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Nutrition course final exam

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
Omdurman Islamic University
Faculty Of Medicine and Health Sciences
Nutrition course final exam Batch 33
May 2024
Open Book Exam
Multiple choices questions
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1. Metabolism is determined by the:
(a) size of proteins in the cell
(b) availability of amino acids
(c) proteins formed as dictated by the genetic material
(d) protein composition of the DNA
activity of enzymes produced in the nucleus
2. In sprint events, improvements in performance may come from:
(a) faster reaction times
(b) increased power generating ability of muscles
(c) improved resistance to fatigue
all of the above
(a) and (b) only
3. Women’s world record performances have improved rapidly in recent years mainly
women have evolved a greater muscle mass
women can now run faster than men
women have started training at an earlier age
more women are now engaged in sport
the use of ergogenic aids has increased in women
4. Endurance training increases the muscle’s capacity to:
(a)contract faster
(b)breakdown phosphocreatine
(c)burn fat and carbohydrate
(d)generate energy anaerobically
(e)produce more blood cells
5. Which of the following factors does not influence success in sport?
(a) ability to tolerate heavy training without succumbing to illness or injury
(b) tactics
(c) the diet
(d) skill
(e) ingestion of carnitine during exercise
6. The two principal contractile proteins found in skeletal muscle are:
(a) actin and troponin
(b) actin and myosin
(c) troponin and tropomyosin
(d) myosin and tropomyosin
(e) actin and tropomyosin
7. The sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle cells acts as a:
(a) store of digestive enzymes
(b) store of sodium ions
(c) store of lipid
(d) store of calcium ions
(e) buffer of hydrogen ions
8. An action potential arriving at the motor endplate causes release of:
(a) acetylcholine which traverses the neuromuscular junction
(b) sodium ions which binds to sodium receptors on the muscle membrane
(c) calcium ions which initiate an action potential along the muscle fibre
(d) noradrenaline which increases muscle metabolic activity
(e) none of the above
9. The trigger to initiate the contractile process in skeletal muscle is:
(a) potassium binding to myosin
(b) calcium binding to tropomyosin
(c) ATP binding to the myosin cross bridges
(d) calcium binding to troponin
(e) ATP breakdown by actin
10. After calcium ions have been released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum they:
(a) initiate an action potential
(b) cause sodium channels to open in the sarcolemmal membrane
(c) bind to troponin
(d) bind to actin
(e) cause oxygen to be released from myoglobin
11. A muscle fibre relaxes when:
(a) the nerve stimulus is removed
(b) the nerve stimulus is too forceful
(c) the actin binding sites are uncovered
(d) the actin binding sites are saturated
(e) all the ATP is used up
12. Fast-twitch fibres contain:
(a) a relatively large number of mitochondria and low ATPase activity
(b) a relatively small number of mitochondria and low ATPase activity
(c) a relatively small number of mitochondria and high ATPase activity
(d) a relatively large number of mitochondria and high ATPase activity
(e) no mitochondria and high ATPase activity
13. Type I muscle fibres have the following characteristics:
(a) white, glycolytic, slow contracting
(b) white, oxidative, slow contracting
(c) red, oxidative, fast contracting
(d) red, glycolytic, slow contracting
(e) red, oxidative, slow contracting
14. Which of the following is not an amino acid?
(a) glutamic acid
(b) aspartic acid
(c) glutamine
(d) palmitic acid
(e) leucine
15. What type of covalent bonds link the amino acids in a protein?
(a) peptide bonds
(b) hydrogen bonds
(c) ionic bonds
(d) glycosidic bonds
(e) ester bonds
16. Which of the following is an amino acid that is found in proteins?
(a) adenosine
(b) adenine
(c) alanine
(d) linoleic acid
(e) creatine
17. Which of the following factors can affect enzyme activity?
(a) temperature
(b) pH
(c) the presence of certain metal ions
(d) the addition or removal of phosphate
(e) all of the above
18. Prosthetic groups are:
(a) required by all enzymes in the cell
(b) loosely bound to enzymes via hydrogen bonds
(c) sites on the enzyme molecule that permit allosteric modification of enzyme activity
(d) linked to phosphate groups
(e) tightly bound to enzymes and are required for their activity
19. The initial rate of an enzyme catalysed reaction depends on:
the concentration of the enzyme
the concentration of the substrate
(c) the affinity of the enzyme for its substrate
(d) all of the above
(e) none of the above
20. Kinase reactions:
(a) inhibit ATP breakdown
(b) involve the addition or removal of a phosphate group
(c) involve the addition or removal of a ketone group
(d) involve the addition or removal of an amino acid to a polypeptide chain
(e) involve the transfer of hydrogen atoms
21. The energy for all forms of muscle contraction is provided by:
(a) ATP
(b) ADP
(c) phosphocreatine
(d) oxidative phosphorylation
(e) generated in the mitochondria of the cell
22. For very high force contractions lasting 1-2 seconds, the initial energy source is from:
(a) glycolysis
(b) creatine phosphorylation
(c) phosphocreatine stores
(d) ATP stores
(e) none of the above
23. Which of the following statements is false?
(a) after a resistance training session the rate of protein synthesis in the exercised muscles
is increased
(b) after a resistance training session the rate of protein breakdown in the exercised
muscles is increased
(c)both (a) and (b)
(d) protein cannot be used as a fuel for exercise
(e) exercise increases the rate of secretion of growth hormone
24. Which of the following is true?
(a) increasing the protein intake above 3 grams per kg body mass per day will stimulate
muscle growth and increase strength
(b) creatine supplements can increase muscle strength and power
(c) amino acid supplements can increase muscle strength and power
(d) muscle damage is induced by shortening contractions
(e) there is an inverse relationship between dietary protein intake and total energy intake
25. Synthesis of vitamin B12 occurs in the:
a) Stomach
b) Duodenum
C) Jejunum
d) Illeum
e) Colon
26. The vitamins involved in energy producing reactions include:
a) Folic acid, thiamin and niacin
b) Biotin, niacin and cobalamin
c) Thiamin, niacin and pantothenic acid d) Cobalamin, ascorbic acid and riboflavin
e) Pyridoxine, folic acid and cobalamin
27. The following vitamins act as coenzymes with dehydrogenases:
a) Thiamin and panthothenic acid
b) Biotin and pyridoxine
c) Cobalamin and folic acid
d) Ascorbic acid and biotin
e) Niacin and riboflavin
28. The following vitamins are involved in hemopoiesis:
a) Ascorbic acid and thiamin
b) Folic acid and cobalamin
c) Riboflavin and biotin
d) Pyridoxine and thiamin
e) Niacin and panthothenic acid
29. The vitamins synthesized by intestinal bacteria include:
a) Thiamin and riboflavin
b) Biotin and vitamin K
c) Folic acid and cobalamin
d) Niacin and vitamin C
e) Vitamin D and panthothenic acid
30. The vitamin component of coenzyme A is:
a) Riboflavin
b) Biotin
c) Pantothenic acid SP
d) Nicotinic acid
e) Pyridoxine
31. Vitamin A:
a) Deficiency can give rise to rickets
b) Is normally excreted in urine
c) Carnitine, Retinine and Retinone are known forms
d) Is required for collagen synthesis
e) Is important for epithelial growth
32. Vitamin D:
a) Requires thyroid hormones for activation
b) Active form is called calcitrol
c) Lowers calcium level in the blood
d) Deficiency from overexposure to the sun
e) Is not required in the diet
33.Vitamin K:
a) Is derived from cholesterol
b) Is needed for activation of prothrombin
c) Deficiency causes night blindness
d) Cannot be stored in the body
e) Is involved in transamination reactions
34. Beriberi:
a) Is due to deficiency of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
b) Is due to deficiency in Vitamin C
c) Is associated with bone deformity
d) Can be treated by iron supplements
e) Is associated with high lactate in the blood
35. Vitamin B12:
a) Is a potent anti-oxidant
b) Deficiency causes pellagra
c) Vegetable seeds are a major source
d) Binds transcobalamin I in the liver
e) Is absorbed in the stomach
36. Pyridoxal phosphate:
a) Is vitamin B2
b) Deficiency is very common
c) Is coenzyme with pyruvate carboxylase
d) Can be synthesized in the human body
e) Is coenzyme with aminotransferases
37. Pernicous anemia is caused by:
a) A deficiency of dietery vitamin B12
b) A deficiency of dietery folic acid
c) Excessive production of HCL by parietal cells of the stomach
d) A deficiency of the intrinsic factor
e) A deficiency of vitamin C
38. Vitamin A:
a) Is important for growth and reproduction
b) Is obtained from beta-carotene
c) Retinol and retinoic acid are known forms
d) Is required for keratin synthesis
e) All of the above is correct
39. Pellagra:
a) Due to deficiency of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
b) Due to deficiency of riboflavin
c) Associated diarrhea, dermatitis and dementia
d) Treated by supplementation of tyrosine
e) Inherited as autosomal recessive character
40. Thiamin pyrophosphate is essential coenzyme for:
a) Pyruvate dehydrogenase and transketolase
b) Transketolase and lactate dehydrogenase
c) Glycogen phosphorylase and glucose-6-phosphatase
d) Lactate dehydrogenase and alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
e) None of the above
41. Ascorbic acid:
a) Deficiency causes hypochromic microcytic anemia
b) Is required for synthesis of epinephrine and collagen
c) Is required for synthesis of bile acids
d) Promotes iron absorption in GIT
e) All of the above are correct
42. The following is not true about cobalamin:
a) Active form is methylcobalamin
b) Absorption requires a glycoprotein factor c) Is required for metabolism of propionate
d) Deficiency results in hemolytic anemia
e) Is involved in folate metabolism
43. The effects of vitamin A include all of the following except:
a) Prevention of infection
b) Serving as an antioxidant
c) Cell differentiation
d) The visual cycle
e) Induction of certain cancers
44. Vitamin A:
a) Deficiency can give rise to xerophthalmia
b) Is normally excreted in urine
c) Carnitine, Retinine and Retinone are known forms
d) Is required for collagen synthesis
e) Can be synthesized by intestinal flora
45. Vitamin D:
a) Requires parathyroid hormones for activation
b) Is water-soluble
c) Lowers calcium level in the blood
d) Deficiency from overexposure to the sun
e) Is not required in the diet
46.Vitamin K:
a) Is derived from cholesterol
b) Is synthesized by intestinal flora
c) Deficiency causes night blindness
d) Cannot be stored in the body
e) Is involved in transamination reactions
a) Is due to deficiency of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
b) Affects the nervous system and the heart
c) Is due to deficiency in Vitamin C
d) Is associated with bone deformity
e) Can be treated by iron supplements
48. Vitamin B12:
a) Is a potent anti-oxidant
b) Deficiency causes pellagra
c) Vegetable seeds are a major source
d) Is not stored in the body
e) Requires the intrinsic factor for absorption
49. Pyridoxal Phosphate:
a) Is vitamin B5
b) Deficiency causes rickets
c) Is coenzyme with pyruvate carboxylase
d) Can be synthesized in the human body
e) Is needed by the enzyme alanine transaminase
50. The following is formed in the liver:
a) Cholicalciferol
b) 7-dehydrocholesterol
c) 1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol
d) 25-hydroxycholecalciferol
e) 24, 25-dihydroxycalciferol
Good luck