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Organizational Behavior Assignment: Multiple Choice & Case Study

70-30_OMBC102_OB Assignment Submission Last Date Time: Dec 31
2023 12:55PM
Assignment: 1
• Number of Questions: 20
• Maximum Marks: 20
• Each question carries 1 Mark.
• All questions are compulsory.
• Attempts: 1
1)Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a bureaucratic organisation?
Command structure
2) Who is most associated with the Hawthorne studies?
Professor Hawthorne
Professor Elton Mayo
Fritz Roethlisberger and William Dickson
Max Weber
3) What is the human relations movement?
A theory trying to get everyone to get on better with each other.
An academic movement who study the social relations between people and the human
factors of management.
A view that says you do not need to pay people more to get them to work harder.
A new approach to teamwork.
4) Who had developed Scientific Management approach?
Elton Mayo
Henry Fayol
F.W. Taylor
A. Maslow
5) Which of the following is not an example of common stereotyping?
6) "The process by which the perception of a person is formulated on the basis of a single
favourable or unfavourable trait or impression, where other relevant characteristics of that
person are dismissed" compare this statement with one of the following process.
clouded judgment
the angel effect
the halo effect
7) Which of the following is NOT an internal motivational force?
8) Who has introduced X and Y theory
Mc gregor
Peter drucker
Henry fayol
FW taylor
9) Which character belong to Theory Y employee
They enjoy their work and take initiative
Always boring and avoid workload
Needs to be guideded
Must be forced
10) Choose the most significant management skill out of the followings.
Technical, Human and Conceptual
Technical, behavioral and Conceptual
Systematic, Human and Conceptual
Technical, Human and cognitive
11) Which of the Following is the feature of Autocratic model of Organization.
Employees are treated as partner
Employee decision is considered
Employees are treated as assets
Employees decision is not considered
12) What is the trait approach to personality?
Assumes that people are motivated by unconscious emotional conflicts
Assumes that each individual has stable personality characteristics
Assumes that peoples thoughts and beliefs are central to personality
Assumes that people have an innate tendency to become self-actualized
13) Type A personality:
Tends to be aggressive
Tend to be calm.
14) When in perceiving stimuli or phenomena, the tendency is to keep certain phenomena in
focus and other phenomena in background this phenomena is one of the following.
Perceptual organization
Perceptual context
Subminimal perception
15) Forces for and against change can exist both inside and outside an organization.
16) The encouragement by corporations of their employees' participation in a local fund raising
campaign is an example of a socially responsible business activity.
17) A planned change of the formally prescribed task and authority relationships in an
organization's design is called a structural change.
18) Communication is a______process exchange
one way
three way
two way
four way
19) The is a shared system of meaning among employees.
Organizational systems
Collective sensemaking
Organizational culture
Cultural sensitivity
20) The term "organizational culture" is considered satisfaction" is. while "job
evaluative, objective
subjective, descriptive
descriptive, evaluative
objective, subjective
Assignment - 2
Instructions Assignment 2 is based on the following text/paragraph of case study/situational exercise etc. You first need to read this
text and then answer the following MCMR i.e. Multiple choice multiple response questions.
Number of Questions - 5
Each question carries 2 Mark
All Five Questions are Mandatory.
Ice Cool Private Limited was an ice cream manufacturing company employing about 100 persons including persons at various levels
of management Because of increasing business, the company needed to strengthen its accounting procedure particularly through
computerisation. For this purpose, the company decided to hire a new manager, designated as assistant business manager The
company invited applications through press advertisement. After receiving the applications, it appointed a selection committee
consisting of members of top management including business manager Rakesh Mohan. The committee interviewed several
candidates and finally selected Bishwash as new assistant business manager. Bishwash was neat, well dressed and quite articulate.
Bishwash joined the company immediately and started working very hard. He used to put extra efforts and even worked during
holidays as he did not have any family responsibility. He gained the reputation of being a dedicated and competent employee. his
strong point being his knowledge of accounting and computer system. He was reporting to Rakesh Mohan, the business manager
who was quite impressed with his working. At that time, the company had no computer system, and its accounting procedures were
in need of considerable improvement. Anil Kumar, the managing director of the company, directed Rakesh Mohan to get the needful
done. Since most of accounting work related to scales, no Separate accounting department existed and the work was performed
under the direction of business manager. Bishwash was mainly appointed to strengthen the accounting aspects of the business. He
was asked to prepare a project so that necessary changes can be made. In order to get the first-hand information about the
problem, Bishwash began meeting regularly with Anil Kumar without the knowledge of Rakesh Mohan. There was no attempt to
have secret meeting -Anil Kumar would just call Bishwash in for a report without bothering to tell Rakesh Mohan. The management
team, whose members were with the company for a quite long period, had formed a tight-kait group and appeared satisfied with the
company. They all worked together and the company prospered in spite of fierce competition. The meetings between Anil Kumar
and Bishwash continued and Rakesh Mohan was audially losing contact with the project and its progress. In fact, Bishwash was
almost porting directly to the managing director though he was placed under business manager and trained his title of assistant
business manager. Rakesh Mohan was now visibly upset over the development and was also concerned about Bishwash's
spreading share of influence. He started feeling down in the company.
1) Predict the situation which will arise because of Mr. Bishwash reporting to Mr. Rakesh?
Power conflict
Hierarchical problems
Proper coordination.
Better communication
2) How could Mr. Rakesh Mohan prevent the Bishwash's assumption of power and how
specifically could it be done?
Maintaining hierarchy in reporting
Centralised decision making
3) Suggest the course of action now available to Anil Kumar, Rakesh Mohan and Bishwash?
Tall structure organization
Matrix organization
Defining roles and responsibility of every individual
4) What could be the organizational situation in the above case?
Blame Game
Proper coordination
Doubtful environment
Better communication
5) Analyse the mindset of Mr. Bishwash and Mr. Anil Kumar
Superiority complex
Feeling down
Trust in between
Team building in between