Uploaded by 王力卉


Sure, here's a short story for you:
Title: The Forgotten Melody
Once upon a time, in a quaint little town nestled between rolling hills and whispering
forests, there lived a young girl named Lily. She had a smile that could light up the
darkest corners and a heart as pure as the morning dew. But Lily carried a secret
burden: she was born with a gift, a gift that she could neither understand nor
control—the gift of hearing melodies that no one else could.
The melodies would come to her in the quiet of the night, whispered by the wind
through the trees or sung by the stars in the sky. They were hauntingly beautiful, yet
filled with a sadness that tugged at Lily's soul. Try as she might, she could never
grasp their meaning or origin.
As the years passed, Lily learned to keep her gift hidden, fearing the ridicule and
misunderstanding of others. But deep inside, she longed to unravel the mystery of
the melodies that echoed in her mind.
One day, while wandering through the forest, Lily stumbled upon an ancient ruin
hidden amidst the trees. Intrigued, she ventured inside and discovered a forgotten
chamber, its walls adorned with strange symbols and faded paintings. And there, in
the center of the chamber, stood an old piano, its keys covered in dust.
Without hesitation, Lily approached the piano and gently pressed a key. To her
amazement, a melody unlike any she had ever heard filled the air, swirling around
her like a gentle breeze. With trembling fingers, she began to play, letting the music
guide her.
As she played, the symbols on the walls began to glow with a soft light, and the
paintings came to life, telling a story of love and loss, of hope and redemption. And in
that moment, Lily understood. The melodies were not just random notes; they were
fragments of a forgotten song, a song that held the key to unlocking the mysteries of
the past.
With renewed purpose, Lily continued to play, each note bringing her closer to the
truth. And as the final chord echoed through the chamber, a brilliant light filled the
room, illuminating everything with a radiant glow.
When the light faded, Lily found herself standing in a meadow bathed in sunlight, the
ruins nowhere to be seen. But the melodies remained, echoing in her heart like a
gentle reminder of the journey she had undertaken.
From that day on, Lily embraced her gift, using it to bring joy and healing to all who
crossed her path. And though the melodies would always be a mystery, she knew
that as long as she listened with an open heart, they would guide her on her journey
through life.