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ETHS 8020 Quick Reference Guide (1)

ETHS 8020 Cheat Sheet
Chapter #1
Law and Ethics govern two different realms
Law embodies the ethics of business
Law is inappropriate for regulating certain business activities
Law is slow to develop
Law employs moral concepts that are not precisely defined
Law is unsettled on whether a course of action is legal
The exclusive reliance on law alone and failure to act responsibly can result in legislation and
Fiduciary is when someone acts in discretion of another’s assets
Candor – Information must be transparent
Care – Must be prudent, make sure decisions are suitable for beneficiary
Loyalty – Must act in best interest of beneficiary and avoid taking personal advantage of
Principles for Ethical Reasoning
Welfare – greater good of society
Duty – Obligation to act morally
Rights – Entitlement
Fairness – Equal treatment
Dignity – Respect
Honesty – Truth
Integrity – Personal Character built over time
Teleological Ethics – Has an end
Consequences are primary
Utilitarianism – 4 Principles
- Hedonism – Must have some pain
- Maximalism – More pain than pleasure
- Consequentialism – Look at the consequences
- Universalism – Looking at the entire situation to determine ethics overall
Kantian – Duty
- Actions are ethical by the inherent nature
- Doesn’t focus on the Consequences
- Universalizability – Everyone is treated the same, what if everybody did that
- Respect for Persons – treat everyone as human beings - Dignity
- Rationalization – Use logic in your decisions – left brain thinking
Virtue Ethics – Everyone gets this wrong, it is not very applicable – doing something
memorable, being successful, rewarding lives, character trait that manifests itself, something
that we always practice, not when anyone is looking, somethings that everyone can admire,
very exemplary
Rawls Egalitarian Theory – Social and economic inequalities are to be arranged so that they are
both to the greatest benefit to the least advantaged to give fair and equality treatment of every
Biggest Chapter’s for long answers is Privacy, Finance, International Business and Health and
All short answer questions are from the textbook. No internet surfing is needed.
Make sure when you answer the long answer questions, you relate your answer to the chapter,
it’s principles. Please read the questions to see what theories you need to apply. Please apply
ethical framework throughout. If it asks for another theory, please apply that one instead.
Headings for Privacy
Challenges for Privacy
Meaning of Privacy
Privacy Away from Work
Privacy for Employee Records
Big Data Analytics
Using the Internet
Headings for Health & Safety
Rights in the workplace
Hazardous Work
Reproductive Hazards
Product Safety – Due Care, Strict Liability and Contractual
Headings for Finance
Financial Services
Financial Markets
Insider Trading
Hostile Takeovers
Headlines for International Business
Different Standards
Guidelines for Multinationals
Wages & Working Conditions
Human Rights
(Hopper Weatlh, Chapter 3, Pg 23) APA Formatting
CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility
Shareholder Theory - Businesses being motivated by profit
Stakeholder Theory – Involves Employee’s, Customer’s, Shareholders, Suppliers, Government ,
Special Interest Groups, Media. How are these groups being impacted.