Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region XII DIVISION OF SARANGANI Maasim II District COLON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Colon, Maasim, Sarangani Province DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN MATHEMATICS 7 Grade Level: 7 – DAROYA QUARTER: 3 rd No. of Hours: 1 hour Time: 7:30 – 8:30 Teaching Date: April 7, 2024 CONTENT STANDARD Demonstrate understanding of key concepts of geometry of shapes, size, and geometric relationships. PERFORMANCE STANDARD The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of Geometry of shapes and size, and geometric relationship. LEARNING COMPETENCY Illustrating polygons: a) convexity; b) angles; and c) sides. M7GE-IIIe-2 I. OBJECTIVES At the end of 60-minute period with 80% proficiency level, the students are expected to: 1. Define a Polygon; 2. Illustrate the different classifications of polygons; and 3. Appreciate the value of polygons to real-life situations. II. SUBJECT MATTER: Topic: POLYGONS Reference: E – Math 7 (Chapter 5, Lesson 5.5), p.430 Materials: Learner’s Material, DLP, laptop Strategy: Discussion Strategy, Group Discussion Strategy, Collaborative Approach III. PROCEDURE: TEACHER’S ACTIVITY A. Preparation 1. Daily Routine -Please stand up and let us pray. , kindly lead the prayer. -Good morning, class. LEARNER’S ACTIVITY In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen…. Good morning, Ma’am. -Before you take your seat, please pick up some (Students arranged their chairs and tables) pieces of paper under your chairs. -Anybody, have absent for today? None, Ma’am. 2. Review -Before we proceed to our next topic this morning, let’s have first a review about the topic that we discussed last meeting. (the teacher will present a figure) 1 2 4 3 5 6 8 7 -Based on the given figure, anybody who can identify the interior angles? Ma’am! The interior angles are <3, <4, <5 and <6. -Yes, ! -Yes, that’s right! Ma’am! -What are the exterior angles based on the given figure? The exterior angles are <1, <2, <7, and <8. -Yes, ! -Yes, very good! Ma’am! -And what about the alternate interior angles? Who can identify? The alternate interior angles are <3 & <5, <4 & <6. -Yes, ! -Excellent! Ma’am! -What are the alternate exterior angles based on the given figure? The alternate exterior angles are <1 & <7, <2 & <8. -Yes, ! -Yes, very good! Ma’am! -And what about the corresponding angles? Who can identify? -Yes, ! The corresponding angles are < 1 & <5, <2 & <6, <3 & <7, <4 & <8. -Very good! -Do you have any questions about that? None. 3.Motivation “Stop That Mystery Box” -I have here a box and inside of this box are pictures of different figures. When the music starts, you will start passing the mystery box. And if the music stop, whoever is holding the box will pick one picture and answer some questions. a. How many sides are there in the figure? b. What shape is represented by the figure? The following are the figures inside the box: (Students will perform the task). 3,….4,…..5,…… Triangle,…..Rectangle,….. (students answer may vary) B. Presentation 1. Topic -Based on the activity, what do you think is our topic this morning? -Yes, ! -Yes, that’s right! 2. Objective -Okay class, these are our objectives for this session. Everybody please read. -This time, go to your respective group for an activity. Ma’am! About Polygon Ma’am. (Students read the objectives.) (Students go to their respective groups.) C. Lesson Proper 1. Activity -Observe and study: Match the Greek prefix from Column A to its meaning in Column B. COLUMN A 1.Hepta 2.Tri 3.Penta 4.Octa 5.Quad 6.Hexa 7.Nona 8.Deca COLUMN B a. A shape with five sides b. A shape with seven sides c. Four sides d. A shape with six sides e. Nine sides f. A shape with ten sides g. Eight sides h. Is a numerical prefix meaning three -Share your ideas with your group members and prepare for the questions to be given afterwards. I’ll give you 2 minutes only. 2. Analysis -Based on your observation, what is the possible answer for Column A, number 1? -How about no,2? -No.3? No,4? No.5? No.6? No.7? No.8? (Students observe, study, and share their ideas to their members.) B H A, G, C, D, E and F -How did you come up with your answers? As a group, we share our ideas and deep understanding about the Greek prefixes in column A. We already have the basic knowledge about shapes during our elementary days. -Well done everyone! Give yourself 3 claps. 3. Abstraction In mathematics, a polygon is a closed two-dimensional figure made up of line segments but not curves. The term polygon originates from the Greek word “poly “-meaning” many” and “gon”, meaning “angles”. polygons are named according to the number of sides and angles they have. Classifying Polygons No. of sides Types of Polygon No. Of sides Type of Polygon 3 Triangle 8 Octagon 4 Quadrilateral 9 Nonagon 5 Pentagon 10 Decagon 6 Hexagon 12 Dodecagon 7 Heptagon n N-gon Types of Polygons Depending on the sides and angles, the polygons are classified into different types namely: 1. Regular Polygon 2. Irregular Polygon Regular Polygon A regular polygon is a polygon in which all the interior angles are equal, and all the sides are equal. There are different types of regular polygons. Irregular Polygon An irregular polygon is a polygon with a different measure of angles and side lengths. (Students listen attentively to the teacher’s discussion.) 2 Polygonal Regions Convex Polygon This is a type of polygon with all the interior angles strictly less than 180 degrees. The vertex of a convex polygon always points outwards from the center of the shape. Concave Polygon If one or more interior angles of a polygon are more than 180 degrees, it is known as a concave polygon. A concave polygon can have at least four sides -- the vertex points towards the inside of the polygon. -Now, who will go to the board and draw 1 example of convex polygon? -Okay, . -Very good. ! -How about concave polygon? -Yes, . -Perfect! -Why is it important to study polygons? Ma’am! (Students draw a convex polygon.) Ma’am! (Students draw a concave polygon.) -Polygon is important to study for us to have some wonderful building structure. -Polygon is important to make patterns. -Polygon is important because without it there is no organization of the objects around us. -Great ideas. Keep it up! Give them some claps. -Here are some examples of polygons in real life situations. -Do you have any ideas/ examples to share? Building…. Floor Design….Kite (Student’s answer may vary) -Wonderful examples everyone. Give yourself 5 claps. 4. Generalization -Again, what is Polygon? -How do you know if a polygon is a regular? -How are you going to classify a polygon if it is concave or convex polygon? -How are you going to apply polygons in real-life situations? -Wow great thoughts. I am impressed with all of you. -Any questions about the topic? A Polygon is a closed two-dimensional figure made up of line segments. -A regular polygon is a polygon in which all the interior angles and all sides are equal. -A polygon is convex if all the interior angles are strictly less than 180 degrees while concave polygon, one or more interior angles of it is more than 180 degrees. -We apply it in designing modern structures. -We apply it in doing business like making lanterns, pots, tables, etc. -None 5. Application -Okay, this time you are going to perform a group activity, and I will grade your output based on the rubrics. -Are you all ready? -This will be our rubric in your group activity. -Yes Ma’am! (Students listen to the teacher while reading the rubrics.) RUBRIC Presentation Accuracy Cooperation Creativity 5 Demonstrated on in-depth understanding. The answer are all correct and accurate They work together to solve the problem. The overall impact is highly impressive. 3 Demonstrated substantial understanding The answers are almost correct. They work together to overcome problems. The overall impact is impressive. 1 Demonstrated Minimal understanding Most of the answers are incorrect. They might have work more productivity as a group. The overall impact is fair. -Yes Ma’am! -Is that clear? -Supply managers of each group, kindly get your materials here. - (Supply managers come forward) Group Activity Directions: - (Students do and cooperate the activity given to them) - (Student put their output on the board) - (Students are clapping) 1. Cut the colored papers inside the brown envelope applying the different Polygons that you have learned. 2. One polygon each colored paper. 3. Paste it in the manila paper then classify each polygon that you have made. -Time is up! Kindly put your output on the board. -Let us check your work! -Congratulations everyone for your excellent work! Let us give ourselves 5 claps. 6. Enrichment -This time you are going to make a tangram. Do you know what a tangram is? -Tangram is a dissection puzzle consisting of seven flat polygons, called tans, which are put together to form shapes. For example, -No Ma’am! -We will use the same rubrics as we used earlier to grade your work. RUBRIC Presentation Accuracy Cooperation Creativity 5 3 1 Demonstrated on in-depth understanding. The answer is all correct and Accurate They work together to solve the problem. Demonstrated substantial understanding The answers are almost correct. Demonstrated Minimal understanding Most of the answers are incorrect. They might have worked more productivity as a group. The overall impact is fair. The overall impact is highly impressive. They work together to overcome problems. The overall impact is impressive. Is there any question? -No Ma’am! -Time is up! Kindly passed your work. (Students submit their works.) -Class, since it is already time. See you tomorrow, Goodbye, Class. -Goodbye, Ma’am. Prepared by: CRISTIMARIE A. DAROYA Teacher 1 Checked & Observed by: LEONORA S. BADIANG Master Teacher 1 AMORMIA VILLANO Master Teacher 1