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This is the final exercise of Paper 1 and 2. It can be an article, a report or a review writing.
We’ll look at articles here.
You will be given a topic (more like a question to ponder up on) on which you have to write
your views and opinions. This can either be a two-sided article (for and against) or a onesided article (just your opinion). It is up to you to decide.
The topics usually given for this exercise are easy enough that you can come up with points
right there in the exam, but it is good if you read upon various issues from around the word
(obesity, technological influences, environmental issues, animal welfare, teenager issues etc).
So here’s how to attempt this question:
Before you start it is a good idea that you come up with a plan. Use the blank
space below the question to make your plan, in pencil. In your plan write down
the answers to these questions:
The audience: this will be specified in the question (it is almost
always a school magazine). So when you write, keep in mind that you
need to write to that audience. Your language, tone and
vocabulary should reflect this.
Is my article going to be two-sided or one-sided? If you know a lot
about the topic and can weigh up the pros and cons, then go for twosided. If you’re not too knowledgeable about it, stick to one-sided.
How do I introduce the topic? Start off by saying what the topic is and
how important the topic is in today’s world. Why it is such a problem?
Or is it a problem?
What’s in the body? Write down three points. (If it’s two-sided write
two pros and two cons). You will develop your body based on these
points. A few points will be given in your question paper, and you can
use those!
How will I conclude the article? You need to sum up your points
and give your final opinion (even if it’s two-sided, give your final
opinion on the matter).
Organise. By now, you’ve pretty much come up with the contents of your article.
Now organise your points into paragraphs.
 One-sided Article:Paragraph 1: Introduction
 Paragraph 2: First point with justification (or counter-argument)
 Paragraph 3: Second point with justification (or counter-argument)
 Paragraph 4: Opposing point which you contradict (here, you state a
point said by people who have a different opinion from yours and
explain why they are wrong. This is called argument and counterargument)
 Paragraph 5: Conclusion- summary, (solution?), repeat your opinion
Two-sided Article:Paragraph 1: Introduction
Paragraph 2: Advantages/’For’
Paragraph 3: Disadvantages/’Against’
Paragraph 4: Conclusion- Summary and final opinion
Write. Use a variety of connecting words and argumentative phrases.
Expressing opinions
I agree/ disagree with the above statement that
In my opinion
I sympathize with
I believe that
I am in favour of
I am against the idea of
It seems to me that
Presenting and contrasting opinions
 Through
 Consequently
 Owing to
 On account of
Argumentative verbs
It is often said that
The main argument in favour/ against is
First of all I should like to consider
Apart from that
Even though
In addition
Despite the fact that/ In spite of
On the other hand
On the contrary
There is no doubt that
Use your own points, words and phrases as far as possible. The more original
your content is, the better.
Give a suitable title
Keep to the word limit 150-200 words. Exceeding a little over 200 is not a
Always have an introduction and conclusion
Always organise your points into paragraphs. One para for each point (onesided) or all advantages in one para and disadvantages in another para (twosided) is the ideal format.
A final opinion has to be given.
Punctuation, spelling and grammar is very important. Check your writing
once you’re done.
Time Management
For the extended paper 2, 30 minutes should suffice to answer this question. Spend 10
minutes to come up with a plan, 15 minutes to organise and write your article. Use the 5
minutes left to read over your article, make changes and correct spelling, grammar and
punctuation errors.
Exercise 6 of the ESL paper could also be a review writing.
The review could be for a book, movie, restaurant etc. that you enjoyed (or didn’t!)
The exercise is worth 16 marks and you should write about 150-200 words.
Let’s dive right in. I will be using a book review for examples. I have included a sample
review at the end.
Introduction: state the book’s title, author’s full name, the setting of the story,
giving a one-line description of what the story is about. Use adjectives to
describe the book such as insightful, beautiful, controversial etc.
Brief description: give a one-paragraph synopsis of the plot of the book, shortly
expanding your one-sentence description in the introduction. Don’t write the
whole story, only the beginning! Use the present tense of verbs and linking
words to outline the story chronologically. Bonus points if you can use words
that fit the theme of the story. If, for example, the book is of the fantasy genre,
use words like magic, summon, fate, spells etc.
Opinion: this is where you have to write down how the book impacted you. Was
it inspiring? Thought-provoking? Life-changing? You could praise the book or
criticise it, stating why.
Recommendation: you must state whether you would recommend this book, to
whom and why.
Let’s look at a sample. See if I’ve stuck with the points above.
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini has to be the most devastatingly beautiful book I’ve
had the pleasure of reading. Set in 20th century Afghanistan, it tells the story of how a
young boy’s friendship is tested by war and betrayal.
Amir, the son of a wealthy Afghan, shares a close friendship with their household servant’s
son, Hassan. But a fateful kite-flying competition tethers their bond, and as war forces
them to part ways, the boys’ lives take them on a journey of love and redemption.
The book made me realise how precious yet fragile the relationships we build are; and that
we must always take a chance on our loved ones. It taught me the importance of the
people in our lives and how they shape us to be who we are.
The Kite Runner is a beautifully narrated tale, the writing just as simple as it is heartbreaking, the characters realistically portrayed. I would definitely recommend this book to
those who enjoy character-driven stories set in troubled times.
Time Management
For the extended paper 2, spend 30 minutes on this exercise. Allot 5 minutes to plan the
points you will include in each paragraph. Take 20 minutes to write your review, keeping in
mind all the above tips. Use the final 5 minutes to proofread and make any changes.