Chapter 4A SOIL COLLOIDS Chemical nature of soil constituents Three phases: Solid - skeletal framework of soils - mixture of inorganic and organic material Liquid - soil solution, carries and moves dissolved nutrients Gas - soil air Percentage composition by volume: O2 N2 CO2 Soil air 20.0 78.6 0.50 Atmospheric air 21.0 78.03 0.03 Chemical Nature of Soil Constituents Detailed structure of a soil showing solid, water and air phases SOIL COLLOIDS Seat of chemical activity or reactions in soils Very small particles whose sizes range from 0.2 to 1 micrometer (m) 1m = 1/1000 mm = 0.001mm = 0.0001 cm SOIL COLLOIDS Organic and inorganic components of soil having very small particle size and a corresponding large surface area per unit soil mass [<.001 mm or 1 micron (µ)]. Does not include all the clay components (<.002 mm or 2 micron). CLASSIFICATION 1. Organic colloids – humus 2. Inorganic colloids a. Silicate clays b. Oxide clays c. Amorphous clays Inorganic Colloids 1. Clay – refers to soil particles that have a diameter of <2 micrometer (µm) (1 µm=106 meter) 2. It is a secondary mineral formed or synthesized from primary minerals or their weathering products. 3. It is made up of layers of plates or flakes Inorganic Colloids a. Silicate clays montmorillionite illite vermiculite chlorite kaolinite b. Oxide clays (Non-silicate clays): Fe oxide and hydrous oxide – Hematite, Goethite Al oxide and hydrous oxide – Gibbsite, Boehmite c. Amorphous clays Allophanes and Imogolite Silicate Clays (Layer silicates) Basic structural units: 1. Silica tetrahedron 2. Alumina octahedron Silicate Clays (Layer silicates) Silica sheet Octahedral sheet Silicate Clays (Layer silicates) Diagrammatic representations: tetrahedral sheet: octahedral sheet: Silicate Clays (Layer silicates) Classification of silicate clays (based on number of tetrahedral to octahedral sheet): 1:1 Type: Unit layer Silicate Clays (Layer silicates) 2:1 Type: Unit layer Variety of clay minerals based on the arrangements of the tetrahedral and octahedral sheets. Three structural groupings: a. 1:1 layer phyllosilicate – a tetrahedral sheet attached to one side of an octahedral sheet. b. 2:1 layer phyllosilicate – symmetrical arrangement of two tetrahedral sheets about a central octahedral sheet. c. 2:1:1 or 2:2 layer phyllosilicate – presence of an octahedral sheet between *adjacent 2:1 layers. Chemical Nature of Soil Constituents Silicate clays Important Silicate Clays Minerals 1. Kaolinite 2. Smectite (Montmorillonite) 3. Vermiculite 4. Micas 5. Illite *6. Chlorite a) 1:1 type - kaolinite • two sheets are held together by oxygen atoms that are mutually shared by Si and Al • unit layers are held together tightly by Hbonding restricts expansion limits the reactive area to external surface Specific surface area: 10-20 m2/g Kaolinite • Little isomorphous substitution • Low colloidal property CEC : 3 – 15 cmolc/kg • Occur as hexagonal crystals Transmission electron micrograph of kaolinite mineral Kaolinite -1:1 type of structure) -Low CEC (3-15 meq/100g) -Low specific surface (m2/g)= 5-20 -Low water holding capacity -Low shrink-swell *potential • Soils high in kaolinitie do not swell nor shrink on wetting and drying • Soils dominated by kaolinite are: good bases for roadbeds and building foundations commonly used in making bricks easy to cultivate for agriculture b) 2:1 expanding type: Montmorillonite • Most common member of smectite group • unit layers are loosely held together by weak oxygen-to-oxygen and cation-to-oxygen linkages • When saturated with water, basal spacing between layers can approach 20ºA (2.0 nm) Under dry conditions it may be reduced to less than 10ºA (1.0 nm) Montmorillonite - 2:1 type of structure) - High CEC (60-100 meq/100g - High Specific surface (m2/g)= 700-800 - High water holding capacity - High shrink-swell potential b) 2:1 expanding type: Vermiculite • Layer structure resembles that of mica from which it is derived • Aluminum dominated dioctahedral: (Ca,Mg)y(Si8-xAlx)(Al,Mg,Fe)6O20(OH)4.nH2O • Mg dominated trioctahedral: (Ca,Mg)y(Si8-xAlx)(Mg,Fe)6O20(OH)4.nH2O • capable only of limited expansion ; swells less than montmorillonite because of higher layer charge Al3+ substituting for Si4+ in the tetrahedral sheet Mg2+ and Fe2+ as the octahedral cations - - - Vermiculite -2:1 type of structure) -High CEC (100-150 meq/100g) -Limited expansion compared with smectite. -Larger crystal than smectite. c) 2:1 non-expanding: illite (fine-grained mica) • chemical composition is similar to muscovite, but contains more SiO2 and less K • contains interlayer K, the unit layers are bonded more strongly than montmorillonite and vermiculite hence no expansion • CEC: 20-40 cmolc/kg • Specific surface: 40-180 m2/g - K K - Unit layer K Mica (Illite) - 2:1 type of structure) - Low CEC (15-40 meq/100g) - Limited expansion compared with montmorillonite - Variable d-spacing 14 Å expanded 10 Å collapsed - Larger crystal than montmorillonite - Specific surface (m2 /g)= 100-120 Chemical Nature of Soil Constituents Silicate clays d) 2:1:1 or 2:2 non-expanding type chlorite • 2:1 layers alternate with a hydroxide sheet commonly dominated by magnesium • no water adsorption between the unit layers hence its non-expansive nature • CEC: 10-40 cmolc/kg Chemical Nature of Soil Constituents Silicate clays 2:1:1 type - chlorite unit layer Mineral colloids other than silicates 1. Hydrous oxide clays of iron and aluminum advance stage of weathering usually found in humid tropics Gibbsite – Al(OH)3 or [Al2O3.XH2O] Goethite – Fe(OH)3 or[Fe2O3.XH2O] Limonite - Fe2O3.XH2O 2. Allophane and other amorphous minerals Allophanes • Non-crystalline; amorphous to x-ray diffraction analysis; exhibit featureless xray diffraction pattern • Abundant in soils derived from volcanic ash deposits • Have high phosphate fixation capacity • Most soils containing allophane have black A horizons, extremely high in OM Imogolite • First found in weathered volcanic ash or pumice beds in Japan called imogo • Chemical composition is assumed to be: SiO2.Al2O3.2.5H2O • Crystal structure is better defined than allophane • Electron microscopy shows the presence of hair-like or spaghetti-like crystal forms Soil Organic Matter (SOM) Sum total of all carbon-containing substances in the soil consists of living organisms, dead plant and animal residues, and other organic materials in various phases of decomposition Humus • a dark, complex mixture of organic substances modified from original organic tissue • not biologically active and is the pool responsible for many of the soil chemical and physical properties associated with SOM and soil quality. Fractionation of SOM: Soil organic matter Humic matter Non-Humic matter + alkali Insoluble Humin Soluble + acid Not precipitated Fulvic acid Precipitated Humic acid + alcohol Soluble Hymatomelanic acid Insoluble Gray Humic acid Non-humic substances include carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, proteins Humic fraction include amorphous, colloidal, polydispersed substances with yellow to brown to black color and relatively high molecular weights Important characteristics of soil colloids related to chemical reactivity: 1. Fineness and large specific surface area To illustrate: 1 cm 1 face = 1 x 1 = 1 cm2 since there are 6 faces total surface area = 6 cm2 If we split the cube: 0.5 cm 1 face = 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.25 cm2 area of 1 cube = 0.25 x 6 = 1.5 cm2 total surface area = 8 x 1.5 = 12 cm2 2. Presence of electric charges Sources of negative charges a. Exposed edges of clay mineral structure b. Isomorphous substitution 1. Exposed crystal edge a. Unsatisfied valences at the broken edges of the silica and alumina sheets b. Exposed oxygen and hydroxyl groups attached to silicon and aluminum atoms Exposed crystal edges (1) at high pH Al—OH + OHat low pH Al—OH + H+ Al—O- + H2O (2) At high pH Fe—OH + OHAt low pH *Fe—OH + H+ Fe—O- + H2O Al—OH2+ Fe—OH2+ b) Ionization of exposed –OH groups At high pH, the hydrogen of these exposed hydroxyls, dissociates and the surface of the clay is left with the negative charge of the oxygen ions. Alkaline medium: -Al-OH + OH- = -Al-O- + H2O this type of negative charge is called variable or pH-dependent charge Isomorphous substitution is primarily responsible in the development of permanent charges in crystal lattice. 1. pH dependent charges negative (or positive) charges of clay particles resulting from exposed oxygen (O-) or hydroxyl (OH-) ions which act as negatively charged sites; affected by changes in pH or by exchange reaction 2. Permanent charges not affected by changes in pH or by ion-exchange reactions and form through isomorphous substitution Specific surface area of some clay minerals and CEC ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - CLAY MINERALS SPECIFIC SURFACE CEC AREA (m2/g) meq/100g -----------------------------------------------Kaolinite 7-30 3-15 Montmorillonite 600-800 80-100 Vermiculite 600-800 100-150 Illite 65- 100 15-40 Allophane 100-800 20-150 _______________________________________________ REVIEW QUESTIONS REVIEW QUESTIONS 7. Of the following minerals, the one that expands on wetting is a. muscovite c. montmorillionite b. illite d. kaolinite 8. Which is the seat of chemical activities in the soil? a. Sand c. colloid b. Silt d. clay THANK YOU & GOOD LUCK!!!