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Intercultural Communication Assignment

Angelica Mae B. Euraoba
11 BSA-01
Purposive Communication
Comprehension Questions (page 124)
1. What is the importance of intercultural communication?
Interpersonal communication is effective when the receiver understands the message in
the same way that the sender intended. This helps in understanding how people from
other countries and cultures connect and view the world around them. It is essential to
establish a communication bridge in order to fully understand people with diverse cultural
backgrounds and language identities. Our languages differ from one another, so we are
all unique. With respect and knowledge of other cultures as well as your own, it is
essential to consider and learn to handle each other's communication styles. As the world
becomes smaller, so does the opportunity to interact with people from other cultures.
This interpersonal communication will aid in the prevention of misunderstandings, the
reduction of language barriers and obstacles, and the breakdown of communication. This
will also assists you in practicing and improving your personal and social interactions in
order to bridge gaps.
2. Are you familiar with some English varieties? If so, what are some vocabulary words that
present in these variety that you speak? Aside from lexicon, are there other features that you
are familiar with?
I'm not familiar with some English varieties, but rather I realize some jargon or vocabulary
words that are available in these varieties that I speak. For instance, "high blood" or "the
term that is utilized when somebody is vexed or disillusioned." "Hipon," as we all know,
is a shrimp or a fish. However, the other term for it alludes to a pleasant individual body
but lacks an attractive face. Aside from lexicon, I am inexperienced or unfamiliar with
different features as I haven't traveled to other countries.
3. How do you become more aware of the language features of the post-colonial varieties?
To gain a better understanding of the post-colonial varieties' linguistic characteristics, we
must widen our understanding, perceive the world, and see others from a different
perspective. By gaining this understanding, we can reduce misunderstandings and
disputes. There would be less criticism of other aspects of language as well. In the middle
of our differences, it’s also a ways to foster and encourage togetherness. Another
technique to become more aware is to pay close attention to various cultures in order to
gain a better understanding of them.
4. How do you think can you begin to communicate with people from other cultures and avoid
conflicts and misunderstandings?
Active listening is required when communicating with people from other cultures in order
to completely grasp what they are trying to convey. As a sign of respect, we can show
them that we're trying or that we comprehend what they're trying to say. Treating them
well and motivating them to communicate and interact. Doing our best to communicate
clearly and effectively to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings. Looking them in the eyes
to demonstrate sincerity and a focus on communicating. Making them feel that we're
interested so that they can share and communicate freely despite our various
backgrounds and cultures.
5. Have you talked to people of diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds? Have you experienced
any difficulty? If so, how did you manage the conversation? What strategies did you employ?
I've spoken with individuals from various linguistic and cultural backgrounds and found it
challenging to understand them. As we continued to communicate about topics, I
managed the conversation by paying close attention and asking her questions if I didn't
understand what she was trying to say, then allowing her to repeat herself, but this time
in a clear and direct manner. I also advised her to speak slowly and to be aware of her
tone. When someone is speaking, one of the methods I normally use is to be an active
listener. To avoid problems and misunderstandings, I pay close attention to what she says
and ask questions when I don't understand. Giving examples that are relevant to what
she is saying makes it easier to understand what she is attempting to convey. Allowing
her to expand on her explanations and discuss or demonstrate some common features
so that we may truly understand each other.
6. How do formal and informal registers affect the way one speaks? How do they affect one’s way
of writing?
In the formal register, it is utilized in formal speaking or in a serious situation like
delivering a graduation speech. It influences the way one speaks by allowing the individual
to communicate in a formal manner. While in the informal register, it is generally more
relaxed in tone and more fitting for individuals with whom you have an personal
relationship. The method for this is generally used when conversing with somebody close
to you, like your friends, colleagues, or just your family members. This formal and informal
distinction likewise influences one's method of writing. In formal, this is fitting for
professional writing like business letters and project propositions as well as in academic
publishing. Then, at that point, in informal, it is utilized when composing a letter that is
not that formal for somebody you're having an individual relationship with or a private
one which may contain an emotional message intended for the receiver.
7. What are other communicative situations in which one uses formal and informal registers? Why
do you think so?
When you have a new employee screening for the job you're applying for, you will utilize
the formal register. Just as when you are composing an email for your professor with
respect to a serious matter. While in the informal register, it is the point at which you are
eating with your family and discussing family matters and different things. As well as in
writing, you utilize this informal register when you compose a letter for your friends and
family that might contain enthusiastic messages that are intended for the receiver. We
can separate these two by knowing what we will use in a circumstance; it's either a formal
or informal way. However, be aware of the tone at all times to avoid misinterpretation
and struggle.
8. Do you know of other types of registers similar to legalese and textese? How do they differ from
each other?
I'm curious about different sorts of registers comparable to legalese and textese. So I did
some exploration and found the word academese, which is additionally a type of
correspondence that is normally utilized in advanced education in making pertinent plans
and ideas look unique and significant, as though they were their own thoughts. It is
likewise a method of composing or concocting your own words that isn't familiar or
difficult to comprehend. Legalese is known as a lawful, formal, and specialized language.
It is usually utilized distinctly in the local area of legitimate experts as it is difficult to
comprehend. Textese, on the other hand, is an (informal) language of texts. It is
something contrary to legalese as it utilizes shortened forms, articulation, abbreviations,
and shoptalk or slang words, which make the messaging more straightforward and faster.
This text is typically utilized in messaging, texting, and chatrooms.