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English writing notes (1)

writing notes
Informal Email writing :
Structure :
Subject: Idenitfy the topic of the email
Dear Amr,
(1) Greeting. * if you are writing for a group of people use a greeting
that identify all of them , e.g: Hello team,
I ‘m sorry for not writing to you for ages, as I was a busy beaver preparing for my
difficult, long-lasting exams. I’ve been dying to share with you about a recent
experience I had while online shopping
* Use same structure change appropriately with the question *
As you know, I like going to gym and listening to music, and my wired headphones
just weren’t doing anymore as they kept getting tangled in all sorts of things. Made
me look stupid a couple of times so I decided to buy a wireless one. As I was
searching I found one that fit my requirements perfectly.
*personalize: As you know , etc*
The headphones reached shortly after, and I immediately got to trying them. After
connecting them and playing some music, it turns out only one side of the
headphones worked and the other side was just pure static noise.
I assume this is just a defective product as the reviews are promising. I will contact
customer support and try to get a replacement. Who knows maybe the replacement
is also broken.
I’ve got to hit the sack now, its getting pretty late. I will update you as soon as the
replacement arrives. See you soon!
Lovingly yours,
* one paragraph for each point *
(Discursive/ Report / Review)
1) Discursive:
- a persuasie and debating style writing that the writer gives two sides to the argument the
FOR and the against.
1) Introduction - breifly talk about the two sides of the debate
2) Body 1 - 2 advantages and 1 example
3) Body 2 - 2 disadvantages and 1 example
4) Conclusion - In conclusion………….. In my opinion
1) Introduction :
Nowadays, people think its better to do …../ people around the globe are doing this……/,
although many people agree having..,../ doing …… is beneficial / good, most people disagree.
E.g : Nowadays,people around the globe are setting CCTV cameras at homes and workplaces.
Although many people agree to having CCTV camera, most people disagree.
2) Body 1 :
One the one hand, having cctvs can help catch inappropriate behaviour in schools or prevent
, moreover: can help in emergency situations
For example in case of a fire
3) Body 2:
On the other hand :
It can make people feel watched
Students oversmart them
Example : students can bully in CCTV camera blind-spots
4) conclusion:
In conclusion : having CCTV can be really beneficial at times yet a very bad idea as well. In
my opinion, CCTVs are essential in every public space for everyone’s safety.
2) Report Writing :
Steps and tips to writing a good report :
1st Step: Read the question carefully to ensure you understand and know what it is asking for,
*tip* underline the important points in pencil*
2nd Step: Spend about 5 minutes or less making a plan of the report you are about to write, it should give a
brief insight about what details you are going to include in your introduction, body and conclusion
3rd Step: Come with a title IN BLOCK CAPITALS , brief and relevant and will give you a good start
Final Step Actually Writing it:
First you start with introduction which should include the important details of the event you are reporting on
The 5 W’s
Who? ( the class)
What? ( a trip)
When? ( last week )
Where? ( Atlantis Dubai )
Why? ( Entertainment )
The intro should be strong, but concise
Secondly, You have the body 1 and 2 :
In both bodies you will be answering each of the points
You have to organise them according to the question
You could have a paragraph for each points asked
-What you did on the trip (write about 3 points) :
Spoke to empolyees
Visited sorting unit
Watched plastic recycling process
-What did you learn from it ( about 2 points):
Only 50% of materials brought in are recycled
Recycling halps the environment
Ending Paragraph :
Briefly conclude the report and if you are asked a question like write a suggestion for an improvement, so write
this in the conclusion, write a couple of sentences outlining your views of the trip you went on, e,g: Long ,
informative , fun , entertaining
E.g: The trip was useful and overall well planned and excuted except for it’s duration, it was a bit short. I belive if
3) Review *imp, new writing style*
Structure goes as follows:
1) Introduction :
In the introduction its not a general one about the topic , it is talking specifically
about the thing you are reviewing , try to answer the questions of
Who went?
Who is the author?
What is the setting of the story?
Describe the book? -> Insightful / controversial / Amazing
For example : if its a book review,
Write the full book title , the author name , a one-line description of what the story
is about
2) Body 1 :
In this paragraph you will expand the one-line description in the introduction , dont
write the whole story just the begining , use PRESENT TENSE for verbs and
linking words to outline the story
*Note: use words that fit the theme *
E.g: Amir, the son a wealthy Afghan, shares a close bond with their household
servan’ts son, Hassan. But a fateful kite-flying competition sets them to part their
ways, the boy’s lives take them on a journey of love and redemption
Bodey 2: Opinion
Just state how the book has impacted you , inspiring? Thought-provoking?
E,g: The book made me realise how fragile yet precious our relationships that we
make are and that we must always take a chance on our loved ones. In addition, it
taught me the importance of people in our lives and how they shape us to be who
we are.
Continuation :
Last body: Recommendation
State wether you would recommend this book, to whom and why.
The tale was beautifully narrated and the writing was simple yet hearttouching. Moreover, the characters were well developed and it was a
fast-paced story making it exciting to read. I would recommend this
book to people who enjoy character driven stories set in troubled times.
- Mostly writings that will come will be informal letter or an article to school
magazine which is semi-formal
- in in-formal writing try to use more idioms like :
- busy beaver
- a buzzing bee
- under the weather
- once in a blue moon
- walking on thin ice
- giving a cold sholder
- hit the sack
- also try to use some uncommon vocabulary here and there :
Ecstatic, having a blast, through the roof, over the moon , ……. Over ……. E.g: a
burger over a bowl of salad,
Defective , but dont overuse them
- aovid repeating words , instead if you are constantly referring to something use
- have a writing style thats same always but changes depending on the question:
For instance : letter writing you use the same intro lways keep it the same just
change the small part depending on the question , keep in mind the examiner is
seeing your writing for the first time only
- in report writing try to say where you got this info from , in the introduction
E.g : school survey , interviewed some students or observation
- answer the question requirements in the same order they are given in
- in report in body 1 and 2 , use statistical words such as: Minority , Majority , on
average , or just use a rough percentage you feel would represent an actual value
- and in the report give at least 2 points for each requirement ( written above )
- use lots of transitional devices , check next page for examples
- last paragraph in report/ article writing : start with a transitional device , such as:
To conclude , to sumit up and then go with your opinion .
List of helpful words/idioms
Busy beaver
Under the weather
Cold shoulder
Once in a Blue moon
Walking on thin ice
Buzzing bee
Piece of cake
Cost an arm and a leg
Spill the beans
Kick the bucket * not preferred*
Out of the blue
let the cat out of the bag
break the ice
When pigs fly
Let the cat out of the bag
Through the roof
Over the moon
Like a mad man
on fire
Shimmering ,
Any other uncommon words that
You dont usually use in day-to-day
english would work but dont overuse