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Genetics: Penetrance, Expressivity, and Hardy-Weinberg

Lecture 3 - 4
Extensions and Modifications of Basic Principles
Penetrance and Expressivity
The same genotype does not always produce the same phenotype
Cause of incomplete penetrance and expressivity - due to the effects of other genes and to
environmental factors that can alter or completely suppress the effect of a particular gene
Penetrance - the proportion of individual organisms having a particular genotype that express the
expected phenotype
○ Variation in the population
○ Ex. incomplete penetrance - polydactyly
Expressivity - the degree to which a phenotype is expressed (mild to severe)
○ Variation in the individual
Environmental factors
Age, sex, temperature, chemicals
Range of phenotypes expressed by a single genotype under different environmental condition is
referred to as the norm of reaction
Temperature - himalayan allele - low temp produces dark fur at the extremities of the body
○ Enzyme necessary for pigment production is inactivated at higher temperatures
○ Ex. himalayan allele in rabbits produces dark fur at extremities of the body - dark pigment only
develops at low temperatures
○ Ex. siamese allele, C^s, is allele of the tyrosinase gene - protein is inactive at higher
temperature leaving a light brown background - tips of extremities which are much cooler
enzyme is active and produces normal amounts of pigment
Occasionally environmental factors alone produce a phenotype that is the same as the phenotype
produced by a genotype
○ Phenocopy - a change in phenotype arising from environmental factors that mimic the effects of
a mutation in a gene
○ Ex. the chemical thalidomide can produce a phenocopy of a raw dominant trait called
phocomelia n which limb development is disrupted
Many people inherit genes that lead to a propensity for heart disease, but regulating diet and exercise
can affect the occurrence (penetrace) and seriousness (expressivity) of the disease
Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment
The inheritance pattern of one trait will not affect the inheritance pattern of another trait
Examined by dihybrid crosses (ex. Aa Bb X Aa Bb)
Genetic Interaction
Different combination of alleles from 2 or more genes can result in different phenotypes, because of
interactions between their products at the cellular or biochemical level
What happens when multiple genes often contribute to a single characteristic?
○ Complete dominance
○ F2 phenotypic ratio = 9:3:3:1
Occurs when 2 strains of an organism with different homozygous recessive mutations that produce the
same phenotype, produce offspring of the wild-type phenotype when mated or crossed
Only occurs is mutations are in different genes
Other genone supply the wild type allele to complement the mutated allele
Ratio 9:7
Ex: Albino cats
In human pedigrees
○ About 50 genes have recessive mutant alleles that can cause deafness in humans
○ A heterogeneous trait: a mutation in any 1 of a number of genes can give rise to the same
Genetic Epistasis
Def. the masking of the expression of 1 gene by another. No new phenotypes are produced
○ “Epistatic gene” does the masking
○ “Hypostatic gene” is masked
Molecular Mechanism:
○ c/c: no pigment is synthesized (mice are white regardless of genotypes at the A locus)
○ Genotype at the A locus determines how to pigment is deposited (either black aa or agouti A-)
Summary of F2 ratios
A single gene can be responsible for a number of distinct and seemingly unrelated phenotypic effects
Sickle cell disease
○ Respiratory problems, sickled cells, chronic infections, joint pain, enlarged spleen, stroke…
Cystic fibrosis
○ Mucus close the lungs and leads to infections
○ Mucus obstructs the pancreatic ducts creates digestion problems
Key points
Inbred lines of experimental species are often
less vigorous than hybrid lines
Inbred lines of self-fertilized plants are
homozygous for allele that were present in the
founding line
When 2 different inbred lines are crosses, the
hybrids are heterozygous for many genes
○ These display heterosis or hybrid vigor
Overall increases the frequency of homozygotes and decreases the frequency of heterozygotes
Hardy Weinberg Principle
○ Population must be large
○ Randomly mating
○ Unaffected by mutation, migration or natural selection
If assumptions are met
○ Prediction #1 - the allelic frequencies of a population do not change
○ Prediction #2 - phenotypic frequencies stable (will not change) after one generation in the
proportions p^2 (frequency of AA), 2pq (frequency of Aa) and q^2 (frequency of aa), where p
equals the frequency of allele A and q equals the frequency of allele a
Can use allele frequencies in genetic counseling - example: Tay Sachs disease
Sex determination and Dosage compensation
Mechanisms of sex detemrination
○ Genetic
○ Environmental
○ Genetic + environmental
In humans: the X and Y chromosomes pair
during meiosis, even though they are not
homologous (the genes located on each are
● Several different mechanisms of sex
XX-XO system
○ XX female
○ XO male
○ Grasshoppers
XX-XY system
○ XX or XO female
○ XX or XXY male
○ Mammals
Dosage compensation - way of equalizing gene expression in the face of different gene dosage
X inactivation
○ Early in development, one X chromosome is inactivated in each cell - the process is random, it
is equally likely that the maternal or paternal X chromosome will be inactivated
○ Females that are heterozygous for x-linked traits are genetic mosaics
Lyon hypothesis - the random inactivation of 1 female X chromosome
■ If a cell contains more than 2 X chromosomes, all but 1 of them are inactive
■ XO females have on Barr Bodies, XXY males have 1 barr body, XXX females have 2
barr bodies
Therefore, all females are functionally hemizygous for X-linked genes at the cellular level
■ Approx 50% cells express 1 allele, and 50% cells will express the other allele
What happens if there are genes on the X chromosome?
■ Ex - cali cats
● Orange gene is on x chromosome (O = orange / o = black)
Example of mosaics in humans for X-linked genes red green colourblindness
○ Females can be coloublind in only 1 eye