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Praecepta de Britannia 1

Reguli ale Britaniei
General Policies
To even be allowed to enter the country of Britannia, one must fill out the form under to gain a license to
Traveler Regulations
If a person were to only be visiting Britannia for a short time, there will be a set of policies that they
would need to follow. These policies are such.
If the traveler wants to stay for a certain amount of time, they would need to fill out a form so that they
may be able to take shelter for the time being. Once the form is filled out, they will need to pay a
minimum of 5 iron per (Minecraft) day.
The traveler must have the items that they have on them to be checked for any illegal articles. These
illegal articles are such.
● Drugs of any kind
● Diorite and Granite
● Explosives of any kind
● Children
● Japanese people
If any of these items are found in a traveler’s inventory within the borders of Britannia, they will be
confiscated and the traveler will receive a fine depending on the illegal article.
Committing any of these degrees of crime will make anyone serve a sentence (see more below).
This degree of crime is considered harmless and the culprit can get away with a small fine of 10-20 iron.
This degree of crime is considered to be moderately dangerous and the culprit shall be met with a
temporary banishment from the country (three real life days).
You’re fucked.
Serving Sentence
Law Breaking
If a traveler ends up breaking any of the laws shown above, they will serve a sentence in jail for a set
amount of time depending on the crime.
15 minutes of jail time.
Half an hour of jail time
An hour of jail time while listening to ​this song​ on loop for the time being. As well as doing this ​sheet​.
The currency used in Britannia are pound sterlings. Numerous valuable ores may be exchanged for pound
sterlings. The currency available for exchange are such.
1 Iron = 1 ps
1 Gold = 10ps
1 Diamond = 100 ps
1 Netherite = 1000 ps
The traveler must fill these forms out to be able to bring/do the following in Britannia.
Weapons License Form - ​Link
Business/Trade Form - ​Link
Citizenship Form - ​Link
Housing Form - ​Link
Departure Form - ​Link
Illegal Entry
Entering the country without filling out the form would be considered as a 1-1 degree crime and the
suspect will spend time in jail.
Illegal Departure
No leaving the country until filling out the departure form.
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