishtail hair braid, smooth some lipgloss on my lips
and wear a pair of strappy tan sandals on my feet. I adjust the
tiny white gold chain around my neck. A small round pendant
engraved with the letter Q is hanging on it. It was a gift from
Nana and it’s been around my neck for as long as I can
Layla’s bed is already made. She is already up this morning
even though she doesn’t have morning classes today. I try not
to call myself a sexy beast again after that first day just in case
Layla is listening.
Jonah looks at me disapprovingly when I step out of my room.
I try not to roll my eyes. Jonah is acting like such a dad and
he’s not even old enough to be my father. He wants to keep me
covered in that hobo hoodie so that I will stay hidden from
men. He wants me to stay away from parties. He probably
would have liked to keep me locked in my room till I’m eighty if
he could.
Too bad I have other plans that include normal hot human
men....lots of them. I don’t have a mate like werewolves, so I
have to kiss lots of frogs and toads before I find my Prince
Charming, right?
The image of the golden blond god flashes in my mind. Oh, no
no no...he’s no Prince Charming. He’s exactly the type to stay
away from. I hate that I can’t keep him out of my mind. I even
dream about him some nights. I’d rather poke my eyeballs with
a spork rather than admit this to another living soul.
My first class without my hobo hoodie is going well so far. I
haven’t made any friends yet but a few girls smile at me and I
catch a couple of guys checking me out. It feels good because I
felt invisible when I was in my hobo hoodie. Call me vain but
I’m not used to feeling invisible. I know I’m not a sexy beast
but I know I’m not ugly. Besides, I’m a very friendly
person...despite being a tad annoying.
“Hi, I’m Evelyn,” whispers a girl sitting beside me at the end of
the lecture. She has an open friendly smile and kind but
mischievous eyes. Her short dark brown hair brushes her
“Quincy,” I tell her.
“Nice to meet you, Quincy. This is my friend Travis,” she says.
“He’s been bugging me to talk to you.”
I raise an eyebrow and lean over to look at the guy sitting
beside her. He kicks her leg and she laughs. “Owww...Sorry, I
wasn’t supposed to tell you that. Owww...” I think he kicks her
leg again under the table.
Travis is really cute in a nerdy type of way. He’s skinny with
dark-rimmed glasses on. He could be Clark Kent if Clark Kent
was skinny and had blushing red cheeks. Totally adorable.
Both Evelyn and Travis are totally human. Just what I need.
Evelyn and Travis are best friends since high school and now
they’re my first two friends at college. How awesome is that? I
spend time talking and making plans to join their study group
and now I’m a bit late for my second class. Well, not really late
but I'm usually very early for it. Today, I'm actually just on
time. I run to the next building and nearly sag in relief when I
join the large group of students rushing to get in through the
door of the lecture hall.
My eyes are automatically drawn to the magnificent figure
lounging lazily and carelessly as usual on the chair in the
middle of the auditorium as I enter the hall. That golden god.
How my heart squeezes and my stomach clenches every time I
see him.
He’s wearing a white polo shirt that stretches tight across his
chest. His golden locks perfectly in place as usual. The wind
blows in through the open doorway and suddenly he’s sitting
up straight. He lifts his face up like he’s sniffing the air and his
nostrils flare. Like a predator smelling its prey. He turns his
face and his eyes scan the crowd. His intense, searching eyes
stop when they land on me. Dark and fierce. I feel the air shifts
around me.
*Sorry to leave you on that note. I have a hectic few
days and a bit of traveling to do this week. I hope you
like the chapter, though. My next update will be next
Tuesday if not sooner. Have a wonderful week, my
Chapter 8 - The Trap
I slump on the ground with my back against the door of our
house. My heartbeat is slowing down close to
I bang the back of my head on the door I’m leaning against
over and over again. I close my eyes and remember his intense
gaze that held me captive. Those eyes. How my heart slammed
in my chest. He stared at me as if captivated and I couldn’t pull
my own eyes away. I stood there by the door of the lecture hall,
trapped. I forgot how to move or breathe. The rest of the world
faded away. Just him and me. I have no idea how long we were
staring at each other for but somebody slammed into me from
behind and that brought me back out of my trance. That fierce
hungry look on his beautiful face brought fight or flight instinct
in me. I chose flight. I turned back around and ran like a bat
out of hell.
I remember how I got back here. I recall running and losing
myself in the crowd of students who were entering a lecture
hall. I let myself to be swept away by the crowd. I went in
through one door and out the other. Running. Running.
Getting on the bus. Walking back here, and now here I am,
trying to make sense of everything that just happened. What
did just happen? Did it really happen? Why? Did he really run
after me or his footsteps behind me was just my imagination?
What have I got myself into? What did I do?
Oh god, I just missed my class.
I sit on the front step of the house for quite a while. Thinking.
Just thinking. God knows me and thinking are not a good
combination. After I got my breathing and heartbeat close to
normal, I slowly get up and unlock the front door.
Isaac is home, chewing on a sandwich while watching a
youtube video on his phone. “What are you doing home?” he
asks in surprise when he sees me. “Don’t you have a class or
“Uh...I skipped today,” I tell him.
“Why? You sick?”
“I’m not feeling too well.” Yeah, let’s go with that. I’m feeling
very confused, having breathless moments and heart
palpitations, excited and sorta scared. That counts as not
feeling too well, does it?
“You’re not wearing that hoodie anymore,” he observes.
“Wow, you’re one of those,” I say.
“One of what?”
“Captain Obvious’s crews.”
“I am,” he replies proudly.
“Hey, Isaac? What does that hoodie do to you? What does it
smell like to werewolves? Does it smell bad to you?”
“It doesn’t do anything to me. It does something for the person
who’s wearing it. It’s not exactly a pleasant smell. Obviously.”
“Obviously.” I roll my eyes. “What does it do to the person
who’s wearing it?”
“It changes your smell,” he explains. “It makes you smell like
an Omega. An uninteresting harmless Omega and that makes
us ignore you. The more powerful the werewolf is, the more
insignificant whoever is wearing the hoodie seems. So, to an
Alpha, you might as well be invisible.”
Wow. I have no idea. I take some time to mull over that
information. Now my respect for hobo hoodie seems to grow
despite the foul smell. “How did Jonah get the hoodie?”
“No idea,” he says, going back to his sandwich.
“Why are you home?” I ask him, changing the subject
“I’m meeting a client at noon. I figure I’ll grab something to eat
at home before I go.”
Wait. What? “Client? Isaac, what do you do?”
“I’m a real estate agent,” he answers. For real???
“What?” he asks me when I just gap at him in surprise.
He is dressed nicely in a crisp white dress shirt and dress pants
but I would never, in a million years, peg him as a real estate
“Wow! The look on your face right now? That’s insulting,” he
says, taking another huge bite of his sandwich.
“Am I hurting your fragile ego and feelings?”
“Yes. Yes, you’re hurting my feelings.”
“How long have you been doing this gig?”
“Gig.” I hear him mutter under his breath between chewing.
“Not too long. I am just starting out.”
“Hmmm...what does Jonah do for a living?” I ask him
“No idea. If you haven’t noticed, he’s not exactly a chatty
Charlie. He’s got that scary Alpha vibe going even though I
heard that his father was a Beta or something. Not many
people have the guts to talk to him the way you do,” he
answers. “That first day you’re here? He told me he’d bust my
balls if I tried anything on you. Don’t get me wrong, you’re hot
and all that but I love my balls.”
Aaahhh...I suspected Jonah had something to do with that.
"Hey, Isaac, what are you watching?” I gesture towards the
youtube video on his phone.
“Cat video. Cats are funny. Wanna watch it with me? I got a few
more minutes.”
“Sure,” I answer. “Umm...Wow! That’s a lot of sandwiches,” I
tell him. “You know, my Nana used to say, sharing is caring.”
“Good to know.”
“Feel like sharing?”
“Not a chance. Make your own.”
Tuesday morning. Everybody, except for Lana is in the kitchen,
having breakfast. Jonah looks at me with approval when he
sees me enter the kitchen wearing hobo hoodie. Layla
scrunches her nose in disgust while Isaac smirks, looking
“Are you back to wearing that again?” complains Layla. “Girl,
why are you hiding all that fabulousness behind that ugly
“Shut up, Layla. There’s nothing wrong with the hoodie,” snaps
Jonah. Layla lowers her head to look down at her cereal bowl
but I catch her rolling her eyes secretly before she does.
For the next few days, I’m back to wearing the hoodie while
constantly looking around for the golden god who takes up a
lot of space in my brain. Too much space. He’s taking over the
reserved space for my education and I only have so much.
Apparently, obsessing over a golden-haired god is not good for
comprehending and retaining new information in class.
I keep remembering the look on his face when he was looking
at me. It plays like a scene in a movie on repeat in my mind. My
heartbeat increases and my stomach lurches every time I
remember it.
At night, I dream of his fierce, gorgeous face turning to look at
me and pinning me to the spot with his look. I try to run but
my feet are so slow and heavy. It feels like I was running in
quicksand while he’s chasing after me, closing in on me. I wake
up with my heart racing fast...only partly from fear though,
mostly from excitement. A part of me wants him to catch me,
which is ridiculous. Right?
It’s surprising that I haven’t seen him at all during the last few
days that I’m wearing hobo hoodie. On Tuesday, the day I start
wearing hobo hoodie again, I thought I saw him everywhere. It
doesn’t help that I can’t stop looking around for him. Every tall
blond head I spot in the crowd got my heart racing. By
Thursday I still haven’t seen him around campus at all and that
got me very suspicious and paranoid. What if it’s a trap? By
Friday, I wonder if it’s someone else that he was looking at.
Saturday and Sunday, I convince myself that it didn’t really
happen. He didn’t look at me like he was about to pounce on
me. It was all in my head. I mean, why would he do that? There
are so many beautiful girls around and they're literally
throwing themselves at his feet. Why would he be paying
attention to me, right? That’s just insane.
By Monday, I’m totally convinced that my mind was playing a
trick on me. The whole thing didn’t really happen. However,
my cowardly ass totally skipped the classes that day including
the one that I shared with him, just in case. We have a 5 classes
limit that we’re allowed to skip every semester and I'm cashing
them in.
By Tuesday morning, I decided that enough is enough. I'm not
missing any more classes and as much as I respect hobo
hoodie, I'm not in love with it. At some point, we have to go our
separate ways.
I step out of my room wearing a pair of denim shorts (for easy
running), a light blue, pink, and white striped cotton top that
reminds me of candies, and a pair of white Converse. I leave
my hair down. I stuff the rolled up hobo hoodie in my bag...just
in case.
Jonah frowns when he sees what I’m wearing but doesn’t say a
“Aren’t you going to have breakfast before you go?” asks Layla
who is munching on her cereal.
“Nope, no time. I’m running a bit late this morning.” I have to
catch a seven thirty bus before I miss it. I plan to stop at the
library to get some books and do some research for one of my
assignments before I have to go to my first class at nine this
“I’ll drive you to class,” says Jonah. I just nod and follow him
out. It’s really no use arguing with Jonah. If he says he’ll drive
you, you better just go with it before he just picks you up and
deposits you in his car like a sack of potatoes. Darn
neanderthal werewolves.
I smile as I enter Club Espresso Degree, a popular cafe on
campus. I love the smell of coffee and the sweet baked goodies
in it. It’s after ten in the morning and the place isn’t too busy
yet. I head right here after my first class ended. I try not to
come here often to save money but this morning I didn’t get to
eat breakfast and I’m very hungry. The help wanted sign on the
front glass window makes me bounce in excitement as I stand
in line for my smoothie and bagel.
It would be great if I can get a job here. Food and I get along
great. We’re like BFF. This is meant to be. It’s fate. I can feel it.
Well, this is me trying to psych myself out. I actually do this
every time I see a job opening at a food establishment.
“Hi, good morning, what can I get you?” asks the girl behind
the counter. “Quincy?”
“Where have you been, Chika? I didn’t see you in class
yesterday,” exclaims Evelyn who looks happy to see me. “In
fact, I didn’t see you around the whole week.” She looks briefly
over her shoulder then she leans over the counter and
whispers, “Travis has been looking around for you.” Her eyes
gleam mischievously.
“Yeah...I was kinda busy.” Yeah, busy hiding.
“Hey, Trav! Look who’s here,” she calls out behind her before
she turns back and asks me, “Anyway, what can I get you?”
“Can I get a mango smoothie and a toasted sesame seed bagel
with cream cheese, please?” I tell her. “Oh, and also that job
opening I saw by the window there.”
Evelyn’s smile widens. “Did you hear that Trav? She’s going to
work here,” she yells as she starts to work on my order.
Travis’s face with his black-framed glasses peeks out from
behind her. “Hi, Quincy,” he says, adjusting his glasses and
straightening the black apron that bears the cafe logo he’s
“Hey, Travis.” I smile at him. He’s not that much taller than I
am and he looks so young when he flashes his awkward, shy
smile like that.
“Come back around two today. Our manager, Adam will be
here. He’ll make you fill up some form and ask you a few
questions. Don’t worry though, the job is yours,” Evelyn says
with a wink. “Adam is Travis’s cousin.”
“Isn’t that like nepotism or something? It feels kinda wrong,” I
tell her.
“Oh, honey, you’re worrying about nepotism in a high paying
career as a server and smoothie maker? Haven’t you heard? It’s
not about what you know, it’s about who you know,” answers
Evelyn unperturbed. “Besides, we’re not telling him to hire you,
we’re just going to “lightly suggest” that he hires you...or else
we're totally slashing his tires.”
I grin at Evelyn, hoping that she's just kidding.
“Adam likes to hire pretty girls. I don’t think he’ll pass you
up...” adds Travis. Then as if he just realized what he just said,
his eyes widen and the color on his cheeks flares up. “I’m not
saying that you’re pretty...I mean you are but....but..”
“Oh, Travis, dude, you got no game.” Evelyn bursts out
laughing. “I give up!”
I’m still smiling as I walk across the yard where some students
are sitting around on the grass, reading or talking in groups.
Everything is finally falling into place. I’ll be an independent,
normal human girl with a job and normal human friends. Now
I just need to concentrate on my study and find myself a good
normal human boyfriend to breed normal human babies.
Preferably two. One girl and one boy.
Suddenly, I feel that spark and heaviness in the air again. Like
a storm brewing even though the weather hasn’t changed. My
heart starts pounding hard and my stomach dips. My breathing
comes up in fast, short puffs. My body seems to be able to
sense him even before I can.
I look around wildly until I see the source of my sleepless
nights and mad obsession. He’s standing across the field, about
15 yards away. Watching me. His posture seems relaxed though
I sense that he’s like a predator ready to spring on its prey. His
intense gaze on me feels like a laser beam, burning, branding,
and marking everywhere it touches my skin.
It’s a trap. My brain decided to acknowledge. I didn’t see him
around for a while and I was lulled to believe that it’s safe. That
it’s okay to come out and play again. He’s been waiting for me
all along.
He has his thumbs hooked into the front pockets of his dark
designer jeans. His blue-grey henley stretches across his broad
shoulders and chest. His golden hair glints in the sun. My
golden god. Oh, no no no...he’s not mine.
He lifts his chin up finally as if challenging me to run. So I run.
My thick straight black hair trailing like a banner behind me.
I have no idea where I’m going but I pump my legs as fast as I
can and keep going. Usain Bolt got nothing on me.
I run between two buildings and glimpse the green forest area
behind them and decide that I’m going in the right
direction....until I see the chain link fence that separates the
campus from the wood.
I come to a halt right in front of it and give the fence a swift
frustrated kick before I turn around. He’s right there, not ten
feet away from me. My breath is stuck in my throat somewhere.
My heartbeat is racing so fast that I almost feel dizzy.
We’re totally alone here. A wolfish, triumphant smile is
growing on his lips. I realize too late that this is exactly where
he wants me.
He’s not even running. The smile melts away from his lips as he
approaches me slowly. His eyes are slowly drinking me in from
the top of my head, lingering on my face, then on my chest, on
my legs, and down to the tip of my converse then back up
again. I move backward until my back is pressing hard against
the steel fence.
He stops only when his face is just a few inches away from
mine. He’s so tall, he towers over me. This close, he looks even
more breathtakingly beautiful. His skin is flawless. Every
feature is sharp like it’s carved from granite. The tips of his
thick golden eyelashes glint in the sun. His eyes are bright,
vivid green, like fresh grass in early Spring. Very unusual...like
The air sizzles between us. There’s fierce possessiveness in the
way he looks at me and I can’t tear my eyes away even if my life
depends on it. The sound of our heavy breathing is all I can
“моя принцесса (Moya printsessa),” he growls before he dips
his head and presses his lips into the hollow of my neck.
* моя принцесса = My princess (Russian)
My next update is next Tuesday. Wish I had more time
to sit and write :( Have a wonderful week my dear
friends and readers!
Chapter 9 - Species: Unknown
Werewolves generally have variants earthy smell of the forest.
Living among them all my life makes me familiar with their
scent. I can spot even the faintest of their scents anywhere.
Even Nana had her own unique scent of the wild.
The beautiful stranger whose hands are currently gripping my
hips and whose lips and nose are firmly buried in my neck has
a different kind of scent. It’s definitely wild and it’s something
I’m not familiar with, mixed with the smell of an expensive
cologne. He smells rich...and oh, so very good. Like catnip to
cats, like crack cocaine to an addict, I can’t resist burying my
face into his soft silky golden hair, taking a long deep drag of
his addictive scent into my starved, deprived lungs.
The feel of his lips on my neck is sending bursts of electrical
current to every cell and nerve ending in my body. I place my
hands on his broad solid shoulders and succumb to the urge to
plaster the front of my body to his until there is no part of the
front of our bodies isn’t touching and pressed together. My
whole body tingles from the contact and a deep rumbling
animalistic sound comes out from deep within him. It is such a
delicious sexy sound but it is not a sound any normal human
would have made. The sound brings me out of the trance and
cloudy haze of pleasure.
Whoa....what am I doing? I’m in a secluded area near the wood
with a stranger. More importantly, we’re all alone and we’re
clawing at each other like wild animals. This stranger isn’t
human and I don’t even know what he is.
I place my hands flat on his solid hard chest and push him
back. “Whoa...hey!”
I hear him growl in protest. Growl! Oh, my god. What is he? I
push him harder and he opens his mouth to clamp into the
curve of my neck in warning. The message is clear. He’ll let me
go when he is good and ready. His sharp, powerful canines are
pressing on my skin. It doesn’t hurt but there’s a promise of
pain if I continue to try to get away. This is such a show of
ownership. A primal act of claiming and so very possessive...in
the world that is not human. This is not good. The worst part
is? My body is loving it. A shock of electricity passes from his
mouth on my skin to zap down straight to my core and I
shudder and moan in pure ecstasy. I can feel the connection
seeps right through my skin into my bloodstream. Never have I
experienced such pleasure. My body is such a traitor.
After a while, he removes his jaw from my neck but his warm
silky tongue laves my bruised skin. Tasting. Soothing. Almost
as if apologizing for his earlier action. It's also as if he can’t get
enough of the taste of my skin. I have to fight the urge to moan
aloud. Darn it, my traitorous body!
After a while, he drops a featherlight kiss on the spot and pulls
back to look at me.
My legs must still be weak because I almost fell on my butt as
soon as he lets me go. He grabs my hips to steady me in an
instance. His closeness is affecting my ability to think.
I gulp audibly and drag in a shaky breath, trying to clear my
foggy brain and calm my thundering heartbeat. It doesn’t help
that this gorgeous stranger is staring down at me with a
speculative look in his eyes as if I was the most interesting
thing he’d ever seen.
I clear my throat and says, “Listen here, buddy!” My voice
sounds shaky, so I put my hands on my hips to show that I’m in
control. I’ve got a feeling that we have to set some ground rules
One of his perfect eyebrows lifts up in surprise. “Buddy?” His
mouth slowly curls up into an amused smile as he takes in my
fighting stance.
“Listen here, buddy!” I try again with a firmer voice, ignoring
his remark. Sure, he’s gorgeous and can make me lose my mind
with a single touch but I’m going to show him that I’m not one
of his many admirers who falls so easily at his feet. “Don’t you
dare put your hands on me without my consent again.”
His smile turns wicked and his eyes light up with mischief. He
places both hands on the wire fence behind me, caging me in.
“Just my hands then? So this is okay?” His voice is pure velvet.
He leans down to place his lips just under my ear. Then he
drags it along my jawline, raining tiny kisses that set butterflies
to flutter in my stomach and delicious chills to run up and
down my back. When his lips touch the spot where he bit me, I
let out a small whimper. Tingles and explosions of heat break
out through my whole body.
Oh, god. Yes. “No.” I pull back. It takes everything in me. My
whole body is protesting. “That is not okay.”
His green eyes glazed with fierce hunger before he blinks and
looks away, directing his gaze somewhere above my head.
When he glances at me again, his expression looks innocent
and guileless that I almost believe that I imagined it for a
second. “Why not? We both know you like it. I know I like it.”
I’m speechless for a second before I sputter, “It’s not about
liking it!”
“So you’re not denying that you like it,” he says, smiling
“I’m not saying shit.” My swear jar is prospering.
“That’s because you like me touching you and kissing you.”
What? Who is this guy? More importantly, I can’t believe I’m
arguing about whether or not I like his touches and kisses with
a total stranger...species: unknown. I better get away from him.
I put my hands on his wide chest, meaning to push him back so
that I can walk away. Oh wow, those pecs feel solid under my
palm...and he’s not moving an inch.
“Oh, so it’s not okay for me to put my hands on you but it’s
okay for you to put your hands all over me?” His wicked smile
grows even bigger. His eyes sparkle with mischief.
The devil. Ughh!!! I could smack him over the head then kiss
those sexy lips to death! Those lips are very sexy, though.
Apparently, they know how to do things...
“You’re staring at my lips,” he whispers. His voice sounds
husky and heavy with want but amused at the same time.
“I am so not,” I tell him.
“You still are.” His lips are moving closer. “You can kiss me. I
don’t mind.” Our lips are just inches away from each other. My
lips tingle just from the feel of his warm breath on me and he
smells so good.
Yes, just one taste. Would it be so bad to have just one taste?
He said he doesn’t mind, says one part of my brain. Another
sane part is warning me, Quincy, do not kiss the sexy stranger.
The gorgeous golden god of the unknown species. He’s
dangerous and he’s not a human.
The sound of a door opening and some people talking close by,
jerk me back to reality. I give his muscled chest a push and he
staggers back. His eyes glazed with passion. Then I thought I
saw the look of a disappointment on his handsome face. In an
instant, he lifts his heavy eyelids back to gaze into my eyes and
those looks are gone, replaced with that arrogant, amused
expression again. I probably just imagined them.
I look behind him where three older men are walking out of the
building, talking to each other. They’re probably the teaching
staff. They seem to be engrossed in their discussion that they
don’t even spare us a glance.
The golden god in front of me followed my gaze to look behind
him and I take that moment to slip out and walk away.
“Wait! Where are you going?”
“Away from you,” I answer as I make a dash towards the
student square where I see many students are milling about in
the distance.
“Why?” he asks, looking genuinely puzzled as if the thought
that anybody is trying to get away from him is a foreign
concept. It’s probably never happened to him before. I can see
every day how people, especially women flock around him.
They all try to get close to him. So willing to make a fool out of
themselves just to get him to notice them. “So...no kiss then?”
he dares ask.
“You’re a stranger. I don’t know you! I don’t go around making
out with strangers,” I exclaim.
“I’m glad you don’t,” he mutters, almost to himself. “So, are
you saying that if we’re not strangers anymore, it’s okay for us
to make out?”
Ughh!!!! I hasten my steps.
“My name is Caspian,” he says.
“Well, good for you,” I reply, walking even faster, I’m almost
running now. I already know his name.
“Wait!” He grips the end of my shirt, forcing me to slow down.
“Aren’t you going to tell me your name? You know how it
works, right? For us not to be strangers anymore? I tell you my
name and you tell me yours? I show you mine and you show
me yours?”
“I’m not going to tell you my name and I’m not going to show
you anything that’s mine.”
“Well...that’s too bad, Princess,” he says. “I want to see
everything that’s yours and it’s hard to get to know each other
if you won’t tell me your name. It’s going to take a while for us
start making out, huh?”
What the hell? I stop in my track and turn to look at him. He
has that annoying smile that says he knows something that I
don’t. So very annoying.
* I'm sorry for the short chapter. It's been a very busy
week for me. I'll update twice this week to make up for
it. So, my next update is this Friday. Have a wonderful
week, my dearies!
Chapter 10 - Bite Me
“I’m not going to tell you my name and I’m not going to show
you anything that’s mine.”
“Well...that’s too bad, Princess,” he says. “I want to see
everything that’s yours and it’s hard to get to know each other
if you won’t tell me your name. It’s going to take a while for us
start making out, huh?”
What the hell? I stop in my track and turn to look at him. He
has that annoying smile that says he knows something that I
don’t. So very annoying.
“Listen here bud, we’re not ever going to be making out,” I tell
“Okay. Tomorrow then?” he says with that sexy stupid cocky
Ughh!!! I start walking again but I have this urge to stomp my
feet like a five-year-old throwing a tantrum.
“So....not tomorrow either? Is the next day okay?” I stop again
and glare at him. Is he doing this just to annoy me?
He bursts out laughing. I have to admit, the sound of his
laughter almost makes me melt into a puddle at his feet. It’s
beautiful. Low and manly yet full of tempting naughtiness. I
could totally join in his sinful wickedness if I just let myself
step out off that ledge. It’s so me. It would be too easy...but I
can’t. I have to remind myself that he is not human and I have
to stay away.
“Okay, okay...I’m sorry. I’m just messing with you,” he says.
“But would it be so bad to make out with me? I’m not that
hideous, am I?”
Oh, I’m sure he knows how gorgeous he is. Cocky arrogant
bastard. “I refuse to answer that,” I tell him. “Stay!” I point my
finger at him sternly as I say this. I don’t want him to follow me
around and tempt me to hit him on the head...or kiss him. Both
are bad options.
“Okay,” he says with laughter in his eyes. “Will you rub my
tummy if I stay? Or do I get a treat?”
Oh, god. Why on why? He is very annoying and very tempting
at the same time and I should know annoying because I’m the
most annoying person I know. Is this God’s punishment or the
universe sending me bad karma for being annoying all these
years? Will all be forgiven if I stop being annoying to Jonah at
“Why are you following me?” I demand to know.
“Well, I’m meeting my project partner in McMichael Hall
Multimedia Center,” he says, pointing at a building a few
blocks away. “So, it’s you who’s been following me around and
stalking me. I should be afraid.”
Stalking him? He should be afraid...what? What? I open my
mouth to say something, then I close it. Then I stop walking,
open my mouth again and...I got nothing. Finally, I say, “You
know what? Never mind.” I’m not even going to dignify that
with a comeback...because I don’t have one. I’m going to
pretend to be a bigger person and act like the mature adult that
I am. I’m not going to stick my tongue out at him or stomp my
feet like I feel like doing. See? I can be all grown up and all
that. However, I can’t help but give him the stinkeye before I
continue walking. I even step right in front of him so that he’s
forced to walk behind me.
I come to regret walking in front of him a few seconds later.
Now he’s checking me out at his leisure. I can feel his eyes on
my ass the whole way to the square.
Ugghh! Being an adult is hard.
I’m standing in front of the mirror above the washroom sink,
staring at the red angry mark on my neck. His teeth didn’t
break the skin, but it looks like a hickey. A big hickey with teeth
marks. Nobody would be able to mistake it for anything else
and I have nothing to cover it with.
I’m pissed and my eyes land on him as soon as I exit the
washroom. He’s standing near the door to the Architecture
Building surrounded by girls as usual, and that got me even
more pissed. I march over to him without thinking, bulldozing
those girls out of the way. “Hey, watch it!” says one of them
who is standing the closest to him.
“You!” I grab his hand. His eyes widen in surprise as I pull him
away. When we get far enough, I push him up against the wall.
“Whoa...I know you can’t get enough of me, sweetheart, but be
gentle with me.”
“You! You did this!” I hiss, pointing to my neck, ignoring his
“Yes, I did. Didn’t I?” he agrees, looking very smug. I don’t
miss the possessive glint in his eyes as he takes in the reddened
teeth mark on my skin. What the hell?
“You shouldn’t be too happy about this!” My god! “Why did you
bite me?”
“Why do you think, Moya Printsessa? Why do we mark
anything?” he asks me.
Suddenly I’m noticing how close we are standing to each other.
There’s that heaviness in the air between us again and he’s
looking serious. His eyes intense and as he gazes into mine,
willing me to understand, to say something. To say what?
The bite mark reminds me of the marks that werewolves make
on their mates’ neck. Their marks are permanent but Caspian’s
teeth didn’t break through my skin, so I know, it will go away in
a week or so. Bite marks ownership. No, that’s not what this is.
It can’t be. I refuse to think about it that way.
He must have seen the confusion on my face because he takes a
deep breath as if he’s trying to stay patient. He then flashes me
one of his smiles. This one looks forced and doesn’t quite reach
his eyes. I suddenly realized how much I understand him
already. I have been watching him from under my hobo hoodie
for a while now but we have just started talking to each other
This man wears many smiles and it’s alarming that I’ve come to
recognize them. That only points to one thing: I am a creeper.
Oh, wow, he’s so right when he said that I was a stalker and he
has no idea!
“Hey, listen, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to leave a mark on you.
Not like that. I lost control. I’m sorry for scaring you today,” he
says. “Forgive me?”
I stare up his face. God, he’s beautiful...and he looks sincere
and his green eyes are too mesmerizing for me to keep staying
mad at him. In other words, I’m such a sucker for this
handsome...whatever he is.
“Okay, I forgive you,” I finally say, as if I was in a trance.
The smile that he gives me this time makes me weak in the
knees. He’s flashing me his straight white teeth with those
slightly prominent canines. Charming yet dangerous. “Thank
you,” he simply replies. “Can I take you out for lunch to make it
up to you?”
Oh, no, free food...with a gorgeous man. My two weaknesses.
He’s staring at me with that hopeful look in his eyes. Why am I
not suppose to get close to him again? I don’t remember why
but I know I’m supposed to say no.
“Uh...no, thanks.”
He frowns. “Why not? Do you already have other plans for
“Yeah, I’m meeting somebody for lunch.” I just planned to see
Adam, the Club Espresso Degree cafe’s manager for that
interview, then to have a bite to eat by myself right after, but he
doesn’t need to know that. “Look, you don’t have to make it up
to me. You don’t need to take me out for lunch or anything. It’s
no big deal,” I continue. “And I can easily cover the mark.” I
bring my hair over my shoulder like a curtain to cover the bite
mark. “See? Nobody’s going to know it’s there.”
Somehow I think I’ve just said the wrong thing. I see the
tightening of his jaw, his nostrils flaring, and his green eyes
darkening alarmingly. Oh uh...
His eyes. The black-like ink, slowly bleeding into the whites
and the brilliant green of his eyes. I stare up into them,
mesmerized. It’s scary yet thrilling. I’m torn between wanting
to run off screaming and wanting to jump him, drown myself in
his addictive scent, rub myself all over him, and kiss
I can see his struggle to control himself. He curls his hand on
the wall beside my head into a fist and leans in to skim the tip
of his nose on the side of my jaw. He breathes in my scent
deeply before he hisses, “Tell me you’re not seeing anybody.
Tell me there’s no other man.” His voice is different. Deeper.
Definitely not human. The hair at the back of my neck stands
up in alarm.
*My next update is Thursday (I will try very hard to
make it sooner). Have a wonderful weekend,
Chapter 11 - Her Stubborness
Caspian’s POV
The air crackles with electricity between us. The pull is intense.
I fight for control but now, my vision is tinged red. My animal
side is taking over. The thought of her with some other guy,
even just for a simple lunch drives me crazy. Her hiding my
mark on her, even a temporary one, just snaps off my control
and my lycan takes over.
I inhale her incredible, magical scent deeply to calm the beast
in me. “Tell me you’re not seeing anybody. Tell me there’s no
other man.” She’s mine.
I can hear the thunderous drum of her heartbeat, the heated
blood that rushes through her body, the ragged breathing that
matches my own but she remains silent. It doesn’t matter. She
belongs to me. If there’s another man staking a claim on her, I
will crush him. I will destroy anything that comes between me
and her.
The graceful curve of her neck looks so tempting as I run my
nose close to it and breathe in her scent deeply one more time.
Her scent manages to calm me and excite me at the same time.
The red in my vision clears up. I have my lycan under control
now but I crave the taste of her again. I want so badly to touch
her and run my lips on the soft, smooth skin. I want to lick her
and saturate my tongue with the taste of her. I want to sink my
teeth into her soft, supple flesh to mark and chain her to me
I ball my fists tighter and pull back a little before I give in to
The long, thick sweep of her dark eyelashes flutter against the
top of her pink delicate cheeks as she opens her eyes to gaze
back at me. I’m struck again by her brilliant green eyes.
“Your eyes, they’re back to normal,” she breathes in wonder.
She’s staring up at me in awe like I’m the most amazing thing
she’d ever laid her eyes on. Like she wants me. “What are you?”
That’s a question I’m not willing to answer yet. She’s a human
and that makes our situation...delicate.
“Let me touch you. Tell me it’s okay for me to touch you now,” I
say instead. I want to touch her more than I want anything else
right now.
“No...,” she manages to say breathlessly. I sense her excitement
and I can smell her arousal. Her eyes are begging me to take
her, yet her sassy mouth is telling me to stay away. She’s killing
“You’re scaring me,” she says but her eyes are burning with
passion and defiance. Such a contradiction.
“No, you want me,” I groan. I want her so badly. Why won’t she
tell me she wants me too? “Now tell me you want me.”
She’s warring with herself and I’m going to make sure that I
win. She’s mine the moment she was born. No one else is going
to have her. Every delectable, beautiful inch of her is mine but I
want her to come to me willingly. I will have her come to me
more than willingly. I want her to crave me the way I crave her.
She remains quiet so I tell her, “I know you want me, Princess.
Do you know how I know?”
She gives a small shake of her head. No. The expression on her
beautiful face is half dread and half curiosity.
I’m telling her anyway. “Because I want you too. I want to
worship your body. I want to taste you. I want my mouth and
my hands on every part and every inch of your body.”
A strangled whimper slips out from her parted lips and I bite
down on my bottom lip to hide my smile. Oh, she wants me.
“So why don’t you just let me, Princess? Just let me do what I
want with you. I promise that you’re going to love it.” I can
imagine all the things I can do to her already. “We both know
you’re going to give in sooner or later. We both know it’s going
to happen. It’s inevitable.”
She must have seen my smug smile and my words somehow
piss her off for she tips her chin up in determination and her
eyes gleam with stubbornness.
“Do you say things like that to all the girls? Does it work all the
time?” she asks. “You’re a manwhore. I don’t do manwhores.”
“Ouch! Stab me, why don’t you?” I say, clutching my chest.
“If you think you can have me like all those skanks you
surround yourself with, think again.” She slides a brief look at
the girls who flocked around me a while ago. They’re still
standing there as if they’re waiting for me. Some of them are
glancing over, shooting my girl a dirty look. Girls these days are
more overtly aggressive in getting what they want. “Don’t hold
your breath, though,” she continues. “Hell would freeze over
before I let you lay a finger on me.” With that, she ducks
underneath my arm, flips her hair, and walks off.
Fiesty. I like.
I glance over my shoulder to watch her stomp away like a
queen-child. She is fuming. Her hips sway as she walks away.
It’s not done intentionally or in an exaggerated way like some
girls do either. That’s just the way she walks and it’s as sexy as
fvck and I can’t take my eyes off of her, damn it!
I can’t help the grin from forming on my face. I never had to
work to get a girl before. This would be interesting. I live for
challenges but I’ll be damned if I have to wait for years, like the
way Constantine waited for Genesis before I claim my erasthai.
I watch her disappear from view before I push myself off the
wall to stalk back to where I left my bag. I weave through girls
standing in front of my bag and books.
“Caspian, we can continue with our project in my room, if you
want. We won’t get interrupted there,” says my project partner,
“No, I have a class in ten minutes,” I tell her as I sling my
backpack over my shoulder.
“What about later? I’m free the whole day.”
“I’m busy,” I inform her as I walk away. I can’t think of any
project right now when my thoughts are taken over by my
sassy, beautiful, green-eyed Princess. My erasthai. Just
thinking about her makes me feel things I’ve never felt before.
No wonder meeting and claiming your erasthai is such a big
deal. You can only claim one mate and I’m glad I never marked
anybody else. I’m glad that I waited for her. It only took me a
couple of centuries. Man, I’m so whipped.
She wants me and I’m going to use that to get what I want. Her.
She can’t refuse me for too long, can she?
I seek her out again after my last class. The pull is too strong. I
can’t help it.
I watch her march to the Club Espresso Degree Cafe from the
library. A lot of men and even some women give her a second
and even a third look as she walks past but she seems oblivious
to the attention that she’s getting.
She talks to a girl at the counter before she disappears into the
back room of the cafe. Twenty minutes later, she comes out and
sits down at a table by the window. Two humans, a mochaskinned girl with short dark hair and a pale, pimply faced boy
with dark-rimmed glasses, join her with smoothies and
sandwiches. The pallid skinny boy has a big crush on my
erasthai and she doesn’t even know it.
I don’t like how close he is sitting to her. I curl my hands into
tight fists to stop myself from storming in there and stake my
claim on her.
It’s so easy for me to lose control with her. It happened twice
already in one day. That first time, I almost fully marked her.
Almost. It’s a good thing that I managed to pull back in time. I
just marked her scent. No werewolves, humans, or any other
creatures would be able to sense it, though. Only other lycans
who are interested in her would be able to sense my marking.
There will be a bloodbath if other lycans marked what’s mine.
“What are you?” she had asked me this morning. That’s one
question I’m not willing to answer yet since she’s a human. I
am a monster, that’s what I am. I would have scared her away.
If she’s a werewolf, she would have known what I am the
moment she saw me. It would have made things easier but I
don’t want to change a thing about her. She’s perfect.
A lycan or a werewolf would have accepted the marking and the
mating process as part of our lives. Humans would have a
problem with it since they’re not raised with the ways of the
beasts that we are. Humans would have a problem with the
concept of being owned by somebody and my erasthai, being a
human, might have a problem with it too. I can’t help it though.
In my head and my heart, she’s mine, all mine, and in return,
I’m all hers for eternity. I take care of what’s mine. I’ll do
anything to make her happy. She’ll be draped in the finest silk,
decked in gold, diamonds, and pearls if her heart so desire. I’ll
protect her with my life.
My erasthai is a mystery, though. The first time I met her over
a week ago, she ran so fast. I almost blew it by running after
her. I almost changed into my lycan in a broad daylight, trying
to catch her. No ordinary human can run that fast but she
smells like one and I can sense no wolf in her.
I had my men track her down that very day. I was informed
that she’s living with three werewolves and a human. So, she
must have known of our existence.
Most humans are oblivious to our presence and it’s been that
way for centuries and we want to keep it that way. I don’t know
how much she knows about us, but the way she reacted after I
bit her neck seems like she knows of our ways...or at least the
ways of the werewolves. True, she was mad but normal human
girls would have freaked out, not sought me out to yell at me.
I could ask my men to find out about her. I would have a file on
her by tomorrow. However, I’d rather find out by
myself...through her.
I meet her in front of the cafe once she steps outside. She
narrows her eyes and gives me a haughty look but doesn’t say
anything. Those beautiful sensual red lips are now partially
open but otherwise completely silent....for now. From what I
observe, my erasthai is not the type to stay quiet for long.
We walk to the bus stop a few blocks away in complete silence.
My eyes keep straying to her and find her doing the same thing.
She is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. A perfect little
figure with curves all in the right places. Long shapely legs. Jet
black hair, a small heart-shaped face, cushy red lips, and a big
pair of eyes so green framed by thick dark eyelashes. Perfect.
I keep my cocky smile in place but I curl my hands into tight
fists to stop myself from reaching out and wrap my arms
around her so that we’re twined, weaved, and tangled together
until there is no beginning and no end of her and me for
eternity. I want to wind my fingers through her silky soft dark
hair. I want to cover her lips and her body with my mouth and
drown in her taste, scent, and everything that is her. I want our
bond to fester deep within our souls to be the reason for our
The bus arrives not long after we reached the bus stop. She
must have timed it perfectly.
I watch her climb into the bus and find her seat. Our eyes meet
and lock through the glass window as the bus pulls away.
I watch the bus disappear from view in frustration. Why
doesn’t she admit that she wants me? She does want me,
doesn't she? I mean, look at me. I’m freaking gorgeous. All
other women want me. All I have to do is flash them a little
smile, and they’d be a puddle at my feet. Pay them a little
attention and they’d be my plaything if I so wish.
She’s my erasthai. Isn’t she supposed to want me more than
any other women? I want her more than anything in my life
and I know that she wants me too. I can sense it. Why is she
fighting it? Why can’t she submit to the pull already? Why is
she so stubborn? She’s driving me so fvcking crazy. Has anyone
ever died of blue balls? Okay, so I want her more than just for
her body, but still...has anyone ever died of blue balls?
*Sorry, a very rough draft. I'll go through it again
soon. My next update is Wednesday. Happy long
weekend (Victoria Day) to all Canadians. Have a
wonderful weekend to everybody!
Chapter 12 - Roofing
Quincy’s POV
Nobody is home as usual when I get back. After a shower, I put
on my pajama pants and a tank top and stare at my reflection
in the mirror critically. There is no way that anybody in this
house would be able to miss that big hickey on my neck. I was
careful at hiding it behind my hair today but even Evelyn
commented on it. We were having smoothies at the cafe after
my interview with Adam, the manager, when Evelyn laughed
and said, “Oh, boy, poor Travis, he never had a chance, huh?”
All the while her eyes were skimming the bruise on my neck.
Travis had avoided his eyes, pretending he didn’t see it or
heard Evelyn’s comment.
It is big and hard to miss. I don’t think Jonah would be happy
to see it. He’s been way overprotective. I am over 18 but my
cousin has been treating me like I was still 12.
I don’t want to be hiding away in my room from everybody
until the bruise is gone. I had been doing enough of hiding
when I was at the Loup Noir Pack and I hated it.
Ughh..that’s it! I wind a light, cream-colored cotton scarf
around my neck. I look ridiculous, wearing a scarf with a
pajama but there’s no way around it. Pajama with a scarf. Why
not? I’ll rock it! I’ll own the look. Yeah!
With that in mind, I venture into the living room and try to
read Of Mice and Men by John Steinback. It’s a very good
book. Somehow I find myself staring at the same page for over
fifteen minutes with zero clue to what’s written on it. I find my
fingers slipping underneath the scarf, absently tracing the
hickey on my neck. I could almost feel his warm wet mouth on
me, the sharp teeth and the canines pressing on my skin. His
powerful hand on my back while another gripping my hair at
the back of my neck. His heated hard body pressing against
mine. My breathing starts to go ragged. Goosebumps spread
across my skin and I let out a small moan. Oh, God! I jump up.
My eyes go wide and I slap a hand over my mouth. What the
hell, Quincy?
It’s a good thing nobody is around. Isn’t it hot in here? I start
to fan myself. Maybe another shower is in order, a cold
one...because it’s a very hot evening. What’s with the
temperature in California?
I can’t get him out of my mind, it’s ridiculous. I’ve been so
obsessed with him from the first moment I laid my eyes on
him. It has gotten worse after this morning. I mean, how often
do you have a gorgeous non-human guy that you’ve been
crushing on corner you and gave you a big hickey? I don’t even
know how to describe what happened after that. He acted like
he had the right to me. Like he owned me. It reminds me so
much of the way the werewolves at the Loup Noir Pack behaved
when they found their mate and that’s what scares me the
most. It’s surprising that he left me alone after that even
though I felt his burning gaze following me from time to time
the whole day today.
I like looking at hot guys just like any normal straight girls. No
harm in looking, right? I don’t like to think that I’m that
shallow to be drawn to him just because of his looks, though.
I toss the book onto the seat beside me and reach for the
remote control of the TV. Then I keep flipping the
channels...just like my cousin, Jonah. I’m turning into my
cousin and that’s how Jonah finds me an hour later.
The smell of pizza wharves through the air the moment he
enters the house. He deposits the pizza box on the coffee table
then he stands there staring at me, frowning.
“Pizza!!!” I sit up, clapping my hands. “You are the best, Jonah!
Super duper awesome!” I beam up at him. For a second, his
frown disappears and his eyes soften.
I get up to get us a couple of plates and something to drink. I
even do my version of a happy dance and start singing while
I’m at it, “Hi, friends! Are you ready? For the magic pizza song?
Here we go!!! Magic, magic Pizza. Yummy Magic Pizza. What
do you want on your pizzaaa??? I want cheese. I want cheese. I
want pepperoni. I want pepperoni...and I want spiders!!!!
Spiders? Noooo!!!!”
I even detect a slight smile on his lips as he keeps standing
there with his arms crossed over his chest, watching me.
Then I switch to the pizza song Nana and I used to sing
together when I was younger, “Je suis une pizza. Avec du
fromage. Beaucoup de sauce. Des tomates. Des oignons. Des
champignons. Épices mélangées. Je suis une pizza. Prête à
manger, Oh!” Then my voice breaks a bit and something stuck
in my throat and I stop singing. I miss Nana. So much. I
abruptly sit on the sofa and force a big smile at Jonah. I pat a
seat next to me, swallow hard and say, “Come on, sit! I’m
“You’re so much like Nana,” he says, shaking his head. “What’s
with the scarf?”
“Don’t you know? It’s a new trend these days.”
“What? Wearing a scarf in the house? With pajamas?”
“Uh huh...” I look down at the pizza and start scratching the
side of my head. My scalp gets itchy sometimes when I try to lie
to my friends or to the people I care about. “The Kardashians
or somebody started it. It’s all the rage...” I stuff a big bite of
the pizza into my mouth so I can stop talking.
“Somebody from some cafe called. He said, if you could be
there at 5 tomorrow morning, then the job is yours,” says
Jonah, still staring at the scarf around my neck suspiciously.
“Yes!” I make a punching motion in the air. A pizza and a job in
one day. How lucky am I? “Wait! Which cafe? Is it Club
Espresso Degree?”
He shrugs his massive shoulders. “You need a phone,” he says.
“Yes, I do. You’re an unreliable phone receptionist.”
Five minutes to five in the morning, I’m bright eyed and bushy
tailed in front of the dimly lit cafe. A few minutes later, a girl
shows up on a skateboard and unlocks the door.
“Hi,” she says with a friendly smile. “So you’re the new girl. I’m
“Quincy,” I tell her.
Cat shows me around and quickly tells me what to do to help
her get started. She’ll train me throughout the day, she says.
I like Cat immediately. She has a nose ring and several
piercings on her ears. I love her short purple hair and the
tattoo of a bird with its colorful wings spread open on the side
of her neck. I like her black nail polish and her Grateful Dead tshirt with skull and roses, her ripped dark jeans and black
She introduces me to a couple of other girls, Alex and Jenna,
who show up half an hour later. Alex just nods her head then
gets to work. Jenna sizes me up and down with her eyes then
purses her lips before she saunters away.
“Alex’s cool,” says Cat. “Don’t mind Jenna, She doesn’t like
girls who are prettier than she is,” she adds and winks at me
before she busies herself with the brewing equipment.
I smile at her compliment. I learned earlier on when she hit on
me that Cat likes both, men and women. No point of being
discriminating, she told me. She also advised me to put
concealer on my neck to cover the hickey even though it’s as
sexy as fvck...according to her. I have no idea how a hickey
could look "sexy as fvck".
I walk into the auditorium and feel the electrically charged
heavy air and now I’m seriously thinking of walking out of it.
Am I in the right class? I was sure this is the right class.
Unfortunately, the crowd of students squeezing through the
door to get inside is jostling me forward, further into the room.
Caspian, the annoying golden god is sitting in the middle row,
surrounded by his adoring female crowd as usual. What’s not
usual is him in this class. He’s never in this class.
He’s sitting back lazily in his chair with his long legs spread out
underneath the table. His golden silky hair is slicked back as
usual. His short-sleeved navy Oxford shirt stretches tight
across his magnificent chest. His biceps bulge under the
sleeves. A jolt of electricity travels down my spine as soon as
our eyes meet and lock. A kaleidoscope of butterflies starts
fluttering in my stomach and my heart and pulse start pumping
and jumping rapidly. I see his lips slowly curl up into an
angelic smile and I quickly tear my gaze away. That smile spells
trouble. For me. I can feel him tracking my movement across
the room with his eyes.
He looks beautiful and harmless now but I can feel waves of
fierce energy coming off him even from here. Untamed and
primitive. He’s one powerful being, whatever he is. I’m
immune to my Alpha’s power, but I can’t ignore his. He’s a
predator and I’m his prey. I don’t know how these people are
oblivious to how much power he’s wielding.
I climb up, all the way up, bypassing my regular lone seat
nearest to the exit door. There are too many empty seats
around it. Instead, I make sure there are no available seats
beside me by going for an empty seat next to a girl busy
chatting with her friends on the other side of her.
“Excuse me, is this seat taken?” I ask her.
“Nope,” she says without looking at me and goes back to
talking to her friends. I catch a snippet of their conversation,
enough to know that they’re talking about him. Gag! Why can’t
they talk about how to bring about world peace or something?
Why didn’t I start thinking about how to make a greener world
instead of thinking about him? Yeah, why didn’t I?
Once I take my seat and place my bag on my knee, I raise my
head and my gaze immediately falls on him. He has his body
turned back to watch me. He’s making no secret that he’s
staring at me. His lips curl up into a wicked smile and his eyes
light up mischievously once our eyes meet. Oh uh...
I tear my gaze away and busy myself getting ready for class. My
heart is hammering away. I take my notepad and my pens out.
Then I arrange everything neatly on the table.
“Moya Printsessa.” His warm breath fans the back of my neck
and I swear I feel all the hair on all parts of my body stand up
to the attention. I don’t know when he moved to sit behind me.
“I can still see my teeth mark on you. It looks....sexy.”
Dangerous or not, he’s annoying. My hackles go up everytime
he opens his mouth. I’ve brought my hair to one side of my
neck just to cover his mark. I’m well aware that it doesn’t really
work but does he have to be a jerk and bring that up? That’s it,
I’m going to town and buy myself a concealer today!
“What are you doing here?” I hiss at him. I half turn and realize
that he’s leaning forward, way too close to me. His mouth is
just inches away from mine.
“Have dinner with me tonight?” His warm breath feathers
against my skin.
“It’s a school night. No,” I tell him, leaning away from him. I’m
trying not to look into his eyes.
“Go out with me this weekend, then?”
“I’m busy this weekend.” My head itches.
“Busy doing what?” There’s an edge to his voice now.
Doing what? “Uh...our house is leaking. I have to fix the roof.”
Roof? Really now Quincy? My whole head is itchy now. Darn
“Are you lying to me, Princess?” I detect a smile in his voice.
“Um...no?” I clear my throat. “I mean, of course not.” I curb the
urge to scratch my head and look around to see people closer to
us staring. My neighbors, the girls who were ignoring me
before are now clearly listening in to our conversation.
“Okay, I’ll come and help you then,” he says. “I’ve never fixed a
roof before. I bet it’s going to be fun.”
“NO!” I squeak. “No,” I whisper and make a mistake of looking
into his bright green eyes. “Oh no, it’s a very very boring thing
to do,” I whisper back to him. So so green. How can a pair of
eyes look so vividly green like that? He’s staring into my eyes.
Then he gazes down at my lips. The hungry gleam in his eyes
makes mouth feels dry. My own gaze falls on his sensual pink
lips. They look so good. So very good. I wonder what they taste
I jump at the sound of our Professor’s voice. Saved by the bell
or rather saved by Professor McKinley.
I turn to face the front, ducking my head down to avoid all
those eyes watching, especially the girls beside me who are
openly staring.
I hear his tortured, frustrated groan behind me and bite my lip
to stop from laughing.
I don’t know if I’m feeling very relieved or disappointed right
now. We had been leaning very close to each other. Very close.
A few more seconds and...
Oh, boy. I am so screwed.
*I didn't like the chapter I originally wrote for today's
update so scraped the whole thing and started
again....just this morning! This one still needs work
but I promised you a new chapter today and I really
have to go now. I’ll update again Monday.
Chapter 13 - A Juicy Steak
“So, Quincy St.Martin...” he says softly as if testing the sound of
it. The way my name rolls off his tongue sends shivers down
my spine.
I just signed the attendance sheet that’s been passed around
and it sounds like he has just discovered my name.
“Quincy...” I hear him mutter to himself, then he chuckles.
“The fvcking irony,” he says. “Perfect.”
What the hell does that mean? God, he’s so annoying! Is he
making fun of my name now? If he is, I’ll gladly poke his eyes
out with this pen. I swear. I swivel around to give him a
threatening look. I hold my pen up and make a stabbing
motion as a warning.
He lets out a quiet laughter as if he finds me highly amusing.
“Oh, stop with the suggestive gesture, sweetheart,” he whispers
loud enough for me and my nosy neighbors to hear. “You’re
just putting things in my head. Giving me a hard-on. Making
me horny. Giving me ideas...”
Oh, my god! A tiny half squeak, half whimper sound escapes
my lips before I clamp my mouth shut. I hold my pen tighter in
case I give in to my temptation and commit murder right this
minute. I force myself to turn back to face the front of the class
without saying anything. It’s a good thing we’re way back up
I’m pissed off.
Let’s be clear, I am not pissed off because he has offended my
delicate sense of decency. Oh, no, that’s not it at all. I’m pissed
at him because he almost makes me laugh and tempted me to
say something as equally, if not more moronic and crude than
what he had just said. I’m tempted to shock the people around
us with more stupid stuff to say because essentially, that’s what
he’s doing; shocking those people who are too eager to listen in
to our conversation. Most importantly, we want to shock each
other with the crude things we say and that is not be something
that I should be tempted to do...and I am so very tempted.
I don’t know what it is with him that makes me want to act so
violently. It’s either killing him or joining in his stupid
stunt...and jumping his bone. Nothing in between. He’s also
easily the most annoying person I’ve ever met...apart from
myself and I get it. I understand him that much. It pisses me
off that I understand him in any way.
I never thought of myself as a homicidal person before. I never
wanted to harm anyone, no matter how annoying the other
person is. Oh, wait, I’m that annoying person, usually...but I’m
also sweet. So, sweet and the annoying part balance out. Right?
Unless it doesn’t and the universe is really trying to teach me a
All day today, I’ve been trying my hardest to ignore him and to
avoid him at all cost but he’s in all my classes. If he’s not
bugging me, I can still feel his eyes on me. There’s no escaping
him. By the time I get home, I feel exhausted. Avoiding him has
become a full-time job.
I hug my raggedy teddybear, Oliver closer and sigh as I roll to
lie on my side. Here I am in my bed after 11 at night, still
thinking about him. Ugghh!!! There really is no escaping him. I
can’t get him out of my mind. I’ve been thinking about him the
whole day today and tonight. Non-stop. The whole fvcking day!
That’s a whole sixteen hours of his stupidly gorgeous face in my
I sit up and fluff the pillow before I drop my head back down
on top of it. I can’t sleep from thinking about him. When I
finally fall asleep tonight, I’ve no doubt that I’ll have a dream
about him...or a nightmare. Depending on how you look at it.
“Is it a boy problem?” asks Layla, peering owlishly at me from
her bed. She’s sitting cross-legged on top of her bed with a
laptop in front of her and notes and several books all around
Her laptop and a little study lamp on her small desk are the
only sources of light in our room right now.
“How do you know I have a problem?” I ask my roommate.
“You’ve been tossing and turning for almost fifteen minutes
now, mumbling to yourself and you’ve been walking around
with your head in a cloud for over a week. Not to mention that
big hickey on your neck,” says Layla. Then she adds sternly,
“That’s right, girl, don’t think I didn’t notice. I’ve been trying
hard not to be nosy...lost cause.”
“Try harder,” I tell her.
“Oh, come on, I deserve a medal for keeping my mouth shut for
that long,” she says. “So, boy problem? You know you can talk
to Layla.” Layla loves talking in the third person sometimes.
Yeah, she’s weird like that.
“What makes you think that it has anything to do with a boy?”
“It doesn’t?” She raises one eyebrow.
“Errr...” I sit up and scratch my head. Oh, god, I have no
problem lying to complete strangers but I can’t even think
about lying to a friend or people I care about without my head
getting itchy. It’s not that I want to lie to Layla but I’m not sure
if I should share my problem with her. The only person I’d ever
confided in when I had boy problems was my Nana. My Nana
was THAT awesome...and also, I was a pathetic loser with no
Back when I was still in school, I didn’t have any human
friends because I was considered one of “them” even when
humans didn’t really know what “them” were. “Them”, the
werewolves, especially the girls, didn’t like me because I was a
human. I didn’t belong anywhere so I ended up with no one.
Good times.
It suddenly occurs to me that now, I have a girlfriend...I mean,
a friend who is a girl. Layla is my friend, right? Two if I count
Evelyn. Wow, I’m on fire!
Why not talk to Layla about it?
“Well?” says Layla, pushing her papers aside so she can move
closer to me and dangle her feet on the side of her bed.
“So...there is this guy,” I begin.
A big knowing smile starts to spread on Layla’s face. “So, there
is a guy.”
“Shut up and listen!” I tell her and she makes a zipping motion
to her lips.
“Anyway, this guy...he is just so annoying. So very annoying.
Every time he opens his mouth I feel like clobbering him on the
head.” Or kiss him to death. “He is just...ugghh!!! I want
to...oh, god. I don’t know what to do with him and he just won’t
leave me alone! He’s everywhere I go.”
“Is he cute at least?”
“Cute? Oh, Layla...” I sigh and let myself fall back onto my
pillow. “He’s gorgeous! He’s super hot!”
“I see...is he also the one who gave you that hickey?”
My hand quickly go up to cover the big bruise on my neck and
my cheeks feel heated. I guess that’s an answer enough for
Layla because her smile grows even wider.
“Wow! A super hot gorgeous guy is into you and won’t leave
you alone,” she says.
“I know right?”
“Probably has a hard time keeping his mouth off you too. I can
see how that is a big problem,” Layla says, tapping a finger to
her chin, nodding her head, looking very serious and wise.
I sit up, hugging Oliver close to my chest, waiting for her sage
advice and intelligent solution to my problem.
“I’d say hump him,” she deadpans. “Go ahead and hump him
“What???” I squeak. “Layla!” I grab a pillow and throw it at her
Layla is beside herself, laughing. “Alright, alright...sorry. Just
teasing you...but really, would it be so bad? Okay, I mean,
seriously, bad advise. Bad Layla,” she says. “Or is it?”
“You are so not helping!” I exclaim. “Besides, he’s a
manwhore...maybe worse than Jonah.”
“Okay. I can see a slight problem there.”
“You think?”
“How do you know he’s a manwhore?”
“Well, he’s always surrounded by women.”
“He’s always walking around with women hanging onto his
arms, huh?”
“Well...not really. They’re just flocked around him, you know?”
“O-kay...is he with them? Are they his friends? Or are they all
seeing him? I mean, he must be a complete jerk if he’s asking
you out when he’s seeing any of those girls, right?”
“I don’t know, Layla. You’re asking too many questions!”
Ugghh...all I know is, I start having violent thoughts when I see
other girls around him, which is very often. This jealousy better
go away, especially since he’s not mine.
“Besides, he’s not even human,” I tell Layla.
I found out not long ago that Layla’s mother is a human, mated
to a werewolf. For some reason, Layla’s the only one out of her
four siblings who doesn’t have a wolf.
“What is he? A werewolf? A faery? If he’s one of those, then
you’d better stay away. You don’t want to get hurt when he
eventually finds his mate,” says Layla.
Oh, god, I never thought of that. What if he has a mate out
there somewhere? For some reason, that thought bothers me.
A lot.
For a while, both of us stay silent.
“Was it hard for you when you discovered that you don’t have a
wolf?” I ask Layla, trying not to think about him with a mate.
Another woman. That thought hurts.
Unlike me, Layla’s family loves her. Also unlike me, Layla
wishes that she has a werewolf mate out there somewhere.
She stays silent a bit longer, I thought she’s not going to answer
my question. “People told me that some werewolf gets their
wolf late. Some got it when they turn sixteen, so I kept hoping
that I would have a wolf one day. When I turned sixteen and it
didn’t happen, I was devastated. I was miserable for a long
“When I turned 18, I was hoping that I’d have a mate anyway,
but that never happened either. My family tried to make me
feel better about it, especially my mom. She’s human, so she
said that she understands. She said that we’re the same but she
has a mate, my father, so we’re not the same.
“When my younger sister found her mate, I couldn’t take it. I
was happy for her but it reminded me of something I’d never
have for myself. I decided that I wasn't going to be in the pack
anymore, so I came here. My family’s not too happy about it
but our pack isn’t that far away so I can visit them whenever I
want,” she explains. “Truth is, a big part of me is always hoping
that I’d find a mate one day.”
Poor Layla. She looks so sad. I leap out of my bed and jump on
hers and give her a big hug. We both tumble down the bed and
Layla starts to laugh again. “But now you get to date human
men!” I tell her, squeezing her harder. “So many choices, Layla.
It’s like all you can eat buffet! Yummy!”
“Oh, Quincy, one day you are you going to learn. An à la carte
tender juicy steak is all you need even when you’re surrounded
but an all you can eat buffet. Especially when it’s a filet
mignon, the best you could ever have, all you ever dream of
and the buffet is a big spread of crappy food.”
“So, tell me, Quincy, if he’s not a player and if he’s a human,
would you have gone out with him? Or are there any more
reasons you’ll come up with for not wanting to go out with
“Ughh..but he is, Layla. I mean he is a player...isn’t he? Don’t
forget, I don’t want to be involved with non-human variety.”
Do I? “And I don’t want a juicy steak if it’s not MY juicy steak.”
Now the question is, how do I get him to leave me alone? The
bigger question is, do I really want him to leave me alone?
My first class this morning and he’s sitting right beside me.
Watching me. I try to ignore him but it’s not really working.
The morning sunshine pours in through the windows and his
golden hair glints. His green eyes vivid and brilliant, focus
solely on me. He’s so beautiful it hurts.
“Why are you doing this?” I finally ask him.
“I’m trying to get you to go out with me, my princess.”
“Why are you calling me your princess?”
“Because you are my princess.”
“Do you call all the girls you try to bang my princess? Does that
line always work for you?”
“Okay, stop,” he says. “First off, bang? Really? Secondly, I
never call any other girl my Princess. Ever. Third, I’m not
trying to bang you, I’m trying to get you to get out with
me...well, banging can come later. Much later..well, anytime
you want to, really, so it doesn’t have to be that much later....”
I give him a dirty look.
“Sorry, I got sidetracked,” he says, ducking his head and his
hand comes up to massage the back of his neck. He has the
grace to have that bashful look on his face. It bothers me that I
find it adorable. “My point is, sweetheart, I want us to get to
know each other. So, have dinner with me? Anytime you want.
Or I can come and fix the roof with you.”
“No!” I squeak. There’s really no roof to fix.
“Ouch! Again, a shot through the heart,” he says. He’s smiling
again now but his lips are thinning over his straight white
teeth. If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought that
I’ve hurt his feelings and he’s losing his patience with me.
“Now will you please leave me alone?” I ask him.
“Is that what you really want, Princess?” His smile is gone now.
His eyes are intense on my face. “Do you really want me to
leave you alone?”
Do I? I try to remind myself again that he’s not human and that
he might have a mate out there and that he’s a player. I might
just be another notch on his bedpost.
*My next update will be this Friday. Two Chapters this
week so you don’t have to wait too long for an update.
Chapter 14 - When It Rains
He leaves me alone after our last conversation a few days ago. He’s not in any of my classes
anymore, nor is he hounding me in the hallways or on the sidewalk.
I find myself feeling anxious about it. My eyes keep scanning the campus for a sign of him.
Sometimes I feel his burning gaze on me. Sometimes I feel the heavy crackling of electricity in
the air and I know he’s nearby and it takes everything in me not to look up and search around
just to drink in the sight of him. Sometimes I see him at a distance, looking like he’s totally
oblivious to my presence or maybe he’s totally ignoring me.
Sometimes I see him smiling and talking to some human girls. I don’t know if he’s flirting with
them but it’s clear that the girls are more than offering themselves to him.
Sometimes he’s with three other women, the same redhead he’s always with, in one of my
classes, a honey golden blonde, and a Latina. The three women are breathtakingly gorgeous, and
not human.
I’ve watched them enough to know that there’s nothing going on between him and the three
goddesses. They treat each other like close friends or siblings rather than people who are into
each other.
I’m a creeper, I know. I told him to stay away but when he did, I seek him out. I told him to
leave me alone but I still watch him obsessively.
Once, our eyes met and the fire in his eyes robbed my breath away. The hurt is evident. He’s the
one who tore his gaze away first. His jaw was clenched tight and his whole body was stiff anger.
Twenty minutes after the encounter, my body was still shaking and my heart was still pounding
hard in my chest.
All the time now, he leaves me alone. He really leaves me alone. Just like I asked him to.
I feel hurt, miserable, dejected, and hollow inside. I’m confused by my own feelings and I don’t
know what to do about it.
My mood doesn’t improve during the weekend. If anything, it gets worse. On campus, at least
there’s a chance for me to catch a glimpse of him even briefly. At home, I feel trapped, lonely,
and restless.
Layla is away the whole weekend, visiting her family in her old pack territory which is about
half an hour away from here. I have no clue where our other housemates, Isaac and Lana have
gone to.
I see Jonah briefly on Saturday morning before he takes off somewhere. I hear him coming home
late at night while I’m already in bed, counting all the positive things in life instead of counting
sheep. Trying to sleep.
I count all the positive things I have in life to make me feel better, and my cousin Jonah is one of
them. But when it rains, it pours, people say. I guess the saying is true for me this time because,
on Sunday morning, I find a note waiting for me on the breakfast table. A cell phone and some
money are sitting on top of it. I pick it up and Jonah’s bold handwritten scrawl is staring back at
I won’t be home for a while. Don’t need to worry. The phone and the money are yours.
I palm the phone and the money and I wish I could throw them at his head. Idiot! My cousin is
an idiot. Don’t need to worry? Really? Of course, I’m going to worry. When people tell you that
you don’t need to worry, that’s exactly what you’re going to do: you worry!
Jonah said he “won’t be home for a while”. Just how long is “for a while”? A few days? A
couple of weeks? Months? Why didn’t he tell me where he is going?
Is he in trouble? It’s not that improbable that he’s gotten himself into some kind of trouble. He
was always in trouble back in the pack. He’s the poster child for trouble. I remember how girls
were into him back then. He’s THAT bad boy. Ughh!! I could kill him now! Just when I thought
my mood couldn’t sink any lower.
I count the money as if it could give me a clue of how long he will be away for. A few hundred
dollars. That really doesn’t tell me anything.
Then I pour out the content of my bag on my bed, frantically searching for the piece of paper that
holds Jonah’s number. I give him a call using the phone he gave me but only to be sent to the
automated voicemail. After a few tries, I send him a text.
Hey, where are you? Are you okay? When are you coming back? Call me.
I know I sound like a nagging, clingy girlfriend but he’s my cousin. He’s the only family I have
that I care about, apart from Jorden and I’m worried.
My mind keeps alternating between constantly thinking about my confused feelings for Caspian
and how he’s leaving me alone now and worrying about Jonah.
As much as I try to deny it, there’s this connection between us. Caspian and I. Something is
anchoring me to him. Pulling me to him. The constant warring of my head, my heart, and my
body is draining me. I miss him so much, it’s like a physical pain. I wake up Monday morning,
feeling exhausted. I didn’t get much sleep last night...or the night before.
He’s usually in my first class on Monday with that beautiful redhead. I look forward to seeing
him there as much as I dread it.
I wait to catch a sight of him in the auditorium. My eyes keep wandering to the door but he
doesn’t show up for class. I don’t even see him around at all for the rest of the day.
I bet he doesn’t even care if he ever sees me again at this point. He must have lost interest in me.
He’s probably paying attention to some other more willing girls by now. Well...good! He’s
bugging someone else with his crude, inappropriate comments. It’s great, really. It’s awesome! I
hate it when my allergies are acting up. My heart hurts and it makes my eyes water.
My classes end at noon and my shift is in the evening at the cafe today. It’s not a particularly
busy at this time of the day, but we have a steady stream of costumers who are mostly students
coming in at all times. Cat, as a barista is always busy. She blames it on students and their
constant need for caffeine.
I'm passing my customers’ order to Alex who is making sandwiches when all of a sudden my
body tenses up and my breath comes up in hitches. My heart starts to pound faster and a familiar
knot starts to form in my stomach. I feel that familiar heaviness and crackles of electricity in the
“He’s here,” breathes Jenna, sounding excited as she breezes past me with a big eager smile.
Yes, he’s here. I peek out from behind a corner near the espresso machine, trying to stay out of
sight, even though I know he’s well aware that I’m here. For some reason, I'm very sure that he
can sense me as I can sense him.
He’s here by himself...and he’s sitting at my table.
I click my pen rapidly several times and stare at him from behind my hiding place.
He looks hot. Hotter than I remember. He’s in a casual white button-down shirt and a pair of
dove grey chinos. The leather loafers on his feet probably cost more than everything that I have
to my name. His hair isn’t as impeccable as usual today, though. A few strands of that silky
golden lock has fallen over his eyebrow as if he’s been running his fingers through it so many
Oh, god, I’m feeling nervous. I haven’t seen him in days. It feels longer than that, though. I just
want to stand here and watch him. All night.
I'm such a creeper. I sigh and reluctantly step out from behind the machine when Alex grabs my
“Yeah, you don’t need to worry about that table,” she says, tipping her head towards the object
of my obsession. “Jenna called dibs on that sexy Russian candy cane. It doesn’t matter whose
table he’s sitting at, as soon as he’s in it, it becomes her table. Trust me, honey, you don’t want
to be in Jenna’s shit list.”
Alex gets back to work and Cat comes sauntering out from the back, carrying a bag of coffee
Her eyes light up with amusement when she spots our new customer and sees Jenna fussing over
her appearance near the counter. “He’s hot, isn’t he?” says Cat with a naughty tilt to her voice.
“So...he’s always flirting with Jenna?” I ask Cat as I watch Jenna taking off her apron and starts
undoing a few buttons of her top. Okay, I’m feeling jealous. I’d never admitted it out loud to
anyone but everything in me is screaming that he’s mine. He's mine!
I watch her sashay over to his table with a flirty smile on her pretty face. I hate to watch it but I
can’t seem to take my eyes off the scene either.
“Nope. I don’t think he ever flirts with her. He noticed her, maybe, but not for good reasons,”
says Cat with a comical smile. “He’s usually here with three other girls. All gorgeous,” she sighs.
“From what I notice, none of them ever bothers much with people around them. They just talk to
each other. Never wants anything to do with us mere mortals more than they have to,” informs
“Mere mortals?” I feel my breath stuck in my throat. Does Cat know that they’re not human?
Cat laughs. “Yeah, I mean, look at him. Normal people shouldn’t look that good. How is that
fair? Do you think he rolls out of bed looking like that?”
I breathe out a sigh of relief. Okay, she doesn’t mean it literally. I’m way too tense.
We are now standing behind the coffee grinder machine, Cat: working on the espresso machine,
me: hiding, while we both watch Jenna talking to him. She’s standing so close to him as if she’s
telling him a secret or saying something intimate that only he should hear. I can tell that she
would rub herself all over him if he just gave her a little bit of an encouragement.
“Anyway, back to Jenna,” says Cat as she continues working. “He mostly just ignores her. Only
this one time, he asked her to bark like a dog and now she thinks that they’re in a relationship.
Now, she would say “woof, woof” every time she goes to take his orders. It’s ridiculous.” Cat
shakes her head. “Jenna is being desperate and let me tell you, desperate is never attractive.”
Sure enough, he’s not even looking at Jenna when she leans down to pour the water into his
glass. Her breasts almost spilling over her wide gaping top showing off her red lacy bra. He’s too
busy scanning the area behind the counter. His intense gaze stops when it reaches my hiding
spot. I almost stop breathing.
“Honestly though, I’d do him. Heck, I’d do all four of them,” says Cat with a naughty smile.
“Hey, Quincy,” says Alex behind me. I forgot she’s even there for a while. “The sandwiches for
table 11 are ready.”
“Okay, thanks Alex,” I tell her. I guess there’s no point in hiding, really. He knows exactly
where I am.
I pick up a tray and place the sandwiches along with a cup of iced chai latte and a single espresso
prepared by Cat, and walk out to a table by the window with my back straight and eyes carefully
avoiding his table. I know he’s watching me as I cross the room.
“One vegan sandwich, a smoked salmon and capers on rye,” I recite, trying to sound as cheerful
as possible as I transfer the food from the tray onto the table in front of two girls sitting at my
table. My hands are slightly shaking but I hope nobody notices it. I set the drinks as well and
they thanked me.
I can feel his eyes on me the whole time, intense and searing, willing me to look at him. My
heart is galloping so fast in my chest, it’s hard to breathe. It takes everything in me not give in
and steal a glance his way.
It’s crazy but I missed him.
“Quincy,” he calls out quietly as I walk past his table and I stop on my track. The sound of my
name on his lips sends a quiver down my body. The tone of his voice sounds like he’s starving
for me. I look up and our eyes locked.
The look on his beautiful face almost makes me cry. The fire, the yearning, the desperation and a
lot more. All the feelings I’ve been battling and bottling inside.
“Please,” he says. He lifts his hand and touches my wrist. Very lightly. His touch sears my skin.
Our connection pulse through my blood to every nerve and every cell in my body. He wants me
to feel it.
The expression on his face hardens. His jaw set to determination and stubbornness when he says,
“I’ve left you alone long enough. You don’t want to go on a date with me, fine. But it’s time we
talk.” His tone is clear. He won't take no for an answer this time.
Unbeknownst to him, I would have agreed to a date...anywhere and at any time at this point.
Whether he’s a player or not or if he has a mate out there and he’s going to break my heart
beyond repair eventually, I just got to have this time with him. Just this once.
I look at Jenna who’s standing at a table not too far away, taking an order. She has stopped doing
whatever she’s doing and now she’s just standing there glaring at me.
“I finish work in three hours,” I tell him softly.
“Then I’ll wait,” he whispers in my ear as he gets up and brushes past me to sit in the furthest
corner of the cafe.
*This chap obviously still needs a lot of work but I don’t want to keep you waiting for too
long. My next update will be on Thursday. Have a great weekend, everybody!
Chapter 15 - It Pours
My feet are shaky as I track my way back the counter. So, is he
really going to sit there to wait for me to finish work?
“Wait!” says Cat, clasping my arm as I grab a cleaning solution
and a cleaning cloth to wipe a table. “You know him? You never
told me that you knew him.”
“Uh, I don’t really know him...” I really don’t want to tell Cat
anything. I like Cat just fine. I mean, she is cool and all but
she’s also nosy and loves to gossip. Telling Cat anything is like
announcing it to the whole campus.
“Really? It sure doesn’t look like it. Is he waiting for you?”
“We just need to...uh, talk.” I’m not lying. We do need to talk
but if anything else happens...
“Talk? Suuure...or is that what they call it these days?”
“Cat!” I half whisper, half yelling at her. I quickly glance at him
to make sure that he’s not listening, but then I remember just
how sensitive werewolf’s hearing is, his hearing is probably
stronger. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Sure,” she winks. “Talking. I get it. He’s sitting there staring at
you like he wants to eat you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
and he’s waiting just to talk. Totally.” She pats my hand gently.
“I believe you. Millions wouldn’t, but I believe you.” She winks
again. I’m sure he can hear her loud and clear. Oh, my god!
I move around trying to do my job while acutely aware of him
watching me. It’s hard to concentrate. I’m a pro waitress, an
expert at making smoothies, a master at clearing and cleaning
tables. It’s his fault that I can’t take a few steps without
tripping over my own feet. Walking gets tricky when someone
is watching you. I am not clumsy.
Cat, Alex, and Jenna are also watching. Cat, with amusement.
Once in a while, she looks from Caspian to me then back again
and not so subtly wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. Ughh!!
There’s no cure for Cat.
Alex just watches me quietly. I don’t really know what she’s
Jenna...well, how do I begin to describe Jenna. She glares at
me. She bumps my shoulder a couple of times, it looks
accidental, but I don’t think it is. She keeps going over to his
table and tries to strike up a conversation with him. She’s very
persistent. I don’t even try to hide a smirk everytime she
stomps away in frustration when he firmly but politely tells her
to leave him alone because I’m petty like that. It's also obvious
that he's losing his patience with her because his response gets
shorter and terser. Is it bad that I feel smug about it? Maybe it
is, but do I care? Not at all.
Three hours. Three longest hours of my life. The longest three
hours in history! It’s funny that I’m impatient for my shift to be
over, but at the same time, I’m nervous as hell.
Caspian’s POV
Ever heard of an English idiomatic expression “when it rains, it
pours”? It couldn’t have described this week better for me. In
other words, this week sucks.
My plan for my erasthai was simple: I wanted to wine and dine
and woo my princess the old fashion way. I wanted to dazzle
her with my extraordinary good look, extremely witty and
clever conversational skill, utterly magnificent sense of humor,
and downright charming, not to mention captivating
personality and charisma. I want to make her drool over my
sexiness. I want to make her fall helplessly in love with me so
that she has no chance of leaving me when I reveal to her what
I really am. See? Simple.
Only nothing is simple when it comes to my erasthai. Why
won’t she fall at my feet like other women? It drives me crazy.
She won’t even agree to a date with me. One date, that’s all I
I never had to work so hard to get just one single date from a
woman. Every attempt I tried, she shot down without a second
thought. The last time I tried, she told me to leave her alone.
That hurt. Knowing that your erasthai, the one that you’ve been
waiting for all your life wanted nothing to do with you hurt. A
I was hurt, angry and miserable for days. I vowed to give her
some time away from me. Time for her to realize that she
needed me. I wanted her to miss me...like I miss her. I have
been as miserable as hell these last few days.
On top of that, I had to deal with Penny and Darius’s drama.
Darius is one of the top commanders, one of the best warriors
in the Royal Army. Penny, or Beany as I call her is a werewolf
and she is Darius’s erasthai. He had refused to mark her and
make her his for years. A few days ago, he finally told us the
reason why he refused to claim her.
Darius is in charge of a very classified operation that only a
select few in the Army know of. It’s an investigation involving
the royal family. One of us is working with the rebels to gain
power. We have enemies from the inside.
The mates of the previous Commanders before him were killed
brutally to stop the investigation. In our world, you destroy the
mate, you destroy the lycan. Once the mate is killed brutally,
you have to destroy the other before they go on a rampage or
killing spree. Darius knows that they wouldn’t hesitate to kill
Beany if they knew she’s his. He’s been carrying the burden for
He also cautioned that I myself and the future Queen would be
in danger as well but right now, the direct threat would be on
Beany. To complicate the matter, Beany has also found her
human mate a couple of weeks ago. If she choses to be with the
human, she’d be lost to us forever.
Well, that's just great isn't it? I have to worry about my
princess’s safety on top of her not wanting me.
Just as I was wallowing in my self-pity, feeling sorry for myself,
Beany was taken. She was at the park with her human mate
when they were taken. She was about to end it with him to be
with Darius when they took her. Those sons of bitches stabbed
her with a silver knife. A wound like that, made by silver would
have been fatal to werewolves. We’re lucky that Darius had
already marked her scent and she’s already accepting him. That
means she’s already turning into a lycan.
At least she’s now alive and truly has become one of us. She
and her smart ass mouth will live to torment us for centuries to
come...if we manage to keep her alive that long.
Penny’s human mate, Matthew saw the whole thing; the
werewolf phasing, Beany being stabbed and turning into her
lycan. The chicken sh*t became hysterical. His mind couldn’t
accept what he saw. The reality of his world shifted and he
couldn’t take it.
That brought me back to my own problem. My erasthai is a
human. What would she do if she knew what I am? What if she
knew what a monster I am? She might have already known
about werewolves but us lycans are another level of craziness.
We’re not beautiful to look at. We kill brutally and without
remorse. We’re like your worse nightmare come to life. Will she
be able to accept me? What if she acted just like Matthew did?
Screaming and cowering, yelling incoherent words one
moment and crying about vicious, frightening, abhorrent
monsters the next? What if she hated me? Worse, what if she’s
scared of me? That would destroy me.
I’m thankful that Beany didn’t get to see Matthew like that.
Even though she might have accepted Darius as her mate, it
would still hurt her terribly if she saw how scared he was and
heard the things that he said about her and about us. I slapped
the guy hard enough so that he passed out so she didn’t have to
see it...and also because I had been wanting to do that since I
first saw him. Enough of his hysteric.
Darius seems to accept that there is no way he can keep her
safe at a distance now. I have no doubt, they will mate and
mark each other soon. My work here as a meddling cupid is
done. There, pat yourself on your fvcking shoulder, Prince
Caspian Romanov!
If only my own life isn’t a fvcking mess right now. I’ve been
sitting at this cafe for over two hours.
I swipe the screen of my phone to read a message from
Lazarus. He’s scolding me for ditching my security detail. I
ignore his message. I do pretty much what I want. All the time.
This time I don’t want them with me. I don’t want any of them
around when I’m groveling at my erasthai’s feet. Begging her
just to talk to me. I’ve enough shit to deal with. Having my men
and my pack mates laughing at me? Fvck that. Not going to
I check the time again. Two hours and forty minutes. Not that
I’m bored or complaining. I’m having fun watching my
princess. Mostly. I love watching her move, the way she’s
walking around pretending that she’s not aware that I’m
watching her every move.
The dark of her hair a stark contrast to her pale skin. Her green
eyes bright and brilliant, surrounded by thick, black lashes.
Her lips, so red. Everything about her is in rich, vivid color.
Striking. She makes everything and everyone else pale in
comparison. Black and white. Insignificant.
I love the way she tilts her head and clicks her pen in a nervous
gesture when she waits for her customers to make up their
minds. I love how she watches me from the corners of her eyes
or steals a glance when she thinks I wasn’t watching. I love the
way strands of her jet black hair escape from the hair tie and
falls over her face.
I hate watching men looking at her, checking her out. I hate
how some of them talk about her when they think she's out of
the hearing range. I could wring their necks for even looking at
her. I can’t stand that the other server keeps coming over to ask
me if I need anything or just to chat. I don’t need that. I’m just
here to wait for my girl. She really doesn’t need to come over to
ask me the same question every five minutes. If I need
anything, I will call. That’s how it works.
Quincy. Queen Quincy. My queen. Right now, the future Queen
of all lycans and werewolves is wiping tables at a cafe. I have
billions of Euros and countless properties scattered across the
globe, yet she’s working a job that pays minimum wage. The
fvcking irony.
Her friend with purple hair keeps saying stuff that embarrasses
my princess. I think I like her, she’s hilarious. I almost laugh at
the mortified expression on my princess’s face when her friend
insinuates that we're going to do more than just talk. When she
quickly glances at me I just pretend to be fascinated with a big
wall art on the far wall. An imitation of Andy Warhol; a cuppa
cappuccino printed in six panels in different colors.
“Hey,” she says, standing in front of me, fidgeting with the
strap of her bag. Finally.
“Hey,” I reply as I get to my feet. “Ready to go?”
Quincy’s POV
In the end, Cat tells me that she’ll finish cleaning up for me and
practically pushes me to get my stuff at the back, then towards
Caspian who is still waiting for almost three hours.
He steers me toward a flashy red Porsche. I roll my eyes. I can’t
help it. How typical. The car fits him. He’s probably one of
those spoiled trust fund kids.
“What?” he asks me.
“Nothing,” I answer quickly. He opens the door for me while
eyeing me suspiciously.
“I can feel you judging me, princess,” he says as I climb in.
I’ve never been in one of these cars and I have to admit, I’m
quite curious despite my outward show of disdain. The smell of
leather and mostly of him fills my nose as soon as I get in. The
seat is low to the ground and the soft leather conforms to my
I become conscious of how intimate it feels in the close
proximity of his car as soon as he gets in and closes the door.
The air feels heavy around us. He places one hand on the
gearshift and another on the steering wheel. I notice how
elegant his long fingers are. His nails are perfect. Does he have
a manicure? He probably does. Manicure and pedicure...and
maybe the whole works. He’s so high maintenance for a man.
It takes a while for me to realize that we’re not moving. I look
up to his glittering eyes studying me. Watching me watching
him. Our eyes meet and my breath becomes choppy.
“What now?” he asks, raising an eyebrow. “Again, I can feel you
judging me, princess.” His voice sounds huskier and sexy but
From the intense look in his eyes, I know he can feel it. This
energy that hums between us. The crackles of electricity in the
air that pull us like two powerful opposite magnets. I’m glad
he’s trying to keep it light.
“I’m not judging you,” I quickly deny. Yes, I am. I tug at my
ponytail, trying not to scratch my head.
His hand drifts up to touch my hair but then he quickly drops it
down then curls it into a fist around the gearshift and tears his
gaze away.
“What?” I ask breathlessly. I feel like I’m in a daze, staring at
his profile now.
He takes a deep breath and laughs. “Nothing.”
“Really? Nothing,” I ask him. I can't believe he's throwing my
word back at me.
He sighs, resigned before he mutters reluctantly, “I only have
so much self-control, princess. If I touch you now, I won’t be
able to stop.” Then without warning, he starts the car and
accelerates so fast that I’m thrust back in my seat.
God help me.
He drives like a racetrack driver. Fast.
“Where are you taking me?”
“To a restaurant.”
“At this hour?” It’s already after 11 at night.
“Yeah.” He’s not even looking at me.
He’s totally focused on the road after that. Not speaking. His
expression, grim. He looks furious, even. His hands are
gripping hard on the steering wheel.
What now?
We stop at a small parking lot not long after and he jumps out
like he’s on fire as soon as he cuts the engine. What? Now he
can’t get away from me fast enough?
I get out of the car before he gets around to open the door for
me. I think I slammed shut the door of his expensive car a little
too loudly.
“What is your problem?” I yell at him.
I don’t know what is it about him that makes me feel...more.
More than I regularly feel with other people. More hurt when
he leaves me alone or more annoyed when he opens his mouth,
a wreck when I’m not near him, crazy giddy when I see him.
Insane jealous when he’s around other girls and I’m not a
jealous person. My stupid heart pounds so fast it almost hurt,
my tummy swarms with crazy butterflies, and electricity
crackles in the air in his presence. Now I’m more pissed off
when he seems pissed off and I don’t even know why. My
feelings are all over the place. Everything is just...more.
He rounds the car and saunters toward me like he’s stalking a
prey. “You! You are my problem,” he says.
I fold my arms over my chest. Well, that hurts. “You came to
me, not the other way around, buddy! Nobody forced you to
take me out if you don’t want to be near me, you know.”
“You think I don’t want to be near you?” he asks me. He’s
towering over me now. His intense green eyes are focused on
me. “This thing between us is too strong already. Too much to
handle when we’re alone in the car. All I could smell was you. I
was about to lose it. Not much longer in there and you’ll be
wearing more than just my temporary hickey.”
“What does that mean?”
“Oh, you know what I mean, princess,” he says. His lips curl up
into a sneer. His smile almost seems cruel. “Let’s go into the
restaurant where there are people around so that I’m not too
tempted to...” To what? He leaves the sentence hanging as he
takes off. I'm half tempted to leave. Just run off and be
miserable again.
He's waiting for me at the door so I know he'll catch me if I try
to run anyway.
Maybe I do know what he means but my brain is in denial.
It’s a Russian Restaurant in West Hollywood. It’s surprising
that it’s quite busy with a few patrons despite it being late. The
walls are painted black but there are mirrors and lights
everywhere. It’s not over the top posh but classy enough that I
feel underdressed in my old jeans, plain grey t-shirt, and
sneakers. I probably smell like coffee too.
Caspian whispers something to the host who respectfully nods,
then leads us to our table. I sneak a glance at the people around
me as we walk past. I’m not too sure if they’re all humans. Most
of them are rather stylish. Some, even dressed in all leather.
Quite a few of them are eyeing me with a strange gleam in their
eyes. As if sensing my unease, Caspian places his hand at the
small of my back. His touch seems possessive as if he’s staking
his claim. The feel of his large hand firm on my back also calms
me and makes me feel safer that I instinctively move closer to
him. The corner of his lips curl up slightly into a smile at my
move, even though he’s staring ahead, his gaze following our
We are taken to the very back of the room. It’s a booth seating
with a clear glass partition that separates us from others. The
host slides the glass door closed and leaves after Caspian gives
him a few orders in a foreign language, I’m guessing Russian. I
can still see other patrons on the other side of the glass
partition. It gives us a little privacy even though we’re not
“Now nobody can hear us,” he says as he slides into the seat
next to me. His thigh and knee are touching mine. One hand
slides to the back of the seat behind me and another on top of
the table in front of me, caging me in as I’m pressed against the
padded wall on the other side of me. A wicked, sexy smile
appears on his lips. “Now are you ready to be devoured, my
*Over 3100 words today. The chapter still needs work.
I wish the story could progress much faster but there
are things that needed to be explained, esp to new
readers. It's a spoiler to those who haven't read
Fighting Darius. Ah, well...next update is Thursday
again, my dearies.
Chapter 16 - Charming Trouble
“Are you ready to be devoured, my love?”
He leans in closer until he’s almost on top of me and my knees
grow weak. Do I want to get devoured by this sexy creature?
My traitorous inner voice and hormone are yelling “yes,
His handsome arrogant face shows that he’s confident that I’m
just going to melt into a puddle at his feet like so many other
women before me. Just like that, he’s pissing me off again.
How can you be turned on and pissed off at the same time?
Well, that straightened my resolve. I am not going to be one of
those women.
“No,” I say as I slap my hands flat on his chest. It’s solid hard
and I feel his muscles flex under my palm. “You’re like a little
kid. You can’t stay serious for five minutes, can you?” I tell him
even though my heart feels like it’s about to explode in my
That stupid, sexy, naughty grin on his lips only grows wider.
His hand is braced against the wall behind me. He tilts his head
sideways and leans in like he’s going to kiss me and I slide
down my seat until I’m almost lying down on the red leather
padded bench.
It’s actually hard for me to evade his kiss because I want to feel
his lips on mine. I do. Too much. I have to remind myself that
he might be doing this to other girls all the time.
I know if I let him, it’s not going to be just a simple kiss
because I want so much more. Nothing is going to be simple
between the two of us...at least not to me.
He looks down at me underneath him and chuckles. He’s
toying with me like a big cat playing with their catch before
they devour it. His grin is very mischievous and playful but
there’s fire in his eyes. This man is trouble.
“I like this,” he says, looking at me half lying in between his
“You under me, in this position.” He has one knee bent on the
seat next to my hip while another foot firmly on the floor on
the other side of me. I’m in a reclining position with an elbow
supporting me. His crotch is directly at my eye level.
“Really?” I lift an eyebrow, staring up at him. “You should be
worried,” I tell him. “Because I bite.” I snap my teeth together.
My remark and action are met with silence, then he throws his
head back and laughs. A beautiful, delightful sound that sends
tingles down my spine.
I watch the column of his throat and his Adam’s apple move as
he laughs. I never thought a man’s throat could look so sexy
and delicious before.
“Don’t forget. I bite too, princess,” he reminds me, flashing his
straight white teeth and those slightly prominent and sharp
“I thought we’re here to talk,” I huff, trying not to remember
the way his mouth and teeth felt on my skin.
I squirm to get out from under him but only manage to slide
and fall off the side of the seat. He grabs my arm before I hit
the ground and pulls me up back into sitting position.
He lowers himself to sit properly beside me just before the
same host from earlier knocks on the glass partition and slides
it open. A waiter comes in to pour some clear liquid into our
glasses. “Your Vodka, sir,” he says, then he pours some water
into two other glasses. After he’s done, a waitress steps in with
a big oval platter filled with a variety of mouthwatering fares.
“I’ve ordered us a sampler so that you can try a little bit of
everything,” he says when they’re gone and the is partition
closed again.
We share everything on the tray. It’s delicious. Some food he
insists on feeding me. We make small talk as we eat. He tells
me that he wants to get to know me and he asks simple
questions like my favorite movies, and hobbies. We tell each
other about our embarrassing moments and have a good laugh
at each other’s expenses. He’s funny and easy to talk to when
he’s not being cocky and annoying.
“So, tell me about your family. Are they here?” I ask him.
His hand pauses in mid-air as he’s about to sip his Vodka and
something flashes in his eyes. It’s very fleeting. If I wasn’t
watching him so closely, I would’ve missed it. “Yes, my family
is here,” he answers carefully.
“Do you live with them?”
“That’s great. You must be close to your parents then,” I say. I
think I hear an embarrassingly wistful note in my own voice.
Really, I’m an adult now. I shouldn’t be wishing for a father
and a mother who love me but sometimes I can’t help feeling
envious of people with doting parents.
“Not really. My father is okay, I guess, but my mother and
I...we don’t see eye to eye,” he explains. “And my parents aren’t
“Oh, okay. But when you said your family is here....”
“My parents are in Russia,” he says. “Moya printsessa, blood
relation doesn’t make a family. People whom I love and trust
are my family.
“What about you? Tell me about your family.” he sits back and
watches me.
I touch the beads of condensation formed on the surface of my
glass of water and frown as I think of my family. “My Nana
died almost five months ago. She raised me.” Sometimes it’s
still strange and hard to say my Nana and the word died in the
same sentence.
“I’m sorry, princess,” he says, gently touching my arm. “That’s
very recent. The cut must still hurt very deeply.”
Yes, and I’m bleeding all over the place. My eyes sting. I don’t
like to cry and I don’t want people to feel sorry for me. I blink a
few times before I look up again and force a cheerful smile. “It’s
okay.” I shrug. “I still have my cousins, Jonah and Jorden.”
See? I’m not alone.
“Grieving is never easy. It’s a very lonely journey even when
you have people in your corner.” The tone of his voice sounds
sincere like he really understands. “I’m glad you have your
cousins,” he says. “What about your parents?”
“Like you said, sometimes blood relation doesn’t make a
family. I never knew my father. He’s a human. My mother is a
werewolf.” I feel his intense heated gaze focused on my face but
I keep my eyes down. My fingertip draws circles with the
condensation on the glass. “My mom has a mate. She has her
own family,” I add quietly.
I notice that I drew the word mom on the glass, so I quickly
scratch it away.
He nods his head. “You’re a half werewolf.”
“I’m a human,” I insist.
“So, tell me, apart from werewolves, what other creatures do
you know exist in this realm?” The tone of his voice sounds
casual and light like we’re talking about the weather but the
way he angles his body towards me tells me that he’s paying
close attention to every word, every telling of my body.
“Hmmm...let’s see, there are the Fea, Sprites, Demons...”
“I said, in this realm, princess,” he says, patiently.
“Well, sometimes they escape into this realm,” I argue.
“The ones that live permanently in this realm.” Something tells
me that my answer is important to him.
“Oh, I don’t know...shape shifters, incumbi?” I really don’t
know. I rarely paid attention when my Nana or somebody in
my old pack talked about them, mainly because I wanted
nothing to do with them. They bring nothing but trouble and I
had my mind set to immerse myself in the human world as
soon as I could get away from there. I peer up at him from
underneath my eyelashes. “So, what are you?”
He watches me with a contemplative look. As if measuring
something in his mind.
When he keeps staring at me, I continue, “I don’t know, okay?
Why don’t you tell me? And another thing, I know most of you
have mates. So, where’s yours?” The thought of him with
another girl, a mate, pisses me off. “What are you doing with
me? Do you want me to be your plaything before you meet your
mate? Have your fun with a stupid human girl before you can
be with the one?” I ask him heatedly.
“Whoa, sweetheart,” he says, soothingly. He covers my hand
that’s currently gripping a fork in a death grip with his. The
touch of his warm skin on mine sends zap of electricity through
my vein and I jump and try to pull my hand away. He tightens
his hold, then slowly pries the fork out of my hand.
I’ve lost my weapon. “Are you worried I was going to use that to
stab you in the eye?” It’s not like I’m not tempted to do that.
He doesn’t answer me. Instead, rubs his thumb on the back of
my hand in a slow circle.
He leans in and whispers, “Do you feel that?” His warm breath
teases my skin. The tip of his nose and his lips graze the shell of
my ear. Another pleasurable jolt travels down my body. Setting
my blood on fire. “Does it feel like we’re just having “fun” to
you? What if you’re the one for me?”
I swear my heart just jumps out of my chest and goes flying
through the roof. If I wasn’t already sitting down, my knees
would buckle and I would be sprawled on the floor. “Am I?”
His thumb continues stroking the back of my hand again. “Tell
me what this feels like to you, moya printsessa.” His every little
touch is charging me, turning me into a live wire. Firing every
neuron in my body with pleasure. Engulfing me with heat.
He should feel like a stranger to me but he doesn’t. “There’s
this pull...” I try to explain.
“My soul is calling for your soul.”
“What am I?”
“The one for me. Only for me. You’re mine.”
Oh, God! My breath catches in my throat.
His green, smoldering eyes are staring deep into mine and
right now I’m powerless to fight this pull. We’re leaning
towards each other. Always gravitating towards each other. His
hand reaches out to push the stray hair on my cheek back as if
he can’t stop himself. His fingertips skim the skin of my cheek
and trace my jawline and I stop breathing. My heartbeat
“What does that mean? Is that like a mate? Am I your mate?”
There’s a tremor in my voice.
Before I can utter another word, he slides his hand into my
hair, cupping the back of my neck and his lips captured mine.
Time stops.
His lips are soft but firm, gentle yet insistent, demanding, and
possessive. He’s claiming me with his mouth. Branding me his.
He’s taking, not asking. His tongue pushes through my lips to
explore my mouth. When I let my tongue touch his, he lets out
the sexiest moan at the back of his throat and his mouth grows
more insistent and hungrier. He slants my head to deepen the
kiss and slides his arm around my waist to pull me up on his
Our tongues slide together, dueling and tasting. Oh, god...he
tastes so good. Nothing tastes better.
I run my hands over his chest and around the back of his neck
before I bury my fingers into his soft golden hair. Bursts of
flame travel through my vein till I’m nothing but fire. I fear I’m
going to burn to nothing but ashes in his arms.
When I was a little girl, the shadows inside my dark bedroom
used to scare me. The moonlights that stole in from outside the
windows on a peaceful night created shadows of monsters that
moved inside my head. Stormy rainy nights with howling wind,
rolling thunders, and bolts of lightning, on the other hand,
calmed me down. The harsh pattering of the pouring rain
against my windows lulled me to sleep. To me, the raging
storm is when nature shows its true color and I loved it. I still
love it.
During those peaceful nights when I was scared of the
shadows, Nana would lie down next to me and sing me a soft
lullaby until I fall asleep. During those stormy nights when the
sound of thunder and rain lulled me to sleep, Nana would lie
down beside me and claimed that she’s making sure that I
wasn’t scared. I always suspected that she’s the one who was
scared of the thunder and lightning. I’d like to think that we
soothed each other.
Caspian reminds me of both; those peaceful nights and the
stormy nights. He’s undeniably beautiful and charming,
sophisticated and charismatic. True, most of the time he also
seems bored with the world and oh, so arrogant. He looks like
he’s above everybody. Yet the time when he looks at you with
those bright green eyes makes you forget the world. His
charming smile sometimes almost seems innocent and
guileless. His mischievous grin most often than not resembles
that of a naughty little boy. So harmless. It fools you to think
he’s not the one to fear. Yet I sense that under that charm and
sophistication, there's an untamed, menacing being. There is a
raging storm inside him that will destroy everything on its path
without mercy. I wonder if I would be scared of his true colors.
Tonight is peaceful. No thunder or lightning. I’m lying here
staring at the shadows in my bedroom struggling to catch my
breath just recalling those kisses.
Tonight, in that restaurant, we must have kissed for hours. His
kisses turned my brain to mush. I forgot everything but his lips
and his tongue and his hands on me.
I was aware of our surrounding only after he let me go. I was
concerned about other people seeing us but nobody even
spared us a glance.
When we made our way out of the place and walked past other
booths, I understood why nobody cared. Some of those people
in other booths were doing more than what we were doing.
Like way more, that I had to look away in shock. Caspian didn’t
seem surprised at all. He just pulled me closer to him and
placed a kiss on top of my head as he casually walked us out.
I don’t recall much at all of our drive back except for his hand
holding mine. I kept thinking of those kisses. My brain was
fried, I think.
I do remember him asking for my phone number and pressed a
quick kiss on my lips before I made my legs move to take me
inside the darkened house.
Lying in my bed now, I can’t stop replaying those kisses. I’ve
kissed before but Caspian’s kiss tonight made me feel like I had
never been kissed before.
Everything about him confuses me. The beautiful, dangerous,
and powerful creature who’s calling me his. Am I really his
mate? Why me? How do I feel about this? How should I feel
about this? What about my dream to live a normal human life?
I look at Layla who’s snoring softly in her bed across from
mine. She was already asleep when I got home. She really is a
heavy sleeper.
I wish Nana was here for me to talk to. Nana had answers to
everything. She didn’t quite make sense sometimes, especially
after she had too much to drink on some evenings. I wish she
had answers to all my trouble and my confusion.
Adam, our manager left me a message asking me if I could
come early this morning to cover for Evelyn who can’t make it.
I reply yes right away. I don’t mind making extra money and I
don’t have any class in the morning.
Besides, I’m trying to think straight. My head is still filled with
Caspian this morning. It’s crazy. Maybe work can set my brain
to work properly again.
“Hello, what would you like to drink?” I click my pen and look
up at the customer who’s sitting at my table. Oh god! She’s one
of them! No, no, no...
She’s the Latina. One of the beautiful girls who always hangs
around him. I stand there like a frozen statue for a while. If
she’s here, then he might be here too. I don’t know if I’m ready
to see him yet. Well, I’m dying to see him, but then I’m not. I’m
craving his kisses and his touches yet I’m dreading seeing him
again. My heart feels like it’s bursting at the thought of seeing
him again and I start looking around like a mad person. She
must think I’m crazy.
“He’s not here,” she says, looking like she’s trying not to laugh.
“What?” Who? It takes a while for my brain to catch up. “Oh...”
I say. She means him. He’s not here now. Thank god! Or maybe
not. I don’t know.
She looks at me curiously. “What makes you think that he
might be lurking around when you saw me here?” she asks me.
Her dark brown eyes are probing like she’s trying to figure me
out. There are some gleefulness and mischief hidden in their
depth too.
“I saw you and your other friends with him before,” I tell her.
“And you look like him.” Yeah, stunningly gorgeous...and not
What are they? That question keeps bugging me. He was being
very evasive when I asked him that question last night. Should
I ask this woman in front of me or should I wait for him to tell
me himself? Will he ever tell me?
I look around to see if other people can hear us, then I lean in
closer to her and whisper, “I know you’re not a werewolf, but
what are you?”
“Lycan,” she whispers back.
Lycans? Oh, no no no. I feel lightheaded all of a sudden. My
world tilts on its axis for a second. Of all creatures...not THAT!
What have I gotten myself into?
Nana told me about lycans. They are powerful and dangerous.
Vicious and barbaric. They see what they like and they just
God help me. This is not good. Nana wouldn’t be happy. Nana
wouldn’t just turn over, but she would be rolling in her grave if
she knew about this.
“You live with your Nana?” she suddenly asks me.
Huh? “No,” I say. How does she know about my Nana? Wait!
Did I just talk about my Nana out loud? “Nana’s dead.”
“Oh, I see...” she says but she’s looking puzzled and tries to
come up with something to say.
“Nana said lycans are dangerous,” I try to explain to her. I hope
she wouldn’t get offended and claw me to death or something.
“But don’t worry, I won’t judge. I’m sure not all lycans are
dangerous,” I tell her...just in case.
“Oh, but we are,” she answers quickly, almost proudly with a
wicked smile and that mischievous glint in her eyes.
“Well, that’s not very reassuring,” I tell her.
“So, he’s been bothering you?” she asks me, changing the
“You have no idea.” Physically and mentally. Especially
mentally. I think I’m going crazy.
“I’m Penny, by the way,” she says with a friendly grin as if she
didn’t just tell me that she’s dangerous. She could’ve killed me
with a swipe of her elegant hand that is now extended towards
So, okay, that’s an exaggeration since I don’t feel like I’m in any
danger or at all threatened by her. “My name’s Quincy,” I tell
her, taking her hand in a brief handshake.
“Hello, Malyshka,” says a very deep masculine voice beside me.
Penny’s face lights up instantly. It’s amazing how her whole
body seems to buzz with excitement.
*I think some of you already know what's coming up
next =). My next update will be next Thursday. Have a
wonderful day everybody!
Chapter 17 - Rule Number 2.5
“Hello, Malyshka,” says a very deep masculine voice beside me.
Penny’s face lights up instantly. It’s amazing how her whole
body seems to buzz with excitement.
Looking at the man standing in front of us, I can see why. Tall
and muscular with fair blond hair, and a face like an Adonis.
Even when I have Caspian on my brain, my eyebrows almost
reach my hairline when my eyes land on him. Not that he’s
better looking than Caspian or anything but he’s magnificent to
look at.
Caspian is gorgeous in a classical sense with a strong
aristocratic, angular face. Regal, elegant, and polished yet
playful and charming. This man has a beautiful yet strong,
severe, and unreadable face. He is warrior-like. Quiet,
controlled, and intimidating.
He looks dangerous. There’s no hiding it. You don’t want him
as your enemy.
As soon as that thought crosses my mind, I almost roll my eyes.
Of course, he’s dangerous. They are all dangerous. They’re
lycans! I feel like smacking my forehead. My brain is truly
fried. I blame Caspian. His kisses from last night rendered my
brain useless.
His glacier blue eyes are only for Penny. They softened only for
her. These two clearly belong together. The look of total
devotion and love when they look at each other is clear. They
must be mates.
“This is Darius,” Penny says, finally able to take her eyes off her
man. “Darius, this is Quincy.”
They exchange a look before Darius gives me a polite nod.
There’s something in the way they look at me that makes me
pause for a bit. Then Penny orders their food and drinks.
“I’ll be right back with your order,” I tell them.
The cafe is really short-staffed today. I slide the order to Travis
across the counter. He looks up and smiles at me before he
snatches the paper. Travis is nice and I know that he likes me.
Why can’t I feel for a normal human like Travis the way I feel
for Caspian? Caspian’s a lycan. A lycan! Of all creatures in the
“Your friend?” asks Travis and I glance back at Penny and
Darius. They’re such a stunning couple and they look very good
together. Penny’s dark sultry look is a wonderful contrast to
Darius’s pale Nordic appearance.
I shrug my shoulders as I pour some steamed milk into a metal
pitcher for the cappuccino. I don’t know how to answer that. I
just met them but I somehow feel like I’m bonded to them in
some ways. It’s a weird feeling. There’s also that strange,
almost possessive look in the way that they looked at me.
“Good looking people. Probably models or actors like a lot of
people here,” Travis adds conversationally as he spreads the
lettuce on the bread. Somehow I doubt that but I don’t say
anything. “Do you model?”
I laugh at the question. “Nope. This is my career right here,” I
tell him, pointing at the cafe logo on my apron.
“Okay.” He chuckles. “It’s not too busy this morning but it gets
crazy during lunch hour,” he informs me. “Oh, uh...I think it
just gets busier.” He’s looking over my shoulder behind me.
I follow his gaze and see that Penny and Darius have company
at their table. Four other students and they are all humans.
One of the girls has taken a chair and is sitting too close to
Darius. She’s sliding a flirtatious look at him and Penny doesn’t
look too happy. Oh, boy...I smell trouble.
These humans have no idea what they’re getting themselves
into. As a human, I have five rules regarding non-humans. Rule
number 1, stay away from these creatures. Rule number 2,
never pissed off any of these creatures. Rule number 2.5, never
get in between them and their mates, especially the one as
dangerous as a lycan. Rule number 3, 4, and 5: try to remember
and follow rule number 1, 2, and 2.5.
It’s never good to piss off a lycan and these humans have no
clue. I should send them a copy of my rules.
What happens when you’re their mate then? I have no clue. I
will have to come up with a new set of rules soon.
“Well, it’s my table. I’d better go get their order,” I tell Travis
cheerfully. Yikes! I am so not looking forward to this. Even
Travis is watching them warily. On an instinct, I grab a glass
and fill it with tap water and walk briskly over.
I glimpse a flash of Penny’s eyes turning molten black before
Darius wraps his arms around her waist. Things are getting
ugly. Without thinking, I splash the water all over the other
Everybody goes silent. “Oooppsss...sorry. My bad,” I tell them,
trying my hardest to look like I was sorry. I have my eyes wide
and eyebrows up...innocent look down pat. Usually, it works.
This is so much like when Nana caught me with my hand in the
cookie jar. When I said I was sorry, it wasn’t a total lie; but I
wasn’t sorry that I did it, I was just sorry I got caught. Those
cookies were freaking yummy!
Right now, I’m not at all sorry I threw the water all over the
other girl. I happen to like Penny and it’s actually very
satisfying. I wish I could pretend it wasn’t me, but I’m holding
an empty glass. Besides, I have too many witnesses...can’t get
rid of them all.
Penny’s eyes are now back to their normal color and she’s
staring at the other woman in shock just like everybody else.
“You stupid bitch!” the woman screeches at me, jumping up
after she gets over her shock. You’re welcome, bitch! It’s just
water! I just saved your *ss from a freaking lycan!
“Your manager will hear about this! I’m going to make sure he
fires your sorry *ss!” she rants before she stomps off to find the
manager. Oh well, no good deed goes unpunished and all that.
“What?” I look around to see everybody staring at me. “She just
needed a cold shower,” I tell everyone. She did look very
thirsty. The water’s on the house.
Twenty-five minutes of listening to Adam, the manager of the
cafe, lecturing me about things you should never ever do to a
customer (unless they're on fire) after I splash the water all
over that bitchy woman. Three days since I last saw Jonah and
still no word from him. Nine hours since Penny revealed to me
that they’re lycans. An hour of productive doodling. Seven
phone calls and five texts from Caspian that I ignored...so far.
I’m lying on my stomach on my bed and when my phone dings
again with a new text and I swipe the screen and scroll through
his messages.
(Tuesday, 4:00 pm) Caspian: Hello, Princess.
(Tuesday, 4:04 pm) Caspian: I need to see you. Call me when
you’re done at the cafe.
(Tuesday, 5:47 pm) Caspian: Princess, are you ignoring me?
Answer the phone.
(Tuesday, 5:52 pm) Caspian: Do I need to remind you that
you belong to me?
What a caveman.
(Tuesday,5:59 pm) Caspian: Answer the damn phone,
(Tuesday, 6:01 pm) Caspian: Is this how it’s going to be?
The phone vibrates in my hand to show that he’s calling me
again but I throw the phone on the bed beside me like it
scorched my skin. My heart is thudding fast in my chest and
my hands feel clammy. I wipe my hands down my sweatpants
and continue doodling, mulling things over in my head.
It’s not that I don’t want to talk to him but I need some time to
think things through. There are so much to take in. He's a
lycan? I'm his mate? What does that mean? How's this my life?
He didn’t sound too happy in his last text. Oh, well, I’m not too
happy either. There are so many things he didn’t tell me last
night. My brain keeps circling to the fact that he’s a lycan and
that I'm his mate, I can’t think of anything else. I’m pissed that
he never mentioned what he really is last night.
Clanging and banging sounds come from the kitchen. Layla is
cooking Ethiopian food or something. It smells wonderful. I
offered to help earlier but she told me to stay away from the
According to Layla, the kitchen is a hazardous place to be when
I'm in it, unless when I'm busy eating.
My phone stops buzzing but another ding follows, signaling
another text coming in. Even after knowing that he’s one of the
most dangerous creatures on earth, my heart still pines for
him. My body craves him. I roll onto my back and almost
automatically my hand reaches out to pick up the phone. I
swipe the screen to read the latest text.
(Tuesday, 6:02 pm) Caspian: Damn it, Quincy!
Another incoming call from him. As soon as I hit ignore,
another text comes in.
(Tuesday,6:02 pm) Caspian: That’s it. I’m coming to get you.
Wait! What? I almost dropped the phone on my face.
(Tuesday, 6:03 pm) Me: No you’re not!
(Tuesday, 6:03 pm) Me: I’m not ready to see you. I need more
(Tuesday, 6:3 pm) Caspian: I’m done giving you time. I want
to see you now.
(Tuesday, 6:04 pm) Me: Not tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow.
(Tuesday, 6:04 pm) Caspian: Too late. On my way.
Oh, my god! No, no, no...what do I do now? I’m not ready to
see him.
(Tuesday, 6:04 pm) Me: Tomorrow ok?
No answer.
(Tuesday, 6:05 pm) Me: Caspian! Don’t you dare coming
Still no answer. Argghh!!!!
I jump out of the bed and look down at what I’m wearing. I’m
in a pair of old sweatpants and a worn blue t-shirt with a hole
in the shoulder. My hair is a mess. I’m a mess! I might pretend
that I don’t care but I really don’t want him to see me like this.
Oh my god! Oh my god! I run around in panic before I pull a
pair of ripped jeans and a newer shirt out of the dresser. After I
change, I quickly brush my hair and swipe strawberry flavored
lipgloss over my lips.
What am I doing? If I took off now, would he be able to find
me? That’s it! I can take off before he gets here.
I pull the socks on and fish around for my missing pair of
Converse from underneath my bed.
“Are you going out?” I bang my head against the side of the
bed. Owww...
“Layla, you scared me!” I rub my head.
Layla is standing by the door with her hands on her hips. “I
thought we’re having dinner together.”
“Uh, sorry, Layla. Something came up.” I’m now sitting on the
floor, pulling my Converse on.
“Is everything okay?” she asks me, looking concerned.
“Oh, yeah...everything’s great.” Yeah, great if you think running
away from a lycan is great. A funny nervous laugh comes out
from my mouth and I scratch my head that suddenly feels
itchy. Layla keeps staring at me with narrowed eyes and I
suddenly find very interesting looking dirt on my shoes. I hate
lying to Layla.
“Layla?” I lift my face up. “What do you know about lycans?”
Her eyebrows come up. “Ummm...” She scratches her chin as if
she’s searching for something to say. “Oooh, oohh, I got one...”
she says with a bright smile as if she just solved a puzzle.
“Don’t piss off a lycan.”
“Thanks, Layla.”
“You are welcome.” She looks so proud of herself. My sarcasm
is an epic fail.
I know why Layla isn’t taking my question seriously. Lycans’
population is very small and they don’t really mix around with
werewolves, let alone humans. Seeing a lycan is very rare. I
doubt if any werewolves of my old pack have ever seen one. I
know Nana never saw one her whole life.
“I’m hungry. I’ve made some vegetable stew. I cooked enough
for several people. Why don’t you have some before you go
out?” she asks me.
Before I could answer her, the doorbell rings. Darn it! That
must be him. I should’ve known. He drives like a madman.
“No! Don’t answer that,” I tell her, jumping to my feet. Oh my
god! Oh my god! What do I do? Maybe I could climb out the
Layla is now staring at me like I’ve lost my mind.
Now there’s knocking on the door. “Quincy, open the door,”
demands a deep familiar voice from the other side of the door.
“Who is that?” Layla asks me.
“I don’t know?” I squeak. My heart is pounding fast and I’m
contemplating whether to go hide behind the door of my
bedroom or underneath the bed.
“Quincy, my love, I know you’re in there,” he says again.
“My love?” Layla’s eyebrows almost come up to her hairline.
This time I answer him, “Go away! I’m busy right now.” Yeah,
busy figuring out where to hide or how to get out of this.
“I’m not going anywhere without you. There’s nowhere you can
go or hide that I can’t find you. Now open the door,
sweetheart.” His voice is beautiful and compelling. Is he using
his lycan mojo on us or something?
“I’m answering the door,” says Layla as if she can’t help herself
and she rushes to the door before I can stop her.
My stomach hollows out and my feet are stuck to the floor
when I see him standing there.
He’s in all black which contrasts immensely with his shiny
blond hair and golden tanned skin. His usually immaculate
hair is now messy and stands out in several different
directions. He still looks as sexy as hell...and very pissed off.
His eyes are locked on me. The hunger in his eyes is so intense.
A predator eyeing its prey, yet I can’t move a muscle. Energy
hums between us.
He stalks in as if he has every right to without taking his eyes
off of me. Layla is just standing by the door with her mouth
hanging open.
"Hey...hi," I manage to say when he's finally standing right in
front of me.
He doesn't return my greeting but he grabs my face in between
his hands and mutters, “Why do you have to make things so
complicated between us?” Then he slams his lips against mine
and steals my breath.
His lips are possessive and demanding, making my knees go
weak. His teeth nip at my bottom lip before he sucks it. Then
he runs his tongue along the seam and plunders inside. Just as
I’m getting lost in his taste and his mouth and his scent, he
pulls back. My eyelids flutter open and I let out a soft sound of
protest before I can stop myself. That earns me a triumphant,
smug look on his face. The devil!
“The easy way or the hard way, Moya Printsessa?”
Huh? What?
He stands there like he's waiting for me to say something...but
what? My lips are still tingling from the kiss. My mind is still
swimming in a beautiful cloud.
“The hard way it is," he says before he grabs my waist and
hoists me over his shoulder. What the hell?
“What the hell, Caspian? Put me down!” I yell.
“Thank you for opening the door for me,” he says to Layla who
is still standing frozen by the door.
“You’re welcome.” I hear Layla answers softly as if she’s in a
daze. The traitor!
“Put me down! This is kidnapping!” I yell again as he walks out
the door. His hand is gripping thighs very tightly. “Help! Hel-“Owww!!!” I howl. My butt stings right as I hear a sharp
slapping sound. He did not just spank me!
“That’s for ignoring me today,” he says.
“Screw you!” I try to wiggle out of his tight grip.
“Are you giving me another reason to spank you?” He stops
right in front of a flashy silver Alfa Romeo. His voice is daring
me to defy him. In fact, there’s a mischievous note in it that
tells me he’s counting on it.
This is so wrong. It’s so wrong that he’s in control. It’s so wrong
that he’s not a human. It’s so wrong that he’s enjoying this. It’s
so wrong that I’m so turned on.
*Another update will be next Thursday. Have a
wonderful week!
Chapter 18 - Not All Silence is Golden
“So, what have you been doing today? Apart from ignoring
me?” he asks, as he accelerates and effortlessly merges into the
busy highway.
I refuse to answer him. I glare at the view outside the window
pretending I didn’t hear him. I’m sitting back in the red leather
seat of his car with my arms folded across my chest. In case
you’re wondering what I’m doing, I’m giving him the silent
“Still ignoring me, huh?” I see the corners of his lips curl up
into that maddening, knowing smirk.
I don’t usually give people the silent treatment because it ends
up torturing myself more than the other person. They might
enjoy the peace and quiet. Heck, they might like it too much
that I’m not talking and not talking is torture. I can’t have that
when I’m pissed off at them.
However, I feel like the situation calls for it at this moment. I
yelled at him earlier about how it is not okay for him to spank
me and kidnap me just because he feels like it. He said it’s not
kidnapping because I’m his mate and that I belong to him to do
as he pleases. I argued I’m still not his mate since I never
agreed to it. He insisted that I am.
Whatever I said didn’t seem to register in that thick skull of his,
so now I’m giving him the silent treatment.
“Are you hungry?” he asks. Of course, I’m hungry and he knows
it. I haven’t had dinner yet. He kidnapped me before I had the
chance to eat Layla’s delicious stew!
I steal a glance at him from the corner of my eye. He’s
frustrating, but damn, the man is beautiful. Just looking at him
does something to my insides.
On top of trying not to talk to him and being hungry, I’m also
trying not to let on how aware I am of our close proximity in
the small space of his car. His hand on the gearshift is right
next to my thigh. The crackles of electricity between us. The
magnetic pull. The crazy beat of my heart whenever he is near.
Am I really his mate? I still can’t wrap my mind around it.
“I was thinking that we could stop to get a pizza or something,”
he says, after a while. He waits for me to say something again.
When I remain silent, he continues, “There’s this place called
Jon’s Pizzeria. It’s a hole in the wall place but it serves the best
pizza in town. The family’s mouthwatering secret recipe sauce,
the light delicious crust, the warm gooey cheese that melts in
your mouth, all the toppings you could choose from...ahhh
heaven.” My mouth water just listening to him.
“Oh, well, since you’re not hungry, I guess we’re not stopping,”
he continues with an exaggerated heavy sigh. But I am hungry
darn it! See? This is why I don’t normally give people the silent
treatment. I’m only hurting myself.
My stomach growls. Oh, this is torture! Somehow I don’t think
this is working for me.
I give him a side glare but he seems to be blissfully oblivious.
He has this smug but highly amused smile on his handsome
He then leans down and fiddles with his radio station. A
moment later, Brian Eno Ambient 1 starts to play. Oh, my god!
Seriously? This song can even put a hyper monkey all hopped
up on sugar and caffeine to sleep!
I want to throttle him and yell, “Sure, kidnap the girl, slap her
butt, starve her, then kill her with elevator music, why don’t
you?” but I can’t because I’m not talking to him.
Urrghhh! Nope! No! No! There’s so much a girl can take. I lean
down and angrily jab a button to cut off the slow, sleepinducing music.
A strangled noise that sounds suspiciously like a muffled laugh
escapes out from his mouth. I send him a death glare and he
coughs into his hand. Then he flashes me a charming innocent
smile, showing off the straight even white teeth. I’m not fooled
by that smile. How can somebody so beautiful looking be so
After that, he drives in silent and I wonder where we’re going.
He’s also driving at a normal pace for once, almost obeying the
speed limit. The further we go, the harder it is for me to keep
my mouth shut. I’m dying to know where he’s taking me. I
catch the glimpse of the ocean behind the trees and several
beautiful houses that we passed. The sun is sitting low on the
horizon and the sky is turning pinkish purple and orange-gold.
It’s getting dark by the time we pass a beautiful mansion with a
long circular driveway. From there, we turn into a smaller road
that goes uphill until we come to a fence with a sign that says
“Private Property” but he keeps driving through the open gate.
The trees grow denser, the higher we go until there’s nothing
but trees around us.
Is he taking me into a forest so that he can kill me and get rid
of my body? But I am his mate, my brain keeps reminding me.
What if he doesn’t want me as his mate and he’s getting rid of
me? Oh god, Quincy, you have to learn to reel in your crazy
thoughts. You’re only scaring yourself.
Okay, I can’t take it anymore. Keeping quiet and giving people
silent treatment is just not working for me.
“Where are you taking me?” I demand to know.
“Oh, she talks!” he says in mock surprise. Ugh!!! I could kill
“Shut up! Where are we going?”
“Uh, sweetheart, you have to make up your mind. Do you want
me to shut up or do you want me to tell you where we’re
Oh, god! How hard is it to kill a lycan? “Tell me!”
“Somewhere we can talk,” he answers me.
“Why does it have to be deep in the woods?”
“Why my little precious? Are you scared of the big bad wolf
luring you deep into the woods where nobody can find us so
that I can have my way with you?”
I knew it! He’s going to kill me and get rid of my body
somewhere in here.
“I think you’ve got your fairy tales all mixed up there, Mr. Big
Bad Wolf. But seriously, aren’t we trespassing?”
“Relax, the property’s mine. My pack...I mean, my friends and I
come here for training,” he explains. “Besides, we don’t hide
dead bodies.” He flashes me another wicked grin. “We burn
“Ha, ha, ha, very funny,” I tell him. Somehow I’ve got a feeling
that he’s not lying.
“You don’t have to worry, though. I’m not going to hide or burn
your gorgeous body. I have other plans for it.”
“Wow, that doesn’t sound creepy at all.” I really don't want to
know what his plans are...or do I?
He stops the car where the tiny road ends. There’s no house in
sight. I think we’re in the middle of nowhere. He helps me out
of the car then he moves to open the trunk while I look all
around us. It’s dark and we’re high up on a hill. The road that
we traveled through is just a small trail, big enough to fit just
one car. We’re surrounded by nothing but tall trees. When I
look up, I can see the stars littering the dark sky.
The weather is a bit chilly and I hug myself and rub my arms.
“Here,” he says, and he drapes a black pea coat over my
shoulders and I get a whiff of his rich wonderful addictive
smell. I want to bury my nose in it to take in his scent.
I feel, rather than see him takes a sniff of my hair. Then all of a
sudden, his fingers dig into my upper arm and he buries his
face in my hair and takes a deep breath as if he can’t help
himself. Oh, god! The feel of his nose and lips pressed on the
back of my neck, and his warm breath dancing on my skin are
sending shivers down my spine. After a couple of minutes, he
loosens his hold on my arm, then he slowly lets me go.
He takes my hand and leads me through the wood. He’s
carrying a dark, rectangle bag that he took out from the trunk
in his other hand.
“Are you leading me to where you’re finally going to slaughter
He chuckles. “We don’t kill our mates,” he says. His hand
tightens around mine as if he’s worried that I was going to take
off running into the dark wood by myself.
My heart stutters and my stomach flips at the reminder that I
am his mate.
“I know what you are,” I blurt out.
His steps falter and I almost stumble into him. Then he
continues walking, not even turning his head to look at me.
It takes almost a full minute before he casually but quietly asks,
“Is that why you were ignoring me today?” He’s still not
looking at me.
Somehow his question tugs at my heart, makes me feel bad
about it now. Like I hurt him. “Partly,” I admit because I want
to be truthful.
We continue walking in the dark. Once in a while, I stumble on
tree roots and small rocks protruding from the ground. He’s
there to support me and make sure that I don’t fall flat on my
face. His warm hand holding mine makes me feel safe and
protected. It also sends that sparks up my arms and warms up
my whole body.
Not long after, I see lights coming through the gaps in the
trees. We slow down and finally stop when we reach a clearing
overlooking the skyline and the city below.
“It’s beautiful,” I breathe.
He doesn’t answer me. He just nods and quietly goes to spread
a red and white checkered blanket on the ground. Even when
he’s moving, he seems to be deep in thought. He reaches out
and leads me to sit on it, facing the view before us. He unfolds
his long legs and sits on the blanket as well. We’re not touching
but I can feel the heat from his body next to mine.
He unzips the bag he’s been carrying and suddenly the
delicious smell of pizza sauce, melted cheese, and pepperoni fill
my nose.
He pulls out a big box that says Jon’s Pizzeria on top of it. Then
he takes out a smaller box and places it next to the bigger one.
Next, he unzips another compartment in the bag and produces
several cans of chilled drinks.
He opens the boxes and offers them to me. The big box contain
pizza and the smaller one has Mozzarella sticks. I pick up a
slice of the pizza.
It’s still warm and oh, so good! So good! I moan around my
first bite and his body stiffens, his movement stilled. I hear him
exhale heavily as I take another big bite, then he quickly crams
a mozzarella stick into his mouth. We both eat in silence.
He surprises me with another box before we even finish the
pizza, and this one contains éclairs. It’s been ages since I last
had one. My Nana and I shared the love for éclairs.
This man really knows the way to my heart. I forgot why I was
mad at him by the time I finished my first slice of pizza. By the
time we finished the whole pizza and Mozzarella sticks, I sigh
in contentment and bliss. Halfway through the éclair, I’m
buzzing with happiness. The éclair is that good. The choux
pastry is crisp and light, the crème pâtissière oozes divine
creamy goodness with every bite.
“Thank you. That was the best pizza I’ve ever had and the éclair
was amazing,” I tell him.
He just nods without a word and opens a can of root beer for
me. Then we sit, sipping our drinks while watching the city
lights below. The silence between us is not awkward but it’s
kind of strange to have him sitting beside me without saying
anything annoying. He looks very thoughtful, sipping his drink
very slowly.
“So now you know what a monster I am,” he says quietly. I turn
to stare at his profile. The glow from the lights below is
throwing the sharp contours of his face into a stark relief in the
darkness, like a carved statue. Perfect and beautiful. “Am I
scaring you? Are you disgusted by me? Is that why you want
nothing to do with me now?” He turns his eyes on me.
“Yes...I mean no,” I stutter. “I’m not scared of you. I mean sort
of, but not really...and you’re not a monster, I mean you sort of
are, but not really. I mean...” Arrgghh...I’m making a mess of
things. Oh god! I put my head in my hands and clamp my
mouth shut, stopping myself from talking and further digging
myself deeper into a hole that I can’t crawl back out later if I
keep going.
I take a deep breath before I lift my head up. He’s sitting facing
me now. His sharp eyes glittering in the dark, watching me
with intensity.
He is my mate. I keep trying to come to term with that fact. I’m
not at all disgusted by him. Far from it. I find him so beautiful,
so perfect. If anything, I’m questioning, why me? As for
wanting nothing to do with him, what choice do I have? Do I
have a say? I don’t know much at all about lycans and about
their mate bonds.
I hesitantly lifted my hand and tentatively touch a finger to the
back of his hand that’s resting on his knee. I immediately feel
the energy passing from him to me, pulsing through my veins,
warming my blood and sending tingles throughout my whole
body. Just one touch. His eyes follow my movement but he
doesn’t stop me. When I trace my fingers up his arm, he tilts
his head to the side as if he’s curious but fascinated by my
action. His muscles clenching under my fingertips.
I’m just very curious. This pull between us. This attraction.
This connection. He should be a stranger to me yet this
connection that we have makes me feel like nothing is more
right than to be with him. To be touching him feels good.
“I feel this pull but I don’t understand it,” I whisper. “I’m not
disgusted by you. Not at all,” I add quietly. “I told you what I
am. I held nothing back. All you have to do was ask, yet you
told me nothing about yourself. So yeah, I was mad at you for
not telling me what you are when you had the chance last
His fingers close around my hand and he brings it up to press it
against his lips. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to scare you off. I
didn’t want to overwhelm you. I would’ve told you eventually. I
thought if you knew what I am right away, you’d want nothing
to do with me, you’d run away and today just proved it.”
“I didn’t run away. Well, okay...I sort of did, but I just needed
time to think. I want to understand and I also need time to
process it in my head, to make my decision. You know when
you need time to adjust your thinking to a new reality? Like I
grew up thinking that I’d marry a human and live among the
humans one day.”
“Wait! You wanted to marry a human?” he asks me, letting go
of my hand, sounding offended.
“What’s wrong with humans?” I ask him, feeling insulted.
“Nothing,” he says quickly. Too quickly. He runs his hand
through his hair and over his face. “Great, now I have humans
as my competition,” he mutters sullenly and almost
I lift my root beer can up to my lips quickly to hide my grin.
Who knew, the mighty cocky lycan could feel threatened by
humans...and I’m feeling flattered that he wants me enough to
be worried about that.
We still have a lot to talk about, though, so I say, “I don’t know
much about lycans. I don’t know much about you. Tell me
about you.”
“My name is Caspian Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov. Nikolai
was my grandfather’s name. My father’s name is Alexandros. I
was born in 1808 in Saint Petersburg, Russia. I was---”
“Wait! You were born in 1808? Seriously?” I ask him. “How is
that possible? You look like you’re 18...or 20 at the most. I
mean, I know werewolves age slower than humans,
“Well, lycans live for hundreds of years, moya printsessa. We
age like humans until we reach the age of 18 or so, then the
aging slows down.”
I have a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as a realization
hits me. “Does that mean you’re still going to look like this 62
years from now?” Something heavy tugs at my heart. My hands
are fiddling with the edge of his jacket around my shoulders.
“More or less, yeah,” he answers, looking puzzled by my
Suddenly I feel sick. “Then I don’t think this is going to work,” I
tell him, pointing my fingers between the two of us. “I’ll be 80
years old by then.” Him looking like an 18-year-old boy and me
looking like an 80-year-old grandma, if I was still alive...no.
Just no. Us together would look ridiculous. It’s too painful to
even think about it.
“Oh,” he says in sudden understanding. “That’s the least of
your worries, though, sweetheart,” he says, looking
uncomfortable. “I have a lot to explain to you...but first, you
have to promise me something.”
“What’s that?” Oh, god, more bad news?
“Promise me you’re not going to run away from me. Whatever
you do, don’t run off on me.”
No running away. “Okay, got it.”
He stares at me as if he’s gauging how serious I am, then he
takes my hand firmly in both of his and says, “Promise me.”
“Okay, I promise...unless you try to kill me, then I’ll run.”
He shakes his head. “I told you we never kill our mates. I’d
rather hurt myself than purposely hurt you, my love.”
I think my heart just melts. This man.
* Over 3000 words. I might have gotten carried away.
I'm trying to shorten this chap by half but my brain is
not working today. Maybe mostly because I'm hungry
(you can tell by how food is being mentioned here).
Will post the next chapter before Tuesday.
Chapter 19 - Can You Handle the Truth?
“I want you to promise me something in return,” I tell him.
“Promise me you’ll tell me the truth even if you think that the
truth is going to scare me.”
“I’ll try to be as honest as I can with you.”
“Not good enough,” I say. “The truth. Promise me the truth.”
His intense glittering eyes search my face before he finally
nods. “Okay, I promise,” he says.
He takes my hand in between his again before he begins, “The
most important thing you have to understand about us is that
lycans are governed by our animal instinct. No matter how
cultured and sophisticated we look on the outside as humans,
we are first and foremost lycans.
“Our lycan instincts and our souls choose our mates. We call
them erasthais, the closest we have to what werewolves call
mates. Our souls call out to them and their souls choose to
answer. That’s why when we meet our erasthais, we feel the
pull, the calling of our souls to them and theirs to ours.
“Our erasthai could be anyone, a mated or unmated werewolf
or a faery, a human, married or not, or another lycan. Since the
pull is usually always strong and erasthais are hard to find,
they are everything to us. Once we found them, we don’t let
them get away. It doesn’t matter if they’re mated or married to
another. We take them, mark them, and make them our mates.
Our mates are the most important part of us. They’re our lives.”
“So, I’m your erasthai?” I ask just to be sure.
He doesn’t answer me but if the intense, possessive way he’s
looking at me isn’t an answer enough, the pull that I feel
towards him and the crackle of electricity in the air around us
more than confirm it.
“What’s next?” I ask, trying to sound like none of those are
affecting me.
“We’re very territorial. Once we meet our erasthai, the urge to
mark what’s ours is very strong and we don't tolerate anybody
else touching what's ours.” Something in the way that he says it
makes it sound like a warning. “There are two stages of
marking for us. First is marking the scent, which only other
lycans who are interested could sense. Then the physical
marking, making the mark and mating to bind our souls
“By mating, you mean...uh..“My cheeks heat up. “What do you
mean by mating?”
A corner of his lips tugs up a tiny bit. “You know exactly what it
means. You can say it, princess. I won’t die of embarrassment if
you did.”
His eyes are issuing me a challenge I can’t resist.
“Sex,” I say boldly even though I can feel my whole face
burning. I must resemble a tomato. “Mating means having
“Oh, dear Lord. I never! You have your mind in the gutter,” he
gasps, pressing a hand to his heart as if I’ve offended him. He’s
doing a great impression of a prude old lady. I feel my face
heats up even more while fighting an urge to laugh. He’s
ridiculous. I bite my smile and glare at him instead.
He clears his throat and schools his features to look serious
again even though a mischievous glint is still present in his
eyes. “Yes, that’s exactly what that means,” he admits.
“There are lycans who take what’s theirs the moment they see
their erasthais. Physically mark and mate with them with or
without their erasthais' consent.
“Most of us more cultured and civilized ones tend to try to
follow the rules. We mark our erasthai’s scent first so that no
other lycans will dare stake a claim on our erasthais unless
they’re declaring war or have a desire to die. Then when we try
to gain our erasthai’s consent to fully mark them through
physical marking and mating.”
“So, I take it that you’ve marked my scent?”
“Yes,” he says. “That second time I saw you.” I remember that
day when he cornered me and gave me the hickey.
“So...the second stage. Is that what you’re doing now? Are you
waiting for my consent?”
He gives me a strange look. “Yea...waiting,” he says, ducking
his head while his eyes wander away from mine. “Seducing,
wooing, trapping, whatever you want to call it,” he mutters
under his breath as if he needs to clarify that because he
promised to be truthful, not because he wants to.
Before I can say anything, he adds, “I have to warn you,
princess, I’m not very good at waiting. I need to mark you soon.
I need to bind you to me forever.”
“But how can it be forever when I’m going to grow old before
you do? When I’m going to die before you?”
“No, you won’t. You see, the moon goddess didn’t give us mates
who fit us perfectly like she gave werewolves. But she gifted us
the chance to have a mate for life by changing whoever we
choose to mark and claimed as ours to fit us. Once we mark
and mate someone who isn’t a lycan, the person we mark, be it
a werewolf or a human will start changing and turning into a
“In fact, after I mark your scent, the changing process begins
the moment your heart and your mind start accepting me.” His
hands tighten around mine.
“Okay,” I say calmly.
“Uh, okay? Are you sure?” he asks me tentatively, studying me
closely. Looking worried.
“Okay,” I repeat, feeling strangely calm. “Is there anything else
I need to know?”
He starts rubbing the back of his neck with that funny look on
his face while his eyes stray away from mine again, looking at a
spot somewhere between his black leather shoes.
Oh, god! There’s more?
“The truth,” I remind him. I need him to spit it out before my
imagination gets the best of me.
“It’s uh...not a big deal...but uh, my father is King Alexandros,
the king of lycans and werewolves. Don’t know if you’ve heard
of him?” he says. “I’m his only son, so...that makes me the
crown prince.”
Heard of him? King Alexandros? The King Alexandros? The
freaking King Alexandros Romanov, the lord of the lycans and
werewolves? Is he kidding me? And he’s Prince Caspian? No
big deal my fvcking ass!
Every werewolf on earth knows who they are. I've heard of
them being mentioned and talked about all the time in my old
pack. I'm sure Nana mentioned them a few times when I was
growing up.
“I know it’s a lot to take in...”
“Can you take me home now?” I interrupt him. I need to get
home just in case I start freaking out.
Both of his hands are now clasping mine tightly as if he’s
holding on to his life and his eyes accusing. “You promised you
won’t run. You promised you won’t leave me.”
“No,” I tell him. My voice still very calm and smooth. “I’m not
running away from you. I just need to think.”
He studies me for a few seconds. His eyes narrow. “Okay,” he
finally breathes out even though he doesn't look too happy.
He turns to gather all the boxes, paper napkins, and empty
cans into the bag while I sit there watching him. All my
thoughts are jumbled together but the forefront on my mind
right now is: he’s Prince Caspian, the Crown Prince and I just
had dinner with him, here in the woods. He’s Prince Caspian,
and he’s my mate and he’s a lycan.
“Wait,” I tell him, grasping his arm. His movement stilled, then
he turns around to look at me over his shoulder. His eyebrow
lifts up in a query and surprise.
“Can you...I want to see you,” I tell him. “I want to see you as a
He straightens to face me. “I don’t think that’s a good idea,
“Why not?”
“You’ll be scared. You’ll want nothing to do with me for sure
once you see what a hideous, scary monster I am.”
“No, I won’t. I promise I won’t get scared. Please?”
He groans and runs his hands over his face. “This is a very bad
idea, princess.”
“Please?” I need to see him. All of him. “I need to know you. I
need to know what I’m getting myself into and what I’m going
to be if I’m going to do this.”
He sighs and runs his fingers through his silky hair. "You know
I can't deny you," he reluctantly says. “If I do this, promise me
you won’t run. If you run, I’ll come after you. It’s in our nature
to hunt. I know I won’t hurt you but I might mark you...and
mate you before you’re ready.”
I take a deep shuddering breath. Am I really doing this? It’s in
the middle of the night, in the middle of the woods, and I just
asked him to turn into...something. Somehow my crazy mind
choose this moment to play that scene in Micheal Jackson’s
music video, “Thriller”.
“Yes, I promise I won’t run.” Yes, I’m certifiably insane.
He sighs in resignation and nods his head. He stands up and
untucks his shirt from his pants. Then he undoes all the
buttons and I gulp nervously. I forgot this part...and he looks
so sexy doing it. Fortunately, or unfortunately for me, he
doesn’t take his shirt off. I get a glimpse of his glorious
physique between the gap of his open shirt. Then he unbuckles
his belt and undoes the button and pulls down the zipper but
doesn’t take off his pants either. Next, he takes off his shoes
and socks.
He folds his long legs and sits facing me, taking my hands in
his again. “Remember your promise,” he says.
I take a deep breath and nod my head.
He looks like an ancient god in the faint light of the city below
and the pale light of the moon. The moonlight casts shadows
and his hair glint more silver than gold.
For a moment I don’t see any changes, then I notice that his
eyes look different. I can’t tell much in the dim light, but they
seem like two hard glittering black onyx staring back at me.
Then dark veins start to appear starting from around his eye
sockets. The veins grow harsher and start to snake down the
smooth skin on his face.
His face structure starts to slowly change as well. His
browbones, the bridge of his nose, and his jaw become more
prominent. More silvery-golden hair covers his brows and the
sides of his face.
His whole body is changing before my eyes. His shoulders and
chest expand. He’s growing broader and taller, so tall that he’s
towering over me even in his sitting position.
I’m scared but I’m thrilled. Excited yet apprehensive. My heart
is thundering in my chest and my breathing is hard and fast. I
clasp his hands harder until I realize that his hands also feel
different. The fingers are longer, the back of his hands and
arms are covered with coarse golden hair, his nails are sharp
deadly talons.
I try to wrench my hands away but his long strong fingers curl
even tighter around mine. I look up and he’s staring back at me
with those cold, gleaming, black eyes. He’s gazing at me like
he’s mesmerized...and hungry. Like a predator watching a
fascinating looking prey.
He still looks like him, yet different. He looks deadly and
inhuman but strangely I’m still very attracted to him. Very
much so. Excitement unfurls in the pit of my stomach. To me,
he’s still very beautiful. My heart aches just looking at him.
I slowly free one of my hands from his grasp and lift it up to his
face. His nostrils flare as soon as my hand touches his cheek.
Something stirs in the bleak darkness of his eyes.
“Caspian,” I whisper, amazed. His nostrils flare at the sound of
his name and the intensity of his gaze increases as I skim my
fingers up and down, tracing the veins decorating his face.
"I've found you, princessss..." he hisses. His voice is also
different. Deeper and more guttural. I catch a glimpse of his
long canines.
I slowly get up to my knees while he watches me with those
On my knees, my face is almost the same level as his.
His face looks even more intimidating up close. His cold, hard
eyes more sinister.
I run my thumb along his lower lip. Then I place my thumb on
the side of his upper lip and slowly push it up, revealing his
teeth. They catch the light from below and gleam in the dark,
sharp and deadly, the canines even more prominent and lethal
"You are my princesss...you are mine." He brings up a hand to
grip the back of my head and tilts my head to the side, baring
my neck to him.
My heart is thundering inside my chest and I gulp nervously
but I'm not running. I’m quite scared but I’m more fascinated
and thrilled. Vines of excitement grow and twine along my
spine and wrap around my heart. It’s electrifying.
He leans in and rubs his nose and lips on my exposed neck as if
he’s marking me. Chills run down my spine and hairs stand on
end on the back of my neck. Then he buries his face in my hair,
breathing in my scent while his powerful arms wind around
me, gathering me into his body. We are chest to chest. His
heart beating next to the beat of my heart. He sits holding me
like that for a long time and I let him.
*I have very little time to write this week and the next
few weeks. Deadlines to my commission work are
coming up, among other things, and I take them very
seriously. Writing is my hobby, but I do try to update
for you on time as promised.
My next update will be next Tuesday - (est.)Canada
time (though I will try hard to make it earlier). Have a
wonderful week, everybody!
Chapter 20 - A Midnight Snack
“So, how should I address you? Prince Caspian? Your Royal
Highness Prince Caspian?”
His lips curve up into a mischievous smile. “You may call me
sweetheart, or prince awesome, though I won’t object to prince
incredible...actually that sounds perfect, like I’m some kind of a
superhero or something.”
I can’t help but roll my eyes. “Unbelievable!”
“That works too.” His grin grows wider. A bubble of laughter
escapes my lips and I start laughing. He stares at me like I just
handed him a trophy.
It’s past midnight and we’re back in his fancy car, traveling
down the hill through the narrow road. There are no street
lights lighting up our path. Trees flanking our left and right.
“I love it when you laugh. Your laughter sounds like a soft peal
of windchime in the breeze,” he says and I almost choke. Wow!
“That’s where I live,” he points out casually before I can
recover. I think my head is reeling.
He tips his head towards the first house we encounter after we
rounded a curve where the small road joins a wider one. I
continue to stare at him for a second before I shift my attention
to the structure in front of us.
It’s more of a mansion than a house. I noticed it before when
we were driving up. It looks kind of different from this evening
under a different light. Either way, it is a beautiful house.
It has a long circular driveway lined with palm trees and neatly
trimmed hedges and grass.
The house itself is a perfect blend of traditional and modern. It
has a Spanish influence with white stucco walls. The front
structure is rounded, looking almost like a turret of a castle.
The abundance of big glass windows lends a modern look.
The long driveway is brightly lit now. Most parts of the house
are hidden from view behind trees and their shadows, so I
don’t know how big it actually is. A warm glow of lights
illuminate the big windows.
He slows the car down almost to a stop. “Would you like to
come in for, uh...” He gives me a devilish smirk. “...a midnight
Midnight snack? I send him a glare. “Is that what you call it?
No, I don’t want your midnight snack.”
“You could just say “No, thank you” to my snack offer. There’s
no need to be so hostile about it,” he replies innocently. “And
yeah, last time I check, avocado on toast or a turkey sandwich
qualifies as a midnight snack.”
Was he really offering a snack and nothing else? My cheeks
start to burn from embarrassment until I catch a mischievous
glint in his eyes and the roguish grin he’s trying to hide.
Oh, he thinks he’s so funny!
I give him the stink eye and he chuckles. “Okay, I was just
messing with you, but seriously, I would like you to meet my
Oh, no...I don’t think I’m ready to meet his friends yet. Just the
thought of meeting his friends ties my stomach in knots so I
shake my head.
He looks amused. “I swear, they don’t bite,” he says. He flashes
me a grin that’s half roguish and half adorable as he adds, “The
snacks won’t bite either...but I might.”
I huff, trying to stay mad. I have to bite my lip, trying to curb a
laughter that’s threatening to erupt. He’s ridiculous...and
charming. Too charming for his own good.
“There’s the smile,” he says when I shake my head and the
smile I try to hide breaks through.
I think he knew that I would say no since he doesn’t press the
issue. “Next time, then,” he mutters as he drives past the
mansion. “To everything.” A smile is playing on his sexy lips.
This man is way too dangerous for my heart. It’s hard not to
like him.
“Tell me about your friends,” I say, trying to divert my
attention to something else other than those perfect, sensual
“They’re not just my friends. They’re my pack. My family,” he
answers. “There’s Constantine, he’s my cousin, and his mate,
Genesis. She’s the redhead you saw in class with me.
“Then there’s Lazarus. He’s our head security as well as
Constantine’s cousin from his mother’s side. His mate, Serena,
the blonde you might have seen around campus with me.
“I think you’ve met Beany, I mean Penny and her mate, Darius.
They’re the newest members of our pack.”
I make a quick calculation in my head. “So...there are seven of
you? Only seven members in your pack?”
“We don’t need numbers. Who is stupid enough to go against a
lycan? Let alone seven of us. Who needs more when you have
six people you can trust with your life? I know they’d die for
It’s evident from the way he talks about them that these people
are important to him and that makes me even more nervous
about meeting them.
“Do you think they will like me?”
His lips curve up into that smile again. The one that makes it
look like he knows something that no one else does.
“Trust me, they’ll love you, princess.”
When we reach Jonah’s house, he turns off the engine. Then he
sits back, watching me while I fidget. The intensity of his gaze
makes me nervous sometimes...most of the time...okay, all the
He reaches out and takes a lock of my black hair and wind it
around his long elegant index finger. Even a small gesture like
that seems very possessive. Like he owns every inch of me.
“There’s something else I want to tell you,” he tells me. “I’m
leaving for Russia in a couple of days.”
“Oh...” Something heavy settles uneasily in the pit of my
stomach and in my heart.
“I won’t be back until Thursday next week.”
Today is Tuesday. If he’s leaving in a couple of days, that
means he’ll be gone for a week.
“I know you said you need time and you have a lot to think
about but I want everybody to know that you’re mine. I want to
mark you before I go.”
“It’s too fast,” I tell him. “We’re moving too fast.”
“In my world, we’re moving too slow,” he mutters petulantly,
letting my hair slips through his fingers.
I know in the werewolves society, they mark and mate within
days, if not within a few hours of meeting their mates. I’m
guessing it’s the same in the lycan’s world.
“In my world, this is totally crazy.”
“What’s so crazy about it? You grew up in our world and you’re
a half werewolf.”
“I’m a normal human,” I insist.
“Yeah, so you told me. You’re a normal human who wants to
marry a normal human man,” he says with a frown. “So what?
Are you going to be seeing human men while I’m gone? Is that
why you don’t want me to mark you?” He demands to know. I
can see from his profile that he’s scowling. His bottom lip is
jutting forward and his jaw is taut. He’s clearly in a pissy mood
Oh, the whiplash this man is giving me. One moment he’s all
flirty and teasing, the next, he’s moody and possessive.
My first impulse was to answer “What if I did? It’s none of your
business.” But then I remember that he’s a dangerous lycan
and he’s supposed to be my mate and I manage to hold my
He is silent, staring out the window for a long time while I
struggle to find a response that won’t set a lycan off. If I didn’t
know any better, I’d say the prince is sulking.
“Caspian. Prince Incredible...” I say. He is still pouting but he
blinks in surprise and his jaw isn’t as tight. I smile.
“Prince Unbelievable,” I add in a teasing voice and I see him
struggling not to smile.
I unfasten my seatbelt and reach out to touch his cheek and
bring his face to look at me. I don’t know where this confidence
comes from but I try not to second guess my instinct. I think
I’m learning how I can get my way with this hot lycan prince.
“You have to understand, it’s a life-changing step for me. The
idea of changing into a lycan...and not to mention, you’re a
prince. It’s a lot for me to take in.”
He sighs. “Yeah, okay. You’re right. I know I shouldn’t have
pressured you like that...I should give you more time,” he says.
“You’ve handled tonight a lot better than I thought you would.”
Yes! An almost apology. I feel like asking him to repeat those
words again: “You’re right”. I suspect not many people ever got
to hear those words from this prince. I feel like I’ve won this
round. For now. I try not to let all that power go to my head
because I suspect that he could have an upper hand without
any trouble at all.
“Before I let you go to think, there’s something I have to do. I
want you to think about this...” He slips his fingers into my hair
behind my neck, pulls me to him, and closes his mouth on
Just like that, I’m losing the upper hand.
The moment our lips meet, I forget everything but the feel of
his soft lips on mine. The feel of his tongue slipping inside my
mouth to slide against mine. The taste of him as our tongues
tangle together. The current of electricity that brings the
explosion of heat and pleasure all over my body the moment we
I moan softly when he sucks on my bottom lip. He groans when
I suck his top lip in return. With a louder groan, he takes over
the kiss completely, ravishing my lips. The sound is feral, wild,
and sexy and it drives me crazy.
My hands move up to grip the silky strand of his hair and he
moans into my mouth when I give it a tug to bring him closer
to me.
His hand grips the back of my neck, angling my head to his
liking while another travel to roam my back, then slides down
to wind around my waist to pull me into him until there’s no
space between us.
His mouth moves down to kiss, nibble and suck his way across
my jaw, behind my ear, my neck, and my throat. Oh, god...
“Marked or not, you’re already mine, Moya Printsessa,” he
mumbles against my neck before his mouth makes its way back
to my lips.
I don’t know how long we’re in there but I vaguely aware that
the windows are all foggy. By the time I walk out of the car, my
feet feel like jelly and my head is stuffed with cotton candy. It’s
a great mystery to me how I make it into the house without
smacking my face into the front door.
Oh, god, I could’ve kissed him the whole night!
Layla is in the living room, sitting on the sofa half asleep when
I get into the house.
“Oh, thank god you’re okay,” she mumbles, getting up.
“You’ve been waiting for me?”
“I’ve been worried sick. You left without your phone too.”
I feel guilty for making her worry like that but it’s not like I had
a choice when I was being carried out like a sack of potato this
I glance at the clock on the wall above the TV. It’s 1:05 am.
Layla rarely goes to bed later than 10 pm. She’s early to bed
and early to rise kind of person. She must have been really
worried about me to stay up this late even though she’s barely
awake now. Her eyes are half closed. Her curly hair is sticking
up like she’s been charged with electric current.
I take off my shoes and walk barefoot across the room. I don’t
want to wake Isaac and Lana up. Layla follows me, walking like
a zombie to our bedroom, then she kicks the door closed
behind her.
“You went off with a lycan,” she croaks, scratching her arm.
I nod. “He is, and he wants to mark me,” I tell her.
“Oh,” she says, after a yawn. “That’s it?”
“That’s it?” I squeak, barely able to believe that I heard her
correctly. “That’s it?” I repeat incredulously. “The real question
is, what do I do now, Layla?”
“Oh, girl, when a lycan wants to mark you, there’s nothing you
can do about it,” she says with another yawn. “What a lycan
wants, a lycan gets,” she mumbles and promptly falls facedown
on her bed.
I think she’s probably too tired to think straight right now.
That’s the only excuse I have for my friend for saying things
like that. Soon enough I hear her snore.
I change into my pajama and make my way to the bathroom to
brush my teeth. I freeze when I see my reflection in the mirror
above the sink. He left another hickey on my neck! It’s clearly a
marking of territory. I bet he did it on purpose. Darn it, he’s
well and truly gained the upper hand now!
I yawn for the hundredth time since I helped Cat open the cafe
this morning. Cat even made me a double shot Espresso
instead of my usual Latte Macchiato to help wake me up. So far
it’s not working.
I didn’t sleep much at all last night. I lay awake, listening to
Layla’s soft snore while mulling things over and over in my
Everything that Caspian told me, I stored away in the back of
my mind so that I wouldn’t freak out in front of him.
Everything came up to the forefront as soon as I was in bed all
alone with my thoughts.
For a long time, I wanted so much to be a normal human.
Being a lycan was never part of my life plan. That’s just crazy!
To top it off, I’m about to mate to a Crown Prince! What does
that mean to me? Am I going to be a queen?
I had a mini freak out after a mini freak out until I replayed our
touches and kisses. The tingles, the thrill... Now it makes sense
that he calls me “Princess”.
“Everything okay, Quincy?”
“Huh?” I raise my head to look right at Cat’s face.
“Is it a new boy toy?” she asks me with a cheeky smile. “You
look kinda dreamy.”
“I don’t look dreamy! I don’t do dreamy,” I huff as I hear new
customers stepping in. I sassily add, “And I don’t keep boys as
toys, I eat them up after I finish toying with them. Hah!” I flip
my order pad open, face the front door and freeze. I vaguely
register Cat wheezing behind me.
Standing on the threshold are four magnificent looking lycans.
All four staring at me. All the four of them looking very
I have no doubt in my mind that they heard my last comment.
Oh, what the fff...frickin frack!
Is it too late to go hide now? Or better still, move to a different
planet where putting your foot in your mouth is the law and a
requirement to stay?
*Sorry, another hectic week and I had a dentist
appointment that went waaaay too long for my liking
this morning. Ick! (At least my pearly whites feel
clean) My next update will be this Monday. Have a
wonderful week my dear friends and readers!
Chapter 21 - Hot Lunch
We stand there staring at each other. Me, frozen in mortification. The four of them, in
I open my mouth and suddenly words just spill out. “I don’t toy with boys. I don’t eat boys
either. I really don’t. I mean, to toy with them and eat them, that would be mean. Just mean. Oh,
no, no, no, no...one should never do that.” I wince. That sounds bad. “I mean, I was just kidding.
That was a joke. Ha ha...see? funny, right?”
Oh, my god! Somebody shut me up. Like right now!
I hear a choking-wheezing sound behind me and it occurs to me that I should check if Cat is
dying behind the counter...after I find a hole to hide in.
“Imma go die in a hole now.” What? Shut up!
“Okay,” says the blond lycan who looks like she’s about to burst into a laughter at any moment.
The man beside the redhead turns quickly away. His shoulders are shaking with silent laughter,
which is totally a bad thing.
What a disaster.
I cast my gaze up at the ceiling. My face is burning hot. Lord have mercy.
The four of them walk over to a table for four not too far away. It’s not my table but since Jenna
isn’t here yet, I should go take their order. Instead, I spin around and make a quick escape to the
I walk past Cat who really looks like she’s dying, bending over, clutching her stomach with a
gasping and choking sound coming out of her. Her face is hidden behind the curtain of her short
purple hair.
I walk faster and lock the washroom door with a click.
Great! Just great! So much for wanting to impress Caspian’s pack members slash family slash
trusted friends. They must think that I’m stupid, or worse..crazy. They must be wondering how
or why the future King of lycans and werewolves is saddled with someone like me. Wait! Why
do I want to impress them again? It doesn’t matter. I just do.
I splash water over my reddened face, neck, and my wrists and try to breathe slowly and deeply.
That was beyond embarrassing but I can’t hide in here forever.
My Nana used to say that she’s proud of me because I dance to my own music. She also said that
the music was in my own head and only I can hear it. In other words, Nana was proud of me
because I never give a rat’s ass about what people think of me...but she also thought that I was
crazy. Whatever. The point is, I should just go out there with my head held high because I don’t
give a rat’s ass about what they think of me...well, I kinda do, but that’s beside the point. The
point is, there’s no point to this little story, I just miss my Nana and I like to think of my Nana
when I’m stressed. That’s all.
I wipe my face and my hands dry, check myself in the mirror, and push my shoulders back, chin
up, ready to face the world again. Okay, not really. But...whatever.
When I get out, Cat has several cups of steaming hot coffee ready on a tray. She’s not even
hiding her amusement. “These are for those gods and goddesses at table four,” she says with a
gleeful grin and a wink. They must have ordered while I was in the washroom.
“Oh, goddess yes! You coffee angel you. I need this,” says the redhead who reaches for her drink
as soon as I place them on the table. “This is too early for me...cruel...insane morning
people...torture..poor me... ” she grumbles incoherently between big gulps of her hot coffee.
“She’s not a morning person,” explains the stunning looking man sitting beside her while the
redhead continues to chug down her drink.
“We’re lucky she hasn’t murder us all yet,” says another man quietly before sipping his own
coffee. His expression so grave and solemn that I pause to wonder if he was truly serious.
The blond beside him nudges him with her elbow. She is impossibly gorgeous. Her shiny honey
golden hair falls in soft waves down her shoulders. Her dress, impeccable and stylish. “Oh,
where are our manners,” she says with a soft smile. “Hello, I’m Serena.” She holds out her hand.
Her glowing amber eyes are warm and kind.
“This is my mate, Lazarus,” she says after shaking my hand. She touches the arm of the man
with the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen beside her. His dark curls would have reached his shoulders if
it isn’t tied back. I’m not really a fan of men with long hair, but on this magnetic man, it doesn’t
only enhance his stern and forbidding exterior but it adds to his allure. His intimidating grim
expression never wavers but there’s a gentle and benevolent curiosity in his gaze and the small
nod he gives me isn’t unfriendly.
“Hello, I’m Constantine.” Another man who sits across the table from him captures my hand in
his large one. I remember Caspian told me that Constantine is his cousin. He doesn’t look
anything like Caspian with his piercing silver-grey eyes and dark brown hair. He is less bulky
than Lazarus but still very well built. “This is my mate, Genesis,” he says, indicating the
breathtaking redhead with flawless porcelain skin beside him. She is now drinking his coffee
after placing her empty cup in the place of his.
“Oh, would you like me to get you another cup of coffee? ” I ask them. “Or would you like to
order some food?”
“No, I’m good,” answers Genesis. Of course, she’s good. She just had two cups of coffee while
her mate, Constantine is left staring at an empty cup in front of him as if wondering when did he
finish off his coffee. “Maybe I’ll have a sandwich later,” she adds as an afterthought.
“Why don’t you join us for a minute, Quincy?” invites Serena. Lazarus effortlessly pulls a chair
from another table with his foot without even getting up.
We’re not yet busy but we’re not allowed to sit with customers. I’m not usually good at
following orders but I’m already in enough trouble as it is. Adam, our manager is putting me on
probation after yesterday’s event when I poured water on that woman.
I glance to look at Cat who is trying to look busy by wiping the spotless counter. Alex is typing
away on her phone and Jenna is not yet here. I know Cat and Alex wouldn’t have cared but Jenna
would have reported me to Adam even though she herself is always late to work.
“We won’t take a lot of your time,” promises Genesis.
Oh, well...Jenna is not here, neither is Adam.
I take the seat and look at the beautiful people around me. “Does Caspian know that you guys are
“Not a clue,” says Genesis.
“He’s out practicing very early this morning,” answers Serena. Her tone becomes sober when she
says, “We’re leaving for Russia soon...tomorrow, actually. We thought we’d see you before we
The heaviness in my chest returns. Uneasiness settles deep in my bones once again at the
mention of it. “Is it going to be dangerous where you’re going?” I ask them quietly.
The four of them turn to look at me at the same time before they look at each other. Something
changes in the air between them. It’s very subtle yet somehow I can feel it. Not a second later,
there’s a flash of some sort of mutual communication or understanding between them.
“It can be,” answers Lazarus carefully. “But there’s nothing to worry about.”
Constantine nods his head. “We have a very tight security.”
“Besides, it’s hard to kill a lycan,” Genesis adds in a whisper. “So, how’s it going with the
prince?” I know she’s trying to change the subject but...wow, she doesn’t mince words.
“You’re being very subtle, sweetheart,” says Constantine.
“Oh, thanks, honey,” replies Genesis with a proud smile before she turns to gaze at me with an
expectant look.
I open my mouth to tell her that I think he meant she's being the opposite of subtle but then I
figure, it’s not my place, so I close my mouth. Then I open my mouth again to say something,
but then I’m not sure how to open up to them because I don’t know these people.
“Uh, right now I’m still thinking about the whole mate thing,” I tell them finally. “I’m still
“Oh, how cute. She thinks she has a choice,” Genesis murmurs to Serena who hides her smile
behind a paper napkin. If somebody else said something like that about me, I’d be pissed but her
tone carried no malice and I feel no anger.
“Honey, go play somewhere else for a few minutes, will you? We girls need to talk.” She pats
her mate, Constantine on the arm. “Oh, take Lazarus with you.” She pushes Lazarus off the
chair. This time Serena lets out a soft laugh.
Lazarus’s face remains serious even though he shakes his head as he stands up. I don’t miss the
look of amusement in his eyes.
Constantine looks at his mate with a raised eyebrow but he rises from his chair. Then he leans
down and kisses the top of her head. “Behave,” he tells her, then he turns to me and says, “Don’t
worry, Caspian will be fine in Russia.”
We watch as their long legs carry the two men out of the place before both of them lean in close
to me.
“We don’t want to scare you off or anything, love,” says Serena. “But he’ll never let you go no
matter what you decide.”
Genesis nods her head in agreement. “Believe us, we understand. We went through the same
thing with our mates.”
“You two weren’t born lycans?” I ask them in a hushed voice.
“Nope, we were both werewolves,” answers Genesis quietly.
I sigh. I guess they’re the best people to talk about this since they’re mated to lycans and
strangely I feel very drawn to them. There’s a certain ease that I feel with all of them that I’ve
never felt with anyone else. “So are you telling me that I should just give it up now and let him
mark me?”
“Oh no, that’s not what we’re telling you at all,” says Genesis quickly and vehemently.
“You do what feels right to you, love. Don’t let him bully you into doing anything you’re not
ready to do.” Serena pats my hand.
“In case you haven’t figured it out yet Quincy, Caspian is used to getting what he wants,” says
Genesis. “He’ll go all possessive and would claim you like a neanderthal if you let him.”
“Well, you can let him. There’s nothing wrong with that,” suggests Serena. Genesis shoots her a
disapproving look. “But that just means you could claim him right back,” Serena adds.
“Yeah, make sure to bitchslap any bitches who overstep their boundaries,” says Genesis. “Don’t
be shy, feel free to bitchslap him too if he flirts with them.”
Serena stops and stares at Genesis.
“What?” asks Genesis.
“I don’t know if bitchslapping anybody, especially a human is a good idea,” answers Serena.
“Especially after she becomes a lycan.”
“Pffttt...Penny does that all the time. Just a little tap will do.”
“That little tap knocked them right out, remember?”
“They’ll live.” Genesis shrugs her shoulders. “By the way, Penny is another one of us.”
“Oh, yeah, Penny. I met her yesterday,” I tell them.
“What?” Genesis almost jumps out of her seat. She turns to Serena and says, “That
woman...darn, she’s tricky! Do you remember what she told us the other day when you said
you’d like to meet Quincy?”
Serena laughs softly. “She’s sly,” she agrees. “She said we’re being nosy.”
“I can’t believe she’s already one step ahead of us.” Genesis shakes her head but she’s smiling.
“Yeah, well...I splashed water all over her friend too,” I inform them. “Penny was here with her
mate Darius and that woman overstepped her boundary.”
“Attagirl!” Genesis exclaims with approval.
Serena laughs. “Poor Caspian,” she says but she gives me a proud smile. “I think you’ll do just
The thing I like most about working at the cafe, apart from the location, is the flexible work
hours since most of us are students. I finish work at the cafe at 11:15 am this morning because I
have a tutorial class at 11:30 am and a study group right after that.
Just as I’m getting ready to leave, I feel his presence in the air that I breathe and his burning gaze
on the back of my head. My heart leaps in my chest and my stomach dips. My skin is now
burning all over. I can’t believe how his mere presence is affecting me.
“Oh, Quincy! I think your toy...err, I mean your lunch is here,” Cat calls out cheekily. “Hot, hot
God! I like Cat but sometimes I swear I could kill that woman.
I sling my bag over my shoulder and walk toward Caspian who is standing near the door with a
quizzical expression on his face. “Lunch?” he mouths.
“Don’t mind her. She’s crazy,” I tell him loud enough to make sure that Cat can hear me.
“Hey, Quincy!” yells Cat. “Don’t toy with your lunch!” Her laughter follows me to the door.
Caspian has a knowing smirk on his face. Ughh!! That woman!
I was expecting him to make some kind of a joke about Cat’s parting remark but he’s being very
quiet as he walks me to my class. “I’m leaving for Russia tomorrow morning,” he says quietly.
“So I heard,” I tell him. “Genesis, Serena, Lazarus, and Constantine paid me a visit this
His eyebrows lift up in surprise. “Nosy idiots,” he mutters under his breath but his lips curve up
into a smile.
“I like them,” I announce.
“Good,” he says. His smile turns knowing.
When we reach my classroom, he grabs my wrist to stop me from going in. “Will you spend the
rest of the day with me?”
I’d love to but I find myself saying, “Uh, maybe I’ll see you after this class?”
He looks disappointed but he shoves his hands into the pocket of his jeans and reluctantly takes a
few steps back. “I guess I’ll see you in 45 minutes, then?”
I nod my head. I think he’s really trying to practice patience with me.
“Hey, Quincy!” yells a guy from my class. His name is Brandon, I think. He’s been very
friendly. Too friendly and too dense to understand the concept of personal space, sometimes.
“Coming in? Be my partner today, yeah?” he says with a wink.
Caspian’s eyes narrow as he stares at the smaller guy. Brandon seems oblivious to the hostile
look as he disappears through the door with a bounce in his steps. Happy as a clam.
His jaw tout and I can feel his annoyance. I prepare myself to say something in defense of the
poor dimwitted Brandon but he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he grabs my wrist and he reaches
for his sharpie with another hand. He uncapped the sharpie with his teeth, then scribbles
something on my arm. He lets me go, put the cap back on his pen, flashes me a smug grin, then
he saunters away.
I watch him disappears around the corner of the building before I bring up my arm to read the
words written in big black bold capital letters on it.
Oh, no he didn’t!
I turn right around and stalk over to where he disappears to look for him. I don’t have to search
too far. He’s standing near the front step of the library, talking to a short, curvy, blond human
girl in a pastel pink dress. The word preppy comes to mind when I see her. Isn’t it cute that she
also has a string of pearls around her neck? Ok, I’m being petty, I have nothing against pearls.
My Nana used to wear pearls. I think I’ve seen him with that girl before.
I storm over to stand right beside him and his preppy blond friend. He looks at me with a raised
eyebrow and says, “Hey, Quincy.” I don’t answer him, instead, I pluck the sharpie from his hand,
take off the cap, grab his arm and write: QUINCY’S PROPERTY.
I hear a shock outrage gasp coming from Miss Preppy but I ignore her. Instead, I look up at his
face with a smug but defiant smile. He glances briefly at his arm then he gives me an amused,
speculative look. Our eyes lock and hold.
“Wow! Delusional much?” says Miss Preppy. Has anybody ever told her that she has an
annoying voice? I grind my teeth together but I turn to give her a tight smile. She has a big scowl
on her face. Her eyes scan me from head to toe with this superior look on her face. Without a
word, I take hold of his other hand and write QUINCY’S PROPERTY. Underneath it, I
add, hand’s off bitch! There!
I turn my chin up and give him a challenging smirk. I was expecting him to be mad or at least to
show annoyance at my audacity but gazing back at me, his lips curl up slightly into an amused
smile. There’s a look of pride, smugness, and fierce possessiveness on his face.
I tear my eyes away from his mesmerizing stare and whirl around, intent to bounce away and
skip town. Oh, Lord...what possessed me to mark another person like that? I know he started it
but that’s not an excuse.
Nana would’ve flicked me right on the forehead and told me to write that on his forehead
instead. Yeah, well...that’s Nana. Like I said before, not everything that Nana said or did make
“Where do you think you’re going?“He grabs my wrist before I manage to flounce off. “After
you claim me, you’re leaving me? I’m afraid it doesn’t work that way. I’m all yours, baby. So
what are you going to do with me?”
* To be honest, I was about to delete most of this chapter. I wanted to get to the action part
quicker as I think some of you might be getting bored with the non-action. But then I
remember a lot of you asked me not to delete much. The action is coming up in the next
chapter =). Have a wonderful week, my dearies!
P/S: Another update next Monday (est.)
Chapter 22 - Swimming With the Shark
“Excuse me, Caspian...” says Miss Preppy in pastel pink. Her hot pink fingernails are tapping on
Caspian’s arm. “We really don’t have time for silly interruptions.” She stares pointedly at me.
“We need to finish this project on time.”
I try to slip out of Caspian’s hold but he wraps an arm around my shoulders and brings me closer
to him. I can feel his warm chest rising and falling against my back.
“Look, Sienna,” he says to the girl. His voice is cold like icy shards of ice. The way his arm
tightens around me serves as a warning not to try to slip away again. “I’ve done the research and
everything else. All you have to do is tie everything together and write the conclusion. I told you
we don’t need to meet up again.”
“But I think it would turn out better if we---”
“I’ve done my part,” he says, looking at her in disdain and annoyance like she’s a lowly subject
who dares overstep her boundary. “Just make sure to send it in on time,” he adds, coldly
dismissing her. The look he’s giving her just reminds me more that he’s a crown prince on the
path of becoming a powerful king someday.
“Now all I want to do is spend my time with my woman,” he murmurs, kissing the shell of my
ear as he pulls me away.
His fingers digging into my side tickles and I can’t hold in the giggles. “Stop,” I tell him.
“Hmmm...somebody’s ticklish. Interesting.” Oh, no...he’s going to use that information against
me. His fingers skim my middle, prodding to find the most sensitive part of me...which is almost
“Oh, no, no, no...” I can’t stop giggling while squirming, trying to wiggle out of his hold. “Don’t
you think you should work on your project with her?” I squeak, sneaking a glance at Miss
Preppy, or rather Sienna, who is still standing in the front steps of the library, staring after us...or
glaring, really, I can’t tell.
He glances over his shoulder, his expression turns haughty again. “No, I’m done. She’s been
acting more like my prison guard rather than a project partner. Hounding and cornering me any
chance she gets. I don’t get how she could complicate a simple project, needing to talk and meet
up all the time.” He shakes his head before he turns back to face me. His hands snake down to
wrap around my waist. “Now, let’s talk about you and me.” His voice turns several degrees
warmer. “You never gave me an answer. Now that you own me, what are you going to do with
That makes me realize how he aloof, imperious, and cold he looks most of the time. He only
reserves the warmer side of him to very few people. So far I’ve seen his genuine smile only
when he’s around Genesis, Serena, Penny...and now, me. Open, playful, and...adorably
It’s the end of fall and the days are getting cooler but today is perfect. The sand is warm and the
sky is clear blue with very few clouds. The Pacific Ocean is glistening under the sun. The wind is
carrying the smell of the ocean and blowing my hair out of my face.
Perfect. I raise my arms up above my head with a sigh. I know a big smile is playing on my lips.
I let the sun kiss my skin. My Nana would have loved it here.
We’re on a deserted stretch of a beach. We have taken off our shoes, we have our jeans rolled up,
and we’re standing with the waves lapping at our feet.
He wants us to spend the rest of today together before he has to fly back to Russia tomorrow.
He asked me what I wanted to do, and I told him that I wanted to spend today just getting to
know each other, no kissing or making out since we both know what would happen once we
start. I asked him to take me to the beach.
“You’re easy to please.” He takes my hand and laces his fingers through mine like we’ve done
this a thousand times already. I feel the electric current traveling from the tips of my fingers
down to my toes. I feel our connection right to the bones. I wonder if he feels it too.
“I am,” I tell him. “Especially since this is my first time by the ocean.”
He steps right in front of me, blocking my view of the sea. His eyes penetrating and his
expression so serious when he asks me, “This is your first time in the ocean and you’re only
ankle deep in the water?”
“Wait, Caspian! What are you doing?” I shriek when he lifts me up by my waist. I grab hold onto
his shoulders and wrap my legs around his hips.
“We’re getting rid of your virginity the proper way.” His eyes are now burning with mischief.
His hands settle firmly under my butt, holding me tightly against him.
“What?” I shriek louder.
“We’re getting rid of your ocean virginity the proper way. We’re going swimming.” He walks
deeper into the water. The waves are now lapping against my thighs and my butt.
“What? With our clothes on?”
“Do you want to take your clothes off now, Princess?” He leans in. I feel the muscles of his
shoulders flex underneath my hands.
“No. It’s too late now. We’re already wet.”
“You’re right,” he says as he dips us both underwater.
“Caspian!” I come out gasping for breath, pushing away from him. I take it back. He’s not
adorably annoying. He’s annoying. Period.
His smile is wolfish as he swims closer. Droplets of water running down his face. His golden
hair seems darker all wet with strands plastered to his face. His eyelashes wet and stick together
with a few tiny droplets at the end. His unusual green eyes bright and mischievous. He’s so
gorgeous even all wet like now, it’s so annoying. I must have looked like a drowned rat. I push
backward, away from him.
“You’re in the ocean, sweetheart,” he states casually as he moves closer again.
“I know, you made sure of that,” I give him the stinkeye. I can touch the ocean floor with my
tippy toes now as I keep moving backward, away from him.
He chuckles. “You know, there are sharks around here, don’t you?”
I jump on him. I wrap my arms and legs around him like a monkey and look at the murky water
around us in alarm, searching for the dreaded fins.
He has brought out a small blanket, a pair of jeans and a white button-down shirt from the trunk
of his car.
We are both dripping wet from our swim and the wind has turned somewhat chilly for me. It
doesn’t seem to bother him, though.
“Do you always carry around extra clothing in your car?” I ask him as he tosses the shirt to me.
“Yes,” he simply replies as he tugs the back of his wet shirt and peels it off his magnificent body.
His body really is the work of art. The sight of his broad shoulders, muscled chest, and the eight
packs which lead down to the deep v that disappears underneath his jeans is already making me
blush. Why did I ask him to promise me that there will be no kissing and making out today? I try
to avert my gaze just as his hands move to undo his jeans.
“What are you doing?” I ask him as he unzips his jeans.
“Taking my wet pants off,” he says, watching me with that devious smirk on his face. Then he
tugs the wet material off his hips and pulls it all the way down, never taking his eyes off me.
Oh, my god! He’s not even wearing underwear and he’s...big. Oh, my god! Oh, my god!
I try to look away and he laughs as he casually uses the blanket to dry himself off, not even
bothering to cover himself up. “You can look all you want, princess. I don’t mind.”
I get an eyeful of his tight sexy butt as he bends down to wipe dry his legs. Oh, god!
“Really...” I huff as I turn around and he laughs harder. Okay, so he’s beautiful...everywhere
but..ugghhh, he’s so full of himself.
“Some of you humans,” he emphasizes the word humans as if he’s making fun of me. “Are such
I know he’s needling me but I can’t help snapping back, “Better than you..you..you have no
sense of decency!” What the hell! Now I sound like a prudish grandmama. Not my Nana
obviously. In fact, growing up among werewolves who change their forms regularly doesn’t
make me shy of naked human bodies, exactly. Only with him. Because his body makes me feel
something I’ve never felt before just by looking.
“What? There’s no one else around but you, princess...and you can look all you want since you
own me.”
I roll my eyes. Why oh why did I use that marker on him? Quincy’s property indeed. The writing
is still visible even after our swim in the ocean.
Swimming with him was fun too once I got over my fear of the great white sharks.
“You don’t need to be shy. I know you want to look. I don’t blame you, I know I’m gorgeous.”
There’s laughter in his voice.
Oh my god, grant me patience! He’s so big headed, big...Ughh, my cheeks become bright red.
Oh, things you can’t unsee once you see them. Not that I want to unsee...things.
“Aren’t you going to change, Princess?” he whispers in my ear from behind and I yelp, jumping
back. I turn around to see that he’s already wearing a dry pair of jeans. “Or are you too...uh,
decent to get out of your wet clothing?” He chuckles mockingly.
His smug, taunting, handsome face is annoying me. I feel like bashing his head with something
to wipe that smirk off his lips. Decent? I’ll show him decent.
I undo the buttons of my denim top and mentally pat myself on the back as the smile drops from
his lips.
I silently congratulate myself when his mouth falls open when I shirk my wet top off.
I start to have doubts about the brilliance of my plan when fierce lust and hunger enter his eyes
as he stares at me unblinkingly after I peel my pants off.
I’m wearing simple white cotton panties and a purple bra but I might as well be naked by the
way his intense eyes are raking my whole body.
My body starts to burn with delicious heat and my heart starts to drum faster when his eyes
smolder and his nostrils flare. I grab the blanket that he dropped on the sand and furiously wipe
myself dry with it, sand and all.
I can hear him breathing deep and fast as he slowly stalks towards me like he’s stalking a prey.
Okay, now I’m freaking out, a bit...and thrilled.
I quickly pull the white shirt on and button it up with shaky hands. I look up to find him still
staring at me with that hunger on his face. I give him a wide grin and say, “I know, I know...I’m
That seems to bring him out of his daze. He shakes his head and closes his eyes for a second
before he looks away. Then he bends down to pick up our wet shirts and jeans. I hear him
muttering and grumbling about stupid promises to wait, about no making out, and about taking
another swim with the sharks in the ocean.
After he puts away our wet clothes in a bag and stows it away in the small trunk of his car, he
comes back and spreads the blanket on the sand. I sit on it next to him and when I glance up, he’s
already watching me. His eyes, warm and vivid. Mesmerizing green. Electric almost. His silky
golden hair, now dry, glitters in the bright sunlight.
My heart aches at how beautiful he is. I could just watch him all day and be happy.
“You could’ve asked anything of me. I could’ve taken you anywhere but you asked to be taken
to the beach.” He gazes at me in wonder. “And you look so happy like I’ve just given you the
“I’m just a simple girl. I am very easy to please.” Nana said the same thing about me. She said I
was easy to please when I almost peed in my pants when she gave me a 25 dollar gift card to a
bookstore on my birthday one time or when I inhale her fresh out of the oven gâteau au yaourt
and patted my belly happily after I ate it.
“There’s nothing simple about you, Quincy St. Martin. You look so sweet and soft, sometimes
even child-like and innocent yet you’re intelligent, all steel and strength inside.” He pushes a few
strands of my hair behind my ear. It’s such a simple gesture but warmth spreads in my chest. “I
see you, princess.”
“I see you too, Prince Caspian. There are layers and layers of you. You act like nothing bothers
but you think deep. You may act childish sometimes.” I can’t help but lean in his warm hand. “A
lot of times, actually,” I amend. “...but every action is done with forethought. I feel sorry for
whoever stupid enough to underestimate you.”
A strange watchful, almost wary look enters his eyes as he studies my face. A tiny smile is
playing on his lips. His hand slides across my cheek to grip the back of my neck. “You could be
a very dangerous woman, my princess.”
“Not to you, your highness,” I whisper as he holds me immobile and leans down to bring his face
closer to mine. His eyes focus on my lips.
“Oh, yes, especially to me,” he says quietly. I feel his warm breath on my face. Our lips are just
inches apart. The yearning to lean in and brush my lips to his is overwhelming. I know he feels it
too when his grip tightens around the back of my neck. His thumb presses gently but firmly at
the base of my throat. But he only presses our foreheads together. The only thing that’s stopping
him now is probably that stupid promise I asked him to make earlier before we came here. “Do
you know how beautiful you are?” His voice is husky and every word is drawled out lazily. “You
have the most amazing eye color.”
I gulp and take a deep breath before I ask him, “Do you realize that our eyes are almost the same
“Exactly what I meant to say,” is his serious response. That seems to ease my lust or whatever
magical hold he has on me and I laugh. This man.
We spend hours talking. I tell him about my Nana and he tells me about his traveling and his life
at the palace. I gloss over my life at the pack house. I skip over the really bad stuff but he’s
clenching his jaw and fists tight by the time I finish telling him about how I took off from the
pack’s territory. He’s too intelligent to miss things that I avoid telling.
He’s very quiet and looks pissed off for a while after that. I manage to make him smile and laugh
again with the story of how my Nana scared off one of her suitors with her scones. Nana was
very good at baking things but for some reason, scones were not one of those things. She made
batches and batches of scones and forced them down our throats because she was convinced that
they’re really amazing and that they’re an acquired taste. My Nana’s scones were really bad.
There’s nothing to acquire but a stiff jaw because they’re hard as rocks.
“I had fun. I’m glad to have lost my ocean virginity with you. Thank you for today,” I thank him
when we’re sitting in his car in front of Jonah’s house.
He’s holding my hand tight and I’m unwilling to let go. Despite no kissing and no making out
agreement, he hasn’t stopped touching me. We’re both reluctant to end our day together.
Today is one of the happiest days of my life despite him being annoying. Everything else
disappears when he’s with me. No troubles and no worries. Just him and me.
“I wish I don’t have to go home yet but I have a meeting with my pack mates in half an hour,” he
tells me. “Remember today. That’s just a little glimpse of what our lives could be together if you
let me in. Let me in, princess.”
“I’ll see you when you get back,” I reply instead. “Promise me you’ll stay safe?”
“Would it matter whether or not I make it back to you, princess?”
“Yes. Yes, it matters.”
Chapter 23 - The Queen
I go back to her place just after midnight. I can’t sleep and I
can’t stay away. I sense nobody is in the house with her. She
looks like she’s wide awake when she opens the door for me.
I take her hand and she silently leads me into her room. There
are two beds in her room. The other bed is empty.
Her bed is tiny but we don’t need a lot of space between us. We
lie there facing each other. I run the back of my knuckles over
her soft skin and let her hair fall between my fingers. I’m
content just watching her and touching her like this. Very soon,
her eyes begin to flutter shut.
I leave the warmth of Quincy’s body and bed before the dawn
I sit at the edge of her bed, unwilling to leave. Everything else
ceases to exist in her presence. I find peace in her amazing
scent. I’m addicted to it. She looks so beautiful, lying on her
side with her black silky soft hair loose. Her long sooty
eyelashes fanning out above her pale pink cheekbones. Her
cushy red lips look very inviting but I don’t wish to wake her up
from her peaceful slumber. This feeling I have just by looking
at her, I’ve never felt before. I watch her sleeping and commit
the mesmerizing sight before me to memory.
The last twelve hours or so spent with her was the most
unforgettable hours of my life.
The urge to mark her is very strong. I am a selfish creature but
I will not mark her without her consent.
I lean down and press my lips softly to her forehead while
taking in a deep breath, breathing in her scent. Then I silently
I get home with enough time for a quick shower and clean up.
Our transportation, our drivers, and my security details are
already waiting when I get downstairs. We leave early in the
morning on the Royal Army jet instead of our regular one. It
doesn’t have the bedrooms or the comfort and luxury of our jet
but it’s safer for now.
The mood is somber. The aircraft is taking me further away
from the one that I love. The thought of what’s waiting for us
back in Russia is daunting. It weighs heavily on our minds.
When Darius informed us that one of the Royal family
members might be involved in building an army or a rebellion
and killing the mates of Commanders who were leading the
investigation, we were quite livid. Since Darius is now the
leading commander, Penny as his mate is the main target. The
thought that the traitor is one of our own was hard to swallow
at first. Loyalty means the world to me.
Now we’re going back to Banehallow Palace for my parents’
Godovshchina celebration with Penny posing as my mate. We
know that she would still be in danger as my mate but we’re
hoping to flush the culprit out. As the future queen, the palace
will provide her with better security on top of our own. Besides,
killing the future Queen and the mate of the Crown Prince is
declaring a full-fledged war on the Palace. My father would
have to deal with it instead of sweeping it under the rug and
outright denying it like what he is doing now despite being
made aware of the circumstances a few years ago.
I’ve been sitting on this chair since we take off, just staring out
the window at nothing but the cloud.
Quincy. I’m missing her already. I wonder if she’s awake now
to find that I’m no longer there beside her.
“Hey,” says Penny. Her eyes moving from me to the back of the
plane where I know Darius is still on the phone, giving
instructions to his men in Russia then back to me again. “I saw
her a couple of days ago,” she informs me. “I have a good
feeling about her. I like her.” Her. Quincy.
“You do?” I ask her before I run my hand over my hair and
shift my gaze back to stare out the window again. I’m not really
surprised. How can anybody not like her? She’s amazing. “How
can I bring her into this, Beany? I can’t bring her life into
“I used to be so mad at Darius for keeping you at arm’s length,
but now I understand where he’s coming from. I don’t know
what I’d do if I lost her.” No, I can’t lose her.
“She should be informed. She should not be kept in the dark,”
she tells me. “Don’t cut her off or ignore her even if you think
it’s for her own good. You’d hurt her more than anything. It’s
her choice. Let it be her choice, Caspian.” I know she’s speaking
from her own experience with Darius.
I did not tell Quincy much about our trip to Russia. About the
danger. Technically I’m not lying, but I withheld information
from her.
“Well, right now she doesn’t want me.” It’s hard to admit but
what do you do when your erasthai refused to let you mark
“Good things are hard to get,” she tells me.
“When did you get to be so wise?”
“Since forever,” she sasses me, ruffling my hair before she
saunters away to bug her own mate, I’m sure.
Once we reach Russia, I’m being kept busy with my duty. I am
very grateful to have my cousin Constantine shouldering some
of my responsibility as usual.
Despite being busy, I still miss my erasthai. I wonder if other
men are making a play for her. The thought is enough to fill me
with rage. I would fly back to her this second if I didn’t have
this duty to fulfill.
My announcement of my mating to Penny to my parents
manages to keep Lady Celeste away from me. Unfortunately,
my father decides that it’s time for me to be crowned King with
Beany as my Queen.
The Godovshchina ball and our coronation ceremony go off
with a bang. I mean, literally. The palace goes under attack.
Beany goes missing.
We gather our men and swarm the premise where we thought
she’s taken to. In the end, the whole place is destroyed, a lot of
the rebels are killed. Robert Vitsin, the man behind the attack
on the palace and the killing of Darius’s men and their mates is
also killed. We lost a few good men and Beany is found. She
was never taken. The crafty devil was hiding in the kitchen
pantry. I couldn’t have been happier.
I’m being summoned to my father’s office as soon as the
ringing from the blast in my ears stops and the doctor finished
his thorough check up on me.
Both my father and my mother are waiting for me behind the
closed doors of the office. Queen Sophia and King Alexandros,
standing side by side as a united front. Against me.
“Son, you made a fool out of me,” says father gravely.
“Surely you could see that we did what we had to do because of
the circumstances?” I reason with him.
“Yes, I can see that now,” says father calmly enough, though
there is still a hard edge to his voice. “That is why none of your
friends are now facing trial for treason.”
“How could you have gone into the fire with the rest of them?”
demands mother. “How could you act so recklessly? Surely you
can see that you’re not only putting yourself in danger, you’re
putting the whole future of our world in danger. If you were
killed out there, can you imagine what would happen?”
“I couldn’t stay and hide behind our guards while my pack
mates were out there risking their lives for us,” I argue. “My
pack mate, Penny was missing---”
“It doesn’t matter now. It’s done,” she snaps. “I knew you
weren’t really mated to her. I will announce your upcoming
mating to Lady Celeste.”
“I told you I have found my erasthai, mother. I will not mate
with anyone else.”
“Do you think we would trust you after what you just did?” she
all but yells. “You pretended to be mated to your friend’s mate!
It’s obvious that you would say and do just about anything to
get out of your responsibility. It’s time to grow up and do
what’s right, Caspian! Be responsible for once and being mated
to Lady Celeste is a responsible thing to do.”
Yeah, responsible like my parents’ mating to each other. Out of
responsibility instead of love. They are not each other’s
“I have to admit that the timing and the circumstances are
dubious, but I have met my erasthai,” I tell her. “And I will not
have your kind of mating. You think I don’t know about your
secret dalliances? About your indiscretions?”
Mother’s face paled. Her lips thinned and pressed together
tight. “You know nothing!” she growls. “Do not go back to the
United States.”
“I have found my erasthai there. That’s where she is, therefore,
that’s where I’m going to be.”
“Enough with this nonsense!” she snaps. “I will send Lady
Celeste to you and you will entertain her and treat her like you
would a future mate and queen.”
Chapter 24 - A Girl-devil From Hell
Quincy’s POV
The sun is shining in through the blinds when I open my eyes.
My hand stretches out in search of something. I can’t figure out
what it is yet but my hand keeps searching. Nothing. The
emptiness hits my heart before my brain catches on. It hits me
hard and my eyelids fly open. Caspian.
He’s gone. I look at the empty space next to me and touch the
pillow where his head rested on last night. The spot is already
cold. I roll over and bury my nose in it. His scent lingers.
There’s a hint of his expensive cologne but the rest is his own
unique scent. Nothing and no one smells quite like him.
I want to immerse myself in his scent. I want to lie here until
he gets back. If I keep my eyes close like this, I can pretend that
he’s still here. I lie there for some time. Eventually, and
reluctantly, I roll back to lie on my back. There are two wet
spots on the pillow.
Oh, I'm such a silly girl. A week ago I wanted nothing to do
with his kind and his world. Now, I’m crying over him when
he’s barely been gone for a few hours. I’m officially a nutcase.
I remember the look in his green eyes when he showed up at
my door last night. There were so much intensity and longing.
My heart ached. I took him back to my room and we both lay
down next to each other on my tiny bed, watching each other in
silence, willing the time to stand still. His fingers were touching
my skin and my hair. I had felt safe. So very safe like I knew he
wouldn’t let anything harm me. The sense of security lulled me
to sleep even though I fought hard to stay awake, knowing that
we only had so little time together.
I stare at the ceiling, sniffling and wiping a few stray tears off
my face. How could I feel this way for a man I barely know? My
heart feels differently, though. Sometimes I feel like I know
him more than most and he understands me more than anyone
else in my life, except for my Nana, of course.
I wonder if he’s in the air right now. What is he doing? Is he
thinking about me?
The shower doesn’t make me feel any better. The empty house
doesn’t help the empty feeling that I have inside. Jonah’s been
gone for almost a week now. Layla, Isaac, and Lana are from
the same pack and the three of them have gone back for an
inauguration of their new Alpha.
I have a couple of classes and a group meeting today and I
force myself to concentrate on them instead of a certain sexy
lycan prince. I even spend time at the library, finding materials
that are not available on the internet for my group project.
Layla, Isaac, and Lana come home later in the evening. Having
Layla and Isaac around is nice but it doesn’t ease the ache and
the emptiness in my heart.
The days seem to pass slowly. I attend all my classes as usual. I
go to group meetings. I go to work. I have a few customers and
classmates hit on me and ask me out. All normal human men.
They’ve been doing that since I got rid of the hobo hoodie,
So, why didn’t I say yes to any of them? That’s just what I
wanted, wasn’t it? Instead, I treat the unwarranted attention
like a headache...almost like I treated Caspian at the beginning,
except that I was wildly attracted to him right from the start
and he got under my skin like no one else. Again, I can’t stop
thinking about him.
Anyway, my latest headache is Travis. He asked me out today.
“Why don’t you just go out with him?” asks Layla when I told
her about it.
“Are you nuts?” I gape at her. “He’s my friend and I don’t feel
that way about him...and don't forget, we work together.” I
knew that he’s interested in me but I was hoping that he’d get
over it. I don’t want to destroy our friendship or hurt him.
Besides, I think Evelyn would chop my head off if I mess with
her BFF.
“Then go out with Wyatt or what’s his name...you know, the
one who doesn’t know when to quit?” Wyatt is in my study
group and he’s quite persistent.
“You know Caspian is a lycan, right? Do you want an innocent
human to die?” I’ve been using that as an excuse not to go out
with any of them. If I’m being truthful, the idea of going out
with any other men doesn’t appeal to me in the slightest. Even
considering it for a second feels wrong.
“Are you sure that’s the only reason why you’ve been rejecting
men left and right? I mean, he’s not here to know about it or to
kill anybody,” she says with a mischievous grin. “I think you
should just go out with one of those “normal human men” just
once...or twice. You know, just to get it out of your system.” She
makes an air quote with her fingers over the word “normal
human man.
“It seems to me like you’re hung up on this thing about being
with “normal human man”.” Again with the air quote. “That’s
why you refused to let that gorgeous lycan god mark you, right?
Maybe after you go out with a couple of them, you’ll see how
exciting it is and decide once and for all that you’d really rather
date a human and let that sexy lycan go...so that I can go after
him myself.” She sighs dreamily.
Oh, hell no. Just the thought of him being with someone else
makes me want to rip everything around me apart. Layla gives
me a sly smirk when she sees my frown. “Hey, I’m just
saying...it might help you make up your mind. That’s all.”
Actually, I’ve made up my mind. His absence convinces me that
there really is no choice. I know what my heart, my body, and
my soul want. I knew it before but I was too stubborn to admit
Layla sighs. “Seriously Quincy, I’m worried about you. You
hardly eat anything and barely sleeping since he left.”
“I’m fine.” No, I’m not but I’m not going to admit it to anybody.
I miss him so much. I’m counting the days till he gets back.
He’s supposed to be back by Thursday but Thursday comes and
goes and I still haven’t heard from him.
All day Monday I keep expecting to feel that warmth of his eyes
on me and that crackling of energy in the air when he’s near. I
keep looking around for his tall figure and golden hair.
By Wednesday, I start to have doubts that he’s ever coming
back. What if he realized that he doesn’t want me after all?
What if one of the beautiful lycan princesses captures his
attention and he’s with her now?
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay by yourself, Quincy?”
asks Layla for the hundredth time. She’s been fussing over me
lately. It’s Thursday afternoon and she’s going back to visit her
family and her pack today.
“I’m fine, Layla. You go home and have fun with your family.
Stop worrying about me.”
“You know you’re welcome to my family home. My mom would
love to fatten you up,” she says...also for the hundredth time.
“Nope, you go.” I shove her towards the door. “I appreciate that
you’re concerned about me and I love you for that.” I give her a
big hug. “But I really am fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
I really am blessed to have Layla as a friend. Not many people
ever worried about me before. I don’t want to intrude and be a
burden to her family. I know her father would have to ask
permission from their Alpha to have an outsider like me
spending the night at their pack’s territory.
I wave Layla goodbye until her ride disappears from view. Then
I stare into space wondering if he's ever coming back.
Ugghhh...I can't be this pathetic!
It's only three in the afternoon. I should go and hang out with
some friends or something. That could stop me from thinking
about Caspian, at least for a little while. It sucks that most
people I know hang out with Travis too. It's not his fault but I
don't want to see him so soon after an awkward way I turned
him down this morning. What? I know I should've handled it
better but he caught me by surprise.
I pick up my bag, open the front door and jump back in fright.
A tall figure is looming on the front step.
“Quincy St. Martin?”
His face looks familiar but I can’t place him.
“Who wants to know?” I ask him suspiciously while trying to
push the door close.
Instead of answering me, another guy steps in, pushing the
door to open wider and forces me to take a step back. This guy
is younger and even bigger with a scowl on his face. Now I
remember where I’d seen them.
Time to run! I swivel around, ready to bolt but a big hand grabs
the collar of my shirt and roughly pulls me back.
“Your mother and your uncle, Beta St. Martin sent for you.
You’re coming home with us. I give you ten minutes to pack
your bag,” the first guy says, confirming my suspicion.
“No! This is my home. I’m not going back to Loup Noir Pack!”
“You are coming with us!” growls the younger guy, shaking me
with his hand that's now curled around my neck.
The other guy places a hand on his wrist, and he slowly
unwraps his hand and lets me go.
“Listen, we’ve been looking for you for weeks now. Either you
come with us peacefully or I’ll let Enzo here deal with you and
believe me, you don’t want that. Either way, you’re coming with
Oh god! I feel sick. This is my nightmare coming true. I never
want to set foot in Loup Noir Pack territory again! Ever!
I look around the room. I'm standing right in the middle of the
two of them.
The guy, Enzo makes a move to grab me again and I lift my
hands up. “Okay, okay...I’m just going to, uh...go pack,” I tell
them quickly. My phone is in my bag. How do I get to my
phone without them seeing it?
“Don’t try anything funny,” warns Enzo.
“Give me your phone,” says the other guy.
“I don’t have a phone,” I quickly tell him.
“Marc, the bitch is lying,” says Enzo, holding out my phone that
he somehow fished out from my bag. Ughh!!! There goes plan
A second later, Enzo crushes it between his fingers while giving
me a snarl to show that he’d rather be doing that to my head
instead of my phone. I gulp loudly. Poor thing! I’m going to
have to mourn the death of my dear innocent phone some
other time. Right now I have to think of the way to escape.
Well...on to plan B. Maybe I can try the back door...or the
“Enzo, get her to pack quickly. Make sure she doesn’t try to
escape through the back door or the window,” says Marc.
Oh, give me a break! Seriously? Could this Marc guy read my
mind or something? I have no plan C.
I pack haphazardly, hardly knowing what I’m stuffing into my
duffel bag while Enzo follows me closely. Too closely. He snarls
a few times when I almost trip over him. I manage to stuff my
bear, Oliver into the bag before he grips my upper arm and
roughly drags me out of the room. He’s so strong and violent, I
feel like a ragdoll. I know there will be bruises on my arm and
probably around my neck too.
There is another man waiting for us outside and I learn that his
name is Don.
Don drives the old white Toyota Corolla that we’re traveling in.
Marc is riding shotgun while the short-fused Enzo sits in the
back with me. Oh, joy! Yay!
The car sucks.
No, I’m not being a snob because I’m used to Caspian’s fancy
car or anything. I’m just stating a fact. The car really sucks. Let
me explain a few things that lead me to come to that
First of all, the AC doesn’t work but they refused to open the
window because they don’t want me to shout for help or try to
jump out of the moving car. I’m suffocating in here.
The second reason: The car stinks. It smells like cigarette and
puke and lying at out feet are empty McDonald’s boxes, dirty
wrappers, cans, cigarette butts and stuff. So, double suffocate.
Third: The seat is kinda sticky. I don’t even want to think
what’s on it. Oh, gag!
Fourth: The radio doesn’t work...and I’m getting bored. So,
what a girl to do? Yeah, a girl talks. Only Enzo has a stick up
his *ss so big and so far up that he roars for me to shut up
every few minutes. It’s a day and a half in the car and he’s
tearing his hair out. Literally. He’s going to go bald by the time
we reach the pack’s territory if he’s not careful. Oh, I
mentioned that to him too. The way he roared? God, that man
needs to find a positive outlet to his aggression or find inner
peace. Do Yoga or something. Namaste.
Fifth: I’m handcuffed to the car. Well...that’s kinda a long story
but let’s just say that somebody got stuck while trying to escape
through a tiny window of a washroom at a gas station. How
was I to know that the window was going to be that tiny? Or
has my *ss grown big? Huh. Oh, well... Besides, I was getting
desperate. So yeah, that sucks. Big time.
Did I tell you the car sucks? Well, the car sucks and I told them
so. “You are all pigs.” That’s my closing statement.
“Shut up! Shut up! Shut the fvck up!” Enzo roars. He raises his
hand up again to strike me but stops when Marc gives him a
warning look as usual. He lowers his hand and drags it through
his dark hair again. I know Enzo is dying to kill me.
I have to confess, I kicked the car window the first day to break
it. Newsflash: The tempered glass doesn’t break easily.
I’ve considered asking for help from neighboring cars but I
know better. No humans are a match to these werewolves. They
wouldn’t hesitate to kill to get what they want and to protect
their secrets and privacy.
I wish Caspian was here. I miss him. I miss him so much, my
heart aches. I bet he could kill these bastards with no trouble at
I whine in my most annoying voice about needing to go pee the
rest of the way. This time I mean it but none of them will listen.
Stupid werewolves! They won’t stop to let me pee even after I
promise not to run. Not even after I threaten to pee right there
in the damn car. Not that I won’t try to escape if I had the
My head hurts. Where am I? I open my eyes to an unfamiliar
room. The smell is kinda familiar though I can’t put a finger to
The room is spacious and the bed that I’m lying on now is huge
with a mostly ivory and red colored quilt cover. The walls are
eggshell cream with a few artworks on display. The heavy
velvet window covering is of red and gold. Fleur de lis etchings
along the crown molding look familiar.
Loup Noir Pack house! They have fleur de lis engraved
everywhere in the house. Now I remember. What a nightmare.
I never wanted to be here again but yet here I am.
Whose bedroom is this?
They must have drugged me or something in the car because I
can’t remember much beyond Enzo yelling at me and me
whining about wanting to pee.
I remember hearing Enzo calling me “the worst assignment
ever” and “a little girl-devil from hell”. I wanted to protest and
tell him that I take offense to that statement. I am not a little
girl. But my eyelids were too heavy and my tongue seemed to
stick to the roof of my mouth. I think that I manage to slur
something back before I passed out but I’m not too sure.
I think they finally had enough of me. I guess I should be
thankful that they didn’t poison me. Now I have to figure out
how to get out of here.
I try to get up but my head feels like it’s been stuffed with
cotton and my limbs were sandbags.
I might have dozed off again in the middle of plotting the way
to escape. I’m jolted awake by the sound of the doorknob being
The door opens and the person I never wanted to see again is
walking in with a big sly smile on his face.
“Hello, my sleeping beauty. Welcome home,” he says. “You’ve
been away far too long, my dear girl.”
A shudder of disgust runs through me. Old Mr. Maddox.
*I sorta re-did my last chapter and separate it into
two. This chapter needs a lot of editing still. My head
is still not on right. Ever feel like you need a vacation
AFTER a vacation? Yeah, well, I feel like I can sleep till
next week.
My next update is next Wednesday. Have a wonderful
week, my dearies!
Chapter 25 - A Broken Filter
“Hello, my sleeping beauty. Welcome home,” he says. “You’ve
been away far too long, my dear girl.”
A shudder of disgust runs through me. Old Mr. Maddox.
He opens the door wider, and a small woman timidly walks in,
bearing a tray of food.
“You’re even more beautiful than I remember,” he says,
approaching the bed. His eyes are raking my face and my body.
“Or you’ve grown even more beautiful since the last time I saw
The woman lowers her head and places the tray on the
nightstand. Her movement stilted and fearful. She takes the
cover off a plate and the mouthwatering smell of food wafts
through the air.
I can’t shake the drowsiness out of my head but I lift my head
up to look at the tray with one eye open. Meatloaf with potatoes
and vegetables. My stomach grumbles. The last time I ate was a
handful of Cheetos those men spared me during the car ride
Old Mr. Maddox laughs. “You must be hungry,” he says.
“Famished,” I tell him. My voice comes out very loud and
strangely cheerful despite the strong revulsion that I feel
towards the old man. Then I remember that Luna Bianca, his
daughter in law, was heavily pregnant when I took off a few
months ago, so I can’t help from adding, “How is it going,
grandpa? Congratulations! You must be busy playing with the
His face twists in distaste at the word grandpa. Hey, other sane
people would be happy to be a grandpa but I know, the former
Alpha is anything but sane. So, maybe I’m intentionally being
insolent or maybe I’m still high from whatever they drug they
gave me.
“Go, grandpa. Woot! Woot!” I raise my fist in the air before I
drop my head back on the pillow. I’m still feeling dopey.
His bushy eyebrows slant down and lips pursed further in
displeased. That is NOT a good look on him. Oh, dear...I hope
the poor kid didn’t inherit his grandpa’s unfortunate eyebrows.
This time his face turns red. Oooppsss...did I say that out loud?
My brain to mouth filter was just a bit damaged before but it’s
truly broken now.
Actually, inheriting anything from grandpa is bad luck for the
kid. Where did all his hair go? I mean, some men look great
bald but him? Let’s just say he’s very unfortunate in the looks
department despite being a werewolf. Some of those eyebrows
should grow on his head...Oh, no...did I just say that out loud
“Insolent brat!” he roars. “I was being nice by bringing food up
for you. You don’t deserve to be treated kindly if this how
you’re going to repay me.” He then turns to the tiny woman
who’s still standing by the nightstand. “You,” he yells. The cup
and saucer rattle in her hands. “Take the food away.”
She almost drops everything in her haste to get out of there.
She must be one of the Omegas. Not all packs treat their
Omegas badly but they are being treated very abhorrently in
this pack. They are basically treated like slaves with no
prospect and no future. Much like they were treating me after
my Nana died.
The difference between them and me was that I fought back.
Nana made sure I knew my self-worth. Omegas here have no
chance. Their spirits were destroyed before they had the chance
to sprout and flourish. A lifetime of conditioning could do that
to a person.
Old Mr. Maddox grabs my face roughly. His eyes are dark and
his fingers are digging into my cheeks. “You!” he barks, spittles
flying everywhere. “You’ll learn your place very soon,” he
threatens as he pushes my face away and storms out. The
house rattles from the sound of the door that he slams behind
I wipe his spit off my face. Ewwww!!!
The drug that they gave me, whatever it is, is very peculiar. It
makes me very sleepy but I can think with extreme clarity.
However, I can’t stop saying whatever I’m thinking, out loud.
I’m about to doze off again when I hear a hushed voice coming
from behind the closed door.
“Quincy?” The voice sounds familiar. “Quincy? Can I come in?”
“Jorden?” I call out. My voice comes out very loud. I can’t seem
to control it. “Is that you?”
The door slowly opens and Jorden’s familiar dark curls appear
first before the rest of his face. He needs a haircut.
“You need a haircut,” I tell him.
He closes the door and enters the room but his shoulders
slumped when he sees me. The mattress dips as he sits at the
edge of the bed. “Q...” he whispers sadly. He looks tired. “Why
are you back here, Q? Where’s Jonah? He’s supposed to keep
you safe.”
“Jonah’s gone,” I tell him.
“Gone?” He almost shouts. Then he catches himself and lowers
his voice. “What do you mean he’s gone? Gone where?”
“My dear dear J. I’ve missed you. I love you, you know? I loved
Nana..” Suddenly I feel tearful. “I want Nana back. I want
Caspian back. I want Jonah back. I want---”
“Where is Jonah, Q?”
Where is Jonah? “Now that is the question, isn’t it?” I furrow
my brow. Thinking hard. Nope, still don’t know.
“Wait, who’s Caspian?” asks Jorden. His face looks comical like
that. So I laugh.
Jorden doesn’t think it’s funny. He rubs his face and watches
me warily. “They’ve drugged you.”
“They couldn’t deal with me. Enzo called me “a little girl-devil
from hell”, ” I complain with a pout.
Jorden sighs. He looks older than nineteen. Life must be
stressful. Poor Jorden.
“You didn’t happen to bring food with you, do you?”
“No, Q. Why did you go and make Old Maddox mad like that?”
“Filter broken,” I tell him, pointing to my head and my mouth.
Jorden shakes his head. “Listen, Quincy,” he says, holding my
shoulders. When he calls me Quincy, he’s being serious. So I
pay attention. “I know you’re all doped up but I don’t have that
much time to talk to you alone and this is important, so listen.”
Right. Listen.
“I think they suspect that I helped you escape. The only reason
I’m still alive is because I’m the Beta’s son and they think that
they can still use me.
“Now they gave me the duty to guard you. If you escaped again
they will pin it on me. Do you get what I’m saying, Quincy?”
“So I’ll stay,” I tell him. I will not get Jorden killed.
“I don’t know,” he says, running his hand through his long
curls. “They’ve announced to everyone in the pack last night
that you’re Old Maddox second mate.
“Once he marked you, you’re stuck here forever. I have a
feeling he’s going to do that very soon. He’s not going to let you
get away again, Q.”
“Run away with me,” I tell him.
He just nods his head like he’s already thinking of it but there
are uncertainty and something close to fear in his eyes.
Something niggling at the back of my mind. “What is it?”
He just shakes his head again. “Nothing, Q. We’ll figure it out.”
His expression looks defeated. My heart is crushed. He doesn’t
believe that we can make it out alive this time.
No, if there’s not much chance that we’re going to make it out
of here alive, then I don’t want to take that chance. I don’t want
my cousin to die. I’ll take my chance but there’s no reason for
him to do so.
Caspian...his vivid green eyes, his scent, his touch, the
expression on his face as he stared at me in my tiny bed flash in
my mind. That can’t be the last time I see him. It takes a while
for me to realize it but our connection runs deep. It seeps
through my bones. It flows in my veins like blood. It twines and
woven around my soul so tightly that without him, I’m broken.
It gets harder for me to ignore this emptiness. The more we
spend time apart, the harder for me to breathe.
I want to tell Jorden about him. If I didn’t make it, I want
Jorden to know about my obnoxious, cocky, annoying,
thoughtful, sweet, and charming golden prince.
We are interrupted by Don and Enzo who open the door and
enter the room without knocking. They both watch us
Yes, they probably know that we’re talking about escaping.
Setting Jorden as my guard feels very much like a setup to me.
“Did you bring food?” I ask them.
The two men scowl at me.
Jorden’s lips twitch. This is the closest he comes to a smile
since he came in here. “It’s after two in the afternoon. She’s
been asleep since you brought her in, this morning. So, she
must be hungry,” says Jorden, defending me.
“We don’t care if she starves to death!” snaps Enzo.
“Alpha Maddox wants to see you,” says Don to Jorden.
I don’t think Jorden is happy about leaving me with two hostile
looking brutes but he doesn’t have a choice in the matter. He
gives them a warning glare but leaves the room.
Enzo mutters something about me being a handful and calls
me “a nightmare”, “devil”, “annoying bitch”....those are the
nicest things in the long list of names he calls me. Don seems to
agree with him wholeheartedly.
“Wow, that really hurts my feelings, Enzo.” Not! “Bastard,” I
mutter. What are they doing, standing there just watching me
and talking sh*t about me anyway? “Pervert.”
I start thinking of how much I owe the swear jar that I left in
California and how to escape. I’m so sleepy. I hope the drug
will wear off soon so I can run. I don’t know if I said that out
loud. Whatever.
I give them the finger then roll to my side.
My heart weeps with painful emptiness even when I’m drifting
off. Something inside me needs him so desperately. I dream of
a golden god with electric green eyes and a wicked smile.
I rip the baguette with my fingers and dip it into the remaining
beef stew before I place it in my mouth. I miss Boeuf
Bourguignon and this one taste almost like the one Nana used
to make. Besides, I’m hungry.
I couldn’t believe it when Enzo woke me up and escorted me
down to the dining room with food and everyone waiting for
Everyone at the table is staring at me. By everyone, I mean
Luna Bianca, my uncle’s wife, Maria, my cousin Joelle and a
few of her friends, a few other women from the pack, my sister,
Caitlin Rose, and last but not least, my mother dearest.
It is made very clear right from when I was just a little girl that
I am far beneath them. So far beneath them that I am not
worthy to sit at the same table as them. So why am I sitting at
the pack’s dinner table now?
Frankly, I have no idea. It feels like the last supper to me. You
know, the meal they serve prisoners just before execution?
They are all smiling, except for my mother, but even the widest
fake smile cannot hide the deep-seated disgust that they feel
for me. There’s surprisingly a flash of pity in one of the
woman’s eyes. I do not like pity but anything but disgust and
hostility is surprising to me.
“Joelle, why don’t you take your cousin out for a walk after
she’s done eating, honey?” suggests Luna Bianca sweetly.
“Of course, Luna,” replies Joelle, sounding very eager and
pleased to do so.
I look at them both suspiciously. I have been looking back at all
of them very warily.
The pack house is guarded like a fortress. I realized that as
soon as I stepped out of the bedroom, which I come to
understand is Old Mr. Maddox’s bedroom.
My walk with Joelle and her friend, Kelly only enforces what I
already know. The whole house is heavily guarded. The ground
is crawling with Loup Noir Pack warriors. Now I understand
the look of defeat on my cousin’s face. Jorden knew there’s
absolutely zero chance for us to escape. We’re both are as good
as dead to even attempt to escape.
“Now let us take you back to your room. I bet they have the
bath ready for you,” says Joelle after she dragged me around
the outside of the pack’s house. “Don’t they have a shower or a
bathtub where you went off to?”
“Yeah, I’ve been wondering about that” comes a response from
her clone, Kelly. Joelle covers her nose with her fingers and
both of them laugh like hyenas.
I know I stink because the last shower I had was a couple of
days ago and the car I’d been in for the last two days stank to
the highest hell but I’m tired of their games. They’ve been
sickeningly sweet but condescending. Ridiculing me with their
backhanded compliments.
“At least I’ll smell better after a shower. You two are so full of
BS no amount of bath could mask the stench.”
Joelle gasps. “Goddess, Quincy! How rude! We’ve been so nice
to you.”
“Yeah, we’ve been so nice,” agrees Kelly. “You haven’t changed
a bit.”
“Nothing can cure a bad breeding,” announces Joelle.
“But I thought she’s changed after she became Mr. Maddox’s
mate,” says Kelly to her as if I wasn’t there.
“I am not Old Maddox’s mate!”
“Oh, please! You should feel so lucky that he claimed that you
are,” says Joelle with a sneer. “Let me be honest with you,
Quincy,” she leans in and whispers in my ear. “Nobody else
wants you here. You’re so useless. More useless than the
Omegas. You’re so pathetic but you don’t seem to get it. You
don’t know your place no matter how many times we tried to
tell you.” She straightens up. There’s so much hatred in her
She’s right. I don’t get it. I don’t understand where all that
hatred came from. I don’t remember doing anything bad to her
or anybody in this pack...at least not something that warrants
such loathing and contempt.
She smoothes her dress and takes a deep breath. The ugly
scowl on her face is now gone. “We were planning on getting
rid of you,” she continues casually as if she’s talking about the
weather. “But Mr. Maddox said you’re his second mate. So
we’re going to be nice to you.” She smiles at me then. Kelly
smiles at me. I think I prefer their hateful glare than the smile.
I think I will be pulling bloody knives out of my back very soon.
I’m being lead back to Old Maddox bedroom. Two big burly
guards escort us back there. Don and Enzo are stationed at the
Three women are waiting for me inside the room. One of them
ushers me through the door of an ensuite bathroom where
another two women are waiting for me.
The bath is ready. Steam rises and the smell of lavender fills
the air. The smell reminds me of the late Judith Maddox. She
smelled like Lavender. I feel sick. I feel the beef stew that I ate
earlier rise from my stomach. I turn, fall on my knees and hurl.
*Sorry, this chapter is not a happy one but my next
update will be Monday so that you don’t have to wait
too long for the next chapter.
Don’t you just miss Caspian and the whole gang? *evil
Have a wonderful week everyone!
Chapter 26 - A Broken Patience
Banehallow Palace, Russia
I hear the commotion before we reach our wing. Constantine
and I are just coming back from a boring, lengthy, and totally
useless meeting with the King and the Boyars, powerful and
privileged nobilities who rule lands and werewolf packs.
“How dare you! I was sent by the queen herself!” I hear the
shrill, annoying voice echoing across the massive hallway.
Constantine’s and my own footsteps are muffled by the thick
gold, cream, and red carpet that adorns the whole entrance
way. “Are you deaf? Get out of my way now or she’ll be hearing
about this!”
I groan and pinch the bridge of my nose. This is just what I
Constantine slaps my back and gives me a rueful smile. “Good
luck, cousin.”
“What? You’re abandoning me now, cousin?”
“I’ll risk my life and follow you to war but... you’re on your own
on this one.” He is smirking. Smug bastard.
He turns to escape into our media room where I can see the
rest of our pack mates are resting...or hiding.
I follow him in. I need a little time before I have to do this
again. I've had to deal with Lady Celeste too many times these
last few days. My patience with her and everyone around me is
wearing thin. I know the reason for this. Quincy.
The distance between us is driving me crazy. My friends and I
should have gone home almost a week ago but we have to deal
with some things after the massive attack on the palace by the
rebels. Some of us were injured during our fight too. We do
heal faster than humans and werewolves but with broken
bones and gunshot wounds, we still need at least a few days to
recover. It’s frustrating. It’s maddening.
There isn’t an hour in the day that goes by that I don’t think
about her. I’m barely sleeping and barely eating. I’m still joking
around with my pack but my bouts of anger are getting longer
and more frequent and my lycans are getting harder to control.
My lycan was on the verge of coming out to murder everyone a
few times during the pointless meeting this morning. It’s just
getting worse until I see her again. I think my pack mates are
aware of all this but they’re waiting for my move.
I stroll into the media room behind Constantine as if nothing is
bothering me.
The center of our media room is dominated by a mega-sized
sectional that allows ample room for twenty over-sized Lycans
to lie down very comfortably. A screen covers a whole wall in
front of it.
Lazarus is draped on one side near the wall, close to the
fireplace. Darius is lounging not too far from him. Both are
recuperating from various injuries from our last fight with the
rebels. They are both talking quietly to each other as if they’re
oblivious to the high pitched yelling coming from the hallway
that can be heard clearly even from here.
Penny has a broken arm from the fight and she is sitting close
to Darius, scowling at the screen. She looks like she’s ready to
murder somebody. The only reason she’s not out there killing
someone is probably that she has her mate’s hand rubbing her
back, calming her down.
Serena and Genesis are sitting next to each other, right smack
in the center of the sofa, sipping their drinks and pretending to
be watching the movie. Genesis brightens up as soon as her
mate, Constantine settles down next to her. He grabs her face
and proceeds to kiss her like they haven’t seen each other for
years instead of just a few hours.
The yelling continues yet none of them is addressing it or
making any attempt to stop it.
“Cowards,” I tell them.
“Cowards?” yells Penny, aiming her pissed off glare at me. “Her
ladyship has been doing this all morning.” She spits out the
word “her ladyship” as if it’s a dirty word. “Believe me, you’d
rather have me sitting here than out there ripping her spine out
and ramming it right down her throat!”
Well then. I guess all of them are tired of having to deal with
“Oh Beany, you’re cute when you’re mad,” I tell her and watch
her sputter to say something. She loses her ability to talk when
she gets very mad. “Who told you that you’re not allowed to do
all that?” I add.
My words are met with raised eyebrows and amusement by the
others and wide-eyed, open-mouthed silence by Penny. I’m
sure she’ll come up with various creative ways to commit
murder after she gains her speech back.
I leave my pack mates to go to where the noise is coming from.
François, my trusted assistant is standing stoically in front of
the closed doors of my private bedchambers with his hands
folded behind his back. In front of him stands a very angry
looking Lady Celeste. Two guards are standing not too far away
from the two.
“Let me in or you will be sorry! Don’t you know who I am?” she
yells. Her face is almost turning blue from all the screaming.
François’s expression remains impassive and his posture
dignified, not at all bothered by her antics. “Imbecile!” she
screams in frustration.
My assistant nods his head when he sees me. If he’s relieved
that I’m here, nothing in his demeanor indicates it.
“Y..Your Highness,” says Lady Celeste, finally aware of my
presence. “Your Highness,” she repeats in a more steady and
confident voice. She steps up to me and grabs my arm. “He’s
being incredibly rude to me. I want you to fire him
She wants me to fire my assistant? I raise an eyebrow and stare
down my nose at the woman in front of me without uttering a
single word.
I do not appreciate such impertinence. Nor do I tolerate
anybody treating any member of my staff in such a manner.
The longer we stand there, the more uncomfortable she gets.
I watch as her confidence falters and uncertainty enters her
eyes. She furrows her eyebrows and after a while decides on a
different approach. Really, this woman is persistent and I
admire persistence but admiration isn’t the feeling I have for
her now. I’m losing my patience and I want her out of my sight.
“Prince Caspian,” she says, giving me a coy look from
underneath her eyelashes. “I’m only trying to please you...I
wanted to wait for you in your room as a surprise---”
“Never,” I grit out through my clenched teeth. “Enter my room
without my permission.” No one, except for myself, my pack
mates, and François himself is allowed to enter my
bedchamber. Even the cleaning and dusting is done by
“But Caspian, we’re going to---”
“Did you not hear what I just said?” I interrupt her again,
noticing that she has a mink coat on. I’m very sure she doesn’t
have much on or anything at all underneath it.
“Do not enter my bedchamber without my permission,” I
repeat. “Do not talk to my assistant the way you just did. Do
not call me Caspian. Take your hands off me and leave now!”
“Fine, I’ll go now...” she says but her eyes are now filled with
determination. “But Queen Sophia will not be happy about
this.” Of course, bring my mother into this. It has always been
her arsenal. “You and I are going to be mates. Queen Sophia
will make sure of that. I will make sure of that,” she announces.
“When I become a queen, I will have him fired!” She points her
finger at François.
François remains cool and dignified. He doesn’t look at all
impressed by her threat.
There is no way in hell would I get rid of my trusted assistant.
François has been with me since I was just eighteen. He comes
from a long line of Royal butlers and personal assistants. True,
he is paid very handsomely for his service but it is more than
that. Being an assistant to the Crown Prince is a great honor.
His position holds a certain power that commands respect.
When I become King, he will be revered even more among the
palace’s staff and among the lycans and werewolves out there.
She opens her mink coat to show me what I’d be missing but
François signals the guards to usher her away before she
manages to and I hear her huffing and protesting loudly as they
marched her away.
“François, pack my bag,” I tell him. “I’m flying back to
California early tomorrow morning. Inform Beckett and
arrange our transportation.”
“Right away, Your Highness.”
I don’t care if mother forbids us from going back there. I can’t
stand another day apart from Quincy. My thoughts are
consumed by her. Every second away from her, I feel myself
drowning and sinking further. I need her like I need air to
When I get there I’m going to claim her whether she wants me
to or not. If she gets mad at me for it, I’ll spend my whole life
making it up to her.
It doesn’t make sense to wait any longer when we both know
we belong together. We all know that I will kill anybody,
human, werewolf, faery, or any other creature whoever tries to
take her away from me.
She’s only allowed to be with me. She’s going to be my mate,
my wife....whatever you want to call it. Any future children she
has will be with me. That’s right, she’s only ever allowed to
have my children. That’s that and that is all there is to it.
I feel a ripple of excitement in my pack bond and for once since
I got here, my smile feels genuine. I think my pack knows we’re
flying back tomorrow.
On the stage, Alpha Maddox is talking. Behind him stand his
second and third in command, Beta St. Martin, and Delta
Roche and also his father, Old Mr. Maddox.
I don’t know if they gave me more drugs but my head feels
fuzzy and heavy and my movement sluggish and lethargic. I
find myself studying the stage as Alpha Maddox’s words are
barely registering in my brain. The stage is made of crude and
uneven stones, making it looks like it’s a part of an ancient
ruin. For all I know, it might have been. The fires are roaring in
two stone fire pits on either side of the stage. The gathering
crowd forms a half circle in front of the stage. I’m standing
away from everybody else, near the stage, next to one of the
raging fires.
Earlier on, they bathed me, washed my hair, and scrubbed me
clean. Then they dried me and rubbed lavender scented oil all
over me. They brushed my hair till it shone and woven tiny
white flowers in it like a coronet. They dressed me in a white
chiffon gown with the lace edge that reaches my knees. The
sheer lace sleeves flare out to my elbows. They slipped my feet
into white satin ballet flats. I feel like a virgin sacrifice to be
offered at the altar of the monsters.
The moon is hidden behind thick dark clouds. The cold wind is
picking up speed, blowing and whipping my hair around,
seeping through the thin material of my gown.
I stare at the scene in front of me like I’m watching my own
worst nightmare unfolds. I feel strangely detached like I’m
watching someone else, standing in the middle of the woods,
surrounded by werewolves. Monsters who hate me. They are all
watching me. Some surreptitiously. Some blatantly. Some with
clear hate in their eyes.
As much as I want to believe that this is just another nightmare
I could wake up from, the crackling and the popping sound of
the burning woods, the sparks flying up into the night air, the
thick, musky smell of smoke, the heat of the fire on one side of
my body, and the cold night air biting at my skin on the other,
all seem too real.
My eyes slowly scan the crowd. I encounter several openly
hostile eyes but I keep looking. I only want to find Jorden. I
haven’t seen him since our last conversation.
Where is he? I know my cousin wouldn’t leave me here all
alone on purpose. Even if he couldn’t help me, he’d be here in
the crowd just so that I’d have a friendly face to look at.
Did they do anything to him?
The heat of the fire on my side isn’t enough to chase away the
chill that creeps to my bone.
I watch Beta St. Martin’s face for a clue of his son’s
whereabouts. He wouldn’t be standing there looking ruthless
and cold as usual if his son is hurt or killed, would he? Right
now, the face that’s staring back at me is full of hatred. Just like
everyone else’s...or maybe more so.
I hear my name being mentioned by Alpha Maddox and his
father, Old Mr. Maddox steps forward with a smirk on his face.
“I would like to present you, my father’s second mate, Quincy
St, Martin,” says Alpha Maddox in a booming voice.
I’m being dragged up the stage by two big men who suddenly
appear by my side.
They stand me right next to Old Mr. Maddox’s side who places
a possessive arm around my shoulders. I try to squirm away
but his grip tightens, his nails digging into my flesh painfully.
“Stop trying to fight me in front of my pack or I’ll mark you and
show you your place right here, right now,” he growls in my
I stop struggling and scan the crowd again. I can see better
from here. I still can't see Jorden anywhere but I spot Trey,
Jorden’s best friend, standing silently in the crowd. He and
Jorden helped me escape the last time. He’s staring at me but I
can’t tell anything from his face that’s mostly in the shadows.
“If you’re looking for your cousin to save you again, he’s not
here,” Old Mr. Maddox whispers in my ear as he hauls me off
the stage. “He’s rotting away in the cell underneath the pack’s
house until we decide what to do with him.” Then he drags me
back to the pack house himself.
“Quincy St. Martin,” he says, turning to face me once he locked
his bedroom door. “You have no idea how long I’ve been
waiting to claim you,” he announces as he advances towards
“You’re a vile man,” I tell him as I force my heavy feet to walk
Old Mr. Maddox laughs and continues on as if I didn’t say
anything. “I remember the first time I noticed you. I saw you
with your Nana on our annual Bake Sale Day. Big curious green
eyes, red lips, and soft skin. You had red ribbons in your hair. I
knew then, what a beauty you’re going to be. The best part is,
you’re a human, so there’s little chance that other men will
claim you as their mate.”
I remember the day he’s talking about. I was just 12 and he was
still an Alpha. I always enjoyed going to the pack’s Bake Sale
Day. So many baked goods. But that was the last time Nana
ever took me to Loup Noir Pack’s Bake Sale Day. Actually, that
was the last Loup Noir Pack’s event that Nana ever took me to.
I look up into his dark eyes and I see it. My Nana knew! He
gives me a big sly smile. His lips are quivering behind his thick
mustache. An unpleasant chill runs down my back.
I feel my heart breaking all over again. Now it’s lying open in
pieces but something else is happening inside of me. “You
killed my Nana,” I say as my back hit the wall and I have
nowhere else to go.
“Oh, Quincy,” he sighs, stopping not even a foot away from me.
He’s so close, I can smell something unpleasant, mix with
cigars, and bourbon in his breath. “You’re too clever for your
own good...just like your Nana.”
Hatred. Hatred and fury. I've never felt such strong feelings
before but I'm feeling them now. It burns in my chest, making
the rest of me feeling numb.
“Why?” I ask him. My voice sounds dead.
“Your 18th birthday was coming up, I didn’t have much time,
you see. I went to see her and proposed an arrangement that
would be... beneficial for all of us. But she outright rejected me.
She tried to throw me out of her little house and refused to
listen. What was I to do?”
I remember being called to the principal’s office. It was the last
day of school. They told me that my Nana is no more. They said
it was a heart failure. I didn't get to see her. They took her body
away. They said they’d take care of everything. I don’t
remember anything else after that except for walking into the
house I grew up in, still full of her scent and memory, as they
told me to pack my stuff and move to the pack house. My whole
world crumbled that day and it hasn’t been the same since. “So
you killed her.”
“I moved an obstacle out of the way.” So my Nana was merely
an obstacle to be destroyed on a whim. “I moved you to the
pack house so I can keep a closer eye on you then wait till you
turn 18 to claim you, but then you went and upset my plan by
running away. But that’s ---”
“How did you kill her?”
He moves closer and places his big furry paw on my face. “I
snapped her neck,” he says casually as he curls his hand around
my neck. “You have the same neck as her. So slender and....
fragile,” he adds. The threat in his voice is unmistakable.
“Don’t worry, I made it quick. She didn’t suffer much.”
“Too bad I’m going to make your death a painful one,” I inform
He breaks into a laughter as if I was telling him a joke. His
thumb digs into my throat a little bit like a warning. “A weak
little human but so beautiful and fiery. Just the way I like it.
I’m going to enjoy breaking you.”
A distant thunder rolls at his words like a bad omen.
“Once I mark you, you’ll be mine. You’ll be tied to me for the
rest of our lives. You won’t be able to run from me again.”
Without any more warning, he fisted my hair and angles my
head sideways. He swoops down and I feel his teeth and
canines sink into my neck.
*My next update will be next Monday. Have a
wonderful week, everybody!
Chapter 27 - A Podunk Town
It seems like the whole house is in a chaos. The old man is at my feet, writhing and screaming in
pain. Blood is frothing out of his mouth, pouring out of his nose, and ears. Once in a while, his
screaming stops as he coughs, sputtering out more blood.
Outside, there are sounds of footsteps of people running, incessant pounding on the door along
with voices yelling and demanding for the door to be opened.
The blood has stopped coming out of my neck but my white gown is now streaked with crimson
red. I look like I stepped out of a horror film.
I don’t get it. One minute I was screaming in pain because the stupid old fool was bitting my
neck, trying to mark me. It hurt like a mother f...uh, mother of pearls that I was seeing red. The
next moment he’s on the floor, screaming the house down. Shouldn’t I be the one to be doing
that? What a diva.
Outside, the banging on the door gets louder, so’s the yelling, demanding for the door to be
opened. Yeah, no. I’d rather be watching the old man rolling and thrashing about in agony. I
watch in fascination as his big hands claw at his throat, almost ripping it open. Even his tears are
blood red...or maybe that’s just blood...I don’t know. I don’t know why I’m so happy about this.
I have this weird feeling inside of me since he told me that Jorden is in the cell. It’s grown
exponentially after he told me the truth behind my Nana’s death. Something is happening inside.
It’s like having another part of me awakening from slumber, opening its eyes, flexing its muscle.
Fury and hatred make it come alive. There’s an intense hunger that needs to be satiated.
Watching the old man in agony is feeding its hunger, making it happy, almost euphoric. It finds
his bloodcurdling scream entertaining. If it was a living being, it would be crowing with glee.
But this is not anywhere near enough. It wants more. More blood. More of his suffering.
After a while, Old Maddox’s screams die down to a strange gurgling sound from his throat. Then
he lies still. Dark red blood is pooling underneath him, splattering on the cherry hardwood floor,
and seeping into the thick cream rug by the bed.
The smell of his blood is revolting but I don’t even care. I want more of this.
Too bad he isn’t moving. Is he dead? I don’t think he’s even breathing. I nudge his side with my
foot. He’s still not moving, so I nudge harder.
I’m about to kick him when he starts groaning and gasping for breath. The next instant, the door
comes crashing down with a loud cracking sound. Alpha Maddox rushes in with a few warriors
behind him. Their eyes wild, looking for any signs of danger. When they found that no one else
is in here, they turn to look at Old Maddox at my feet.
The Alpha snaps his attention on me. His eyes are like chips of ice and his nostrils flare. “What
have you done to my father?”
I pocketed my phone before I do something crazy, like throwing it out the window or smashing it
against the wall. The moment we arrive in LA, I power up my phone and have been calling and
sending texts to Quincy. So far all my calls go to the voicemail and my texts go unread and
unanswered. Where is she?
It feels like everything is conspiring against me. I wasn’t able to communicate with her when I
was in Russia since I was advised that any form of communication may be traced by our enemy
and alert them to her existence and whereabouts. I can’t even reach my agent.
So, okay I did have one of my men tail my princess. It’s not like I’m stalking her or
something...not really. I just want to make sure that she is safe. My agent was given a strict
instruction not to alert her of his presence. He should not interfere with her life in any way but he
should be reporting to me of all her activities or her whereabouts as soon as I get back. So far,
nothing. In fact, he can’t even be reached!
I have a conference call with my parents and my father’s advisor in less than thirty minutes,
that’s why I’ve been hanging around my room since we got back. Mother was furious when she
found out that we left, she threw a tantrum. Now she, my father, and his advisor want to talk to
me. That sounds rather ominous. Knowing my mother, I know I wouldn’t like the outcome if I
didn’t play my cards right.
I walk out to my balcony that faces the pool. My friends were down there before and now it’s
empty. They’re probably resting, getting over the jetlag...or not.
I pull my phone out again and press my agent’s number. So far all my calls to him go to
voicemail as well. It’s like both of them have disappeared off the face of the earth. Something is
not right.
Screw the conference call, I need to find my erasthai.
I walk out of my room, jog down the stairs, and grab the key fob to my Alfa Romeo on the way
The light in the house is on and I can hear a few people talking, almost like they’re fighting. I
can’t hear my princess’s voice, though. I brace myself for what I might find as I get out of my
car and walk a few steps to face the front door of the house.
I had been looking for Quincy all over campus. First, I went to the class that she’s supposed to be
in. She’s not in there. She missed her class today. I stopped by the cafe she’s working at to find
out that she didn’t show up for work yesterday either. Now here I am standing in front of her
The house grows silent as soon as I rap on the door.
A few seconds later, the door is being yanked open. A man, or rather a werewolf, just an inch or
so shorter than I am is standing there. His dark eyes widen in surprise then narrow in suspicion.
“Are you here to kill me?”
I take in his piercings and his somewhat familiar scent. Suddenly I know who he is. He’s one of
the men who took and injured Penny a few weeks ago. Penny told us that he’s a friend and that
he helped her escape but I have no problem killing him if I have to. What is he doing here? “Do I
need to do that?”
Behind him, a woman who was with Quincy the night I took her out to our practice ground is
peering out, trying to catch my attention. Her eyes and nose are red, I guess from crying.
“But I’m here for Quincy St. Martin,” I tell him before he answers me. “So you better step
“What do you want with her?” His stance grows more aggressive as if he’s ready to fight me.
The very idea is laughable. Behind him, the woman is now waving both hands up and down.
“What is it to you?” I ask him. He’d better not tell me that he’s her mate or boyfriend or I’ll
break his limb one by one before I snap his neck.
“Hey! Hey! Hey!” yells the tiny woman, trying unsuccessfully to yank the man back. “Too much
testosterone! Too much testosterone! Focus, Jonah! Focus!”
That’s right, Jonah. That’s his name...or “Yummy Lip Ring” as Penny called him.
“Get back, Layla. You don’t know what you’re doing. You don’t know what he is,” says Yummy
Lip Ring, or rather Jonah, tugging her back behind him.
“Don’t you manhandle me, Jonah! I need to find my friend.” She slaps his hands off her and
struggles to step in front of him. “Caspian, we need to find Quincy. She’s missing.” All of a
sudden, tears welled up in her eyes.
My phone started ringing as soon as I found out that Quincy is missing. My pack sensed my
distress and called to find out what happened. Now they are all here, in Jonah’s house.
It’s been half an hour and Layla, Quincy’s roommate is still staring at my pack members with
huge eyes and mouth hanging open. She stopped being useful the moment my pack arrives.
“Wait! Wait! Wait! Let me get this straight. So, you’re Quincy’s cousin?” asks Penny for the
third time since they got here. She’s staring at Jonah in disbelief, while Darius is glaring at the
man as if he wants to murder him. Correction, he wants to murder him.
Well, I don’t think we can let that happen. I doubt Quincy would be too happy with us if we hurt
her cousin.
Jonah is still struggling to come to term with his cousin being my erasthai. Judging from the look
that he keeps sending my way, I don’t think that I’ve won his approval yet. Not that he gets any
say about it. She’s already mine.
Lazarus and Constantine are standing near Jonah and Darius with a sofa between them, just in
case, while the girls are almost in the kitchen. I guess we are all very big, the house feels
We’ve already established that Jonah is, in fact, Quincy’s cousin and that she’s been missing for
at least two days now. Layla was visiting her pack and she just came back yesterday. She didn’t
suspect anything until this morning when Quincy never came home last night. Jonah came home
to find a very upset Layla.
According to Jonah, he stayed away from home right after Penny’s kidnapping. He had been
laying low just in case the person who hired him came looking since he helped Penny escape.
“Yeah, he’s her cousin, Penny, and we need to find Quincy,” replies Genesis.
“I think my old pack has gotten her,” says Jonah, angrily.
As if on cue, my phone rings. My agent, Samuel Franke is calling. I take the call and put it on
speaker. “Where the hell are you and where is she?”
“I’m sorry, Your Highness. She left with three men on Thursday night. I followed her to a
werewolf pack near...excuse me, some podunk town in Pennsylvania. It’s up on the mountain, in
the middle of nowhere. The phone has little to no connection,” inform my agent. Indeed, the
connection is weak. His voice keeps breaking. “The human population is less than two thousand
people, scattered throughout the town, and farmlands. The pack has some fifty families---” His
voice is breaking again. “...is full of warriors. Do you want me to go in and get her?”
“No, Samuel. I want you to keep watch,” instructs Lazarus. I reluctantly agree. Somehow I don’t
think sending Samuel in alone would end up well for him.
A lycan might be able to get her out of there but Samuel is a werewolf. Our warriors are lycans
but most of our spies are werewolves. We lycans don’t blend in too well.
“Get more information,” I tell him, feeling on edge.
“Let me send you the co-ordinate,” he says.
“That’s okay, Samuel. I think I know where we’re going. We’ll meet you there,” says Lazarus
just before the connection breaks.
“I think we ought to bring Lord Archer in again for this,” proposes Constantine. The rest of us
nod in agreement. Lord Archer is a well known and well respected Ambassador of the Palace.
He’s an important liaison between the palace and the packs around the world.
It’s not that we can’t deal with the pack ourselves but Lord Archer’s presence can help smooth
things over much better. Besides, he came through for us when Constantine was fighting to get
Genesis from the alpha of her pack a few years ago.
“Tell Lord Archer not to inform the king and the queen about this just yet,” I tell them. I don’t
want my father and my mother to be involved in this until I get everything ironed out between
“Do you think she might have gone back willingly since you said some of her clothes and stuff
are missing?” suggests Serena.
The thought of her leaving without waiting for me to come back to her like I promised hurts like
a knife twisting in my chest but I say, “No, she won’t do that.”
“No, she’ll never go back willingly,” growls Jonah at the same time.
“I gather that she hasn’t been treated very well by the pack?” asks Constantine.
“Wasn’t treated very well? They wanted to get rid of her as soon as she was born. Our Nana
saved her,” growls Jonah. “She came here to hide because our former Alpha wanted to make her
his second mate. She’ll never go back there willingly.”
Just the thought of another man wanting to claim her makes my chest burn with rage. My
heartbeat escalates and my vision turns red. Nobody touches what’s mine. Nobody! I will kill
“Caspian, you have to calm down,” warns Lazarus.
Too late. My body is burning. Changing. My lycan will not be contained. I have to go before I
kill somebody. “Meet you on the way,” I hiss before I sprint out.
There’s a tiny opening at the far end of the narrow space where the sunlight filters through. It’s
not much, but the dim light is enough for me to see what’s around me and to know that it must be
morning now.
There are eight small holding cells. I’m at the furthest end from the stairs that lead outside. My
cousin, Jorden is a few cells away, closer to the stairs.
He’s still sound asleep. He didn’t move a muscle when they dragged me in here last night. I was
worried that he’s dead when nothing worked when I tried to wake him up. But then I heard him
snore. I’ve never been so happy to hear anybody snore before but I’ve given up trying to wake
him up.
I guess not all holding cells are created equal. The ones nearer to the stairs, including the one that
Jorden is in right now, have tiny beds and look clean. Mine, at this far end, doesn’t have anything
but bare walls and cold, dirty concrete floor. The walls and the floor at one corner of my cell
look chared as if something was being burnt there at some point, so I crouch down at another
corner. I’ve been crouching here the whole night.
The floor, the wall, and the steel bars are freezing cold. The air is chilly, musty, and stale. I have
nothing else on except for the thin gown they put on me last night. The arms that I wrap around
myself feel stiff. My feet feel numb.
My body might be shivering but the whole night I’ve been trying to think of the things that make
me happy. Sometimes it works and I find myself smiling. Sometimes happy memories lead to
dark thoughts.
It’s strange how I can’t think of one single happy moment with Nana but I remember her crazy
sayings, the warmth of her love, and the routines that we shared together. I hate how Old
Maddox taints my memory of her. Now I wonder about her last moments. What was her last
thought? Was she scared? How long did she suffer?
Then I think of Caspian. The things that he did that drove me crazy. He annoyed me like no other
but he made me feel loved and treasured. He made me feel safe and protected. His touch is
electric. He’s beautiful and magical. Almost unreal. He made me feel whole and alive. What I
would do to look into his eyes, to feel the touch of his hand on my skin, and his lips on mine
again. Do I ever cross his mind? Will I ever see him again?
My thought is interrupted by the sound of the lock being turned, followed by several footsteps
descending the stairs.
Jorden stirs on his bed.
A guard appears at the bottom of the stairs, followed by a woman carrying a tray. They both
leave after delivering our breakfast.
I watch as Jorden pushes himself up, then he sits cradling his head in his hands. Soon afterward,
he moves sluggishly to look at the food on the floor.
“I wouldn’t touch it if I were you.”
He almost fell. “Q! How..? What...what are you doing here?”
I move my stiff muscle to shrug. Then I crawl to get closer to where Jorden is. “I think they drug
our food and drinks,” I tell him.
“No wonder I feel so tired and weak,” he says.
I sit holding the bar and tell him about what Old Mr. Maddox did to our Nana. When I’m done,
he’s shaking with fury. Then I tell him about what happened to Old Maddox after he bit me.
Next, I tell him about what happened to me in California.
“Goddess, Quincy...” Jorden shakes his head in wonder after I’m done telling him about Caspian.
Prince Caspian, my golden god.
“I don’t claim to know everything about lycans but I’ve read some stuff about them in our library
a while ago,” he says. “I think I know what happened to Old Maddox.” His face contorts in
distaste and anger when he says his name. “A lycan’s blood is poison to a werewolf. That means
you’re already turning into a lycan and that could only happen when you’ve accepted your bond
with the prince. Q, when did you----”
We both swiftly turn our heads to the door when we hear the key being turned in the lock.
*My next update is next Monday. I’m so sorry I can’t do it sooner. I’m crazy busy and my
hands are tied. I hope you’re having a great summer♥
Chapter 28 - A Battle with Hunger
The light from outside streams in as the door swings open, then
the wooden stairs creak under heavy footsteps.
Alpha Maddox descends the stairs, followed by Delta Roche
and a burly guard. He walks straight to my cell without sparing
Jorden a glance. His cold eyes are fixed on me.
Danger. The newly awakened part of me is wide awake and is
on full alert.
Alpha Maddox is in his late twenties. He looks nothing like his
father except for his hard eyes and the cruel way that he rules
the pack. His father looked at me with lust while Alpha Maddox
always seemed to be filled with mild annoyance on best days
and something close to hatred on other days. I think he hates it
that I’m bad at following orders and that I’m too stupid to feel
and submit to his Alpha’s superiority and authority like
everyone else in this pack.
He’s not exactly brimming with love when he’s looking at me
now. He’s furious. His eyes flash like he’s close to phasing into
his wolf to tear me to pieces. But as he gets closer, something
about me must have amused him because his stern lips lift up
into a little sneer.
I’m suddenly aware that I am still crouching close to the steel
bars with my arms around my knees. My position now is that of
a submission.
The guard produces a set of keys that jingles as he unlocks my
cell room and I see Jorden in his own cell, starts moving back
and forth like a caged tiger.
I quickly climb to my feet and stare back at the Alpha. I know
he hates that. It’s disrespectful and you don’t stare at the Alpha
in the eyes unless you’re issuing a challenge.
When the big Alpha steps into my tiny prison, Jorden is
gripping the metal bars like he wants to rip it apart.
“You’re just a tiny human,” says Alpha Maddox. His eyes are
watching me assessingly like he’s looking at a puzzle.
Tiny human or not, I can see that I got under his skin. His eyes
narrow and the tightness of his jaw indicates that he’s gritting
his teeth. Different expressions chasing one after another on
his face: anger then intrigues...but mostly loathing, revulsion,
and contempt. This man hates me. “I can’t believe an
insignificant little human like you could wreak havoc to my
pack. First, you disappeared, causing my father to go berserk. I
had to send my men all across the country to look for you. Then
you did this!”
“I didn’t ask for anybody to come looking for me. You should
have left me alone.”
“What did you do to my father? What poison did you give
“I didn’t give him anything,” I yell back at him. “I didn’t do
anything to him!”
“Liar! If you didn’t do anything, he wouldn’t be in the hospital
fighting for his life right now!” he roars. So the bastard is still
alive. Good. I can’t wait to kill him.
He grabs my shoulders and shakes me like a ragdoll. “Tell me
what poison did you give him!”
“Nothing...” I try to answer but he’s shaking me too much, my
teeth are chattering. Then he throws me against the wall.
Owwww...that hurts! But instead of feeling mad or scared, I
feel elated and gleeful, so I laugh. The old bastard is still alive!
My thoughts are so clear and precise. That newly awakened
part of me is playing a movie in my head; all featuring me
torturing Old Maddox in a thousand different ways as a
prelude to killing him. I lick my lips. I do so crave more sight of
his blood.
Alpha Maddox stalks to where I’m sitting, slumped against the
wall. “Tell me, what did you give him? If he survives, we might
let you go free but if he dies, you die.” Liar.
They need to know the type of poison so that they can find a
way to cure the former Alpha. That’s the only reason I’m still
alive right now. Once they know, they won’t need me anymore
and they’ll get rid of me. So, I’m dead either way.
He must be desperate, to come down here himself. He must
love his father or need him in some ways.
I smile up at him. “I hope your father gets better soon,” I tell
him sincerely.
That seems to piss him off even more. He grabs me by the neck
and roughly hauls me up. “You filthy human! Tell me!” he yells.
His big meaty fingers are crushing my windpipe.
Vaguely I hear Jorden’s voice cursing and yelling at the Alpha
to let me go.
“Alpha,” says Delta Roche. He whispers something into Alpha
Maddox’s ear and the Alpha releases me.
Both of them are now looking at Jorden. My eyes seek Jorden’s
in alarm but now he seems a lot calmer than he was a second
All of them move away from my cell to Jorden’s. The guard
closes and locks the door of my jail with a clang then hurries
over to unlock Jorden’s.
The Alpha glances back and flashes me an evil smile. No. No,
no, no...not my cousin!
I jump to my feet and grip the cell bars closest to them. I will
kill them if they touch Jorden. All of them!
When the Alpha steps into Jorden’s cell room, my breathing
starts to get ragged. My chest burns. A burst of pinkish red
spreads through my vision.
“If you touch him, I will kill you!” I yell wildly, yanking at the
steel bars. Both Alpha Maddox and Delta Roche laugh.
Both of them stop laughing when someone opens the door of
the cell room and enters in a hurry. Another guard.
He approaches the Alpha and whispers something in his ear.
The Alpha’s eyes widen for a second then he looks at Delta
Roche. Delta Roche raises his eyebrows in question but instead
of answering, Alpha Maddox turns to me and says, “The next
time I come back down here, I will kill him...slowly. Be
prepared to watch your cousin’s pain and hear his scream.” He
bares his teeth into a cruel smile. “When we’re done, we will
toss his mangled corpse at your feet and know that you’re
responsible for it.”
The Alpha turns and walks away, followed by his men while the
guard locked up before he hurries off after his Alpha.
The fire in my chest intensifies at his words. It spreads all over
my limbs and my whole body shakes. Everything around me
turns a deeper red.
“Quincy! Are you okay?” Jorden’s voice penetrates through my
haze. “Quincy, look at me. Quincy---”
I turn my red gaze towards him and he winces and doubles
over like he’s being punched in the gut. He struggles to stand
upright and his expression turns fearful. I can hear his heart
beat like thunder in my ears. “Q...it’s me. It’s me,” he says. “Q,
it’s me...Jorden.”
I rest my back against the cold damp wall and trace the teeth
marks on my neck with my fingers. It doesn’t hurt anymore but
it’s still there. I hate it.
The desire to kill the monster who gave it to me is like an itch I
can’t scratch. It’s driving me crazy. Something dark and
forbidding in me is hungry and is struggling to come out.
“If it’s any consolation, it doesn’t look much like a claimed
mark from here. It looks more like a battle scar,” says Jorden.
he’s also sitting on the floor with his back against the steel bars
despite having a bed in his cell.
“You think so?” I ask him, still tracing the scar.
“Yeah, I do. It seems like it’s fading too.”
We’ve been sitting like this for hours now...or maybe just
minutes. It’s hard to tell. Seeing the fear in Jorden’s eyes
somehow helped me return to normal...somewhat. I’m not fully
normal yet. I don’t know if I’ll ever be again.
The thing is, I don’t fully understand what’s going on with
myself. The uncontrollable fury is contained for now and with
that, the heat in my chest.
The red veil that makes me seeing everything red is gone but
now I can see more. The dim light doesn’t bother my vision
now. I can see every single detail that escaped me before. For
example, now I can see every stain, nick, and scratch on the
walls, floor, and ceiling. I can see that there is another door on
the far wall. It’s rusty steel and it looks solid. I wonder where it
leads to. I can see chains hanging from the ceiling in each cell
with dark dried blood coating the bottom ends.
I can tell that they’re dried blood with certainty because I can
smell the revolting stench. I smell stale blood everywhere in
here, also a faint smell of urine, and puke among other things.
That is something I couldn’t do before. I wish I couldn’t again.
Sometimes it’s true, ignorance is bliss.
I can hear Jorden’s heartbeat. I can hear his breathing and if I
listen hard enough, I can hear the blood rushing through his
veins....or maybe that’s just my imagination.
I also imagine that I can hear the noises from the floor above
us. We are in the pack house’s basement but it’s supposed to be
soundproof. I hear people talking, mostly women, though I
can’t really make out what they’re saying. I can’t latch onto one
specific voice so far. I feel like I could do it if I concentrate hard
enough. There are so many noises blend together. It sounds
almost like they’re having some kind of festivities up there.
Then there’s also this...thing that’s growing inside me. This
newly awakened consciousness that responds to anger and
hatred and intensifies them by tenfolds. Whatever it is, it’s
menacing. It’s getting more powerful, trying to take control of
me and it’s so easy to just let go. So very easy but I’m struggling
to keep it restrained. I have a feeling that letting go would be
deadly to everything and everyone around me, including
Jorden but I don’t know how much longer I could keep it
“J?” I call out. My voice echoes through the stark room. I can
hear so many notes and layers to my voice now. “What’s
happening to me?”
“Just now?” asks Jorden, shifting around trying to get
comfortable. That’s not really what I was asking him but I let it
go. “Your eyes were black, Q. All of it. You have this...black
lines...veins coming out on your skin.” He makes a motion with
his hand on his face.
I remember seeing that happen to Caspian up on that
mountain when I asked him to show me his lycan. Is that
what’s happening to me?
“Was that what’s scaring you?”
Jorden stops moving to look at me. His brows pull together.
“No,” he finally answers. “It’s the energy. The powerful energy
of rage. It’s more powerful than that of an Alpha. Stronger than
anything I’ve ever felt. It’s so powerful that I felt like it was
sucking the life out of me. Like you could’ve killed me without
even touching me. It’s scary. It’s the scariest thing I’ve ever
seen or felt. I’ve never met a lycan but I think you really are
turning into one.
“I always knew that you were meant for more than this place.
You were destined for more....just more.” He rests his head
against the steel bars and chuckles. “Queen Quincy. Imagine
that. Will you still remember me when you’re a queen, Q?”
“What’s that? J? J who? I don’t know any Jorden St. Martin,” I
say and he laughs. “You’re getting ahead of yourself there, J. I
don’t know if he’s ever coming back for me. He might have
found somebody better and forgotten all about me.” I miss him
so terribly, it’s a constant pain in my chest now.
“No way. You’re awesome. Besides, lycans never give up on
their mates. Never. He’ll find you.”
His words and conviction ease my pain...a little, but I dare not
get my hopes up. “So, you think I’m awesome?” I ask him
“I’m saying that one time only. I’m not repeating it. If you ever
told anyone I said that, I’ll deny.”
We stay like that, just talking or lost in our own thoughts. It’s
not like we have tons of things to do in here.
“I’m guessing it’s lunchtime now,” says Jorden, staring at his
untouched breakfast, still sitting on the floor.
“Yeah, I’m hungry too,” I tell him. The cold toast, scrambled
eggs, and orange juice look very good when you’re hungry but
we both don’t want to get drugged again.
There’s some commotion just outside the door of our
confinement. I struggle to my feet and stare at the door.
“What is it?” asks Jorden.
“We’re getting company,” I answer.
“How’d you know?” Jorden is staring at me, looking
incredulous. He’s a werewolf, so his hearing is usually a lot
better than mine.
Before I can answer him, the key is being turned in the lock
then the door swings open.
Alpha Maddox arrogantly walks down the stairs, brimming
with self-importance. My eyes follow his every movement
hungrily. After his last threat on Jorden’s life, I want his blood.
My eyes stray to his jugular vein pulsing at his neck. I could
sink my teeth into it. Come now, Alpha Maddox. Come closer.
Unfortunately, he stops, moves aside and stands by the last
step. I seriously want to rip the steel bars off the concrete floor
to get to him but I get distracted by the heaviness in the air. It
crackles and sizzles with electricity. An amazing scent reaches
my nose.
My heart skips a beat when I catch the sight of more men
coming down the stairs until my Golden God is standing at the
bottom step. His eyes are firmly locked on me. I might be
dreaming but the wave of power from him is like a surge of
electricity charging the air feels so real. It jolts through my
whole body. My stomach feels like it’s bursting with a thousand
butterflies taking flight all at once. My heart beats faster with
every step he takes until it’s painful even to breathe.
I’ve forgotten how big and tall he is. I’ve forgotten how utterly,
heartbreakingly beautiful. His golden hair is shiny and stylish.
He’s wearing tan chinos that hug his muscled legs with a grey
tweed jacket over a black dress shirt and a pair of black brogues
boot. He looks like he just stepped out of a fashion magazine.
In contrast, I must look a mess, but the way his intense electric
green eyes are drinking the sight of me makes me feel like I’m
the most beautiful woman in the world. A flash of hunger and
primal possessiveness briefly cross his expression before a cold
mask sweeps his features.
“How long have these prisoners been in here?” somebody asks.
I was too focused on Caspian, I didn’t even notice another
lycan who has been standing beside him.
“They’ve been here since last night, Your Excellency Lord
Archer,” answers Alpha Maddox who is still standing behind
the two.
Lord Archer. I turn to look at him as he watches me with
unconcealed interest. I’ve never seen him before. He looks like
he’s in his mid-twenties though I’m very sure he’s a lot older
than that. He’s beautiful in an exotic kind of way. The first
thing that I notice about him is his unusual eyes. They are
closer to yellow than brown. His light bronze hair is almost the
same color as his flawless skin.
I hear a low growl. Very low that I doubt that anybody else in
this room could hear it. The sound is unmistakably possessive.
Caspian is looking between the two of us with narrowed eyes.
He’s almost baring his teeth. His lips are stretched tight across
his teeth that I can see the bottom edge of his canines.
I think Lord Archer heard him. A corner of his lips curls up
into a faint smile before he dips his head slightly and turns to
look at the person next to him who happens to be a werewolf I
don't know.
I switch my attention back to the irate prince. There is no need
for him to be jealous. I was not checking the guy out. I was
looking because he is very unusual and I doubt that Lord
Archer is interested in me in that way either.
I bet I look like a nightmare. I’m dirty and smeared in dried
blood. The white gown I’m wearing is torn and bloody. One
lace shoulder is in tattered pieces. Anybody who wants a piece
of this needs his head checked. Obviously, my prince
does...need his head checked, I mean.
“When is the trial and the prosecution?” asks Lord Archer
“We haven’t decided yet, Your Excellency. Maybe in a week or
two,” replies the Alpha.
I can’t help but scoff. There will be no trial. They’ve already
told us their plan. They will kill Jorden slowly and make me
watch. Then they will have their fun with me before they end
The Alpha scowl and I lick my lips hungrily. Something in me
wants to come out and play.
Lord Archer raises his eyebrow. Amusement flickers in his
Caspian’s eyes on me turn wicked and predatory. His lips
slowly curl into a playful yet sinister smile. “I want it done
today,” demands the crown prince, suddenly.
The Alpha looks like he’s about to object for a second but he
catches himself.
“Get the preparation going,” says Lord Archer with finality. He
dismisses the Alpha and motions everybody to get out.
Caspian is the last one in the room. I thought he’s leaving like
the rest of them but when everyone is out, he turns around and
leans close to me. His lips almost touch my neck as he takes a
deep breath like a man drowning, dying without oxygen for too
“My love...” he whispers. His voice is breaking. Desperate. I
can’t help myself. I raise my hand and run my fingers softly
along his jawline. He closes his eyes like he’s tortured. The
crackles of energy flow between us and we savor the brief
contact. Then he turns around and briskly walks out without a
backward glance.
“So that’s the lycan prince,” says Jorden. His eyes are wide with
the look of awe.
*My next update will be next Monday again. Have a
nice week!
Chapter 29 - A Festival of Execution
“Owww...watch the hand, buddy!” I complain as the guard roughly drags me by my upper arm
up the squeaky steps of the dungeon...errr, I mean the holding cell. “You really need to learn to
keep your hands to yourself,” I tell him. I swear I felt his hand on my *ss sometime back there.
“Jerk!” I mumble. I see Jorden shaking his head. I know his guard isn’t having a hard time like
mine is.
Sure, I’m a bit cranky because I’m hungry but they don’t need to manhandle me this way. “Trust
me, I don’t want to stay down here,” I grumble. Really, all they have to do is unlock the doors,
pretend to look away, and I’ll run out of here as fast as my feet can carry me. See? Win-win.
Easy job for everybody.
The guard is pretending like he can’t hear me while he keeps hauling me up toward the door of
the basement-cell that opens up to the large backyard of the pack house.
He throws the door open with a loud bang and suddenly everything seems too much. Too much
light, too much sound, too much smell, too much everything, it’s almost painful. My knees
buckle underneath me and my arms come up to shield my eyes.
“Quincy!” Jorden’s voice sounds anxious. “Quincy, are you okay?” Oh, Jorden. Do I look like
I’m okay? I want to yell back but strangely his voice eases the pressure to my overwhelming
ears. It becomes a sharp focus point that pushes all other sounds into the background like a white
All my senses seem overwhelmingly sharper but I don’t have time to adjust to the changes as the
guard yanks me out. I pull in a sharp breath. The air out here definitely smells much better than
down there and after a second, the light stops hurting my eyes. I remove my arm from my face
slowly and take a look around me.
Right now there are people everywhere in the yard and there are colors. So many bright colors.
I tear my gaze away from all the confusing sights and catch Jorden’s puzzled eyes before we
both turn to look all around us again.
So many members of the pack are here. They’re all wearing their finest outfit. There are tents,
flags and colorful banners all around us. My mouth waters at the smell of food.
So, my hearing wasn’t wrong. There is a festivity going on around here.
I wonder if they’re having the celebration in honor of the visiting royalties or for Jorden’s and
my trial and execution.
The guards pull us across the field while the people stop and stare. Not only are they staring, but
some are pointing their fingers while talking or whispering about us. It doesn’t matter, because I
can hear them all very clearly.
It takes me under a minute to learn to separate the noises and lock onto one or two voices at once
to listen to what they’re saying. It takes me another minute to learn that none of them are saying
good things about us. The next minute, I learn to ignore them just like some useless white noise
that they are.
As we are dragged further past the tents, games and picnic tables, it becomes apparent to me that
these people are all following us.
The field ends and the guards drag us into the woods. It’s almost winter and the sky is grey. The
brilliant fall colors are now dull brown leaves at our feet. Tall bare trees look like shriveled up
corpses and dried skeletons, looming all around us. The ground is still damp and slippery from
last night’s rain.
It takes about ten minutes through the woods to reach another clearing. This is where the
Burning Moon Gathering usually takes place. Burning Moon Gathering ground is where the
bodies of the dead members of the pack are burned.
Nana told me years ago that trials used to be held at the Pack’s Community Hall while the
punishment is doled out at the pyre where they burn the dead. Now they’re holding both the trial
and the execution here.
I guess it’s easy to dump the body on the pyre and set it on fire regardless whether you’re dead or
still alive after the torture is done. The punishment could be for hours, sometimes it could go on
for weeks, depending on the crime. The more serious the crime, the longer they drag out the
The irony is not lost on me. Just a few short months ago, Old Mr. Maddox’s mate was burnt
Rows upon rows of wooden benches are set up in the middle of the clearing. A large crowd is
already sitting there, waiting for us. They are joined by those who were trailing behind us from
the festival area.
Even this place, Moon Burning Gathering ground, usually a somber place, holds some festive
mood today with flags hanged to the trees and tied to the poles that surround the whole clearing.
I should feel honored at how they make everything looks so cheerful for our execution. I wish
they had balloons. I love balloons.
I see so many familiar faces as we are being dragged to the front. There are kids I grew up with,
people I used to go to school with, even a few of my former teachers. Sitting on the third row
from the back is Mr. Barnett who used to send Nana fresh eggs in exchange for her fresh baked
cinnamon rolls and baguette. There’s that lady, Mrs. Miller who used to stop by at Nana’s house
for tea and complain about her kids and gossip about her newly mated neighbors. It’s strange to
see them all again. The place and the faces are familiar but this is not home for me.
I spot my mother, her mate Jon, and my half-sister, Caitlin Rose sitting a few rows from the
front. My cousin Joelle is sitting a row in front of them with her best friends, Kelly, Naomi, and
Charlotte. Their faces don’t look all that happy and my hearing involuntarily hones in on their
conversation. I’m nosy, I know.
Kelly is talking. “He’s amazingly hot and he’s our future king, my only chance to become a
queen. I’m not backing off for anyone.”
“But Joelle said she’s interested in him first,” replies Charlotte.
“Yeah, Kelly. You know how this works,” says Naomi. “Why are you being such a bitch lately?”
“Oh, I’m a bitch? I’m just being honest. I’m tired of pretending. You guys go ahead, keep
following Joelle like sheep.” Kelly is smirking now. “I’m just looking out for number one. As far
as I’m concerned, the Prince is a fair game.”
“Wow! It’s about time you finally grow a backbone to show your true colors, Kelly,” says Joelle
scathingly to her friend. Well, so much for BFF, it seems. And here I thought Joelle would be too
upset about her brother, Jorden to think about men.
Aunt Maria, Jorden’s mom is there, sitting next to Luna Bianca. I watch her curiously. I look for
a sign, a telltale... anything to indicate that she’s affected at all by the possibility of losing her
second born. She’s sitting stiffly in her seat with her eyes trained to the front. I might be seeing
what I want to see and she’s not even looking at us but I imagine her eyes are redrimmed...because to think otherwise is too sad.
The guards pull us further and then I see them. All the eight lycans sitting at the very front,
looking like the gods surrounded by mere mortals. I feel the air around me change. More
My golden god is sitting at the very center. His big magnificent body is draped on the chair like
he’s sitting on a throne. His beautiful face is a formidable mask carved in granite and his brilliant
green gaze is locked on me, bright, menacing, and hungry.
All of them are watching me. Lazarus and Darius both look cold and ominous. Constantine looks
equally cold and intimidating but mildly curious and amused. Serena is calm and totally
unconcerned but I see a glimmer of menace hidden in the depth of those warm amber eyes.
Penny’s eyes are full of predatory anticipation and Genesis looks wickedly delighted.
I almost flash them all a grin before the guard tugs my arm roughly, propelling me forward when
my steps falter. The pyre is a 12′ by 10′ or so square feet spot of land where nothing grows. It’s a
charred ground full of soot and ashes.
Prince Caspian, the future king sits back further and places a finger over his firm lips as he
watches me being dragged to stand by the pyre. Jorden is made to stand beside me.
Lord Archer unfolds his tall figure from the chair and steps up to stand next to me as soon as the
guards leave us there.
I tilt my chin up and stand there proudly before I tear my eyes away from the lycans, especially
from his green hypnotic gaze to survey my surrounding once again.
Off to my left side is where the pack’s Elders are sitting, all of them are corrupted, as far as I’m
concerned. On my right side are Beta St. Martin, Delta Roche, and the Head of Sentinels.
Alpha Maddox is standing next to the Head of Sentinals. The moment my eyes land on the smug
face of Alpha Maddox, my mouth starts to water. That part of me is consumed with hunger.
When he starts talking, all I can think about is sinking my teeth into his throat. My ears zoom in
on his beating heartbeat and I want to claw his heart out of his chest.
The threat he made about what he’s going to do to Jorden rings in my ears and my hunger peaks.
My chest is getting warmer and suddenly it becomes unbearable to stand still.
Suddenly I feel Lord Archer’s firm grip on my shoulder, keeping me in place. I must have
moved forward since I’m now a few steps closer to the Alpha.
Caspian’s eyes immediately fall on Lord Archer’s hand on my shoulder. His face remains
unreadable but his eyes narrow in disapproval.
Lord Archer pulls me gently back. “Patience, little one,” he whispers. Then he squeezes my
shoulder to bring me back fully to the present before he releases it.
Alpha Maddox is citing the charges against me. “Quincy St. Martin is our former Alpha’s second
mate after his first mate died over two months ago.”
My chest is burning again at the mention of Old Mr. Maddox. I can see the hardening of
Caspian’s jaw. My hunger to kill is reflected in his cold glittering eyes. Only Lord Archer’s quiet
presence close to my side reminds me not to pounce on the smirking Alpha
“She poisoned him when he tried to mark her last night,” Alpha Maddox spits out angrily. “I’d
say she deserves to be burned alive for her crime!” His announcement is followed by roars of
approval from his men and his audiences. Most of the pack members are now on their feet,
yelling in agreement.
The lycans mostly seem unaffected. I see Genesis briefly narrowing her eyes while Penny stares
at the Alpha coldly. Caspian seems almost bored.
When all the commotion dies down, Lord Archer steps closer to where the Alpha is standing and
says, “Alpha Maddox, most of us believe that there is no such thing as a second mate. How can
you prove that Quincy St. Martin is Mr. Maddox’s second mate?”
“My father, Mr. Maddox felt the connection,” answers Alpha Maddox.
“I didn’t feel any connection,” I can’t help chiming in.
Alpha Maddox gives me a fierce glare for my trouble. “Of course she couldn’t feel it, she’s just a
human!” And you’re just an *sshole.
“I see,” says Lord Archer, smiling. “How can you prove that she poisoned the former Alpha?”
“With all due respect, Lord Archer, why am I being questioned when it’s clear that she’s guilty
of trying to kill her mate and our former Alpha?” he asks through gritted teeth.
“We, the lycans, believe in brutal justice. An eye for an eye. But we also represent the palace that
believes everybody deserves a just hearing. So, I ask you again, how can you be sure that Quincy
St. Martin poisoned Mr. Maddox?”
The Alpha doesn’t look happy but he has no choice but to answer the question. “He was
completely fine that evening. Then they were in the room together so that he can complete the
mating ritual,” he says and I see Caspian gripping his armrest. If he’s not careful, he’s going to
break it. “We heard him screaming in pain but she wouldn’t open the door for us. So we broke
down the door and found him on the floor, barely breathing with blood pouring out of all his
“There’s no one else in the room but her. She’s the only one who could’ve done something to
hurt him. She also refused to tell us the type of poison she gave him. It’s clear that she wanted
him to suffer and die.”
I remember how Old Mr. Maddox looked last night. The scream, the blood...that hunger is
stirring in me and I can’t help the smirk from appearing on my face.
“We have helped you stabilize Mr. Maddox this morning,” says Lord Archer. “He might never
be as good as new. Some of his organs are too damaged to be fully functioning but he’ll live.”
The glimmer in his eyes might as well says “for now” as he slides his golden cat’s eyes briefly
my way.
The hunger is almost unbearable now that I know he’s going to live. His voice, telling me how
he killed my Nana is playing in my head and my chest is on fire. I sense Caspian growing
restless in his seat. He’s not the most patient man I know...but then again, I’m not the most
patient girl.
“Don’t you wonder how we manage to treat him? Don’t you wonder what type of poison your
former Alpha ingested?” asks Lord Archer, looking at the Alpha before he gazes around at the
people present in front of us. His lips slowly curve up into a smile. “He had swallowed a fair
amount of a lycan’s blood.”
His announcement is met with gasps of shock and confusion. So many people then start talking,
asking questions all at once.
“How?” asks Alpha Maddox, looking shellshocked.
“Isn’t it obvious?” says Lord Archer, gesturing his hand towards me. “He was trying to mark a
lycan. He’s trying to forcefully lay a claim on somebody who isn’t his to claim.”
Lord Archer’s words are met with even more confusion...and shocked faces. Oh, so many
shocked faces.
“But that’s impossible!” exclaims Beta St. Martin, standing up suddenly. “She’s a human. I
should know. She’s...she’s my...niece.”
“Enough!” growls Caspian, unfolding his tall figure from the chair. He’s clearly reached the end
of his patience. “She’s mine!” he says, approaching me with the grace of a predator. “Your
stupid former Alpha was trying to claim my mate! Your future queen.”
I place my hand in his when he reaches out for it. His eyes. His intense green eyes hold mine
captive. His attention is now all on me. He brings my hand up and brushes his lips to my
knuckles. My arm tingles with warmth and energy from his touch. It helps ease my burning
chest. “What do you want, my princess?”
You. I want you. “I want the former Alpha, Old Mr. Maddox,” I tell him. “He killed my Nana.
He snapped her neck without mercy and without remorse. Eye for an eye. A life for a life. Blood
for blood. I want his blood.”
The air shifts at my announcement and all the lycans are now at the edge of their seats. I sense
wicked and merciless excitement they can barely contain. Caspian’s eyes are brilliant with fury
and bloodlust. “Your wish is my command, my love.”
*Next update will be on Thursday. So, twice update a week as requested. I’m trying to
write as much as I can but I’m exhausted. Sleep deprived. Enjoy your long labor day
weekend to fellow Canadiens! Have a wonderful day to the rest of my dearies!
Chapter 30 - A Marking Bet
My chest is ablaze as soon as I breathe in his scent carried by the wind. It spreads through my
body, making me shiver with heat and anticipation. Old Mr. Maddox is near.
Earlier on, Lord Archer requested that little children and Jorden be taken away. While Jorden
wasn’t very happy about it, I’m thankful that he’s not here now. Some people chose to stay,
while some others retreated back to the pack house.
When they wheel the old man into the clearing, I can barely hold myself together. This vile man
killed my Nana for his nefarious agenda and sick pleasure. I lost my Nana because of him!
Scarlet red bleeds into my vision completely. Oh, he looks good in red. Better any other color.
Blood red will look better on him.
His body looks frail but I know his mind is sound and alert. The look of fear enters his face as I
prowl closer, running my tongue over my sharpened teeth and long canines. I vaguely hear
running footsteps around me. The man who was wheeling his wheelchair is now gone too.
Thud, thud, thud... the sound of his heartbeat pounding faster in his ribcage. The closer I get to
him, the louder and faster it beats.
“Hello, Old Maddox...aren’t you glad to see me?” I flash him a sweet smile. I doubt I look too
sweet with my two cold black holes for eyes, sharp teeth, and protruding canines. His mouth is
moving but it doesn’t matter, I can’t hear anything above the thunderous pounding of his heart.
“What did my Nana say to you before you went to crush the light out of her, Mr. Maddox?” I run
my sharp nails from his temple down to his chin, splitting the skin open. Blood cascades down
his skin. “Did she beg you for her life? Did she ask you to stay away from me?” He crushed my
world the day he crushed her windpipe.
I press my fingers into the skin above his heart, pushing past his ribcage until they sink into his
chest. This is where I hurt the most...my heart, every day, since the day she was taken from me.
His eyes bulged and his skin turns a sickening pale-bluish color. I feel rather than hear the
grunting sound that he makes. I can feel him trying to phase into his wolf.
“Don’t you want me now, Mr. Maddox?”
That dark, sinister part of me is struggling to take over. The smell of his blood is intoxicating and
too exciting for it to share the control with the human part of me.
“Come on, scream for me..” I sink my teeth and canines into his flesh. He doesn’t disappoint, he
lets out an ear-splitting bellowing sound. I let go then. I let it take over, tearing him to pieces,
reveling in his agony.
I crave more of that glorious sweet abandon but by the time I’m done with Mr. Maddox, the red
haze is fading fast from my eyes. Those who remain in the area are all standing at the edge of the
clearing, looking like they are ready to bolt except for the lycans. All eight of them are forming a
circle around me. I don’t know if they’re guarding me or guarding everybody else from me. I’m
covered in blood. It’s dripping from my chin, my fingertips, and the bottom of my dress.
The blazing fire in my chest is quickly turning into ambers and ashes. The chill is suddenly
seeping into every pore of my body. All of a sudden I’m tired. So very very tired, like a balloon
completely deflated. My heartbeat is slowing down and I’m falling, falling, falling...Caspian
catches me before I hit the ground. He lifts me up into his arms and I let my head falls on his
broad shoulder. He carries me to the car with the rest of the lycans following closely behind us
like a security blanket. He sits me on his lap and wraps me up in his arms in the back seat as
we’re being driven back to the hotel they’re staying in.
It’s warm in his arms. It’s safe. I close my eyes and breathe in his wonderful, familiar, masculine
scent. I hear others talking quietly around me but I can’t seem to open my eyes. My head rolls to
the side of his shoulder and I feel his warm hand as he cups the back of my head to press it
gently back into the crook of his neck. He spreads his fingers soothingly through my hair before I
feel his firm lips pressed on my forehead.
“What’s happening to her?” I hear Penny whispering, sounding concerned.
“She’s not completely mated and marked so she’s not a full lycan yet. Her body cannot handle
the weight of phasing too long. It burns too much energy,” somebody answers her. Darius?
I had the best dream, or dreams...but I can’t remember them this morning. This is the best bed.
Warm and soft and hard at the same time. I burrow deeper. It smells awesome. Ummm...
I rub my feet together then run it up and down my leg. Warm and fuzzy...hairy. Wait. Warm and
hairy leg? That can’t be right.
My brain starts waking up. There’s a big, heavy, bare arm thrown over me and draped over my
chest. There’s a warm hard wall of muscle on my back. My body stiffens. Oh, god! Now I
remember what happened yesterday. Was it yesterday?
What happened after the car ride? I feel clean, so somebody must’ve cleaned me up. I’m also
wearing something...so, thank goodness for that.
A big muscled leg slides further between my thighs to hook around one of my legs. Warm breath
fans my neck as a face burrows deeper into my hair. My own breath hitched as the arm around
my stomach moves to pull me tighter into the hard body behind me. Oh, god, is that...?
Another big hand roams across my chest before it cups one of my breasts, squeezes it firmly and
stays there. Whoa!
My heartbeat thunders in my chest and tingles start from everywhere he’s touching, spiraling
towards the juncture between my thighs. Heat spreads from my cheeks, down my neck
to...everywhere. I stare at the long, elegant but masculine fingers curled firmly around my breast
in bewilderment, trying to decide what to do. Uhhh...
One of my hands is trapped under his arm so I use another one to awkwardly pry his fingers off
me. Those fingers only tighten possessively around my breast. Umm..okay.
I have to get out before I do something stupid...like jumping the owner of those fingers. I try to
wiggle myself out.
“Will you stop moving?”
“Aaarrghh...you’re awake!” I jump. Well, I would’ve jumped if not for the arms trapping and
pinning me to the bed.
I squirm further until he lets go. His muscle flexes as he lifts himself up on his elbow, looking
down at me with a scowl. “Of course, I’m awake. I was enjoying that,” he answers sullenly as if
it’s my fault that I’m stopping all his fun time.
The top half of his body is completely bare. I forgot how magnificent his body is. How glorious
those muscled pecs are and those ridges of his abs... Good lord, woman! Focus!
“You were copping a feel!” I exclaim, trying to look away.
“Yeah, so?” He’s unapologetic and totally without shame, I realize. Unbelievable! Totally
outrageous! “Or maybe I was just measuring for size.”
“Measuring for size for what?” I stupidly ask him. “Wait! No, don’t answer that.” I cover his
mouth with my hand when he’s about to answer with that wicked, mischievous smile spreading
on his face. Maybe it’s better that I don’t know. The way his mind works...I’m not ready for the
way his mind works yet this morning.
I pull my hand away from his face before he decides to lick my hand or do something stupid like
He grins mischievously while he flexes his fingers suggestively. Ughh..god! Why? I quickly
bury my face into the pillow before he can see the silly smile I’m trying to hide or the giggle
about to burst out of my mouth. He’s so ridiculous!
“Admit it. You missed me,” he says close to my ear. “Because I missed you. Like crazy.”
I turn my head to see his face hovering just inches over me. One arm is braced next to my
shoulder, caging me in. He looks serious. His eyes are bottle green this morning. His golden hair
shines like a halo where it is touched by the morning sun that streaks in through the gap between
the curtains. It is not styled as usual but wild and falls carelessly over his forehead.
I reach up and run my fingers through the shiny locks, pushing it back from his eyebrow. His
glittering eyes narrow into slits as he watches me, waiting for me to say something. “I missed
you,” I tell him. “I missed you so much it hurt.”
“Moya Printsessa...” he murmurs as he grips the back of my neck. Then he swoops down to plant
his lips on mine.
The moment his lips cover mine, the rest of the world becomes hazy. There’s just me and him
and the points where we’re touching. He climbs on top of me and I’m engulfed in his warmth.
Jolts of electricity burst where we touch. His mouth is moving against mine hungrily and
demandingly, pushing my head back into the pillow. I open my mouth when his tongue pushes in
between my lips, seeking entrance. His tongue explores my mouth before he slides it against
mine. Our tongue tangles together. How I love the taste of him on my tongue.
I let out a soft moan when he sucks on my bottom lip. He nips it and runs his tongue over it
before his mouth finds its way down my jawline. He tilts my head to the side with his fingers that
are still gripping my hair at the base of my skull as his mouth travels down my neck, kissing,
sucking, nibbling, licking...oh, god, his mouth is very talented. So very very talented.
His other hand is touching me everywhere. I’m so hot. I’m feverish. I grab hold of his muscled
shoulder and bury my fingers in his hair at the back of his head as he keeps sucking behind my
ear. I wind my legs around him, grounding the lower half of our bodies together, trying to ease
the throbbing heat between my legs. He groans in pleasure. It sounds almost like he’s growling.
“Caspian,” I gasp when I feel his sharp canines digging into my shoulder.
He raises his head and I drag in a sharp breath. His eyes are glassy black. The dark veins are
almost visible around his eye sockets.
When my shocked eyes meet his soulless cold ones, he jumps out of the bed. Fast. He’s so fast
that I suspect if my vision was still that of a normal human, I would not even see the blurry of his
Now he’s standing close to the door. His eyes are dark and watchful. “Let me mark you,” he
says. His voice is unnaturally low and feral. “I want to mark you so badly.”
The look on his face seems fierce, almost primal. I look around the room, somehow feeling
trapped. He’s standing next to the exit door and another door I could escape to is to the ensuite
“Don’t run away from me,” he says. I can’t decide if it sounds like a warning or a plea.
I look back at him standing there and as fast as it came, the thought of fleeing is crushed from
my mind. “I won’t run. I promise you that I won’t run from you,” I tell him.
He stands there a while longer, watching me as his eyes slowly turn back to normal. The
intensity in the way he’s looking at me and the way his body is hunched tell me that he’s not
totally happy about something.
He’s also only in his black boxer brief, so I force my eyes away, looking at anything but him.
Who cleaned me and dressed me up?” I ask him, trying to divert my attention to something else.
“Serena and Genesis,” he answers tersely.
I notice that we’re in a little suite. “Are we in Greenville Hotel?”
“Yes,” he says sullenly. Well, somebody’s feeling cranky.
Greenville is the best hotel in this little town but I doubt it’s up to the standard of what these
royal lycans are used to. Tourists don’t exactly flock to get to this little town in the middle of
I sit up as he pulls a chair from the study table to face the bed and sits on it. He rests his elbows
on his thighs and folds his hands together. He looks close to normal but his body is still tense.
There’s a stiff determine set to his jaw. “So, you don’t want me to mark you,” he says testily.
“I never said that.” Is that what irritates him?
His eyes narrow, staring at his hands. “So, you’re saying you do want me to mark you.”
I let my head falls back into the soft pillow behind me and sigh. “Why does it have to be black or
white with you?”
“You mean there’s a shade of grey?” He stares at me with raised eyebrows. “That doesn’t make
any sense. Either you want me to mark you or you don’t. It’s that simple.”
“Well, let me ask you this, Your Highness, if I said no, would you let me go?”
“Not a chance.” There’s that arrogant smirk on his gorgeous face. “You are mine, Quincy St.
“Well, then,” I say, pulling the blanket up over my chest as if the discussion is over.
“I’m going to mark you soon, Quincy St. Martin. Very soon you’re going to be Quincy
I don’t want to admit how much I love the sound of that. He’s got a big enough ego, I don’t
really want him to know how his words are sending those pesky butterflies fluttering in my
stomach. As hard as I try, I can’t stop a silly grin from my face.
I think he saw that because the smirk on his face grows bigger. Cocky gorgeous idiot!
I send a pillow flying towards his head but he manages to duck out of the way, laughing. There’s
a glint in his eyes that makes my heart flip in my chest and threaten to melt me into a pile of goo.
“I’m going to clean up,” I tell him, trying not to poke my tongue out at him like a five-yearold...or touch all that glorious looking, silky, golden tan skin.
“Okay. I need to talk to the guys,” he says, still grinning. “The girls brought clothes and
everything else that you might need in the closet and that drawer over there.” He pulls a pair of
jeans on, slips on a t-shirt, and grabs the keycard from the table. By the girls and the guys, I think
he meant all the other lycans. He pauses at the door and looks back at me, looking thoughtful. A
second later, he grins and pulls the door open. “I’ll be right back.” He gives me a wink, then he’s
The man is terribly irritating and totally not a normal human and I am absolutely crazy about
My hand freeze in mid-air just as I’m about to open the closet. The closet door is a huge mirror
and I’m staring at my own reflection...or what I think is my reflection. It looks like me
but...different. I can’t really tell what is it that’s so different about myself but I know I look
I don’t usually spend too much time looking at my reflection in the mirror. The last time I looked
in the mirror was probably the evening after they dressed me up for that awful ceremony. I don’t
think I look much different then...or maybe I wasn’t really looking. Later on, that same night and
yesterday at the trial, I was covered in blood and dirt.
I’m now wearing a light purple waist slip with matching boy shorts I’ve never seen before. I
touch my face and my hair then I pull my upper lip up. My teeth have always been straight and
white but now my canines are longer. My lips seem fuller and redder too. I smooth my hands
over the front of my body before I shake my head. Nana told me that time spent admiring
yourself in the mirror is time wasted. No matter which side you turn, you still look the same. Oh
well, Nana used to say the craziest things and that one was actually quite profound...for Nana.
Revenge doesn’t bring my Nana back but for once, thinking about Nana doesn’t make my heart
ache as much.
There are several woman’s outfits hanging next to a few men’s clothes in the closet. Very nice
ones. There are a very nice pair of woman’s black leather riding boots and a pair of dark grey
sneakers as well. They are all my size.
I open the drawer to find lacy underwears, several brands of luxury bath bombs, shower gels,
body lotions, shampoos, conditioners, makeup, and perfumes. The drawer smells wonderful. I
bet all these cost more than my monthly salary and tips at the cafe combined.
I grab some undergarments, a tube of shower gel, shampoo and conditioner and make my way
into the bathroom where I drop everything once I see the inside.
The bathroom is a standard hotel bathroom but there are thick luxurious towels that smell
heavenly, bathrobes and slippers, combs and hair brushes, several types of loofahs and body
scrubbers, a couple of toothbrushes, and several fancy looking tubes of toothpaste. Either these
hotels have seriously been holding out on me or these lycans have brought the whole spa with
After I’m done cleaning up, I put on an oversized knit cream cashmere sweater I found in the
closet. It’s so soft, light, and warm that I rub the wide turtleneck over my cheek several times. I
match it with a pair of black skinny jeans, a tan leather belt, and the black leather riding boots.
Caspian is still not back in the room by the time I’m done, so I take another keycard from the
table, grab a dark tan trench coat off the hanger, and head downstairs. I’m hungry.
The hotel is suspiciously deserted. I don’t see a single soul around as I follow my nose to find
Genesis, Penny, and Serena in the hotel breakfast area, having breakfast. There’s no one else in
the breakfast area as well.
They wave at me to join them as soon as they see me.
“You’re up!” says Genesis excitedly.
“She already had three cups,” says Penny wryly when she sees me looking at an empty coffee
cup in front of Genesis.
An elderly lady appears at my elbow with a plate of scrambled eggs, waffles, fries, bacon, and
sausages. Penny promptly steals a few pieces of fries and pops them into her mouth even before I
pick up my fork.
“She already had a plateful of those,” deadpans Genesis.
“Good morning, Quincy. Please excuse these two," says Serena, looking amused. "Or better yet,
just ignore them if you can.”
It’s kind of hard to ignore them, especially when one of them is sniffing you while you’re trying
to eat. “Hey! You’re not marked yet!” says Genesis, frowning. Oh, god! What?
“See? I was right. Pay up,” says Penny.
I almost choke on my scrambled eggs. Genesis pats my back harder than necessary. “Did you
two really bet on whether or not we...uh...he..umm..errr..marked me last night?” I ask them while
reaching for my drink.
“Not just the two of us. Constantine and Lazarus sorta put some money on it too,” says Penny. I
almost spit my orange juice all over them.
*Updating twice a week is very hard for me. I came home from a concert last night then fell
asleep on the keyboard =p. Anyway, this is more of a filler chapter, but I thought some of
you might miss Genesis, Penny, Serena, and the rest of the Royal Lycan Pack. I’ll still be
working on this chap. since I’m still not too happy with it.
My next update is Wednesday next week. Have a wonderful day my lovelies!
Chapter 31 - A Lost Pack
“Where are the men?” I ask them. I’ve been wondering where
Caspian’s disappeared to.
“They’re with Lord Archer in the conference room. Your
cousins are in there too,” answers Penny.
“My cousins? You mean...”
“Yeah, Jorden and Jonah are here,” says Genesis. “Jonah came
with us from California. Jorden came back here to the hotel
with us last night. Both of them were worried about you.”
Worried about me? I was worried about them. I haven’t seen
Jonah in a while and I miss him. I’m glad to know that both
brothers are here.
“So, what’s happening today?” I ask them.
“Today we’re going back to Loup Noir Pack,” answers Penny
grimly and the two other girls nod in confirmation.
“You don’t have to go back there if you don’t want to. We’d
understand,” says Serena, placing her hand on top of mine. “It
must be hard for you.”
“No, I want to be there,” I tell her.
“Then we’ll go as soon as the men are ready and we finish our
breakfast,” says Penny, stealing yet more fries from my plate.
“Are you okay?” asks Genesis after a while. I realize then that
I’ve been pushing what remains of my breakfast around in my
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I answer quickly. Am I really? I pause for a
while before I say, “Actually, I’m not sure. I’m feeling fine but I
feel bad for feeling fine...does that make sense?”
“What do you mean?” asks Serena.
Genesis is watching me with those big hazel eyes of hers with
her head tilted to one side, analyzing me and before I can say
anything, she says, “You’re waiting for the guilt to consume you
because you just mutilated and killed a man so brutally. But
then the guilt never comes and you feel just fine. Now you feel
bad for not feeling bad.”
“Wow, yeah, that’s basically it.” I’m surprised at how spot-on
Genesis is. Almost like she can see inside my head. “I mean,
normally I would have freaked out. Yesterday wasn’t...pretty.”
It was downright gory. “But I had to do it. It’s like a
“It was a compulsion. Your lycan demanded justice. It would
not rest until it’s done,” informs Serena.
“It’s like having an itch you couldn’t scratch,” I say.
“Like having a pebble in your shoe that you couldn’t get rid of,”
adds Genesis with a nod.
“Like having a fly constantly buzzing around your head,” agrees
Serena and we all nod.
“Like the nuts of an annoying jerk you couldn’t kick,” says
Penny. Wait. What? “Cause he’s human, so if you kicked him
there, he’s gonna end up barren and dead, which is awesome
but you couldn’t...so you give him the finger instead. Totally
not as satisfying.” She shakes her head, looking all pissy.
I give Genesis a wide-eyed look while Serena covers her mouth
with a cloth napkin with a cough that sounds suspiciously like a
muffled laugh. Uh..okay.
“So, yes,” says Serena, clearing her throat after a few seconds of
silence. “That’s why we had to sit back and let you do it yourself
yesterday, even though we were itching to do it ourselves. An
eye for an eye. You need to get justice for your Nana, otherwise,
your lycan wouldn’t rest.”
“Yeah, it took a lot of control on Caspian's part not to let his
lycan take over and let you kill the man yourself,” adds
“Seriously, I’m surprised he didn’t tear the man into tiny pieces
the moment he was wheeled in, I could barely hold myself
together,” Penny announces.
“Now that your lycan is appeased, even that feeble attempt at
marking you by Mr. Maddox doesn’t bother you or Caspian
anymore,” explains Genesis and I touch the fading scar on my
neck. “This is how you are now, Quincy. Our moral compass is
different from that of a human or even a werewolf. Even
though we don’t kill just for the fun of it, we get pleasure in
killing those we deem deserving.”
Pleasure from killing? “Oh god," I groan. "I’m a monster now.”
“If you think we’re monsters, then I guess we are.” Genesis
shrugs her shoulders casually. “Do you really want to feel bad
about killing the man who killed your Nana and tried to
forcefully mark and mate with you?”
“You know you’re not a full lycan yet,” says Penny. The others
stare at her warily.
I lean forward and place my fork down carefully on my plate.
“No?” I ask, waiting for her to go on.
“It’s not too late if you don’t want to be a “monster” like us. It
can still be reversed,” continues Penny, despite the looks she’s
getting from Genesis and Serena. “Right now you can’t phase
into a lycan at will. It only happens when you’re angry or in
danger or in pain.
"Just don't let Caspian mark you and distance yourself from
him... and from us. You’ll turn back to normal, eventually.”
“Is that what you really want?” asks Genesis, looking anxious.
Is that what I want? Is it? All I wanted to be was normal. Marry
a normal human, have a normal human family. But now that
the lycan part of me is awakened, it doesn’t want to be buried
again and disappear into oblivion and eventually forgotten.
I had a taste of feeling powerful, invincible almost, and I don’t
want it to go away. I guess that’s why lycans are so arrogant. So
cocky. To feel all that power flowing through your body...it’s
I want to be around these lycans. I feel the bond with them
even in such a short time. As crazy as they are, for the first
time, I feel like I belonged.
Most importantly, my golden prince. I want to be with that
annoying, cocky, obnoxious lycan. He’s become a big part of
me. Without him, I’ll forever be broken.
“No. Not at all. I’m feeling good. I’m okay with being a
I hear their collective sigh of relief.
“Okay, good,” says Serena. “That’s very good.”
“I know I like to mess with His Royal Highness, the bratty
prince but I’m not ready to deal with the destruction he’s going
to make if he lost you,” says Genesis. “Honestly, we don’t want
to lose you either.”
“I don’t think that’s going to happen. You realize he’s not ever
going to let you get away, right?” asks Penny. “So are we. If you
run, we’re just going to have to drag you back by your hair and
knock you unconscious and tie you to Caspian’s bedpost.” She
smiles sweetly after she said it like she didn’t just threaten to
keep me against my will and cause me bodily harm.
“Uh, we’re not going to do that,” denies Genesis, giving me an
apologetic look.
“Sure we are,” insists Penny. “We talked about this the other
day. She belongs with us now.”
“Uhhh...I don’t know what to say to that.” I quietly pick my fork
back up from the plate. Should I be worried?
“When we talked about it, I was just kidding!” exclaims Genesis
to Penny as if I didn’t say anything.
“Well, I wasn’t,” huffs Penny.
I think I should be searching for the nearest exit door.
“You know he’s going to be acting very possessive and all
caveman-like on you until he’s got his mark on you, right?”
Penny asks me a moment later. “Well, not like he’s going to act
any better after mating and marking. I mean, they’re all like---”
“I think we scare her enough for one day, Penny,” says Serena
gently but firmly, cutting her off mid-sentence.
I pull the turtleneck away from my skin. The room feels warm
all of a sudden. “Thank you for taking care of me last
night...and for the outfit, and everything else,” I say, trying to
change the subject.
“Do you like your new clothes? I picked them,” says Penny.
“We’re about the same size, so I get to pick. You look great in
Penny and I are about the same size and height. Genesis and
Serena are probably closer to 6 feet tall, two or three inches
taller than we are.
I have no problem at all with Penny’s style. She has a great
style. She looks like a model and she’s dressed very well. Sexy
but very classy. Everything fits me perfectly and I think I look
pretty good in them. They’re definitely the most expensive
things I’ve ever worn. She beams when I say, “I love everything
in the closet. Thank you.”
Actually, I have no problem with any of their style. Serena is
very elegant even when she’s dressed casually.
Genesis’s style is fun and flirty but sometimes she adds a touch
of unexpected cheekiness to her outfit like right now, she’s
wearing dark jeans with ankle boots and an off shoulder deep
red sweater. Everything seems normal but then she adds a
cream colored scarf around her neck with hearts and kittens all
over it. I don’t know if I can pull it off but it totally works for
I can’t believe just how stunningly beautiful these women are.
If I was insecure, I’d feel like a moldy potato next to them.
Since I have an insanely awesome, mind-blowing self-esteem, I
just feel like a slightly bruised potato.
My heart flips and my stomach twists when Caspian comes
strolling in with Constantine and Darius. The atmosphere is
charged with electricity just by his presence. He’s stealing the
air right out of my lungs, it’s hard to breathe. The pull between
us is getting so strong that I have to grip the edge of my seat
not to jump into his arms.
He looks like he just came out of the shower, freshly shaven
with his shiny golden hair perfectly combed back. He’s wearing
a cream colored shirt with a black striped tie and a russet vest
under a black double-breasted peacoat along with a pair of
black designer jeans, and dark brown leather boots. God, he’s
His eyes instantly locked onto me and he stalks across the
room right toward me without hesitation.
He doesn’t even acknowledge anyone in the room with us like a
privilege bratty prince that he is. He pulls a chair closer to me
and folds himself on it, his long leg is pressing against mine.
He pulls my hand into his and every nerve in my body is
His eyes are the color of the fresh grass in a Spring morning. I
get lost in his vivid green orbs every time he’s looking at me
like this. Like he can’t take his eyes off me. Like nothing else is
worth looking at except me and he doesn’t care what everybody
else thinks about it. Like I’m the center of his universe.
“Did you have a good night, Your Highness?” asks Penny with a
“Very well, thank you, Beany,” he replies without taking his
eyes off me.
“Not too well since I lost a bet,” mutters Constantine and I hear
muffled laughter around us.
“Yeah? Sucks to be you. I’m sorry for your lose.” Caspian’s
voice is dripping with sarcasm.
“What?” I whisper to him when he keeps staring.
“You are so beautiful,” he says, bringing my hand up to his lips.
“Pussywhipped!” Somebody coughs and I hear some snickers
but he doesn’t react to it. Instead, his eyes light up with
mischief and his lips curve up into a smile against the skin at
the back of my hand.
He flips my hand and slowly drops a lingering kiss on the
inside of my wrist and the heat shoots right to my toes. That
strangely feels way too intimate. Then he leans in and whispers
into my ear. “I had been waiting for someone to say that to me
for a long time.” His nips on my earlobe playfully and my toes
curl in my boots.
“Aren’t you going to have breakfast?” I ask him, trying to divert
his attention to food.
“I am having breakfast, princess,” he murmurs as his lips trail
kisses along the curve of my jawline. His fingers are brushing a
few strands of my hair away from my neck.
My eyelids are fluttering close and I can feel myself being
sucked into that Caspian induced haze. Before I get completely
lost, I pull away. He tries to pull me back but I put a firm hand
on his chest. “Breakfast?” I remind him.
He sighs, looking at me with hopeful eyes but I shake my head.
“We’ve had some in the meeting room,” he answers, pouting.
I glance around. All the other lycans are not paying any
attention to us now. Constantine and Genesis are to wrapped
up in each other to notice everybody else. Penny, Darius, and
Serena are discussing why us women weren’t invited to the
meeting this morning.
I look back at my still dejected looking prince. He looks like a
sullen like a little boy being denied a treat. So cute. I can
imagine how he looked like when he’s a little boy, a future king,
never being denied anything. I slide my hand suggestively
across his thigh. Then I lean in and nuzzle my face into his
neck like I want to before I press a kiss and give his smooth
golden skin there a little bite. I can’t help but giving it a lick as
well. What? The man tastes yummy! It’s a promise of more
kisses and bites to come. His eye widened in surprise. It's
satisfying to see that little red mark on his neck even though I
know it will not last. I sit back, looking around as if nothing
I hear their approaching footsteps clicking on the marble tiles
and my nose catches their scent before Lazarus, Lord Archer,
Jonah, Jorden, and another werewolf enter the breakfast area.
“Jonah!” I race up to Jonah and throw my arms around him.
“You’re okay!”
“Hey, kid,” he says, awkwardly curving his arms around me.
Well, at least he’s trying to hug me back. That means he’s
happy to see me too, right?
Jorden playfully tugs my hair like he used to when we were
Ahhh..cousins. That makes me feel warm and gooey inside.
Then I pull back to pinch Jonah’s hard rock stomach. “Hey!
What’s that for?” He jumps back. He clearly wasn’t expecting
“Where were you?” I ask, seething. “Do you know how worried
I was about you? Do you? Huh? Do you? Do you?” I poke the
spot where I pinched him with my index finger for a good
measure. “I imagined the worse scenarios. God! Why do I even
care? Why?”
“I told you not to worry,” he mutters quietly, almost meekly,
rubbing his stomach where I just pinched and poked him.
That makes me pause for a second. I thought he was going to
yell back at me. Hmm...I think, my tough cousin can’t handle
angry women. This is the first time he seems to be compliant to
me. It’s a good feeling. I’ll try not to get too drunk with the
sense of power.
I hear Jorden laughs but his laughter swiftly turns into a
coughing fit when Jonah glares at him. The others look like
they’re trying not to laugh but wisely keep their trap shut.
“Now, don’t you ever do that to me again!” I tell him. He
doesn’t answer me but he doesn’t seem upset with me either.
Somehow I suspect that he’s secretly pleased that somebody is
concerned about him. I wonder when was the last time
anybody ever worried about him.
“Moya Printsessa, he’s fine. He’s here now, isn’t he?” Caspian
wraps his arm around my shoulder. He’s smirking at Jonah
who’s watching Caspian’s arm around me with narrowed eyes.
The werewolf who’s with them introduces himself as Agent
Samuel Smith. Hmm...Agent Smith. God, I love that movie:
The Matrix, but only the first one. I think I saw Agent
Smith, this Agent Smith, not the one in the movie, in the cell
with Lord Archer yesterday.
“It’s almost nine, it’s time we should get going,” Lord Archer
announces, flipping his pocket watch open. It’s a beautiful
gadget made of gold with the letters GA intricately engraved on
the lid. He catches me watching and a slow smile pull at his lips
before he snaps the watch close and focuses his attention back
to the others.
I find Lord Archer intriguing. I mean, who wears a pocket
watch anymore? It looks good on him, though. He looks like a
young man but behaves like an aristocrat from a long time ago.
He’s exceedingly elegant and classy yet playful and flirtatious.
He’s charismatic, wise, urbane, and handsome yet I sense
wickedness in him.
Like my prince, he’s lethal, wild, and ruthless cloaked under
the air of glamorous sophistication, stylish and cultured
We make our way back to Loup Noir Pack’s territory in three
SUVs. The drive should have taken us half an hour but it only
takes us fifteen minutes mainly because lycans drive like
Caspian holds my hand, twining our fingers together, the whole
way. Jorden who’s riding with us doesn’t say much but he looks
apprehensive. I don’t have anybody else that I care about in the
pack but I wonder if Jorden is worried about his family.
The whole place is eerily quiet when we arrive. It’s strange to
see the guard post lonely and abandoned. There are no kids
running around or grownups going about their business on the
pack’s house front yard. There seems to be no activity at all
going on in the pack house.
There are more cars and black SUVs parked out in the front.
They stand out to me because pack members park their cars in
their own parking lot on the other side of the house.
Six men come out of the pack house to meet us once we are
parked. All of them are werewolves. They are all very respectful
and most look as if they’re in awe of the presence of all the
lycans, especially the Crown Prince and Lord Archer.
The first man to step up and introduces himself is Alpha
Gordon. He’s the leader of the werewolf council and he seems
to be familiar with Lord Archer. Then there are his second in
command and his assistant and other Alphas and Betas from
neighboring packs.
They lead us to Alpha Maddox’s office where there are several
more men poring over documents and working on Alpha
Maddox’s computer. There are boxes of files stacked on the
floor and papers everywhere.
They stop working to look at us as soon as we enter the room.
Alpha Gordon laughs. “I guess my men would like to be
introduced to you since it’s not every day you get to meet
Prince Caspian, Prince Constantine, and Lord Archer.”
Alpha Gordon does the introduction and by the look on their
faces, it’s like they’re meeting rock stars or something.
After that, we move to another side of the office where they
briefed us on their findings.
Apparently, after I passed out from exhaustion yesterday,
Alpha Maddox, Beta St. Martin, Delta Roche, and several other
werewolves from Loup Noir Pack were apprehended. Lord
Archer had brought his men in for a full investigation and it
opened a can full of worms...or rather a room full of skeletons.
There are a lot of misdealings, black markets, illegal
involvements, including attacks on several small packs
throughout the years dated all the way back when Old Mr.
Maddox was still the Alpha.
They also opened up the steel door in the cell that I was curious
about yesterday and made a gruesome discovery. There are
skeletons and bodies of werewolves and even several humans.
They suspect that these are the remains of the pack members
who discovered their secrets or the people that they want to get
rid of without any trace. They just locked those people down
there to die slowly and to be forgotten. My heart weeps for
them. What an agonizing way to die.
A lot of things seem to be happening all at once and my head is
still reeling with all the information when Alpha Gordon leads
us to the Pack’s Community Hall where most of Loup Noir
Pack members are currently in.
Caspian grasps my shoulders and pulls me aside when we’re a
few feet from the building. “All of you go ahead. We’ll be in
soon,” he says to them.
When everybody’s gone, he places his hand to cup the back of
my head while the thumb of his other hand strokes the top of
my cheekbone down to the line of my jaw gently. “Your mother
and a lot of people that you know and had tormented you are in
there.” His hold on me tightened a little bit and he presses our
foreheads together. The tips of our noses almost touching. “You
know you can do whatever you want regarding them. Anything
at all. Your wish is my command, Moya Printsessa. You don’t
have to go in there if you don’t want to. You can decide their
fate if you so wish.”
I put my hands on top of his. How can I not fall for this man?
He makes me feel so weak yet so powerful at the same time. “I
want to go in there.
"I don’t want to decide their fate but when you do, keep in
mind that there are a lot of good people in there too.
“As for my “family”, I don’t care what they do or where they’re
going. I just want Jorden with me wherever I’m going...but
only if he wants to.”
*I still have a lot to work on this chapter but I figure
I'd better post it now for those who are waiting for it. I
don't want you to be too sleepy to function tomorrow
My next update will be on Tuesday (est.). Have a
wonderful week! Oh, to answer your question, I do
plan on writing a short story on Lord Archer as a
bonus read sometime in the future. Just a short one,
Chapter 32 - A Family Meeting
“Chin up, my love.” He places his fingers underneath my chin
and literally lifts my chin up. “They can’t touch you anymore.”
His eyes trace my face. “They tried to beat you down, break
you, and crush your spirit. But they failed because my Princess
is strong.” Pride shines in his vivid green eyes. “So you're going
in there with your head held high.”
He’s giving me a pep talk but all I can think of is how I want to
kiss those sexy lips again. Oh, god...I’m so hormonal!
“I wish you could’ve met my Nana. She would’ve loved you,” I
tell him instead. This is not the first time that I wish she
could’ve met him. I’m sure they’d have gotten along famously.
“Of course she would.” His words sound cocky but he flashes
me an adorable, almost shy grin. “Your Nana wouldn’t be able
to resist my charm. She would have wanted me for herself. You
would have to fight her for me.”
Actually, he’s not that far off. If he gave my Nana that pantymelting grin, she might’ve claimed him for herself because my
Nana was outrageous...just like this prince in front of me. “You
are so outrageous! If your head gets ---” I suddenly clamp my
mouth shut.
“Nevermind.” I can’t believe I almost walk right into that one.
“Oh, come on! You’re about to say something about my head?”
His expression is hopeful as well as mischievous.
“Nope!” No, I’m so not going there.
“Awww...” He looks downright disappointed now. Almost
pouting. “You’re about to say, “If your head gets any bigger, it’ll
explode”. Then I’ll say, “Hey, I have something else that’s
“Shut up!” I can’t stop the bubble of laughter from bursting out
of my lips. He's incorrigible!
He chuckles, eyeing me with the look of amusement. “I love it
when you laugh,” he murmurs. “Ready to go in now, princess?”
I nod my head and he drops a gentle kiss on my lips. Sweet and
reassuring. My lips tingle from the brief touch.
I love it that he knows how to make me laugh and loosen up.
The more time I spend with him, the deeper I fall. The pull
between us feels so much stronger now. I can feel it stretching
tight that it’s hard for me to stay away. I know it in the way he
can’t keep his hands off me. I’m afraid, one day soon, he won’t
be able to stop his lycan from claiming me.
We twine our fingers together like it’s the most natural thing in
the world and make our way back to the huge grey building
where the Pack Community Hall is. It’s scary how synchronized
our movement to each other is already.
He touches the doorknob and I square up my shoulders. Our
eyes meet. He has that cold, arrogant, almost bored look on his
face as he pushes the door open. The force of his lycan energy
and power radiate off him. I know he must have looked and felt
intimidating to others but he makes me feel safe and protected.
The hall is full and falls silent as soon as we enter it. I can feel
all eyes on us as we make our way to the front where all our
friends are. His big warm hand gently squeezes mine.
Lord Archer is standing at the very front and center as if he’s in
the middle of talking to the crowd when we walk in. He has a
tiny smile on his lips while his golden cat’s eyes follow our
movement. When we both reach him, he bows quite
dramatically. “Your Highnesses.”
Caspian ignores him as he pulls me to sit next to him on one of
the chairs facing the crowd.
“Lord Archer,” says Caspian, motioning to Lord Archer to come
closer. He rests his arm on the armrest and leans further from
me when the man approaches. He whispers something in Lord
Archer’s ear. Lord Archer’s watchful gaze unhurriedly slides to
me while he nods a couple of times.
I can feel all their eyes on us. I know my mother and her family
are in there among the crowd. I stare straight ahead and ignore
the whispers. I know some of them think that I’m an awful
I told Caspian that I don’t care about what’s going to happen to
them, especially to my mother. I don’t know if that’s completely
I would like to say that I stopped caring that day in Beta St.
Martin’s office when mother didn’t bat an eyelash as her
brother was choking the life out of me. Unfortunately, you
don’t have an off button in your heart. Right now I’m trying my
best not to care. Caring for people who don’t care about you,
Her indifference hurt more than I care to admit. Growing up, I
always hope that deep down my mother actually cared. I did
some outrageous things to earn a tiny reaction other than the
usual detached, uncaring expression she wore when she looked
at me. I was just so pathetic. I was desperately hungry for
whatever scraps of love she could spare me.
Indifference is worse than a look of disapproval or even hatred
because indifference means you don’t matter. Not even a little
Lord Archer is now addressing the crowd again, explaining to
the crowd their future.
Loup Noir Pack is now leaderless. Even though Alpha Gordon
and the werewolf Council is temporarily taking over, the pack
is unstable. The investigation will continue. Their future is now
All the neighboring Alphas who are willing to offer help are
here today. I don’t know if all the Alphas are here with pure
intentions. I’m sure, over time, some of the Alphas will make
an attempt to stake their claim on the land. That could easily
turn very violent very quickly.
Loup Noir Pack members who are under investigation will be
taken to another location while others are given the choice to
stay or apply to move permanently or temporarily to other
After the initial statement, Lord Archer lets Alpha Gordon
takes over the meeting. Alpha Gordon seems very patient in
explaining and answering all the questions and concerns of the
pack members.
“I need to get some fresh air,” I whisper to Caspian.
“I’ll come with you,” he says.
“No, stay. I won’t be too long,” I tell him, squeezing his hand.
“Besides, I need to sort something out by myself.”
His eyes narrow. “I’ll come after you if you’re not back after ten
“Give me thirty.”
“Ten,” he insists stubbornly. I know he’s worried about my
safety. He hasn’t let me out of his sight yet since yesterday
unless he’s sure that I’m safe. That is also the reason why he
rented the whole hotel, which I think is a bit overkill. He
doesn’t want strangers anywhere near me and have my safety
I resist the urge to roll my eyes at him as I get up and stroll
out...before my meager 10 minutes is up.
I walk quickly on the aisle between the seats. Then I see her.
My mother. Even sitting in the crowd with her fate in our
hands, my mother sits with a proud stance. No emotion on her
face. That indifference again.
My half-sister, Caitlin Rose and her father, Jon are both staring
at me with part anxious and part amazed expression on their
faces but they remain seated quietly beside her.
Joelle is sitting next to her mother, Maria. Both of them wear
the same wooden, glum expression.
I thought they’re all going to ignore me but surprisingly, Maria
rushes past the guards to land at my feet. “They’ll execute him,”
she says. “Please, he’s your uncle. Your flesh and blood.”
Yeah? He wouldn’t let me call him uncle. All my life, he’s
always been Beta St. Martin to me. None of them ever claimed
to be my flesh and blood when I was a “weak human”.
“He will be tried justly. They will not execute him if he’s
innocent. He will get what he deserves,” I tell her flatly.
“They will kill him! You can’t let them do that to him. He’s your
uncle! We’re your family! Doesn’t family mean anything to
you?” Her voice is getting higher and she’s pushing up to get in
my face. The whole hall suddenly grows silent. Everybody is
staring at us now.
I just remember how I struggle to stay positive every single day
when I was around these people. They tend to suck all the
positives inside of me and left me wilted and sad at the end of
every day.
I turn away and a guard pulls her hands behind her back and
restrains her. “No, you can’t do this to me. How dare you!” she
yells. “You ungrateful bastard! We took you in when you had
nowhere to go. We were there when you needed us. We looked
after you!”
I stop in my tracks and turn back around to face her. “Don’t
fool yourself. I never needed you. You never looked after me.
You starved me and you abused me.
“You robbed me of what little that I had and everything that I
had. You robbed me of my freedom. “My flesh and blood” tried
to kill me before and you were planning to kill me again. You
were never my family and you never will be. He should be so
lucky I didn’t go and rip out his spinal chord myself like I want
to.” Oh, how I want to.
My chest is feeling warm. I spin on my heel again and stalk
away before I give in to my urge to rip her head off. I grab
Jorden and Jonah by their arms on my way out.
The two brothers follow me out without any resistance or
question. Good! They know when to keep their mouths shut
when I’m feeling particularly violent.
We walk out of the building and I head straight for the wooden
bench underneath an oak tree not too far from the building.
I walk back and forth in front of the bench, trying to calm my
raging violent inner self that’s fighting to come out.
Both of them stand in front of me quietly. This is the first time
I notice that they’re both almost the same height now. When
did Jorden grow so tall? After a while, Jorden sits on the bench
while Jonah remains standing. Both brothers are still watching
me warily.
I stop and face them, still frowning. Thinking.
“I want to talk about your father,” I tell them. “What do you
want to happen to your father?”
“What is there to talk about? Is it even our decision to make at
this point?” asks Jonah.
“You’re forgetting that you’re talking to our future queen,” says
I just roll my eyes before answering, “I think there is a huge
possibility that he might be found guilty. He might get
“I don’t think I can get him out scot-free, nor do I want to, but
we can negotiate a lighter sentence for him...if you want.”
“I’d rather he be tried and prosecute fairly for all the crimes
that he committed,” Jonah says firmly but I see the hesitation
in Jorden’s eyes.
“My father is not a good man. He did a lot of vile things.” His
body is hunched in resignation but his chin juts out in
determination. “He made his bed, now he must lie in it.”
Jorden never had a good relationship with his father. I know he
was beaten quite frequently when he was growing up to
“toughen” him up. Still, the man is his father. It must still be
hard for him to say this.
“What about Trey and his mate Emelie?” I ask Jorden. Trey is
his best friend and he’s a good guy. I used to date him until he
met his mate, Emelie.
“He wants to join Emelie’s grandparent’s pack. The Alpha is
“Okay. That’s good. I hope they’ll be happy.”
I take my seat on the bench after Jorden and Jonah left. The
sky is grey and the air seems cooler. Nobody is around and
everything seems so quiet. So peaceful. That’s why I almost
jump when I see Lord Archer leaning against the Oak tree,
quietly watching me.
“Your uncle---” he says.
“Beta St. Martin,” I correct him.
“Beta St. Martin,” he amends. “He tried to kill you before?”
“Yes,” I tell him. “Twice...no, three times.” I don’t know why
I’m telling him this. I never talked about it before. I rarely even
think about it now. If I didn’t talk about it or think about it, it
never happened.
“The first time was when I was just a day old but my Nana
stopped him.
“The second time was when I was seven years old. Some
woman told him I took a toy from her little boy and then beat
him up. It was the other way around.” The boy was three years
older than I was and a lot bigger. He took a little toy car Jorden
lent me, then he pushed me to the ground and called me a
filthy human. So I got up and pushed him right back and called
him a stupid dog. He beat me up pretty good too after that but I
was fast and managed to run off with the little toy. I was
mighty proud of myself until Beta St. Martin showed up at the
edge of the forest where I was playing by myself. He beat me to
within an inch of my life. Literally.
I still remember his face. Red with rage and loathing. He didn’t
just want to kill me. He wanted me to suffer. He snapped my
skinny arm like a little twig and bashed my head against a tree.
He didn't stop beating me up even after I passed out.
The pack doctor didn’t think I’d make it at first. I was broken
everywhere. My lung was punctured and my skull was
fractured. I was bleeding and black and blue all over. I
whimper at the slightest touch.
I remember Nana looking after me day and night for months
afterward. I remember her tears. I remember her gentle, loving
hands feeding me, bathing me. My Nana...
I remember drinking my food through a straw for a week
because my jaw was locked.
I later learned that Jonah was the one who found us and
stopped his father from killing me. Jonah was just sixteen then.
I don’t know how he stopped his father but I stayed away from
Beta St. Martin after that.
“And the third time?” Lord Archer dips his head to peer into
my face. He’s now sitting next to me on the bench.
“The third time that he tried to kill you,” he reminds me.
“Oh.” Now I remember I’m in the middle of telling him my
story. “The third time was a few months ago, a day before I ran
off.” The day he had his hands around my neck. “Jorden saved
me then and helped me run away.” I have no doubt at all that
he would have finished me off if Jorden didn’t interfere.
“I’m sorry you have a dreadful family,” he says quietly.
I don't like anybody to feel sorry for me. I shrug my shoulders.
“Jonah and Jorden are great,” I tell him. “My Nana was
awesome too. So, I’m pretty lucky, actually.” I smile up at him.
There are so many people who got it much worse than I did.
He smiles back. His expression is almost admiring.
“So...that’s my life story, I guess. Thanks for listening, Lord
Archer,” I add, feeling awkward and shy suddenly.
“Gideon,” he says.
“My name is Gideon.”
“Oh. Uh...okay...Gideon.” I remember the ornate carving of the
letters GA on the lid of his pocket watch. His initials. Gideon
“There you are, my love,” says Caspian, slowly approaching us.
His eyes are measuring the closeness at which Lord Archer is
sitting next to me. Penny, Serena, Genesis, and Constantine are
trailing behind him. Darius, Lazarus, and Agent Smith are
talking to my cousins and Alpha Gordon not too far away.
“So...how’s everything going?” I ask him. That possessive, feral
look on his expression makes me nervous.
Instead of answering me, he pulls me up to my feet. He grabs
my waist, leans in, and covers my lips with his. This kiss is
possessive and branding. Claiming.
He cups the back of my head with his hand and moves his lips
against mine demandingly. His tongue pushes my lips apart
and plunders inside.
My knees give way. If he’s not holding me up with his arm
tightly around my waist, I’d have fallen like an old rag on the
Just as I’m about to lose all my thoughts, he pulls back
and...Holy smokes! I’m flushed and breathless. Both of us are
breathless. The rest of the other lycans don’t seem to care since
they continue talking as if nothing out of the ordinary
happened. I guess it’s a normal thing for them since all of them
are mated. Lord Archer seems to be attentively listening to
what Constantine is saying but his lips are curled up into a
strange little smile.
I pull Caspian away to the other side of the building as soon as
I feel like my feet are strong enough to carry me.
“What was that all about?” I whisper to him. I’m a bit miffed
because...hmm, why am I miffed again? Seriously, I can’t think
straight when his bright green eyes are staring at me with that
smoldering, possessive, and hungry look.
“That was me reminding some people, especially Lord Archer
not to fish in my lake. Not to set a trap in my forest. Not to get
too close to what’s mine.”
My mouth drops open. “Wha... I’m not your lake or your
“Of course you are.” His smug smile is maddening. Ughh!
“And Lord Archer was not doing any fishing or setting any trap.
You’re crazy.”
“Of course, he’s not. He wouldn’t dare fishing or setting a trap
in my territory. I just made sure of that.”
It’s official, he’s crazy. This feeling I have for him leaves no
room for anyone else. Besides, Lord Archer is not even
interested in me. He was just curious about me and we were
just talking. “Well since you know he’s not going to do any of
those things, what’s the problem?”
“The problem is, he fancies what’s mine and that’s
unacceptable.” His dark blond eyebrows pull down into a
“He’s not even---” Oh, I give up! I’ll never win this argument.
By 3 pm. we’re back at our hotel, including Jonah and Jorden.
We are all very hungry. It’s a relief to see a big buffet waiting
for us in the dining room.
The smell of food is mouthwatering. The servers in crisp white
uniforms and black aprons are standing in line by the buffet
table. There are servers standing behind our chairs by the long
dining table as well.
Caspian is very attentive, transferring everything that he thinks
I might like from his plate onto mine. Sometimes, he even
feeds me some of his food. He makes me feel like I was the only
person in the room.
After that, we all head off to an area in the huge lobby where
there are a comfortable sofa and chairs grouped together next
to a roaring fireplace. Servers bring trays of drinks as
everybody relaxes. I think everybody needs it after the day we
just had.
Caspian pulls me to him and I rest my head on his shoulder.
I’m always sleepy after a big meal.
“I think we all should head back to California tonight,” says
Darius. “Unless there’s anything else you want to do here.”
“I think we’re good to go,” agrees Lord Archer. “We let the
Council do their job.”
Clicks of high heels hitting the stone tiles echo from a distance.
A few of us lift our faces up to take in a new scent. It’s not
someone I know. Jorden shoots me a questioning look.
Soon, a beautiful lycan woman in a stylish, tight, long, red silk
dress walks in. The slit opens all the way almost up to her
crotch with every step that she takes. Her dark brown hair falls
into shiny waves down her back. Her hips sway as she walks
and her dark blue eyes are taking us in. Assessing.
*I'll probably come back and change a few things in
this chapter still. Have a wonderful week everybody!
My next update will be Tuesday again.
Chapter 33 - Jessica Rabbit and Teddy Bear
She stops directly in front of us with a practiced pose - hip jutting out and legs slightly apart so
that the slit of her dress opens all the way up past her hip. I guess you couldn’t wear any
underwear with a dress like that. This woman is entirely confident in her sensuality.
Her eyes linger on Caspian before they land on me. Her gaze takes in my appearance
appraisingly, dismisses me as unimportant, and goes back to rake over Caspian.
Lord Archer gets up to stand next to the woman. “Your Highness, may I introduce you to my
companion, Helen Aristophanes,” he says. “Helen, His Royal Highness, Prince Caspian.”
“We’ve met,” she purrs. “Your Highness, it’s a pleasure to see you again.” She smiles like a cat
that just swallowed a canary.
Caspian is sprawling on the chair with his head resting comfortably on the back cushion. He
doesn’t move. He doesn’t give the slightest acknowledgment. His expression gives nothing
away. His fingertips make a lazy trail up and down my upper arm while his other hand is thrown
possessively over my thigh.
“On his lap is his erasthai, Ms. Quincy St Martin,” continues Lord Archer, or rather Gideon with
some amusement in his voice. Helen’s eyebrow rises in surprise. “Oh,” she says before the
corners of her red lips slope downward.
She blinks and I watch her trying to quickly compose herself. It looks like it’s a shock and a
dismay to her that I’m Caspian’s erasthai, so much so that she failed to hide her immediate
Lord Archer continues with his introduction and I scrutinize her one more time before I cast my
eyes toward the others. Everyone generally hides their opinion and feelings very well except for
Genesis whose face briefly shows her disapproval before she covers it with that sweet innocent
expression. I catch Penny’s eyes and we share a look.
I don’t know if we take a cue from each other to be wary of the newcomer or it’s our instincts
that warn us not to get too close...or maybe it’s just the way she’s acting.
“I guess we should get packing and start moving if we’re flying back today,” says Darius. “The
plane will be ready in an hour and I’ve arranged the cars to be driven back.”
“Lord Archer, will you and your companion be flying with us?” asks Lazarus.
“Yes, if that’s okay with you. I have some business to attend to in California,” he answers and I
feel Caspian’s body stiffened underneath me.
Great! Now I have to see more of Jessica Rabbit! I actually like Gideon Archer but I don’t like
his companion at all. I have the feeling that Caspian just wants to be rid of the both of them.
Caspian lifts me up like I weight nothing when he gets up from the chair. He’s so tall, I feel like
I’m so far off the ground. He’d carry me all the way to our room if I don’t ask him to put me
down. Even after he puts me on my feet, his hand doesn’t leave my waist.
We’re standing by the bank of elevators when Penny leans in and whispers, “She’s like a
brunette version of Jessica Rabbit, don’t you think?” Exactly! She so gets me!
One of the elevator doors slides open before I get to answer her. Caspian ushers me inside with
him while Jonah, Jorden, Darius, and Penny trail in behind us. Just before the door closes, Helen
steps in.
I glimpse Lord Archer still talking to Lazarus and Constantine while waiting for the next carriage
to arrive. Serena and Genesis stay with their mates.
The whole hotel is practically empty if not for us and a few of the hotel employees. Two people
are sharing one level and Jorden and Jonah stop on the second floor.
Helen doesn’t say anything. She just stands in a corner watching the digital floor numbers going
up while Penny stands next to me, watching her with narrowed eyes. Subtlety is not Penny’s
strong suit. You never have to guess whether she likes you or not.
I try to ignore the woman. She makes my chest burns. My newly awakened sense or lycan wants
to come out and claw her eyes out.
Penny shoots me another look before she steps off with Darius on the third floor. I can tell she’s
got something on her mind and she’s holding back from saying it.
Helen gets off on the fourth floor. Just before she walks out, she turns to Caspian and says, “I’ll
see you later, Your Highness.” Her voice sultry and suggestive. I surprised myself when I let out
a low growl just before the door closes.
As soon as we enter the door to our suite on the seventh floor, I corner him.
“Did you sleep with that woman?”
“What woman?”
I stare at him with narrowed eyes. He doesn’t get to play stupid with me. “Jessica Rabbit!” I
ground out.
“Ughh! Gideon’s companion, Helen whatsit. Did you ever sleep with her?”
“So, he’s Gideon now? Since when?” Suddenly he’s towering over me. “I told you he’s
interested in you. For everyone’s sake, don’t get too close to him.”
“Don’t change the subject.” I push his broad muscled chest. He barely moves. “We’re talking
about Helen whatshername and you.” I push him again, harder this time. It’s hard to appear
threatening when you’re almost a foot shorter but I’m very pissed.
“Did. You. Ever. Sleep. With her?” I ask him again when he remains silent.
He takes a few steps back and runs his fingers through his perfect hair, messing it all up. He
looks very upset and very reluctant to utter the next word. “Yes,” he says almost inaudibly. I
knew that already but my heart constricts painfully to hear him actually admit it. My lycan wants
to get out and tear everything around us to pieces. “But that was a very long time ago and it
doesn’t mean anything.”
“How very long time ago?” Why am I asking these questions? I must be a masochist. The worst
“A very long time ago..way before I met you.” I glare at him and he quickly adds, “Maybe like
six or seven years ago.”
“Was it any good?” Ughhh...I should stop. This red hot jealousy in my chest needs to go away.
He groans, looking like he’s in pain. “I don’t remember anymore, that’s how unmemorable it
was, okay? Can we please not talk about this anymore?” He steps to stand directly in front of me.
His golden hair is all messy now. “Look, sweetheart, I was stupid, okay? I did a lot of things I’m
not proud of and I would undo all of them if I could, but I can’t. I’m sorry. So, can we just not
talk about the past and concentrate on the future instead? I promise you, I want no one else but
I put my hands on my hips and stare up at him. He’s been around for hundreds of years and to be
who he is and to look the way he does, it’s stupid to expect him to live like a monk. Besides, it
happened before we met. It’s not something he can change so I have to deal with it. Still, it hurts.
Suddenly I find myself thinking of Trey, my ex-boyfriend and two other human guys, Ben and
Liam who I went out with after Trey found his mate. Not that I went much beyond making out
with Ben and Liam but they weren’t mere fun for me. I truly believed I had feelings for them.
Ben was my rebound to get over Trey and Liam was my rebound to get over Ben.
I’m sure my experience is nothing compared to Caspian’s but I don’t think it’s a good idea if he
found out about those guys while we’re still here. Nope, not good at all when I’m feeling this
violent toward Helen Whatsit. I don’t want him to go after Trey or the other two.
I start pulling out a couple of duffel bags from inside the closet. These aren’t mine. They look
too nice and too expensive to be mine. Where’s my tattered old bag? I need my raggedy old bag.
“What are you thinking, sweetheart? Please, talk to me,” he says, following me around as if he’s
worried if I’d jump out of the window or something to get away from him. Right now I don’t
want to think about him all tangled up with that woman in bed. Ugh!
“Let me get this straight. We don’t need to talk about our previous hookups and sexual
experience or anything like that with each other, right?” I place one of the bags on the bed.
“Uh...right.” He’s now watching me warily.
“So, no talking about ex-boyfriends or anything.” I unzip the bag and start throwing things in it.
“Good! That’s very good.”
“Wait! What ex-boyfriends?”
I go to the bathroom and start gathering the shampoo, the conditioner, and the shower gel that I
used this morning. I like their smell. They smell like freaking vanilla and fvcking rainbow and
unicorn sh!t. I feel like swearing so much I doubt my goddamn swear jar could handle all the
money I need to put in it.
I turn around and he’s right behind me, blocking my exit. “Quincy, what ex-boyfriends?”
I duck underneath his arm and once again standing by the bed. “We’re not talking about that,
remember?” I remind him as I release everything in my arms into the open bag. These things are
nice but I still need my old bag.
“Where are you going?” he asks me as soon as my hand reaches out to grab the doorknob.
“I have something to do real quick,” I tell him, tugging the door open.
“Something like what?” He pushes the door close. He’s standing very close to me now that I can
feel the heat of his body against the side of mine, his scent invading my nose, affecting my
ability to think clearly.
“Something like...uh, I need to talk to my cousin, Jorden real quick,” I say, trying to pull the door
open again but he’s pressing against it so it won’t budge.
“Talk about what?” He has both hands on the door now, caging me in. “Are you trying to get
away from me? Or is it about your ex-boyfriends?” Something flared in his vivid green eyes.
Oh, god! Why are we even talking about my ex-boyfriends now? I’m still hurting....and pissed
off about him and that Helen woman...especially because I know she still wants a repeat with the
prince. My prince.
I want to stop thinking and talking about it now because if I didn’t, I might do or say something I
might regret later. I know I’m being irrational and stupid but right now I can’t help how I feel.
To know that he slept around previously didn’t bother me before but to see the woman he had
actually been intimate with is something else. Now I can’t stop picturing them together. I
suddenly feel like a trapped beast, wanting to hurt something or somebody.
I hate that I’m feeling this pissed and irrational and out of control.
“What I want to talk about with Jorden is really none of your business,” I snap at him suddenly.
“Of course it’s my business. You’re mine! Everything you do is my business.”
“Stop saying that I was yours. I’m not! I don’t belong to you. I’m my own person!” I’m yelling
at him now. He only stares at me, the glint in his eyes is defying what I just said. Ughhh! “I’m
tired of this...this bond thing. It’s too...It’s suffocating! I need to get out of here...away from
He freezes at my words. A look of hurt flashes in his features. I didn’t mean it. I really don’t. I
want to tell him that I don’t mean it. But then the wounded look is gone. His eyes glitter
underneath his golden eyelashes. He looks cold and distant. The words died on my tongue.
See? This is why I have to get away from here now. I might not be able to hurt him physically
but words could hurt just as badly.
When I pull the door open this time, he doesn’t stop me.
Why do I feel so bad walking down the hallway toward the emergency exit stairway, away from
I take the stairs to the roof, which is just a couple of levels up. There’s an unspoiled jungle of
pine trees on one side of the hotel. I stand on the ledge. For a second or two, I contemplate
running off into the woods. I imagine surviving on wild berries and hunt rabbits for dinner.
That’s just a fanciful thinking, though. Running off is not what I want. The cold wind blows my
hair across my face and I shiver. It is freezing up here but the fresh air does make me feel a bit
better. I take a long deep breath before I walk back inside to find the elevator.
I need to see Jorden.
Jorden has decided that he wants to join Jonah in California. I think he’s sad to be leaving his
mom and Joelle but he’s also excited to be seeing new places. I’m glad that he decided to get out
of Loup Noir Pack. If I have anything to do with it, my cousins will be seeing a lot of me
whether they want to or not. I’ll be annoying the hell out of them both.
I ride the elevator down to the second floor and knock on several doors to figure out which one is
Jorden’s. He opens at door number five.
Jorden looks surprised to see me. “Hey Q, are you ready to go?”
“No, not yet,” I tell him.
“Are you okay?” He opens the door wider, looking at me closely now.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” I fight the urge to scratch my suddenly itchy head. Darn stupid
unable-to-lie scalp. “Hey J, do you remember that old bag I used to carry around with me? I
brought it back with me to the pack house. You don’t happen to know where it is now, do you?”
Jorden grins at me. “Are you seriously still attached to that old thing?”
“Shut up! I just want Oliver back.” I stuffed Oliver in the bag before the men from Loup Noir
Pack took me.
Jorden just rolls his eyes. “Don’t you think it’s time for you to give him up?”
I look at Jorden in horror. Give up my teddy bear? How could he even suggest that? I know I’m
too old to be attached to a teddy bear but I have him for as long as I can remember. Oliver is old
and ratty but he’s the only friend I had when I was being bullied every day at the pack house.
He’s a good listener and a phenomenal keeper of secrets. He’s one constant thing in my life
when everything else is changing. Most of all, he represents my life with Nana, the simple
innocent times I’d never get back.
“Never! I can’t imagine my life without him,” I tell him.
I should’ve left him in California. Layla would have made sure he’d stay safe.
“Okay, okay...I was just kidding. Well, only partly kidding,” says Jorden. “Cousin, you’re gonna
love me for this. I have your stinky bag and all its content with me right now. I saw it in Old
Maddox’s room and I figured you would like it back.”
“Seriously? Oh my god, J! I love you!” I fling my arms around him and hug him tight. I might
have family members who hate me to the point of wanting to kill me but the ones who don’t, are
“You’re welcome, Q. I’ll go get it for you now.”
“No, you keep it for me.” I’d rather nobody else sees Oliver. So far, only Jorden, Jonah, and
Layla know about my ratty teddy bear. It would be embarrassing if anybody else knows about it.
“Tell Oliver I miss him. I have to go now, but please kiss him and hug him for me, will you?”
“Ewww...not gonna happen, Q,” says Jorden, shaking his head in disgust. Okay, so nobody else
really wants to willingly hold that scruffy, mangy, and just slightly stinky old thing. Maybe I
should wash him sometime.
When I get back to our room, Caspian is no longer there. Everything is gone from the room - my
things and his things. The only thing that’s left is a dark grey coat lying on the bed. It’s thicker
than the one I had on this morning.
The short breather on top of the building helps me feel calmer and now I’m feeling really bad
about the way I reacted before I left our room. So yeah, I was jealous. Nobody ever makes me
feel that way before. Jealousy hurts. It burns me inside. It makes me feel violent and out of
I grab the coat, walk back out, and take the elevator down by myself. The elevator stops on the
fourth floor and Gideon Archer gets in.
He’s all alone and his strange eyes light up when he sees me. “Hello again, Your Highness.” He
gives me a little bow.
He’s dressed casually in a white Henley that clings to his muscular body, blue wash jeans, a
black leather belt with a bronze buckle, a black leather jacket, and black leather boots. A pocket
watch peeks out from the front pocket of his jeans. It’s bronze this time, clipped to his belt loop
with a thick bronze chain. How does he manage to make a pocket watch look badass?
“Quincy,” I tell him. “Call me Quincy.”
His lips quirk up into a smile. “Quincy.” He pronounces it slowly as if he’s savoring it on his
These lycan men. If I wasn’t so obsessed with a certain obnoxious, infuriating, cocky, gorgeous
Prince, I’d certainly be drooling over this man.
We ride all the way down to the main floor in silence.
The hotel lobby is completely deserted when we get there so I walk to the sofa where we were
sitting earlier. Gideon follows me there and sits on a sofa next to the one I chose to sit on.
He crosses his legs at the ankles, steeples his fingers together on his knee and quietly studies me.
I sit back and return his gaze unflinchingly without saying a word. Suddenly he chuckles and
shakes his head. “I can see why you’re destined to be our queen.”
I tilt my head to the side, trying to think. I totally don’t see why.
“You didn’t even blink when I tried to exert my dominance over you.” He’s right, I didn’t feel a
thing, just like when Alpha Maddox or Beta St Martin tried to get me to submit. “Most other fullfledge lycans would have cowered. You’re very powerful, Quincy St Martin. Your lycan hasn’t
fully emerged yet but I can already feel the strength of your power. I could only imagine how
powerful you would be when you become a full lycan.”
I still don’t quite get it. I don’t feel all that powerful right now. If anything, I feel like I’m way
over my head. I’m still dealing with my feelings for Caspian. The jealousy makes me feel out of
control and I don’t know how to deal with it. “He thinks that you’re interested in me,” I tell him
Gideon doesn’t look surprised. “Well, the Prince is a very intelligent man. I never imagine
something like that would go unnoticed,” he says. “I am attracted to you.”
*My next update is Tuesday next week but I think I’ll be able to slip in another (shorter)
chapter before then. So, I’m aiming for two updates this week. Wish me luck!
I have to get to the dentist now - regular checkup and cleaning. Ughh! Do you have any
suggestions of what to do when your dentist or dental hygienist asks you a question when
their hands are still in your mouth? What’s that? bite their fingers? Hahaha.. You
wonderful people have a wonderful week!
Chapter 34 - A Confession...Of Sort
Gideon doesn’t look surprised. “Well, the Prince is a very
intelligent man. I never imagine something like that would go
unnoticed,” he says. “I am attracted to you.”
I open my mouth to say something but then I close it again. I
don’t know what to say to that.
He leans forward to look me in the eye.
“When I first saw you in that cell, the pure hunger in your eyes
was beautiful to see. You were so mesmerizing I can’t keep my
eyes off of you. The more I see of you, the more captivated I
am. You’re beautiful, intelligent, fearless, and powerful - all
qualities that attract any males, especially lycans,” he explains.
Okay, I totally don’t know what to say to that, nor do I know
what to do with that information.
“Don’t worry, I’m not trying to seduce Prince Caspian’s
erasthai and my future queen. My loyalty is with the Prince and
the Palace. Taking you away from the prince could bring the
whole monarchy down and I thrive on the monarchy. I don’t
know if you understand how much power you have, Quincy.”
He sits back again, putting a bit of distance between us. “I’m
sorry if I was too forward, talking about my feelings like that
and scare you but I’m just stating it the way it is.”
Talking about his feelings for me doesn’t scare me, talking
about my power and about bringing the monarchy down, does.
I’m not sure if I’m ready for that kind of responsibility.
“There’s one thing I don’t understand,” I tell him. “How could
you be attracted to me when you have Helen as your mate?” He
has that sexy, stunningly beautiful bombshell, Helen. Why
would he be interested in me? Despite what he said, I’m really
nothing special. In fact, I’m still trying to understand why
Caspian is interested in me at all.
“How could I not?” He raises an eyebrow. “Helen is not my
mate. She’s my companion. Lycans can travel alone but we
prefer to have at least a companion...sort of a pack of two. At
least until I meet someone that I’m interested in for
more...someone special enough for me to want to mark as my
“An erasthai,” I state.
He tilts his head and smiles wryly as if he finds the word funny.
“Maybe, but I’ve been traveling for hundreds of years. I haven’t
met her yet.
“Not all of us are lucky to meet our erasthai. I might be one of
many who is destined not to meet mine. So, I’ll settle for
someone I’m very attracted to. Somebody, in time, I see myself
falling in love with.” His eyes trail my features. “Provided that
she’s not spoken for, especially by a lycan prince, of course.”
“Of course,” I agree as if we’re talking about the weather. I
think this is one of the weirdest conversations I’ve ever had
with anyone.
If Caspian wasn’t in the picture, I think I could be attracted to
him too but now that I’ve met Caspian, I know how deep and
intense this feeling goes, nothing could compare. Mere
attraction is too weak a feeling.
“How long have you been traveling with Helen?”
“For about five years now,” he answers candidly.
“Is she aware that you’re never going to make her your mate?”
He sits back and his eyes travel to a big bouquet of fresh
flowers on the front desk. He absently slides an index finger
over his bottom lip. That little gesture reminds me so much of
Caspian when he’s mulling over something.
“We had a mutual understanding on the subject when we
agreed to be companions. We agreed that this is not a
permanent arrangement.”
For his sake, I hope Helen still remembers the agreement.
The glass door of the hotel slides open and Caspian walks in.
His golden hair is windblown, less than perfect. It makes him
seem very young but a little wild and dangerous. The air seems
to crackle in his presence. Behind him, steps in Helen Whatsit.
Her jeans are so snug, they look painted on. The smug smile on
her red painted lips makes me angry all over again.
Caspian’s eyes are locked in on me. His steely expression is
saying that I’m in deep trouble. My heartbeat rises and my
stomach clenches. I feel like a stalked prey as he comes straight
for me. Barely controlled aggression in his every step.
He slides an arm under my knees and another arm behind my
back. Effortlessly, he lifts me up and carries me into an empty
conference room. He kicks the door closed with his foot and
sets me on my feet where I’m trapped between his hard
muscular body and the solid oak door.
“Tell me what are you doing alone with Lord Archer when I
specifically asked you not to encourage him?”
“Tell me what you’re doing with Helen Rabbit first,” I growl at
“I ask you first.”
“I ask you second!” Yeah, okay...so, that doesn’t make much
“Goddess please grant me endless patience,” I hear him growls
before he grips the back of my neck and tugs me to him. He
buries his nose in my neck and takes a deep breath like he’s in
dire need of it to calm himself down. “Tell me, baby,” he says,
his teeth nip the skin of my throat warningly. His breath
warming my neck. “Who is Oliver?”
What? How did he know about Oliver? “Nobody,” I answer him
without thinking. His fingers dig into the nape of my neck. Not
hard as to hurt but enough to serve as another warning.
“Don’t lie to me.”
I contemplate on how to tell him about Oliver without
embarrassing myself but he probably thinks that I wasn’t going
to answer him because the next thing I know, he pushes me
back, pulls opens the door, and storms out, slamming the door
behind him. His footsteps are leaving me.
I think he broke the hinges.
I stand there gaping at the closed door for a few seconds before
I hear footsteps coming back. The door swings open with a loud
creaking sound. He walks right back in and hoists me over his
shoulder like a sack of potatoes, then strides out again. I’m
stunned speechless. I feel like a retrieved possession.
He carries me out to the front lobby where he sets me down in
front of the chair I was on earlier. I’m relieved to see that
Gideon and Helen Bunny Rabbit aren’t there anymore.
Caspian picks up the grey coat that I left on the chair earlier
and drapes it over my shoulders.
Jonah and Jorden choose this time to show up at the lobby
with their bags. Both of them raise almost identical eyebrows
up when they see Caspian pulling my arm through the sleeve of
the coat but wisely decided to keep their mouths shut.
They still manage to keep their mouth shut and expression
blank when Caspian picks me up again and carries me out to
one of the SUVs where everyone else is waiting. Everybody is
watching us with open amusement.
He deposits me right beside Genesis and Constantine before
climbing in himself. As soon as he gets in, he pulls me up into
his lap and wraps his arms around me.
He keeps his steel hold on me the whole ride to the airport. His
beautiful face remains cold, aloof, and sullen and nobody dares
to say anything.
I can sense Genesis’s struggle to keep her mouth shut the
whole way to the airport. I feel her pain. Halfway through the
journey, I hear her humming softly under her breath. After a
while, I realized that it’s the Jeopardy theme song. She is a
weird cookie. Sweet but weird.
We arrive at a small airport in 45 minutes. The driver, who’s
been driving fast like a maniac, brings us straight onto the
tarmac where a small plane is waiting.
The other two SUVs stop next to ours and everybody clambers
out. Caspian’s arm stays around my waist, keeping me firmly
by his side when we’re out of the car.
“Sorry, ladies and gentlemen, it’s not the Royal Private jet...had
to charter the jet last minute. I hope it’s to your satisfaction,”
announces Darius. He’s holding a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc in
one hand while his other arm is wrapped around Penny’s
“If it’s not, then tough!” adds Penny giggling as the bunch of us
make a short walk to the plane. “You,” She points to Caspian.
“Your Royal Highness, deal with it!” Oh boy, I hope they’re not
I think the people in other SUVs were having a better time than
we did during the drive here. Everyone else seems to be in a
good mood.
Helen sashays past us with the swing of her hips. She flashes
Caspian her irritating smile like they’re sharing a secret and I
want to kick her teeth in.
I scowl up at him but he seems to be immune to my death
glares. He ushers me up the plane with his hand firmly
gripping my side.
I’m so mad right now, I could scream. But I don’t want to
create a scene, especially if that Helen Rabbit Whatsit is
Caspian steers me into a seat by the window, facing the front,
away from everybody else. He buckles me up before he settles
in the seat next to me.
Not long after we take off, he undoes his seatbelt and promptly
disappears into the cockpit, probably to talk to the Captain and
the co-pilot who had introduced themselves to us before we
took off.
I undo my own seatbelt and venture to the back where
everyone is sitting in the lounge area.
There’s a bar at the back of the plane, complete with a
bartender mixing the drinks.
I think the men, including Gideon Archer, are starting a game
of poker not too far from the bar. Serena is sitting on Lazarus’s
lap. I’m not sure if she’s acting as his good luck charm or she’s
actually playing.
“Hey, Quincy! Come, sit with us,” says Genesis, patting a space
on a sofa between her and Penny.
As soon as I sit down, I regret it because I’m facing Helen who’s
sitting on the sofa opposite ours. She’s sipping her drinks
quietly by herself, looking bored but the moment she sees me,
she perks up. A slow calculating smile is forming on her bright
red lips.
“Where’s Prince Caspian?” she asks. “Isn’t he going to join us?”
She doesn’t wait for the answer. She puts he glass down and
struts to the front of the plane like she owns it and immediately
disappears inside the cockpit.
Both Genesis and Penny are staring after her with narrowed
eyes. Then both of them turn to look at me when I sprint up
from my seat. After a second, I sit back down and fold my arms
over my chest defensively. My jaw feels stiff from grinding my
molars together.
My first instinct was to go after her and beat her *ss for trying
to go after my man. But then my pride holds me back.
If he wants Helen, then he can have her. If he really wants me,
he’s going to have to prove himself. I shouldn’t have to fight
other women for him.
Personally, I always believe that no woman should have to
guard her man from other women 24/7. That would be too
exhausting. If he loved her, respected her, and valued what
they have, then he would not hurt her and break her by
messing with other people.
Both of them look at each other and Penny stiffly picks up her
drinks from the table beside her. She looks pissed off. I think
she’d rather do some nut kicking.
“What’s your poison?” Genesis asks me, trying to sound
cheerful. “Carlos is marvelous. He can mix anything.” She tilts
her head towards the bartender who winks at us.
I study the drink she has in her hand and Penny chimes in,
“Genesis is having a Redheaded Slut, totally cliché if you asked
“Well, nobody asked you,” sasses Genesis. “What’s so cliché
about a redhead drinking a Redheaded Slut? We’re meant to be
and it’s delicious!”
Penny rolls her eyes but she’s smiling mischievously. “I’m
having Sex with the Captain.”
“You’d better not be,” warns a deep voice from the back.
Penny giggles into her glass. “Order up, Buttercup!” she says to
me. “Let’s see, there’s Bushwacker, Legspreader, Pop my
cherry, Hoochie mama, Dirty monkey, Fuzzy balls, Death by
sex, Slippery nipple, Tie me to the bedpost, Sex on the---”
“She’s not having any of those,” growls Caspian. He slips his
hands under my elbows and pulls me to my feet.
Instead of being annoyed by his interruption, both Penny and
Genesis look pleased.
“See you later, little devil.” Constantine raises his drink and
winks at me as I’m being pulled away by Caspian. Lazarus also
raises his glass. The rest of them look at us with amusement
while Penny and Genesis laugh. Little devil?
“I’m tired of you manhandling me,” I tell him. He just ignores
me as he drags me back to our seats. He lowers his tall frame
into the seat by the window where I was sitting before and pulls
me into his lap.
I know he’s still very pissed off over something. I feel the heat
of his anger in waves and I try not to let it intimidate me. He
won’t hurt me. Would he?
I try to free myself but his arms cage me in, so I sit stiffly with
my arm folded over my chest. After a while, I start to get tired
of sitting like that, my arms and my neck feel stiff. Eventually, I
let myself fall into his embrace. He lowers our seat into a
reclining position and adjusts my body so that I’m lying more
comfortably on top of him.
“I’m not yours,” I mutter against his chest.
“You keep telling yourself that, Princess,” he says through
gritted teeth as he pulls me closer into his body. He brings his
hand up underneath my knitted sweater to spread over my
back as if to prove a point. The tip of his finger slipped just
underneath the lacy edge of my bra. The feel of his warm hand
on my bare skin sends chills all over my body and I shiver in
response. I can’t stop my reaction to him. I hate how I have no
control over my own body. He owns me. Completely. We both
know it.
Wordlessly, he lies his head back on the headrest and closes his
After a while, his breathing becomes deep and even. His chest
rising and falling steadily underneath my cheek.
The noise inside the cabin has died down. Everybody has
stopped talking a while ago. Everything is quiet except for the
steady drone of the engine.
I lie still, listening to the beat of his heart. I peek up to look at
him. He looks so young and harmless in his sleep. His hair is
the color of spun gold. It’s messy now. A few locks fall across
his prominent eyebrows and my fingers itch to touch it, to
sweep it off his forehead, to run it through my fingers. His
thick golden eyelashes are resting against the top of his high
cheekbones. There’s a light dusting of hair now over his sharp
jawline. My eyes trace his pink lips. The lower part fuller than
the top. They are sharply carved but I know how soft they can
be. How good they feel against mine.
He’s so beautiful. So much prettier than I am. I sigh and settle
my head gently on his chest.
I bring my hand up and trace across his chest with my finger.
QUINCY. I write my name over where his heart is beating. I
write it so that his heart feels it and beats it. I write it over and
over again so he won’t ever forget me. I LOVE YOU.
His fingers dig sharply into my hip and I stop moving. I stop
breathing. But then he relaxes again so I let my breath out and
close my eyes. Soon I let my finger move across his chest again,
slowly. I let it write things that I don’t dare tell him when he’s
*Another update this week. It's not too short because I
don't know when to stop when I have the time to write.
I hope you like it.
I hope to update on Tuesday, but if it's not here by
then, know that I'm safe but I've been kidnapped by
some meddling people to spend some time in the
wilderness. If that happens, I'll try my best to claw my
way back to civilization by Thursday and update!
Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the outdoors
before it gets too cold, everybody!
Chapter 35 - An Angry Prince
We get off the plane to a balmy Californian weather. Much
warmer than the freezing one we left behind even though it’s
already after 11 pm here.
There are limos already waiting for us just outside when we
walk out of the airport lounge. I watch as the last of our bag is
being stowed away in the trunk before the driver opens the
door for us. In the lounge, we had people who literally bowed
to us and jumped to do our bidding.
“Is this how they usually travel?” whispers Jorden in my ear as
we watch Gideon Archer and Helen whatsit walk to one of the
cars that will be taking them to their hotel. Gideon gives me a
quick glance before he ducks his head down to get into the car.
I only have time to shrug my shoulders and about to lift my
hand up to wave to Gideon before Caspian shoves me ahead of
him to get into our car. One look at his tight, cold expression
and I let myself being ushered in without a word.
Just like that. Just one look from Gideon and suddenly the
dark ominous angry energy that had somewhat eased up when
we exit the plane is now back. It’s simmering just underneath
that sophisticated veneer. It makes him seem dangerous, wild,
and ruthless. It reminds me once again of what he is.
So far he hasn’t let me out of his sight or his reach. He’s
constantly touching me or holding me close. My body is like a
live wire from his touch. The air between us crackles with the
“You’ve earned yourself a few spankings for what you said and
did back at the hotel and just now, Princess,” he murmurs in
my ear once we’re seated in the limo.
“What?” I try to crawl over him to get out but his long, strong
fingers curl into my hips and pull me back down. “But...but...I
didn’t do...”
Jorden climbs in the car right at that moment, preventing me
from saying anything or trying to escape. He is followed by
I so did not deserve a spanking! Or several spankings.
The way he’s looking at me is making my stomach doing some
serious somersault and my heart galloping in my chest.
Something wicked, bitter, and cruel flash in his green eyes as
he casually wraps an arm around my shoulders and places a
possessive hand on my knee. When he turns to face my
cousins, his smile is open and friendly.
Jorden and Jonah are sitting on the seat facing us. My 5′8"
frame suddenly feels very tiny being surrounded by three big,
tall men in the confinement of a car.
“So, you are going to drop us off at Jonah’s first, right?” I ask
him hopefully as the car pulls away from the airport.
“No,” he answers firmly. “You are staying with me from now
“What?” No no no...this is not good.
“Guess what, Q? I’ll be staying with you too,” says Jorden
cheerfully, oblivious to my anxiety and Caspian’s dark mood.
“At least for now.”
“Yes, and Jonah is welcomed to stay too if he wants,” Caspian
adds with a guileless and charming looking smile.
My mind is reeling right now. When has this been decided?
“Thank you for your offer but I have a home to go back to,” says
Jonah. “But I do agree that Jorden should stay with you. At
least until I figure out our living arrangement, otherwise, he’s
going to have to sleep on the sofa.”
“I think I’d better go home too,” I quickly chime in. My voice
sounds more like a squeak.
Three pairs of eyes are suddenly trained on me.
“Sweetheart, your home is where I am,” Caspian says sweetly.
His hand on my shoulder tightens in warning.
“He’s right, Q. you’re his mate. You should’ve moved in with
him the moment you knew that. I thought Nana taught you all
these things,” says Jorden.
Nana was always telling me things but I never paid much
attention when it’s about mates. There are archaic rules
concerning mates that would make every feminist in the
human world go berserk. Since I’m a human, the most normal
there is, these rules don’t apply to me, do they?
Caspian turns his body to face me so that both my cousins can’t
see his expression. His smile is wicked and dangerous, and far
from innocent. Ok, so those feminists don’t have to deal with a
possessive lycan prince.
“Did you hear that, sweetheart? You should have moved in with
me a while ago.” His green eyes glitter dangerously underneath
his eyelids. He’s looking at me like a predator eyeing its prey he
has cornered into a trap. “I’ve been much too generous and
accommodating with you, sweetheart. I let you run free around
other men when you should be with me. Only with me.” His
voice sounds playful and teasing but I can only hear the
“We also think that it’s much safer for you to be with Prince
Caspian,” adds Jonah.
Right now I don’t feel safe. I feel like an endangered species.
“But I...”
“We don’t know how far the news that the prince has found his
future queen has spread,” agrees Jorden. “There are people
who are looking for you now, Q. They might even be more
dangerous than Loup Noir Pack.” Are they even more
dangerous than an angry prince? “Besides, we’d sleep much
better if we know that you’re safe.”
“Oh, she’ll be very safe with me,” assures Caspian. His thumb is
drawing circles on my shoulder. My heart is stuttering in my
There’s something bordering on violence just underneath the
pleasant smile and charming exterior. It’s feral and possessive.
Am I the only one who can see it?
“I appreciate that you’re letting me stay with you, Prince
Caspian,” says Jorden. It’s clear from the look in his eyes that
he thinks the sun, the moon, and the stars revolve around the
“Don’t mention it. We’re family now. You’re welcome to stay
with us as long as you like. There are plenty of rooms,” Caspian
announces. “Get ready for another round of poker with the
guys, though. I think Lazarus would like to win his money
back,” he adds.
“That was just a beginner’s luck,” Jorden replies.
“We’ll see how your luck will hold tonight,” Caspian tells
Jorden. “The driver will take you back whenever you’re ready,
no matter how late,” he informs Jonah who is probably staying
for the game as well.
They continue talking as if I wasn’t there. They sound like old
friends. Am I missing something here? Since when did they get
so chummy? I remember just yesterday morning that Caspian
and Jonah were glaring at each other like little kids fighting
over an ice-cream cone. Men are so confusing.
I turn my head to look at the lights, the trees, the buildings, the
cars, and the people that we passed. I’m not really listening to
their conversation. I’m listening to the tell in his voice. He’s
growing restless. It’s there in the possessive way his fingers are
kneading my shoulder and the way he’s tapping my knee.
Once in a while, I steal a glance to find his green eyes already
watching me. Lust and anger swirling in the heated stare.
There’s a small part of me that’s still scared at the thought of
being in his world but the thought of not having him in my life
is unbearable.
I want him. I want his passion and I want his anger. I want the
silly, charming side of him and I want the cold, wild, and
dangerous side of him. His fire and passion scare me and thrill
I’m addicted. I crave his touch and his presence even when he’s
raging mad at me and I don’t know what to expect from him
like the way he is right now.
The traffic isn’t bad and we reach the house in just over half an
hour. The car goes through a brightly lit driveway that leads to
a mansion. Everything around it: the grass, the palm trees, the
hedges, and the flowers are very well tended.
I’ve seen this place briefly from the street when Caspian took
me up into the woods up on that little hill not far from here a
few weeks ago. Up close, it’s even more beautiful and
impressive. Even Jorden and Jonah seem impressed as we
stare around us after we climb out of the car. The warm glow of
lights greets us through big glass windows of the three-story,
white stuccoed structure. I can smell the ocean from here.
I don’t get much time to appreciate the view, though. Caspian
steers me through big doors that open up to an equally
impressive interior. He sweeps me through the house where I
only manage to catch a quick glimpse of a huge high-ceilinged
open space, a gleaming tile floor, and glittering chandeliers.
“Where are you going? Aren’t you going to join us for a game of
poker?” asks Constantine from behind us. He sounds amused.
Caspian doesn’t even answer him. He just stops long enough at
the bottom of a grand staircase to pick me up.
“Caspian, where are we going? Put me down.” I struggle in his
arms and he puts me down when we reach the top floor. The
whole floor is very quiet and is bathed in a dim light.
“Where are we going, Caspian?” I ask as I break away from his
grasp when he ushers me down the hall.
“To my room,” he answers.
“No, we’re not going to your room.” I move backward quickly,
trying to put some space between us.
“Fine by me,” he says with a wolfish smile, showing me his
white teeth and canines.
I keep moving backward, watching him warily as he keeps
advancing towards me unhurriedly.
“I want to go back downstairs,” I tell him.
“Not yet.” He pushes me back and suddenly I find myself lying
on a deep white couch. He’s on top of me in a flash. His weight
is pinning me down into the soft cushions.
I gulp nervously. My heart is galloping in my chest.
“Quincy...my Quincy,” he murmurs as he runs a finger down
my cheek. “I’m furious with you yet I crave you. I crave you to
the point of obsession. What have you done to me, Quincy St
Martin?” he growls before he buries his face into the curve of
my neck. His whole body is covering mine, charging every
neurons and nerve endings in my body with electricity.
I grab a handful of his silky hair and pull. He lifts his head up a
fraction and I gasp at the wild and hungry look on his
expression. His eyes are dark and his canines are long and
gleaming in the glow of the dim light.
His fingers grip the nape of my neck. “What does love mean to
you, my love? Does it mean the same to you as it means to
“If only you feel half the feeling I have for you, you wouldn’t
want those other men. I would have been enough for you.”
“Caspian, listen...”
“Shhhh...my love, I think I know what I have to do,” he says,
bringing his warm lips down to my neck again while his hand is
holding my head still.
He rains hungry, wet open mouth kisses down my neck that
send shivers down my spine. That actually feels so good. So
very good. I close my eyes and a loud moaning sound coming
out of my mouth. He nibbles and sucks at the skin of my
shoulder before his silky tongue laps at it. His hands are
tracing the curves of my breasts, my waist, and my thighs, then
back up again to slip underneath my sweater. I can only hear
the thundering of our heartbeats together and our labored
“Caspian..” I moan as I wrap my arms and legs around him. I
want him. I want him in me.
Suddenly he’s tensed above me. I stop moving under him to
listen to footsteps coming from another room. He lifts his face
up to sniff the air and suddenly he jumps up. His eyes darken.
Rage and fury coming out of him in waves.
I scramble to my feet when I see a woman coming out of
another room...probably a bedroom. Her hair is tousled from
sleep. Her eyes are big with shock as she stares at us. Her tiny
slip of a lingerie is see-through.
I can smell her now. Sweet and flowery. A lycan. I could’ve
smelled her before if I wasn’t so preoccupied with Caspian.
*Okay, sorry, I’m not feeling very well. No wilderness
or anything like that. Just been sick since Monday. I
wouldn’t be surprised if this chapter didn’t make
much sense. Will write more when I’m feeling better.
Stay healthy everybody!
Chapter 36 - A Message From The Queen
“What are you doing here?” he growls. The lust and hunger in
his expression less than a second ago are replaced by rage,
turning his eyes dark and cold, and his face menacing. His
body is now in a threatening stance.
The woman shrinks back. “Your mother sent me..” she
whispers almost inaudibly.
With a loud roar, he picks up a side table and sends it flying
across the room. The table shatters into little pieces. There’s a
dent in the wall now.
The woman cowers even more and I hear footsteps running up
the stairs. Very soon, everybody bursts in to stand behind me.
The woman’s big blue eyes are now glistening with unshed
tears and her lips are quivering. “You...You didn’t answer the
conference call, so she sent me h..h..here.” Her gaze travels
over everybody before it is fixed on me. Hurt and anger settle
on her face. It’s evident that she’s still scared, but her jaw sets
on a determined line as she watches me and says, “She sent you
a message. Queen Sophia wants you to mark me before we go
back in a few days or else...”
She doesn’t get to finish delivering the message. A table lamp
smashes into a wall just inches away from her head. She
screams and hides behind the door. “I am never going to mark
you,” he yells before he stalks aggressively and purposely
toward her.
“He’s going to kill her,” whispers Penny, sounding excited. Oh,
god...and I thought I was crazy.
“Caspian,” says Lazarus warningly from right behind me.
Caspian turns his angry gaze on Lazarus. His eyes dark and
wild. They immediately fall on me. Our eyes locked for a long
time. Rage and frustration are visible in every line of his body.
Wordlessly, he darts over to the open balcony door and jumps
I learned that the woman is Lady Celeste. She was sent by his
mother, the Queen herself.
After Caspian left, Lady Celeste was moved into a guest room,
all the way to the other side of the house, on the second level.
Surprisingly, she went meekly without any protest. I guess the
prince’s violent outburst really scared her tonight.
We learned that she arrived around noon today, but her clothes
are already hanging in his closet. One of the maids is now
taking them all off the hangers while another one is collecting
her shoes, make-up, and toiletries, packing them back in her
The woman doesn’t travel light. There are fifteen large bags
and luggage altogether.
In his bedroom, Serena is stripping Caspian’s beddings where
Lady Celeste had slept in earlier.
“There goes thousands of dollars worth of beddings,”
announces Genesis as she watches Serena stuffs the silky
periwinkle blue material into a huge garbage bag.
“Is that really necessary?” asks Jorden who’s been watching
everything in fascination.
I hear Penny and Genesis laugh. “Oh, yeah! Washing the sheet
wouldn’t get the smell off,” answers Penny. “The smell lingers,
for us.”
“This whole floor belongs to the prince. He doesn’t allow many
people up here. If he came back to the smell of Lady Celeste on
his bed sheet, he’ll destroy the whole floor,” adds Genesis.
“He’s been saving this space for his erasthai,” adds Serena,
looking at me. “Everywhere we went, he’s always saving his
space for his princess. No other woman was allowed in his suite
except for us.”
"Are you sure you don’t want any more tea?” asks Serena.
“No, I’m good. Thanks, Serena.” I place my empty cup on the
We’re sitting in the great room on the main floor and I can see
the space more clearly. It’s high ceilinged and open space. It’s
painted in white with splashes of bold colors of hues of reds,
blues, greens and yellows from big original paintings and
furniture. One room flows to the other beautifully. The
decoration is clean lines and modern yet also rich and opulent.
It’s warm, welcoming, and comfortable. The back wall is
dominated by floor to ceiling glass windows. Even from where
I’m sitting, I can see beautifully illuminated two-tiered pools.
The water from the top pool runs down to the second one in a
cascade of a waterfall. The darkened beach is visible in the
There’s only a handful of us left in the great room - Serena,
Lazarus, Genesis, Constantine, and I. Penny, Darius, and
Jorden have gone to bed.
Jonah left not long ago. Before he went, he asked if I wanted to
go home with him but I told him I was going to stay.
I promised Caspian that I won’t run away from him. I’m
keeping my promise. We need to talk and clear things up in
order for us to happen. I wonder where he is right now.
“The housekeeper has put a new bedsheet on the bed. So if you
want to rest, go right ahead,” says Serena.
“This is your home now. Feel free to do whatever you want, Q,”
Genesis announces. She has started calling me Q after she
heard Jorden calling me Q a few times tonight.
“No, I’m just going to take a walk down the beach if that’s
okay.” I feel the need to take a walk and be alone for a bit.
Tonight has been very eventful...in more ways than one.
“Yes, that’s not a problem. It’s mostly private beach, so you’ll
be safe. You won’t see anybody except for maybe our
immediate neighbor if you happen to wander too far to the
South. If you go further, you’ll see the pier. The other side is
mainly rocks,” answers Constantine.
The backyard is brightly lit. The soft and haunting sound of
Serena’s violin follows me as I walk down the stone steps down
to the beach.
The moon is bright and I can see the white sandy beach
stretches for miles. The strong wind brings the briny smell of
the ocean.
Growing up, I always dreamt of living by the beach with my
Nana. I wish Nana could be here now. I wish Nana could’ve
met Caspian and all of his friends. I like them all. I haven’t
known them for too long but somehow I feel close to them
I walk for miles, almost to the pier, then I decided to turn back.
I think it’s way past midnight by the time I reach our beach
again. The house is not as brightly lit but they left some lights
on the main floor on. The sound of the violin has stopped. Only
the sound of the waves lapping the shore accompanies me now.
The night air is getting chilly but I don’t feel like going back
inside yet.
There are a couple of lounge chairs on the beach, so I lie down
on one. I always dream of sleeping with the sound of the ocean.
I lift my head when I hear footsteps approaching. A tall figure
is walking down the stone path. His dark hair glows in the
silvery moonlight. Constantine is making his way toward me.
“Here,” he drapes a cotton wool blanket he’s been carrying over
me. “You’ll need this. It’s getting cold.”
“Thank you,” I tell him, pulling the blanket up to my chin.
He lowers himself on a chair next to mine and stares at the sea
silently. His expression seems thoughtful. We sit like that in a
companionable silence for a long time, just enjoying the wind
and the sound of the ocean.
Finally, he sighs. “He’s in a lot of pressure, you know,” he says.
“But he’s trying hard to hold on to you.
“My cousin is...well, my cousin is a lot of things. He's spoiled.
He’s used to getting his way and he's used to people falling over
backward to please him. He’s impatient, stubborn, rude, a little
childish sometimes, and he’s not used to asking. Whatever he
wants, he simply takes.
“So, thank you for staying. It must have not been easy.” His lips
curl up into a little impish smile. He shakes his head, and says,
“I’m not even sure if he’s worth the trouble.”
I have to smile to that.
Then his face turns serious again. “He never cares about any
woman but he loves you. There’s only a handful of people he
trusts, loves, and lets into his life. To those few that he lets in
though, he’s protective and loyal to a fault.
“It might seem like he doesn’t care but he carries a load on his
shoulders...and he worries. He needs somebody in his corner,”
he says. “He needs you more than he’ll ever let on.”
He straightens up. His handsome face is pensive. I don’t know
what to say, so I just wait for him to go on.
“With you, he’s trying hard to be patient and become a better
man, that’s why you’re not bearing his mark yet. You’re driving
him crazy and we’ve never seen him this way before.” There’s a
hint of a smile on his lips again. “But I think you’re good for
He turns, but before he walks away, he says softly, “You’re
more than worthy of him. We’re glad he found you. Welcome to
the family.”
I blink slowly. The moon is still bright and the stars are still
twinkling in the purplish dark sky. There’s the sound of the
waves hitting the shore and the wind. I’ve fallen asleep out
here, on the beach.
A warm hand is pushing my hair back, brushing against my
cold cheek.
I turn my face up and blink a few more times until his face
comes into focus. His gaze is intent on my face. His tousled
hair is blowing wildly in the wind. His skin is flushed. Half of
his face is covered in stubble. I lift my hand and touch his fuzzy
cheek. The air is cold but his skin is burning hot.
“You’ve been running,” I whisper. My voice is being carried
away by the wind and swallowed by the rolling sound of the
waves but he can hear me.
“Yes,” he says, leaning into my touch.
“Did it help?”
“A little bit. I could still destroy things around me,” he answers
bluntly and sits on the ground beside my lounge chair. He
takes my hand in his and says, “I’m sorry I hurt you.”
“You didn’t hurt me,” I reply. I sit up to face him and plant my
feet on the sand next to his knees.
“But I wanted to mark you when you clearly don’t want me to. I
still want to mark you,” he admits, hanging his head down.
“I do want you to mark me,” I admit. “But it’s a big step,” I
quickly add when he raises his head up in surprise. His
expression, hopeful. “I want to clear a few things up and I want
to know what I’m getting myself into before that happens.”
I can see his eyes light up even in the pale moonlight. He brings
my hand to his lips and kisses the back of it like he’s
worshipping it. “Anything you want, Moya Printsessa. Ask me
anything and I'll answer truthfully.”
“First, I want to know the deal with that woman, Lady Celeste.”
His hand tightens around mine and the set of his jaw tells me
that he’s grinding his teeth. “My parents have been pressuring
me to mark somebody as my mate and take my place as the
king for several decades now.
"My mother, Queen Sophia has her mind set on Lady Celeste,
her best friend’s daughter as my mate for as long as I can
“So, it’s an old story; Queen Sophia and the Royal Advisor keep
pushing me to mate her and I keep running, traveling the
world, in the hope of finding my erasthai, one day,” he
explains, looking at me.
His eyes are so intense. I lower my eyelids to stare at our joined
“You’re never once tempted to mate her?”
“If you’re wondering if I ever touched her or interested in her
that way, then the answer is no. Growing up, she’d always been
a whiny, annoying little kid who followed us around the castle
like a lost puppy. Give her an inch and she’ll take a mile.
"After mother announced that I was to mate her, the more I
couldn’t stand her. Now I can’t stand even the smell of her,” he
“She’s here now...what are you going to do with her?”
He draws a sharp breath. “I don’t know,” he answers
unhappily. “I was supposed to have a conference call with the
King, the Queen, and the Royal Advisor the day I found out you
were missing...but well, I skipped town before the call,” he
smiles. I see the smile doesn’t reach his eyes this time. “I knew
there will be a repercussion for leaving here without honoring
that scheduled conference call but I didn’t think that my
mother would be sending her here with the ultimatum.”
“I’m sorry,” I say, staring down at our linked hands.
“Hey, look at me.” He lifts my chin up so I’m looking back into
his eyes. “None of this is your fault, my love.”
He left without taking the call to save me, so I do still feel sorta
guilty even though I didn’t ask to get kidnapped and taken back
by my old pack.
“Anymore question you would like to ask me, Moya
“What about Helen and all the other women?”
“What about them? I told you they were in the past.”
“But you were alone with that Helen woman...”
“I was never alone with her. We were outside of that hotel with
everybody else waiting for you where she tried to initiate a
conversation with me several times but I ignored her. On the
plane, she came into the cockpit when I was talking with the
captain and I left.
“She’s a manipulative social climber and I wouldn’t touch her
again with a ten feet pole. I don’t understand why Lord Archer
took her as his companion.
“How can I convince you that I don’t want anybody else?
Quincy, I waited for centuries for you. You’re my one chance at
happiness. Why would I mess up my chance? Why would I
waste my time hooking up with some women who don’t matter
to me when I've already found you? I told you what I want and
I don’t have time for games.
"I only want you. You’re more than enough for me but I can’t
say the same about you.” He looks angry again.
“Are you still concerned about Gideon and Oliver?” I ask him.
He doesn’t answer me. He lets go of my hand and turns his face
away. His chest heaves and his eyebrows come down. His lips
form a tight line.
I move to sit on the sand with him, in front of where he’s
facing. As soon as I get into his line of sight, he turns his face
the other way. I try not to smile. My prince is hurt, but he’s way
too adorable.
“Caspian.” I cup his face in my hands, trying to make him look
at me. I sigh when he refuses to turn his head. He’s so
I lift my self up to sit on my knees. We’re almost at eye level
this way.
I wrap my arms around his neck and when he doesn’t push me
away, I kiss his eyebrow. His skin feels warm on my cold lips.
“When I think of you with other men, I feel violent,” he says. “I
want to destroy everything. I want to kill those other men. I
want to hurt you...not physically, but mentally like the way I’m
hurting, yet I can’t stand the thought of you hurting. The
thought of hurting you hurts me even more.
“I want to keep you all to myself because in here...” He taps his
head then slaps his chest. “You’re fvcking mine. Mine. You
belong to me forever. Just me. It hurts that it’s not what you
“Caspian.” I tighten my arms around him and kiss the side of
his face where I can reach him. “That’s what I want. You’re the
only one that I want." I take a deep breath and continues,
"Gideon...” His hands come up to grip my hips like a warning.
“Gideon is loyal to you. I think he’s a good person to keep as a
friend but I don’t want him. He’s not a competition for you. No
man is.
“Oliver is...well...I promise you, you have nothing, I mean
absolutely nothing to worry about Oliver.”
He pulls back to look at me with narrowed eyes. “I heard you
said you can’t imagine life without him.”
“Ha! You’ve been stalking me!” I accuse him. “And
eavesdropping. My Nana said, eavesdroppers never hear any
good of themselves...or about others...or something like that...”
The stare he gives me tells me that he’s not impressed. Well,
then...I guess I can’t put off talking about Oliver any longer.
I clear my throat. “I think I should introduce you to Oliver. But
you have to promise me something.”
“I’m not making any promises I can’t keep. So no, I’m not
promising anything when it comes to your precious Oliver,” he
“Oh, come on...trust me, Oliver is not a competition, like at all!
Please, just promise me that you won’t laugh or make fun of me
when you see him...and ooohhh...don’t tell others about him.”
I could almost see the wheel turning in his head as he keeps
staring at me as if trying to see what’s inside my head.
“Please? Just promise me, no laughing and making fun of me.
Like at all!”
Now he’s looking at me like he’s not sure whether to laugh or to
stay angry.
Finally, he sighs and nods his head. “Okay, I promise,” he says.
His hands that are holding my hips glide around my waist to
pull me closer to him. “But if he proves to be a competition, I’ll
destroy him,” he whispers against my ear. His voice sounds
playful and teasing this time and I melt into his arms. "You are
mine. My Princess."
His lips meet mine. Sweet and gentle. Just as I’m about to
deepen our kiss, he pulls back and lifts me up to lie me down
on the lounge chair. The chair has barely enough room for the
both of us but he climbs in and pulls me snug against him. His
chest to my back. He pulls the blanket over the both of us but I
no longer feel cold. His body shields me from the wind and his
body heat is enough to warm me up.
We lie like that in silence, listening to the wind, the waves, and
each other’s breathing. I feel the rise and fall of his chest
against my back, enjoy the thrill of having his powerful body
against mine. Everything feels right in the world when he’s
holding me like this.
“If I lost my crown...if I lost everything tomorrow, will you still
want me? Will you stay with me?”
There’s something in his voice that makes my heart clenches. I
turn my body to face him. He grabs my waist so that I won’t fall
off the chair.
“Caspian.” I trace a finger over his bottom lip. “I don’t care
about the crown or about anything else. I only want you.
“If we only have the clothes on our backs, we’ll make it work.
I’ll put in a good word for you with my manager and we can
both work at the cafe. We’ll survive on ramen noodles and
sleep on beaches like this and you can keep me warm.”
I feel his lips stretch into a smile before I hear his chuckles.
“It’s us against the world?”
“Us against the world. Forever,” I agree.
“Now tell me that you love me.”
What? I draw in a sharp breath. My heart stops beating for a
beat before it starts galloping in my chest.
He presses his forehead to mine and demands it again, “Tell
me you love me, Princess.”
I take a deep breath and whisper, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
*I decided not to leave you with a cliffhanger this time
=) My next update will be Tuesday again of not sooner.
Have a wonderful week!
Btw, I'm feeling all better now. Thank you for all your
wonderful and thoughtful comments. You are just so
Chapter 37 - A Brotherly Love
The sun is already up in the sky but I don’t feel like getting up
yet. One large hand is on my breast, possessively cupping it,
while another one is spread over my stomach, underneath my
top. Long masculine legs tangled with mine and a big muscular
body against my back, shielding me from the wind. Strong and
The sound of the waves and seagulls lull me back to the edge of
I burrow deeper into his warmth and cover my eyes to keep the
sun out. I draw in a sharp breath when I feel the hand on my
stomach glides lower while another one curls tighter around
my breast.
“You’re awake.” My voice sounds husky and accusing.
I squirm when I feel something hard poking against my lower
back. Even through our clothing, I can feel him.
“In more ways than one.” I hear him mutter before his lips find
the curve of my jaw. “How could I stay asleep when you keep
wiggling and rubbing against me?” His hand kneads me
through my lacy bra. His mouth trails kisses, nibbles, and licks
down my neck like he’s tasting me, bringing a zing of electricity
running through me right to my core. I sigh and tilt my head
back to give his talented mouth more access to my neck. His
mouth latches onto the spot where my shoulder meets my
neck, sucking. I feel his teeth and canines pressing against my
skin. My heart is hammering like crazy in my chest. He’s going
to mark me. I am so ready for this.
A savage growl rumbles through his chest, then in less than a
blink of an eye, he’s gone, taking his warm body, wandering
hands, and his skilled mouth from me, leaving me cold. His
sudden movement almost tips me off the lounger, face planting
myself on the sand.
I groggily twist my body to look at him standing behind me. I’m
dazed and confused. His eyes are dark and savage while his
body is taut like a coiled spring.
“I’m going for a swim in the ocean, care to join me?” He’s
breathing like he just ran a marathon. His canines are still very
“What?” I smooth my hair back from my face, trying to think.
What had just happened?
“Do you want to go for a swim with me?” he repeats his
question slowly.
What the hell? What’s happening? Really? I jump up to my
feet. “What now? Like right now?” I ask him. My brain is
suffering from a whiplash.
“No, next year,” he deadpans.
I’m suddenly pissed off. He stopped making out with me and
possibly marking me to go for a swim? Who does that?
“Smart *ss!” I scowl and punch his arm.
“Your smart*ss,” he says cheekily, rubbing his arm. I am so
confused right now. “Come on, I’m giving you the chance to
ogle at all of this.” He motions toward his body. His annoying
good mood is obviously back.
“No, I don’t want to ogle you, you cocky *ss!” Do you have
someone in this world who makes you feel like hitting them on
the head then hit them some more? Over and over again? Well,
I’m staring at him right now.
“Aaahhh...the sweet names you call me and it’s not even seven
in the morning yet. You are so loving, my love.” He’s grinning
now. A stupid sexy grin that makes you want to smile back even
when you’re pissed off. “I can tell that you’re obsessed with my
*ss too. I don’t blame you. I do have a great *ss.” He makes a
twisting motion around to look at his own butt. “It’s one of my
best assets.”
“Oh, my god! Shut up! Just shut up already!” I wail. How could
he joke like that when he just rejected me? I mean, it feels like
a rejection. One minute he was all over me and I thought he
was going to mark me. Now, he’s standing here making stupid
jokes, like nothing happened. “I want to clock you in the face!”
He grabs my wrist to stop me when I try to stomp back toward
the house.
“Moya Printsessa.” No hint of that impish smile or teasing glint
in his eyes as he stares at me now. “I was close to losing control
just now. You have no idea how much my lycan wants to claim
you, forever,” he explains.
He comes to stand behind me and places his hands on my
shoulders. “Look,” he whispers in my ear. We are both
standing, facing the house now.
From where we are standing, I can see part of the upper level of
the house. Anybody looking out from one of the windows there
or one of the balconies would be able to see us out here.
“I don’t want an audience when I take you, my love. You’re
mine. There are parts of your body that I don’t want anybody
else to touch, even with their eyes.” He kisses the top of my
head before he turns me around to face him.
He leans down so that we’re eye to eye. God, the green of his
eyes is so vivid. So bright. Almost electric green. He takes my
breath away. “I love you,” he says.
“I love you too.”
“You’re blushing.”
“Am not!” I am blushing. I don’t know why my heart stuttered
when I said it and I feel shy so suddenly. “I’m going in for
breakfast. I can smell it from here.” I can, but I’m just saying
that to deflect his attention away from my blushing.
“I can’t believe I just got rejected for food.” He shakes his head
He sits back on the lounger to take off his shoes and socks.
“Oh, we’re going out on a date today,” he says. “Be ready by
I roll my eyes. Of course, he has to tell me instead of asking me.
“My offer still stands. You’re welcome to join me for a swim, or
we can go surfing,” he says, standing up again.
The water looks cold. “Nah, I’m good,” I tell him.
He grabs his shirt from the back and yanks it off over his head
to expose all that magnificent sculptured body. The way he
took off his shirt is just so...sexylike. The muscles bunch and
flex when he moves. A trail of dark blond hair arrows down
from his belly button to disappear under his low hanging jeans.
Then his hands creep up to undo the buttons of his jeans.
“Are you sure you don’t want to ogle my body, babe?” I can tell
from his voice that he’s smirking.
“No, thanks.”
“Okay.” He pulls the jeans down his legs. Such beautiful
legs...and tight sexy ass.
“It’s okay for you to ogle me, you know. I’m all yours.”
I can see the outline of his bulging manhood through his tight
boxers. “I’ll pass,” I tell him, running my tongue over my lower
He growls. “Moya Printsessa...” His voice sounds husky and
rumbles deep from his chest. “The way you’re looking at me
is...” Then he’s gone. I look up just in time to see his powerful
figure breaking the surf before he dives in. The inhuman speed
that he’s moving is telling me how close he was at losing
control. Again.
My mouth stretches into a big grin. Oh, he’s not going to last
too long. It’ll drive him crazy not to mark me soon.
Is it too wrong that I’m enjoying his struggle to be a
gentleman? Waiting is overrated. I make my way back,
humming underneath my breath.
I walk in through the open glass back door where Lady Celeste
is having breakfast. She’s wearing a white, low plunging v-neck
jumpsuit. Her light brown hair is twisted in a bun with a few
curly strands fall around her face and her neck. Her eyes
narrow as she takes in my appearance.
I know, just getting up after spending the whole night on the
beach doesn’t make me look gorgeous and well put together
like she does this morning. But I spent my morning in the arms
of the man I love and I’m feeling great. I can’t stop smiling.
Her nose wrinkled when I take my seat at the table. I know I
smell like I’ve spent a night in Caspian’s arms.
A motherly looking woman with an apron quietly pours coffee
into a mug in front of me. I can tell from her scent that she’s a
I thank her and she smiles before she goes away to come back
with a glass-covered tray of continental breakfast that consists
of delicious looking bread and pastries. On the table, there are
butter, jars of jams, marmalades, and preserves.
A while later, she comes back with a glass of orange juice for
me and I think I’m in love. Umm..not more than I love
Caspian, but close.
I’m aware that Lady Celeste is watching me broodingly. I
decide to ignore her as I pick up a still warm croissant and
break it into pieces. Then I take my time, smothering each
piece with butter.
Almost a full minute goes by before she sighs, leans in and
says, “You know he’s only toying with you, right?”
I dunk a piece of the croissant into my coffee and stuff it into
my mouth. Ummm..so good! I look up and smile innocently
when she wrinkles her nose in disgust.
“You’re just a temporary entertainment,” she declares, then she
sits back to wait for my response. I pick another piece and do
the same thing. Oh, this is heavenly!
I’m a pro at dunking cookies, bread, and pastries into my
coffee. I got the habit from my Nana. Nana blamed it on her
French ancestry.
After a while, she grows irritated by my lack of reaction...or me
dunking croissant into my coffee. I see her huffing and
scowling but trying hard not to scream or something. It’s really
quite amusing. Finally, she leans in and says quietly, “He’ll get
bored with you in no time and comes back to me. He always
does. Besides, he knows that Queen Sophia will only
accept me as his mate. I’m his betrothed. I’ve been groomed to
be his mate for decades.”
I grip my butter knife. I almost feel the stab of the knife in my
heart from that statement. Well, to be completely honest, I
want to stab her with the butter knife.
It’s not her statement about Caspian getting bored with me that
bothers me, but about Queen Sophia not accepting me, and her
being his betrothed.
I think back to his question in the wee hour this morning. What
will happen if he took me as his mate? Would he really lose
everything? Is that his mother’s ultimatum?
I quickly pick a danish and dunk it into my coffee. Nothing is
bothering me. Nothing is bothering me.
Lady Celeste makes a face, looking disturbed by my action.
“What are you, anyway?”
I pretend not to hear her question and keep eating. Then I hear
her talking again, almost to herself. “You can’t be a werewolf or
a human because a lycan can’t fool around with them.”
She’s silent for a while, thinking. It’s nice when she’s silent.
Then she takes a deep breath and scowls. “Right now you only
smell like him.”
This woman really doesn’t know when to stop talking. Oh well,
at least I’m annoying her as much as she’s annoying me.
“I know you couldn’t resist him, his charm, his looks, his title.
It’s not really your fault. I don't blame you. You didn’t stand a
chance, but now that he’s had you, he’s done with you.” Oh, is
she still talking to me? She shakes her head and her eyes are
full of pity for me. “His friends are no better. They’re not very
nice - stuck up and cruel to outsiders. You should leave before
they throw you out. Save whatever dignity you have left. I can
get my driver to send you back to wherever you came from.”
I know she traveled here with a Royal bodyguard who’s also her
personal driver. That’s how she managed to get in through
Lazarus’s security.
“How very nice of you,” I remark with a nod while stuffing my
mouth with more food. “But I live here.”
She draws in a sharp breath at my answer. Her eyes widen and
her nostrils flare. She seems to be at a lost for words, so I flash
her another sweet smile before I bite into the warm flaky
She opens her mouth to say something but closes it quickly
when Serena and Lazarus walk in. “Good morning,” says
Serena cheerfully.
Lazarus looks at me and nods his head. “Had a restful night?”
he asks me. His voice sounds serious but there’s a teasing glint
in his eyes.
“Very,” I answer before I quickly raise the orange juice to my
lips to hide my smirk.
The lady comes back with more food. She also places a carafe of
coffee and more mugs on the table. By now I start to see a halo
around her head and beautiful wings sprouting on her back. I
could marry this woman. “Where have you been all my life?” I
blurt out, staring at her in awe.
Jorden strolls in through the opened glass backdoor. He smiles
as soon as he sees me. “Good morning, everybody,” he says,
taking a seat beside me. He earns a cheerful “good morning”
from Serena and a friendly nod from Lazarus.
“Hey, Q.” He bumps my shoulder. “What’s new?”
“She has a crush on the cook,” deadpans Lazarus.
Jorden frowns and gives me a funny look while Serena laughs.
“Where’d you come from?” I ask Jorden.
“Pool house,” he answers.
“We thought he’d like the privacy of the pool house,” Serena
explains to me, then she turns to Jorden and asks, “How’d you
like it?”
“It’s great! I love it,” says Jorden with a wide grin, showing off
his dimples. I haven’t seen those dimples in a long while.
Looking at him now, I realize how unhappy he was in Loup
Noir Pack. There’s excitement in his eyes now. He looks
relaxed in his white shirt and board shorts. A few top buttons
of his white shirt are undone, showing off a bit of his muscled
Jorden isn’t as big muscled as Lazarus or Darius. He’s lankier
than Caspian and Constantine but he has enough muscles to
impress. He looks like a surfer dude with his long unruly curls.
All he needs now is a surfboard and a bit of suntan. This is
good for him.
“Where’s Prince Caspian?” he asks me.
“Swimming...or surfing,” I reply, sliding my gaze toward Lady
Celeste who remains quiet so far. She’s watching us with
“I can’t wait to go swimming in the ocean,” he says.
I’m glad that Jorden and Caspian get along very well right from
the very beginning because Caspian could be very standoffish
and rude to people he just met. But then again, who doesn’t
like Jorden? He’s truly a good guy. Whoever ends up being his
mate really hits a jackpot.
Everybody else staggers in soon after that, starting with Penny
and Darius, then Genesis and Constantine.
The cook quickly pours some coffee for Genesis who obviously
is not a morning person. Penny scowls as soon as she sees Lady
Celeste at the table. She moodily sits cradling a cow mug in her
hands as soon as the lady fills it up with coffee.
Caspian’s closet is huge! It’s about the size of Jonah’s house.
Everything is neatly organized. Color-coded, even. Lights
turned on as soon as you step in. Each cubicle, shelf and
drawer light up. Then there are his shoes. Oh, my god, his
shoes! Just how many pairs of shoes does one man need?
I find my own clothes and a few new clothes my size already
hanging and folded nicely on one side of the closet. There are a
few pairs of shoes next to my old converse. I have a feeling I
should thank Penny, Genesis, and Serena for this. They’ve also
offered to take me shopping tomorrow.
After the shower, I explore the closet. I have no idea where
Caspian is taking me. It’s already 9:50 am, so finally, I put on a
new pair of blue wash designer jeans, a cute fitted white v neck
top, and a pair of black converse. Jeans never look or feel
better on me.
I spend the next minute brushing my hair while debating
whether my outfit is too casual to wear for a date. I should have
asked him where we’re going.
I feel his presence before I see or hear him.
“You look perfect, Moya Printsessa,” he says. Our eyes meet in
the mirror. It's kinda creepy but also very fascinating how
similar our eye color is. He lifts my hair up before placing his
lips on the side of my neck, never taking his eyes off of me.
We’re dressed almost the same. He’s wearing a pair of blue
wash jeans with a white t-shirt that hugs his body, black biker
boots, and a black leather jacket.
“All you’re missing is this,” he says, draping a black leather
jacket on my shoulders. "We look good together."
Surprisingly, we do. I always thought he's way too good looking
for me. A god among men. Looking at our reflection in the
mirror now, we look like we belong together. How is that
Maybe it's just my wishful thinking because he still looks
inhumanly gorgeous.
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see,” he replies with a wink. He grabs my hand and we
both make our way downstairs.
“Have fun kids!” I hear Constantine yells before we enter the
“Don’t do what we wouldn’t do!” adds his mate, Genesis,
“They’re not going painting, that’s for sure,” mutters Penny.
Darius, Lazarus, and Serena burst out laughing.
“Owwww...Genesis! What the...? What did I do?” I hear Penny
yell a second later.
Caspian chuckles but he doesn’t say a word as he leads me to a
row of motorcycles on one side of the garage.
“Wait! Are we going on one of those?” I ask him, pointing at
the motorbikes.
“Yes,” he says, looking at me with a raised eyebrow. “Problem?”
“Hell no! No problem at all.” I’m practically jumping up and
down like a kid hopped up on a sugar rush. “Let’s go!”
He laughs as he ushers me toward a chrome olive green Harley.
“Harley-Davidson Road King Special,” he says, stroking the
handlebars and touching the leather seat lovingly. “1747 cc
engine, 4 valves. It’s not the fastest bike but---”
“Excuse me,” I interrupt him. “Are you going to start making
love to it, or are you going to take me for a ride on it?”
“I can’t believe you’re jealous of a motorbike,” he says three
hours later when we stop to grab our lunch. He’s grinning
mischievously as he takes off my helmet.
“I can’t believe you name your motorbike, Monique,” I return.
It’s not that I’m jealous of Monique, it’s just that he won’t stop
talking about how great she is. Hmmm...now I’m thinking
about my teddy bear, Oliver.
It’s been so much fun so far. We’ve been cruising around on the
bike for a while. We even stopped by the Santa Monica Pier. I
wanted to eat there but Caspian said we have another plan, so
here we are.
The sign above the restaurant says Jon’s Pizzeria.
“Wait! This is the place where you got our pizza when you took
me up that hill,” I say, gripping his hand.
“Yes, the very same one,” he replies, kissing the back of my
hand before he ushers me through the door.
It’s a very small restaurant with very limited seating. The smell
of pizza makes my mouth water.
“Good afternoon! Nice to see you again,” says a girl behind the
counter, smiling widely at Caspian. She’s about my age, I think.
Her eyes shine brightly when she looks at him. Right now she
doesn’t even seem to notice me.
“Yeah, we’re here to take our order,” replies Caspian, pulling
me to his side.
Her big smile falls as she spots me. “Oh...right,” she says. “I’ll
be right back.” She disappears to the back. Not a minute later,
she’s back with a bag that looks similar to the one Caspian
brought to our outing, up that hill.
Her eyes are going back and forth between Caspian and me
while he is paying the bill. “Is she your sister?” she blurts out
Caspian raises his head from the credit card machine at her
question. He stares at her blankly for a while before a slow
mischievous smile takes over his face. “Why, yes. Yes, she’s my
little sister,” he says, wrapping his arm lightly around my
“Yep, this is my brother,” I say, placing my hand on his chest,
raising myself up on my tiptoes. He turns and meets my lips
with his halfway. He tilts my head and I let him takes over the
kiss, devouring my lips like he’s starving. I open my mouth for
his onslaught, meeting his tongue with mine.
By the time we pull back, we’re both breathing hard, grinning
at each other. We both turn at the same time to look at the girl
who is now staring at us with big shocked eyes and a wide open
“I just love my brother so much, you know,” I explain to her, as
I lean my head on his chest and wrap my arms tighter around
his waist.
Poor girl.
We’re both laughing hard once the door of Jon’s Pizzeria closes
behind us.
“You’re a little devil.” He grins as he installs the food into one
of the panniers.
“So are you...though you’re not so little,” I tell him. “Admit it.
You enjoyed it.”
“Oh, you know I did.”
“Where to, big brother?” I ask him as he secures the helmet
back on my head.
“Up the hill and into the woods,” he answers, giving me a swift
kiss on the lips.
*I'll be doing a bit of changes and editing later. My
next update will be next Tuesday again. Have a
wonderful week, dear readers!
Chapter 38 - Perverted Bugs and Bunnies
We’re back in acres of private land surrounded by trees, up the
little hill again. Sitting at the exact same spot we were before
with a checkered blanket on the ground. We feast on pizza,
mozzarella sticks, eclairs, and pops like the last time. The only
difference is, it’s daytime today so I can see better. The view is
as wonderful from up here. I can see the roofs of the houses
below. I can see their swimming pools and their yards.
“This is a great place to spy on your neighbors,” I tell him as I
get up and walk to the edge of the little drop off to see better.
Somebody’s having a pool party down there while there are a
couple of women sunbathing a few houses away. I’m kinda glad
that we can’t see our house from up here. “Is there anyone
famous living down there?”
He shrugs his shoulders and says, “No idea.” He wipes his
hands with a napkin before he gracefully gets up to stand next
to me. Sometimes I can’t get over how elegantly and beautifully
he moves.
“I’m not a celebrity stalker or anything but wouldn’t it be cool
to know if Henry Cavill or Chris Pine or Chris Evans or Chris
Pratt or Chris Hemsworth lives nearby?”
“Why are they all male actors?” He frowns. “And why are they
all Chris?”
“I did say Henry Cavill,” I reply. “Do you want them to be
Ryans instead? Because Ryan Reynolds and Ryan Gosling are
Canadians, though they might...”
“Sweetheart,” he says warningly.
“Okay, sorry. No Chris or Ryans.” I grin.
He lets out a low threatening growl.
“Okay, fine, you got me. No Henry Cavill either.” Gee...I guess
that’s the end of mine and Henry Cavill’s love affair. He doesn’t
even get to know about it. “I only want Prince Caspian
“That’s the right thing to say,” he says approvingly. A small grin
curves his lips upward. His hands grab the belt loops of my
jeans to playfully tug me against him. “Despite what you think,
I’m not a total pervert. I don’t come up here to spy on my
He sighs and his grin disappears. “When I’m stressed, I
exercise and I train. I always find myself end up here. It helps
me clear my head a bit.”
That reminds me of what Constantine said to me last night. He
carries a load on his shoulders and he worries. It must not be
easy to be a Crown Prince. It must be lonely for him to be
carrying all that weight around while pretending to be happy
and carefree all the time.
“This place is special to you,” I say. “Thank you for bringing me
up here. Twice now.”
“This place is special to me because I brought you here that
night. This is where you saw me as a lycan but you didn’t run.
“Quincy,” he says, going down on his knees in front of me.
“Oh, my god...what are you doing?” I shriek. One hand comes
up to cover my mouth, while another clutches where my heart
is threatening to jump out of my chest. “Caspian?”
There’s a blue velvet ring box in his hand. A glittering purplish
pink stone catches the light, winking from inside it.
“Moya Printsessa, Moya Dusha (my soul), my love. You saw me
that night, the true me, an ugly, terrifying monster that I am
yet you stayed. You accepted me as I am right here, at this very
spot. So I wonder if you would make me the happiest man by
taking me just as I am. Right here.”
Oh my God! My heart is going crazy, it’s hard to breathe.
He continues, “I’ve been dreaming and searching for you for
centuries. The day that I finally found you was the best day of
my life. The more I get to know you, the deeper I fall for you.
You are my dream girl and more. Now that I know how it feels
like to have my soul complete, I can’t go back to living without
my other half. I’d give up everything in this world for you.
Nothing matters without you. Not my crown, not my life.
“Quincy St Martin, will you be mine? Will you be my friend, my
lover, my wife, my mate, and my partner in crime for life?”
Oh, my god! He’s staring up at me with a beautiful smile on his
lips and that hopeful look in his eyes. I should say something.
Say something.
I want to answer him but something is lodged in my throat.
He lifts an eyebrow up, still waiting patiently. “My love?”
Stupid me. I burst into tears. Not a delicate, dainty, and pretty
kind of crying either. Massive sobs burst out of my chest and
big fat tears flow out of my eyes like a torrent of rain.
He immediately stands up with an alarmed look on his face.
“How much did I mess that up?” he asks. His question brings
out another big loud sob and he visibly winces.
I shake my head and bury my face into his chest. “You didn’t
mess it up,” I choke out. My voice is muffled into his shirt.
“Okaay...” he says, sounding confused but his hands come up to
stroke my back soothingly. “Uh...what are the chances of you
saying yes?”
I lift my face up. “Yes! Yes! Yes, I’ll be your friend, your lover,
your wife, your mate, the Harley to your Joker... your
everything you want me to be. I’d be your pretend sister, even-”
He cuts my rambling by planting a kiss on my mouth. The kiss
is brief, yet so possessive and demanding.
“Why are you crying then?” he asks.
“I’m just so happy,” I croak.
He smiles and presses our forehead together while his thumbs
wipe my wet cheeks. “I thought I messed it up.
“Genesis suggested that I hire clowns and lots of food to help
me propose while Penny suggested fireworks and hot air
balloons, Serena said candles, lots of candles and rose petals
but I know that you prefer something simple rather than
anything elaborate so...was that okay for you?”
“Okay?” I ask him. He did this to make me happy. He’s right, I
don’t want anything fancy. How does he know me so well?
I’ve always dreamed of something like this; just the man I love,
asking for my hand in the sincerest and simplest way. I
couldn’t ask for anything sweeter. “This is what I always
dreamed of. Only better!” I fling my arms around his neck after
he slips the ring into my finger. “I can’t believe it. I’m
engaged! We’re engaged! I have a fiancé!”
He wraps his arms around my waist and swings me around.
His head is thrown back as he laughs. The sound of his
laughter is beautiful. Carefree and joyful. Blissfully happy.
He looks so sexy when he laughs like that. His mouth, his
chin...the way his Adam apple bobs, the curve of his throat. If I
wasn’t already in love with him, I would’ve fallen in love with
him now. Right at this moment.
When his laughter subsides, I say, “You proposed like
“Since you consider yourself a “normal” human, I thought
you’d like it if I propose to you like the way most “normal”
humans do,” he replies. His brilliant green eyes are bright and
his lips curl up sexily.
The air around us suddenly feels heavy. “I always fancied the
idea of being somebody’s fiancée,” I tell him, unable to take my
eyes off of him.
“Now you’re my fiancée,” he says. The air around us has
definitely changed. A fire blazes in his eyes. His Adam apple
moves again when he swallows like he’s nervous. I want to put
my mouth on his throat and have a taste.
Before I lose control and lick his throat or something, I look
down to study the ring that he slipped into the fourth finger on
my left hand.
“It’s a purple-pink diamond because I know you love purple,”
he says. His voice sounds husky.
It’s absolutely gorgeous! The big Princess cut center stone is
brilliant purplish pink in color. It is surrounded by two rounds
of smaller sparkly white diamonds. I’ve never seen anything
like it.
“It’s absolutely beautiful,” I breathe.
“Not as beautiful as you.”
“Cheesy,” I say, trying to lighten up the tension. But it doesn’t
go away. The crackles of energy between us cling in the air.
I look up again and we stare at each other for what seems like
an eternity.
Something flickers in his eyes as if he comes to a decision. His
hands come up to span my waist to slowly pull me closer to
He leans down to press a kiss just below my ear. I shiver at the
feeling of his lips against my skin.
“This place is private,” he whispers. “How do you feel like being
mated here, under the sky, among the trees. In nature.”
“I’m shy of bunnies and bugs,” I tell him.
“Is that so?” He raises his face. His voice is light and playful but
eyes are heated. His lips are hovering just a few inches from
mine. The air around us is thick and charged.
“Yes, they might be peeping and I’m a shy girl,” I whisper. Our
breaths mingle together. He leans in closer still and my lips
tingle just from the feel of his breath on me and the
“Those pesky, pervy bunnies and bugs,” he whispers back. His
warm breath fans against my lips. “How dare them
cockblocking me.”
My lips quirk. He says the damnedest things. “Yeah, how dare
them,” I whisper against his lips just before they cover mine.
As soon as our lips touch, heat explodes through me. His arms
circle my waist, pulling me flush against him. My arms go
around his neck. My fingers tangle in his silky golden hair and
tug, trying to get closer. My heart feels like it’s about to explode
it my chest.
He groans and his lips grow more urgent. His tongue traces the
seam of my lips before it finds entrance into my mouth. Our
tongues tangle and dances together. Teasing, tasting each
other. Oh God, he tastes so good.
He nips and sucks on my lower lip, making me moan softly into
his mouth. Caspian...
He draws back, ripping his mouth off me and I let out a sound
of protest. We’re both breathing hard. I can hear the rapid
beating of his heart along with my own. His eyes are intense,
smoldering, focused only on me.
Then he bends down just to grasp my butt and lifts me up. My
hands automatically cling tighter to his shoulders and my legs
wrap themselves around his hips.
He carries me to the blanket and I’m too mesmerized by the
fire in his eyes to look at anything else.
He slides me down on my feet and says. “There’s no going back.
This is going to be forever. Tell me you’re ready to be mine,
Moya Printsessa. Mine and only mine.”
“I’m ready to be yours. Only yours,” I tell him. “Forever.”
His eyes glitter, his jaw tightens, and his nostrils flare at my
He takes a step back. “Take off your clothes,” he growls in a
way that allows no disobedience. Very much like a king
delivering a command. It reminds me that he’s not a regular
man. He’s a powerful lycan. A future king. I find his bossiness
to be such a turn on.
I pull shoes and my socks off. Then I take my shirt off. I look up
at him before I undo the button of my jeans. I pull the zipper
down while watching his eyes following my every movement.
His eyes flare and his jaw clenches as I wiggle my pants down
my legs. I decided that I like watching him watching me.
I am now in my matching cream silk lacy underwear, standing
there staring at him.
“I said take off all of your clothes. All of it,” he commands. So
bossy. I like it.
It might seem like he’s in control, giving me instructions, but I
feel powerful. His body is taut. His nostrils flare as he can smell
how wet I am for him already. Holding back is a torture for
I unclasp my bra and slowly let it falls to the ground. I can see
his chest rising and falling fast. His eyes are now dark and wild
with hunger as they roam my figure.
I slip my fingers into the waistband of my panties before
sliding it slowly down my legs. I kick it off to the side and stand
in front of him.
He stares at me for the longest time. Hungrily devouring me
with his eyes.
“Now lie down on the blanket,” he says, finally. His voice
sounds gruff and his hands are in tight fists.
I quietly lie down and he comes over, nudging my legs apart to
sit on his knees between them.
His eyes are heavy-lidded. They glitter underneath his golden
eyelashes. Watching me contemplatively.
His face assumes that imperious quality. Arrogant and
“So beautiful, and all mine,” he murmurs.
He watches me like a predator who finally has his prey in his
grasp, ready to feast but every part looks delectable that he
doesn’t know where to start.
His hand trembles as he skims it down between my breast, over
my ribcage, my taut stomach, and rubbing softly over my heat.
I moan and arch my body upward to get closer to his teasing
I think my moan breaks his control. In a heartbeat, he’s on top
of me. His lips are devouring mine, hot and demanding. His
hands move to stroke my bare skin. His groin is grinding into
me. “I want to take my time,” he growls into my mouth. “But I
can’t do slow. Not now. I need you.” His voice is raw with
“Next time,” I tell him as I help pull his jacket off. I don’t want
slow now. I’m desperate for him. I’ve never wanted anything
more than I want him right now. Together, we frantically pull
his boots, pants, and shirt off. I think we ripped his shirt right
in the middle.
“Mine...” he mouths against my skin as he moves his mouth
over my breast hungrily, kissing, nipping, licking, and sucking.
His breathing is ragged.
His warm powerful hands are all over me. His masculine smell
is so addictive.
We attack each other with our hands, lips, tongue, and teeth.
In the end, I’m so slick and ready for him. He braces his hand
on each side of me and watches me when he finally enters me.
His expression is fierce and his eyes are completely black. Dark
veins are visible across his face. His canines are out. He’s only
half human and completely sexy.
I realize then that my canines are also extended. That
slumbering part of me is now fully awake and ready. I feel
every inch of him inside. I only manage to cling to his broad
shoulders as he rocks us both. The fire explodes into an
I hear his growl before his teeth and canines sink into my
shoulder. I scream and sink my own teeth and sharp canines
into his. Pain and raw pleasure. Our bond seeps deep into my
blood and my bones. My world erupts in a colorful explosion
where nothing else exists. Just him and me. I hear nothing but
our hearts beating in tandem with each other. I feel nothing
but his presence, inside and around me. He’s in my
consciousness. In every breath that I take. He’s in my soul. It
feels like coming home.
My eyelids feel heavy. This is more than intimacy, it’s...I yawn.
Maybe if I just close my eyes. Just for a minute.
I wake up gentle kisses along my collarbone, going lower. He
crawls up to grin wickedly into my eyes when he knows I’m
awake. I can’t help but grin back. The feeling of happiness and
love coming from him make me feel euphoric.
We make love again. This time a lot slower. He works his way
slowly down my body. His hands blazing a trail for his mouth
and tongue to follow. We take our time to worship every inch of
each other’s body. I’ve never felt closer to anyone. Our souls
are so tightly winded together, ripping us apart would destroy
us both.
It’s after 5 pm by the time we arrive back. Serena, Genesis,
Constantine, Darius, and Lazarus are there. Serena, Penny, and
Genesis attack us with hugs as soon as we open the front door.
I wonder if they’ve been waiting to ambush us with those hugs
all day.
The men give Caspian manly hugs along with congratulatory
pats on his back. Lazarus breaks open a bottle of Château
Cheval Blanc from their cellar, while the girls continue to
admire my engagement ring.
“Hey, since you’re engaged, why don’t you guys get married?”
suggests Genesis.
“It’s not like you need to since you’re fully mated and marked
but it’ll be so much fun to plan a wedding,” agrees Serena.
“Why plan a wedding? Let us all go to Vegas,” says Penny. “You
can get married in one of those little chapels by a fake Elvis.”
I study their excited faces. I’ve never been to Vegas. “I don’t
know about being married by Elvis, but Vegas actually sounds
like fun.”
The girls squeal excitedly then they start chattering about the
wedding dress and the fun stuff that we could do while we’re
“Sweetheart, we’d better go upstairs and get cleaned up before
dinner,” says Caspian. The fire in his eyes when he locks eyes
with me and the hunger that I sense coming from him tells me
clearly that we’d be doing more than cleaning up when we get
“Ooohh...look at you, being romantic and stuff,” teases Genesis,
grinning mischievously at him. “Besides, dinner is not for
another hour.”
“Shut up, Red,” he says. His answering grin is equally
mischievous. “Don’t you have a painting session or something
to do with my cousin?”
That earns snickers from the others, while Genesis’s cheeks
turn a shade red.
“Your commitment to art is very admirable,” I tell Genesis
earnestly. At her raise of an eyebrow, I elaborate, “Your passion
for art, you know, to be constantly painting. Night and day.
Penny lets out a loud snort and Constantine starts coughing
while the others burst out laughing. Genesis gives me a wideeyed stare. Her cheeks turn even a brighter red.
“What? Did I say something wrong?” I look at Caspian for help.
He’s biting his lower lip but his shoulders are shaking. He
steers me toward the stairs while the others are still laughing.
“Honestly, I support great artwork. I’d love to see her painting
one day.”
He lets out a funny noise. For a second there, I thought he was
chocking. When he recovers, he hollers, “Oh, Red, we’d like to
see your painting one day!” I watch Penny rolling on the floor.
“Come on my love, let’s go upstairs.”
“Actually, you go right up first. I need to see my cousin about
something,” I tell him, still baffled by the whole situation.
“Okay, don’t be long.” He drops a kiss on my lips. That little
kiss heats up my blood all the way down to my toes. The husky
intimate sound of his voice promises all sorts of naughty. I
almost cancel my plan to see Jorden. I am addicted to him. I’m
so in trouble.
I walk around the pool to get to the pool house. It’s a small
white building facing a giant in-ground hot tub. I’ve never set
foot in the pool house before.
There are two doors. One is a storage area where they store the
equipment for the pool while another is a living space and
changing area. I rap on door number two until I hear
movement inside.
“Hey J, watcha up to?” I ask Jorden as I shoulder my way in as
soon as he opens the door. His eyes are dazed and his hair all
mused up. It looks like I just woke him up from a nap.
“I fell asleep while watching a movie,” he says, yawning.
“This place is sweet,” I comment, looking around.
It’s a nice space with a living area, a bedroom, and a bathroom.
The deco is almost like a replicate of the main house on a much
smaller scale. There’s a cluster of chairs and a sofa facing a big
screen tv in the living room. The closing credit of a movie is
rolling on the giant screen.
I lift my nose up and take a deep breath as I walk further
inside. I sniff again. I smell Jorden and another faint scent that
I come to recognize and dislike. Sweet and flowery.
My eyes snap to Jorden’s. “What was she doing here?”
Jorden looks surprised. I guess he’s not used to me being able
to smell even the faintest of scent. As soon as he recovers, he
answers, “Q...nobody else talks to her and she was feeling
“So, you have to entertain her?” I don’t know why, but it feels
like Jorden is betraying me just by talking to her. He’s my
cousin. My family. He’s not supposed to talk to my enemy.
“Come on, Q. We were just watching a movie together.”
How cozy. “Okay, I’m here to get my backpack and Oliver,” I
tell him and snap my mouth shut.
“Quincy,” he says. He’s being serious when he says my name
like that but I’m not in a mood to talk.
I’d say things I might regret later if I open my big mouth right
now. Things like, Lady Celeste is Satan incarnate and I want to
stab her with the pointy end of her own tail and stick her on the
pitchfork and roast her like a marshmallow over an open fire
until she’s a charred, unrecognizable chunk.
After a long silence, he sighs and leaves me to get my backpack
from his room. When he comes back. he silently hands it to me.
Then he stands there, still waiting for me to say something.
“Thanks.” My voice is curt. He shakes his head like he’s
disappointed in me. Whatever. It’s just so typical of Jorden to
be nice to everybody.
I walk out without another word. Maybe when I’m not feeling
as pissed, I could see him being nice to everybody as a positive
trait. Right now it sucks.
Her scent fills my nostrils again when I ascend the stairs to our
suite. I slow my steps as I approach the top stairs when I hear
voices in our room. Lady Celeste’s voice carries through the air.
*3667 words. Sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger...and
my smut scene...sheesh, my smut scene. Me= red face.
I’m going to be in NYC, so I’m not sure if I can update
next week. I’ll try my best to update if I’m not stuck all
week there. Anybody else is going to be at Wattcon
next weekend?
Chapter 39 - A Normal Human, Not
“It is expected of us, Your Highness. It’s your duty.” Lady
Celeste’s voice sounds half pleading. “Your mother expects us
to be mated before we go back and they expect us to be back
soon. You have to do this for our kind.”
“I don’t have to do anything. In case I haven’t been clear
enough all these years, Celeste, listen to this, and listen well - I
will never make you my mate. Now get out!” His voice is loud
enough that I’m sure that every werewolf and every lycan in the
vicinity are able to hear him.
“Why do you hate me so? Am I not beautiful enough for you?”
She asks him. “Is it that new woman downstairs? You had your
fun with her, now it’s time to get rid of her like you did others.
She’s nothing but a lowly commoner--- ”
“Enough!” Caspian snarls. “Watch what you say about her.”
“I’m sorry, Your Highness,” she says quickly. “I didn’t mean to
anger you but I’m just reminding you of your obligation as the
Crown Prince---”
“Again, you’re forgetting your place. I don’t need a reminder
from you!”
“Please, Prince Caspian, give me a chance. Just mark me. Keep
her if that pleases you. Keep any woman you want. I know
kings and noblemen keep mistresses. I promise I won’t
complain. I’ll be a good queen. I’ll bear you an heir. I’ll do
anything. It’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”
“I do not want your sacrifice,” he yells. “Why are you still here?
Why can’t you get it through your thick skull that I don’t want
you? Why are you willing to be my mother’s little puppet? Why
don’t you do what you want for once in your life? Why can’t you
stop being a thorn on my side? Why?”
“Because I love you!” she yells back.
Silence. The whole house is now silent.
I can sense Caspian’s shock and momentary bewilderment. I
think she is stunned by her own outburst.
A full minute goes by before I hear her sobs. “I love you. I love
you for so long but you never gave me a chance. I did
everything I could to get your attention but you treat me like I
was a chewed up gum under your shoe. Am I that ugly to you?
What can I do to make you love me?”
It takes a while before I hear my mate’s quiet response, “No,
you’re not ugly, Celeste.” His voice sounds almost gentle. His
feelings are closed off to me. “I’m sorry you’ve wasted decades
of your life trying to do what’s expected of you but this is not
what you really want.
“I know for sure that you don’t love me,” he says. “If you truly
do, you would have sensed that I’m already mated. She’s my
erasthai and she bears my mark. You know what that means.”
“Nooo...” she wails. “I know what I want and I do so love you! I
do!” Her cries sound heartbreaking. Now, I feel sorry for her. I
know I’d be devastated if Caspian didn’t love me and marked
someone else. I think I’d die of a broken heart.
Soon, the wailing becomes louder. It sounds quite ugly that I
feel embarrassed for her. As suddenly as the wailing starts, it
stops. She sniffles before she says something again but this
time her voice sounds steely and determined. “Queen Sophia
won’t like this,” she warns. “I’m supposed to be your mate. Me!
I’ll tell Queen Sophia and she will get rid of her. It’s my place. I
was born to be your queen.”
The warmth in my chest suddenly turns into a blazing fury,
engulfing my very soul. The flame so fierce, it’s burning all
reason and logic. I clutch my chest as my vision turns pinkish.
Instinctively, I know that the fury isn’t mine.
The scorching heat in my chest is so overwhelming that my feet
give way. Vaguely, I hear footsteps running up the stairs
behind me.
Two big hands grab me by my upper arms and yank me up
before I tumble down the stairs. Lazarus! Everybody else is
standing behind him.
A loud furious roar from the bedroom propels him to hurriedly
haul me up a few more steps with him. The others are following
behind us.
We are greeted by the sight of my mate with his hand around
Lady Celeste’s throat at the foot of the bed.
“Caspian stop!” warns Lazarus.
Caspian raises his black soulless eyes to us. They’re shiny like
polished onyx. Black veins are decorating his otherwise
flawless skin. “She’s a threat to my mate,” he hisses menacingly
and raises Lady Celeste’s writhing body higher. “She must die.”
“Quincy, stop him,” says Constantine from somewhere behind
me. Why?
I stand back to watch. Her kicking and twisting feet are off the
ground. Her long nails are clawing frantically at his hand
around her throat. Her eyes are turning black and her stricken
face is purplish-red. A funny gurgling sound is coming out from
her mouth.
“Caspian!” yells Lazarus again. “You have to stop.” In answer,
my mate makes a snarling sound. His upper lip lifts up to show
his sharp white teeth and canines. It’s a cross between a furious
snarl and a menacing grin of a naughty child.
I know his eyes are on me when a sharp sound of cracking
bones reverberates through the spacious bedroom. Her body
goes limp. He snaps her neck like a twig.
“He’s not listening to us and we don’t want to fight him.
Quincy, only you can stop him,” says Constantine as we watch
Caspian bury his fingers into her back. Blood blossoms in the
fabric of her white dress to slowly dripping down her legs. I
find it fascinating. “Please stop him.”
“Why should I?” I ask Constantine defiantly. My mate’s anger
is seeping in through our bond that now his fury feels like my
own. Now I want her dead.
“Quincy, believe me, you don’t want him to kill her,” says
Lazarus. “This could result in more bloodbath. Stop him.
He’s digging his fingers in deep, ready to pull her vertebrae out.
The only way to kill a lycan- severing their spine from their
I sigh and reluctantly say, “My Prince, please stop.”
He raises his eyes to me in question. He’s pleased that I call
him “My Prince” but there’s not enough conviction in my voice
telling him that I really want him to stop.
“Don’t do it, Caspian. You have to stop” I tell him in a more
forceful voice. I sense his disappointment. My mate is still very
angry that the woman threatened to get rid of me. He’s eager to
destroy her more than a little kid dying to unwrap a gift on a
Chrismas morning.
His dark eyes stay on mine as he casually tosses her motionless
body like a ragdoll at my feet. Like an offering. A gift for me to
do to her as I please.
I must be sick for finding the gesture sweet and him so hot at
this very moment. He is very strong. So much stronger than I
am. I admire his control over his raging lycan. I love that he’s
willing to kill at the mere suggestion of a threat against my
“I’m sorry, my dear Quincy,” says Serena. “This should have
been one of the happiest days of your life.” She squeezes my
shoulder gently.
We’re sitting in the den, drinking tea as Rita, our marvelous
cook keeps bringing in sandwiches and cake. The younger
cook, Anya doesn’t seem to like me much. It doesn’t matter. As
long as she didn’t spit in my food or poison me, I’m fine with it.
We watch the lycan doctor descending the stairs after he
finished treating Lady Celeste. The nurse who came with him
will be staying on to continue looking after her.
“I’m sorry he didn’t finish her off,” mumbles Penny.
“Penny...” says Genesis with a warning note in her voice.
“What? It’s not like you’re not feeling the same way.” She glares
at Genesis.
“Okay, so maybe I was thinking the same thing but at least I’m
trying to be polite by not saying it out loud,” protests Genesis.
“I’m polite, see?”As if to prove her point, she lifts her teacup
and sips her tea delicately.
Serena sighs in defeat.
“That’s it, I’m outa here,” I tell them before I get pulled in their
crazy banter.
“Pffftt...polite people don’t go around bragging about being
polite.” I hear Penny continue to argue with Genesis as I slip
out through the back door. Those two are crazy as well as
hilarious...not that I’m much better.
I find Jorden in front of the massive screen tv in the pool
house. The door is wide open, so I walk in without knocking.
He looks at me when I drop myself on the sofa beside him, then
he turns his head back to watch The Flash on tv without saying
anything. A minute later, he still ignores me so I huff loudly.
When that fails to get his attention, I lift both my feet up to lay
them across his lap. He rolls his eyes but he still doesn’t
acknowledge me. Well, at least he doesn’t push my feet off his
lap. That’s good, right?
I huff again and fight this urge to kick him before he finally
clicks the remote to pause the show, then turns to give me his
full attention.
“Are you waiting for an apology?” he asks me.
I shrug my shoulders. “Am I getting one?”
“Look Q, I’m sorry if you felt betrayed because I was being nice
to the enemy. When I talked to Lady Celeste, I wasn’t trying to
betray you or anything. I was just trying to be nice because she
has no one here. No matter what, you’re my family,” he says. It
doesn’t escape me that it’s not a real apology. “I know she’s not
the nicest person. She’s rude to everybody, especially to the
“And to me!” I remove my feet from his lap and plant them
back on the floor. “Especially to me. Did you not hear her
threatening to get rid of me so that she could have my mate?
My mate!”
“I know...that was pretty messed up.”
“Messed up, J? Messed up is when we spared her!” I tell him,
jabbing my finger towards the main house.“I should have killed
her when I had the chance.”
We stare at each other in silence for a beat. There’s like an
invisible line separating us now. I don’t like it. Jorden is more
than a cousin. He’s the only brother I know when I was
growing up. He might not stand up for me when I was being
bullied, but he’s always on the sideline, making sure that I
didn’t get too hurt. If I was, he was always there to pick up the
“You’ve changed,” he finally says, softly. “You’re not the same
Quincy I grew up with.”
“That’s because I have changed, Jorden. I am not the same. I
don’t feel the same.” It’s time to admit that I am no longer a
human. The old Quincy would’ve never been able to kill Old
Maddox in cold blood as I did, no matter what he’d done. The
human Quincy would’ve never internally cheered on as Caspian
snapped Lady Celeste’s neck so casually. She would have
freaked out instead of tempted to finish off what he’d started.
“I like...no, I love the old Quincy,” he says.
Does that mean he doesn’t love me anymore? That hurts.
“What do you want me to do? Once upon a time, you’re proud
of me because I never took anything lying down.”
“Once upon a time, you’d fight back but you would never have
hurt anybody.”
“Well, too bad because I can never go back to being a human
again. This is irreversible,” I tell him as I briskly walk out of
there. My voice sounds raw as tears clogged my throat.
My God, I didn’t even touch the woman!
“Quincy!” he calls after me. “Quincy!”
It’s a full moon again. The tides are high. The silvery moonlight
is reflected in the ripple of the ocean.
I need him. Our connection is like an invisible thread taking
me to him. My bare feet carry me silently across the soft sand
to where he’s standing, facing the ocean.
He is a few feet away from the edge where the waves are
lapping the beach. Tall and graceful. Even when he’s standing
still, he’s elegant.
His golden hair shines under the moonlight. His long sleeves
are pushed up to his elbows and his pants’ legs are folded up.
His feet are bare and his hands are deep in his pants pocket.
“You’re sad,” he says quietly, turning to look at me. “I can feel
your sadness.” His hand reaches out for me. His green eyes are
intense on my face. The air thickens and feels charged
whenever he’s near.
I take his warm hand and watch his long fingers enveloping
mine. Our connection sings through my veins.
“I feel like I’m losing him, Caspian. I don’t know what
happened. I feel betrayed. Am I wrong? If he really loves me,
he’d be on my side, right? He’s my family.”
“He’s not taking anyone’s side, my love,” he says soothingly,
bringing me closer to him. He wraps both arms around me and
I bury my face in his powerful chest. “You know your cousin
better than anyone else. Jorden wouldn’t be Jorden if he didn’t
try to make everybody around him feels better when they’re
miserable. You know he’s a nice guy. The champion of the
”As for your relationship with him, be patient. He just needs
some time to come to term with you being different. He’ll come
“No, it’s not just him, Caspian. It’s more than that. I feel it. It’s
like...there’s a gulf between Jorden and me now. Why do I feel
that way?”
“Because you’re different now.” He sighs and rests his chin on
top of my head. “I can’t relate since I was born a lycan, but I’ll
try to explain this to you the best I can,” he says. “When a
werewolf turns into a lycan, their wolf becomes a lycan.
“It must be harder for you as a human since you don’t have a
wolf. In order to turn into a lycan, a dormant part of you had to
be awakened...a powerful, darker part of you. Unfortunately,
when that part awakes, a part of your human side dies.
“When you lost that part, you lost the anchor that held you to
everything you were as a human, including your prior
relationships. That’s how a lycan manage to claim an already
mated werewolf or a married human. Once their erasthais turn
into a lycan, those other connections will lessen, and finally,
melt into nothing.”
“It must be hard and confusing for you to go through all the
changes while having to deal with Lady Celeste.
“You’ll get it all figured out soon, I know you will, but right
now, you’re still adjusting. Your emotion is all over the place - I
can feel your confusion, agony, and sadness. Yet I feel the
kindness in you too. It’s so strong that even the darkness and
the death of part of your human side didn’t manage to take that
away from you. I feel your strength and your light. It makes me
love you even more than I could imagine.
“You lost part of your humanity to be with me. I’m sorry,” he
“Well, I’m not. I am not sorry. If I had a choice, I’d do it all over
again. I love you,” I tell him. “Besides, I like what I am now.
“I’m just going to find a way to keep my connection to Jorden
alive. I want to keep him in my life. I love him. Maybe I’ll just
take him with me wherever I go. If he refuses, I’ll just drag him
kicking and screaming by his long hair that he refuses to cut.”
“That could work,” he says. I can hear the smile in his voice.
“I’ll help you. I’ll knock him out and help you tie him up.
Between the two of us, he has no chance.” His wicked grin
makes me wonder if he’s looking forward to doing just that.
“Seriously, he loves you too, Moya Printsessa. Penny and
Genesis are still in contact with their werewolf family and
friends. I know they are struggling to keep it going because of
the lost connection, but I respect that they are trying.”
If they can do it, so can I, I decided. “I have another question
for you,” I tell him.
“Okay, go for it,” he says.
“What did Lazarus mean when he said that killing Lady Celeste
could result in more bloodbath?”
His arms tightened around me as if he’s afraid that he might
lose me. “Lady Celeste’s father is one of the powerful boyars- a
nobility who owns lands and rules over several werewolf and
lycan packs in France and Russia. Killing his only daughter is
like declaring war on his family. He’ll retaliate by bringing his
packs together to fight against us. He might not care much
about his daughter and they might lose, but he’ll do it just to
save face.”
I pull back to look at his face. “Yet you’re about to kill her
“I lost control of my lycan. I was so angry when she threatened
to get rid of you. My only thought was to eliminate any danger
against you.
“I swear, I’ll kill anyone who ever tries to take you away from
me.“ His voice is controlled but full of fury. It is menacing. It is
so full of venom that it makes the hair on the back of my neck
stands up. “I’ll kill her if she ever tries anything to harm you.
“You have no idea how important you are to me. I love you so
much, I’d give up my next breath for you, my love.”
I wrap my arms tighter around him and press my cheek against
his chest. I love him so much it hurts. I’ve never felt so loved
and connected to anyone before.
We stand with our arms tight around each other for a long
time. I’m happy just to be in his warmth, listening to his
heartbeat, breathing in his addictive, manly scent.
“Is it true that it’s normal for Kings and Noblemen to keep
mistresses?” I ask him.
I feel the rumble in his chest before I hear his laughter.
I pull back and glare up at him. “It’s not funny!”
“No it’s not,” he agrees though he’s still grinning.
“I’ll castrate you if you even think about cheating on me,” I
threaten him.
“Okay,” he says.
“What are you smiling about? I’m serious!”
“I know,” he answers. I see his eyes glitter in amusement even
in the pale moonlight. “I love it when you’re jealous.”
He thinks it’s funny while I’m fuming. The thought of him with
other women makes me feel violent. I huff and stomp back to
the house.
“Wait a minute,” he says as he sprints up the stone steps to
catch up with me. “What did I do? How could you be mad at
me for something I didn’t do? Sweetheart?” he calls out.
He’s right. My raging emotion is all over the place now. I have
to get a grip.
I feel the heat of his body right behind me. “Moya Printsessa?”
he whispers in my ear. “Whatever it is that I did or didn’t do,
let’s go back to our bedroom so I can make it up to you and ask
for your forgiveness properly.” I try not to smile. It’s so hard to
stay mad at him, especially for something he didn’t do. God,
I’m so messed up!
He takes my hand in his as soon as he senses the change of my
“I think the bedroom has to wait. It’s time for dinner,” I tell
“Goddess, you’re killing me,” he groans.
Everyone, except for Jorden and Lady Celeste is in the great
room when we get back to the house.
Constantine, who is standing in the middle of the room turns to
face us as soon as we step in. “I know this is not what you two
want to hear right now, but we have to go back to Russia. We
have been summoned.”
*I was in NYC and Pittsburg last week. It was a nice
break, but it’s great to be back and continue painting
and writing again.
My next update will be Tuesday (est) next week. Have
a wonderful week, everybody!
Chapter 40 - The Summon
Everyone, except for Jorden and Lady Celeste is in the great
room when we get back to the house.
Constantine, who is standing in the middle of the room turns to
face us as soon as we step in. “I know this is not what you two
want to hear right now, but we have to go back to Russia. We
have been summoned.”
Caspian’s body freezes beside me. His hand tightens around
mine. His relaxed, playful demeanor vanish. A torrent of anger,
frustration, and a slew of other negative emotions pours out of
him, hitting me like a ton of brick to the head before it slams
shut. His beautiful face is cold and inscrutable.
“When?” His voice is curt and steely.
“They want us back by tomorrow evening,” answers Lazarus.
“The jet will be ready and waiting, tomorrow at dawn.”
“No, we can’t make it back by tomorrow night. We shouldn’t,”
says Constantine. “Lady Celeste is in no condition to travel by
“Do they know about her?” asks Caspian.
The men exchange grim looks. “Not yet.” This time, it’s Darius
who replies. “I’d rather they see her when she’s fully recovered.
That would at least soften the blow.”
The others seem to agree with him. “That’s true,” agrees
Constantine. “I doubt very much that the Comté de Villennes is
eager to start a war with us over his daughter, but he would do
it just to save face if she went back in the condition she’s in
now. So we need to buy more time.”
“Leave that to me,” Caspian says. “I’ll deal with it now.”
With that, he leans in to kiss my forehead, reaches for his
phone from his pants pocket and walks out through the back
door. His body is ramrod straight like he’s preparing for a
The atmosphere in the room is somber as we stare at each
other anxiously after he left.
“It’ll be fine,” says Serena, reaching out to twine her fingers
around Lazarus’s.
We make small talk and the girls start talking about our plan to
go shopping tomorrow. I know they’re trying to distract me but
my heart isn’t in it. I don’t pretend to understand the politics of
the Palace and rulers of the packs but I can’t help but feel the
apprehension over what we’re facing and the weight that my
mate is carrying.
Half an hour later, he’s still out there talking on the phone.
Once in a while, the wind carries his solemn, monotonous voice
in through the open glass door. I think he’s speaking in a
foreign language, so even if I could hear the full conversation,
I’d still have no clue of what he’s saying.
Jorden joined us in the great room a few minutes before the
cook announces that dinner is ready.
The dinner table is beautifully set with gleaming silverware and
crystal glasses. Light bounces off the wrought iron and crystal
chandelier above the dining table. The smell of food wafts in
from the kitchen but I’m too keyed up to appreciate the
delicious smell. My mind is centered on my mate whose
feelings are closed off to me. The bond allows us to sense each
other’s feelings but he’s closing it off to me now. He does that
whenever he’s anxious or worried. We should have a talk about
that. I know he wants to protect me, but shouldn’t we share
I’m about to take a seat at the table when he strides in.
Everybody stops to look at him expectantly, waiting for the
news but he walks purposely right to me. He gathers me into
his arms and buries his face deep into the crevice of my neck.
The other lycans just continue to take their seats at the table
and the conversation continues as if nothing happens.
I wrap my arms around him, trying to give him as much
comfort as I can. I run a hand down his back soothingly, while
another one skims his broad shoulder. His muscles flex under
my palm. His nose and lips brush my neck as he breathes in
deeply like my scent is the only thing that anchors him to his
He’s so tall, he towers over me. He’s so big and powerful, a
future king of a deadly being in this realm. The thought that he
needs me is humbling.
He rests his forehead on my shoulder and takes another deep
breath before he straightens up. He helps to hold the chair back
for me and pushes it forward as I sit before he takes his own
seat next to me at the dinner table.
Everybody stops talking. Even Jorden who’s not aware of
what’s going on turns to look at us expectantly.
He takes my hand in his and says, “We have until Sunday. One
week from today.”
“One week...that was some negotiation. Did you sell your
soul?” Constantine asks.
“Pretty much,” he replies while his eyes flash to me. His hand
tightens around mine. His feeling is still closed off to me.
A server and our cook come in with our appetizer.
Our first course, lobster bisque tastes like sewer water in my
I peek out through the partially open bathroom door as I
continue to brush my teeth.
I’m staring at my mate. He was brooding the whole time during
dinner this evening but he kept me close. He is still brooding
My golden prince is now lying on our bed, deep in thought. His
shirt is missing, not that I’m complaining. His jeans are
hugging him low around his narrow hips. His hands are behind
his head, which causes the muscle of his arms to bunch up.
His golden hair glows under the table lamps on the bedside
table. His honey tanned skin looks good against the silky
silvery-grey colored bed cover.
Why does he have to look so good? He looks so good that I have
to sneak a peek every few seconds. It causes me to be longer in
this bathroom, doing my nightly routine of washing my face
and brushing my teeth.
It feels funny to me to be sharing a bedroom, a bathroom, and
a closet with someone. I mean, I used to share a room with
Layla, but Layla doesn’t have such nice firm masculine pecs
that I want to touch or that washboard ab that I want to lick.
Gah! Stop looking!
I close my eyes, swirl the mouthwash around my mouth, then
lean down to spit into the sink. When I straighten up, he’s
there, standing right behind me. Our eyes meet in the mirror
and my pulse jump. His smile is wolfish and the mischievous
glint is back in his eyes.
“How...how..Y...You..scared me,” I tell him, clutching my chest.
My heart is pounding wildly from his close proximity alone.
“I’m sorry I scared you,” he says, placing both hands on the
counter on either side of me. Trapping me in.
“What do you want?”
I know...I know, stupid question. I realized that as soon as I see
his wicked smile widens. He winks as he presses his warm halfnaked body into mine until I feel his hardness pressing against
my lower back.
“You. I want you.” He presses a kiss just below my ear.
Goosebumps spread across my skin as delicious chills run
through my body from that one little contact.
He slips a finger underneath the little fabric of my tank top
over my shoulder and slowly slides it down my arm. “I had
been waiting for you,” he whispers while his eyes follow the
movement as if it’s the most interesting thing he’d ever seen.
His finger is trailing a blazing heat across my skin.
“But you made me wait too long, my sexy minx.” He raises his
smoldering eyes and meets my stare in the mirror once again.
Without breaking our eye contact, he wraps his fingers through
my long dark hair and moves it to the side. Then he leans down
to place his mouth on my neck where my pulse is beating. He
kisses his way slowly down until he reaches my shoulder where
his mark is.
He lifts his face up to look at the mark and the corner of his lips
curl up into a smug looking smile. The look on his face is so
possessive that it causes me to take a quick intake of breath. He
locked eyes with me again and says, “You’re all mine.” He
presses an open mouth on the mark, sucking, biting, licking. I
throw my head back. Oh, God...that feels so amazing.
He closes his eyes and a deep groaning sound rumbles through
his chest. He keeps sucking on my skin as if it’s the best thing
he’d ever tasted.
I clamp my mouth shut when I hear myself moaning. But the
sound is like a switch being flipped inside of him. He swiftly
turns me around, lifts me up and carries me into our bedroom.
I bounce on the mattress when he throws me on the bed. “Why
did you keep me waiting for too long?” he asks accusingly as he
climbs over me. His eyes are wild with hunger.
I can’t think straight when he has his mouth on me. He lowers
his head and kisses up my thigh, my hip, the sliver of skin on
my waist where my boy short ends. He’s moving up.
“I didn’t want to...to...uh...bother you when
you...ummm...thinking,” I try to answer him. He’s kissing my
breast over the thin fabric of my top. His fingers splay over the
bare skin of my stomach.
“I need you,” he says against my skin. “I need you so
desperately.” He kisses my collarbone. “All the time.” He kisses
my neck. “You make me forget when I lose my self in you. Only
you.” His mouth finds mine. Then he makes me forget
everything else. Only he and I exist at this very moment
“What are you doing up?” comes a sexy, husky voice from the
bed. I smile as I take in his tousled hair and the expanse of his
magnificent body that’s not covered by the sheet. His head is
on the pillow. His vivid green eyes are only half open and his
smile is lazy and playful. “Come back to bed, baby.”
“Nope, I’ve showered and all dressed up,” I tell him as I brush
my long damp hair. The truth is, I’m very tempted to jump
back into bed with him even when I’m actually feeling sore. It
was almost dawn when we both fell asleep. “Did I wear you out,
baby?” I ask him.
His eyes widened at my teasing. “Wear me out?” he growls.
“Come back in here and I’ll show you how much you wore me
I giggle. “Oh, I don’t know...I don’t want to break anything.”
Then I run out as fast as I can, closing the door behind me.
I can’t stop the burst of laughter from my mouth when I hear a
thumping sound and a few curse words coming from behind
the closed door. I know I’ll be paying the price later for that,
but my mate is so not a morning person.
I hear a few more curse words as I sprint down the stairs. Oh,
joy! My swear jar would prosper.
I was fast before, but I’m a lot faster now that I’m not a normal
human. It’ll be interesting to see if I can outrun any of those
lycans. They promised to take me out for a run sometime. I
can’t wait!
My steps falter when I see Lady Celeste at the breakfast table.
She’s not looking too good, but there she is. She’s dressed
stylishly even with a neck brace on. Her nurse is standing right
behind her chair.
Serena and Lazarus are also there, having their breakfast
Lady Celeste's eyes narrow as soon as she spots me walking in.
Both Serena and Lazarus greet me warmly as I take my place at
the table.
As soon as my behind touch the wooden seat, I jump when she
yells, “What is this? The coffee is lukewarm at best. I want hot
coffee. A. Hot. Coffee. Bring me a hot coffee!”
Oh, well...she’s just being her usual self.
Rita, the kindly cook scurries to get another carafe to the
breakfast table.
“You!” She turns to her nurse. “You’re annoying me. Go!” she
yells. “Go stand over there.”
I turn to look at Serena who's eating her breakfast silently and
peacefully like she’s not even there. Lazarus is also ignoring
Lady Celeste but I can see his jaw muscle clenching a few times
whenever she screeches at the help.
“Are you stupid or are you purposely trying to burn my
tongue?” she yells at the cook again. Okay, maybe she’s in pain,
that’s why she’s worse than usual but how do I even pretend to
like this woman?
She promptly smashes the cup and saucer onto the floor. I feel
the splinters bouncing off my feet.
I notice Serena holding Lazarus’s hand, trying to keep him
from jumping out of his chair. The antique cup and saucer that
Lady Celeste insisted on using are lying in a thousand pieces on
the gleaming marble floor.
Rita looks positively horrified. She immediately drops on her
hands and knees to pick up the pieces of the broken china. Rita
doesn’t deserve to be treated this way. The woman is my
cooking angel. My food fairy!
That’s it! “Hey!” I slam my hand on the table. The plates, cups,
and cutleries rattle. Serena grabs my hand like she did Lazarus.
“She’s taunting us. She’s just looking for a fight. Don’t indulge
her,” says Serena.
Too late. “Hey what?” Lady Celeste faces me. Her expression is
full of challenge.
“You don’t talk to her like that,” I growl through gritted teeth.
“Or what? What are you going to do?” she challenges. The
corners of her lips curl upward into a sneer. “Are you going to
kill me?”
*As usual, this chap still needs a lot of editing. So
sorry. My next update is going to be Sunday evening
(est). Have a wonderful week everybody!
Chapter 41 - A Game
That’s it! “Hey!” I slam my hand on the table. The plates, cups,
and cutleries rattle. Serena grabs my hand like she did Lazarus.
“She’s taunting us. She’s just looking for a fight. Don’t indulge
her,” says Serena.
Too late. “Hey what?” Lady Celeste faces me. Her expression is
full of challenge.
“You don’t talk to her like that,” I growl through gritted teeth.
“Or what? What are you going to do?” she challenges. The
corners of her lips curl upward into a sneer. “Are you going to
kill me?”
I jump up from my chair. “Yes!” I hiss in her face. I want to
smack that smirk right off her. The lycan in me still crave her
blood for the remarks about taking my mate away from me.
Never come between a werewolf or a lycan and their mates,
they say. She should know better than keep goading me. Is she
stupid or does she have a death wish? The tight reign I have on
my lycan since last night isn’t very strong. I can feel its fragile
threads snapping. Selena tightens her hold on my hand.
Lazarus is tense, waiting for me to pounce.
I hear Jorden’s light footsteps before the wind from the ocean
blows his scent in.
I grip Serena’s hand tight for strength. “Watch your mouth and
stay in your lane if you want to keep your precious spine,” I
warn Lady Celeste before I sit back down.
I have just enough time to take a deep breath and compose
myself before Jorden walks in through the open door. He
abruptly stops on the threshold and looks around assessingly
as if sensing the tension in the room before he cautiously steps
in. His eyes find me before they land on Lady Celeste.
The woman actively avoids his eyes. Two lines appear between
his brows as he watches the cook and Celeste’s nurse
scampering around, cleaning the floor.
His sharp gaze once again falls on Lady Celeste. She
immediately busies herself with a scone, slathering one half of
it with clotted cream and the other half with jam as if her life
depends on it.
“Good morning,” he says, as he takes a seat beside me.
Serena and Lazarus return his greeting while I’m too
preoccupied with being pissed and observing Lady Celeste’s
behavior since Jorden got in.
“Morning, Q,” he says, turning to me with a tentative smile. I
know Jorden is extending an olive branch after last night. I
could never stay mad at Jorden for too long and he knows that.
Heck, I can never stay mad at anybody for too long. Well,
unless they killed my Nana or took my mate or hurt someone I
care about. Just give me a cookie and we’re good.
I sigh and say, “Morning, J.” Jorden bumps my shoulder with
his and the tight spiral inside me uncoils. He steals a scone
from the big tray and drops it on my plate and I fight a smile.
He does it again and I lost the fight. I smile wide and bump
him back. I see a scowl on Lady Celeste’s face from the corner
of my eye.
Surprisingly, not one annoying peep comes out of Lady
Celeste’s mouth after that, so we manage to have our breakfast
in peace.
Caspian comes downstairs with Darius and Penny. Genesis
staggers in with Constantine not long after.
Caspian greets everybody cordially enough except for Lady
Celeste. The burning anger and almost hatred he’s harboring
for her bleeds through our connection even when he’s trying
hard to conceal it from me. There’s only so much you can hide
from your mate. Strong emotions always find a way to make
itself known to your other half.
Caspian sits on another side of me. His face is stone cold. He
drops a kiss on my cheek and I search his expression.
Something feral and a barely controlled rage are swirling in the
depth of his green eyes. He straightens up, looks away, then
clenches his fists around the table. Not a second later, he leans
back down and buries his face in my hair, breathing in my
scent deeply to calm his raging lycan. He grabs my hand
underneath the table and places it on his lap. His grip is tight.
His nostrils are flaring and there’s a determined set to his jaw.
I can’t shake the feeling that there’s something deeper
bothering him that he’s not sharing. There was a certain quality
of desperation in the way he took me last night too that left an
uneasy feeling in my gut. I let it go last night but I can’t ignore
it forever. I won’t. I just need some time alone with him to talk
about it.
Nobody talks to Lady Celeste except for Jorden. In any case,
she doesn’t stay too long. She looks tense and her nurse helps
her to get back to her room.
The air seems lighter after she left. Even my mate seems to be
more relaxed. I know none of them trusts Lady Celeste. The
threat that she made on me and the way she’s behaving isn’t
helping her gain any friends in this tight-knit little pack.
I look around the table at the beautiful people around me. This
is a family. I don’t know how, but the bond that I feel for them
is very strong. I have a deep certainty that this pack of lycans
has my back no matter what. I never had anyone who cares
about me before, except for Jorden. So, this is what it’s like to
feel belonged. How did I get to be so lucky?
“You are so getting punished for what you did this morning,
minx,” Caspian whispers in my ear, suddenly. It doesn’t take
very long for him to be back to his playful, flirty self. His
brilliant green eyes held a hint of naughtiness and menace.
There’s something in his cocky smile that says he knows
something that you don’t and it used to drive me crazy...it still
“We need to go back upstairs so I can show you that nothing is
broken,” he continues to murmur into my ear. His lips graze
the shell of my ear and his warm breath dances across my skin.
“No can do, lover boy,” announces Penny loudly. “We’re taking
her shopping today.” Darn lycan ears.
“Well, that’s good then. I’m going shopping too,” announces
my mate.
“Nope. You’re not coming with us, especially when we’re going
to La Perla or Agent Provocateur,” chimes in Genesis. She then
turns to me. “In case you haven’t noticed, your mate has a
strange fascination with women’s underwear and lingerie.”
His eyes grow big as he slides his gaze from Genesis back to
me. “I do not!” he denies vehemently.
“What?” I shriek, pretending to be shocked. “Now I know what
happened to my missing bras and panties. I’ve been wondering
where they went to.” I bat my eyelashes to my appalled looking
mate. “Are we sharing panties and bras now, baby?”
Penny and Genesis howl in laughter while the men snickers.
Caspian shakes his head in disbelieve. “I can’t believe you’re
joining the dark side,” he says to me.
“We girls stick together,” says Genesis with a sweet smile.
“Revenge is sweet, Your Royal Highness,” quips Penny. “We’ve
been waiting for this for a long time.
“Constantine, Darius, Lazarus?” says Caspian, turning to the
“Hey, leave me out of this, man,” says Constantine.
“Yup! I’m out,” says Darius immediately after he received a
death glare from Penny.
Caspian lifts his fork up and resumes eating his breakfast in
silence. He’s clearly brooding. I think he looks adorable and
totally sexy when he’s pouting.
“I’m not going to be shopping with you anyway,” he says,
moodily after a while. “I have an appointment with the House
of Bijan.”
“Your mate is impossible and very high maintenance,”
announces Genesis. “The store is by appointment only. You
need an appointment just to get through the door of Bijan.”
“Mr. Fancy Pants,” says Penny.
“Mr. Fancy Pants or not, we’re taking Jorden to shop for a
suit,” announces my mate.
“What?” Jorden lifts his face up from buttering his toast. “No,
you’re not. I don’t need a suit,” he argues but I can see that he’s
fighting a losing battle.
Right after breakfast, I rush upstairs to change before we go
out. To be honest, I’d rather be around my mate doing nothing
than going shopping.
“I don’t mind not going shopping. I’d rather spend time with
you,” I tell him. He’s leaning against the walk-in closet door,
watching me getting dressed. One hand is in his pants pocket
while another is slant across his chest towards his face. His
fingers curl under his chin while his index finger is pressing on
his full bottom lip.
There’s lust and possessiveness in the way that he’s looking at
me. There’s also something else swirling in his gaze. I want to
know what he’s thinking, but his feelings are closed off.
“You go have fun with the girls, Moya Printsessa,” he says as he
pushes off the door frame to step in close to me. He pushes a
few strands of my hair back and caresses my cheek. “The men
and I will take Jorden shopping, then I have some things to
attend to this afternoon. You come back with the girls. I’ll see
you back here later.”
I nod in disappointment. He takes my hand and leads me
We join Penny and Darius in a black Mercedes.
“We’ll see you there,” says Genesis to Penny and me, as she,
Constantine, Serena, Lazarus, and Jorden climb into a shiny
silver Cadillac Escalade.
Caspian kisses me while slipping a black Amex card into my
palm when we're dropped off at Rodeo Drive. Genesis and
Serena are already waiting for us there. I sigh as I slide out of
the car. I’m fine with Target or Walmart, but guess you can’t
find Target or Wallmart at Rodeo Drive.
After I got over my shock at shopping without looking at the
price tags, it’s actually quite fun. I never shop with girlfriends
before. I usually shop by myself. Nana never liked shopping.
She used to get in the store, grabbed the items from her list,
and got out.
Penny and Serena certainly know fashion. They help me find
something out of my comfort zone- items of clothing that I
never consider wearing but actually look good once I put them
on. Genesis though...she keeps wanting to stop for food after
every couple of stores. But since I love food too, I have no
The steam rises from the hot tub we’re in. Serena, Genesis,
Penny and I are in our new bathing suits. My hair is up in a
messy bun.
The sun is bright but the wind that skitters across our skin and
swirls through our hair from the ocean is quite chilly.
I sit in the corner between Penny and Serena with the back of
my head resting on the edge of the tub, listening to them
My gaze finds its way to the outdoor clock on the wall of the
pool house. It’s been five hours and twenty-seven minutes
since I last saw Caspian. I had fun shopping with the girls today
but he’s never far from my mind. Not even for a second. I’m so
consumed by him. I wonder if this is more than love. It’s an
My eyes wander to the far end of the main house, on the second
floor where a curtain falls back as if it had been pulled aside,
then let go. Lady Celeste’s room.
I look back at the girls who now have stopped talking. Their
eyes are also locked on the same spot I was looking at.
“I wonder what game she’s playing,” mutters Penny, still
staring at the darkened window. Her eyes wary and untrusting.
“I wanted to kill her,” I tell them. I still do.
“Frankly, I’m surprised that you haven’t. You are very strong.
You have so much control over your lycan,” says Genesis. I
remember Gideon Archer said the same thing to me a few days
ago. I don’t feel strong. I'm struggling with my lycan. Some
days I don't know if it's my will or if it's my lycan's that I'm
submitting to. Most of the time now, I feel confused.
“But it’s wrong...even just to feel this way. Jorden thinks I’ve
turned into a monster.” Some of Jorden's words still sting.
“He’s not wrong,” replies Serena. “Beneath all this,” she says,
gesturing towards her flawless beautiful self and all of us. “We
are all monsters. To humans, we are their worst nightmare.
“Unfortunately, they can only see us this way. Or rather, we
only show them this veneer. So, like a moth to a flame, they are
drawn to us when they should’ve run. So it’s our responsibility
to stay away from them. It’s for their own safety as much as for
our own good.”
“We are possessive and we are quick to anger, especially when
it comes to our mates, our families, and the members of our
pack,” Penny says. She's a werewolf before. I know she hasn’t
been a lycan that too long ago. “A month or so ago, I was trying
to juggle my time with my lycan family and my human friends.
I was determined to keep my human friends in my life.
"Do you remember the first time I went to see you at the cafe
you’re working at?” At my nod, she continues. “Well, you might
have saved that woman’s life that day by dumping water on
her. We are most fragile when we first changed. I was just
marked the night before and I was about to swipe her head off
her shoulders when she wouldn’t stop flirting with my mate.”
“It’s our instinct and lycan protecting what’s important to us.
Don’t expect humans or werewolves to understand it because
they won’t,” informs Genesis. “Our erasthai mates are our
lifeline. If you die, he’ll follow soon after. If someone killed you,
Caspian would go on a rampage. He’ll destroy everything and
everyone on his path to get to your killer and not much could
get in his way. A lycan on a rampage is very deadly. He could
destroy a small town in less than an hour. The Palace would
have to send in their best warriors to destroy him.”
“Fortunately, or unfortunately, we as his pack wouldn’t let
anyone harm him,” adds Penny. “Which would mean they
would have to kill the whole pack.”
Serena pats my hand. “We’re all in this together, Quincy.
You’re not alone.”
Genesis nods in agreement. “That’s why we’re all fighting
against our lycans not to kill Celeste last night....maybe less so
than you but---”
“Speak for yourself. I wanted to kill her yesterday. If there was
no consequence, she’s already dead,” mutters Penny with a
scowl on her face.
“Do I need to ask who’s on your hit list today, Malyshka?”
Comes a deep, amused voice from beside the pool. Darius
moves so silently, you don’t hear him coming. Like a shadow.
His fair, blond hair ruffles in the wind. He’s beautiful, fierce
and scary, but he’s such a putty when it comes to Penny.
A smile breaks through her frown as if it was never there. She
lifts her sexy body, covered only by her new multicolored
striped bikini and his eyes narrow and smolder.
“Bye, Penny! Good to see you too, Darius! Bye Darius!” Genesis
calls out as Penny sashays towards her mate.
Serena laughs as she reaches for her drink. “As if you’re any
better,” she says teasingly to Genesis.
The air changes a minute later. More charged.
I lift my gaze and watch him approaches with languid but
elegant and graceful steps. "I'm here to pick up an errant
mate," he says.
*(2500 words) I try not to leave you with a cliffhanger
today. I'm also trying to update more often. I truly
wish I had more time to write. My next update will be
this Thursday evening (est).
Chapter 42 - Freaky Oliver
The air changes a minute later. More charged.
I lift my gaze and watch him approaches with languid but
elegant and graceful steps. “I’m here to pick up an errant
mate,” he says.
It’s not even five yet, but it’s winter, so the sun is already low
on the horizon. The bright orange color of the sunset plays
across his flawless skin and sets his golden hair aflame.
He’s wearing a dark grey pinstripe suit. It’s not what he was
wearing this morning. He must have changed sometime today.
The jacket isn’t buttoned up, showing the same colored
waistcoat and a dark red silk tie underneath.
He always looks great dressed casually, but Caspian in a suit
and tie should be illegal.
It’s like he’s pulling a string to my limbs, I immediately rise up
from the tub to meet him. Only when he stops on his track and
his eyes heat up, do I remember that I’m in nothing but my
new, very revealing purple and white polka dot bikini.
His eyes slowly rake over me from top to bottom then up again
before he resumes his slow advance. There’s something else in
his eyes apart from hunger and possessiveness as he stares at
me. Something feral. It makes me pause before I step out of the
tub to meet him halfway.
A slow wolfish smile curls his lips up as he gets closer. His slow
but purposeful stride reminds me of a big cat stalking its prey.
I think I hear Genesis or Serena saying goodbye to us or
something but I can’t be sure. All I can see is him. It’s like we’re
in our own little world. A tense little world where the air is
thick and very charged.
My body is heating up just from the look in his eyes and his
wicked little smile. I barely feel it when the cold wind sweeps
over my barely covered body, but he grabs a robe from a table
and holds it up for me so that I can slip my arms up into it.
My heart is pounding almost painfully in my chest when he
deliberately lets his fingers lightly graze my skin.
“I heard something very interesting from a little birdie...or
rather your cousin today,” he murmurs casually in my ear as he
brings the robe up over my arms. He drops a kiss on my
shoulder before he covers it with the robe.
“Oh, yeah?” Something in his voice warns me to tread carefully.
He’s making me nervous. “Ummm...uh, I’m going to take my
shower now,” I tell him. I’ve learned my lesson: when in doubt,
run! “Bye Genesis! Bye Serena! I’ll see you at dinner time.” I
give Genesis and Serena a little wave and scurry ahead of him
into the house.
I can hear his footsteps following me as I race up the grand
staircase to our suite on the third floor.
I head straight to our room as soon as I reach our level. I hear
him discarding his jacket on the floor behind me as we cross
the room. I never knew that you can feel both excited and
nervous just from hearing an item of clothing hitting the floor.
“Quincy,” he calls out when I’m about to reach our ensuite
bathroom. He’s already standing at the foot of the bed,
loosening his tie, while keeping his eyes on me. “Come here,”
he says, as he casually undoes the cufflinks and folds the
sleeves of his pristine white shirt up to his elbows.
Am I in trouble? I watch him warily, chewing my bottom lip
and shifting my weight from one foot to the other. I’m
considering my options and the course of my next action. It’s
so hard to think and decide when he’s looking so delicious and
not letting me in his feelings. Should I run? Now?
“I said, come here, Quincy.” His voice is stern.
I’m not sure of my chances of getting away if I ran. I don’t even
know what it is that I did to land me in trouble in the first
place. Maybe it’s time for the second option then. “What is it,
baby?” I ask, smiling innocently at him.
His eyes narrow but lips quirk up at one corner as if he can’t
help himself. If anything, that smile makes him look more
He sits on the edge of the bed and pats a spot next to him.
I loosen the sash of my robe and let the fluffy material pools at
my feet. His eyes glitter underneath his eyelids as he watches
me. He extends his hand up for me to take. I take one tentative
step toward him but then I start to rethink my strategy. Clearly,
my seduction isn’t working that well. I think I might still be in
“Errr...you know what? I think I’m going to hit the shower
first,” I tell him.
“No. Get your pretty ass over here, my love. Don’t make me go
there and get you,” he warns me.
I decided not to listen and whirl around, determine to lock
myself inside the bathroom. I figure, once I’m safe on the other
side of the door, we can negotiate my term of getting out of
trouble....for whatever it is that I might have done.
Ack!...my feet are off the ground in seconds and before I know
what’s happening, I’m bent across his knees, facing the thick
carpet in front of our bed.
One of his hands is pressing on my back, effectively preventing
me from getting up. Another one is resting firmly on my ass.
“You continue to defy me, my love. You should’ve come to me
when I asked you to. I think it’s high time for your punishment,
don’t you think so?”
“No, I don’t think so,” I answer him. “I really, really don’t think
“First thing first,” he says as if I didn’t say anything. “Who is
What? “Uh...he..uh...Jorden is a traitor,” I blurt out.
“Don’t go blaming your cousin,” he says. “You know just how to
torture me, don’t you? You could’ve told me that he’s a teddy
bear, but no, you just had to torture me.” Well, okay...so I
wanted to torture him. A bit.
“You were jealous,” I say.
“Damn right I was! You said you couldn’t live without him and
it was driving me out of my mind,” he growls. “The only person
you shouldn’t be able to live without is me.”
I feel him stroking my ass with his warm hand. “You deserve a
good spanking.“
“No, I don’t,” I say quickly. “Owww....” I yelp when I feel a sting
of his hand on my behind. “I wasn’t ready,” I protest. Oh,
god...this is kinda embarrassing and a turn on.
“That’s for letting me think that Oliver is a man...for three
days!” I feel his hand rubbing over the stinging flesh soothingly
before it lands on my flesh on another cheek. “That’s for
constantly defying me.”
Okay, not going to lie, the slap stings, but I’m more turned on
than in pain.
Another sound of skin smacking against skin echoes and my
behind burns. “And that’s for a future offense you’re
undoubtedly going to commit very soon,” he says.
“Hey! It doesn’t work that way!” I frown at him over my
“It works the way I want it to work, baby.” Oh, that smirk on
his arrogant face...“Besides, I know you like it.” Yup, arrogant
and cocky. His hand moves from my ass cheek, going lower.
I push up quickly before he discovers my damp bikini bottom.
Surprisingly, he lets me up. That growing smirk on his face and
the wicked flash in his eyes tell me that he already knows.
“Do I get to spank you too when you misbehave?” I ask him.
His eyebrow rises and that sexy smirk stays on his lips. “Now
introduce me to Oliver,” he demands, ignoring my question.
I grab my old backpack from behind a bookcase next to his
little reading nook by the window. I pull Oliver out and bring
his head up so that he’s looking at Caspian.
I make my voice sound low and say, “Hello, I’m Oliver.” I hold
him out. “Now shake his hand,” I tell Caspian.
My golden prince just folds his arms over his chest and stare at
my battered teddybear with a strange, funny look on his face
before he looks back at me. I know Oliver looks really bad and
the spoiled prince might have never seen anything as hideous.
“You’re hurting his feelings,” I tell him.
To his credit, he reaches out and holds Oliver’s dirty, worn out
little paw between his index finger and thumb and moves it up
and down. “I think Oliver needs a bath,” he announces.
“Hey, what are you doing?” I ask him when he takes Oliver and
places it on top of the many pillows near the headboard.
“I’m making him watch.”
“Watch what?”
“This,” he says as he throws me face down on the bed. He takes
both my hands in his and pulls them up above my head. I hear
the rustling sound of fabric and soon, his dark red, silk tie is
wrapped around my wrists, binding my hands together. So, my
Prince is a bit kinky and bossy in bed...just the way I like it.
His warm body covers mine immediately after. I feel his mouth
on the nape of my neck, licking and sucking as if it’s the most
delicious thing he’s ever tasted. “I’ve been thinking of you the
whole day, today. Missing you.” He says between licks and
kisses. “Then I hear about Oliver...then I see you in that sexy
ass bikini...rising from the steamy, foggy water...like a nymph.”
He drops a trail of kisses up to my jaw. “Makes me think of a
thousand things I would like to do to you.” Oh, god...this man.
“Baby, you’re driving me crazy,” he groans, grinding his hard
length against my ass. He bites the back of my neck as if he’s
trying to leave a mark on me again.
He kisses and touches every inch of the back of my body like
he’s worshipping me before he flips me on my back. He pulls
the string of my bikini top and tosses the tiny fabric over his
shoulder. “So beautiful,” he says. The look of arrogance and
possessiveness on his face look so hot. “And all mine to touch
and play with any time I want. Tell me, baby.”
“I’m not a toy.” I’m panting and my voice comes out breathy
and shaky. He’s still fully dressed except for his suit jacket and
tie. “You’re not---” He swoops down and covers my mouth with
his, cutting my words and I lose all coherent thoughts. His
tongue finds its way inside my mouth right away. Demanding
and possessive. His hand grips my bound wrists, keeping them
above my head while his other hand roams freely over my
body. His mouth soon follows the blazing trail of his hand.
When his mouth reaches my hip, he pulls my bikini bottom
down my legs. His lips followed the tiny fabric on its downward
journey. Every inch of me feels like it's on fire. That fabric is
then tossed over his shoulder before he spreads my thighs
apart. He slowly runs a finger down my core, stops, and looks
up at me with a wicked grin on his lips. “Now, say it, baby.”
Oh god...my back arches. My brain is hazy. “Say what?”
“Tell me that this body is all mine to touch and play with any
time I want.”
What? I thrash about, trying to clench my thighs together.
“Say it,” he demands, retaining a tight grip of my legs, holding
me down, keeping them apart. It’s obvious that he’s not letting
me go...not that I really want to, anyway. Nor will he do
anything else to me until I do as he asked.
“My body...yours to play with...unh, anytime you want.” I feel
his fingers moving in, swirling around and I raise my head to
see him watching where his fingers are gliding with rapt and
intense attention.
“You’re all mine. Your heart, body, and soul. Mine. Nobody else
gets to see this, touch this. Say it.” I hear him say.
“Oh, for god’s sake!” I snap. “Yes! Yes! Now just do it, or I
“Do what, my love?” He peeks up again with that naughty grin.
Darn it! I growl and he chuckles before his golden head dives
down between my thighs. That naughty mouth and wicked
wicked tongue.
We’re catching our breaths and I’m feeling euphoric and sleepy
but I lift my head up from Caspian’s chest. He’s lying on his
back, gazing at the ceiling. His golden hair tousled. A few
strands stick to his damp skin. His finger is tracing a lazy circle
on my arm.
When his eyes slide to me, I say, “That was...”
“Amazing?” he supplies. “Phenomenal? Awe-inspiring? So
incredible that it should be recorded as one of the seven
wonders of the world? So incredibly sensational that the world
leaders should all announce--- ”
I grab a pillow and smother him with it so he’d stop talking. He
laughs and wrenches it away.
Our legs are tangled together and my body is comfortably
draped over his, so both our bodies quake when either of us
“You’re nuts,” I announce.
“I’m your nuts,” he declares and I can’t hold in my laugh and
my body shakes on top of him. He tightens his hold on my
We’re being silly. We’ve been doing this for hours now: making
love, then talk about ourselves or about nothing at all, then
we’re back to doing it all over again. The more we’re together,
the more I want him. I’m well and truly addicted...and sore.
“Now I’m hungry,” I tell him, glancing at the clock on the
bedside table. It’s almost eleven at night. We missed dinner.
“Time to feed my mate,” he says, lifting me up. He pauses
before he winks at me and says, “With food, this time.”
“Oh my god! You did not just say that!”
“Oh, yes I did,” he announces proudly.
“God! You’re nuts!”
“I’m your nuts,” he says. “And stop calling me god.”
“Shut up!”
He pulls his pajama bottom on while I steal one of his t-shirts.
I know, it’s cliché to wear your mate’s shirt, but I love them.
They’re so soft and comfortable and smell like him.
The whole house is in the darkness except for the chandelier
hanging on top of the grand staircase and the light from the
pool in the backyard.
Together, we sneak into the kitchen and ransack the fully
stocked fridge and pantry.
He found a jar of home-made Russian dressing and decided to
make us a couple of pastrami sandwiches.
“You know Anya has a crush on you, don’t you?” I ask him as I
fill a plate with several types of cheese I found in the fridge.
“Anya who?” he asks me, licking the spoon before he drops it in
the sink.
“Our younger cook, Anya!” How could he not know this?
“Oh, okay,” he says, tightening the lid of the dressing jar.
I sigh as I add a bunch of grapes to the plate. There, a cheese
plate. Done.
“Why? Do you want me to fire her?”
“Nope!” I answer him, popping a grape into my mouth. The
grape is sweet. Nice! Nana used to try grapes at the store before
she bought them even though she’s not supposed to. That’s why
our grapes were always sweet. “You can’t fire people just for
having a crush on you.”
“Sure you can,” he says, pouring milk into two glasses. “I’ll fire
her ass tomorrow morning if you want me to.”
“Nope. No firing the cook.” I grab a bag of Oreos from the
We bring our food upstairs and eat them in bed.
“What are your plans for tomorrow?” he asks me before he
bites into his sandwich.
“I’m going to class in the morning,” I tell him. “Then I’m going
to the cafe. I don’t know if I still have a job after not showing
up for work for a few days without as much as a text.” I hope
our manager, Adam won’t kill me for that. I mean, what excuse
could I possibly give him? Sorry, I couldn’t make it to work for
the last five days or so because I was kidnapped. Oh, and I’ve
killed someone too, like for real, and got mated to a
prince...you know, the usual. Yeah, sounds ridiculous, right?
Even I know that’s not going to fly. I might have to grovel to get
the job back.
Caspian doesn’t look pleased when I mention my job. He
doesn’t say anything but he’s brooding.
I actually like working. I might be making minimum wage, but
it’s my money. I’m hopeless at a lot of things but I’m getting
pretty good at making smoothies. I suspect that I might be
turning pro soon.
“I’m going to visit Jonah, Layla, and Isaac later during the
day,” I tell him, trying to get his mind off the topic of my job
and stop sulking. I talked to Layla on the phone once since I
got back a couple of days ago. She sounded happy that I’m safe.
She’s now back in her pack territory, visiting her family for the
“Who’s Isaac?”
I try not to roll my eyes. “A housemate.”
He doesn’t look too happy with my answer. “A housemate,
huh? I’m going with you,” he says. “Oh, we’re going to the
campus together. We’re in the same class remember?” How can
I forget? It’s Resource Economics by Professor Harrison in
auditorium E 132, the lecture hall that I first saw him in.
I make sure that he finishes his milk and places his glass on the
bedside table before I say, “Tell me what’s going on, baby.
What’s really bothering you?” He turns back to face me slowly.
His eyes are watching me warily. “I know you’re not telling me
something and it has something to do with Lady Celeste.”
*2880 words
I’m sorry if this chapter is too risqué (or not enough).
I was close to deleting it several times, but it shows a
different side of Caspian’s and Quincy’s relationship,
so I thought I’d keep it. Let me know if you think I
should get rid of it. Have a wonderful week everybody!
Oh, yeah, my next update is Tuesday evening (est)
Chapter 43 - Ultimate Distraction
I make sure that he finishes his milk and places his glass on the
bedside table before I say, “Tell me what’s going on, my prince.
What’s really bothering you?” He turns back to face me slowly.
His eyes are watching me warily. “I know you’re not telling me
something and it has something to do with Lady Celeste.”
He doesn’t bother to deny it but I can see it in the look of his
eyes and the set of his jaw that he’s not willing to talk about it.
“It’s nothing for you to worry about. I’m going to deal with it,”
he answers curtly.
His response pissed me off. “You’re forgetting something. You
have a mate now....or am I here just for your amusement? I
thought we’re supposed to share our burdens and deal with
everything together?”
“You know you’re more than just an amusement,” he says,
sounding exasperated.
“Then tell me,” I insist stubbornly.
“Moya Printsessa,” he groans, running his hand through his
hair, then he grips the back of his neck. “I don’t want a fight
with you.”
“Then tell me what’s going on. Tell me what’s bothering you.
Don’t you dare tell me it’s nothing because I can feel it. You’re
trying to shut me out.”
“I’m not trying to shut you out,” he says, his voice is rising. “I
don’t want you to worry. I just want you to be happy. Let me
deal with everything. Let me take care of you, okay?” He’s
standing up now, pacing the floor in agitation and frustration.
Okay, I’m getting nowhere. We’re just going to end up yelling
at each other and I’ll be none the wiser if we keep this up. I
might end up saying things I might regret too.
I sigh and soften my voice when I say, “I am happy. You do
make me very happy, my prince. But I want you to let me in. I
need you to treat me like an intelligent person instead of a
mindless doll who live to shop and look pretty and only good
for some fun.
“Please tell me.” I can hear it- that annoying, whiny tone in my
voice. He might be stubborn but so am I, and I’m not above
begging, whining, guilt-tripping, and annoying the crap out of
him into opening up. If that doesn’t work, I’m going to seduce
him into spilling it.
I can see the crack in his resolve so I keep pressing. “Let me in,
my love. I want us to be partners, to take care of each other. It’s
us against the world, remember? Please. Unless you didn’t
mean it.”
“You’re not going to give up, are you?” he asks me.
“You know I won’t, so might just as well tell me. I want us to
deal with it, whatever it is, together.”
“Have you ever heard of the saying, ignorance is bliss?” he asks
“Whatever. I don't want bliss right now. So spill.”
He sighs. He sits back on the side of the bed with his feet apart
and his elbows resting on his knees. He’s only in his pajama
pants. The delicious muscles of his arms and back bunches as
he lowers his head to look at his feet. “It’s complicated.”
“Explain it to me. I’m sure I can keep up.”
“All these archaic rules and our damn pride...”
“We have all night,” I tell him.
He watches me crawl up to the headboard. I make a big show of
patting and fluffing the pillows around me before I rest my
back against them, making myself as comfortable as possible to
listen to his explanation- all night if I have to.
“Very well,” he says. He runs his hands down his face then
places them under his chin. I can still see his reluctance, but at
least he’s agreed to talk. “I suppose I have to explain to you
certain things about the world of the lycan nobilities I grew up
“It is rare among the lycan royalties to be mated to their
erasthais. Most matings are arranged based on the convenience
or the agreement between two powerful families. Mostly to
gain more wealth and power- like my parents’. Theirs was the
mating arrangement made in heaven,” he says before a quick
laugh burst out of his mouth. It sounds bitter and full of
derision. He shakes his head before he continues, “Arranged
mating ceremonies are the norm. Some of these agreements
were made when their offsprings were still in their diapers.”
“Like you and Lady Celeste?”
“No, ours wasn’t made that far ahead. My mother arranged it
with her family the year my father expressed his intention to
step down and hand me the crown. That was over thirty years
ago. I have to claim a mate before I can take over the throne
and mother is eager for me to step up and be crowned king as
soon as possible.”
“Why can’t you be crowned king without having a mate?” I ask
“It is thought that a mated lycan is stronger than the lone one.
It’s always been that way. That’s why my parents mated each
other- so that my father could step up to take over the reign
from his father. Besides, my mother was from a very powerful
and rich family,” he explains. “It only made sense. A strong
lineage and the right pedigree..like a purebred horse,” he adds
with a contemptuous curl to his lips.
I feel his growing agitation as he continues. His hands curl
around the hair at the back of his head, tugging it. I have a
strong urge to take him in my arms to calm him, but I will
myself to stay put and let him continue.
“The number of rebels has risen in Russia in recent years and
we suspect that it’s an inside job. Somebody from within the
royal family is eager to take over the crown. When we went
back to Russia a couple of weeks ago, I had to pretend to have
mated Penny for her safety and to draw out the traitor,” he
explains. “There was an attack at the palace---”
“You were attacked?”
“Yes, but as you can see, we’re all safe, sweetheart. The point is,
after the attack, everybody knows that Penny and I are not
really mated to each other.”
“Duh! You and Penny are like siblings. Unless you two are very
good actors, a blind person can see that Penny is more likely to
kick you in the nuts than becoming your mate,” I tell him.
“Yeah, well...”
“Come to think of it, even the adorable Genesis and the ever
sweet Serena would gladly kick you in the nuts...” Hmmm....
“Okay, you start to sound like Penny. Maybe we should limit
your time with her,” he mutters. “Do you want me to continue
or would you rather talk about my nuts?”
“Sorry,” I apologize. “Do continue.”
“Okay...anyway, back to Lady Celeste,” he says. I feel his ire
rise when he mentions her name and I tensed up. “I found out
that she called Russia and talked to her parents as well as my
mother yesterday. That was before she came to our room to
remind me of my duty to mate her.”
I’m not liking where this is going. “What did she do?” My voice
is almost inaudible.
“She convinced them that she’ll be able to get me to mate and
mark her before we’re due to go back to Russia within a couple
of days. I don’t know exactly what she told them, but whatever
it was, it made them decide to hold a mating ceremony as soon
as we get back.”
Mating Ceremony? “What does that mean?”
His fingers are now back to pulling the golden strands at the
back of his head. “That means, my love, there's a big mating
celebration for me and Lady Celeste waiting to happen at the
Banehallow Palace in a few days time.”
“But you’re already mated to me!” My voice is rising. I can hear
my own heartbeat and feel the warmth in my chest growing.
“They can’t do that....can they?”
He crawls over the bed to sit in front of me. “Listen to me, my
love.” He cups my face in his hands and lifts it up so that I’m
looking at him. “You’re my mate. Mine. I’ve claimed you.
“Did you tell them that? Did you tell your mother that we’re
“Yes, I did, sweetheart.” He sighs and lets my face go.
Frustration etches his face. “Last night, I told my parents about
being mated to you, my erasthai. But after the stunt that we
pulled the last time with Penny, they refused to believe me. She
also refused to accept my explanation of Lady Celeste’s injuries
and my reasoning not to bring her home today. It’s like...she’s
gone deaf on things she doesn’t want to hear sometimes,” he
says in frustration. “Mother just saw that as another insolent
act on my part, therefore she made the announcement of the
celebration this morning. For me not to go through with it after
the announcement is like jilting her at the altar. There will a
“What consequence?”
“Since it would shame her and her family, Lady Celeste will
have the right to demand something from me as a
compensation. I don’t know what she would want, but frankly,
I don’t trust her not to claim something that I’m not willing to
He moves closer and lays his head down on my lap. His cheek
is resting on my thighs. “I’m sorry, my Princess,” he says
quietly. “I’m sorry that you have to face all this just because
you’re mated to me.”
“Well, I’m not because you’re worth it. I’ll go through this and a
thousand more if it means I get to be with you.” I sink my
fingers into his golden hair and comb my fingers through the
silky strands. He lets out a big sigh at my touch as if he’s able to
breathe for the first time in a long while and his broad
shoulders lose some of the rigidness.
“I promise you, my love, nobody is going to take you away from
me. You and I belong together.” His arm curls around my waist
I keep running my fingers through his hair, willing him to feel
my love for him. I smooth the lines between his thick eyebrows.
He closes his eyes and his long golden eyelashes fans across the
top of his high cheekbones. He breathes in long and deep.
My feelings for this prince is complex. He invokes strong
feelings in me; love to the point of pain, anger to the point of
violence, and most probably despair to the point of death if I
ever lost him.
Most of the time he provides me comfort and protection. I
depend so much on his strength. At times like this, I feel
protective of him. It’s me who’s giving him comfort. I’ll fight
anyone who tries to harm him in any way. Fiercely.
I know that he’s so used to carry the burden by himself, but not
anymore. I want him to know that he’s not alone.
His eyelids flutter open and he looks up at me. My big powerful
mate with golden hair and the face of a fallen angel. His vivid
green eyes unusually vulnerable - the side of him that he never
shows the world. “You’re my ultimate distraction. Make me
forget,” he says, so I do.
I’m eager to go back to normal today. Well...somewhat normalish. I want to get out of the house and forget our troubles, just
for today.
The weather is still a bit chilly. After a shower, I put on my new
red, plaid mini skirt, a cream-colored, off-shoulder, cable knit
sweater, black over the knee socks, and a pair of black boots.
I walk out of our bedroom when I’m done. My steps slow down
when I see Caspian leaning against the wall next to the
entertainment center of our suite, waiting for me. He’s looking
hot in jeans that hug his legs, hips and trim stomach. The
simple light blue henley that he has on is tight across his
muscled chest. Even his grey jacket is molded to his wide
shoulders and arms. Seriously hot.
His eyes travel down my body. He looks like he’s ready to
devour me by the time they reach my eyes again. He pushes off
the wall and growls, “Are you seriously going out in that? What
are you trying to do to me, woman?”
“That.” He points toward my body. “I’ll be murdering pricks
left and right around campus if you went out wearing that
Overly possessive neanderthal lycans. The outfit isn't even that
revealing. I roll my eyes and decided to ignore him as I step
“Oh, no you don’t.” I yelp when his arm wraps around my
middle before I reach the door. He has me pinned to the wall
before I can blink.
“You can’t tell me what to do, you neanderthal you! I might
belong to you but I’m also still my own person. This is still my
body. I can wear whatever I want. I’m not going to---”
He effectively cuts my words with his lips on mine and I forget
everything. His tongue slips into my mouth and I wind my
arms around his neck. Ummm...he tastes so good. That wicked
sexy mouth of his. He moans deep in his throat and his kiss
gets hungrier and more demanding. I swear, his moan is the
sexiest sound I’ve ever heard.
I wrap my leg around his waist and grab a fistful of his hair and
tug him closer. I can’t get enough of him. That’s when he pulls
back, taking his delicious mouth away from me and I groan in
“You were saying?” he says. His voice is husky and he’s
breathing hard but he refuses to let me pull his mouth back
down on me.
“I hate you,” I growl and he chuckles.
“Oh, Moya Printsessa...” he whispers with a big smile on his
face. "Tell me again how this body belongs only to me." He
drops a quick kiss on my lips without waiting for my reply. It's
obvious from the way that I responded to his kiss that my body
does indeed belong to him. I wish I could wipe that cocky,
arrogant smirk off his handsome face.
“What I was meaning to do is to give you this.” He slips his
hand into his jacket pocket and produces a small dark blue box.
“If you’re going to be prancing around dressed like that, then at
least you’d be walking around wearing this too.“ He opens the
box and nestling inside are two simple matching platinum
bands. “I know we don’t have time to have a human wedding
yet. But I want you to wear my wedding ring because I want the
world to know that you’re mine in every way. In my mind,
you’re my queen, my mate, my wife, my erasthai, my life, my
world, my ultimate distraction.
“And I want to wear a ring to show the world that I’m yours. I’ll
be anything you want me to be; your mate, your husband, your
lover, your protector...”
“My king, my life, my world, my ultimate distraction. You’re
my everything. I love you,” I tell him.
“And I love you,” he says before he slips one of the rings into
my finger and brings it up to brush his lips against my
"So, what you're saying is, you don't really need to attend and
graduate from this college?" I ask for confirmation.
“I don’t need to attend this college or any other colleges or
universities,” he replies while concentrating on the traffic. His
sure elegant hand moves to the gear knob to change gears. He
seems to be fond of driving a manual. He’s driving his beloved
1971 Hemi Cuda convertible he named Tracey. We’re on our
way to campus. Darius is driving Penny, Serena, and Genesis in
another car.
“Constantine, Lazarus, and I have been traveling the world for
a couple of centuries now. We’ve graduated and even obtained
doctorates from several universities. We studied mainly in
Europe before we decided to come to North America for the
last few decades,” he explains. We come to a red light and he
stops. My stomach clenches as usual when he turns his vivid
green eyes on me. “I’m here just for you.”
Oh, swoon! Just like that, my heartbeat skyrocket and I do
what my heart wants me to do. I lean over the console and kiss
those sexy inviting lips. He curses when the horn blares behind
us. The light has turned green. Wow, that was quick.
My mind is still hazy but he calmly sits back and continues
driving. “See what you did there, Princess? His voice is sexy
and husky. “I know I’m irresistible, but you’re a menace on the
“Oh, Me? I’m the menace on the road? It’s my fault now?
You’re the one who’s driving,” I sass back, ignoring his cocky
remark. “Besides, it’s not my fault that I’m irresistible.”
He laughs. “So sassy. I am tempted to devour that saucy mouth
of yours until you admit defeat, Princess.”
“Yeah, you do. As I said, I’m irresistible. Mic drop.”
He drops his head back against the headrest and laughs.
As soon as he parked the car, he grabs me by the waist across
the console and smashes his lips on mine.
We’re interrupted by an incessant rapping on the window.
Penny’s face is peering down on us with Serena and Genesis
smirking behind her. “Cut it out, lovebirds. You’re getting close
to becoming x-rated.”
“She’s just jealous her mate isn’t here to do that,” he mockwhispers to me with a smirk on his face.
“He just left, you brat!” says Penny, giving him the finger. I
giggle and press a kiss on his cheek before I slide out of the car.
“Newly mated,” says Genesis, shaking her head like a wise owl,
followed by a soft laugh from Serena.
Nobody gets as much attention as Caspian, Penny, Genesis,
and Serena around here. When the four of them pass by,
people watch.
That’s why my feet aren’t working properly when I walk
through campus and into the lecture hall with them. People are
Serena and Penny head to a different building while Genesis,
Caspian, and I have the same class. I try to inch further from
them as we get closer to our building but Caspian holds my
hand captive in his. When we enter the class, he wraps his arm
around my shoulders and casually saunters to their usual spot
in the center of the auditorium where his normal fans of girls
are already crowding in.
*My WIFI isn't working. I was so stressed when they
told me to wait till tomorrow to get it fixed. Anyway,
my bae, Adam reminded me that I can use my phone
as my hotspot to get the connection. Duh! Why didn't I
think of that sooner??? (love you, baby!)
So, here's my update for this week. So sorry I missed
yesterday's deadline. My longtime readers would
know that I don't just miss deadlines for shits and
I didn't get to work on the chapter as much as I want
but I hope you still like it. Next update will be next
Much love, Nicole
Chapter 44 - A Flash of The Past
The world seems different somehow but I know, it’s me who’s
changed...still changing. It’s not just the enhanced senses, but
something inside makes me see the world in a different way.
Sitting between Genesis and Caspian in the auditorium,
everything looks familiar yet so alien.
We are surrounded by familiar-looking strangers. I mean, I
don’t know these people but I’ve seen them around enough that
they look familiar. For example, in front of us, sit the three girls
I secretly called “The Sundress Squad” though they’re not
wearing sundresses today. My interaction with them was that
one time when I gave them the finger when they insulted me
and my hobo hoodie. That was on my first day of school. Most
of the others, I’ve never had any interaction of any kind at all,
yet their faces still seem familiar. I once felt like I was one of
them...or maybe I once wanted so badly to be one of them.
Now, I feel detached. I feel sort of like a lion in a herd of zebras.
Not that I want to hurt the zebras, but they seem so fragile. I
feel more than ever now that I’m not part of this big crowd. As I
sit here, my connection and sense of belonging are only with
these two beside me; Caspian and Genesis.
Caspian told me that this might be the last week of our lives as
students here. So, very soon, I won’t be seeing these people
anymore. I’m okay with that. No attachment. No lingering
sadness. I consider it as another chapter of my life, closed.
“You okay, baby?” he asks. His green eyes inquisitive. I guess
he senses my strange mood. His hand that has been stroking
my thigh now moves to graze my cheek. He can’t seem to go
five minutes without touching me.
Yup, I’ll follow him anywhere. I don’t know what’s waiting for
us in Russia. The unknown makes me a nervous but knowing
that I have Caspian and the rest of the pack behind me makes
me feel stronger. I can’t deny that I’m excited too. I’m always
up for a new journey. A new challenge.
“Never better,” I tell him as I take his hand and twine our
fingers together.
He smiles and our eyes locked. Sometimes I feel too much, like
right now. I love him so much it hurts. He brings our hands up
and brushes a kiss on my knuckles.
It’s just as well that this might be my last week here. Sitting
through a lesson next to Caspian is not a conducive learning
environment. I don’t recommend it.
He’s much more interesting to focus on than the topic of
Natural Resources sustainability and International Trade.
It’s hard to ignore the heat of his eyes on me while the class is
going on. Every time I glance at him he’s already looking at me.
Whenever our eyes meet, my brain starts to malfunction.
On top of that, he’s acting like a like a bored, errant child. One
moment, his hand is on my thigh, halfway through the lecture,
he’s playing with my hair, then he’s whispering funny idiotic
things in my ear.
We rush out with other students after the lecture is over.
Genesis is eager to get some sandwiches and a smoothie from
the cafe but when we’re just a block away from the cafe, we see
Constantine on the curb, leaning on the side of his car. He’s
reading a book that looks tiny in his big hand. He seems
oblivious to the looks he keeps getting from the people,
especially the girls around him.
He stands up and tucks the book into the back pocket of his
jeans as soon as he sensed us. His face lights up when he sees
his mate.
“Bye, you two!” yells Genesis as she goes running into his arms.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” There goes Genesis.
“See you later!” I yell back though I doubt they can hear us.
“With Red, I think the list of things she wouldn’t do is pretty
short,” says Caspian with a grin. “Want to go explore what’s on
and off the list with me?”
The idea sounds tempting but I poke his chest with my index
finger. “Cafe first, mister!” He laughs as he tucks his arm more
securely around my shoulders.
The phone rings in his jacket pocket. He looks at the screen
and his whole demeanor changes. “I have to take this,” he tells
me. “You go on inside. I’ll see you in a minute.”
He puts the phone to his ear and he says something in Russian
while his eyes stay on me as I walk into the cafe.
Club Espresso Degree Cafe isn’t too busy right now. There are
only three people at one of the tables and one person ahead of
me at the counter. Cat is the only person behind the counter.
Her straight, short, purple hair fans out to cover her cheeks as
she works the cash register.
The person in front of me leaves and I step right up. “Hey,
She lifts her eyes up and her eyebrows rise when she sees me.
Then a big smile overtakes her face. “Quincy! Where have you
“I...Around,” I reply. I’m still not sure what to tell people about
my disappearance.
“You didn’t show up for work. I called you, but I only got your
voicemail. Evelyn called you. We were getting worried,” she
“Well....things happened,” I say. “I’m sorry I made you worry.
Is Adam very mad at me for not showing up?”
“He’s not happy about it,” Cat replies with a wince. That means
he’s mad at me. “He got some of us to cover for you the first
couple of days, then he shuffled our schedule around the next
few days. Yesterday, he hired a new girl to replace you. I’m
I understand. They have a business to run and a lot of students
would be interested to fill in the position. The cafe is in a very
convenient location and the hours are very flexible to fit in with
our class schedule.
"He's not in right now," she tells me. “So, what happened?
Everything’s okay though, right?”
“Well...” I lift my left hand up to show her my rings. “I got
“Get out!” she exclaims. “Get. Out!” she says louder. “Oh, my
God! You’re serious!” she shrieks, grabbing my hand to take a
closer look at the rings. “Oh wow! Who’s the lucky man? Wait!
Don’t tell me. It’s that gorgeous sex god, isn’t it?”
“If you meant Caspian, then yes.”
She lets out a funny yelp and claps her hands. “I’m so excited!”
She grabs my shoulders like she’s about to haul me over the
counter. “Oh my God! Where is he?” She peeks around me to
see if Caspian is behind me.
“He’s on the phone, just outside. He’ll be in soon,” I answer.
She leans in closer to me and lowers her voice almost to a
whisper. “So how was he? Is he good in bed? Seriously, he is,
isn’t he? I mean, tell me he’s phenomenal, please! With that
look...I’d be so disappointed if it’s just false advertisement.
Wait! How big is he? Show me with your hands.” She puts both
hands up with a gap between them and says, “Is he this big? Or
“Hey! What do you have to do to get a coffee around here?”
interrupts a guy behind me, sounding very annoyed.
Cat scowls at the poor man and places an index finger to her
lips. “Shhh!!! Wait your turn, buddy. This is a very important
matter!” She then motions me to get behind the counter. Oh
God! Crazy Cat. I try not to look at the unhappy customer
behind me. He must have heard the whole thing! My filter
might be broken sometimes, but Cat has no filter. At all.
I walk to the other side as she asked me to, just to get away
from the scowling man. As soon as I get behind the counter,
she pulls me into a hug. “Oh my God! You are so lucky! I’m so
happy for you.”
“Uh...thanks, Cat.”
She steps back and something behind me seems to catch her
eye. Her eyes narrow and a devilish delight flashes on her face
before she slides her gaze back at me. “You know, Jenna’s
working today. I don’t suppose you want to stick it to her...I
mean, stick around and say hi to her, do you?” She smiles
sweetly but I’ve seen that wicked look on her face, so her
innocent act isn’t very convincing. Oh, Cat.
I look over my shoulder, and sure enough, Jenna is leaning
against the wall leading to the washroom. There are a rag and a
spray bottle on a table next to her, but she is busy typing away
on her phone.
Cat all but drags me to where Jenna is standing. “Hey, Jenna,
look who’s here to say hi. You were telling Adam how worried
you were about Quincy not showing up for work. Aren’t you
glad she’s alright?”
Jenna lowers her phone to look at us with raised eyebrows. The
look on her face is telling us that she’s everything but happy to
see me. “Yeah, overjoyed,” she says flatly. “So, you’ve lost your
job. I’m sorry Adam replaced you so quickly.” Yeah, I can see
how sincerely sorry she is.
Cat smiles and before I can say anything, she replies, “Well,
that couldn’t be helped. She was busy getting married.” She
lifts my hand to show Jenna my rings. “Take a look at that
engagement ring. Beautiful, isn’t it? And big!”
I almost say “That’s what she said,” but managed to bite my
tongue just in time. I’m so proud of myself. So proud. Insanely
awesome self-control right there.
“Oh,” says Jenna, seemingly lost for words. Then she blinks
and says, “Congratulations, Quincy....though why anybody
would get married so early is beyond me. Unless you got
knocked up. You did, didn’t you?”
“Nope. Not that I know of,” I reply.
“Hey sweetheart,” comes my mate’s voice from behind me. I
grin up at him as he slides an arm around my middle from
behind. I know he’s been listening. I know the exact moment
he stepped into the cafe.
He drops a kiss on my upturned face, then he looks up with
that wicked grin on his face. Oh uh...“Oh, hey, you’re the girl
who barks,” he says to Jenna. “How is it going?”
Jenna’s mouth drops open and her eyes can’t get any bigger. I
hear Cat snorts.
I try to pull him out of there before he can wreak a bigger
havoc. “Hi, Cat,” he smiles at Cat. “I’m here to pick up my wife
who is not pregnant....yet.” He then turns to me and says not so
quietly, “We better go home and keep working on that,
“Oooh la, laa...” says Cat who is now back at her station behind
the counter. “I fully support that.”
“Oh, my God!” I tug at his arm harder. “I'll see you later, Cat.
Say hi to Evelyn and Travis the next time you see them!”
"Hey, I'm not done yet," he protests as I pull him out the door.
Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of.
“You are nuts! Totally incorrigible!”
He laughs. “I am your totally incorrigible nuts.”
That’s true. “Oh, shut up!” I can’t keep the smile from my face
When we get back into the car, I ask him, “So, who called you?”
I feel bad about asking when I sense his good mood
Just for a second, I can see that he’s about to give me a
standard answer like “don’t worry about it” out of habit but he
catches himself. “His name is Chamberlain,” he says instead as
he starts the car. “He’s the youngest of the Royal Advisors, and
he called as a friend.
“He advised me to go back as soon as we can. He sensed that
trouble is brewing. The sooner we get back, the better.” He
eases the car out onto the main road and grows quiet.
“What kind of trouble?” I ask him after a while.
“He wouldn’t say on the phone but I suspect he must know
something. I’ll set up a meeting with him as soon as we get to
Russia. I told him that we might travel back in a few more days.
Lady Celeste will be able to travel by then. I’ll talk to the others
about it tonight.”
I just nod my head and with that, he puts the top down. The air
is nippy but the sun is shining bright. The wind is in my hair.
The song My Type by Saint Motel is playing on the radio. For
now, life is good.
He turns to look at me. Love and admiration glimmer in his
eyes. The sun is glinting in his golden hair. “I look after what’s
mine. I’m going to keep you safe, Moya Printsessa,” he says
with a fierce determination. I believe him.
“Jonah!” I fling my arms around my cousin even though I know
he doesn’t like being hugged...or maybe because I know he
doesn’t like being hugged. I think he’s trying not to roll his eyes
because of how dramatic I’m being. It’s only been two days
since I last saw him and here I am acting like it’s been months
or years. He gives me that awkward pat on my back while
trying to discreetly shove me away. Oh, Jonah. He reminds me
of Oscar the Grouch. What a sweetheart. I will have to try
harder to annoy him.
“Layla!” I hug Layla who giggles and hugs me back. Well, here’s
somebody who’s happy to see me.
“It’s good to see you again, Quincy!” she exclaims.
Isaac is standing behind Layla near the sofa with a big smile on
his face.
“Hey, Isaac!” I find myself being pulled back by the collar of my
jacket from behind before I could take another step forward. I
scowl at Caspian but he’s not even looking at me because he’s
too busy giving Isaac a cold glare.
Isaac’s big smile disappeared. “Nice to see you, Quincy. Now
I’m going to go...uh, fold the laundry. See ya!” Within seconds,
he disappears behind the closed door of his room. Yup, Isaac
loves his balls.
Who could blame Isaac, though? My mate is good five or six
inches taller than he is, not to mention more muscular and
scary when he’s in this possessive caveman mood.
We have a good visit with Layla and Jonah. Caspian surprises
me when he asks Jonah to come to Russia with us. It’s a good
The day after that, we visit Genesis’s and Penny’s old pack
where Genesis’s younger sister, Autumn is the Luna.
Everybody comes with us except for Lady Celeste and Jorden.
It’s funny to know that Alpha Hunter Stevens, Autumn’s mate
once had a crush on Genesis. Both of them seem to be happy
and are expecting their first child.
Genesis’s parents are as sweet and as crazy as Genesis is.
Penny’s and Genesis’s best friends, Reese and River and their
three-year-old daughter, Piper are also doing well. Reese is
pregnant again. Piper is a handful but very adorable.
It’s a fun visit. It reminds me of my old pack but with a nicer
Alpha and pack members. Much much nicer.
The next few days after we get back are a blur to me as we get
ready to travel to Russia. I grow even closer to everybody in the
pack. The bond that we share is unbelievable. They really feel
like family instead of some people that I met just a few weeks
Lady Celeste seems to recover quite well. She doesn’t need her
neck brace anymore. She’s back to normal...somewhat. I can
still hear her throwing a tantrum, especially when she thinks
we’re not around to hear or see it. I think the cook and the
housekeepers would throw a party once she’s gone. I think
Caspian should give them all a big bonus for this cause.
I still smell her scent near the pool house whenever I go see
Jorden but I try not to bring it up again. I know They’re not
mates. Theirs is a very unlikely friendship. I don’t get it.
They’re as different as night and day.
“Is everything packed and ready to go?” asks Serena as she sits
on the upholstered tufted bench at the foot of the bed.
“Yeah, I think so.” I don’t have that much to pack but we’re
leaving at dawn. “What about you? You have so much more
than I do. Are you done?”
“Pretty much,” she replies. “I didn’t pack everything up.
Everything that’s left will be shipped over later if we’re not
coming back.”
“Are you ready to leave this place for good?” I ask her as I look
around. I’ve grown to love this house.
“I’ve grown to love this place too,” she says as if she’s able to
read my mind. “But I’m used to moving. You’ll always grow to
love a place. Each place leaves a mark on you. But you keep
moving on to the next one. Always looking forward to new
marks and experiences. As long as you have your mate and
your pack with you, you’re home.”
“That’s true,” I say, giving her a smile. “Serena?” I take a seat
beside her. “What’s Banehallow Palace like?”
She looks out the window at the blue sky and the view of the
ocean. Her face looks thoughtful as she takes her time to think
about it. “Banehallow is surrounded by werewolf packs, but it’s
far away from human’s population. The Palace and the vast
forest around it seem intimidating yet magical. The palace
itself is very old and mysterious: full of secret passages and
rooms I’ve yet to discover. It’s very opulent and lavish. No
matter how long or how often I stayed there, I’ll never get used
to how grand it is. When you’re there, it’s easy to forget that
humans and the outside world exist.
"I guess that’s why Lazarus, Constantine, and Caspian travel so
much- to remind themselves that outside world exists and to
experience as much of it as they can before they’re bound by
duties there.
"But really, it’s hard to explain it all. You’ll see it for yourself
soon enough.”
Yeah, I guess I’ll see it for myself soon enough.
*3000 words.
My next update will be on Tuesday evening (est) Have
a wonderful week, everybody!♥
Chapter 45 - Banehallow Palace
The amazing rich male scent, the soft comforter, and the warm
hard body covering mine feel heavenly but the incessant sound
of the alarm blaring is very annoying. I groan, telling it to be
quiet. So far it’s not working. Stubborn alarm.
I free one arm out from underneath all the weight and try to
stretch it to reach the phone on the bedside table to turn it off.
No such luck. My arm isn’t long enough. My mate groans and
pulls me firmly back into him.
Why does it have to go off so early though? It’s still dark. The
sun isn’t up yet. Stupid alarm. Gosh, the alarm is so stupid...
Wait! Alarm. Holly Mackeral! Airport. Russia. Right! We have
a plane waiting.
“Caspian!” I pull my arm out again and grasp his shoulder.
“Caspian!” I try to shake him. “Wake up! We have to get up.”
“Umm...Shhh...sleep...” he mumbles, burrowing his face
further into the hollow of my neck.
My mate is not a morning person. He’s the one who set the
alarm last night. Looks like I’m the one who has to wake him
“Caspian, wake up!” I try to push his weight off me. It’s like
trying to move a boulder. “Caspian!”
He groans, pushes his knee between my legs, and his hand
that’s curled around my breast begins to knead. His lips start to
pepper kisses along my neck. “Quincy...” he breathes into my
skin before his mouth latches onto it. That actually feels nice.
Ummm...Very nice.
My breath hitches. “Caspian,” I gasp.
“What the hell is that noise?” he grumbles, lifting his face up.
His hair is all mussed up from sleep and his strong eyebrows
come down in a scowl.
Oh, right, plane, Russia. “It’s the alarm,” I tell him helpfully.
A well-defined arm stretches out to tap the phone screen. The
muscles flex deliciously. “Now where were we?” He tilts his
head sideways and leans down again.
I put both hands up on his chest before his lips reach mine.
“Caspian, we have to get up,” I tell him. “We’re flying to Russia
today, remember?”
He stops for a beat before he lets out a tortured moan and
lowers his head down on my chest. “I’m a prince. I should be
able to do what I want. I’d rather stay here with you,” he
grumbles moodily.
Not a second later, I know his attention has gotten sidetracked
when he mumbles, “Goddess, you are beautiful. Krasivaya.” His
fingers begin to explore my ribcage. “Skin so soft...and you
smell amazing.” His wet silky tongue sweeps me just
underneath my breast. "You taste so good...” Oh, God, this
“Caspian, stop. We have to go,” I protest though I do prefer to
stay in bed with him the whole day...like we did the day before.
We only went downstairs for food.
“A quickie?” he suggests, lifting up his face just enough to look
at me with a raised eyebrow and hopeful expression. His hair is
getting long. A few golden locks fall over one eye. He looks
almost angelic if not for that naughty gleam in his eyes.
I’m tempted to cave in. “No...we have a plane to catch,” I tell
him instead, with a regretful sigh.
“No, we don’t. The plane goes whenever I say we go,” he
replies. His face shows the arrogance of a man used to getting
what he wants. He’s such a spoiled brat sometimes.
He reaches for me again and I roll away, taking the sheet with
me to cover my body and he frowns. He grabs the end of the
sheet and I let go. “Even so, we shouldn’t keep others waiting,
my lord,” I tell him.
His eyes roam my body and he orders, “Come back to bed,
I just shake my head. If he touched me again, I know I wouldn't
be able to say no.
He sighs moodily. “See? I’m a prince but I never get to do what
I want,” he mumbles as he gets up. I roll my eyes at how extra
he’s being this morning.
He strolls to the bathroom without a stitch on him and without
shame. His magnificent body is a dream to watch- beautifully
sculptured with all rippling muscles and flawless skin.
I know he’s reluctant to go back to Russia. I know he worries
about me. At times I can feel the heaviness of his burden so
clearly as if it’s my own no matter how much he’s trying to
shield me from those feelings.
I worry too. The unknown is a double-edged sword. It terrifies
me as much as it excites me. I also worry about Lady Celeste’s
next move. It sits like a rock in the pit of my stomach. Only
when we’re together, the heaviness melts away. He’s right. We
are each other’s ultimate distraction.
The shower starts and soon, the steam comes rolling in from
the open bathroom door. The sound of the shower running
doesn’t fully drown the sound of his voice still grumbling.
I lay back in bed, trying hard not to laugh at his morning
grumpiness. Well, he’s extra grumpy today. “Awww...do you
need your back scrub, baby?” I tease.
His answer is to come striding out of the bathroom, buck naked
and dripping wet, scoops me up from the bed and carries me
into the warm shower with him.
All our luggage and bags are already taken downstairs by the
luggage fairies...okay, not really. But they are all gone by the
time we came out of the shower.
I’m almost ready when he emerges from the walk-in closet. Our
eyes meet in the mirror and he leans against the doorframe
with his hands in his pants’ pockets to watch me twisting my
hair up into a french braid.
He’s looking sharp and flawless....and regal. His jaw is clean
shaven, his golden hair is shiny and styled back. He’s wearing a
navy blue, v-neck cable knit sweater over a white shirt and a
blue silk tie, dark grey trousers and shiny black leather boots.
“You look beautiful no matter how you wear your hair,” he says
as he pushes his broad shoulder off the doorframe to stand
behind me. His warm hard body presses against my back and
he runs his long, elegant fingers along the strands of my hair
before he brings it aside to wind it around his hand like a rope.
“But I much prefer your hair down.” He kisses the slope of my
neck while his eyes stay locked with mine in the mirror. “All
wild and wrapped around my fingers.”
“I know,” I whisper as I reach up to kiss his cheek. He smells
like aftershave, a faint trace of an expensive cologne, and his
own addictive scent that I always crave. “Now let’s go.“...before
I cave in to the temptation again.
It’s only 5:15 am by the time we get to the kitchen. It’s still dark
outside but all the lights downstairs are on.
There are some fresh fruits and assortments of cereals on the
kitchen island. There are also a big carafe of coffee and a pot of
tea at the end of the granite counter, along with sugar, cream,
and milk.
Everybody is already sitting at the breakfast table, drinking tea
or coffee but no one is having anything to eat.
Jonah and Jorden are also here. This is the first time that I see
my two cousins dressed so smartly. I have to admit, they both
clean up nicely.
Lady Celeste is sitting on a wingback chair, facing the big
window overlooking the well-lit backyard and the pool all by
herself. She’s dressed in a peach-colored designer dress and
her hair is beautifully done up as always. She’s trying to appear
relaxed but I notice her beautifully manicured fingers fidgeting
with the strap of her Birkin bag.
Serena and Penny utter a quiet good morning to us and the
men just nod their heads in acknowledgment.
I think Genesis is still half asleep. She's muttering something
unintelligible into her mug. It sounds like a threat of something
violent...if you listen carefully.
“It’s only her second mug,” says Constantine, as if that explains
Caspian pours us both a mug of coffee each. He adds two cubes
of sugar and a touch of cream to my coffee before taking the
mugs to the breakfast table for us.
There are three SUVs and a limo waiting in the driveway.
Apparently, the limo is for Lady Celeste with the driver slash
personal bodyguard who traveled with her from the Palace.
The driver opens the door of the first SUV for us. Caspian and I
share the ride with Genesis and Constantine.
Again, these lycans don’t know how to drive at an appropriate
speed. We go flying through the highway. We are driven
straight to the tarmac where the plane is already waiting.
We are greeted by the Captain and the co-pilot at the bottom of
the steps. The flight crew seems to be familiar with the rest of
the lycans.
I think the crews are all werewolves. Two flight attendants who
stand by the door introduced themselves as Anna and Yuliya.
They give Caspian a flirtatious smile and he stiffens. They seem
confused when he ushers me inside without a word or a smile
in their direction.
Penny snickers and I hear her mutters as she walks past him,
“Your past is catching up with you, pretty boy?”
I shoot him a look which he avoids looking at. I try to pull my
hand out of his grasp but he just holds on tighter. I know I
could never win this war with him, so I just let him drag me to
the plush leather seats at the very front.
I know he was a player and a flirt, but I never thought I’d see
more of them after Helen Jessica Rabbit What’s her name. I
guess I should have known that I’d be seeing plenty of them
when we get to Russia. Well, as long as they know their place,
we’re good. Let’s see how long I can manage without tearing
someone’s hair out. This is going to be so much fun! Not!
This plane is even more luxurious than the one we took when
we were flying back from my old pack. The interior is lavish
and classy. There are eight cream leather seatings with tables
that can be folded in front of them. There are two plush curved
sofas after that. Beyond the sofas are two bedrooms, a
washroom, and a full bathroom.
To their credit, the two air hostesses remain professional and
friendly. They serve us breakfast an hour after takeoff and
make no attempt to flirt with him again. So, I think we’re
good...they got me at breakfast.
My mate, on the other hand, is still in the doghouse, though it’s
quite hard to keep him there. Reasonable or not, I’m feeling
hurt and I’m punishing him for what I might have to deal with
when we get to Russia. The more I try to ignore him, the more
he insists on keeping me close.
Some people might say he’s being charming...I’d say he’s being
annoying. Like right now, he’s force-feeding me breakfast while
explaining the names of the food in front of us. “Come on, open
up, my love. I know you’ll like this one,” he says, holding a
forkful of something that’s called Sharlotka, some sort of apple
cake, to my mouth. He’s already fed me Blini (a cross between
a pancake and a crepe served with butter, sour cream, jam, and
caviar), Semolina porridge, as well as the usual fried egg,
sausage, yogurt, and fresh fruit. The food was delicious and I’m
already full but I can’t tell him that because I’m not talking to
him, see? This is all part of his plan to get me to say something.
This is our battle right here. He’s so hardheaded and devious,
and obnoxious. I’m tempted to sucker punch him on the throat.
I mean, if I didn’t love him so much, I would’ve.
“Caspian, can we have a minute?” says Constantine, tipping his
chin towards the back.
“I’ll be right back, Moya Printsessa.” Caspian leans in to kiss
me on the cheek before he follows Constantine to the back of
the plane where they huddle together with Lazarus, Darius,
and Jonah.
I stand up to join Serena, Genesis, and Penny who are sitting
on the sofa.
“What’s up with Her Ladyship?” I ask them, indicating Lady
Celeste who is sitting on one of the seats at the front beside
Jorden. She seems rather pale and is very silent. Jorden is
talking to her quietly.
“She’s scared of flying,” whispers Genesis.
What? The mighty, bratty, annoying lycan is scared of flying?
My face must have registered my shock because Penny grins
and nods her head before adding, “That’s why she never travels
“The word is, she was in a terrible plane crash in the 60-s and
never fully recovers from it, emotionally,” explains Serena.
“Hey, I know how to make this flight more interesting,” says
Penny excitedly. Her eyes bright with gleeful menace.
“Penny, don’t!” warns Genesis. I know Genesis is trying to act
more mature. It’s her new resolution for this month. Each
month her resolution ended up a failure so far. Last month, her
resolution was to eat less. That didn’t end very well, according
to Penny. Let’s just say, a hangry lycan is not a pleasant lycan.
So she’s trying extra hard this time. I can already see the crack,
though. I see how her eyes dart between Penny and Lady
Celeste and her face falls in curiosity and longing to do
Serena is trying hard not to laugh. She pats Genesis shoulder in
“You’re doing great, Gen,” I tell her in support though I’m
dying to know what Penny has cooking in that coocoo brain of
“Awww...you guys are no fun,” complains Penny with a frown.
“Malyshka, you’re not planning to bring the plane down, are
you?” asks Darius as the men come to join us.
“Bring the plane down? Psshh...why would I do that?” she says
before gazing up at him with an angelic looking smile.
“Sweetheart, let’s go before Beany gets you to be her minion to
carry out her devious little plans to destroy the world,” says
Caspian as he takes my wrist and pulls me up.
Penny gasps in indignation. “You...I’m not...I’m...what? That’s
you! You evil mastermind you!” she shouts at our back.
“Beany, you know I’m a lover, not a fighter. I only make sweet
sweet wonderful love, not war,” replies my mate with a wink as
he ushers me into one of the bedrooms at the back.
“And I’m a monkey’s uncle,” she answers.
“That you are,” says Caspian. I didn’t get to hear her comeback
as Caspian closes the door firmly behind us.
Even the bedroom is very richly decorated. It carries the same
plush cream, white and black decor as the front cabin. The
lights are dimmed and the windows are drawn.
He strips down to his boxers then drags me to bed and wraps
his arms tightly around me. I fall asleep almost immediately.
When I wake up a few hours later, I’m not mad at him
It’s dark and the door opens to flurries of snow at Vnukovo
Airport, Russia.
The security here is tight. We are surrounded by big seriouslooking men who remind me of Darius once we get out of the
plane. Caspian’s hand is clasping mine as we step on the icy
tarmac where limousines are already waiting.
It seems that we are already assigned which cars are to take us.
We share the spacious limo with Constantine, Genesis, and
Lady Celeste.
Caspian lifts me up and settles me on his lap once we got into
the car. He rests his chin on the side of my head and wraps his
arms tightly around me as if he’s going to lose me if he let go
for one second.
I grab the front of his jacket and rest my head on the curve
between his neck and shoulder while watching Russia past by
in a blur from the window of the car. I breathe in his scent and
feel his thumb drawing circles on my upper arm.
After a while, I notice that he’s actually writing something on
my arm.
I L-O-V-E U, he writes.
I L-O-V-E-U 2, I trace back on his chest.
T-H-I-S C-A-R R-I-D-E S-U-C-K-S, he writes.
I giggle and reply, I S-U-C-K U.
He suddenly lifts his head up and looks down at me with a
raised eyebrow and a wicked smile. “Promise?” he asks.
“Maybe,” I whisper coyly.
"Hell yeah!" he says.
I can feel Lady Celeste’s burning gaze on us, but at this point, I
couldn’t care less about her. I’m the one with the Prince’s
Banehallow Palace is impressive, to say the least. It takes my
breath away as soon as I see it in a distance. It sits on a huge
land on top of a mountain, surrounded white, snow-covered
forest. We drive through several werewolf pack’s territories just
to get to the road that goes up to the heavily guarded front gate.
It’s still quite a drive, going through some more wooded areas
and a large field from the front gate to the Palace’s massive
front doors.
The building itself is magnificent. It must have been sitting
here, withstanding nature of ice, sunshine, and rain for
centuries. There are turrets and big windows with eerie looking
stone gargoyles on the slanted roofs. There are humongous
columns supporting the arched roofed entrance and bronze
statues of lycans standing on guard on the front steps. A huge
frozen pond with an ice-covered statue-fountain of a woman
with the face of a lycan sits in front of the mighty structure.
This is it. I’ve entered my mate’s world. It’s like a different
The guards open the door for us and I feel the change in
Caspian’s mood as soon as we enter the Palace. His naughty,
playful spirit is replaced by a stiff, heavily guarded demeanor.
We are met by a solemn, dignified-looking man in a stiff black
suit. He’s thin and tall, almost as tall as Caspian. His dark hair
is parted on the side and he has a pencil thin mustache like that
French actor, Jean Dujardin once had. His face gives nothing
“Welcome back, Your Highness,” he says with a little bow.
“François,” acknowledges my mate while handing him our
thick jackets. “Quincy, this is my PA, François. François, this is
my mate, Quincy Romanov.”
François bows respectfully. “Your Highness, King Alexandros
and Queen Sophia are expecting you for dinner shortly.”
Caspian’s hand tightens around mine. Something cold and
heavy sinks into my stomach. I’m so not ready for this.
*3215 words
Oh uh...we'll be meeting the mother soon. My next
update will be next Tuesday evening (est) again. Have
a wonderful week, everybody!
Chapter 46 - Things That Go Bump in the Night
Shiny golden hair in a perfect updo, exposing those high
cheekbones and narrow jaw. Cold green eyes appraising me
from across the room. She looks more like Caspian’s older
sister than his mother. Queen Sophia is beautiful. There’s no
doubt about that. I can see where Caspian got his look from.
I got a warmer response from King Alexandros than from his
wife when I was introduced to them a few minutes ago. King
Alexandros is tall and handsome with dark hair and golden
brown eyes. I can see Caspian in the chiseled jaw, the imposing
height, the wide breadth of his shoulders, and the upward
curve of his lips when he smiles.
Right now there is a slight dispute over the seating
arrangement at the dinner table. Apparently, Caspian is to be
seated next to his father and Lady Celeste is to sit next to him.
I’m supposed to sit at the very end of the table right next to a
gentleman, a royalty - Caspian’s second cousin twice removed
or something like that, whose name I don’t remember.
True to his nature, Prince Caspian does what Prince Caspian
wants. He never lets go of my hand. He takes the seat next to
me where the other man was supposed to sit. The man whose
name for the life of me, I can’t remember, shuffles on his feet.
He looks left and right for another available seat, and finally,
hesitantly, sits next to the King. Poor man, he hunkers down as
if he’s trying to make himself invisible. His face looks green as
if he’s going to be sick at any moment. Well, I’m glad I’m not
sitting next to him.
Caspian gives my hand a squeeze and I sit up straight, tipping
my chin up. Queen Sophia is trying to show me my place by
placing me at this end of the table. I will not bend to anybody.
My Nana didn’t raise a coward. I look everyone in the eye.
Proud and defiant.
The Queen’s lips are thinning as she burns us with her stare.
The whole table seems uneasy except for my lycan family. Even
Lady Celeste is oddly quiet. I catch Constantine smirking while
Lazarus seems oddly proud. Darius is as unmoved as usual but
I know, without a doubt that he has my back. Genesis, as a
princess, since she’s married to Prince Constantine, is sitting
close to the Queen. She’s trying hard to look serious though she
furtively flashed me a tiny smile earlier like a mental high-five.
A soft little smile is playing on Serena’s lips. Penny, for the first
time, seems timid but there’s a wicked gleam in her eyes. She
confided in me just yesterday that Queen Sophia intimidates
her. Penny feels her dominance as a queen. Strong and
overwhelming. Me? I don’t feel anything.
When Queen Sophia raises a delicate eyebrow our way, I
wonder if she’s using her power of dominance on me. Well, she
needn’t bother. I’m so insensitive, as blind as a bat to anyone’s
energy. Nobody’s power is dominating me in any way. Not even
King Alexandros’s.
It’s a silent struggle of power, right at this grand Royal dining
table. At least I’m aware of that. The room is beautiful beyond
anything I’ve ever seen in my life...the whole Palace is.
Richness and wealth everywhere I look. I’ve no doubt, the food
is delicious, prepared by the best chef the world could offer.
But they could’ve served us cardboard box, for all I can tell. The
conversation around the room is subdued. The level of hostility
so high, everything I put in my mouth tastes like dust. I’m glad
both my cousins are not at this table. I bet they’re having a
better time at the guest’s quarters.
I don’t remember how many courses came and went. I might
not feel anything but still, I feel depleted towards the end. I feel
so tired. I feel like I’ve fought so many battles just by sitting at
this table. If not for Caspian giving me strength with his
presence and his hand on my thigh or tangled fingers
underneath the table, I’d have deflated by the third or the
fourth course.
Caspian told me before that his parents tend to be laxed with
the protocol during informal dinner but we still have to be on
time and shouldn’t leave the table before the king and the
queen. It seems to take forever for them to finish dinner.
I feel like jumping up and dance on the table when King
Alexandros stands up. He nods to Caspian and a few others at
the table. “I will see you gentlemen in my office soon,” he says.
Queen Sophia who’s standing beside him announces, “You will
stay in the Gordovina Room in the West Wing where the guests
reside. The guards will escort you there.”
My head snaps up when I realize that Queen Sophia was
addressing that statement to me.
“No, she will stay with me,” growls Caspian. “And she will not
be taken anywhere like a criminal.”
The Queen narrows her eyes before she starts to spew words in
Russian through gritted teeth. I have no clue what she’s saying,
but I caught Lady Celeste’s name being mentioned and her
fingers jabbing my direction once or twice. With each word, the
heat in my chest increased.
“Enough, mother!” yells my mate, getting to his feet.
“I will not be disrespected like this!” she hisses back. “You will
do as I say!”
“I will not. I will not have my mate be disrespected in any way,”
Caspian returns. His body is leaning forward like he’s ready for
a fight, his hands are bracing the table. My chest is blazing redhot from his fury. His eyes are turning black. He’s losing his
control fast. This dinner is going from bad to worse.
Constantine tips his head while fixing his stare on me. I stand
up and immediately cup Caspian’s face in my hands, bringing it
down to me. “Come with me,” I tell him as I look into his cold
black eyes. I didn’t expect him to do as I ask him so easily but
when I grab his hands in mine and tug him out the door, he
comes with me without a word.
I cup his face with my hands once again as soon as we’re out in
the hallway and the doors are closed behind us. His glittering
black eyes are like an empty black abyss, staring back at me.
Fierce and intense.
Serena warned me that Caspian and Queen Sophia can’t be in
the same room for too long. Caspian has a deep resentment
towards his mother. Indeed, he’s different in his mother’s
presence. He’s not his playful annoying self when she’s around.
I didn’t realize how easily he could lose his control with her.
I stroke his beautiful face and he closes his eyes. I kiss his
cheeks, his eyelids, his forehead and back to his cheek. When
his eyelids flutter open again, inhumanly vivid green eyes are
gazing back at me. “Quincy,” he breathes, nuzzling the tip of his
nose along my cheek.
“That’s okay, baby. I’m here,” I tell him. We stay like that for a
bit longer. “Listen, let me stay in that room...wherever that is.
We can do this. I don’t mind.”
“But I do mind. I want you where I can see you. I want you
where I can keep you safe.”
“I’ll be safe. There are guards everywhere,” I reason.
“No,” he says.
“We pick our battle. It’s okay if we give this one up but win the
one that counts,” I tell him. “Besides, some easy, quiet time by
myself without your annoying self would do me good.” I give
him a teasing grin.
He sighs and presses his forehead to mine. A tiny smile touches
his lips briefly. “Just for tonight. You’ll be there just for
tonight. I have a meeting anyway. I’ll be in my father’s office
with our men probably all night. Tomorrow morning, I’m
coming for you. Tomorrow night and the nights after that,
you’re sleeping in my bed. You belong next to me.
“I’m going to have my own guard at your door. My very best
and most trusted. I don’t trust anyone here.”
I toss and turn on the big four-poster bed. The fire is roaring in
the fireplace facing the bed but I feel cold and alone in the
huge, strange room. I can’t relax. I can’t turn my brain off.
Besides, I hear strange noises - creaking sounds on the ceiling,
rattling in the walls, peculiar whispering and moaning sounds
from nowhere. Oh, my God, it’s haunted! This old Palace is
I’m not scared. Not really. I’m just...unsettled.
Okay, maybe a little bit scared. Just a little bit.
Maybe it’s not an alone, quiet time by myself that I need. I need
some alone, quiet time with Caspian. Only he can make me feel
whole and safe. It’s pathetic but I can’t sleep without my mate.
I’ve parted the heavy damask curtains earlier. The half-moon is
bright in the night sky, illuminating the room with its pale
I imagine I hear some more creaking sound. On the floor this
time. “Psssttt...” My heart jumped out of my chest. I swear it
did. “Pssstt...Quincy?”
I jump out of the bed with a shriek. What the heck? “Penny?” I
squeak. “What...How? How did you get in here? What are you
“Oh, Thank Goddess I got the right room,” she says. “I was so
worried that I came to someone else’s room. Can you imagine--”
“Penny!” I call out, then I glance at the door. It’s still closed. I
bet the guards are still outside.
“Oh, ummm..what?” she asks.
I still can’t believe Penny is standing right in my room in her
pink silk kimono wrap and a pair of matching pink fuzzy
slippers on her feet....unless she’s a ghost.
I lift a finger and poke her cheek with it.
“Owww...what are you doing?” she yelps, slapping my finger
away. She's looking at me like I’ve lost my mind.
“Just checking if you’re real, Ghost Penny.”
“I’m not a ghost, you silly! I see Caspian’s crazy has rubbed off
on you,” replies Ghost Penny. Her ghost is as sassy as she is.
“If you’re not a ghost, how did you get in here then?” I
challenge Ghost Penny.
“I got here through the tunnel, see?” She points toward the
Wow, a tunnel? The moonlight is very muted. I can see a dark
gaping hole in the wall where a floor to ceiling dresser used to
be but I see nothing else beyond that.
“Okay then,” I say, still skeptical. “So...what are you doing
“Just roaming around,” she answers, jumping on the bed.
"Riiight...a roaming ghost. Haven't heard of that one before." I
take a step away from her.
"Just cut it out, will you? I'm not a ghost!" she insists. "Wow,
this bed is soft."
“You can’t sleep either, huh?” I ask her when I remember that
Darius is in the King’s office along with Caspian and the others.
“Pathetic, huh?” she says.
I grin at her. “Yeah, I guess...but I bet they can’t sleep without
us, either.”
“Oh, yeah. Darius totally can’t sleep without me. I chase his
nightmares away. I’m like his dream catcher or something,”
announces Penny, sounding quite proud of her mild
superpower. “Now let’s go explore the tunnel. It’s like we’re
explorers or something, right?”
“Yeah, or spies or secret agents,” I say though I’m eyeing her in
her silk kimono and fuzzy pink slippers doubtfully. Her hair is
in a ponytail. Cobweb is twisting in it. She certainly isn’t
dressed like an explorer.
“Yeah, spies or secret agents sounds better. I like that. Like
Charlie’s Angels, with only two angels though.”
“Or devils...depends on who you asked,” I say and she grins
mischievously. “Where’s Genesis and Serena?” I ask her.
“Genesis is too scared of spiders. Serena is too classy for things
like this. But you. You, I know would enjoy this as much as I
do.” She is so right.
“I can’t wait! Let’s go,” I say. “Oh, wait a sec,” I lift a finger up
before I run into the closet where my clothes are already
hanging neatly. On one of the hangers is the Hobo Hoodie. If
we were to be spies, we’d better do it right. I guess I brought
the hoodie with me because I was feeling sentimental. But now
I’m glad I did for another reason.
“What is that?” asks Penny, staring at it, looking aghast.
“Penny, meet Hobo Hoodie,” I tell her. “If we’re secret agents,
we need this. Too bad I only have one.”
“Thank goddess you only have one! I draw the line where I
have to wear ugly hoodies...I’m saying this with the utmost
respect to the hobo hoodie. I don’t want to hurt its feelings but
truth has to be told,” she says with a straight face. “So...we have
to wear an ugly hoodie to be spies? Your logic escapes me.”
“Smell it,” I tell her.
She brings it to her nose, sniffs it and frowns. “It smells like
something,” she says. Then she takes another sniff before
handing it back to me. “Strange. It smells like something but
not really anything.”
“Exactly!” I say. It’s funny that the hoodie that I thought smell
so bad when I was a human doesn’t smell bad at all now that
I’m a lycan. It now smells like something, but nothing
significant. It’s a strange smell that a lycan or a werewolf would
just dismiss. Now that Penny just confirmed it, I’m sure
everybody in this palace would react the same way.
“Well, come on then, partner,” she says. “Bring your ugly cloak
of invisibility.”
“Stop dissing Hobo Hoodie,” I tell her as I put my sneakers on.
“Now you’re hurting its feelings.”
She snorts. “I’m so deeply sorry, Hobo Hoodie,” she says,
totally not meaning it. “I’m sorry that you’re ugly.”
It’s chilly and the air is stale in the tunnel. It’s dark too. It’s so
dark that even with our superior eyesight, we need the light
from Penny’s phone to help us find our way through the
unknown passages. We go through the twist and turn, and
steps going up then down. Some part becomes so narrow that it
fits only one person through at one time. We stumble upon
secret openings to the music room and several unoccupied
We’re careful not to talk too much and keep our eyes and ears
open just in case.
Suddenly, Penny stops walking and I bump straight into her
“What the hell,Penn---” I start but I got her hand covering my
“Shhh..” she says before letting go. “Did you hear that?” she
I put my ear to the cold, stone wall and hear some muffled
voices. It’s probably just a couple of the Palace’s workers or
guards but my heart starts beating faster. Some action. Finally!
We’ve been walking along the tunnel long enough not to see
any action. There’s only so much of non-action for one night a
spy could take.
Penny shines the light of her phone around and I spot a stone
slab that looks different from the rest, further ahead to my left.
I point toward it and Penny nods her head. We both put our
ears to the wall again. I hear nothing. The stone slab is heavy. I
doubt a grown human man or even a male werewolf would be
able to move it, but together, we probe the stone slab and
manage to pry it apart.
I poke my head through the small opening to a dark cavernous
hallway. I have no clue in which part of the palace we’re at but
I’m pretty sure we’re not supposed to be here.
“I don’t think we’re allowed in this part of the Palace,” whispers
Penny behind me, confirming my suspicion. “See anything?”
The hallway to my left is a long and endless darkness, while the
pale moonlight steals in through a huge, arched window at the
far wall about 50 feet away to my right. The statues littering the
hallway by the walls are mostly in shadows. I catch a faint,
familiar scent lingering in the air.
“Nothing,” I whisper back.
“Where are you going?” whispers Penny when I slip out.
“Stay here,” I tell her. “Just give me five minutes.” I’m curious
about the smell that I caught a moment ago. I hope Penny
knows better than to come out and risk leaving her scent in the
prohibited hallways.
“Quincy!” she whispers urgently but I ignore her as I walk into
the darkness. I’m trying to keep close to the wall, hiding behind
the looming shadows of the statues. The thick, luxurious carpet
runner that covers the whole hallway helps muffle the sound of
my soft footsteps.
My heart beats faster when I spot a tiny movement of a
shadow. A shadow of a big person. No, not a shadow of one
person. It separates into two then coming together again - two
lovers fused together. A soft gasp and a moan seem to echo in
my ear. The pale light falls on them as they stumble forward
and I’m transfixed, unable to move, breathe, or blink. My heart
is thundering in my chest. No, no no...this is not possible. No!
*My next update will be next Tuesday evening (est).
I'm sorry for the cliffhanger. So sorry that I'm
working hard right now to update faster than Tuesday.
Oh yes, Lord Archer's story will be available on Inkitt
before New Year. So, yay!
Have a wonderful week, everybody!
Chapter 47 - Things That Are Not As They Seem
I will the image in front of me to change, but no, it stays the
same. Some parts of me want to confront the couple so lost in
each other in front of me. Some parts of me just want to run
away and deny what I’m seeing. Finally, I force my legs to
move, walking slowly backward, slinking away from the scene
before me in the cloak of the darkness.
Penny is still waiting for me by the opening, looking worried
enough to want to kick me in my lady nuts.
“So what happened? Did you see anybody?” she asks me as
soon as we moved the stone slabs quietly back into place.
If I didn’t acknowledge it, it didn’t happen. I shake my head. “I
see nothing,” I tell her. My voice is flat. I walk quickly back the
way we came from.
“Nothing?” she mumbles disbelievingly. “Are we going back
now? I thought we’re going to explore some more.”
Oh, Penny. I keep walking and now she’s almost running to
keep up with me while trying to keep the light from her phone
app in front of me so I wouldn’t fall and hurt myself in the
I feel the fire in my chest and the burn behind my eyelids. My
heart is still thundering.
“Are you okay?” she asks, sounding concerned.
No. But I nod and say, “Just tired.”
“Okay,” she says, sounding skeptical and unsure. I feel bad for
lying to her but if I stay longer in her presence, I might cry or
worse, hug her and spill everything.
“Well, yeah, okay, so...I’ll see you in the morning?” she says as I
enter my room.
“Yeah. Good night, Penny,” I reply, unable to look her in the
As soon as we push the heavy solid oak dresser back into place
and Penny disappears from view, I let my back hit the wall,
then I slowly slide to the floor. My butt hit the floor with a
thud. I’m pissed. I’m sad. I’m confused. I’m miserable. I’m a lot
of things. What do I do now? I wish I didn’t see what I saw. I
rest my elbows on my knees and sink my fingers into my
unruly, cobweb infested hair.
This is how Caspian find me fifteen minutes later.
“Sweetheart? What’s wrong?” He’s kneeling beside me. “Tell
me what’s wrong. Did anybody hurt you?” His fingers grasp my
chin, lifting my face up, tilting it this way and that. His eyes are
checking for any damage.
I stare up at him. “You’re here,” I say, feeling dazed. “Why are
you here?”
“I sense your feelings. I got worried so I left the meeting early,”
he answers. He runs his fingers along my cheek, then through
my hair and raises them up to look at the cobwebs trapped
between them. “Have you been roaming the tunnel? Did
something happen? Talk to me, baby.”
I wrap my arms around myself and shake my head. No. I don’t
know if I could tell him. I don’t want to.
He slips his arms under me and lifts me up. He lays me down
gently on the bed and stretches his long legs beside me, resting
on his bent elbow between us so that he’s facing me. “Talk to
me, Moya Printsessa. Please.”
My eyes burn again and my throat becomes strained. “I don’t
want to hurt you,” I blurt out.
His jaw becomes tight and his expression becomes wary as he
regards me with intense eyes. “The only thing that can truly
hurt me is if you told me that you don’t want to be with me
anymore. Other things, I can deal with.”
His hand goes to my throat where his thumb slides to rest on
the pulse that beats there. I blink a few times before I gaze up
at him. “I always want to be with you.” Does he not know how
much I love him? His eyes soften, his jaw and his body seem to
lose their rigidness. He looks more relaxed but my heart breaks
for what I’m about to tell him. “I went into the tunnel. I saw
your mother...” I swallow hard. “With Darius.” I wish I could
unsee the scene I stumbled upon less than an hour ago. Queen
Sophia and Darius in a tight embrace...like lovers who know
each other well. Poor Penny.
The rigidness returns to his jaw and shoulders. His eyebrows
come down in a confused frown. “Darius? Are you sure?”
I stare up at him feeling even more confused. This is not the
reaction I was expecting from him. He seems furious, but not
surprised. If anything, he’s more concerned about Queen
Sophia being with Darius than her being with anyone at all.
Like he’s more concerned for Darius.
“Darius was with me the whole time tonight....up until I left
him with my father and the others at my father’s office a few
minutes ago.”
But that can’t be right. I saw him. Them. I saw them. I was hurt
and disappointed and pissed off. I wanted to hurt him for what
he’s doing to Penny and to us...because I was feeling possessive
of him as part of my pack, at the same time, I wanted to drag
him away from there and make him promise not to do it againnot to hurt Penny. Ever. I was torn between wanting to kill him
and wanting to keep him protected.
All of a sudden, my mate’s expression cleared. “Did you catch
her scent?”
“Yes,” I answer.
“Did you catch his?”
I frown, thinking. “I...I’m not sure.” Did I smell him? “But I
saw him.”
“Sweetheart, things are not always as they seem,” he says.
“Everything is going to be fine.”
“Really? How’d you know?”
“Because Darius would never cheat on Penny,” he says with
certainty. “Besides, if he did, I’ll hurt him myself.”
“Promise?” I ask him.
“I promise. Darius and Penny are solid. Don’t worry about it.”
“What about your mother?”
His jaw clenches again and the coldness seeps into his
expression. I sense anger coursing through my vein from him.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” he replies.
“Okay,” I agree. I know when not to push my mate now. We’ll
talk about it when he’s ready.
“Good,” he says, sounding relieved. “Now off you go.”
“Go where?”
“Shower. I’m not going to snuggle with a cobweb brush no
matter how beautiful she is,” he says with a grin.
Cobweb brush? I want to flick his forehead but my brain got
stuck on the word snuggle. “Wait! You’re sleeping here?”
“You’re here. Where else would I be?” he replies. Then he picks
me up and deposits me inside the ensuite bathroom. “Now, go
take that shower. I have a couple of things to do.” He plucks the
phone out from his pocket, taps on the screen and puts it
against his ear. His eyes stay on me before he closes the door as
he says something that sounds like a bunch of instructions in
rapid Russian.
I stare at the gleaming white antique ceramic tiles and the
luxurious bathtub and shower feeling very confused. What did
he mean by “things are not what they seem”? It’s got to be
Darius. I saw him! How could he do that to Penny? Poor sweet
Penny...well, she’s not sweet but...how dare him. I am so going
to kill him the next time I see him. I’ll punch him on the throat
or maybe his junk first, then I’ll...Holy Cow! Is that me? I’m
staring at my own reflection in the mirror. How could have
Caspian touched me? How could he even look at me without
falling off the bed laughing? I look way worse than a cobweb
brush thingy. My face is covered in black soot like I just went
down the chimney. Cobwebs cover most of my hair...and Hobo
Hoodie. Oh, Hobo Hoodie. Penny was right. Hobo Hoodie is no
beauty. Time for a shower.
Sitting across from me at the dinner table is a man who looks
like Darius, but is not Darius. He sounds a bit different, smells
very different, and acts totally different. His name is Æmilius.
He is Darius’s cousin.
I glare at him and he smiles and winks at me. I don’t like him.
“You’re a gorgeous woman,” he says to me. What a snake.
His handsome, masculine face, his fair hair, and his build look
very much like Darius. Other than that, he’s nothing like
Darius. His eyes are golden brown instead of sky blue. His
manner is cocky, flirtatious, and arrogant instead of serious
and aloof like Darius.
His golden eyes seem strangely familiar. His manner reminds
me of someone else.
“Æmilius,” says Caspian curtly. It sounds like a warning. He
moves closer to me until our thighs are touching and his hand
comes up to grasp mine on the table, staking his claim.
“Your Highness,” replies Æmilius. He sounds respectful but his
eyes are challenging and brimming with amusement.
I flip my hand facing upward so that I can twine our fingers
together. I squeeze his hand reassuringly and he squeezes mine
It’s clear that he doesn’t like Æmilius but invited him over to
have breakfast with us to prove to me that it wasn’t Darius who
I saw with the Queen last night. Well, considering the man was
with his mother last night, I can’t blame him if he hates the
Penny and Darius don’t seem to be too happy to see Æmilius at
the table this morning either.
I turn my attention to the other end of the table where the
Queen is talking to Genesis before delicately wiping the corner
of her lips with the napkin. If she’s shocked to see her lover
having breakfast with us today, she’s very good at not showing
it. I have to admire her poise and acting skills. If I were her, I’d
be shitting bricks at having my mate and my secret lover in the
same room. No...not shitting bricks, probably worse. I think I’d
have a bright pink neon sign on my forehead that blinks
After breakfast, we don’t linger. Everybody seems to have some
business to attend to....except for me. Maybe I’ll go visit my
cousins later.
“I have François moved all your stuff from the room to our
bedchamber in the East Wing, Moya Printsessa,” Caspian tells
me as the guards open the doors for us. It hits me with how
busy the place is once we step out of the dining room.
The Palace is buzzing with activities. Workers and maids are
everywhere, getting the place ready for the mating ceremony.
“You go with the girls to our suite. I have some things to attend
to,” he says.
“When will you be back?” It feels like he’s always busy since we
arrived here. I miss him when he’s not around.
“I’ll be back this evening,” he tells me. “Please don’t go
wandering around on your own, my love.” He leans down and
brushed his lips in a lingering kiss on my cheek. “Take my
bodyguard with you wherever you need to go,” he whispers.
He’s so stiff, formal, and always on guard here. I miss him
being playful and annoying and mischievous. I watch as he
saunters off with Constantine, Lazarus, and Darius. The maids
curtsy, titter, and blush when they walk past.
“Come on,” says Penny, grabbing my elbow while trying to
avoid walking into some workers.
“Our bedchambers are in the East Wing. It’ll be much quieter
there,” says Genesis, looping her arm around mine on the other
side. “We usually have breakfast and lunch at the dining room
in the East Wing. I don’t know why Prince Caspian wanted to
have breakfast here today.”
The Palace is massive. I’d get lost if I were to find my own way
around here.
The girls inform me that we get the entire East Wing of the
palace to ourselves. This part of the palace is left empty unless
there are huge celebrations or parties being held and they need
to use the rooms to house royal guests and dignitaries. Even
then, our areas are still sealed and forbidden to others. There
are guards placed to stop others from venturing into our
private sections.
The girls seem to let out a sigh of relief in unison as soon as we
walk past the guards who open the door for us to enter our
private domain.
“This is the only place where we can act normal and be
ourselves again,” says Genesis. “Being all formal, prim and
proper is hard work.”
As much as that statement sounds funny coming from Genesis,
I think it’s true. Keeping my guard up all the time is tiring.
The East Wing is actually very beautiful and enormous. The
girls give me the tour. Our bedchambers are almost next to
each other. We have our own media room, offices, drawing
room, private dining room, studio, and training room which
includes an indoor swimming pool.
Finally, we venture into Caspian’s bedchamber...I mean, our
bedchamber. Mine and Caspian’s.
It is massive. It’s a double story room with a soaring domed
ceiling. Everything is lavish and luxurious. The most amazing
thing by far is the full wall of bookcase. It starts from the floor,
going all the way up to the ceiling of the second level. There is a
reading nook by a large arched window overlooking the garden
below and the valley beyond. The opposite wall of the bookcase
is a huge entertainment center complete with various gaming
consoles. There is also a bar near a cluster of sofa and chairs.
At the center of the room is a curving staircase with a wrought
iron banister that leads upstairs where a huge bed, the biggest
I’ve ever seen is at. A big fireplace with a blazing fire is by the
wall near the bed.
The song Habanera (L’amour est un oiseau rebelle)is playing
faintly in the background but it echoes through every corner of
the room.
“Wow!” I say as I let my gaze wander from a big wrought iron
chandelier hanging from the ceiling to...everywhere, trying to
take everything in.
“I know, right?” says Penny. “That’s what I thought when I first
saw this room. Your mate is a bit excessive. In everything.”
The four of us sit on the giant sofa with our heads resting back
on the headrest, staring at the stained glass domed ceiling. We
sit there and talk.
Serena tells me that the story that the Crown Prince might
reject Lady Celeste at the mating ceremony has traveled fast.
The news is buzzing beyond the borders of the Kingdom. Not
for the first time, I feel a tinge of sympathy for Lady Celeste. At
the same time, I’m worried about what she might ask of my
*So, an early update! I enjoyed reading all your
theories. Thank you!
My next update will be on the Friday Evening (est). I
might be able to post the beginning of Lord Archer’s
story before then.
Happy Holidays everybody!
Chapter 48 - The Oath of the Eighth
The snow crunches underneath my riding boots. The ground,
the trees, and the roof of the palace are covered with several
inches of snow. The sun is already low in the sky even though
it’s barely 3 pm. The cold wind picks up and the soft, thick,
brown fur lining of the hood on my cape rubs against my cheek.
The cape is black velvet with a deep red lining that peeks out
with every step that I take. A bodyguard named Günter is
leading me away from the palace toward a building that I’m
guessing is a stable. He reminds me a bit of Darius; tough
looking, quiet, and stoic.
He’s the same guard who took me to see Jorden and Jonah at
their quarters this morning. I didn’t stay too long because
Jonah told me that they needed to run some errand at a
werewolf pack nearby. He didn’t elaborate what the errand was
about and I didn’t get the chance to ask.
When I got back from seeing Jonah and Jorden, François had
my lunch ready and handed me a note from Caspian. The
Prince asked me to put on the riding habit and join him at the
stable. François had a black, tight-fitting jacket, a crisp white
ruffled top, a pair of black riding trousers, gloves and riding
boots all laid out for me in the bedchamber. He held up the
cape for me just before I walk out of our guarded area.
So, now here I am, trekking my way across the snow-covered
land with a bodyguard behind me. My puzzlement turns into
excitement when I see Caspian waiting by the stable. He looks
dignified and aloof, yet I sense our bond zings with awareness,
lust, need, adoration, devotion, and possessiveness as he
watches me.
His riding boots are visible underneath his cape. He’s in all
black as far as I can see, except for a red scarf around his neck.
His golden hair glistens in the late noon sunlight and his
electric green eyes are mesmerizing. His sensual lips red and
his cheeks pink from the cold. He doesn’t even look real - a
stark relief against the white snowy background. He’s so
beautiful to look at, he makes me breathless. The air charged
with electricity, a thousand butterflies flutter in my stomach
and my heart thunders whenever he’s near. Will it always be
like this everytime I see him?
When he holds his gloved hand out for me, I don’t hesitate to
take it.
“Thank you, Günter. I take it from here,” he says to the
bodyguard without taking his eyes off of me. I hear Günter’s
retreating footsteps soon after.
“Are we really riding the horses?” I ask him. “Why can’t we just
“Where is the fun in that?” he says, tugging me into the stable
with him. A wolfish grin pulling at his lips, flashing me his
gleaming straight white teeth as he grips my hips and closes
the gap between us. “Did you miss me today?” He doesn’t wait
for my response. He leans in and covers my mouth with his. I
wrap my arms around his neck as he deepens the kiss. I love
the taste of him on my tongue, the way his mouth molds to
mine, the way he sucks my lip and our tongues dance together.
“I missed you,” he says after he pulls back. We’re both
breathing hard. “You’re always in my mind. I yearn for you all
day, it took everything in me not to come and seek you out
“You know I missed you. I walk around like I’m missing a limb
when you’re not with me,” I confess even though I’m sure he
knew that already.
“Good,” he says, smugly. “Now we need to go, Moya
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.” His lips curve up into a boyish grin as he steers me
deeper into the stable.
The last time I was on a horse was when Nana took me to visit
her older sister for a week in a neighboring pack when I was 15.
Her sister had five horses and a donkey on their farm. She gave
me a lesson, and I rode every day when I was there but that was
three years ago.
“Don’t worry, horses have a very good instinct when it comes to
us. Even the most stubborn horses will not give us any
trouble,” he assures me. “But you’re welcome to ride with me if
you want.”
“No way! Give me my own horse, Your Highness,” I tell him.
Sunlight is so fleeting in Winter. Twilight is falling over the
horizon, shimmering between the trees as we ride through the
snow-covered woods.
We come to a stop when we enter a clearing. Caspian
dismounts, helps me get off the horse then he sets both horses
“They’ll find their way home,” he says. “We’ll go back on foot
from here after we’re done. We’ll run.”
“After we’re done with what?”
I smell them before I see them. We are greeted by the sight of
six figures in black cloaks, standing around a big roaring
bonfire as we come around a pine tree. My hand is firmly
clasped in Caspian’s as we approach them.
Genesis, Constantine, Lazarus, Serena, Penny, and Darius.
They all turn to look at me as we move to join their circle. Their
perfect, gorgeous faces aglow warm and golden from the raging
“Welcome,” says Serena. A small peaceful smile plays on her
lips. Warmth fills her amber eyes.
I can feel the heat. The tall bonfire dancing wildly as the wind
picks up speed. It is crackling and popping. The smoke rises,
the smell of wood burning fire fills the air. The clearing isn’t
too big. We are surrounded by tall pine trees.
“This is where it all began,” Constantine announces. “This is
the place where Caspian, Lazarus, and I took our oaths to be
pack brothers. At this very spot, 160 years ago.”
“The oaths that served us well, my brothers,” says Lazarus.
“Mate and sisters,” he adds. All of them nod in agreement.
Caspian turns to face me. “Quincy Romanov, my love,” he says.
“It’s time for you to follow your path, take your oath and stand
next to me to be part of the pack.”
Lazarus, who is holding a copper chalice, steps forward. The
chalice looks like an antique with carvings of a crown flanked
by a lycan and a wolf. It has strange symbols carved around the
Constantine steps forward as well to stand on the other side of
Caspian. In both hands, he carries a very old looking dagger
with symbols on the blade. A big, brilliant red ruby is
embedded in the handle. It is surrounded by gleaming
emeralds. “Do you agree to be a member of this pack and do
you agree to take this oath willingly?” he asks.
“Yes,” I answer. My heart is beating wildly. Caspian told me
about this but I can’t believe today’s the day.
“So it shall be,” says Darius and he moves forward and drops a
lighted match into the chalice. The fire flares then turn into a
strange brilliant blue flame. The girls step forward to stand
next to their mates. Everybody takes the gloves off of their left
hands and so I do the same.
Caspian nods and Constantine hands him the dagger.
Caspian holds the blade up, then he slashes the middle of his
palm. “This blood symbolizes our lives, our vows, and my bond
to you and yours to me,” he announces. “Follow my lead and
repeat after me,” he tells me before he tilts his already healing
hand and lets a drop of his blood falls into the goblet. Suddenly
the flame burns bright. It pops and fizzles, then turns back into
the blue flame again.
“I swear my life to you, my mate. Our souls are one. You are
privy to my feelings and senses, the keeper of my secrets. I
pledge you my protection, my honor, and my companionship.
My loyalty shall be yours. My strength shall quell your
weakness, my courage shall absolve your fear. This is my
pledge to you,” he vows looking deep into my eyes, right into
my very soul.
He presses his hand that’s holding the dagger into mine. I wrap
my fingers around the handle, feeling the weight of the dagger
in my hand. I lift it up and make a cut in the middle of my
palm. As soon as my blood drops in the chalice, the fire glows
brilliantly before it crackles and pops and settles down into the
blue flame again. The flame seems bigger and brighter.
Caspian recites the oath again and I repeat after him. My palm
is already healing even before I finish reciting the oath.
When I’m done, he pulls me to him and presses a quick but
searing kiss on my lips. After he releases me, he takes the
dagger from my hand and passes it to Constantine.
“Do you agree to be a member of this pack and do you agree to
take this oath willingly?” asks Constantine.
“Yes, I do,” I answer him.
He raises the blade and makes a cut across his palm. A few
drops drip into the goblet and the fire glows brilliantly before it
crackles and pops and goes down again.
“I swear my allegiance to you, as the member of my pack. Our
souls are linked. You are privy to my feelings and senses, the
keeper of my secrets. I pledge you my protection, in my honor.
My loyalty shall be yours. My strength shall quell your
weakness, my courage shall absolve your fear. This is my
pledge to you,” recites Constantine.
After I repeat after him, he nods solemnly and leans in to drop
a brotherly kiss on my cheek.
Constantine hands the dagger to Genesis who does the same
thing. This, I repeat with Lazarus, Serena, Darius, and finally
with Penny.
When we’re done, Caspian takes my hand firmly in his once
again. The rest of our pack members drop to their knees before
us and lower their heads.
“We trust you to lead our pack. We pledge you our lives,” says
Constantine. “We pledge you our lives,” repeat the others.
My eyes burn and my lower lip quivers. My heart is full. I’m
honored that they have accepted me so readily and now they
trust me enough to lead the pack next to Caspian. I’ve never felt
so totally belonged. I feel my soul connected with each and
every one of them. I feel our bond deep in my bones.
“Thank you for trusting us with such an honor,” says Caspian.
His hand squeezes mine. “I know I’m fabulous,” he says with a
smirk. I hear snickers and I can see Penny trying hard not to
roll her eyes. “But I think we both would have preferred that
you treat us as equal.” I squeeze his hand in agreement. “Speak
freely and provide us counsel without fear or hesitation as
usual. We too, pledge our lives to you. We are more than a
pack. We are a family. You are all our brothers and sisters. We
shall protect each other as we’ve always done. Now please rise.”
They all rise and Genesis is the first to grab me and pulls me
into a hug. Tears are brimming in her eyes. Everybody soon
joins in.
I just pledged my loyalty, my soul, and my life to my pack and
my mate and they did the same to me. This pledge is forged
with our bond and honor, sealed by blood. I will not fail them.
These are my brothers and sisters. This is now my family.
My eyes rove around the table. Here we are again at the Formal
Dining Room having dinner with the King and the Queen. Lady
Celeste is here at the table too. She’s been awfully quiet.
I’m determined to enjoy my dinner this time. I had lived in
constant hunger at the pack house. Food is something I’d never
take for granted.
Besides, I’m hungry. I enjoyed our run from the forest back to
the Palace this evening. The eight of us run as a group but I was
way ahead of everybody. I was even faster than my mate who
was supposed to be the fastest in the pack. I’m glad that in the
werewolf’s and lycan’s world, males covet strong females just
as females find powerful males desirable. The bond created
when mated to a powerful partner will make us even stronger.
Needless to say, Caspian was very proud.
Appetizer came and went. They are now serving us some kind
of fowls, garnished with chopped parsley and yellow and red
sauce delicately drizzled on the gleaming china that has the
royal crest emblazoned on the edge of each piece.
I cut through the meat, swipe it across the sauce, and stuff it
into my mouth. Mmmm...so good, I almost moan. The meat is
so tender, it almost melts in my mouth. The sauce is the
balance of spices, it’s like a party in my mouth. If Nana was
here, she’d accosted the chef for the recipe.
The conversation around the room is subdued. Everybody can
feel how fragile our peaceful moment is but I pay no mind.
Caspian is looking amused as we exchange glances from time to
time. Sometimes we’re lost in each other’s eyes; lost in our own
little world where no one else exists.
“Caspian, I’ve sent the suit to your room,” says Queen Sophia
suddenly, addressing his son for the first time this evening.
"You will wear that suit to the ceremony tomorrow.”
His body goes rigid all of a sudden. His face turns to stone.
Caspian lifts his head up to face his mother. “I will wear the
suit I already have for the occasion.”
“No, you will match Lady Celeste. I requested the suit to be
made especially for the ceremony,” she says calmly but firmly.
I can feel his burning rage growing and the red-hot fire flaring
in my chest. Black is rapidly swallowing the green pupil and the
white of his eyes. I lift my hand to touch the top of his gently.
As soon as my skin touches his, I feel the heat cools down,
somewhat. He’s still angry but he’s in control again. His eyes
“I’ve lost my appetite. Please excuse me, father, ladies, and
gentlemen.” He snatches the napkin off his lap and tosses it
onto his plate. The chair scrapes back with a grating sound as
he stands up. The guard hastily opens the door for him before
he storms out.
I stare at the door, stunned. That was quick and...unexpected.
A few seconds later, the door swings open again and the angry
Prince strides in. He grabs my wrist and drags me out with
him. I expect the queen to yell or scream for him to stop but
she’s strangely quiet. I chance a quick glance before we exit the
room. She’s staring after us but instead of anger, she has a
strange speculative look on her face.
Caspian takes me to an icy stone gazebo out in the garden and
buries his face in my neck, breathing me in. His arms around
me keep me warm despite the frozen temperature. “I swear,
mother is set to push my every button to drive me crazy. It
didn’t use to be this way,” he says with his face still pressed
against my skin. We stay like that until I hear footsteps
approaching. I relaxed when I catch their scents. Lazarus,
Constantine, and Darius.
“I wish I could stay with you longer, Moya Printsessa,” Caspian
says, looking above my head at our three brothers. “But I have
to go.”
“Where are you going?”
“We set up a meeting with Chamberlain. Remember the
youngest member of the Royal Advisor who advised us to come
back sooner? He has some urgent matter to discuss with us.”
“Okay. Be safe,” I tell not only him, but also Darius,
Constantine, and Lazarus who are now standing close by.
The four of them walk me back to the Palace’s entrance where
Günter is already waiting.
“Remember, please don’t go wandering around by yourself, my
love,” he reminds me again before he kisses me on the
forehead. Then they’re gone into the night.
I pace around in our bedchamber, rubbing my chest. Caspian,
where are you? Something is wrong. I can feel it. I was just
dozing off when this strange jolt deep in our bond woke me up.
The sound of knocking on the door makes me jump. “Quincy!
Are you in there? Open the door.” Genesis’s voice is faint from
the other side of the door.
Genesis, Serena, and Penny rush in as soon as I open the door.
“Something’s not right,” I tell them and all of them nod in
“We can feel it,” Serena says.
“I think they’re in danger. I can't shake the feeling,” I tell them.
“I think we need to go to them.”
They all agree and Penny says, “I don’t want the guards to
follow us. Call me paranoid, but after the last attack, I still
don’t trust anybody outside our pack.”
“I agree,” Genesis says. “The men didn’t bring any guards with
them either, so I don’t think they want anybody to know what
they’re up to.”
“We’ll have to find a way to sneak out without the guards
knowing,” says Serena.
“The tunnel,” I suggest.
Penny nods her head right away. “There’s a tunnel that leads to
another room outside the East Wing from this room.”
I hear Genesis sighs. I know she really hates spiders.
“But first, let’s get changed,” suggests Serena.
I have to agree because all of us are now in our pajamas. “We’ll
meet back here in my bedchamber in five,” I tell them.
They show up in mine and Caspian’s room less than five
minutes later and we’re all dressed quite similarly in jeans,
sweater, boots and hair in ponytails or braids.
The feeling of doom increases in my chest. “Okay, let’s go.”
* 3040 words
I will post Gideon Archer’s short story in a few days.
My next update for TQ is on next Friday if not sooner.
Have a wonderful and safe Holidays everybody!
Chapter 49 - The Rebel
We travel in a half phase state, meaning we’re halfway between
humans and lycans. This way, we can smell and see more than
in our human form, have the speed and the agility of lycans,
but we don’t have the full claws and long sharp canines and
teeth to be deadly enough to fight like true lycans.
We follow their faint scent past the Royal property, into the
woods, and down the valley. The moonlight is shining and
reflecting off the white snow. It makes everything seems as
bright as daytime.
“Stop!” says Serena. Her voice is guttural. Her jet black eyes
scan the area. She knows the area better than any of us, so we
follow her lead. “We’re getting close to a werewolf’s pack
“Look,” says Genesis, pointing towards a little house, barely
visible through the gaps of the trees. We’re on a little mound of
a hill, looking down the valley below. The house is still about
150 yards away but I think it’s the beginning of the pack’s turf.
I can already smell the various unfamiliar scents carried by the
“Do you smell that?” I ask them, sniffing the air. The three of
them quickly lifts their noses up and sniff.
“Blood!” snarls Penny fiercely. Blood, fire, and death. The four
of us simultaneously jump up and sprint forward while phasing
fully into our lycans.
My feet feel like they barely touch the ground as I charge
forward with the girls behind me. We follow our noses and ears
deeper into the pack’s territory where the smell becomes
stronger and the sound of screaming and fierce growling
piercing the air.
I barely notice small, charming, cabin-like houses dotting the
territory or several burning ones that we passed. My feet never
pause at the sight of blood soiled snow and dead bodies
littering the ground.
My eyes honed in on my mate from afar. Two large unfamiliar
male lycans are charging at him at the same time. He manages
to evade them but crimson red blooms across his chest and
arm. His shirt is tattered. The other two lycans aren’t faring
much better. They're actually looking much worse but I'm not
going to sit on the sideline, just watching.
“We’re going to end you tonight, Crown Prince,” grunts the one
who landed his claws on him. Fire sears down my spine and
spread through my veins at his words. No one hurts my mate.
They circle each other and I crawl in wait. My skin tingles and
my mouth waters. Come on, give your back to me and we'll
I can feel my mate’s awareness of my presence. He snarls with
dark menace like a greeting, changes his stance to maneuver
his opponent to present his back to me like a gift. So I pounce.
I wrap my legs tightly around his enemy’s middle. I grab the
male lycan’s hair and pull his head back. The sound of his roar
fills my ear as I sink my teeth and canines into his throat. He
staggers violently around, trying to dislodge me from his back
but my legs are like a vice.
Arghh!!! Pain sears through my leg when he buries his sharp
nails into my thigh. He pulls at my leg and his claws dig deeper
into my skin so I sink my teeth deeper into his throat. The
tendons and cartilage crunch between my jaws. The metallic,
salty taste of blood fills my mouth. Gurgling sound comes out
of his mouth and chest. His pulse throbs on my tongue. My leg
feels like it’s on fire but I will not let go.
He staggers forward and falls on his knees, taking me with him.
My mate lets out a spine-chilling roar and I look up and release
the male from my hold. My playtime is over. Blood gushes out
of the male's throat and my mouth. My mate's black eyes flash
threateningly, his canines and sharp teeth are gleaming in the
silvery moonlight. He growls as he gives the lycan a quick
swipe across the abdomen and chest. The male howls. Blood
splatter everywhere.
I struggle to my feet and watch as my mate work on him. How
vicious my mate is. How utterly beautiful.
The other male who was fighting him before is already lying on
the ground. Headless and spineless.
The group of us sits near the frozen riverbank in our human
form, grim and resigned.
We’re waiting for Constantine and Genesis who went after one
of the rebel lycans who was going to destroy a neighboring
pack. One of his stupid friends gloated and revealed to
Constantine of his plan not long after we girls arrived.
Shirtless Lazarus is sitting on a chopped tree stump with
Serena cleaning his wound. I can see the bloody claw marks
across his chest, much deeper than the ones on Caspian’s. I
watch as Darius works on popping Lazarus’s shoulder back in
place. His jaw is clenched tight, but he doesn’t utter a sound.
Darius himself has claw marks all over his body.
Penny is sitting cross-legged on the frozen ground. She’s
holding a stick, poking and jabbing it angrily at a small fire that
we built. She looks eerie in the glow of the fire with the
ferocious expression on her face and blood splatter all over her.
A cold wind blows the stench of blood and death to us as if we
needed a reminder of what had just happened here tonight.
Caspian brings me closer to him. I’m sitting between his legs
on the ground across from Penny in front of the fire. I try not to
press up against his wounded chest.
The puncture wounds on my thigh have stopped bleeding but
the searing pain is still there. I feel it to the bone. It burns and
it throbs. I’m keeping my mouth shut and not letting my mate
know about it because I’ve no right to whine. So many people
lost their lives and loved ones tonight.
“How did this happen?” I ask. My voice sounds as lost and
dazed as I’m feeling. “I thought you’re meeting Chamberlain.”
“He didn’t show up,” answers Caspian.
“So we followed his scent and found him,” Darius adds,
shaking his head. His jaw tight as he grits his teeth. “Or what’s
left of him.”
“That’s when we heard them... and smell blood,” Caspian says.
“Lycan rebels were destroying this village. This was a very
peaceful werewolf pack. They’re always under the protection of
the Palace.” He rakes his fingers through his hair and groans.
It’s very obvious how upset he is.
“There’s never been an attack this close to the Palace before,”
growls Lazarus. Serena lays a gentle hand on the side of his
face, calming him down.
A few minutes later, we hear their footsteps. Genesis and
Constantine are looking weary. Clothes torn and bloody like
ours but thankfully no serious injury on them that I can see.
“Are there any survivors?” Penny asks them.
“Yeah, we got there just in time,” replies Constantine. “But the
same cannot be said about this pack. We met what’s left of
them on the way here. The Alpha is gone.” His shoulders are
hunched forward as he joined us by the fire. Genesis sits next
to him. “One lycan is enough to wipe out this whole village in
just an hour, but twelve?” He shakes his head.
“We’re lucky to have been here when they were just starting,”
says Genesis, rubbing his shoulders. “It’s obvious they were
planning to wipe out as many packs as possible tonight.”
“We should go and guard the other packs,” says Constantine.
“They might decide to send more, to finish what they started.”
“No, we’re all injured,” says Caspian, placing his hand gently
on the side of my injured thigh. “We will send guards out to all
the other packs and we need to get our men to clean up here.”
“We have to let the King know,” says Lazarus.
“Yes, there’s a lot to do here and we have to let my father
know,” agrees Caspian, sounding pained.
“Do you think Chamberlain knew who’s behind this? Was that
why he wanted to talk to you? Do you think that’s why he was
killed?” I ask them.
“I’ve no doubt that’s what he wanted to talk to us about,”
answers Darius. “Chamberlain always had his ears to the
ground...and very loyal. We need to find the people behind
“For now, we shall bring his body back and have a proper
burial for him. The rest of the victims will have the burial in
their territory where their ancestors lay, as should be,” says
I think the eight of us are looking like the living dead when we
arrive at the Palace. We are covered with blood from head to
toe and our clothes are all torn and dirty. Even Queen Sophia
looks alarmed when her eyes land on us.
Caspian, Constantine, Lazarus, and Darius disappear into the
office with King Alexandros while we girls get cleaned up and
have our injuries looked at.
It feels better after I got cleaned and changed. The pain has
lessened with the medication they've given me.
I run a hot bath for Caspian for when he gets back. I sit on the
edge of the tub, watching the swirls of the water, just thinking
of tonight and tomorrow. This has been a very long and hard
night. I doubt tomorrow will be any better.
I dip my hand in to make sure that the temperature is right
then walking out of our ensuite bathroom to find Caspian’s tall,
lean but muscled figure draped over the sofa. One foot is on the
floor while another one is dangling over the armrest. A drink
sits forgotten on the floor. His golden hair is ruffled and his
head is resting against the back of the sofa. He’s staring
moodily at the glass ceiling. He looks like a petulant child but I
know he has some serious matters on his mind.
“You should have your wound looked at,” I tell him. He
remains silent. Only his eyes track my movement through his
lashes. His feelings are closed off to me and I don’t know
what’s running through his head. I know it’s nothing good
when he’s shielding it from me.
He’s always trying to protect me but I truly want to share the
burden with him. Since I know for sure that he’s miserable, I’m
going to make him feel better. I kneel down and take off his
bloodstained shoes, then I remove his socks. Next, I stand
between his legs and start to unbutton his torn, blood covered
shirt. He lets me undress him as he watches me with those
intense green eyes. Later, I lead him into the ensuite.
He sits silently in the deep cast iron bathtub as I run the soapy
sponge all over him. He closes his eyes when I run my fingers
through his hair, washing it. Then I let the dirty water out and
use the handheld shower hose to rinse him with warm water all
“So many were killed tonight. They’re supposed to be under
our protection but we failed them. I failed them,” he says
finally when we’re both lying in bed, watching the flames
licking the wood in the fireplace.
“No, you didn’t, sweetheart. How could you know that they will
attack? We managed to save so many other packs tonight.”
“That wasn’t good enough. We should have been there sooner.”
“How much sooner? You know when a lycan decided to attack a
werewolf pack, it’s like releasing a fox into a chicken coop. How
long did it take twelve lycans to cause such destruction?
Minutes? Seconds? You were there just in time. Even if you put
a guard there, he wouldn’t be able to see it coming or prevented
what happened much better than that. He might have even
gotten himself killed.” I sit up to face him. My eyes land on his
bandaged arm and chest before they travel up to his face. I
tried to treat his wound the best I could. “Baby, stop beating
yourself over it. We need to focus on the future.”
“You are right,” he agrees with a sigh. But then he groans, “But
the future isn’t much better. The rebels are getting bolder and
I’m not ready to be a king yet. I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready.
“My father wants the celebration to continue. He doesn’t want
the rebels to think that they have the power to dictate our
actions. While I understand his reasoning, it seems so callous.
So cold. A pack so close to the palace is mourning their loss, yet
we’re having a ball.”
I can feel his fury and frustration through our bond.
Frustration and fury with the whole situation and with himself.
I can also sense the fear that he’s trying to hide. Fear for my
safety and also the pack. He fears for others as well, even his
“Why did they do that? Why kill so many?” I ask him as I reach
up and run my fingers through his hair. The silky strands feel
soft sliding through my fingers. He closes his eyes and takes a
deep breath.
“The rebels kill and plunder a lot more in the Southern Region.
That’s how they get money to support their mission and create
chaos to gain supporters. But what happened tonight was
different. It happened so close to the Palace. I think they want
to create doubt and discord among the Royal loyal followers.”
He goes silent for a while and he looks so peaceful that I
thought he was falling asleep when he continues quietly, “I
think it’s a warning as well. A warning of more chaos to come.”
I stroke his cheek and I feel the calmness in him even when
he’s answering my serious question.
He opens his electric green eyes to look directly into mine.
“Thank you, Moya Printsessa.”
“For what?”
“For being my calm. My voice of reason. You make me see
things more clearly. I think I understand now the reason
behind the rule that one has to have a mate before being
crowned King. I can’t do it without you.” He brings my hand to
his lips and kisses each one of my fingers.
I smile at him. “What errand did you send my cousins to do
this morning?”
“Sending dry food and supplies for the winter to the poorest
packs around the valley. I know Jonah is the type of person
who can’t sit still. I don’t want him to get himself into trouble.”
He grins.
My smile widens. That’s true, Jonah knows how to get himself
into trouble. “Does King Alexandros always do that? Sending
food and supplies to the poor packs around?”
“King Alexandros doesn’t know about it. I’m just starting this
year. Jorden told me how you went without food for days even
though he sometimes sneaked out food for you. I wish I was
there for you. Since I couldn’t help you then, I’m helping those
I can now. I can’t do that to the whole world but I don’t want
anybody around here to have to go through that.
“We have so much. Maybe we’ll expand next year. Maybe we
could give out scholarships to...”
“Sweetheart?” I interrupt him.
“I think you’re going to be a great King.”
We have breakfast in our own private dining room in the East
Wing. My cousins, Jorden and Jonah join us this morning.
They are now aware of what happened last night. Lazarus
seems to be doing well but our conversation isn’t as cheerful or
crazy as usual.
“You think something bad is going to happen today, don’t
you?” asks Jonah.
“I don’t know what’s going to happen today but I have a feeling
that last night’s event was just a warning. I want us to be
ready,” answers Darius. “I’m bringing my former comrades
from the Royal Army- the ones who I trust in today.”
“Both of you,” says Caspian to Jonah and Jorden. “Stay close to
Quincy at all time.” I have the feeling that it’s more for their
safety rather than mine because I’ll be heavily guarded.
“I think it’s time for us to get ready for the ceremony,”
announces Serena.
When we get back into our bedchamber, François is there with
a dress on a hanger next to a tuxedo.
“Queen Sophia sent these over, Your Highnesses,” he informs
Caspian has a strange expression on his face when he sees
The dress is off the shoulder, floor-length princess gown. It’s
made with pale shimmering blue silk. The corset style bodice is
beaded with pearls. The floor length voluminous silk skirt is
stitched with delicate silver lace appliques. It’s a fairytale of a
dress. Breathtakingly beautiful. I’ve never worn anything quite
as beautiful in my life.
The grey tuxedo has an identical pale blue silk waistcoat and
bow tie.
“She also wants you to have these.” François hands me two
black velvet boxes. “I will send the maids in to help with your
dress and make-up, Your Highness.”
“Thank you, François,” I manage to say before he walks out.
Queen Sophia sent these? I raise an eyebrow at Caspian who’s
already looking at me.
“I don’t get it,” he says with a frown as I cautiously open one of
the boxes. I gasp when I see a beautiful matching set of
diamond earrings, a necklace, and a bracelet nestled inside.
“This is my mother’s way of saying that she’s approved of our
union. she was so against it before. Why approve now?”
*My next update for this story will be next Friday
*Another chapter for Gideon will be posted on
Have a wonderful weekend, everybody!
Chapter 49 - The Rebel
We travel in a half phase state, meaning we’re halfway between
humans and lycans. This way, we can smell and see more than
in our human form, have the speed and the agility of lycans,
but we don’t have the full claws and long sharp canines and
teeth to be deadly enough to fight like true lycans.
We follow their faint scent past the Royal property, into the
woods, and down the valley. The moonlight is shining and
reflecting off the white snow. It makes everything seems as
bright as daytime.
“Stop!” says Serena. Her voice is guttural. Her jet black eyes
scan the area. She knows the area better than any of us, so we
follow her lead. “We’re getting close to a werewolf’s pack
“Look,” says Genesis, pointing towards a little house, barely
visible through the gaps of the trees. We’re on a little mound of
a hill, looking down the valley below. The house is still about
150 yards away but I think it’s the beginning of the pack’s turf.
I can already smell the various unfamiliar scents carried by the
“Do you smell that?” I ask them, sniffing the air. The three of
them quickly lifts their noses up and sniff.
“Blood!” snarls Penny fiercely. Blood, fire, and death. The four
of us simultaneously jump up and sprint forward while phasing
fully into our lycans.
My feet feel like they barely touch the ground as I charge
forward with the girls behind me. We follow our noses and ears
deeper into the pack’s territory where the smell becomes
stronger and the sound of screaming and fierce growling
piercing the air.
I barely notice small, charming, cabin-like houses dotting the
territory or several burning ones that we passed. My feet never
pause at the sight of blood soiled snow and dead bodies
littering the ground.
My eyes honed in on my mate from afar. Two large unfamiliar
male lycans are charging at him at the same time. He manages
to evade them but crimson red blooms across his chest and
arm. His shirt is tattered. The other two lycans aren’t faring
much better. They're actually looking much worse but I'm not
going to sit on the sideline, just watching.
“We’re going to end you tonight, Crown Prince,” grunts the one
who landed his claws on him. Fire sears down my spine and
spread through my veins at his words. No one hurts my mate.
They circle each other and I crawl in wait. My skin tingles and
my mouth waters. Come on, give your back to me and we'll
I can feel my mate’s awareness of my presence. He snarls with
dark menace like a greeting, changes his stance to maneuver
his opponent to present his back to me like a gift. So I pounce.
I wrap my legs tightly around his enemy’s middle. I grab the
male lycan’s hair and pull his head back. The sound of his roar
fills my ear as I sink my teeth and canines into his throat. He
staggers violently around, trying to dislodge me from his back
but my legs are like a vice.
Arghh!!! Pain sears through my leg when he buries his sharp
nails into my thigh. He pulls at my leg and his claws dig deeper
into my skin so I sink my teeth deeper into his throat. The
tendons and cartilage crunch between my jaws. The metallic,
salty taste of blood fills my mouth. Gurgling sound comes out
of his mouth and chest. His pulse throbs on my tongue. My leg
feels like it’s on fire but I will not let go.
He staggers forward and falls on his knees, taking me with him.
My mate lets out a spine-chilling roar and I look up and release
the male from my hold. My playtime is over. Blood gushes out
of the male's throat and my mouth. My mate's black eyes flash
threateningly, his canines and sharp teeth are gleaming in the
silvery moonlight. He growls as he gives the lycan a quick
swipe across the abdomen and chest. The male howls. Blood
splatter everywhere.
I struggle to my feet and watch as my mate work on him. How
vicious my mate is. How utterly beautiful.
The other male who was fighting him before is already lying on
the ground. Headless and spineless.
The group of us sits near the frozen riverbank in our human
form, grim and resigned.
We’re waiting for Constantine and Genesis who went after one
of the rebel lycans who was going to destroy a neighboring
pack. One of his stupid friends gloated and revealed to
Constantine of his plan not long after we girls arrived.
Shirtless Lazarus is sitting on a chopped tree stump with
Serena cleaning his wound. I can see the bloody claw marks
across his chest, much deeper than the ones on Caspian’s. I
watch as Darius works on popping Lazarus’s shoulder back in
place. His jaw is clenched tight, but he doesn’t utter a sound.
Darius himself has claw marks all over his body.
Penny is sitting cross-legged on the frozen ground. She’s
holding a stick, poking and jabbing it angrily at a small fire that
we built. She looks eerie in the glow of the fire with the
ferocious expression on her face and blood splatter all over her.
A cold wind blows the stench of blood and death to us as if we
needed a reminder of what had just happened here tonight.
Caspian brings me closer to him. I’m sitting between his legs
on the ground across from Penny in front of the fire. I try not to
press up against his wounded chest.
The puncture wounds on my thigh have stopped bleeding but
the searing pain is still there. I feel it to the bone. It burns and
it throbs. I’m keeping my mouth shut and not letting my mate
know about it because I’ve no right to whine. So many people
lost their lives and loved ones tonight.
“How did this happen?” I ask. My voice sounds as lost and
dazed as I’m feeling. “I thought you’re meeting Chamberlain.”
“He didn’t show up,” answers Caspian.
“So we followed his scent and found him,” Darius adds,
shaking his head. His jaw tight as he grits his teeth. “Or what’s
left of him.”
“That’s when we heard them... and smell blood,” Caspian says.
“Lycan rebels were destroying this village. This was a very
peaceful werewolf pack. They’re always under the protection of
the Palace.” He rakes his fingers through his hair and groans.
It’s very obvious how upset he is.
“There’s never been an attack this close to the Palace before,”
growls Lazarus. Serena lays a gentle hand on the side of his
face, calming him down.
A few minutes later, we hear their footsteps. Genesis and
Constantine are looking weary. Clothes torn and bloody like
ours but thankfully no serious injury on them that I can see.
“Are there any survivors?” Penny asks them.
“Yeah, we got there just in time,” replies Constantine. “But the
same cannot be said about this pack. We met what’s left of
them on the way here. The Alpha is gone.” His shoulders are
hunched forward as he joined us by the fire. Genesis sits next
to him. “One lycan is enough to wipe out this whole village in
just an hour, but twelve?” He shakes his head.
“We’re lucky to have been here when they were just starting,”
says Genesis, rubbing his shoulders. “It’s obvious they were
planning to wipe out as many packs as possible tonight.”
“We should go and guard the other packs,” says Constantine.
“They might decide to send more, to finish what they started.”
“No, we’re all injured,” says Caspian, placing his hand gently
on the side of my injured thigh. “We will send guards out to all
the other packs and we need to get our men to clean up here.”
“We have to let the King know,” says Lazarus.
“Yes, there’s a lot to do here and we have to let my father
know,” agrees Caspian, sounding pained.
“Do you think Chamberlain knew who’s behind this? Was that
why he wanted to talk to you? Do you think that’s why he was
killed?” I ask them.
“I’ve no doubt that’s what he wanted to talk to us about,”
answers Darius. “Chamberlain always had his ears to the
ground...and very loyal. We need to find the people behind
“For now, we shall bring his body back and have a proper
burial for him. The rest of the victims will have the burial in
their territory where their ancestors lay, as should be,” says
I think the eight of us are looking like the living dead when we
arrive at the Palace. We are covered with blood from head to
toe and our clothes are all torn and dirty. Even Queen Sophia
looks alarmed when her eyes land on us.
Caspian, Constantine, Lazarus, and Darius disappear into the
office with King Alexandros while we girls get cleaned up and
have our injuries looked at.
It feels better after I got cleaned and changed. The pain has
lessened with the medication they've given me.
I run a hot bath for Caspian for when he gets back. I sit on the
edge of the tub, watching the swirls of the water, just thinking
of tonight and tomorrow. This has been a very long and hard
night. I doubt tomorrow will be any better.
I dip my hand in to make sure that the temperature is right
then walking out of our ensuite bathroom to find Caspian’s tall,
lean but muscled figure draped over the sofa. One foot is on the
floor while another one is dangling over the armrest. A drink
sits forgotten on the floor. His golden hair is ruffled and his
head is resting against the back of the sofa. He’s staring
moodily at the glass ceiling. He looks like a petulant child but I
know he has some serious matters on his mind.
“You should have your wound looked at,” I tell him. He
remains silent. Only his eyes track my movement through his
lashes. His feelings are closed off to me and I don’t know
what’s running through his head. I know it’s nothing good
when he’s shielding it from me.
He’s always trying to protect me but I truly want to share the
burden with him. Since I know for sure that he’s miserable, I’m
going to make him feel better. I kneel down and take off his
bloodstained shoes, then I remove his socks. Next, I stand
between his legs and start to unbutton his torn, blood covered
shirt. He lets me undress him as he watches me with those
intense green eyes. Later, I lead him into the ensuite.
He sits silently in the deep cast iron bathtub as I run the soapy
sponge all over him. He closes his eyes when I run my fingers
through his hair, washing it. Then I let the dirty water out and
use the handheld shower hose to rinse him with warm water all
“So many were killed tonight. They’re supposed to be under
our protection but we failed them. I failed them,” he says
finally when we’re both lying in bed, watching the flames
licking the wood in the fireplace.
“No, you didn’t, sweetheart. How could you know that they will
attack? We managed to save so many other packs tonight.”
“That wasn’t good enough. We should have been there sooner.”
“How much sooner? You know when a lycan decided to attack a
werewolf pack, it’s like releasing a fox into a chicken coop. How
long did it take twelve lycans to cause such destruction?
Minutes? Seconds? You were there just in time. Even if you put
a guard there, he wouldn’t be able to see it coming or prevented
what happened much better than that. He might have even
gotten himself killed.” I sit up to face him. My eyes land on his
bandaged arm and chest before they travel up to his face. I
tried to treat his wound the best I could. “Baby, stop beating
yourself over it. We need to focus on the future.”
“You are right,” he agrees with a sigh. But then he groans, “But
the future isn’t much better. The rebels are getting bolder and
I’m not ready to be a king yet. I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready.
“My father wants the celebration to continue. He doesn’t want
the rebels to think that they have the power to dictate our
actions. While I understand his reasoning, it seems so callous.
So cold. A pack so close to the palace is mourning their loss, yet
we’re having a ball.”
I can feel his fury and frustration through our bond.
Frustration and fury with the whole situation and with himself.
I can also sense the fear that he’s trying to hide. Fear for my
safety and also the pack. He fears for others as well, even his
“Why did they do that? Why kill so many?” I ask him as I reach
up and run my fingers through his hair. The silky strands feel
soft sliding through my fingers. He closes his eyes and takes a
deep breath.
“The rebels kill and plunder a lot more in the Southern Region.
That’s how they get money to support their mission and create
chaos to gain supporters. But what happened tonight was
different. It happened so close to the Palace. I think they want
to create doubt and discord among the Royal loyal followers.”
He goes silent for a while and he looks so peaceful that I
thought he was falling asleep when he continues quietly, “I
think it’s a warning as well. A warning of more chaos to come.”
I stroke his cheek and I feel the calmness in him even when
he’s answering my serious question.
He opens his electric green eyes to look directly into mine.
“Thank you, Moya Printsessa.”
“For what?”
“For being my calm. My voice of reason. You make me see
things more clearly. I think I understand now the reason
behind the rule that one has to have a mate before being
crowned King. I can’t do it without you.” He brings my hand to
his lips and kisses each one of my fingers.
I smile at him. “What errand did you send my cousins to do
this morning?”
“Sending dry food and supplies for the winter to the poorest
packs around the valley. I know Jonah is the type of person
who can’t sit still. I don’t want him to get himself into trouble.”
He grins.
My smile widens. That’s true, Jonah knows how to get himself
into trouble. “Does King Alexandros always do that? Sending
food and supplies to the poor packs around?”
“King Alexandros doesn’t know about it. I’m just starting this
year. Jorden told me how you went without food for days even
though he sometimes sneaked out food for you. I wish I was
there for you. Since I couldn’t help you then, I’m helping those
I can now. I can’t do that to the whole world but I don’t want
anybody around here to have to go through that.
“We have so much. Maybe we’ll expand next year. Maybe we
could give out scholarships to...”
“Sweetheart?” I interrupt him.
“I think you’re going to be a great King.”
We have breakfast in our own private dining room in the East
Wing. My cousins, Jorden and Jonah join us this morning.
They are now aware of what happened last night. Lazarus
seems to be doing well but our conversation isn’t as cheerful or
crazy as usual.
“You think something bad is going to happen today, don’t
you?” asks Jonah.
“I don’t know what’s going to happen today but I have a feeling
that last night’s event was just a warning. I want us to be
ready,” answers Darius. “I’m bringing my former comrades
from the Royal Army- the ones who I trust in today.”
“Both of you,” says Caspian to Jonah and Jorden. “Stay close to
Quincy at all time.” I have the feeling that it’s more for their
safety rather than mine because I’ll be heavily guarded.
“I think it’s time for us to get ready for the ceremony,”
announces Serena.
When we get back into our bedchamber, François is there with
a dress on a hanger next to a tuxedo.
“Queen Sophia sent these over, Your Highnesses,” he informs
Caspian has a strange expression on his face when he sees
The dress is off the shoulder, floor-length princess gown. It’s
made with pale shimmering blue silk. The corset style bodice is
beaded with pearls. The floor length voluminous silk skirt is
stitched with delicate silver lace appliques. It’s a fairytale of a
dress. Breathtakingly beautiful. I’ve never worn anything quite
as beautiful in my life.
The grey tuxedo has an identical pale blue silk waistcoat and
bow tie.
“She also wants you to have these.” François hands me two
black velvet boxes. “I will send the maids in to help with your
dress and make-up, Your Highness.”
“Thank you, François,” I manage to say before he walks out.
Queen Sophia sent these? I raise an eyebrow at Caspian who’s
already looking at me.
“I don’t get it,” he says with a frown as I cautiously open one of
the boxes. I gasp when I see a beautiful matching set of
diamond earrings, a necklace, and a bracelet nestled inside.
“This is my mother’s way of saying that she’s approved of our
union. she was so against it before. Why approve now?”
*My next update for this story will be next Friday
*Another chapter for Gideon will be posted on
Have a wonderful weekend, everybody!
Chapter 50 - The Reveal
My make-up is subtle, just the way I like it. The diamond
earrings glitter in my earlobes. The necklace and the bracelet
are secured around my neck and my wrist. My hair is pulled up
into a slick but elaborate bun. A simple but beautiful diamond
encrusted tiara that came in the second box from Queen Sophia
looks brilliant against my black hair. Caspian’s mark on my
shoulder is visible for the world to see.
King Alexandros has conceded to have a much smaller event
than originally planned by cutting the guest list by half. The
ball is in full swing. It doesn’t look small to me.
“You look breathtaking, Moya Printsessa,” Caspian whispers in
my ear. He is looking stunning, standing next to me in his
tuxedo. His hand rubs my back soothingly, trying to ease the
tension in my body. So far, his hand never leaves my waist or
the small of my back. I imagine I’d be much more stressed if I
wasn’t enveloped by his soothing warmth and amazing scent.
I’m surrounded by the members of our pack. Genesis, Serena,
and Penny are looking gorgeous in their dresses and
Constantine, Lazarus, and Darius are looking very sharp in
their tuxedos. They never stray too far from us.
My cousins, Jonah and Jorden aren’t too far from us as well.
They’re also in their tuxedos and I’ve never seen them looking
so good before. They’ve cleaned up well.
Darius brought in some trusted men and women who used to
serve with him in the Royal Army as he said he would. They are
mingling as guests, including Eva, who Genesis, Serena, and
Penny seem to be familiar with. She seems nice and open and I
like her on sight.
The ballroom is a magnificent sight. There is live music where
the musicians are playing soft haunting tunes. The marble floor
gleams from the glittering chandeliers. The soaring ceiling is
clear glass where you can see the stars and the moon above.
There is a mezzanine with doors that open to balconies
overlooking the valleys below. The guests are dressed to the
The thrones are placed on a slightly elevated platform facing
the grand staircase and the great double door entrance to the
ballroom. This is where King Alexandros and Queen Sophia are
sitting at, watching. They are subtly but heavily guarded. There
is an elevated podium on their left where the king would stand
to make his announcement. Lady Celeste is sitting on a less
elaborated chair next to the queen. She is looking beautiful in
her cream and gold evening gown. Her father isn’t here this
evening but her mother is standing beside her the whole time.
The queen’s expression never betrays her feelings but I didn’t
sense the cold blast of her disapproval when she saw us earlier.
Dare I say I saw a bit of warmth in her when she gazed at us?
The guests are mostly nobilities and high ranking lycans. I
catch the sight of Æmilius with a beautiful blonde. Penny leans
in when she sees me watching them. She and Darius had found
it funny when I told them about my mix-up the other night.
“The lady with Æmilius is his mother, Katya,” she whispers.
“That’s Darius’s aunt?” She’s a tall woman. Her hair is so
blonde, it’s almost white, just like Æmilius’s and Darius’s. Her
features very much resembling Æmilius and Darius, only softer
and a much more delicate version. She’s holding herself rather
stiffly. She doesn’t look like she’s enjoying herself. In fact, she
looks annoyed. She waves her hand dismissively when one of
the uniformed servers with a tray of canapés gets too close to
her. “She doesn’t look too friendly, does she?”
“Oh, her factory setting is bitch resting mode,” mutters Penny.
She sounds like she’s talking from experience. “Family,” she
“Well, I think it’s nice of Æmilius to bring his mother to a
function like this,” I say, after struggling to find something nice
to say.
“He always brings his mother to functions at the palace,”
replies Penny. “Should’ve left the miserable woman at home.”
I look closely at Lady Celeste as she slowly approaches the
elevated podium. It is time for her to make her demand known.
I can feel the tension surrounding our pack as we don’t know
what the price would be. Dread settles in my stomach like a
heavy stone.
The room has grown silent after King Alexandros has
commanded attention to make his announcement about the
mating that’s not going to happen tonight. This is not a
surprise to anybody since the rumor about it has been talked
about for days. Yet you can still feel the audience’s hunger for
this juicy piece of gossip like sharks circling a boat where they
can smell blood in the water.
There’s a look of fear on her face as she stands there. Her eyes
are searching the room for something before finally, her
intense stare falls on us...no, on Jorden. Determination flickers
in her eyes and settles in the set of her jaw. “I would like to
choose a new mate,” she says. “I want Jorden St. Martin.”
There are gasps everywhere, especially from her mother. My
eyes seek my cousin right away.
Jorden is staring up at Lady Celeste in awe, amazement, and
wonder while she’s gazing at him with hope and fear. A tiny
smile is growing on her lips as Jorden continues to gaze at her.
“No!” wails her mother. “You chose wrong! What have you
done? No!”
There are more cries following the Marchioness’s outburst.
There are yelling and screaming from several other ladies in
the crowd. This is when I notice the guards in Royal Army
uniforms closing all the entrances to the ballroom.
My mate seems unaffected but his arms slide protectively
around me. Our pack members closed in on us. Jonah seems to
have pulled Jorden into our circle.
Among all the confusion, Æmilius and Katya boldly step onto
the stage where King Alexandros and Lady Celeste are
standing. The wailing stops and Queen Sophia stands up from
her throne. Her eyes narrow and her posture stiff.
“What are you doing?” asks the king. “Æmilius, Katya, what is
the meaning of this?”
“I’m giving your firstborn his rightful place,” announces Katya,
holding her son’s arm while looking at King Alexandros. “My
son. Our son.”
Firstborn? Their son? What does that mean? The ballroom is
filled with loud gasps and suddenly silence by the implication.
The silence is deafening and seems to last forever until my
mate finally speaks up, “Father, tell me that’s not true.”
King Alexandros doesn’t say a word but the way he’s looking at
Caspian says it all.
I feel my mate’s body grows rigid beside me. Something sharp
twisted in my heart - a piercing stab of hurt and betrayal. I’m
feeling his pain. I tighten my arms around him and look into
his face. He’s staring intently at the stage. His expression is
cold and unreadable.
“Your son’s rightful place is in the sewer where you both
belong,” spits Queen Sophia, glaring at Katya. She looks furious
but she doesn’t seem surprised while my mate is frozen in
“Tsk tsk tsk, Sophia,” Æmilius admonishes her playfully.
“Always full of claws, in and out of bed.”
“Æmilius!” bellows King Alexandros.
“Relax, father dear. I’m not even attempting to take over the
palace. That would be foolish of me. You have this place
secured tight like a fortress. How paranoid of you.
“I’m not planning to kill anyone either, at least not tonight. I’m
here just to enlighten the crowd that you have a son with your
erasthai and issue my challenge to claim what is rightfully
“A bastard son born of a mistress has no right to claim the
throne,” says Queen Sophia.
“I am his Erasthai,” replies Katya. “My son may not be born of
the mating bond but he is the first born.”
“Quiet!” barks King Alexandros. “Katya, stop this nonsense.”
“I’m just here to ask for a chance to fight for the throne. A fair
fight to the death with your revered golden son. My little
brother. Surely that’s not too much to ask, isn’t it, father?” says
“We are not open to The Rule of Seven. We are not open to
challenges,” announces the king.
The Rule of Seven, as I’ve learned from my Nana a long time
ago, came about when the Moon Goddess released her seven
sons, the first lycans, into the world. They battled over the
power to lead until all but one perished and became the leader
and the father of all lycans in the world today. Today, when a
pack or the king declares the Rule of Seven, it’s an open
invitation for any werewolves or lycans to challenge and fight
to the death for the power to become the new Alpha or King.
“You have no clue, do you, father?” Æmilius spits out the word
father like a curse word. “This is not an option. I have gained
enough followers---”
“Mostly criminals and rogues,” interrupts Queen Sophia.
“Criminals and rogues make the best followers. Dangerous and
unscrupulous. At least they’re honest of their true nature,
unlike hypocrites in here tonight. Monsters hiding behind the
mask of a cultured and civilized front.
“Anyway, back to what I was saying before. I have gained
enough followers who are at the ready to destroy all the packs
North of the region. If you kill me or restrained me tonight,
those packs will die. If you refused my challenge, those packs
will die. What happened last night was just a child’s play
compared to what’s to come. Besides, your subjects and
followers will forever be wondering if they truly had the
rightful leader on the throne or if their leader is strong enough
to lead.”
“The answer is no!” barks Queen Sophia.
“Yes!” growls Caspian. “I accept the challenge.” What? No! I
cling to his arm. No! He squeezes my waist as if he’s trying to
calm me but there is no calming the storm in my chest and my
head. No! “Father, please clear the room,” he says.
King Alexandros orders the guards to lead the stunned guests
“You, my dear Celeste, are a disappointment,” says Æmilius to
Lady Celeste before she stepped off the stage. He leans in to
whisper something in her ear and she blanches. I wonder what
he has on her.
The room is immediately cleared. The only ones remained are
King Alexandros, Queen Sophia, Katya, Æmilius, two royal
advisors, one of King Alexandros’s guard, Caspian, and I.
“Surprise, surprise brother. I am finally able to introduce
myself to you properly.” The smile on Æmilius’s face is very
friendly. Sickly so. “So, you’ve finally claimed your mate.
чудесно! Wonderful! I’ve been waiting for this moment for a
long time. For a while, I thought it was going to be the lovely
Lady Celeste, but you did better for yourself. You don’t
disappoint. She is gorgeous! Fit for a king. Too bad you won’t
be able to keep her for too long.”
“What do you really want, Æmilius?” asks Caspian. He sounds
bored even though I know he’s furious and on edge right now.
His stony expression reminds me of Queen Sophia.
“I want everything denied to me all these years.”
“You are crazy,” snaps Queen Sophia.
“I want everything that my little brother has,” he continues as if
he hasn’t been interrupted. “I’ve watched him being pampered
and revered for a very long time. Nothing is too good for him.
Everybody bows to him. Everybody bends over backward to
please the king’s spoiled brat. Everything comes easy to him,
and now he’s found his erasthai, claimed her and he’s ready for
the crown and to live happily ever after.”
He turns to Caspian with that smile again and says, “I’ve been
waiting for you to finally claim your mate so that I can take her
away from you. Thank you for inviting me to breakfast
yesterday morning. You gave me the chance to take a closer
look at what is going to be mine. How much would it hurt when
I take her for myself?”
“I would rather die than let you touch me! I will kill you first
before you ever laid your hands on me,” I snarl fiercely before
Caspian had the chance to open his mouth. I feel his arms
tighten around me. My chest burns.
“Fiesty! I like that. I expect no less. I always have a taste for the
fiery ones.” His smile is menacing.
“You will not touch my mate,” growls my mate.
“Save the fight for tomorrow, brother dear.”
Chapter 51 - The Twisted Triangle
“This is private. It’s a family discussion,” says King Alexandros
while we’re standing just outside the doors of his office. His
golden brown eyes that, I realize now, are so similar to Æmilius
are trained on me.
I’m hanging on to Caspian’s arm. I sense that he needs me as
much as I need him and I’m not going anywhere unless he tells
me to go.
“She’s his mate,” says Queen Sophia haughtily before anybody
could say anything. “She has the right to be where he is. She
should know how twisted and depraved this family is,” she
continues as she walks breezily past him into the office.
The king clearly doesn’t like her remarks or to have me as an
audience to the family discussion but he swallows his argument
and follows his mate into the privacy of the office without
another word.
The heavily ornate doors are firmly closed behind us as we
move to a group of chairs and a sofa by the windows and a
fireplace. Queen Sophia sits regally on a wingback chair near
the window. King Alexandros takes another chair next to her.
Caspian chooses a loveseat directly facing his father, pulling me
to sit next to him.
For a while, everybody just sits there. Nobody says anything. I
clasp my hands together in my lap, trying not to fidget.
Caspian is the only one who seems to make himself
comfortable. His body posture seems relaxed, lazy even, as he
leans back in the seat with his feet apart. His need to be
touching me has one arm resting on the back of the loveseat
with his fingers lightly touching my shoulder. He seems so
relaxed that it’s bordering on insolence.
I know enough to know that with Caspian, what you see on the
outside doesn’t reveal what he truly feels inside. At times, he
seems most relaxed when he’s angry or looks bored when he’s
poised for a fight.
“Were you ever going to tell me?” he asks quietly. His voice is
very measured.
“I don’t have to answer to anybody. Not to my son,” announces
King Alexandros. “What happened was between your mother
and I. It had nothing to do with you.”
Caspian’s body tensed. “Nothing to do with...” he can’t even
finish the sentence. He ground his teeth and his hand curls
around my shoulder. His voice is very low but menacing when
he says, “You claim that it has nothing to do with me after
tonight? Is it not my life that’s on the line tomorrow? Is it not
my mate that I stand to lose?”
Queen Sophia gets up from where she’s sitting to stand by the
window. Her face is impassive, which reminds me of my mate.
She’s a concrete wall. She’s an impenetrable barricade. She’s
impossible to read when she chooses to not show any emotion.
The king sits tall and proud but he remains silent. The tension
in the room is tangible and suffocating and I remind myself
that I’m here for my mate.
“I met her after I marked your mother. Surely you understand
the bond of a mate and the pull of an erasthai?” says King
Alexandros. “It’s my burden to bear, not yours.”
Caspian nods his head. It’s strange how that tiny movement is
laced with pain. He straightens up and removes his arm from
around me as if he’s afraid that he’s going to hurt me. “So you
kept me in the dark. I have a half brother I didn’t know about.
A brother who despises me so much that he’s very eager to
destroy me.
“Still, that’s not even half of it, is it father? All these years, you
knew that he and Katya had something to do with the rising
rebellion. They were destroying packs and killing the innocents
yet you did nothing. Nothing! You were protecting them, were
“I know none of such things,” growls the king. “I’m your king
and your father, watch how you’re talking to me.”
“You must have suspected that it was them,” continues my
mate, undeterred. His voice is rising. Hurt, anger, and a
thousand other emotions are swirling inside him. “You were
warned by one of the commanders about the Royalty’s betrayal.
He told you that it was an inside job yet you ignored it. You
ignored the death of the innocents, your subjects, for them!”
I grip his tight fist to remind him to calm down but he
continues on, “Did you know that that commander and his
mate died that week? Are you even aware of how many of our
good men and women died because of the action of those two?
Do you even care?”
“I said enough!” roars King Alexandros. His eyes are shiny
black onyx when he stares at his son. “If you weren’t my son, I
would have killed you for your insolence,” he snarls before he
storms out. My heart clenches and burns. Something inside me
hates his words and wants to come out.
Caspian pulls me to stand up with him before he gathers me
into his arms. He presses his nose to the side of my head and
takes a deep breath before he whispers, “Don’t go after the
king, my love.”
Now that he mentions it, it does sound ridiculous. Immediately
I imagine a puny little me going after King Alexandros, the lord
of all werewolves and lycans. Ughh! I bury my face in Caspian’s
He pushes me back and cradles my face in his hands. “Only
you, my love,” he says. I can’t read his feelings. They’re all
jumbled with mine, creating confusion at this very moment but
the way he’s looking at me shows how much he adores me.
“Let’s go, Moya Printsessa.”
I glance back. Queen Sophia is now standing alone by the
window, staring outside with her back to us. A lonely figure.
Her posture straight and regal, showing her aristocracy
I cover Caspian’s hands in mine. “I’ll see you in a moment?”
He studies my features before his gaze lingers on his mother.
Finally, he looks at me again and he nods his head. He kisses
my forehead before he lets go of my hand and walks out,
closing the door behind him.
The queen turns to face me. I glimpse a flash of vulnerability
on her face before it’s replaced by the usual coolness.
We stare at each other for a moment. Studying, measuring each
“You knew they were planning this. That’s why you wanted him
to mate Lady Celeste so badly and claim the throne,” I state
“No, I didn’t know they were planning this. All I knew was that
Katya wanted her son to rule. It’s her revenge. If she couldn’t
be queen, she wants her son to take the reign.”
“How do you live like that?” I blurt out. I squeak out an apology
right after those words came out of my mouth. I didn’t mean to
ask that question but it’s been in my head for a while. I mean, if
Caspian did that to me, I’d kill the other woman for sure...right
after I kill him (maybe). Then I’d die. I internally shake my
head at my morbid thoughts.
Instead of getting mad as I expected her to be, Queen Sophia
waves away my apology and moves to take a seat on the chair
she abandoned earlier. She signals me to sit on the chair
previously occupied by King Alexandros.
“I have a feeling, you don’t usually mince words, Quincy St
Martin - Romanov,” she says. “I don’t expect you to start now
because I don’t intend to either.”
Okay, that’s good, because I have a feeling I might end up in
the dungeon tonight if I can’t speak freely. I’m bad at
pussyfooting. I have a broken filter.
“Let me tell you about my upbringing,” she says. “I grew up
knowing that I would be the mate of the future king one day. It
was decided for me since I was a baby. I was brought up with
this thought in mind. I didn’t have a chance or a choice to even
think whether or not that’s something that I want for my life.
“We mated when it was time for Alexandros to be crowned
king. I felt no love for him in the beginning. Later, I learned to
love and respect him and I assumed, him, me. I thought we
were happy. There was never anybody else for me.
“Three decades, five years and six months, I had him all to
myself. Then he met her. Katya. He’s instantly consumed by
her. There’s nothing I could do. We still had the mate
connection. He couldn’t deny me yet he’s obsessed with her. He
blatantly installed her in the nearby residence. Have a son with
her. Plays a happy family with her. It always feels like I’m in a
competition with her. A competition that I was always a few
steps behind.
“When she had her son, I was frantic to have a son too. I was
obsessed with the thought of having a son until I had him. My
“So, how do I live like this? Trapped in a gilded cage and oh,
what a cage. A wonderful life for a queen.
“I grew to resent him, my mate...to resent them. Some days
when I knew he just came back from being with her I couldn’t
even look at him. If I could get out of this triangle, I would,”
she says. “But I also want to win,” she adds with a rueful smile.
“A queen doesn’t give up her position unless it’s for her son and
his mate.”
“If you can’t stand the triangle, why haven’t you taken her out
of the equation yet?” I ask her the question that has been
nagging at me. Surely, she must have thought of that.
“Alexandros,” she says without hesitation. Meaning, she would
have killed Katya in a heartbeat if King Alexandros wasn’t in
the way. “The same reason why she hasn’t gotten rid of me yet.”
She raises an eyebrow and smiles at my curiosity. “Anymore
“You knew that Æmilius is the king’s son. Why...why..” I can’t
find myself to say it.
“Why I slept with him?” She smiles. Wicked and bitter. “To get
back at my mate,” she states simply. “If it were any other men,
Alexandros would have killed them before the sun rises. No
matter what happens, I’m his mate and he’s very possessive.
Surely you know that by now. My son would have killed anyone
who touches you.”
It sounds like a warning but I just nod and she continues,
“Æmilius was the only one who isn’t scared of him and who’s as
equally motivated to raise his ire. The one he wouldn’t kill even
for soiling his queen for fear of upsetting his erasthai.”
“Does it help to make the king favor his golden son over his
backstabbing son or that he wouldn’t mind as much if the
backstabbing son is killed one day?” I ask her.
Queen Sophia’s vivid green eyes flicker up to look at me closely.
The corner of her lips curls up into a tiny smile of respect and
strangely, pride.
I return her smile. Rightly or wrongly, I admire this woman.
Queen Sophia is a very dangerous woman. She’ll cheat, lie,
steal, and kill to get what she wants. She recognizes herself in
me and she’s not wrong. I’ll do anything for the people I love
and I’d kill with a smile on my lips if that’ll get me what I want.
The only other thing that makes me breathe easier is the fact
that she loves her son fiercely and destroying me would be
destroying her son. Isn’t it funny how her son falls for someone
who is exactly like her?
“I chose Lady Celeste for him because she’s easy to control,”
she says. I don’t miss the flash of wickedness and selfdeprecation in her eyes. “If you weren’t his erasthai, I wouldn’t
have chosen you. There’s not a single subservient bone in your
body. You look sweet and innocent, but really, you’re not.
You’re so young but you’re already very strong, clever, and
dangerous. But now I’m glad that he mated you. I’m looking
forward to seeing how much more dangerous you’ll grow to
“Is that why you were against us before? You wanted somebody
you could control?” I ask her.
“That and I didn’t believe that you two were real mates,” she
answers. “Can you blame me? The last time he claimed to be
mated, it was to his pack mate, Persephone who’s already
mated to Commander Darius.
“I didn’t want to be fooled again. I could see the difference with
you but I had to be sure. After last night when I saw you two
bloody from the fight and the way you cling to each other, I
know for sure.
“No, I wouldn’t have chosen you but I can see now that you’re
what he needs. He’s a different man with you. He’s the man
that I wished he’d grow up to be.”
“It only took him a couple of centuries,” I quip.
She smiles. “It took him the right one. You.”
“I think he’s already great before he met me, he just hid it
“Loyalty and honesty. I like that,” she says. “Beware of
Æmilius. He’s consumed by his jealousy for my son. If he gets
the reign, he won’t let my son live. He’ll take everything he
regards as rightfully his or should have been his, including
“You know that would never happen. If he killed my mate, I
will use my last breath to destroy him.”
She nods and says, “I expect nothing less from you.”
“And now I know what to expect from you,” I reply.
I smile at her as we reach an understanding. Queen Sophia
isn’t somebody who trust easily or whom I could give my trust
easily to but right now we’re fighting on the same side.
When I get up to leave the room, she once again stands up to
look out the window. A beautiful lonely figure staring out into
the darkness.
Günter is waiting for me outside the door of the king’s office.
His solid hulking figure follows me silently as I walk the long,
massive hallway back to our wing. My steps grow faster as I
think of my waiting mate. The urgency to be with him
intensifies as I think of tomorrow.
I feel a lot better, safer when we reach our part of the palace.
Our sanctuary.
Caspian is sitting at the reading nook by the bay window in our
bedchamber, waiting. He had already discarded his jacket,
waistcoat, and bowtie. The top of his snowy white dress shirt is
unbuttoned and the sleeves are rolled up to his elbow. His
impeccable hair is now all messed up. My heart aches at the
sight of my beautiful mate. I try to push the thought of
tomorrow to the very back of my mind for the moment. He
needs me and it won’t do us much good if I think about it now.
He sits staring at me for a while, the next second, he’s on his
feet and standing right in front of me.
His hands come up to cup my face while his eyes intense,
studying my face like he did before he left me with his mother.
I feel his tentative touch in our bond as he’s trying to sense my
“You’re worried about me.” I look up into his eyes and cover his
hands with mine.
“My mother is a manipulative bitch,” he says.
I stand on my tiptoe and kiss the tip of his nose. “I know, but I
like her,” I tell him before I pull back. Those electric green eyes
follow me as I walk into our closet to change. “We have a lot in
“Pray tell, what is it that you have in common with my
mother.” His voice comes close from behind me, whispered
into the cool skin of my neck. The tips of his fingers skim the
top of my bare shoulders.
“We both love you something fierce,” I tell him. I feel his smile
against my skin. “Now help me undo these buttons.” My fancy
ballgown has a thousand tiny buttons at the back.
“I’m lucky to have the love of two most powerful and dangerous
women I know,” he says as he works on those tiny buttons.
Once in a while, he stops to kiss my exposed back, leaving a wet
trail that makes my skin tingles.
His patience with the buttons only lasts a few more seconds.
He rips the bodice apart then he lets it falls in a pool of light
blue silk at my feet. I’m surprised he lasted that long.
“Did you scare away the maids who were supposed to help me
undress?” I ask him. I try to look serious but fails when my lips
tilt up into a smile.
“Yes, I did,” he admits without any shame or remorse. “I know
I’m fabulous, but I have no patience for silly, tittering women.”
“Good to know your ego is still big, healthy, and thriving, my
love,” I say and his lips curl up into a wicked smile. Maids in
this palace are mostly werewolves from the nearby packs.
Indeed, they blush, giggle, and sometimes even drop things
whenever Caspian, Constantine, Lazarus, or Darius is around.
He turns me around and covers my lips with his. I reach up to
grab a fistful of his silky golden hair and run another hand over
his chest and the back of his strong neck. His warm, firm, but
soft lips feel amazing against mine. His incredible scent alone
dulls my ability to think. I forget my worries when he’s kissing
me like this. He reluctantly pulls back when I’m about to
deepen the kiss. “We have a meeting with the pack in five
minutes,” he says regretfully with his forehead pressed against
I pull on a pair of jeans with a tank top and add a comfortable
hoodie on top of it. We walk hand in hand to the media room
where everybody is already sitting, waiting for us.
The atmosphere is grim. They’re not poking fun at each other
or making silly jokes. Darius is looking especially formidable.
Penny is perched on his lap with her arms wrapped tightly
around him.
We take a seat next to them and Constantine.
“So...tonight was very unexpected,” says Constantine. “They’re
very clever to issue the challenge during the ball tonight. They
needed the audience to tie our hands behind our backs.”
I hear everybody’s collective agreement and I tighten my hold
on Caspian’s hand.
“Lady Celeste came to ask for Jorden’s protection earlier
tonight. We have Jorden and Lady Celeste heavily guarded,”
informs Lazarus. “The king has sent the army to the Northern
Region and some of the other parts as well.”
“From what I gathered, they’re responsible for a lot of
rebellious acts from way back. Probably partly responsible for
Milan’s attack on Genesis as well. Manipulating Milan for his
end game since King Alexandros was threatening to replace
Caspian with Constantine as the Crown Prince,” adds Darius.
“And the killing of your Commanders and their mates?” says
Darius gives a jerky nod of his head. I can sense the fury
coming out in waves from him.
Penny puts her hands up to cradle his face. “One thing for sure,
he’s not going to be alive to rule as our king or to get his hands
on Quincy. Never,” she vows. “Even if it takes all of us to do it.”
“I fight till my last breath to make sure that none of you will die
in his hands,” says my mate. I bury my face in his chest and
wrap my arms tightly around him. I feel his hand gently
cradling the back of my head. “Now, let’s get some rest. We
have to be up at dawn tomorrow,” he says.
Chapter 52 - No Victory Dance
The sparks fly as the firewood and tinder crackle and pop in the
fireplace. The blazing fire from the hearth bathes the bed and
the immediate area with its warm glow. The rest of the room is
cloaked in darkness.
My cheek is resting on his chest. My ear is pressed close to his
heart. He’s lying on his back with one arm wrapped around my
waist and another arm covering his eyes but I know he’s still
I’ve been tracing my name on his warm skin, marking him over
and over again. It’s impossible to fall asleep when your heart
aches so badly in your chest yet you’re trying hard to hold it all
in. I want to be selfish and ask him not to fight tomorrow but I
know that I can’t do that.
Earlier this evening, all of the Royal Advisors came to see him
and asked the same thing of him. “Don’t fight,” said Lord
Stepanov, the oldest of the Advisors. “Bastards don’t have a
claim to the throne. Even though his mother and the king are
erasthais, they’re not mated. You’re the queen’s son and the
named successor. You’re the rightful heir. That’s the law.”
“This is no longer about the law,” my mate had replied. “He has
his army of rogues and ruthless criminals at a ready to destroy
packs in the North. Hundreds will die if I refused to fight him. I
know father has sent our armies out there but there are
hundreds of packs in the North. We don’t know which packs
they’re planning to attack and we don’t have the manpower to
guard them all. I refuse to have any more blood of the
innocence spilling freely on the ground like last night.”
Surprise, respect, and pride crossed their faces. “You are going
to be a great king, Your Highness,” said Lord Stepanov bowing
to him along with the other advisors. I’d never felt so proud of
But still, lying here with him right now, I can’t help thinking,
what if this is the last time that I lie with him? What if...
I feel the change in the rise and fall of his chest before his hand
comes down to cover mine, stopping my finger from the
endless movement on his bare skin. “I can feel the storm inside
you,” he says.
I thought I’ve covered it well. “I’m sorry.”
“No. I’m sorry this is hurting you.” His touch is gentle as he
runs his fingers through my hair. “Isn’t it funny how I
discovered that I have a brother tonight and tomorrow
morning I’m going to have to kill him?” His voice is calm and
low but I’m hurting for him.
“He’s made his intentions known. He’s not going to stop until
he gets what he wants and unfortunately for me or for him, one
of those things is you. You know once a lycan sets his mind on
something, he’s not going to stop until he gets it or someone
stops him.” He suddenly moves his hand to cover my back until
he has both arms wrapped around me possessively and
protectively. “He will never have you. No one else but me gets
to touch you. Ever.”
I flattened my hand on his chest and raise my face to look at
him. His eyes glitter, more gold than green in the brilliance of
the flame.
“I’m only yours. Forever,” I promise him before I lie my head
back on his chest.
We both stay silently like this for a long time before he quietly
says, “I’ve always secretly thought that I shouldn’t have been
the king. My parents aren’t each other’s erasthai. I didn’t want
it because I don’t deserve it.”
With his cocky attitude and his arrogance, I’d never have
guessed that he feels this way. I think no one else ever saw this
side of him, not even our pack members. I think we have more
in common than we thought.
He opens himself up to be vulnerable to me. It’s time I do the
same for him. No hiding. “You know, I always feel like I
shouldn’t have existed at all,” I tell him. “I’m a bastard child
who doesn’t even know who her father is. He’s not my mom’s
mate...just some random guy.” This is a secret I always carry in
my heart. The guilt for existing. I know it doesn’t make sense
but little kids have weird thoughts like that especially when
they know they’re not wanted. It’s stupid but it’s the thought
that I can’t get rid of, even now. My Nana never knew that I feel
this way. “I’m nothing but a mistake.”
I feel the ripple of his muscles before he sits up, causing me to
sit up as well. “Don’t say that,” he says urgently. “Look at me.”
He shifts to lift my chin up. He looks wounded. His green eyes
are intense. “Don’t ever think that again. You’re not a mistake.
You were meant to be mine. You were made for me.”
“Then you don’t get to think that you have no claim to the
throne because your parents are not each other’s erasthai,” I
tell him. “To me, you deserve the crown because you care.
You’re strong and you care about your subjects. He doesn’t. He
was born out of erasthai bond but he destroyed everything
good and will continue to destroy. He sacrifices innocent lives
to get what he wants.” I shudder to think of what he would be
capable of if he rules. “I know for a fact that you’d have given
up the throne, the wealth...you’d give up your life to keep me
and the pack safe. Tomorrow you’re fighting for innocent
werewolf’s packs. You’re more than worthy.” I put my hand on
each side of his face. “My love, you are more than worthy.”
We get up at the break of dawn. We shower together...just us
gently cleaning each other. I let my soapy hands glide over the
ridge of his muscles and my tears washed away without a trace
by the cascading water.
François looks extra grim when he shows up to help Caspian
dressed up in his black fighting gear. It’s what the army wear
during fights. The material stretches during shifts and doesn’t
hinder movements in any way. He looks so handsome in it.
After he’s done, he reaches for my hand. His eyes run over me
appreciatively before he pulls me closer to his side.
I’m wearing a simple pale lavender dress with a wide square
neckline. It has short cap sleeves with an empire waist. The
soft, sheer material flows all the way down to my ankle. My
hair is in a french braid that I pull to the side and tied back
with a white ribbon. My face is fresh without any make-up on.
All sweetness and innocence, just the look that I want for
“My sweet little angel,” he says.
“Or your ruthless little devil,” I counter.
He smiles. “My deadly little menace all covered in milk and
honey.” He brings my hand up to his lips and kisses the back of
“How lovely.”
Our pack mates are already waiting when we step out of our
bedchamber. Even Genesis is looking alert and grim this
morning. Constantine, Lazarus, and Darius are in their fighting
attire as well. I guess we’re getting prepared for any
We are constantly approached as the eight of us make our way
through the long corridors to the Fighting Arena.
A messenger comes with the news that Lady Celeste’s father
and a couple of other boyars were killed last night. I have no
doubt that Æmilius and Katya had something to do with it.
Some twenty or so Alphas from packs around the area request
an audience to pledge their undivided loyalty and to express
their gratitude for saving their packs the other night and also
for the food and the winter supply he provided them.
François draped a cream-colored cloak with thick white fur
trim on my shoulders before we step out into the Arena.
The Arena is a huge building not unlike the Colosseum, with
fifteen levels of round stone seatings. There are areas for the
audience to be standing up at the very top.
There is nothing but sky above us. The sun is shining but the
temperature is low. I can see my own breath in the air. The
king, the queen and the rest of the royalties have a special
viewing section a few levels up from the fighting ground. This
is where we’re at right now.
My stomach flips and clenches as I look around the Arena
that’s already filled with the audience. My hand is gripping his
in a deathly grip. I feel sick. I don’t want to let go. I’m not
There are two guards flanking him, waiting. I lift my eyes up
desperately seeking his to find him already watching me. His
vivid green eyes are intense, always seeing too much - too deep
into my soul. I want to fling myself into his arms and hold him
to me forever but I hold myself still. I clutch at his hand. My
chest hurts and my breathing is shallow and rapid.
He wipes his thumb underneath my eyelashes where a single
tear escaped. “I’ll be back to you soon, my love. I promise,” he
whispers before he pulls me in for a kiss. This kiss is desperate
and urgent. It’s filled with hope and despair. It’s full of
promises yet it feels like a goodbye.
Then he walks off without looking back. He’s tall, regal, and
imposing. Constantine, Lazarus, and Darius follow closely
behind him.
King Alexandros is looking dignified in his seat. Queen Sophia
looks aloof and cold as usual. If there’an inner turmoil raging
inside her at the possibility of losing her only son, you’d never
have guessed it.
I feel Serena and Genesis taking each of my cold hand in theirs,
giving me comfort. There are guards standing behind our
chairs, probably with the order to restrain us if we ever decide
to jump into the Arena during the fight.
I hear Penny hisses and look over to see Æmilius walking by on
the ground level with his guards. He’s smirking while his eyes
are taking me in from top to bottom. Keep on looking, *sshole,
because that’s all you’re getting. I'm dying to rip the spine off
his back and wipe that smirk off his face.
My eyes wander to where Katya is sitting with her own guards
surrounding her. She’s wearing a long black dress. Her fair hair
glistens in the morning sunlight.
It is still hard for me to wrap my mind around the whole thing.
Being a mistress, a hidden lover to your erasthai while he rules
with his mate as his queen. It must be soul crushing. Yet all the
sympathy I have for her evaporates when I think of all the lives
lost due to their actions. What I saw the other night was just a
tiny fraction of what they had done throughout the years. I
wonder though, would I be the same if I had to endure what
she went through?
My mind is still reeling when the announcement is made. Two
strong figures make their way into the middle of the snowcovered Arena. Æmilius and my mate, Caspian.
They’re the same height but not the same size. Even though
they’re both well muscled, Caspian is lankier compared to
“It’s going to be fine. I’ve seen him fight countless times. He’s
going to be fine. It’s going to be fine,” whispers Serena over and
over again, as if she’s reassuring herself as much as she’s
comforting me.
Æmilius goes charging even before the signal is given. He
growls and changes into his full lycan in mid-air as he lunges
for Caspian. Caspian manages to drop to the ground to avoid
his attack but in less than a beat, Caspian is already a full lycan,
ready to strike back. It takes a lot of practice to phase that fast.
What happens after that is a series of violent and deadly blur of
movements that have me gripping the arms of my chair with
my heart in my throat. I vaguely hear the roar of the crowd.
It’s hard to see who is winning as both of them are covered in
blood. Not even twenty minutes in, their fighting gears are
already in tatters. Both of them are looking menacing and
ferocious, like the monsters of your nightmare come to life.
Glittering, soulless black eyes regarding each other with
malice. Sharp teeth and canines extended as they growl while
snapping, clawing, and attacking each other. There’s no mercy.
Æmilius is strong and built like a tank, but what my mate lacks
in size, he makes up with agility and clever lethal moves. He is
cunning and elusive. He is very aggressive and vicious when he
finds an opening for an attack.
Blood and black earth are now spattering across the white
snow in the Arena. Twice, I feel hands on my shoulders pinning
me in place when I’m about to jump to my feet, wanting to
plunge into the arena when my mate goes down.
This time, Æmilius manages to slam him down hard on the
ground again. His deadly sharp claws dig into Caspian’s side
and deep red blood gushes out from the wound. I fight to get
up as my vision changes. My nails have sharpened and are
digging into the stone armrest.
In a blur of a movement, Caspian swipes Æmilius’s feet from
under him and straddle him from behind. The crowd roars as
he snaps Æmilius’s thick neck. A feeling of sadness and
remorse at what he’s about to do bleed through our bond. I see
just a slight hesitation before he proceeds. I don’t think
anybody else watching even notices it.
From the corner of my eye, I see Katya dives into the arena
toward my mate. Queen Sophia springs to her feet but before
she can leap in to defend her son, I propel myself up, using all
the strength of my feet to jump into the arena myself.
I’m on her within a second. I take her by surprise. She still
wears that dumbfounded look on her face when I grab her head
in both hands and twist until I feel, rather than hear the
sickening snap of the bones. I look up when the crowd roars.
It’s very quick. I’m not even in my full lycan state yet.
I place my knee on her back, but before I can pull her head off
her body, a loud agonizing cry breaks through the savage cheer
of the crowd from the ground just outside the fighting ring.
King Alexandros is on his feet. He staggers a few steps and
lands on his knees. His head bows low. He’s asking mercy for
his erasthai; begging me to spare her life.
I hesitate. I look around to seek the eyes of my mate. He’s
bloody and wounded. His intense gaze is already fixed on my
face. I’m asking him what to do. But he’s not giving me any
answers. No feelings from the bond. No betraying emotion
from his cold calculating eyes. Suddenly I know. He wants me
to decide. It’s up to me.
I shift my gaze back to the kneeling King. King of all Lycans
and werewolves are kneeling before me, asking for my mercy.
My lycan is calling for her kill. It’s salivating to take Katya’s life
for wanting to destroy my mate. I want justice for all the
innocent victims of her greed and spite. All those precious lives
that were taken so savagely. Because of her. She didn’t spare
them any mercy. Their cry for mercy went unheeded.
Yet the King of all Lycans and werewolves is on his knees
before me, begging me to spare the life of his erasthai. I might
destroy more than Katya’s life. Destroying his erasthai might
destroy him too. King Alexandros is my mate’s father. I don’t
want to inflict any pain on my mate.
I grit my teeth and reluctantly release Katya’s head. She’s
slumped forward, lying on the ground. He releases his breath
and his massive shoulders sag in relief.
I take a few steps back and look at my mate. His expression is
still blank. I look around the arena to seek my pack mates when
my eyes fall on Queen Sophia. Bitterness and something close
to hatred are marring her beautiful features as she stares at
King Alexandros.
I knew what’s about to happen before it happens yet I hesitate.
Sophia launches herself into the arena. Her feet land squarely
on Katya’s back while her arms wrap around Katya’s head. In a
blur of motion, Katya’s body is being ripped apart. Her spine is
ripped out. Queen Sophia’s beautiful emerald dress is soaked
with the blood of her rival. With a smirk on her lips, she lifts
Katya’s head like a trophy before she tosses on the ground. It
rolls and stops right at King Alexandros’s feet.
The whole arena is now silent. Not a pin drop can be heard.
She’s been waiting for this moment for a very long time. Killing
her rival without consequences. That’s exactly what she did. In
this Arena.
Caspian stands up. His security immediately on the alert but
it’s our packmates who are flanking him. Standing by his side.
He just stands there, torn and bloody yet tall and regal. His
eyes are watching me. Studying me. Assessing.
I slowly make my way toward him. When I’m within five feet
away from him, he extends his hand and I take it. His big warm
hand engulfs my icy fingers, bringing warmth to my freezing
cold body. Together, we walk away from the bloody arena.
The crowd roars but the only thing that matters are my mate by
my side and my pack mates following closely behind us.
Chapter 53 - The Aftermath
“Quincy, I need to talk to you,” says Lady Celeste. She’s in a
peacock blue taffeta dress and her hair is impeccably styled.
I’ve got to hand it to her, this woman knows how to dress
well...or maybe her stylist does.
I’m on my way back from the stable to our bedchamber with
Günter behind me. Caspian should be in bed but my stubborn,
injured mate has gone to see his parents instead. I thought they
should have some privacy so decided to visit Sabre, the horse
that I have taken a liking to. It’s the same horse that I rode to
my oath. He’s a little bit wild and a little bit crazy but he sort of
reminds me of myself. He certainly loved the sugar cubes and
the apples I brought him this morning.
“Quincy,” she calls again.
I don’t feel like talking to Lady Celeste so I ignore her but she
catches up and grasps my arm tightly. Günter is immediately
standing between us. I stare pointedly at her hand on my arm
then I look at her in the eye, silently telling her to let go.
“Your Highness, please,” she amended, letting go of my arm.
When I keep staring at her without giving away my emotion
she says, “It won’t take long. I promise.”
“Okay then. Talk,” I tell her.
“Can we go somewhere private?” She looks at Günter, then
glances around.
I don’t know the Palace well enough to know where is the best
place to talk without being overheard except for our private
area in the East Wing. I don’t trust her enough to voluntarily
bring her to our private sanctuary.
I walk down the enormous hallway, knowing that she’s going to
be following me. I head toward the library. Günter slips into
the library behind us and he disappears behind the bookcases
to scope the area.
The library is quite massive. Thick, cream, red, and gold carpet
covers the floor from wall to wall. Rows of bookcases filled with
leather-bound books from floor to ceiling. Carved gold-framed
portrait paintings of the royal family members are hanging on
the rich dark wood paneled walls. There are detailed marble
carvings of human forms in the center aisle. Sitting and
reading areas with tables and grand wingback leather chairs
are all near one wall where the big windows are. The smell of
old books and leather fill the air; the best smell in the world,
except for the scent of my mate.
Günter reappears not long after and nods his head, signaling
that he’s satisfied that it’s safe before he walks out and closes
the door behind him.
I walk over to one of the big windows and watch the snowflakes
drifting down from the heavens. The vast forest beyond the
snow-covered garden looks enchanted. It’s beautiful out there
and I can’t wait to go for a run again with my mate and pack
“It starts snowing again,” says Lady Celeste as she comes to
stand next to me by the window.
“We’re not here to talk about the weather, Celeste,” I say
without taking my eyes off the view.
She sighs as she moves back from the window. I hear the
shuffle of her dress as she takes a seat. “I know you’re mad that
I claimed Jorden for a mate.”
“So why did you?” I turn my body to look at her. “Jorden’s not
your erasthai and he’s way too good for you.”
“Because I love him,” she answers. “And he loves me.”
I stare at her wordlessly for a second. “How can you say that
you love him? You just met him. Besides, you claimed to be in
love with Caspian not too long ago.”
“I had a crush on Prince Caspian. I had been since I was very
young. If you must know, all the women around here did, or a
lot of them still do. He’s so cold toward all of us and we dreamt
of being the one to win his heart. We all dreamt of getting
marked by the prince and become the queen one day.
“When my parents made an agreement with Queen Sophia for
us to mate, I was so happy. I thought it was meant to be. He
didn’t want anything to do with me but I thought he could grow
to love me if we spent more time together or if only he’d give us
a chance.
“But then I went to California and saw the way he looked at you
and the way that he treated you. I knew then that he’ll never be
that way with me or anyone else.
“Then I met Jorden. He’s different from any men I’ve ever met.
He treats me with respect but he won’t tolerate my tantrum.
He’s kind and generous and talks to me as if I matter. He
believes that I can change and be a better person. He makes me
want to be a better person. Nobody ever treats me that way.”
Her eyes turn dreamy. “He makes my heart beats faster and I
think of him constantly,” she says softly. Then she seems to
realize what she just said and to whom she’s speaking to. She
clears her throat and sits up straight like she has a stick up her
butt again.
She thrusts her chin up and says, “That first week, I wanted to
back out from the arrangement. I wanted to cancel the whole
thing. I was planning to talk to Queen Sophia about it but
Æmilius called. He had my father and threatened to kill him if
I didn’t get Caspian to agree to mate with me. So that night I
was desperate.”
I sigh in frustration and take a seat on a chair next to hers.
“Why didn’t you tell somebody about this earlier?”
“I was scared, okay?” She sounds exasperated. “I didn’t know
who to trust. If I told a wrong person, I’d be dead as well. I
knew Queen Sophia was having an affair with Æmilius but I
didn’t know that he was King Alexandros’s bastard son.
Besides, Prince Caspian hates me. If I told him about this, he
would think that I made things up so I could get close to him or
something,” she says.
“And waiting for him in our bedroom, dressed in nothing but
tiny lingerie, and begging him to take you was a better option?”
This woman! Not even ten minutes in her company and I’m
tempted to throw her and her logic out that big window behind
us. How could my cousin stand her? I should nominate Jorden
for sainthood...is there such a thing?
“As I said, I was desperate.” She pouts as she studies at her
beautifully manicured fingers as if she's bored.
Penny was right, it’s hard to like this woman but she has
changed quite a lot since the first time I met her. She’s like a
work in progress. I guess Rome wasn’t built in one day and
comparing Lady Celeste to Rome is being generous. “Look,” I
say. “I’m sorry about your father.”
She shrugs her shoulders and lifts her chin up proudly. “I
wouldn’t mourn him too much. He was a cruel man. I only
tried to stop him from being killed for my mother. For some
reason, she loved him.
“Jorden and I have that in common. We both hated our
fathers,” she says flippantly. I’m surprised Jorden confided in
her about his father. Jorden is kind to everybody but he’s
pretty tight-lipped about himself, especially about his father.
I know his father hit him constantly when we were growing up.
In our pack, kindness was often mistaken for weakness. My
uncle’s definition of tough is being cruel and a bully. He hated
that Jorden wasn’t “tough” like him. I knew he got the lashing
every time he openly helped me when I got bullied, that’s why I
never held it against him when he didn’t get involved. I actually
preferred it. Once I cried when I saw his back the day after he
stopped particularly cruel bullying. I didn’t shed a tear during
the bullying. That was a month after Jonah left the pack. I was
twelve and Jorden was thirteen.
“Don’t you want to wait for your erasthai?” I ask her.
“Your Highness, do you know how many lycans ended up with
their erasthais? Not all of us are as lucky as you are. Some
waited hundreds of years to meet their one true love. Many
died without ever meeting their erasthais.
“So, no. I knew all my life that I’d never end up with my
erasthai. I don’t travel, I hate to fly. I stay here all the time and
I came from a long line of lycans with arranged mating. The
reason that I’m not marked and mated yet is that they were
planning for me to be mated to Prince Caspian and become
Queen one day. Now that it’s not going to happen, I know I will
be forced to mate with one of those men from rich aristocratic
families soon. But I’d rather mate with someone I love and who
loves me.
“What about Jorden? What about his mate?” I ask her.
“I don’t know. All I know is that I need him in my life. I know
I’m being selfish and he’s too good for me but he makes me
happy and I intend to make him very happy. I’d do anything for
I study her for a little while until she starts to shift
uncomfortably in her seat. I hear her heartbeat going faster
and something close to fear flashes in her eyes though she’s
fighting to keep her tough exterior. “Can you please stop doing
that to me?” she asks me finally.
I raise an eyebrow in wonder. “Stop doing what?”
“Are you really not aware of the powerful aura that you carry
around you? Or the weight of energy you just gave out to
dominate me just now?”
Actually, no. I’m new in all this and the fact that I’m quite blind
to the energy and the power of others make me unaware of my
own. However, I prefer not to admit it to her.
“Listen, you are both adults and I can’t stop Jorden from doing
what he wants.” I take her beautifully manicured fingers in
mine so that she won't be looking at them anymore and give
them a squeeze. We’re going to be related soon after all. “But I
need to warn you, I love my cousin and my powerful aura is the
least of your worry if you ever hurt him.” I release her hand and
get comfortable. “I will hunt you down and personally make
your life hell until you wish you were dead. Then I will pull out
your vocal cords so that I won’t have to hear you scream from
what I’m going to do to you. Next, I’m going to break your
ribcage one bone at a time before I rip your still-beating heart
out of your chest and feed it to you. I will claw out your....” I
proceed to go into very graphic details of what I plan to do to
her if she ever breaks Jorden’s heart. I think she’s got the
message by the time I’m done. After all that, I smile super
sweetly and welcome her to the family.
I stay back in the library after Lady Celeste has left. I love
books. I’m glad that my mate loves books as well. He
downplays his abilities but he can read and speak in so many
languages. He remembers history and facts with frightening
accuracy. He can recite the content just after a quick scan of a
book. He comprehends more from a simple written text than
most people could. His sharp mind can dissect events and
conflicts in the world, the cause, and arguments from both
sides. He reads people like he reads a book. I’m in awe of his
My finger absently traces the spine of books as I stroll along an
older section of the library.
I keep walking until I reach a special section and my finger
touches the spine of a book with strange symbols written in
gold. Underneath the symbols are smaller writing: The Record
of the Lycan Monarchy. The book is thick and massive.
Ooohh...that sounds interesting! I pull it out and carry it to the
nearest table near a window.
The dark brown leather cover is worn with age. The cursive
handwriting is elegant and the paper is yellow with time. There
are maps of territories and sketches of the monarchs.
The history of the Royal family and the Monarchy is as old as
time. It is bloody and violent. It wasn’t always in Russia, either.
More than the first half of the record is written in some strange
symbols and writing that I don’t understand. The part that I
start to understand or perhaps with some English translation is
of King Decebel Augustus who lived in a country that is now
known as Romania. He was violent and had a hard time
controlling his lycan. He marked his own cousin, Lady Livia
before taking the crown and his reign was filled with
debauchery and cruelty. He and his men pillaged werewolf
packs for pleasure. They killed the males and took their females
for their entertainment. A bloody rebellion led by another
cousin, Cyprian Romanov who was third in line ended his reign
in 841.
King Cyprian Romanov wasn’t much better, if not worse. He
moved the monarchy to Kievan Rus’ or now known as Russia,
where he started his own reign of terror. The violence spilled
into the human world, causing thousands of deaths. He ruled
for nearly four centuries before his own son, Nikolai slit his
throat and severed his spine in the year 1240 while he was
King Nikolai, Caspian’s grandfather ruled for 280 years before
his son, Alexandros took over. Nikolai and his mate, Azalaïs
took off to travel the world after he relinquished his throne.
They might still be alive but no one has heard from them for
centuries and they were assumed to be dead. King Alexandros
has been in power for nearly 500 years now.
None of these kings mated their own erasthais except for King
I guess yesterday marked another violent chapter in the history
of the Lycan Monarchy.
A group of criminal rogues attacked a pack in the North
yesterday but they were defeated by the Royal Army not too
long after they started. No more incidents were reported after
I hear the door opening and closing followed by footsteps. I
know those footsteps anywhere and recognize the smell. I
carefully close the book and look up into his vivid green eyes.
My poor beat up mate. There are some healing scratches on his
cheek. The rest of his injuries are hidden underneath his black
knitted sweater and black pants. The sun shines just right to hit
the top of his head and his hair shines like a halo. He looks like
an angel that I know he’s not. He’s so beautiful that at a time
like this, it hurts just to look at him. I’m so grateful to still have
him today.
“Come here, Moya Printsessa,” he says.
I round the table and instantly I’m in his arms. “I know you
missed me and my awesomeness,” he says against my hair.
"You can't get enough of all of this amazingness."
I want to smack him but then I remember his injury. “Uhuh,” I
say instead. I know he enjoys irritating me as much as I love to
annoy him and he’s using his injury as an advantage right now.
“Found anything interesting?” he asks as his eyes fall on the big
book on the table.
“Just some skeleton in your family history,” I reply. “How’s the
meeting with your mother?”
“Well, we’re both still alive,” he answers, kissing my cheek.
Good enough.
“How’s your father doing?”
“Still the same.” His lips are now skimming my jaw.
After the fight yesterday morning, King Alexandros has
retreated into himself. He seems to have lost a part of himself
yesterday. The only consolation is that his mate, Queen Sophia
is still alive. If he was mated to Katya, he would have lost
himself completely. He can’t kill his own mate. He can’t even
punish her since it was done at the Arena during the fight and
Katya had voluntarily entered the fighting ring. Entering the
ring means you’re presenting yourself as a new challenger for
the crown. You are a fair game to anybody who decided to
challenge you back. Anybody can kill you without any
consequences in the Arena. Your death is your defeat. It’s all in
the game.
“Do you think he will survive this?”
“I honestly don’t know, Moya Printsessa but I’d like to think
so,” he replies. “Was Lady Celeste here?" He shifts and sniffs
the air before he grimaces like he's smelled something bad. "I
can smell her sickly sweet perfume. I wish she’d ease up on that
thing, it gives me a headache every time.”
I nudge him in the stomach, careful not to touch where he’s
hurt. “Be nice. I just scared her shitless.”
“Oh, how cute,” he says, with a naughty grin. “You scare people
shitless every day. Only now you realize this?”
I dig my elbow into his uninjured side again and he laughs
before he winces. “So, did scare her shitless has something to
do with Jorden?”
I smile and say, “Do you think it’s too much for me to ask them
to wait at least a year before they mark each other? That way
they can get to know each other better and make a better call
whether or not they want to spend the rest of their lives
He seems to weigh what he’s about to say carefully. ”While I
think that’s a brilliant idea, we can’t force them to do that. We
can suggest it to them. I know you want what’s best for him and
you don’t want him to mate with Lady Celeste but they’re both
“To be completely honest, I want him to mate with Lady
Celestia what’shername.” That’s what Penny calls Lady Celeste
now. “The selfish part of me wants to keep him in our world
and keep him in my life forever,” I say. “What I’m doing now is
forcing myself to think of what’s best for him in the long run
instead of being selfish. I don’t want him to do something he
might regret one day. Mating is irreversible and we’ve seen
what it did to your parents.”
“I know, baby, but not all arranged mating ended up like my
parents’." His hand moves up and down my back soothingly.
"Besides, Jorden and Lady Celeste’s isn’t arranged. I
understand your point, though and I will go talk to him if you
want me to.”
“Thank you for the offer, my prince. I just want him to be sure,
you know. I think I’ll go talk to him first. If that doesn’t work,
I’ll send you in. If that still doesn’t work, I’ll send Constantine,
then Lazarus, then Genesis, then Penny....”
“Setting Red and Beany Penny on Jorden? Wow, you’re serious
about torturing your cousin,” he says.
“Stop moving or I’ll bite your toe,” growls Genesis. She’s
painting my toes sky blue and she seems to be very dedicated
to doing it perfectly.
“Con, quick! Bring that charcuterie board over here or your
mate will eat my toes!” I yell at Constantine who’s been
working on his laptop under the shade near the kitchen. He
looks over at us before he stares back at the charcuterie board
on the kitchen table.
“What? The whole thing?” he asks, incredulous. Yeah, the
board is huge.
I hear Serena laughing from her position on the lounger next to
I almost roll my eyes at Constantine. Doesn’t he know his mate
enough by now? Genesis’s love affair with food is legendary...at
least among us pack members and her family. It has gotten
worse after the birth of their son, Dominik. It’s a good thing
that our metabolism is very high and that we go for a long run
and practice fighting almost every day.
“Just bring it over and nobody gets hurt, Constantine,” mutters
Lazarus who is sitting next to Serena. He’s been concentrating
on his laptop for the past half an hour, I didn’t think he was
aware of anything that’s going on around him. We might be
thousands of miles away from Banehallow Palace, but the men
are always working.
Constantine grins before he closes his laptop, then he saunters
over with the charcuterie board and places it at the end of
Genesis’s lounge chair. He then kisses the top of her head
before he sits next to her.
We are currently sitting by the pool in the backyard of our
home away from home in Shadow Geirolf Pack, Wisconsin,
about two miles away from Lake Michigan. Shadow Geirolf
Pack is Penny’s and Genesis’s old pack. Genesis thinks that it’s
important for her son, Dominik to bond with his werewolf
family here. We visit the pack at least once a year to warrant
having our own house in the pack’s territory. We’re always
welcomed and they’re always looking forward to our visits.
Having Autumn, Genesis younger sister as the Luna who’s
mated Alpha Hunter Stevens, the alpha of Shadow Geirolf Pack
doesn’t hurt either.
A loud yelling is all the warning we get before a little hurricane
that is Dominik Romanov, barrel through with a big water gun.
My brilliant mate, Caspian aka firearm or water gun supplier
isn’t far behind. He’s carrying his own water gun. I’m surprised
at how resourceful my mate is at finding the latest and the
most advanced water gun.
“Father, help!” yelps the drenched little tike.
“You have nowhere to run!” yells my very grown-up mate who’s
also pretty soaked himself. His t-shirt is plastered to his body.
His golden hair, which is getting too long again is in wild sexy
disarray - the end touches his collarbone now. “You’re
supposed to be in my team, you little traitor!”
“They cut me a better deal,” answers Dominik. His intelligent,
silver-grey eyes look almost angelic. Almost.
“Hey, you two are getting the food all wet!” says Genesis as the
two starts to weave between us while shooting at each other,
spraying everybody and everything in between.
I grab my own water gun and squirt the duo before they can do
us too much damage.
“Hey!!” they both yell.
These water guns are pretty neat if I do say so myself. “Are you
done with my toes yet?” I ask Genesis. I can’t wait to join in the
“Yeah, all done. But they’re still wet!” warns Genesis.
Some parents might not allow their kids to play with guns for
fear that their kids would grow up to be violent or something
but we lycans and werewolves are already violent. We don’t use
guns in fighting as we don’t need guns to do any damage but
water guns are pretty handy on a hot day like today.
Constantine swoops in to grab his son around his middle and
lifts the wiggling and giggling little punk up over his shoulder
before he dips his son down again.
At 5 years old, Dominik is already drawing attention wherever
we go. He’s a beautiful boy with dark reddish hair and
Constantine’s strange, bright, grey-silver eyes. He’s also quite
tall for his age. He’s already bigger than his older cousins.
Genesis is considered very young for a lycan to have a child but
hey, all those painting sessions paid off. Yeah, I know what
those painting sessions mean now. I get it.
“Let me go, father,” he begs while still giggling. Constantine
trapped his son in a headlock before he releases him.
“Take the battle away from your mother and her food,
Dominik. You’re the adult here,” he says to his son while giving
Caspian a sly smile.
“You’re just jealous I’m the coolest uncle here,” responds my
mate before he squirts Constantine right on the chest.
Constantine stares at his chest before he grabs the gun from
Dominik and shoots Caspian with it.
“Oh, I give up!” Genesis moans but I can see that she’s not at
all mad.
It took a bit of adjustment at the beginning for us to be
traveling with a child and a bigger entourage which includes a
nanny and a governess.
While Genesis and Constantine are loving parents, it’s also true
that lycans who mated their erasthais don’t make the best
parents as we are too preoccupied with each other to a degree.
But so far, between the eight of us, a nanny, and a governess, I
think we haven’t done anything too traumatic to young
Dominic yet. If anything, I think he’s doing tremendously if not
a little spoiled.
My mate Caspian is like a kid himself so Dominik isn’t lacking
a playmate when we’re traveling.
I hear footsteps running from the side of the house before cute
little were-kids appear with their own water guns. Nine-yearold Piper, Reese and River’s fearless daughter is a bit of a
tomboy. Reese and River, in case you don’t know, are Penny
and Genesis’s werewolves best friends. Behind her are
Genesis’s nephews; seven-year-old Adam and five-year-old
Aaron. They’re both Autumn and Alpha Hunter’s sons.
Their parents dropped them on our front doorstep this
morning so that they can spend the whole day playing with
Dominik. Reese, River, Autumn, Alpha Hunter, Penny’s
parents, and Genesis’s parents are arriving later this evening.
We’ve been here for four weeks and today is our last day here
before we travel to Chevalier Caye, Belize to visit Constantine’s
maternal grandmother who also happens to be Lazarus’s
grandmother. We’re due back at Banehallow Palace in three
weeks time.
The kids lift their guns up with wicked smiles on their faces but
my mate loudly announces, “Ammo time! The last one in the
pool is a rotten egg!” His announcement causes four screaming
kids to be jumping right into the swimming pool, splashing
water everywhere. Genesis just shakes her head and laughs as
she gives up trying to save her food.
“Hey Moya Printsessa,” says Caspian, dropping a kiss on my
bare shoulder.
“Hey, you!” I reply, smiling at him. “Where are your other
comrades, Penny and Darius?”
I feel his lips tug up as he smiles against my shoulder. “Not
sure...” he answers playfully. “Beany and Darius disappeared
not even five minutes into the game.”
“Did you put those two on opposing teams?” asks Serena,
sitting up.
“Of course, can’t have the two warriors working on the same
team,” my mate answers, looking suspiciously innocent.
“Bad move, my friend,” says Genesis. “They’re probably
working out their anger..”
“Yeah, working out their anger. Let’s just leave that at that,”
mutters Lazarus. His eyes are still glued to the screen of his
Serena laughs and flips his laptop close. He looks up and gives
her one of his rare affectionate smiles.
Not a second later, Penny and Darius saunter out from the
open french doors.
“Where were you two?” asks my mate, still looking innocent.
“We were umm...” Penny stumbles with her answer.
“Working on our battle strategies,” supplies Darius.
“Yes! Yes, we were,” Penny agrees quickly. Is that what it’s
called these days? I look at my mate who grins and gives me a
“Hey, where are you two going?” she asks when I get up and
grab Caspian’s hand to pull him up with me.
“We’re going to work on our battle strategies,” snickers my
“Yes, we are!” I announce with a smirk as I continue to pull
Caspian into the house through the same door they came in
“Well, my parents and everybody else are going to be here in an
hour, so... don’t take too long discussing your strategies,” says
Genesis. “Be down soon!”
We walk past the chef and his assistants who are busy cooking
up a storm and plating the food for our guests this evening. The
cleaning staff is still busy cleaning up the mess done by four...I
mean five kids. Can’t forget my mate.
“So, that battle strategy...” murmurs Caspian when we reach
the staircase. He wraps his arms around my waist from behind
and plants his lips on the nape of my neck, then he practically
carries me up the stairs.
“Yeah, that battle strategy,” I say. “I think we need to get to
somewhere private to discuss our strategy.”
“Agreed,” he mumbles as his lips continue to ravage my neck
and my earlobe, wreaking havoc on my senses.
He lets me slides down to my feet when we reach our room. He
closes the door and locked it with a click.
I turn to face him and lift my self up on my tiptoe wind my
arms around his neck and kiss his lips.
“Discuss the battle plan first or shower...?” he asks between
“Strategy..” I remove my mouth from his to kiss along his
chiseled jawline. My lips, my cheek, and my chin feel the slight
buzz of hair on the lower half of his face. “Then shower and..” I
pull his earlobe gently between my teeth. “Strategy.” I suck the
soft skin behind his ear, drawing a sexy moan from deep in his
throat. His arms tighten around me. His hands move lower to
grasp my butt and lift me up so I hook my legs around him.
“Good plan,” he groans as I grind myself against him. He
carries me to the bed then he drops me in the middle of it
before he crawls over me. “Now, the strategy..” he says as his
mouth lands on my neck. One of his hands roams over my body
while the other pulls the strings of my bikini top off.
“Great strategy,” I agree.
I guess quite a bit has happened in our lives. It’s been seven
years since Caspian defeated his half brother, Æmelius.
King Alexandros has never really fully recovered from the loss
of his erasthai but Queen Sophia is thriving. They’re still ruling
as king and queen for now. Outwardly, King Alexandros is in
control but we know who is truly in charge. Queen Sophia is
truly a strong woman. Without the threat of Katya and
Æmelius, she is not in a hurry to give up the reign, which is
fine by us. She is doing a great job.
We’re traveling the world but Banehallow Palace is home now.
Every few months we go back and stay for a month or so to do
our duties.
I’m learning the rope. Queen Sophia has taken it upon herself
to train me to be the queen one day. Caspian is taking his Royal
duty more seriously now in addition to extending his assistance
to more Packs that need help.
Jonah is mated to Eva, a female lycan warrior who used to
work under Darius. I never noticed how they disappeared
together after that mating ceremony that never happened. I
was too busy with everything else around me at the time that I
didn’t see that coming.
They are perfect for each other, I couldn’t be happier. Eva was
so casual about sex and Jonah was hooking up with human
women left and right before they met each other. Now they
don’t seem to notice anybody else.
My cousin Jonah isn’t the most affectionate especially openly
out in public either but Eva changes all that. I can see that he’ll
do anything for her. That sucker never stood a chance. Ha!
Jonah trained to be the members of the Royal Army for a few
years and he’s one of the top students. Most of the rookies are
assigned to guard the Banehallow gate or ground before they
are trusted enough to guard the Royal family or given more
challenging tasks but Jonah is already assigned to be our
personal guard at the palace, along with Eva. It might be
considered nepotism but he’s my cousin, of course, I trust him.
My other cousin, Jorden is now mated to Lady Celeste.
Surprisingly, they did wait for a year as I suggested before they
mate each other. I was very wary and worried at first but I can
see how happy they both are.
I did want them to end up with their mates, but I couldn’t stop
them from finding happiness in each other. I understand that
not everyone finds their mate or erasthai. It wouldn’t be fair to
ask them to spend a lifetime of loneliness waiting for mates
that might never come. As my Nana used to say, life has an
expiry date and it doesn’t come with a guarantee.
Nana also told me that all creatures are made in pairs humans, werewolves, Fae...when they find their mates, it’s
magical but not everyone is lucky enough to meet their other
Werewolves are luckier than most to be able to sense their
mates easily. Humans very rarely ended up with their
soulmates. Fae can sense their leanan sídhe, just as lycans can
feel the pull of their erasthais. Both creatures live to hundreds,
if not thousands of years, even then, not all of them are lucky to
find their missing half. Besides, lycans snatch mated
werewolves or married humans all the time...and even Fae
once in a while.
Jorden and Lady Celeste are now living in an estate not too far
from the palace. Lady Celeste comes from money, so Jorden
doesn’t have to work a day in his life if he doesn’t want to but I
know that won’t make him happy. So, Caspian puts him in
charge of looking after werewolf packs - managing funds,
overseeing the distribution of supplies etc. Lady Celeste or
rather, Celeste St. Martin as she is now known assists him. She
is still a proud woman but with just one look from Jorden, she
knows when to keep her mouth shut. What can I say? She is
still a work in progress.
I must have dozed off after our lovemaking. I look up to see
Caspian resting against the tufted velvet headboard. One of his
arms is lightly draped on my shoulder as I lie on his lap.
There’s something endearing about his brooding expression.
He looks like a spoiled child and I find it totally irresistible.
I know he is going to be a great king and a wonderful father one
day. One day. Not yet. For now, I have my own man-child to
worry about.
“Is everything okay?” I ask him.
“Everything is fine, Moya Printsessa,” he answers as he slides
down so that we’re lying face to face. He lifts a lock of my hair
from my face and tucks it behind my ear. “I live this life to
make you happy. Do I make you happy, baby?”
“You make me very happy, my love. I’m happiest when I’m
with you. I can’t imagine anything better,” I whisper.
He flips us so that I’m lying on my back, pinned to the mattress
underneath him. “I love you,” he says, leaning down to cover
my lips with his.
“Umm..I love you too,” I manage to say before he deepens the
kiss, slipping his tongue between my lips and it’s a while later
that I manage to say, “Our...ahh..guests will be here..we should
get ready...uh..shower..go down...stairs.”
“I am going down..” His mouth slides to nibble and suck my
neck and my collar bone, moving lower...Oh, that feels good.
“What were you saying again?”
“Forget it,” I say breathlessly. “Continue...”
“Anything you say, my love.” And so after flashing me a wicked,
sexy grin, he continues.
I still have a lot to learn and I have a long time to learn them
but I know certain things seem to be true;
I am so lucky to have found my soulmate and when you find
someone who makes your life beautiful, hold on to him or her
The older the lycan gets, the more relaxed they seem as in they
don’t freak out easily - you’ve got to wonder what’s that all
Life is an adventure, so enjoy the journey, not just the
destination - that might sound like a very cliche thing to say
but it’s no less true.
Take care of your teeth and don’t forget to floss.
Being mature isn’t about being serious all the time. Enjoy life.
Open your heart to the wonders of the world and play like a
child every chance you get.
When you find a pair of shoes that you like, grab it before
someone else took it.
Worrying about what others might think about you is a waste
of time, emotion, and energy.
Be kind to yourself and to those who deserve it.
Be what you are and own it. Own it.
I am so lucky to have found my mate.