Low-cost Sewage Surveillance to Guide Public Health Response to Mosquito-Borne Disease in the Midst of a Changing Climate Saheli Ghosh, M.Sc, PhD, Environmental Biotechnology and Genomics Division, CSIRNEERI, Nagpur:440020. 1. Problem Statement West Nile virus (WNV) is a flavivirus transmitted by mosquitoes, whose manifestations include mild flu and may progress to encephalitis, paralysis and life threatening consequences [Hindustan times Sep 2023]. It was first isolated in a woman in the West Nile district of Uganda in 1937 and is identified in birds. It has been reported in the Americas, Europe, and several East Asian countries and is the leading cause of viral encephalitis in the worldwide with most cases prevalent in summer and fall [17, 18; WHO, Oct 2017; Chancey et al., 2015] thereby suggesting a potential risk for an outbreak in humans due to poor epidemiology and surveillance. However, the prevalence of WNV antibodies in Indian population has been known since 1952. Following phylogenetic analysis, indicated the prevalence of eight lineages, where lineage 1a and 2a were reported to cause severe neuroinvasive disease [Shoba et al., 2020]. The Culex and Mansonia mosquito species involved in transmission of WNV in this region requires detailed study [Khan et al., 2016; Talukdar et al., 2022]. Epidemiology of WNV is not well known in India as per ICMR 2002 report. There are no vaccines to prevent or medications to treat WNV in people. Only prevention methods are available like using mosquito repellent and wearing long sleeved shirts and pants to prevent mosquito bites. In case, if a person is infected, it would go unnoticed due to poor surveillance. Hence, there is a need for innovative and integrated disease surveillance platforms [WHO 2022]. However, WNV surveillance is made more difficult by two features of the virus. First, the sensitivity of traditional clinical surveillance for human infections is greatly limited by the high proportion of asymptomatic cases. Second, detection of WNV among mosquitos and birds is not specific evidence of human infections. Wastewater surveillance has the potential to address each of these limitations in the current WNV surveillance paradigm. It is important to detect and monitor seasonal epidemics as well as identifying persons at increased risk of severe disease. For that community disease surveillance for early outbreak detection is required, so that development of diagnostic and treatment methods escalates [Wellcome Trust 2023]. Wastewater surveillance is now growing interest worldwide which transformed COVID-19 surveillance shows great promise for a wide range of diseases [Keshaviah et al. 2023]. It has tremendous potential for cost-effective surveillance of human disease in the face of global climate change [Diamond et al. 2023]. In view of above reports, we propose a transdisciplinary pilot project to develop a sampling method to establish the suitability of municipal wastewater for West Nile virus (WNV) surveillance in coastal Louisiana. The project partners include academic researchers, a zoonotic disease surveillance laboratory, public health units, mosquito control entities, and wastewater surveillance implementers from the private sector. If successful, the project would establish a low cost sampling technique for WNV detection from municipal wastewater as a resource-efficient means of surveillance to inform public health action and mosquito control response to WNV in a region subject to accelerating climate change impacts. The findings from the study would also inform wastewater surveillance of WNV and other arboviruses in low-resource settings, which are often at the greatest risk of zoonotic disease acceleration driven by climate change. 2. Project Rationale Our vision is to implement an interdisciplinary pilot project to develop a passive sampling method to evaluate the feasibility, suitability, and scalability of wastewater surveillance for human cases of West Nile virus disease. We hypothesize that wastewater surveillance can be a resource-efficient screening method for WNV infections among human populations informing both mosquito control and public health response. Further, we assert that development of passive sampling techniques will allow wastewater surveillance of WNV in contaminated areas of low viral load, where risks of disease outbreaks are highest. In this study we are targeting the entrapment of West Nile virus through the modification of passive sampling device. If a spider carrier containing single material as used by Vincent Hubert et al., 2021 could improve COVID-19 virus entrapment, then spider carrier consisting GAC coated with two electronegative membranes like lectin and glycan will allow better entrapment of WNV, since both are RNA viruses. The proposal’s potential for transformative impact is supported by the use of GAC coated with two membranes for better entrapment WNV. 2A. Why West Nile virus (WNV)??. Since the detection of WNV in 1999, it has spread to all most part of lower 48 states in US [Gould and Fikrig 2004; Soto et al. 2022;]. In 2020 Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data from the National Arbovirus Surveillance System (ArboNET) shown that West Nile virus accounted for 83% of domestic arboviral disease cases with significant morbidity and mortality as compared to other RNA and arboviruses [Ronca et al. 2021; Soto et al. 2022]. WNV is endemic in Louisiana, had the fourth-highest rate of infections, which has been the site of large WNV outbreaks with average neuroinvasive disease (NID) incidence greater than 1.1 per 100,000 persons from 1999 to 2022 and incidence above 2.0 per 100,000 in several parishes (ArboNET). The burden of WNV in Louisiana is likely to be exacerbated by climate change impacts in the state, which is especially vulnerable to the effects of a warming climate and sea level rise [Joyner and Orgera 2014; Balbus and Melina 2009]. Between 2011 to 2019, more than --cases were reported in central, south and eastern parts India [Keshaviah et al., 2023]. It is a re-emerging virus, which is increasingly reported in all parts of India. [Shoba et al., 2020 ] 3B. Why targeting wastewater for WNV surveillance??. During the COVID-19 pandemic, wastewater surveillance was widely and effectively used to inform public health responses to COVID-19. Importantly, trends in wastewater surveillance often lead the clinical surveillance because the wastewater signal includes contributions from asymptomatic infections that are still shedding into sewers through zoonotic pathogens. Given the success of the approach, integrating such surveillance into One Health frameworks has the potential to revolutionize public health surveillance for such diseases (Leifels et al. 2022). Preliminary work has focused on conceptual framing, computational feasibility assessments, and methods development for wastewater surveillance of a variety of arboviruses, including dengue and zika viruses, with limited methodological assessment for WNV [Lee et al. 2022; Chandra et al. 2023]. Clinical observations indicate WNV is shed in the urine of those infected [Tonry et al. 2005], with positivity ratios of 44% among patients in one study (Barzonet et al. 2013) and 58% among urine samples in another at densities 1 to 10 million/ml [Lustig et al. 2016; Nagy et al. 2016] at densities as high as 1 to 10 million per mL of urine. Urine has also been suggested as a convenient body fluid for clinical diagnosis of WNV. WNV urinary shedding patterns into wastewater could reasonably allow the detection of 1 infection among 10,000 people for wastewater surveillance of WNV (Lee et al. 2022). WNV is structurally similar to dengue, and results for dengue virus suggest its RNA is persistent in wastewater and readily measurable using existing wastewater testing methods [Chandra et al. 2023; Chandra et al. 2021]. Boehm and colleagues found WNV RNA in wastewaters where no WNV cases were known [Boehm et al., 2023]. In view of above reports, it is expected to get WNV RNA in wastewaters from epidemiologically relevant sites. Together, these preliminary observations establish the potential sensitivity for WNV infections and feasibility of wastewater surveillance for WNV. 2B. Arbovirus Surveillance in US and India. Louisiana is home to a dynamic and robust arbovirus surveillance program that includes both state and local agencies. At the state level, WNV falls under the purview of the Louisiana Department of Health’s (LDH) Arboviral Program. This program has compiled and published weekly WNV surveillance reports from 2002 to 2023. These reports provide summary data on mosquito, avian, equine, and human (NID, fever, death, and presumptive viremic donor) WNV cases by parish and LDH region. Non-human surveillance testing is carried out by the Louisiana Animal Diagnostic Disease Laboratory (LADDL). LADDL performs 20,000 to 50,000 mosquito pool WNV tests from 32 parishes each year. Mosquito pools for testing are submitted by local mosquito control agencies which are active in each parish. Mosquito control agencies are also responsible for ongoing mosquito abatement via insecticide application and other preventative measures. The mitigation activities of state and local agencies are integrated to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of arbovirus control in Louisiana. If successful, wastewater surveillance for WNV and additional arboviruses could be readily integrated into the existing framework.n India, antibodies against WNV in humans werefirst detected from Bombay (now Mumbai) during 1952. Subsequently, serologically confirmed WNV cases were reported from Vellore and Kolar districts of Karnataka during encephalitis epidemics in 1977, 1979 and 1981. In western countries, WNV infections werefound to be higher among elderly patients 31. However,in India, children succumbing to WNV infection werefrequently observed. WNV was isolated from braintissue of three children who died of encephalitis inthe southern region of India. One isolate was obtainedfrom encephalitis presenting case in Mysuru districtduring 1980 and another during encephalitis epidemicin Kolar district in 1981 30. Details for the third caseare not available. WNV-infected fatal paediatric caseswere reported in 2006 from the State of Assam situatedin North-east India32. During the late 2009 and theearly 2010, WNV cases were reported from patientspresenting with ocular complications in Tamil Nadu33.Acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) due to WNV infection has also been reported from Kerala during 201434. This wasan unusual phenomenon because poliovirus has beenthe common cause of AFP in India. Characterizationof WNV PCR-positive samples revealed circulationof lineage I WNV during 2011 Kerala outbreak35. Inthe eastern State of West Bengal, WNV was reportedin 2017 36. In the central State of Madhya Pradesh,during 2015, infection of lineage I WNV was found inpaediatric population presented with acute encephalitissyndrome (AES)37. These scenarios of WNV infectiondelineate an emerging threat to public health in India(Fig. 2). This advocates for inclusion of WNV screeningas routine diagnosis for AES cases in the country. The differences observed in the clinico-epidemiological scenario of WNV may be due to strain variations,which necessitate the identification of the circulating strains in different endemic settings for understanding WNV pathobiology. WNV is a globally emerging virus, but unlikeZika and Ebola WNV outbreaks are usually localizedand sporadic 83. Yet, the virus continues to be animportant cause of encephalitis worldwide32,104,115.In India, currently circulating WNV strains are morepathogenic than those reported earlier 71. In 2019,a seven year old boy from Malappuram district ofKerala died of WNV infection. It was assumed thatWNV infection affected the boys’ nervous system. However, conclusive knowledge on whether higherpathogenicity has resulted from characteristic virulencepotential of the circulating strain or due to host factorsis limited. Therefore, more information on the virusstrains circulating currently in India and elsewhere iswarranted. 2C. Passive sampling methods. A passive sampler is an abiotic device that may contain absorbent materials or membranes which is placed in a targeted sewage catchment to capture viruses as well as bacteria for a defined period of time. The concept behind this method is that analyte being exchanged between the bulk media being sampled (wastewater) and the collecting medium (the passive sampler) Samplers may also collect analytes, or molecules that are lost due to discrete capture or composite sampling [Habtewold et al., 2022]. There are several benefits of using passive samplers for public health surveillance in low-resource settings. They are easy to deploy and collect from small catchments and do not require power to operate, and thus can be used in any accessible sewage line. [Salim and Górecki, 2019]. Furthermore, passive samplers collect microorganisms over the entire exposure time, so sporadic shedding events are less likely to be missed [Bivins et al., 2022]. The design of passive samplers may be based on the sorption medium being either a single material or two materials, with one material acting as a rate limiting barrier surrounding the other material [Salim and Górecki, 2019]. 3. Research Q’s & Hypotheses Available reports mentioned the usage of single material like electronegative membranes, cotton swabs or tampons for the sampling and entrapment of RNA viruses like COVID-19. In this study we are targeting the entrapment of West Nile virus through passive sampling technique through wastewater using two materials. Combination of materials could be used for the collective entrapment of above - mentioned RNA viruses. If a spider carrier like passive sampling device as used by Vincent Hubert et al., 2021 could made of single material could be used for COVID-19 virus entrapment, then combination of materials be arranged in the form of spider carrier would entrap arboviruses. We are also hypothesizing that materials coated with glycan rich material as per Kaur et al., 2019 and Talarico and Damante, 2007 would increase the adsorption rate of these viruses. According to the available reports the following questions arises 1.Will the GAC coated with electronegative membranes could adsorb arboviruses like west nile fever virus in a single passive sampling device? 2. Is the passive sampler coupled with RT-LAMP will detect the arboviruses from the bulk wastewater? a. Experimental Approach The main aim of this project will be increased adsoption of arboviruses from wastewater by the development of passive sampling technique. Hence, the first objective will be lab scale studies of GACcoated with lectin and glycan residues to increase the adsorption capacity for WNV. The final objective, is the field deployment studies of the passive sampler containing coated GAC. i. Project Location and Sewage Sampling The work proposed here has major intention in the development of a passive sampling technique for detection of West nile fever virus where sampling would be carried out from wastewater where the probability of finding WNV is maximum. we will collect wastewater from raw influent samples at the East Baton Rouge treatment plant (n=20) and at sanitary sewer pumping stations near WNV hotspots identified by mosquito control (n=20). Following sample collection by composite and passive sampling. ii. Passive Samplers Passive sampling for WWS has become increasingly prevalent due to its ease of use, cost effectiveness, and ability to concentrate viral targets over time [Liu et al., 2020; Bivins et al., 2021; Habtewold et al., 2022]. Since the onset of the pandemic, hundreds of peer reviewed articles have been published on SARS-CoV-2 detection in wastewater [Shah et al., 2022]. However, few articles have applied and investigated passive sampling techniques on arboviruses (Bivins et al., 2022). Despite the increased popularity of passive sampling as an alternative to conventional sampling techniques, recent publications have shown the limitations of the application of passive samplers for SARS-CoV-2 detections in wastewater [Li et al., 2022; Schang et al., 2021; Hayes et al., 2022]. One of identified challenges for passive sampling is to increase the quantitative interpretation of this sampling approach for improve decision-making. Here, in this project, passive sampler will be fabricated in the form of a spider carrier as shown by Vincent-Hubert et al., 2021, where the GAC will be coated with lectin and glycan will be placed in the carrier. It will be used for field deployment studies in the areas where the cases of west nile viruses are reported. Sampling will be carried out two to three times in a week and deployed for 48-72 hrs of duration. The samples will be further explored for arboviral detection procedures. iii. LAMP RT-LAMP reaction as a cost-effective molecular detection exhibiting high specificity. The detection relies upon pH changes, due to the reaction products, This method employs a DNA polymerase and a set of four specially designed primers that recognize a total of six distinct sequences on the target DNA [Notomi et al., 2000; Bryan et al., 2023].Here, the developed GAC passive sampler coupled with RTLAMP will allow the adsorption of WNV as well as their detection from wastewater. It is better than autosamplers due to low cost and easy to use. In view of above reports, •Wastewater will be sampled from the sewers of reported West Nile fever outbreaks. GAC will be coated with lectin and glycan residues (Kaur et al., 2019, Talarico and Damante, 2007) will be synthesized in our lab with potential collaborations from other lab in the university. It will be done to check the effect of material type on WNV adsorption. This will take 1-2 months. •Lab scale studies will be conducted with GACcoated for the adsorption kinetics using wastewater. West Nile strains will be purchased from ATCC for the set up of control experiment. GACuncoated and GACcoated using deionized water using arboviral suspension. Furthermore, adsoption modelling studies will also be conducted as per Hayes et al., 2022 to understand the mechanism. This will take 3-4 months. • RT-LAMP followed by dd-PCR will be conducted for the detection of the above-mentioned arboviruses from the GACcoated and uncoated samples.This will be running in parallel with the above experiment. Field deployment studies with the improved passive sampler will be carried out and the sampling will be carried out after a month interval for 4 months and will be subjected to RT-LAMP and dd-PCR for validation of the results. 4. Outputs and Outcomes Spider carriers containing coated GAC will not only allow the detection of WNV with increased adsoption capacity but it may trap other pathogenic RNA viruses as well. In other words, this technology will impart new insight and will revolutionize passive sampling development methods for the detection of variety of viruses. a. Outputs = papers, posters, deliverables Being at this moment it is impracticable to establish with accuracy of a detailed time plan for this project, since it strongly depends on the time availability of the persons and institutions that will be involved, a task plan is presented with the most relevant tasks to be completed in order to achieve the project objectives. Some of these tasks will probably be running in parallel, and the results from this study will be published in relevant journals as well in international events. The available knowledge gained during literature review will be also be published as a review article during the study. b. Outcomes (how will this work produce advances) i. Significance of this study in the field Passive sampling offers a distinct possibility for WWS downstream of WWTFs to acquire a higher viral signal even at low community prevalence. GAC provides a costeffective and widely available approach to (WWS) sampling, which is often more economical than other sampling techniques (e.g. auto sampling) or other adsorbents such as electronegative filtration. However most GAC passive sampler projects have shown low satisfactory results for wastewater for arbovirus surveillance. If the proposed research is funded, then fundamental experiments to optimize the adsorption of WNV particles on passive samplers and digital PCR will be performed. If the experiments are successful, then the anticipated outcome is a developed sampling device for efficient screening of WNV from wastewater. If the novel method were to be deployed at field studies, then better surveillance due to reduced sampling could be tolerated. Need to pursue this study in US. In India as well as in other parts of the world, the state of arboviral surveillance and the methods were poorly developed resulting to increased mortality. In order to infuse the academic knowledge into the field, we need to find a research breakthrough, which can only be achieved, working with an expert. Under the guidance of an expert, the limitations of the experiments would be easier to identify which will catalyse the research progress. In this context, there is no other alternative than to pursue postdoctoral research opportunities that would strengthen my valuable research experience while learning under the guidance from a mentor who is an expert in this field. The research group on which I am going to carry out the study, are conducting research on this area with remarkable publications. The lab is well equipped with all necessary laboratory facilities and instruments for the development of passive sampling techniques. The passive sampler for SARS-CoV2 coupled with RT-LAMP has been developed by the research group lead by Dr. Aaron Bivins, Assistant professor, Louisiana State University. Their available reports implicated to increased adsorption capacity of SARS-CoV2 from lavatory wastewater. The researchers suggested that this developed passive sampler has numerous attractive features for biocompatible applications. This will allow to develop a device for WNV having utmost specificity and increased adsorption capacity from wastewater of poor viral load, which will be significant contribution to WNV surveillance of low income as well as developed countries. Educating and sharing the research experience with the university students will impart knowledge of the subject and will create future researchers. So, I will be teach the subjects such as EVEG 4780 Environmental Engineering Laboratory (August to December), EVEG 3400 Environmental Microbiology (January to May). Hence, this research proposal offers a potential application of WNV surveillance in Louisiana as well as India. 5. Investigator Qualifications This project aims to develop passive sampling technique for the increased entrapment and adsoption of arboviruses from wastewater. In the context of this study, we are developing a passive sampler containing coated GAC samples and conducting a trial to evaluate the sensitivity of RT-LAMP in wastewater samples placed in manholes, as well as primary influents from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The results of the trial compared the Colorimetric RT LAMP with the Reverse Transcript Droplet Digital (RT-LAMP) for wastewater samples, as well as the limit of detection. For that Dr. Aaron Bivins has specialized in this field of research and has developed a passive sampler for the detection of pathogenic viruses such as SARS-COV2 RNA from wastewater using tampon swab. Dr. Bivins has also specialized in the development of RT-LAMP assay for SARS-CoV2 RNA. He has multiple research articles in this regard. 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