Reguli ale Britaniei General Policies To even be allowed to enter the country of Britannia, one must fill out the form under to gain a license to enter. Form Traveler Regulations If a person were to only be visiting Britannia for a short time, there will be a set of policies that they would need to follow. These policies are such. Housing If the traveler wants to stay for a certain amount of time, they would need to fill out a form so that they may be able to take shelter for the time being. Once the form is filled out, they will need to pay a minimum of 5 iron per (Minecraft) day. Items The traveler must have the items that they have on them to be checked for any illegal articles. These illegal articles are such. ● Drugs of any kind ● Diorite and Granite ● Explosives of any kind ● Children ● Japanese people If any of these items are found in a traveler’s inventory within the borders of Britannia, they will be confiscated and the traveler will receive a fine depending on the illegal article. Infractions Committing any of these degrees of crime will make anyone serve a sentence (see more below). 1-1 This degree of crime is considered harmless and the culprit can get away with a small fine of 10-20 iron. 2-1 This degree of crime is considered to be moderately dangerous and the culprit shall be met with a temporary banishment from the country (three real life days). 3-1 You’re fucked. Serving Sentence Law Breaking If a traveler ends up breaking any of the laws shown above, they will serve a sentence in jail for a set amount of time depending on the crime. 1-1 15 minutes of jail time. 2-1 Half an hour of jail time 3-1 An hour of jail time while listening to this song on loop for the time being. As well as doing this sheet. Currency The currency used in Britannia are pound sterlings. Numerous valuable ores may be exchanged for pound sterlings. The currency available for exchange are such. ● ● ● ● 1 Iron = 1 ps 1 Gold = 10ps 1 Diamond = 100 ps 1 Netherite = 1000 ps Licenses/Forms The traveler must fill these forms out to be able to bring/do the following in Britannia. Weapons License Form - Link Business/Trade Form - Link Citizenship Form - Link Housing Form - Link Departure Form - Link Immigration Illegal Entry Entering the country without filling out the form would be considered as a 1-1 degree crime and the suspect will spend time in jail. Illegal Departure No leaving the country until filling out the departure form. TM ® & © 2020 Finanțarea Cerului Corp. All Rights Reserved.