MENTAL WELLNESS SERIES WEEK 2- Peaceful Movement INTRODUCTION Everyone write down your first name and a healthy way to cope with stress. WINDSOR-ESSEX COUNTY HEALTH UNIT 2024-05-09 2 MENTAL WELLNESS SERIES • Week 1 • Introduction to stress and anxiety • Week 2 • Wellness Strategy #1: Peaceful movement • Deep breathing, visualization, progressive relaxation • Week 3 • Wellness Strategy #2: Express yourself through art • Coloring, crafts, button making • Week 4 • Wellness Strategy #3: Keeping life in a balance • Self-care activities, apps for stress relief WINDSOR-ESSEX COUNTY HEALTH UNIT 2024-05-09 3 WHAT IS RELAXATION? • Relaxation is the state of being free from tension and anxiety • Physical relaxation refers to physical actions we can take to relax our mind and our bodies WINDSOR-ESSEX COUNTY HEALTH UNIT 2024-05-09 4 PHYSICAL RELAXATION TECHNIQUES There are many techniques, we are going to focus on three: • Deep breathing • Guided imagery / visualization • Progressive muscle relaxation WINDSOR-ESSEX COUNTY HEALTH UNIT 2024-05-09 5 DEEP BREATHING Deep breathing is a simple yet effective method of relaxation Most of us spend our time breathing shallow, filling only the upper part of the chest with air Deep breathing can decrease stress, lower your blood pressure and slow your heart rate WINDSOR-ESSEX COUNTY HEALTH UNIT 2024-05-09 6 LET’S PRACTICE WINDSOR-ESSEX COUNTY HEALTH UNIT 2024-05-09 7 GUIDED IMAGERY Guided imagery is a type of focused relaxation. Focused relaxation involves concentrating on a specific object, sound, or experience in order to calm your mind. In guided imagery, you intentionally think of a peaceful place or scenario. The goal is to promote a calm state through relaxation and mindfulness. The idea is that your body reacts to your own thoughts. WINDSOR-ESSEX COUNTY HEALTH UNIT 2024-05-09 8 LET’S PRACTICE 5 Minute Mindfulness Meditation WINDSOR-ESSEX COUNTY HEALTH UNIT 2024-05-09 9 PROGRESSIVE MUSCLE RELAXATION Teaches you how to relax your muscles through a two-step process. First, you tense specific muscle groups in your body, such as your neck and shoulders. Next, you release the tension and notice how your muscles feel when you relax them. Outcome: lowers your overall stress levels, helps you relax when you are feeling anxious, reduce physical problems like stomach aches, headaches, and it can improve your sleep. WINDSOR-ESSEX COUNTY HEALTH UNIT 2024-05-09 10 LET’S PRACTICE WINDSOR-ESSEX COUNTY HEALTH UNIT 2024-05-09 11 REVIEW • Relaxation is the state of being free from tension and anxiety • Physical relaxation techniques help us refocus our minds from stressful thoughts • Physical relaxation techniques we practiced today are deep breathing, visualization and progressive muscle relaxation WINDSOR-ESSEX COUNTY HEALTH UNIT 2024-05-09 12 NEXT WEEK… Paper Airplane Contest WINDSOR-ESSEX COUNTY HEALTH UNIT 2024-05-09 13 REFERENCES WINDSOR-ESSEX COUNTY HEALTH UNIT 2024-05-09 14