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Cosmic Evolution

Energy & Consciousness | 2014
VOL. 1
Randi Green
Energy & Consciousness
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games
vol. 1
Copyright © 2014 Randi Green
Energy & Consciousness
1. Edition
Layout: Randi Green
All rights reserved
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
From the Advisors.......................................................................... 5
The Energy Domains as a United System ....................................16
The OD and MD and their Planets or Our Quadrant .................. 17
The OD Planetary System ............................................................18
The ID and CD as a Quadrant.......................................................20
The Four Domains as Polarity Fields ............................................21
Density Levels, Dimensions and Domains ...................................25
What is a Human? .......................................................................26
The Distorted Polarity Games......................................................41
What is Energy and Consciousness?............................................49
Energy and Consciousness in Humans ........................................55
Past and Present EARTH ..............................................................60
Understanding Consciousness Genetics ......................................78
Setting the Time Travel Coordinates ...........................................87
What is Quantum Bridging? ........................................................88
How does Quantum Bridging work?............................................89
From the MD4 Mind-field to the True Human System ...............90
Letting go of the Distorted Polarity Game ................................100
Appendix ....................................................................................115
How to work the best way with my material ............................120
List of Abbreviations ..................................................................121
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
From the Advisors
In writing this book several layers of my multidimensional being are
represented, but here in the beginning of the book the Advisors have
theirs to add to the context. They are overshadowing me, using what is
called vertical integration1, and it is important to understand that such
beings, outside the polarity fields of manifest vibration and radiation,
are functioning as collective groups of consciousness and not like
individual beings as within the polarity fields. They therefore address
themselves as a “we”.
To them I am “the one who is working” when I am focused in the
present state of consciousness, and when they address me in the
consciousness of my true human template, I am “the one, who came to
work”. These are two titles I am very happy to hold since they reflect
my essence.
But before their message I would like to share my knowledge of, or
how I experience, the true human template and along with this
understanding a short overview of what I know and remember, all to
be unfolded further in this book on a more general basis.
On the true human level or 5th auric field I have only learned of the
genetics2 that stem from the Lyran-Pegasus-Seraphim lineage being
related to the Polaris collective group consciousness. I have not up till
now recognized the names of the genetics from the reptoid and
insectoid lineages as they unfold on the 5th auric level.3
In vertical integration a higher evolved being fuses its energy system with a lower
evolved entity.
Genetics is the consciousness filaments that give a being certain characteristic traits
and abilities. The genetics are per excellence the LIFE principle in its conscious forms.
As you learned in the Restoration Program Handbook we all hold five primary
lineages of consciousness (genetics) in our true human template.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
On the mammal level or the 4th auric field my genetics stem from an
Andromedan manifestation brought here4 as a walk-in to secure a sort
of outside look on the whole reality field and the energetic challenges
we face here. It was from this level I accessed the Restoration Program
when I activated the MD4 Mind-field. I have no names or descriptions
of the Andromedan lineage other than the visual story of how the
planetary mammal evolution5 in the Andromeda galaxy ended in a
highly evolved transhuman society with insiders and outsiders.
The insiders survived as artificial crystallized bodies within the
dome cities and the ones preferring the natural evolution were left to
evaporate outside the dome cities, because the planet had been
emptied of point zero energy6, being cut off the connection to all there
is and slowly turning into a fall system.
On the Reptoid level or the 3rd auric field I have no recollection of
my own reptoid genetics, but I have had a visit from one of the precontemporary human lineages, situated in what we know as Egypt.
This being introduced herself as Ra´el.7 She was one of the first settlers,
from the overturned OD4 reality field and the off-planetary hijacked
EARTH program in OD3, to take on the high leveled engineered
primate body or the first version being very tall, powerful and held full
There is no viable original mammal genetics present in this OD3 reality field or on the
OD6 Mars (the original mammal evolutionary field in this system) thus the incoming
original mammal genetics from outside this planetary system. This knowledge
becomes important when we look at the genetically manipulated hybrids.
Mammal genetics summarizes the other three types of evolution in manifest form,
thus it is highly advanced civilizations unfolding the mammal genetics and they take all
kinds of forms and appearances.
Point zero energy is the same as the first three principles (LIFE, vibration and
radiation) generating all there is. The point zero energy unfolds as gridworks of energy
and collective group networks of consciousness.
El denotes a being with high power, also translated as lord. This is how the offplanetary reptoids understand their superiority, as being the lords of us. Ra is a priestly
title stemming from the avian lineages.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
consciousness. Her genetics were a mix of our system avian (OD4
Moon) and off-planetary reptoids8 and she showed me how the prime
off-planetary beings became immortal by the infusing of the poison
from cobra snakes.
The fusion of the off-planetary reptoid genetics, the avian blood
and the high level of primate adrenalin made the venom from the
snakes generate a special substance turning the first bodies immortal.9
These beings and the knowledge hereof founded the occult teachings
of the dark priesthoods in this reality field.
However I have awareness of the reptoid genetics in my present
body. Whatever original reptoid genetics being part of this body, it was
inserted into the hijacked EARTH program around 1100 AD into a less
known noble bloodline of Adelais de Amboise. The reptoid genetics,
running in this body, was first integrated into a female known as Sybilla
of Jerusalem, the daughter of Adelais. All nobilities and high positioned
persons in this reality field stem from reptoid genetics inserted into
The information of the natural reptoid genetics from OD5 in this planetary system is
long forgotten, but roughly speaking the original benevolent reptoid genetics run in
the bloodlines of the white brotherhood and the off-planetary malevolent reptoid
genetics run in the bloodlines of the dark brotherhood. The original reptoids of this
system lives in OD5 Venus and the off-planetary reptoids have taken over OD4 Moon,
OD6 Mars and this OD3 reality field. An internal priestly Ra-avian battle on OD4 Moon
led to the invitation of the off-planetary warlord reptoids, inviting Enlil and his cohorts
(MD5 off-planetary warlord reptoid-avian races) to our system. Enlil is the half-brother
of Enki being the firstborn of the original OD5 priestly reptoid-mammal races.
The ritual of immortality was simple: The one in question was put into a deep cave
and left there with 8-10 cobras for three days undergoing a death and regeneration
process. As the level of fear arose in the engineered body, the snakes felt threatened
and started to bite the participant. As the adrenalin kicked in the body went through a
transformation initiated by the venom mixed with the avian blood and the reptoid
genetics turning the participant immortal. Unfortunately the Transformed Ones also
became highly poisonous and eventually they were sucked into the fall domains. The
Transformed Ones later came to be called the Old Ones and it is from the fall domains
(OD1) that they can be called forth in dark priestly kundalini and blood sacrificing
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
avian bloodlines.10 Breeding bloodlines and genetic abilities11 are part
of the battle amongst the brotherhoods in the distorted polarity game
on this planet.12
On the Avian level or the 2nd auric field the consciousness genetics
of this body stem from the original OD4 Moon. I have in an earlier
work13 addressed my Martian appearance as a rather tall dark-blue
male dressed in “mental clothing”14 and how he got stuck in the OD3
reality field after the takeover of the Moon by the raiding Lizzies. Some
of the original OD4 avian humans escaped by hiding in caves and those
generations are the ones housing the Restoration Program in OD4.5.
In the battle over the OD4 Moon, rescuing forces came from the
Free Worlds15 and I hold memories from such a being and how he was
captured, experimented on and finally being fragmented and re-used
in the engineered soul or orb.16
The eagle symbolizes the avian blood and the dragon symbolizes the reptoid
The avian blood, i.e. genes in the primate form that produces a specific type of
blood, is passed from generation to generation via the mtDNA and the x-chromosomes
of the mother. The primate genes to be able to hold the reptoid consciousness, i.e.
template genetics, are passed via the y-chromosome of the father. The father of
important children is often selected amongst the Controllers to ensure a pure y-strand.
On genetics in general read here.
They stem from the before mentioned reptoid brothers being pro-free-evolution
(the white or right wing brotherhoods) and anti-free-evolution (the dark or left wing
brotherhoods) of this reality field. They see themselves as the lords of this system.
I have described in the Panergeia Series how he travelled to OD6 Mars and, what I
thought at that time to be Tara – today I think it was the original OD4 Moon before the
takeover by the reptoids. In spite of the high level of glamour (distorted energies in the
OD chakras) these books hold a lot of valuable information and important exercises.
Creating clothes with their minds.
The Free Worlds are a collaboration of galactic communities working together to
restore and undo damages on lightbody structures from cosmic wars, exploding reality
fields and similar devastating events.
Also accounted for in the Panergeia Series.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
On the Insectoid level or the 1st auric field the consciousness
genetics in this body stem from an insectoid lineage (devas) outside of
this reality field. This OD3 has its own evolutionary insectoid lineage,
but the other insectoids came here as explorers after the EARTH
program had been hijacked trying to expand their own reality field,
that had become too small. The off-planetary insectoids were invited
to integrate their essence into the engineered primate bodies which
were inserted into the EARTH program later on.
These later primate bodies are the prototype from which
contemporary humans descend. The prototype primate bodies held
engineered souls as well as integrating insectoid beings17 being able to
divide their working essence and integrate it into the OD3 energy
system of the EARTH program (the EPES or the chakra system). This
was at the beginning of the Experimental Integration Projects (the
EIPs) of the hijacked EARTH program; some of which belonged to the
RWB and others to the LWB.18
The off-planetary insectoid (deva) presented herself to me as
Serapheyia and she was my first encounter with another entity being
part of me in the EPES and later on all the others arose as I cleansed
out the distorted energies of the EPES connecting me to the real
genetics in this body.
It should be noted that only the avian and reptoid levels stem from
the original genetics of this planetary system and that the true human,
mammal and insectoid levels stem from off-planetary races depicting
the typical activated energy system of the chosen bloodlines. The
indigenous insectoids are still present here albeit the benevolent ones
have left and are in hiding in the OD4.5 areas.
Called IPBs in the Restoration Program Handbook. This term both covers the
indigenous planetary beings (insectoids) and the later incoming groups.
RWB: Right Wing Brotherhoods under Enki, LWB: Left Wing Brotherhoods under
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
Only the ones under the control of the LWB and the EARTH
program as directly inserted or as divisions under the EIPs, are active
A worker-entity or worker-human19 holds the IPBs, the elementals20
but no genetics, whereas a more advanced EPES holds the engineered
soul along with the IPBs since the IPBs link the engineered soul to the
EPES (chakra system).21
Now to the message that came from the Advisors, as a result of
creating a shift in my consciousness and activate the genetics or
consciousness filaments in me from my Polarian lineage, being
connected to this body by the Andromedan walk-in22, and let them
One third of humanity is worker-humans, one third stems from various EIPs and one
third belongs to the bloodlines of the Brotherhoods on both sides of the distorted
polarity games.
Elementals are the energies the chakra system – the EPES - is composed of which is a
fusion of distorted vibration, i.e. the original OD3 energy, and electromagnetic energy,
i.e. the artificial energies of the hijacked program.
To understand the full structure of the EPEs read the Restoration Handbook. It
should be noticed that the OD3 chakra system is what keeps us connected to the
EARTH program and it is not something all lifeforms have outside our system.
She functioned as a carrier of or link to my true human template, which is the “real
me” investigating this reality field. This body had the energy, genetics and bloodlines
needed to hold the Andromedan walk-in, actually it was more an orbic integration;
there is a slight difference there, and because she held a type of Andromedan mammal
genetics that were able to fuse and activate the Restoration Program MD4 mind-field dormant behind this body – we could recreate a link from the MD4 mind-field to my
true human template. When we activated the MD4 mind-field we assisted the
Teachers of the original program wanting to pass on the teachings needed to activate
the MD4 mind-field in other similar carriers like this body. All the technology to do this
was initiated and performed from the craft holding my true essence or core
consciousness, and I have slowly but surely integrated more and more of this as the
Andromedan essence worked and transformed the lower levels in this body, with the
help from a lot of beings assisting the original planetary lifeforms positioned in the
other reality fields, cf. the great white brotherhood.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
“We have from a distance watched this planetary system and
wondered what was going on in the 3rd reality field of this dimensional
structure. We have observed and wondered why the entities of this
quadrant had such a hard time evolving when they had all the correct
settings to do so, naturally the worker-entities excluded, and we have
tried over many decades to address the problems your races face in
your level of progress and evolution.
We have discussed in various councils what needed to be done, and
we have turned all possibilities and timelines to their end to see what
the outcome would be if the inhabitants of this reality field continued
to avoid and neglect the overall cosmic evolutionary pull that has
awaited activation for eons. The outcome is the same in all scenarios
and we have therefore sent forth different types of ambassadors to
talk to the different races of this reality field.
Our goal is to restore the dimensional structure via the genetic
memories, as they unfold in each of our ambassadors, and through this
give you the needed overview of what is transpiring in your quadrant,
albeit from their point of view. Each time one of our ambassadors fully
wake up, he or she creates a link to the original energy system of this
reality field making it possible for us to re-establish the original
connection between the polarity fields and the non-polarity realities.
He or she becomes a direct energy line or mediating principle
anchoring the non-polarized level of the overall cosmic evolution to
the polarized levels as it always was meant to be and should be. In the
end, if the inhabitants of this separated reality field resist the
awakening and re-establishing of their individual core consciousness to
the non-polarity fields and the collective consciousness field of their
lineages, this exploration systems will enter the fall domains and we
will pull out the areas that have been secured through the ones having
activated their full multidimensional structure and anchored it into the
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
original OD3 energy system. We will then re-create the OD3, from
what have been retrieved by our ambassadors, as it should appear and
unfold and re-start the original mammal level of evolution. But most of
all we would like to recapture the rules of the polarity fields, so to
speak, to make all participants able to do the needed transition and
activate the original energy system of this reality field. We have come
to the conclusion that this is the best way to activate and re-integrate
the overall energy system and its participants. We find it important to
let all participants know the different aspects, in the form they can
understand it, and we will for this level use “the one, who came to
work” to hand over the information as we know it to create an
awareness that should unfold what is needed to activate the original
OD3 reality field.23
We are addressing all participants in this reality field on both sides
of the polarity games, both “good and bad” and our work is not aimed
at one side of the fence, but is handed over indifferently to both sides
simply because if the re-establishing of the energy circulation from the
original reality field to the overall cosmic evolution is not achieved, by
the active participation from the inhabitants of this field and others
alike, this system will slowly but surely dissolve as the linking OD3
reality field will be cut off from the core fields in OD2. It is up to the
readers to use the information we give as they please, as are the
information on the polarity games and the energies that take place at
this level, because in the end we have secured enough of the original
field through our ambassadors – of which there are many – to be able
to depart parts of the original field back into the overall cosmic
evolution, securing the connection to the OD2 core energies and
Please observe that they refer to the planet here and not the human energy system.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
securing the true energy flow to the rest of the planetary system.24 If
all participants choose to use what is given within the existing program
of reality to enhance their chosen path, then they can become part of
the real restoration of humanity back into the cosmic evolutions by
accessing the core consciousness. Only the participants within the
polarity fields are to make the choice of staying within the polarity
games or to leave it through the consciousness in the 5th auric field
ending the polarity games on all of their different levels.”
This book will unfold the shift from the MD mind-field to the true
human template or core consciousness. It is vol. 1 of two volumes, of
which vol. 2 looks into the auric settings of the polarity games. In both
volumes I have created a series of images to assist your understanding,
but for starters you have to understand the following:
The true human template contains 5 auric fields following the
respective energy domains holding 7 dimensions in this quadrant. The
true human template is multidimensional and has five levels of
genetics following the five lineages of consciousness (true human,
mammal, reptoid, avian and insectoid) unfolding, via the template, to
make it able to connect to the five energy domains of this overall
cosmic evolution.
The goal, via the true polarity fields – in opposition to the distorted
polarity games - is to integrate and transform the genetics which
means to explore, outlive and alter the original consciousness
filaments in the template – they all stem from the previous overall
cosmic evolution - into a higher version using the probabilities and
If the real OD3 field continues to be controlled by the hijacked EARTH program and
the timelines chosen for the present time being, it will start the process of going into
the fall domains. And if this happens, the vital link between the core energies in the
OD2 and the rest of this planetary system will be disconnected depleting all the other
planets. A planetary system is a large template or auric field, being all interconnected
to the core.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
possibilities of the polarity fields, or the point zero energy field. Cosmic
Evolution is accomplished by utilizing the three overall principles of
LIFE, radiation and vibration in different settings using different modes
of energy and consciousness filaments to ensure this. For the present
time being, the mammal evolution in this quadrant is stuck within the
overtaken and modified EARTH program that was developed during
the period of the Restoration Program in the OD3.
The Core Consciousness field (the True Human Template)
Genetics are not biological units but filaments made of the LIFE
principle as it unfolds in the forms of consciousness in connection with
the true polarity fields of vibration and radiation. Genetics express
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
abilities, i.e. the way the consciousness filaments evolve via the
polarity fields of vibration and radiation, generating specific types of
knowledge and lifeforms.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
The Energy Domains as a United System
The Domains are not as such placed as concentric circles; this is just an
easy way to represent them. In reality they are permeating each other
making it possible to access the different domains through the five
lineages of consciousness and their consciousness units.
Each domain holds a certain type of energy into which the different
types of consciousness - CD Cosmic (monad), ID Galactic (spirit), MD
Stellar (soul) and OD Planetary (body) - can unfold the five lineages in
various forms and settings.
Outer Domain – OD
Middle Domain – MD
Inner Domain – ID
Core Domain - CD
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
The OD and MD and their Planets or Our Quadrant
Outer Domains OD1-7
Stellar Sun
Black Sun
OD1-7: Dimensions 1-7
of the type of energy or
density that is present in
the Outer Domains.
MD1-7: Dimensions 1-7
of the type of energy or
density that is present in
the Middle Domains.
Middle Domains MD1-7
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
The OD Planetary System
In this planetary system
vibration is the main
principle (emanates via
the core in OD2) to
evolve in polarity with
As you might have noticed Neptune, Saturn, the Asteroid Belt (Maldak)
and Mercury are not put in as Outer Domain reality fields, due to that
simple reason that they belong to the Middle Domain reality fields.
These planets operate with the type of density or energy we call
stellar level or unfolding stellar genetics. Again originally the different
reality fields permeated each other and by focusing our consciousness,
as in activating the genetics related hereto, we could access the other
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
reality fields and enter these as “etheric” bodies, all depending on how
much of our essence we relocated there. Full access could be granted
and then we would manifest in that reality field as either a new body
or as a double.
The MD Stellar System
In this stellar system
radiation is the main
principle (emanates
from the core in MD2)
to evolve in polarity
with vibration.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
The ID and CD as a Quadrant
Galactic Sun
Inner Domains
ID 2-8
Sirius B
Core Domain CD 3-9
Sirius A
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
The Four Domains as Polarity Fields
The IDs are the
beginning and
the end of the
Polarity fields.
The polarity fields are about evolving the LIFE principle (the
five evolutionary lineages or consciousness) via vibration in
opposition to radiation www.toveje.dk
and vice versa.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
OD1 Pluto (dark vibration) and MD1 Black Sun (dark radiation) are
connected. OD1 constitutes the portal to the Fall Domains. OD1 and
MD1 are the darkened fields connected to the dark ID8.
OD2 Jupiter (progressive vibration called the Heart of the Sun in the
PNS-Heart system), MD2 Stellar Sun (progressive radiation called the
Central Sun in the CNS-Brain System) and ID2 Galactic Sun (LIFE in its
progressive aspect) work as a triangle emanating the three principles
into each of the domains on a dimensional level creating the basis for
all there is (point zero energy) connected to the energy systems taking
form there. This triangle sustains the “Monadic Cell” of the Restoration
Program energy system. The CDs do not need an energy supplier since
the domains are fully connected to the Unified Consciousness Fields
outside the polarity fields.
The original OD3, MD3, ID3 and CD3 fields work as one energy
quadrant called “Saturn”, i.e. generating portals between the domains
on this dimensional level, and the races that exist here constitute a
polarity council of predominantly insectoid benign or malevolent races
protecting or trying to take over the portals. The insectoid races are
the Keepers of all systems creating the fundamental energies needed
to unfold a planetary, stellar, galactic or cosmic scheme. The insectoid
races are intra- and interdimensional beings. This level equals the 1st
auric field.
The OD4 Moon, MD4 Mercury, ID4 Aldebaran and CD4 Solar fields
co-work as an energy quadrant, i.e. generating the portals between the
domains on this dimensional level, and the races here constitute a
polarity council of predominantly avian benevolent or malevolent
races, but also of insectoid as well as a mix of the two races, protecting
or trying to take over the portals. The insectoid-avian races are intraand interdimensional beings. This level equals the 2nd auric field.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
The OD5 Venus, MD5 Maldak (now the Asteroid Belt), ID5 Alcyone
and CD5 Tara fields co-work as an energy quadrant, i.e. creating
portals between the domains on this dimensional level, and they
constitute a polarity council of predominantly reptoid benevolent or
malevolent races, but also of avian and insectoid as well as a mix of the
three, protecting or trying to take over the portals. The insectoidavian-reptoid races are purely interdimensional beings. This level
equals the 3rd auric field.
The OD6 Mars, MD6 Neptune, ID6 Sirius B and CD6 Sirius A fields
co-work as an energy quadrant, i.e. generating portals between the
domains on this dimensional level, and they constitute a polarity
council of predominantly mammal benign or malicious races, but also
of reptoid, avian and insectoid as well as a mix of the four, protecting
or trying to take over the portals. The insectoid-avian-reptoid-mammal
races are interdimensional beings. This level equals the 4th auric field.
The OD7 Uranus, MD7 Arcturus, ID7 Böotes and CD7 Gaia co-work
as an energy quadrant, i.e. generating portals between the domains on
this dimensional level, and the races here constitute a polarity council
of all higher evolved races on the brink to true humanity, albeit still
within the polarity fields of vibration and radiation, protecting or trying
to take over the portals. These races are interdimensional beings but
are starting the process of connecting to the Generative Domains or
the abstract planes of consciousness in D10-12, meaning that they as
such hold forms, but that they at any point can dissolve them or exist
without starting the process of becoming a collective. This level equals
the 5th auric field.
The CD8 and ID8 Orion are connected and work as the lower and
higher version of the Cradle of Creation or the Galactic Core; that is
from here the polarity fields of radiation and vibration are born into
manifest forms via the possibility fields. The CD8 and ID8 generate a
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
very important portal between the core and inner domains and only
the highly evolved beings, holding the genetics related to this level, are
able to travel through the portal.25 It functions purely via consciousness
genetics. Very highly evolved beings exist in the CD8 taking care of the
point zero energy that emanates from the galactic core and how it can
be utilized in all of the domains.
The CD9 is the portal to the Unified Consciousness Fields or the
non-polarity fields of dimensions 10-12. The access to CD9 is opened
when the true human level is reached or the 5th auric field is fully
developed no matter where you are in the overall Cosmic Evolution cf.
all of the domains, since the portal runs on consciousness genetics.
The lifeforms in the CDs reproduce via vertical integration etc. the
different consciousness units combining the five original evolutionary
lineages (true human, mammal, reptoid, avian and insectoid) from the
Unified Consciousness Fields and their beings, i.e. the Generative
Domains (the GDs of dimension 10-12) as well as the templates for the
other domains and energy systems each galactic, stellar or planetary
type of genetics use as their energy vehicle in any domain.
(Fall Domains – the FDs)
5) Outer Domains – the ODs
4) Middle Domains – the MDs
3) Inner Domains – the IDs
2) Core Domains – the CDs
1) Generative/Creational Domains
– the GDs
Only the five domains are part of the
original scheme
Portals can run on either consciousness genetics as a marker of recognition, letting
the holder of the encoded genetic traits through, or function on energy as in the lower
domains. The mechanics here are called Quantum Bridging.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
Density Levels, Dimensions and Domains
To complete the illustrations and the understanding of how reality is
built, I will create one last overview. This will show the correlation
between the density levels, dimensions and across the domains:
OD0 as the polarity field to CD9 - here all energy dissolves
OD1 and MD1 – dark vibration and radiation
Density 1
The Fall
OD2, MD2 and ID2 – light vibration, radiation and LIFE
OD3, MD3, ID3 and CD3 – insectoid races and 1 auric field
as a
type of
OD4, MD4, ID4 and CD4 – avian races and 2 auric field
Density 2
OD5, MD5, ID5 and CD5 – reptoid races and 3 auric field
OD6, MD6, ID6 and CD6 – mammal races and 4 auric field
OD7, MD7, ID7 and CD7 – true human races and 5 auric field
Density 3
CD8 and ID8 – galactic core and cradle of creation
CD9 – the connecting field to the generative domains.
CD9 is the 1 level to take on energy as a type of matter
Abstract collective fields of consciousness
constituting the consciousness of the original
five lineages
Vibration and Radiation principles
Density 4
Density 5
Energy in its
purest form
LIFE principle/Consciousness in its pure form
GD 15 unfolds as GD10-12, i.e. the LIFE principle as the purest form of consciousness unfolds into the
collective consciousness fields of the five lineages in density 4. GD13-14 unfold as density 1-3 creating the
energies needed for the polarity fields in all domains of which the collective consciousness networks of
density 4 can take on all wanted forms to evolve the consciousness fields into their highest potentials.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
What is a Human?
I needed to know about the human being, as we understand it, and I
needed to know about it from a whole new level of information. I had
to understand it in terms of the new level of consciousness we, as a
human species are about to grow into, because I sort of had become
tired of all the old nonsense and the old ideologies that sort of had
outgrown themselves. So I asked for this to one of my inner helpers.
“Hmm you ask a lot,” was the first answer that came to me. “You
ask of the next level of information and want to put it into the system
of thought before humanity is even getting close to understanding the
new waves of consciousness that sort of overflow your system as we
speak.” Apparently I had one of the Teachers through but was he
talking from the old schools or the new?
“I am of both. I am still the same and yet I have changed. We are a
few which have stayed behind as the others elevated and followed the
pull to purer levels of consciousness, leaving behind the old type of
matter and starting the process of growing into the new type.”
“The new type? As on the evolutionary path back to the core
domains, connected to our outer domains?” I wanted to know because
I found the answer peculiar. “No, another evolutionary path has been
constructed and it follows the new incoming waves of consciousness
from the third waves of stellar consciousness,” was his reply.
He sort of indicated that the third wave would bring another type of
matter to the outer domains, which also affected to adjacent return
path. “You are correct. This is also why the question of the essence is
too tricky and not so easy to answer, although the old thinkers never
really got the point about the soul either,” he muttered to me, as to
make me overlook what he omitted.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
“You are leaving out the part of the hijacked program here, as in
the thinkers could or should have been able to convey the idea of the
soul to humanity, as if the engineered soul is not in question here nor
the MD genetics that constitute the foundation of the stellar energy
system, i.e. the soul,” I was adamant and not really interested in
changing understandings now, having got a system to work with and
understanding things via these lenses. A sort of binoculars that led to
the same conclusions all the time: The bereavement of humanity and
the challenges we, as a race of mixed genetics were to face as the third
wave integrated new energy and consciousness into the outer domains
changing everything.
“Try to look upon the facts in a new way. What you have surfaced is
only one layer of the truth, being multidimensional in nature, and not
the whole truth. It is like trying to fit into a dress that is too small when
the truth extends wide below and above that one single idea. And we
work with ideas all the time. The Multiverse is constructed out of ideas
of which some are manifested and others simply stay as thought forms
in the higher or subtle levels of energy. This does not make them less
real or manifest, but they do not appear as manifestation in the denser
levels of energy.” He continued.
“The hijacked program and the engineered souls fit one level of the
reality field you have termed outer domains, but the outer domains
are also the middle domains and vice versa if you look at the
evolutionary paths you have illustrated. Behind every constructed
primate body, with its engineered soul and the three gridworks full of
diverse forms of energy beings, there is a higher level you call the
middle domains, or the soul level. This level is understood today as the
stellar level of the Multiverse, what in the old days was conceived as
the astral or celestial level. Not the astral plane as it stands in common
understanding today, linked to the elemental body with its minor
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
elementals creating the psyche and the subconscious, but the original
plane of high frequency matter, shining like bright stars, i.e. stellar
consciousness. In the old days this level, were seen by the stoics as a
plane of higher knowledge and wisdom, as you have learned recently.
Thus the fifth kingdom, the celestial or angelic realm, is the realm of
the soul and if the fifth kingdom or realm is to be equated with the
angelic lifeforms, then what is the fifth kingdom then composed of and
where is it in your schematics over creation, i.e. the progressive path?
In the middle domains or the inner domains? And if you follow the
path does it then means that you descend from the higher levels in the
core domains to the outer domains or, seen from a multidimensional
point of view, are they all expressing the same idea seen from one or
another angel? Can we divide the outer from the core, if the core
domains are the foundation, lying beneath and permeating all there is?
And to what extent does the core permeate the outer domains?”
He asked some very fine questions here. Let me try to illustrate how
a human being then would look taking his saying into account:
The planetary body or our primate body = outer domain
The stellar body or soul = middle domain
The galactic body or spirit = inner domain
The true human = core domain
But if all of the levels are expressing the same idea in different forms
with different levels of frequencies or types of energy, then every
human would hold all four levels latent in the outer domain body as a
prerogative. To what extent is then the body or the soul generated
according to this understanding and why? That is in terms of another
teaching system or angle to understand this by.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
“Try to ask instead: How many of the four levels in a contemporary
human are natural? Is any of them natural at all or are all four levels a
construction and for what purpose?” He wanted me to think and not in
my usual way of thinking.
“Ok. I have been around, the last 5 years or so, the construction of
the path as being an artificial one to restore the fragments of the many
collapsing worlds in other quadrants of the overall creation, as in other
galaxies, i.e. the Restoration Program. I have worked with the Tara
narrative where humanity started as an experiment as a sort of new
human race holding a 12 dimensional blend of genetics. I have also
understood Earth and our solar system as a remnant of the exploding
star Tara of which we now only have Alcyone. I have also worked with
the natural understanding of our solar system to have existed before
the Tara event, if this story is to be trusted and not is a false
construction as is the many teaching systems and all of the other levels
of information we get “down here”, and I am sick and tired of these
half truths, archetypical narratives to either delude us or educate us
according to level of consciousness. Stop beating around the bush and
give me some straight answers. If I cannot hold them, then enlighten
me as in either horizontal or vertical integration of consciousness, I
know you are able to do.” I kind of got tired of all the mind-games.
“Perhaps you should include the Tara questions here to see the
difference in light of the idea of the EARTH program26 and the Taran
experiment27 to see if there are similarities?” was his next suggestion.
So here they are; the Tara questions which I asked a long time ago.
For readers new to my work, read the Restoration Program Handbook.
Here it would be natural to put in the title of the books I am talking about and the
author but since this is really not directly linked to the books, nor a direct quote but
more my reflections on the information in them, I will not put the energy of these
books into this work. I do not copy the work I simply ask questions relating to the
information given in the books.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
Question: Was such a thing as a master race created on Tara?
Answer: A master race is as such an aberration, i.e. not the correct
term. Through infusions of the LIFE principle, via the light filaments, we
attempted to create a new vibrational structure (ID5 type) to be able
to hold more living light (radiation) and thus more core energy (LIFE). It
was never intended to become a sort of guardian race of ID5 Tara or a
master race. Simply another step towards the upgoing pull we all strive
We did combine our light filaments and we tried to circumvent the
natural laws of creation. Pure energy (LIFE) evolves in steps according
to the Laws of Creation, so the insertion of more consciousness made
the template break down. Living light can only be inbuilt over time and
in small portions; not by force, by combining races or by similar
unnatural measures.
The intention was well meant from the higher races of living light28,
albeit some preferred to pursue the Laws of Creation while others
thought it to be a benevolent idea to assist those further down the
steps of our evolution.
Given the fact that the project failed, the pro-project groups of ID6
Sirius have been “trapped” by their deeds and are now “releasing
karma” so to speak by staying involved in the aftermath of the Taran
experiment. The term we gave you, the created worlds, was to signify
the difference of the original worlds of LIFE, vibration and radiation as
a contrast to your present time and space “capsule” of created EMF
energies, residuals and highly manipulated reality fields.
The mechanisms we learned from the experiment have been
proven useful in other matters of science and as a result we all have
This could indicate that there are races only evolving their consciousness through
the principle of radiation, i.e. only via one of the three overall principles of LIFE,
vibration and radiation.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
been able to upstep the evolutionary process in the overall systemic
cosmic creation.
Question: What is a seed race?
Answer: A seed race, in this case the Lyrans, is a specific term
relating to a race or a group of entities willingly joining into a specific
reality field where they investigate and explore certain possibilities of
that reality field. A seed race does as a rule not belong to that specific
reality field but is “seeded” there, i.e. originate from other reality
A seed race also imply the making of a reality field by combining
forces of other reality fields and into this combined and “created”
reality field. The partakers of the project “step down” and become
“incarnate” as in taking on form according to the energetic set up of
that reality field. This is how your races came about in the outer
domains. You are seeded via a combined effort of higher races.29
Question: Working through a lifeform in a lower density?
Answer: It simply means connecting to a consciousness level telepathically advising, giving directions and serve as supervisors – just like
we are doing now. Or by directly taking on a body within the race to
become fully integrated into that reality field, albeit still having our
essence and “form” positioned on our own level of existence.
Sometimes higher lifeforms step down to enjoy the perimeters of form
In this understanding a human holds the consciousness and energy from OD4, MD4
and ID4 etc of the mammal races creating the body (outer domain energy system), the
soul (middle domain consciousness) and the spirit (inner domain consciousness)
connected to the energy systems of these domains and the 4 dimension as it unfolds
on these energetic levels. This actually means that the human OD4 body with its mind
is linked to the MD4 and ID4 versions in both energy and consciousness holding three
bodies and three types of consciousness. A human is all of these three levels are
interconnected only separated via spatial-temporal barriers of energy.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
and matter or attempting to invoke a new energetic combination
within an already existing race.
Question: Vertical and horizontal integration?
Answer: Conjunctions of light fields with a reality field can create a
new form into which the “makers” project their consciousness.
Contrary to the seed races and the working through another being,
appropriately called vertical integration, the “creation” of a new form
on the same plane of existence is called horizontal integration. A bit
similar to your procreation except that we do not have sex but simply
expand our core consciousness into a combined field of living light,
from which a new light field emerge; the third light field or “the child”
is the result. It always demands a triangle of energy – the first three
principles – in this overall system to create horizontal forms.
A vertical race holds a higher LIFE principle within (a combination of
two or more density filaments).
A horizontal race can hold a higher LIFE principle but mostly they
function within their own perimeter, reality fields and downwards.
Some of the highest pure energy beings are sole horizontal beings.
Question: The Sirian contribution of genetic identity in the experiment?
Answer: What is genetic identity? Genetic identity is an aberration:
It denotes a very difficult procedure to translate into your present
understanding of reality and what a lifeform really is. Genetic identity
holds the idea of similarity in genetics or filaments. It is neither vertical
nor horizontal integration, but a sort of extraction of genetics making
the contributor and the receiver able to unfold the same type of
consciousness. If I extracted some of my filaments (done by expanding
my energy field into yours and when being in full energetic flux, similar
to interference patterns) we would merge and exchange genetic
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
coding. I would transfer some of my genetics by dividing my core
consciousness and template energy and transfer the divided units to
you. This can be done unwillingly as well and perhaps the word
extraction is more appropriate here. Willingly given core consciousness
and template energy equals transfer. Unwillingly equals extraction of
core consciousness and template energy.
Thus the Sirian race transferred some of their core consciousness
and template energy to the races in the Taran experiment, making
them brothers and sisters in terms of similarities of consciousness and
template structure.
The races under the experiment therefore were created by:
1) Vertical integration (overshadowing)
2) Horizontal integration (sharing consciousness)
3) Genetic identity to the Sirian races, although only the ones that
contributed. All the races in the Taran experiment are thus under the
protectorate of the Sirian Councils of CD6, ID6 and MD6.30
The original Taran races were combining three very complex types
of consciousness sciences:
1) Pure energy influx from higher density sources
2) Genetic merging from similar density sources
3) Light filaments transfer from other races within the reality fields
of density 2.
This makes the Taran a special race compared to the usual structure
only holding one or two access point to densities. The Taran race
consequently became the “master race”, i.e. the race holding access to
all the density fields of this evolutionary scheme and not just one or
two. The descendants thus hold the imprints of the whole evolutionary
MD6 Neptune is the one council accessing our quadrant.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
scheme, albeit the first race started to unfold the infection31 due to
clash in vibrational sequences.
Question: I stated in the Panergeia Series that the infection started
within the created worlds, i.e. inside this evolutionary scheme in the
core crystals and not in lifeforms?
Answer: It sort of did or should I say the seed or root of the
infection did. But this version was related to the “matter” itself – not
living lifeforms. The infection in lifeforms came about with the
experiment. The infection of matter spread via the living crystal grid,
which was and is extended throughout all densities.
A living crystal grid – the gridworks and networks behind all of
creation – is a special type of matter being able to hold energy and
consciousness in a non-lifeform as you would understand it. Living
crystals are a lifeform, because they hold the triadic structure of the
first three principles within and are an extension of the first core
beings that arose from the first three principles. The crystal network
does not process mind or movement; they just “are” and they only
process the triadic structure in its most basic form to sustain all lifeforms in the evolutionary schemes.
Question: Why 7-12 sub-racial divisions?
Answer: Each of the races had a sub-dimensional blend or
preference; that is being able to connect to certain parts of the density
2 dimensionality. Each evolutionary scheme holds 7-12 subfields into
which each light filament can intersect or attach to make the lifeform
available to information, perception and entering into this subfield
either as a projected orb or as full integration. Each race had their
The infection is a sort of dark consciousness that turns radiation into dark radiation,
and vibration into dark vibration.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
primary field to administer and evolve, but also access to the other
The digression happened over time. Some of the vibrational
patterns in the filaments were incompatible and thus started to work
against each other. The 12 races slowly became divided as in not being
able to connect to anything other than their own field. This genetic
mutation made it possible for later intruders to enhance it and thus
create the dimensional separation you suffer from today. It only took a
little activation cycle and then the mutation was activated.
Question: Why did the Taran experiment divide into two sub-races?
Answer: This is a more difficult question to answer. The 7-12 light
strands or consciousness filaments had digressed; that is had lost their
higher vibrational coding32 and were now only working on a horizontal
level, i.e. on the same level as the primary dimensional field. Some of
the 12 races vanished or died out due to lack in energy in the template
blueprint. As the filaments or strands faded out, the triadic structure
started to become unstable and they simply seized to exist. Only two
sub-races and their dimensional structure seemed to become stable
and they continued to live or be. As the 7-12 package of strands33
settled into the two main groups different effects arose in the settling
of the filaments and their counterparts in vibration and radiation.
A lot of attempts were made to secure the unstable vibrational
pattern of the Taran races both horizontally and vertically but the
adding of both transferred and combined filaments only made things
worse. The only thing left was to let nature run its course and let the
new type of template settle as it could on a vibratory level. This ended
Tara is situated in CD5, i.e. a vibrational polarity field.
Remember that the strands, light filaments or consciousness units – all words for the
same thing - are expressions of the LIFE principle within the overall evolutionary
scheme of polarity fields of vibration and radiation.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
in the two main types of Taran blueprints: As the Adami and the Beli;
the latter being more prone to service to self behavior. The Taran
reptoid races of today are all descendants from those two templates,
i.e. the result of the Taran experiment, and they have merged with
other races from these genetic blueprints.34
All later merges between those archetypical races create a sort of
unified field of different sorts of consciousness into where the original
dimensionality, perception and access becomes available, but not as
“singular” entrance.
This means that an activated strand of the Taran light body can
enter the matching dimension to the strand activated, as a projected
consciousness field of that strand albeit in an enhanced version. The
projected consciousness field, i.e. the working essence is similar to the
light body but it only holds a part of the whole structure, i.e. the part
that contains the dimension in question, although holographic in
An original light body of a core domain being, i.e. the pure core
consciousness of the original Taran template was able to change
between dimensions and domains etc. as a full crossing whereas the
projected consciousness field from the digressed Taran template only
enters as a projection, holding the consciousness of that strand as well
as reflecting the holder, albeit the Taran light body stays behind in the
original dimension. This is what is called division of working essence
The original reptoid Taran races scarcely exist anymore since, as you know from the
Taran history books, CD5 Tara exploded due to internal wars between the groups of
new Taran reptoids. Only ID5 Alcyone is what is left from these battles, since CD5 Tara
exploded and is now a hollow shell (even though I have stated otherwise in earlier
material). The original Taran reptoids as a pure race, before the experiment, only exists
within the collective group consciousness fields outside this creation. The survivors of
the Taran implosion have merged with other reptoid races in other quadrants.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
and denotes the ability to enter and become part of other worlds
without losing the connection to the reality field one is manifested in.
The later descendants of the digressed Taran template from the
experiment have even lesser abilities: They have conscious access to
the new dimension, but not as visible light bodies and only being an
observer in small amounts of projected consciousness (the orbs you
see around you are an example of this). The projected consciousness
field is present but cannot interact and communicate as the original
strands of the original structure were able to. The later even more
distorted strands can only enter and observe.
The goal of the Taran experiment was to be able to enter both the
higher and lower dimensions as visible light bodies. That ability was
lost as the experiment broke down. Now this is only possible in nondigressed dimensions or higher evolutions, or if a lower density
lifeform is being overshadowed by a higher entity giving access to the
planes of existence above the present step of evolution.
Thus the original Taran experiment template was able to access all
dimensions as a light body whereas the later merged fields can only
enter as projected consciousness, or as small orbs communicating
What we need to learn here is:
1) The Tarans were reptoids and tried to create a new race with the
help from other core domain beings, i.e. Sirius B (Sirius A was a
part of it too, but stood as the ones thinking it was a bad idea).
2) The experiment failed and the reptoid Taran template fell apart,
digressed and started to generate the infection in lifeforms, i.e.
creating infectious true human templates.
3) The Taran experiment ended with two types of templates, i.e.
the Adami and the Beli, also known from Sumerian mythology as
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
Enki and Enlil as the two half-brothers that came to Earth. Enlil
became the ruler over the underworld and Enki ruled over the
Heavens. This is another way to say that one ruled over the
darkness as in the darkened brotherhoods incl. the FDs in OD1,
and one ruled over the light as in the white brotherhoods from
OD5 Venus.
4) The CD, ID and MD reptoids came into the ODs in several steps;
a. As CD fragments as a part of the Restoration Program
when Tara exploded, bringing the infection to our system.
b. The survivors of CD5 were relocated to ID5 Alcyone,
planting the infection there. Some of the reptoids of ID5
Alcyone are co-working with the draco-reptilians; others
are trying to rebuild Alcyone as a pure genetic reptoid
c. Others became a part of the MD5 Maldak reptoid worlds,
bringing the infection with them. This system also ended
in a catastrophe exploding the planet into bits as the
infection got the best of the reptoids in MD5 Maldak.
d. The survivors from MD5 Maldak were invited to the OD5
Venus, since this is the reptoid evolution scheme in the
ODs, but the reptoids were faced with an ultimatum to
become part of OD5 Venus: To be restored into their
before the experiment Taran template via the Restoration
Program; inserted as integrated consciousness becoming a
part of another almost recovered template (the monadic
reversal program) or to undergo transformation into the
next step by merging with mammal genetics, making the
steep reptoid gene “soft and compassionate”. This divided
the incoming groups in two:
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
- One group with their leader; Enki, accepted and joined
the white high priest races on OD5 Venus along with the
other benevolent reptoid races on OD5 Venus, albeit their
concerns are of a whole other nature than experimenting
on genetics; they are working with the next level in their
evolution to be able to hold mammal genetics activating
the 4th auric field to develop the higher consciousness that
opens up to inclusivity, kindness, service to others, higher
understanding such as compassion etc. Enki and his group
have merged their templates with mammal genetics and
are working on this level under the OD5 leader Sanat
Kumara, as he is called. Given that the OD6 mammal
evolution is being controlled by the OD4 Moon, digressing
it, the OD5 reptoid Venusians are co-working with MD6
mammal Neptune and CD6 mammal Sirius A (ID6 mammal
Sirius B now co-works with the digressive races).
- The other group and their leader; Enlil, rejected the
offer and joined the internal battle on OD4 Moon amongst
the Ra-avian priesthoods of which some had become
infected, having created the dark priesthoods, where Enlil
merged with an avian female, producing Jahve (Yahweh).
Enlil merged his own template with OD4 avian genetics, so
did the others following him, down stepping their
evolution, and became the ruling and warring dracoreptilian races in the ODs. Today Enlil´s name is another
and he is the head of the Controllers (mostly Lizzies)
functioning within the EARTH program, securing the avianreptilian genetics in all bloodlines inserted into the EARTH
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
5) As the internal battle on OD4 Moon ended it became clear that
the malevolent races had won and the Restoration Program was
hijacked and altered into what became the EARTH program.
6) The goal of taking over the Restoration Program was to revive
the Taran experiment and recreate the 12 stranded true human
template to be able to access all dimensions and densities.
Therefore the similarities are in the goals of the two programs and the
fact that they still are being conducted by the reptoids (some parts of
ID5 Alcyone) and the Sirians (Sirius B) along with other digressive races,
i.e. prone to service to self that is being infected by the dark
Whatever have been performed of atrocities on the EARTH program
energy systems (the EPES) or what we understand to be humans, have
all been with the goal to restore and recreate this reptoid Taran
template of the heydays of the experiment to circumvent the digression
and to regain access to all dimensions travelling by consciousness and
will. The problem is that this will never be possible as long as the
template is digressed or infected. Thus the many experiments on the
EPES to see if the infection in the template can be circumvented and
the abilities restored with the goal to take over the non-infected
Naturally the merging with other races, the experiments on the
reptoid genetics and the digression have arisen all sorts of anomalies in
the Taran-Maldakian avian-reptoid template, as well as the integration
into the EPES by the use of the avian blood etc. creating a whole new
type of consciousness we term as “evil”. Enlil is the large reptoid with
wings, ruling over the darkness and the left wing brotherhoods within
the EARTH program, making him “the devil”.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
The Distorted Polarity Games
As mentioned earlier, the true polarity fields are not about good and
evil, but about playing energy, i.e. vibration and radiation up against
each other to develop and evolve the LIFE principle, i.e. consciousness
expressed as the will to evolve, to exist and to learn unfolding this via
the radiation principle also known as wisdom or true knowledge, and
as compassion also known as unconditional love or true service to
others. This is the true polarity game of the overall cosmic creation and
it holds no darkness inside of it.
Therefore the OD1 Pluto and the MD1 Black Sun was not originally
part of the domains. Unfortunately for us, some beings on CD8 –
although they actually meant well – was experimenting with the core
crystals.35 The creation of the infection was not intended, but since it
existed as a possibility within the core crystals as an inbuilt part of their
structure from the previous system, it was ignited and sprang to life
with the experiment.
The core crystals of any domain with its reality fields - we have to
understand that one domain is an interconnected system of planetary,
stellar, galactic or cosmic reality fields although they appear separated
to us because we are only able to perceive things like that in our
present downgraded state – are placed within the core of a reality field
connecting the seven of them into one whole system, i.e. a domain.
They are a type of living beings upholding the information of a domain
I have mentioned the core crystals before in the Panergeia Project. Even though the
books are some of my early works and thus hold distortions of the OD3 chakra
perception field (less evolved EM energy to remote view and interpret information
from my consciousness genetics) they hold much relevant information for the beginner
of the awakening process. The books can be read for free on my website.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
along with the collective consciousness field of the Ancient Ones.36
When a template of a domain is generated, to be able to unfold seven
types of vibration and radiation, the core crystals holding the first level
of consciousness and energy unfold the networks and the gridworks of
the overall cosmic evolutionary scheme. The core crystals are the
interconnecting entities between all domains and their reality fields
since the gridworks and the networks arising from the core crystals
form a large web of energy and consciousness.
This is the understanding of “we are all interconnected and family”
because we are connected through the core consciousness level in all
of us, via the true human template, as well as the direct connection to
the core crystals of the domain we choose to embed ourselves into,
sustaining our true human template and the energetic expression we
hold in that domain, i.e. a body.
As the core crystals in CD8 jumpstarted the infection generating
digression in the core crystals, it spread like fire to ID8 where it rooted
and polluted the entire field37 which is why the ID8 Orion became the
cradle of darkness and thus holds the 8th sphere or the anti-galactic
core where the Archons thrive. The CD8 contained the infection later
on, securing this area, and the galactic core, being the source of the
network of light, was restored but the ID8 became the anti-galactic
core of darkness. The birth of the systemic darkness had been born.
The division of the CD8 as the true galactic core and the ID8 as the
infected one was not part of the plan for this overall cosmic creation.
Lesser and higher evolved races trying to unfold the true polarity game
to learn and evolve the LIFE principle or consciousness, have always
been a part of the all there is, but never true darkness and evil as the
Archons express it. The Archons are thus the antagonists to the
To fully understand this read the Handbook.
Strongly enhanced by some ID8 humans being attracted to the darkness.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
Ancient Ones and they generate the root or possibility of the overall
network of darkness linked to the core crystals in the ID8. Since the ID8
is the first level to unfold the whole domain is battling the darkness
contrary to the core domains where the main reality field arises as
light. The Archons hold less form and are pure darkened possibility,
just like the CD8 is pure possibilities of light unfolding the possibility
fields within the creation. The Archons have been detached from the
true galactic core that unfolds the networks of light in full co-existence
with the Ancient Ones and the abstract collective consciousness fields
of the generative domains (the GDs).
The highest Archon, we know of in our system, is Anu. Anu is the
one most humans see as the highest God with capital letter, i.e. the
one above Jahve (which is one of his sons) and all there is.38 People
have no problems in dismissing Jahve the Old Testament god as being
a god with a lower g, and the other off-planetary races having visited
us through the ages proclaiming their godhood to us, as being smaller
gods and yet these humans cling to the idea of a larger or overall God
that has created them and all there is. This being, they look up to and
trust to be the overall God, is Anu.
Well, Anu is an Archon and that is a true dark being having unfolded
the darkened possibilities to completion.39 Since Anu is less a being and
more a source, the Anu-network is the source or origin of the overlords
and warlords of the darkened domains in all reality fields, having
raided and taken worlds under their control by the use of their lizard
soldiers. The overlords (“archangels”) constitute a council expressing
To understand the YHWH principle read the appendix. Jahve and YHWH are two
different things, one being a reptilian-draconian warrior from Orion and the other
being a sort of energetic seal we have to face to enter the MD mind-field.
How a being is able to exist as pure dark possibility is beyond our comprehension.
Anu is as such an abstraction or a principle more than a being, which is why I call this
being for the Anu-network.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
the possibilities of the Anu-network and they travel to the domains,
when needed to secure the dominion of the dark worlds. Minor
overlords are posted permanently in the other domains as the direct
connection between the overlord council and the lesser councils, such
as the Enki-draco-reptilians and the Ra-avians on the OD4 Moon being
the digressive races from the time of “Atlantis”40 having taken over the
OD4, OD6 and OD3.
The warlords are pure breed reptoids of the first races turning dark
as well as other types of first dark lifeforms from the infected reality
fields of the inner and middle domains. The warlords are in control of
the warrior reptilians, the soldier Lizzies, the malevolent green-red
lizard scientists41 and the android Greys, albeit the android greys are
part of the insectoid races being engineered from part human, part
insectoid genomes. The Greys are mostly controlled by the mantis. Our
OD and MD quadrant is unfolding the darkness to such an extent that
is rare in the other quadrants, hence the sealing off and the quarantine
of the quadrant for eons. As the ODs got reconnected to the galactic
core and the network of light in 2012 this changed and the quarantine
was lifted.
As I have written before the warlords are going home since their
portals are moving to far away due to the changes in our ODs. Many
reptoid races originally belonging to the MDs are staying in our
quadrant since their families are not the warrior caste. The reptoids
are a part of the overall five lineages and are not all gone dark.
Atlantis is the last known period when all of the reality fields functioned as one. The
Ra-avian races were predominantly in control over the OD4 Moon and the ones that
initiated the battle on the OD4 Moon. The Ra-avians in charge now are called the dark
priests and they preside over the left wing brotherhoods, i.e. dark magic wing.
Cf. the ones fragmenting the non-digressive Ra-avian races that were assisting the
network of light during their evolutionary period as written in the Panergeia Series.
Many stayed behind in the takeover of the EARTH program and the fall of Atlantis, and
were captured and split into pieces to become part of the engineered souls.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
I have co-worked with friendly the smaller lizard looking species,
called Lizzies, but I have also memories of the brown-purple soldier
Lizzies raiding one of the planets I took manifestation in. So it all
depends on their coloration. The red-green Lizzies can be benevolent
or malevolent scientists (being co-creators of the engineered souls
used here), so they are not all soldiers.
In our system a special inbreeding of snake and Lizzie genetics is the
main supplier to the ones we refer to as the Luciferian human. Quite a
lot of the Controllers and men/women in power positions are within
the hijacked program are from these lineages.
The Ra-avians or the Thothians from Egypt are the priestly branch
of the darkened brotherhoods, which make the Thothians the most
pristine faction of the Illuminati on Earth. They hold all the old magic
from Egypt and are the main Controllers over the left wing
brotherhoods (the LWB) in cohort with the negative reptoid races
under Enlil. Enlil did not take on the mammal form, but interbreed with
the Avian lineages and have remained in his pure reptoid form, in
contrast to his brother Enki that merged with the mammal body type
to continue his natural evolution. Enki is thus the main leader of the
right wing brotherhoods (RWB) working to help humanity back on
track, whereas his brother works against it.
The plan of Enlil and his brothers was to link OD3 Earth and OD4
Moon to the reptoid planetary schemes to expand landmasses, so to
speak, and to prevent their own evolution to enter the next stage of
mammal evolution. They detest the mammal evolution because of its
emotionality and weakness. The three races before the mammal and
true humans function as hive minds and are hierarchal in structure
concentrated on survival of the fittest, separation and control whereas
the mammal and human evolution functions on free will, kindness,
caretaking and inclusion.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
Enki is the benevolent force in all of this, operating from Mercury or
MD4, being the leader of the Planetary Hierarchy in OD3, co-working
with Sanat Kumara via Venus. Enki is a reptoid but he merged into the
lineages of the Pegasai (not the winged ones) being the main mammal
lineage he breeded into. He co-works with the different Free World
agencies and communities to restore the original plan for this
quadrant. Different benevolent star races work together with Enki and
the RWB, albeit this collaboration also holds branches that do not fully
work as they should.
All in all the OD3 reality field is in
a battle between two brothers and
their OD4 and OD6 as well as offplanetary allies, of which one of the
brothers have done all that was in his
power to delay the natural evolution
from insectoid, to avian, to reptoid,
to mammal and into true human
whereas the other has embraced the
changes and are battling the dragon,
so to speak. And the EARTH program
energy system (the EPES) is the battle
zone in the midst of this because the
ones controlling the overall sum of
EPES control the OD3, the OD4 and
the OD6.42
The battle all comes down to who
To learn more of the distorted polarity game, read vol. 2 of this book Understanding
the EPES and the Auric Settings of the OD3 Polarity Game.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
is controlling the heart area; the RWB under Enki and the OD5 Venus
white priesthoods or the LWB under Enlil and OD4 Moon Ra-avian dark
Therefore the ones controlling the total sum of EPES control the
OD3, the OD4 and the OD6. The OD5 and OD7 are controlled by the
network of light, whereas the OD3, OD4 and OD6 are controlled by the
dark network. In our quadrant the polarity game has become distorted
and it is not about evolving vibration and radiation as the two
principles of LIFE and consciousness, but about who is controlling this
domain. We have been under the influence of the Anu-network and
their forces because of the OD1 Pluto being connected to the ID8 dark
galactic core. OD1 Pluto is thus the barrier holding the benevolent
energies from the rest of this Multiverse out or away from us. The
MD1 Black Sun is the core energizer of this dark triangle, just like the
MD2 Stellar Sun is the core energizer of the triangle of light from the
CD8, MD2 and OD2.
To method to turn the dark control over this quadrant around is to
awaken the galactic core, the internal network of light, in the EARTH
program energy systems (the EPES) or “humans”. The area to do this is
the real heart area, i.e. the CD8 thymus generating the transformed
EARTH program energy system (the TEPES). If all EPES are turned into
TEPES then the battle is over and the OD3 reality field turns back into
the overall cosmic evolutionary scheme, reconnecting correctly to the
OD2 or the core of our planetary system, i.e. the sun.
When the OD2 or the sun is correctly reactivated, our reality field
will reconnect to the rest of this overall cosmic evolutionary scheme,
and the ID8 dark galactic core will lose one part of this quadrant. The
other part is the MD1, energizing the dark triangle, but if the ODs
return to the true polarity game and the networks of light, then the
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
level of light in this scheme will be so immense that the infection starts
to heal and repair itself.
It should thus be made clear, that we are not to get stuck in the
distorted polarity game and the MD mind-field, taking part in the
battle forever, but are to move beyond the Enki-Enlil factions and the
brotherhoods no matter whether they are LWB or RWB. As long as we
are working on the MD mind-field level, it is obligatory to take part in
the game of the brotherhoods43 because our template is evolving this
level within a system being controlled by a distorted polarity game.
But when the distorted polarity game becomes clear to us and we
understand its dynamics, what to learn from it, how to transform the
energies in the EPES and alter it into the TEPES, and how to stand tall
in our the MD mind-field of the Restoration Program or our true
human template consciousness, then we can let go of the battle.
After this we can enter, via the TEPES, the realms of the networks
of light reconnecting energetically to the levels above the distorted
polarity game and into the principles of true evolution.
Entering this level starts with releasing the seal of the Solar Cross, see appendix for
further information.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
What is Energy and Consciousness?
…whereas energy works by the means of gridworks and are based upon
mathematical principles, consciousness unfolds through networks of
possibilities and probabilities. Where the possibilities meet the nodal
points of energy the probabilities are determined and consciousness is
made manifest. Together energy and consciousness form the quantum
reality fields. They are the foundation of this cosmic creation with its
infinite numbers of galaxies and lifeforms.44
The Progressive Path from the CDs to the ODs
The inner rings are energy and
consciousness meeting as probabilities or manifestation
From cosmic
to planetary
Outer ring is the total sum of all there is or this overall cosmic creation
This creation does not mean that it has been created but signifies that
it arose out of the highest levels of energy and consciousness the
previous cosmic creation could congregate. Each creation has its own
As it was formulated in the Restoration Program Handbook.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
evolutionary cycles, following the numbers of manifested reality fields,
their dimensions and levels of energy and consciousness in their pure
and manifest forms, of which all are based upon the Laws of Creation.
The Laws of Creation are what we misinterpret to be the Source or the
grand intention of all there is.
The cosmic cycles unfolding the Laws of Creation are infinite,
autonomous and continue to unfold and withdraw into higher and
higher levels of consciousness and transformed energy, making more
and more advanced lifeforms and reality fields possible.
Or the opposite if the total sum of lifeforms and galaxies regress
and go back in terms of the evolution of consciousness and energy. The
overall cosmic creation45 is set on hold, or derailed, when reality fields
based upon regressive energy are huge enough.
Regressive reality fields arise when evolutionary lifeforms reject
entering the ODs or when OD planetary races refuse to go to the
return path of their wave, i.e. the process of letting go of the form as
an individual being and entering the evolution to become part of the
collective consciousness fields.
Such reluctant reality fields are violating the Laws of Creation since
they avoid to progress and evolve consciousness into higher lifeforms.
They are one part of the real darkness because they slow down the
evolution for all of us.
The two other types of the real darkness are the infection in the
core crystals and genetics as we have learned of earlier. Following the
Laws of Creation the opposite of the three principles had to arise, in
three forms, as the core crystals got infected, i.e. in the core level of all
reality fields, thus the infection eventually spread into consciousness.
As we learned the exploitation with the Taran genetics activated the
The overall cosmic evolution denotes the evolution of lifeforms, whereas the overall
cosmic creation signifies the reality fields we integrate ourselves into.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
infection in lifeforms, because they violated the Laws of Creation. And
from the form or manifestation, unfolding from the infected genetics,
the drive to reject the progression as well as to turn down the Laws of
Creation; i.e. all in all service to self, arose. The three distorted
principles are the main ingredient in all distorted polarity games and
the opposite source of darkness is to find in the Fall Domains.
Just like the correct three principles unfold into lifeforms and reality
fields and eventually synthesize in collective consciousness fields in the
GDs, so will the darkness and the infectious life and reality fields
produce collective darkened consciousness fields in the FDs. If the
overall sum of collective consciousness fields is darkness, then this will
be what the subsequent overall cosmic creation unfolds. When this is
understood, it is straightforward to understand why the main issue for
all participants in the Free Worlds is to ensure that this will not
happen, because how would a new overall creation, generated by
darkness and service to self, ever become or turn into light again?
But safety mechanisms are inbuilt in the reality fields themselves,
and only if they get seriously infected in the core will the mechanisms
not be activated.
One safety mechanism activates when a field with reluctant races,
service to self oriented evolutions etc. start to digress the reality field
to a certain point, then the reality field itself will open up to the next
cycle and their lifeforms entering the domains, changing the gridworks
and securing the energy level of the reality field. The reluctant races
will be overwritten, or transformed, from this forced opening cycle.
Another type of mechanism is when the core activates the process
of reconnecting to the overall cosmic creation, regenerating the field
from within. This happens when a core in a reality field depletes to a
critical level.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
A third safety mechanism in the progressive path is the pull to shift
domains, which happens when 60% of the evolution in a domain has
evolved and becomes ready to enter the next domain, which is why
the all domains always have both higher and lesser evolved life forms.
Therefore one cycle of evolution in one domain does not prevent
another from unfolding unless the shifting settings have turned all
dark, dodging the safety mechanisms. In such cases the evolutions of
the progressive path can choose to circumvent the dark reality field
because there is no energy to evolve and no healthy consciousness to
attach to. Such darkened fields will eventually be pulled into the FDs or
The same goes for reality fields having turned all light, i.e. consist of
pure consciousness: In such reality fields the darkness or infection
cannot enter because they cannot attach themselves there (unless the
core gets infected). Total light reality fields do not evaporate. Instead
the light beings are transferred directly to the GDs, no matter what
domain they belong to.
It should be noted that a darkened reality field is still progressing,
so this is not regression. The Black Sun is there for a reason in our
cosmic creation or progressive path from the CDs to the ODs.
Both progressive paths, of darkness and light, hold vibrations and
levels of radiation that will clean up specific energetic patterns from
the previous cosmic creation.46 Only if the dynamics of the polarity
fields are completed will these settings seize to exist.
My best guess is that the infection arising in the core crystal of the ID8 Orion reality
field actually was an inbuilt part of their core from the previous overall cosmic
creation. From what I have seen no one created it on purpose; it sort of was
discovered one day and then someone started to speculate whether this could be used
in some way. By the lack of knowledge of how the infection could spread the core
crystals of the ID8 turned quickly and spread to similar core crystals holding the gem
from the infection from the previous cosmic creation as well. From this new type of
energy and consciousness the Black Sun came to be.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
The polarity fields balance the overall or systemic cosmic creation47
making it possible to go to the return path of the overall creation.
Therefore what we are and become in the total sum of all systemic
cosmic creations with their lifeforms and reality fields, will determine
the energy and consciousness of the successive overall creation. Just as
we were determined by the previous overall creation and the levels of
energy and consciousness they reached.
The Laws of Creation follow the intrinsic need to expand and unfold
in the beginning of each creation that is the path out from the core
domains to the outer domains. Then in the outer domains, where the
levels of energy and consciousness are at their densest, the turning
point arises and the natural pull is now to go to the return cycles and
follow the pull back to the core domains as pure evolved consciousness
synthesising what has been learned and unfolded on the path out.
The Progressive Path Home or the Return Path
From planetary
to cosmic
Whatever returns to the core domains becomes the foundation of the
creation following this one. The level of consciousness in the core
The systemic cosmic creation is the sum of all minor cosmic creations like the
universe our galaxy is a part of. The overall cosmic creation is the sum of all systemic
cosmic creations.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
domains of the return path thus determines the type of energy that is
pulled forth from the Great Void of Possibilities and thus what type of
foundation the consciousness in the next cosmic creation are to evolve
The Symbols of the Outer Domains
The original symbol
The symbol of suffering
after the FDs came to be
preventing the two paths
to function properly
Timelines are made where the consciousness networks and energy
gridworks conjunct. Each are holding three versions meaning that a
possibility field always holds nine possible futures or timelines based
upon the three highest levels of probabilities and the three equivalent
fields of energy or gridworks harmonizing the probabilities of the
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
Energy and Consciousness in Humans
The Restoration Program original energy system was generated as a
threefold gridwork system corresponding to the different domains to
be able to heal and regenerate the fragments brought here under the
Restoration Program. As you know this program was hijacked and is
now known as the EARTH program, controlling our energy systems.
The outer gridwork is the peripheral nervous system and the heart
(PNS) and this interacts directly with the EARTH program. The second is
the central nervous system (CNS) and when activated, it connects to
the MDs and the third is the Meridian System which, when activated,
connects to the IDs.
The EPES: The PNS-Heart
gridwork is coupled to
the EP via the 7 chakras.
The coloration indicates
the frequencies of the
EARTH program.
The chakras interact via
the elementals – that is
generated energy units in
the chakras connecting
the vibration level, albeit
distorted, to the artificial
electromagnetic fields or
holograms of the EARTH
The Solar Cross is the true
root chakra and not before
the horizontal barrier is
released, is it possible to www.toveje.dk
enter the MD4 mind-field.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
In the freeing process of the EARTH program, the first level is to
administer and cleanse the chakra system, i.e. the subtle centres of the
PNS-Heart gridwork. In a close up view of the PNS gridwork the energy
naturally gathers around the glands and it is this energy, and not the
glands, that constitute the foundation of the chakras. The secretion of
the glands is a reaction to the energy in the vortices. This secretion
determines the psyche and the feelings. When the OD chakras are
transformed they create true vibration and the glands produce a
different and higher frequency secretion making the cells able to run
on higher levels of energy lifting the whole PNS into new energetic
settings. This activates a disconnection from the program making you
able to go deeper into the energy system to free yourself completely.
Transforming the EPES into
the pure energy state or TEPES48
From the Restoration Program Handbook. The first level is to reset the chakras into
the “ray configuration” as they were set up in the original program. Then they are to
be cleansed. See all of this in the Handbook.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
The chakra system has to be cleansed and the energies of the hara and
solar plexus have to be lifted to the throat and the heart chakras49
crossing the barrier of the lower controlled EPES. The lower area is
under full control of the EARTH program, so there is no free will when
functioning on this level, i.e. being a normal human, going to work,
getting married or similar binding relationships, procreating children,
etc. When the lifting is done the higher areas of the EPES will be
activated initiating a full scale upgrading of the chakra system, creating
the set up for a TEPES50 if you belong to the network of light. If you
belong to the dark network, you evolve an AEPES. In understanding
this, it becomes clear that a kundalini awakening, i.e. the activation of
the EPES does not make you good or working with the right factions, it
only awakens the whole chakra system and this is used on both sides
of the OD3 polarity game.
Behind the OD chakras, on a more subtle level, is the CNS-Brain
System connected to the MD4 mind-field. This field is attached to the
MDs and pulls in energy from here creating radiation. See the next
page for illustration.
The MD4 mind-field is not activated before the OD chakra system is
fully activated, as well as the horizontal barrier of the Solar Cross has
been released in the root chakra. This happens automatically when the
vibration of the TEPES/AEPES reach high enough quanta to initiate this,
starting to burn off the horizontal barrier of electromagnetic energy in
This happens automatically when you have stopped being sexual active, changed
your diet from meat to vegetables and start to work with the deeper levels of the
subconscious cleansing out the programming from the chakras. The freeing from the
crystal pillars are part of this too, cf. the Panergeia Series and the Restoration Program
Handbook. Only AEPES (i.e. activated EARTH program energy systems belonging to the
brotherhoods on both sides) can do this on their own. If you become part of the
Restoration Program, you are able to do this with the help from the Teachers, or via
your off-planetary crew.
See vol. 2 for illustrations to all of this.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
the root chakra. When the horizontal barrier is removed the chakra
system runs on the highest levels of the OD3 energies and reconnects
to the other dimensions of the OD. It takes years to activate the MD4
mind-field, a lot of energy work, including regression and therapeutic
work with the subconscious layers of the EPES as well as letting go of
all you know and hold dear. You cannot remain “human” and activate
the MD4 mind-field since this pulls you out of the EP, and as you know
the MD4 mind-field opens up to the distorted polarity game instead.
A MD4 Mind-Field on the reconstructed Return Path51
The CNS-Brain gridwork
is connected to the
energy fields of the MD
through the 5 chakras.
From the Restoration Program Handbook.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
The ID and CD funnels from the Original Restoration Program52
Pineal Gland
The Core Consciousness or the true human template is rebuilt from the three
activated and cleansed gridworks, i.e. the CNS-Brain System, the PNS-Heart
System and the Meridian System.
From the Restoration Program Handbook.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
Past and Present EARTH
Now as explained in the Restoration Program Handbook53 at some
point in the history of this planetary system the Restoration Program
was brought here because of the possibilities and probability fields, i.e.
the special energies present here making it perfect for holographic
inserts as well as direct energetic interaction with these holograms. On
top of this the already present inhabitants, the Indigenous planetary
beings (the IPBs) as I called them in the Handbook, were more than
happy to assist us in the experiment and the program of gathering,
healing, transforming and restoring the fragments of the many wars
happening in this galaxy of the cosmic overall evolution. For eons the
IPBs have disguised them-selves as angels, devas, fairies and similar
beings having wings and bodies we could relate to, all covering up their
true appearances.
The IPBs are master illusionists, creators of screen memories, false
perceptions of reality and distortion of our senses. Naturally they hold
this ability since they are one of the creators of the OD3 chakra system
controlling our psyche, i.e. mind and emotions.
They are also the grandmasters of bending time and space, travel
inter- as well as intradimensionally, manipulating the reality fields and
they are able to transform what we perceive as reality itself.
And of course they are the masters of altering planetary systems,
the settings of a planet, its appearance, the different habitats, the
weather etc. because they are the master builders of worlds. They are
the Keepers of any planetary system and they are the first level of the
fivefold evolution evolving in any planetary system. They are the ones
Go to my website to buy the book in pdf.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
that unfold the five worlds the lineages embed themselves into and
the IPBs are geniuses in altering the energetic settings of any planetary
system. They are the insectoid races, also known as the mantis along
with the little greys being their hybrid worker-beings. Naturally there
are many more species within the insectoid races and they unfold in
our galaxy in OD3, MD3, ID3 and CD3 being the Keepers of all the
domains (also called a planetary, stellar, galactic or cosmic systems).
The insectoid races are the first lifeform to enter any system when
it is in its basic or raw energetic state. They take the possibilities of the
core crystals and alter them into that sort of energy needed to be able
to unfold the world the incoming lineages require. They create the
template so to speak of that reality field. They uphold the system or
domain and they always co-work with the later races that appear on
the reality fields they have created.
To some extent the smaller ones of them, from the other domains,
are able to integrate themselves into our OD3 chakra systems (since
they are the creators of it) by attaching parts of their consciousness to
our stellar genetics. They do this to be able to evolve through our
energy system without actually taking on this physicality. And yet they
co-work with the Controllers, usually via the less benevolent insectoid
races, doing experiments to accommodate the needs of the Controllers
and the future they want to unfold, whether it might be the faction
that are investing their energy into the transhuman agenda54, or other
the factions within the Controller group themselves.55
In the esoteric teachings the insectoid races have been portrayed as
devas or energy beings made of etheric, astral or mental energies to fit
the old understandings of energy. Today we can equate the etheric
They are the ones behind the horrifying abductions along with the supersoldier
Again, read the Restoration Program Handbook.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
energy with the point zero energy state (the fundamental energy of all
there is below the quantum level), the astral is to be equated with the
emotional energy or the energy that runs in the PNS creating our
psyche and the mental energies are the type of electromagnetic
energy that circulates in the brain and runs the CNS. The latter two
types of electromagnetic energies are related to the OD3 chakra
system and are as such not “real energy” or the original energy of this
planetary system. It is a part of the program that was installed here
during the period of the Restoration Program to be able to create a
healing environment for the fragments of the many wars of this galaxy.
EARTH56 was created as a collective effort between the IPBs and the
many different races of this galaxy trying to assist their brothers and
sisters that perished in the wars.
The real consciousness that embeds itself into any dimension or
density field cannot perish, only the energy bodies can, but it can be
fragmented and this was the case of the fragments of the many races
that underwent this destiny in the numerous wars.
The Collectors traveled amongst the blown up systems collecting
the fragments and took them to MD4 Mercury which became the
receiving station for the fragments. On MD4 Mercury an energy system
was created to hold the fragments and to make them rebuild a new
light body, as the mainframe or template of the consciousness genetics
is called. This created energy system, to be able to rebuild the light
body and holding the fragments of the eternal consciousness genetics,
was called the MD4 mind-field.
The MD4 mind-field was inserted into the Restoration Program
called EARTH into different created holographic sections of the OD3
reality field (not the whole reality field, meaning that what we see as
our world is only a part of the whole system) where it got an
Energy and Ray Technology Holograms.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
impermanent energy body attached unfolding via the OD3 chakra
system. The MD4 mind-field came to be known as the soul in the early
teachings but later on the “soul” came to equal the artificial orb that
was generated after the takeover of the EARTH program by the
The original Restoration Program energy system (the ORPES)
generated an electromagnetic holographic body to fit the required
healing needs of the MD4 mind-field and interacted with the overall
program in the different sections of the RP reflecting back the reality
needed to heal the fragments and cleanse them of distortions.
Different bodies holding different ORPES were generated on the OD4
Moon in collaboration with the races on MD4 Mercury. On OD5 Venus,
along with Sirius A, the technology for the RP and the settings, i.e. the
Ray technology, was administered to fit the environment of EARTH to
accommodate the different OD3 body types that had to be generated
to create the perfect scenarios for the fragments to heal and rebuild
themselves.57 The whole program was overseen by CD6 Sirius A and
CD9 Andromeda and the Ancient Ones.
So this is how the many different consciousness genetics of all the
five races ended here in the OD3 reality field and the reason why our
reality is based upon generated holograms and inserted programs. But
this is not the whole story of EARTH, this is only how it began, being a
healing program for the many races of the various wars in this galaxy,
of which many races lost their original home systems.
What happened later on after the OD4 Moon internal wars changed
all of this and the EARTH program was turned it into what it is today: A
controlled reality field holding a lot of eternal consciousness genetics
used for experimentation, trading and scientific purposes.
Read the whole story, all the details etc in the Restoration Program Handbook.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
Now to understand the real evolutionary settings and to get the full
understanding of our planetary scheme – we need that to return to the
original genetic lineages we belong to – we have to look at the two
illustrations from the beginning of the book to create an overview:
In the two illustrations the correspondence between reality field and
what type of evolution that naturally takes place there is the most
important to notice. In the first chapter we saw that the OD3 is the
first reality field to hold the insectoid lifeform. Thus the next reality
field, the OD4 Moon was the one predominantly to hold the avian
lifeforms and unfold this evolution, the OD5 Venus was predominantly
to hold the reptoid evolution and lifeforms and the OD6 Mars was the
original reality field to hold the mammal evolution. On OD7 all species
would merge into what I call true humans to distinguish it from EARTH
But as you also know this have been changed and the reality fields,
or planets, in this system had been “moved around” due to depletion,
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
distortions of energy and manipulation of settings. The explosion of
MD5 Maldak started the changes in our planetary system on a larger
scale. Both OD1 and MD1 lead to what is called the Fall Domains,
which is a parallel reality field holding 5 dimensions of dark vibration
and radiation. This parallel reality field is connected to the sources of
all darkness in the darkened galactic core of ID8, called the 8th sphere
in esoteric teachings.
The Fall Domains (the FDs) are the final level of all darkened beings
and their malicious schemes, where they end up after having turned all
dark and hold no light what so ever in their template. The FDs is the
point of no return and the lifeforms ending there are captured in the
FDs until they evaporate.
As the Black Sun arose, being built out of the dark core domain
network58, it attracted dark radiation and the polarity of this generated
itself, creating OD1 Pluto, i.e. the field of dark vibration, to uphold the
polarity field settings. As such the original settings of polarity fields
between radiation (knowledge) and vibration (compassion), set up to
unfold the reality fields needed for the LIFE principle to unfold, was
never meant to develop dark vibration and radiation. Because of this
our galaxy became the quadrants of suffering, holding a double set of
the polarity games. The evolutions in this galaxy do not only have to
evolve via the true polarity games of vibration and radiation to become
a true human, but they also have to transform dark vibration and
radiation into their original form. Instead of just following the pull from
the core domains and into the outer domains, from where we would
return directly via the 5th auric field, we now have to reach the limit of
the FDs to transform this as well. The dark consciousness from the FDs
The difference between gridwork of energy and networks of consciousness is also
explained in the Restoration Program Handbook, but the next chapter covers the
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
is permeating the ODs and the MDs making this quadrant a serious
hard quadrant to evolve through.
This was the event, the creation of dark radiation, that changed all
in our quadrant as the OD1 and MD1 became part of our quadrant in
their distorted forms, changing the settings for all. This happened
during the event we call the fall of Atlantis.
We also have to understand that EARTH is an acronym for Energy
and Ray Technology Holograms. The original races do not give names
to things because most beings are telepathic and use the transfer of
images, containing multidimensional information.
Besides each energetic item in the true worlds is multidimensional
in structure and cannot be named as this or that to be understood in
one or two dimensions. Naming things is a bi-product of an underdeveloped mind trying to comprehend energy by putting labels on the
experienced and categorize them into narrow concepts fitting the
reality of mind.59
As mentioned the indigenous planetary beings, in the OD3 reality
field, are the insectoid races. Even though we occupy a larger fraction
of the planet - via the Restoration program and later via the hijacked
program - a lot of it remains under the control of the original insectoid
races populating it. When the off-planetary races enter “from another
dimension” they are in reality entering the program, as in walking into
our created reality field – the secured areas as they also are called. The
hijacked program is situated in a 2.5 dimensional layer just below the
original 3D level and on top of this it is enclosed in an electromagnetic
field or hologram reflecting back to us what we have been restricted,
by the inserted programs in the pillars, to see. Thus the other races do
not come from another reality or dimension but from the real OD3
To go deeper into the mind and how it works, read the Panergeia Series (the
Panergeia Project) on my website.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
reality field, visiting the experimental areas or our prison – you pick the
name as you please – but they are able to travel interdimensionally
outside the EP and the real OD3.
When I look into the real OD3 planet, the insectoid habitat, it looks
really sad and dark. The planet we see on pictures is not the real planet
(and the OD4 Moon and OD6 Mars etc. are manipulated images as
well) and it definitely does not look blue, white and beautiful. On the
contrary the real planet has been overexploited and maltreated for
eons, depleting its energy field far beyond what the planet itself is able
to recover from. Whatever sort of clairvoyant images that is presented
in the collective consciousness field of the program of “mother Earth”
is one huge false thoughtform simply because a planet does not hold
an entity or a soul (nor do we60).
A planet is a reality field upheld by the beings that inhabits it,
meaning that the group consciousness field, i.e. the field expressing
the point zero energy field and the different networks of consciousness
along with the gridworks of energy, constitute the “soul” of the planet.
Mother Earth is not a being on her own, but a synergetic field of the
inhabitants of the reality fields that is as a being becomes an entity by
the races that unfold the template of consciousness and energy every
single reality field is built out of. The great mother is thus the group
mind of the insectoid races, along with the other ones inhabiting the
planet and since this planet has been turned into one great zone of
depleted energy and consciousness the group mind, as in the soul of
the planet, is slowly but surely being attracted to the FDs, reaching for
the final destination of evaporating as an energy system.
When we understand this, it becomes clear why the many races of
the network of light, and the opposite side, are so eager to undo the
damages and to restore the relation to the overall cosmic evolution. By
Cf. the Restoration Program Handbook.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
cutting off the connection to the rest of the planetary system, i.e. the
OD5 and OD7 to ensure the security of the experiment going on here,61
the insectoid races and the Controllers have doomed this version of
their planet (other versions exists in other Multiverses) as well as their
own evolution.
Some of them are therefore interested in the transhuman agenda,
along with other races in the same situation really not wanting to
restore the connection to the point zero field and the galactic free
communities.62 And some are eager to restore the planet back to its
original position in this planetary scheme as a place for the insectoid
races to evolve and progress. Unfortunately most of the benevolent
insectoids have left during the 2009-2012 elevation of energy63 and the
If the experiment had been locked into the overall natural cosmic evolution it would
not have been allowed by the galactic communities, but since the OD3, along with the
OD4 and OD6 are locked into the FDs, then the rest of the communities are really not
able to do something about it honoring the choice of will in the true polarity game.
The infection make the races prefer the power game and to have control over others
being malevolent and exploiting. They thrive on this energy. The transhuman agenda is
all about creating an energy system that does not deplete in lack of natural energy
infusion from the point zero field, i.e. the three main principles aka “being connected
to Source” and the interconnected galactic communities. They work very hard to
create an artificial body that can hold the racial memories and the consciousness they
have achieved. The other agenda is to create a hybrid that is able to live in EMFs as we
are, but also being able to hold higher consciousness and racial memory (as in all the
knowledge of their species). They co-work with the digressed reptoid, avian and
certain mammal races on this project, naturally by the use of humans, cf. abductions,
MILABs etc.
The Laws of Creation ensure a sort of safety or last call out of a depleting system and
the so-called stellar activation cycle was part of this. True, the ones being able to
connect to the galactic core in CD8 have reached this level of consciousness but this is
on an individual level, not as a group mind of the original races, i.e. a planetary level.
This means that all energy systems holding foreign genetics, not being an original part
of the planet or reality field, are able to transfer out of the falling system, by
reconnecting to their inner CD8. To ensure that as many as possible get out quite a lot
of races from the free communities have chosen to integrate themselves into this
planet on both sides of the secured areas, as in the real OD3 reality field and within the
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
reality field is stuck with the less evolved variety of the IPBs. As
mentioned before the reptoid races are leaving due to the separation
and closing down of portals between this OD3 and similar levels in
other systems, they come from. The closing down of existing portals is
an effect of the safety mechanics.
2000-2012 was a timeframe where we would be able to reconnect
our quadrant to the galactic core in CD8, cf. the safety mechanics that
ensure a system, when entering a certain level of depletion, to
reconnect automatically to the galactic core and restore the natural
order with or without the consent of the beings living in that system.
Our OD3 has completed this cycle and has been reconnected to the
galactic core giving us the opportunity to really work and awaken if we
choose. Thus our quadrant, i.e. the planetary and stellar scheme of the
OD and the MDs succeeded following the Laws of Creation64 and our
quadrant is now re-integrated into the overall cosmic evolution.
The resetting of the planetary connection to the core during 20002012 - creating a sort of loop in between the old and the new - opened
up to an opportunity to overthrow the ruling powers for many minor
factions within the Controller group. We know some of the attempts as
the teachings from the Galactic Federation trying to create a 5th
dimension linked to their allied stellar systems, different ascension
teachings all relating to a “New Earth” or the Voyagers material trying to
link us all into a timeframe dating back to the past of the MDs and some
very ancient stellar systems connect hereto, to name a few.
hijacked program. We needed to understand why the energy systems (the human
body with dormant genetics) within the secured areas did not see what was coming
and why they do not work to get out when the safety mechanisms were initiated. The
reviving of the Restoration Program is a part of this trying to get as many as possible
out using the old dynamics of the program and by the personal assistance of the
Teachers being placed in an area outside the depleted OD3 field. This book bridges to
the process of awakening on other levels.
No thanks to the Controllers and the main forces of our OD3 reality field.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
None of these attempts succeeded but they did create a lot of subprograms connected to the generated timelines holding the possibility
of altering the reality field as we know it. To avoid any outcome of the
different timelines still holding quanta of energy from the different
teaching systems related to the timelines65 the overall EARTH program
was reset in 2014 and brought back to specific 2009 timelines opening
up to different paths we did not take back then. These paths are all
linked to the hybrid program and the different scenarios of a future OD3
reality field which we are to explore from now on.
The past, present and future are dynamic and changes according to the
consciousness being expressed in that reality field.
The now and its timelines
On another set of timelines
a slightly different past
The past connected
to the 2009 timelines
The possible future
connected to the
2009 timelines
A slightly different
When the now changes the
timelines connected hereto changes as well
From the Controllers point of view the altering of the timelines back to
this reality was the best of the options they were facing, knowing very
well that the reconnecting to the galactic core (this cannot be changed
by some detours in timelines, only the future that unfolds, i.e. who is in
control etc) would ensure a reaction from the free galactic communities
to start re-integrating themselves. So all in all we – all of us both inside
Cf. the understanding of how thoughtforms, human brains and the chakra system
can generate timelines.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
and outside the program – are to prepare ourselves for the future event
line predicting larger and larger areas of the original OD3 reality field to
permeate through the program in different areas.
The melting of the ice on the poles are a part of this as well as the
death of plants, animal life and so forth. The bare desolate areas
beneath the EARTH program will surface and alter the planet as we
know it into how it really looks. In this future scenario we are to face the
facts that what we perceive of electromagnetic goods and normal
equipment will be replaced by quantum based machinery as well as
other common technologies from the real worlds (which are already
being set in place) and not the EMF based lower versions within the
program. The Controllers are preparing us all for “the incoming of offplanetary races and their technology” but as the reality is, they are
preparing for the time when the program dissolves and the real reality
field starts to shine through revealing the true nature of our solar
system, cosmos and the planetary system we are a part of with many
different races and levels of existence.
This book is a part of this as well since we all need to know what is
heading in our direction – perhaps not now, but within the next 10-100
years. The timeframe is uncertain given that it all depends on how fast
or slow the real OD3 field starts to permeate the program and how fast
the safety mechanisms66 will reset the OD3 template to re-adjust it to
the galactic core on a full scale. The energies from the core started to
merge with the real OD3 field in 2012 and will grow exponentially each
year creating division of timelines into fall domains (the FDs) and nonFDs along with the consciousness attached to these timelines. As the
energies of the true galactic core raises in vibration, so does the energy
Safety mechanisms are based upon a security program within the template of a
reality field to activate the process of reconnecting and resetting to the galactic core
when a certain level of depletion is reached. This happens automatically to ensure the
restoration of a reality field with or without the consent of the races existing there.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
within the ones being on the non-FD timelines working to reconnect
individually to the core by the use of their own core consciousness level,
marking a distinct difference between awakening and adjusting humans
as well as non-awakened humans.
Those within the program taking the non-FD timelines of evolution
will soon reconnect to the factions in the real planetary system, both
inside and outside the OD3 getting the telepathic knowledge they need
to evolve out of the program, or to destroy it locally. Thus the more
each individual works to reconnect to the galactic core and awaken the
core consciousness level within, the better are the chances of avoiding
the great catastrophe when the planet starts to align fully to the core.
To end this chapter all there is to say is: The great threat is not
coming in the form of evil aliens taking over this planet and humanity;
humanity has accepted being under the control of their space brothers
and sisters for eons. No, the great threat stems from below our feet,
from the planet or reality field itself, as the template start to undo the
damages from the indigenous races as well as all the visitors being
here, including the human race67 as we understand ourselves to be.
Only if we wake up and reconnect to the galactic core with our core
consciousness are we able to become a true human and regain our
right to evolve according to the Laws of Creation within the overall
cosmic evolution.
The good news is that after the 2000-2012 timeframe the whole
planetary system, i.e. our solar system, was reconnected to the galactic
core and thus is starting to evolve as a whole scheme back into the
overall cosmic evolution, creating the energetic need for the ODs to
readjust and realign with the core light in this galaxy. This also has
The term for the races inside of the EARTH program, in the form of the manipulated
primate body, is earth people.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
opened up to the galactic communities and a lot of help is flowing our
The bad news is that in the realigning all that we know and are used
to understand as our reality will slowly but surely cease to exist. Why is
The real OD3 reality field beneath the EARTH program is in a very
bad shape. Actually with such a bad condition we would go into a lone
star fall right now if we were not connected to the galactic core. The
galactic core creates a counter-pull to the FDs. The real OD3 energy
field is depleted and has been maltreated by the different races visiting
the program and having camped “outside” our holographic reality, as
in “us within the EARTH program”. Many of those lesser evolved races
have left and given over the real OD3 field to its own destiny. To put it
directly: If there at all were such a thing as mother Earth as a spiritual
entity, she would have left long ago, casting off that outworn body
being all eaten up by the off-planetary and planetary hominid
lifeforms, just like we cast off the energy system we see as a body
when it is going into the mode of exhaustion and decay.
As the real dynamics are the template has been depleted. When a
template gets to such a state of depletion two things happens:
1) It initiates what is called the safety mechanisms. The safety
mechanisms are a sort of last attempt to save and adjust the template
back to its initial settings by reattaching it to the galactic core. The
depletion started because of detachment from the core to begin with.
As the energies of the galactic core start to merge with the template,
the process of restoring the template back to its initial settings begins
as well. If this cannot unfold the template goes into lone star fall, i.e.
enters the fall domains. Luckily our OD3 could get connected and so
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
could the rest of our solar system, so we are in the process of
realigning with the galactic core.
2) When this happens all that has been encoded, done and unfolded
on this template will be overwritten, erased and set back to its original
point zero state! You get the picture here?
The real OD3 reality field has initiated the safety mechanisms. This was
the 2000-2012 event and it succeeded. So as such our reality field is
turning into an ascension system, if we could call it that, adjusting to
the galactic core, raising the vibration and all that is on the planet
along with it from within.
The problem is that most of the lifeforms in this reality field has not
activated their own CD8 galactic core consciousness as in being able to
reconnect to the core themselves and then being able to follow the
inner influx of core energy into the individual energy systems. And
such a system, not re-linking to the core field, would be seen from the
overwriting energies point of view as depleted energy to be removed.
Now the effects of this are starting to surface as in the process of
resetting the initial coding of the planetary template and multiple
things have happened and will happen.
A) Setting the overall timelines back to the 20009 timelines was an
attempt to undo certain sub-timelines that had been created by the
factions wanting to take the EARTH program from the Controllers.
These factions used the 2000-2012 resetting process to activate other
agendas. They did not succeed in pulling our reality field into, or
connect to other dimensions but they did manage to gather high levels
of quanta directing the timelines - as in the future scenario of this OD3
reality field - into other directions as the wanted one seen from the
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
point of view of the Controllers. By setting back the timelines, many of
these timelines have been emptied out of energy since they were not
that strong back in 2009.
2009 was chosen as the point in time and space when certain things
could be undone without altering too much in the EP settings, as in
changing what we see and perceive as reality too much.
B) The activation of these timelines has set back the overall level of
energy in the EARTH program, detaching it further from the real OD3
reality field beneath because 1) the built up quanta from the other
factions is now gone leaving the EP in an even worse state of lack of
real energy (EMF is not real energy, it is an artificial construction) and
2) the realigning process of the OD3 field is creating a gap between the
lower D2.5 energies of the program and the elevating core energies
undoing all what has been made and done to keep the electromagnetic
holograms of EARTH working. In other words; the crystal pillars used to
control the EARTH program are realigning with the core energies and
the real networks of consciousness, altering all EMF into the real type
of energy that is the energetic gridworks behind the overall creation is
made of, i.e. vibration and radiation.
C) The resetting to the galactic core is causing what is called division of
timelines (bifurcation) within the program. This means that the ones
being able to reattach to their core consciousness level will be elevated
along with the resetting, getting directions from within on how to
adjust to the self-healing of the template, we actually get our own core
energy from, whereas the ones not being able to reconnect will start
the process of entropy, to use the best term of a system of order
turning into chaos simply because there is no energy to sustain the
system any longer.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
D) The EARTH program is starting to disintegrate in areas with many
humans, pulling energy from a hologram that is not being sustained
any longer.
You see, when safety mechanisms are initiated, it also opens up to the
rest of the still going strong communities and they are coming in. I call
them the new wave of consciousness or the 3rd wave, but in fact they
are the rebuilders, helping us to rebuild the real OD3 reality field, and
perhaps adjust the EARTH program into more acceptable settings, seen
in the eyes of the galactic communities.
We have to understand the division of areas, the internal fighting
amongst the Controllers, the takeover of human bodies and the
gathering of assets from the races leaving our reality field in this light.
The gathering of genetics happened because they did not want to
participate in the rebuilding process and thus pulled out their genetics.
Many are leaving these days (there is a feeling of evacuation in the
OD3 field) and letting the OD3 areas to the rebuilders and the
Controllers that have stayed behind. Whatever has been the purpose
and idea of this reality field is all about to change.
We are now fully connected to the stellar communities, being here
to rebuild this reality field, some in collaboration with the other
communities of the overall galactic communities, as the IPHS, and
others in collaboration with the Controllers, but at the end of the day
we are all facing some bumpy times ahead as the OD3 field aligns
further and the EARTH program continues to decay and dissolve, being
turned back into energy of vibration and radiation.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
How does this affect the Restoration Program?
The Restoration Program is a very important factor in the resetting
process because all the energy work listed in the Handbook is the
energy work we need to do to transform the EPES. It is important to
understand the vital significance of transforming this energy system,
more correctly leaving it dormant and cleansed since we cannot get rid
of it and letting the MD4 mind-field take over instead. We need to do
that because the EPES is linking us to the decaying EARTH program and
if we are not freed of it, we will decay along with the program. How
long it will take before the EARTH program dissolves in full is uncertain.
The more that reconnects to the MD4 mind-field or their true human
template, the more we will bridge the process being the carriers of
energy instead of the program.
Use the creative mediation in the Panergeia Series to detach you
from the crystal pillars running the program and do the exercises I did
back then as recorded in the Panergeia Series. Some of what I saw, i.e.
the cosmology, is full of glamour, that is my mind not being able to see
things clearly, but the exercises I was shown and did with my helpers
are important and you should do them too. We need to activate the
MD4 mind-field to be able to go to the true human or core
consciousness template, at least the ones having been here for eons.
The hybrids and walk-ins do not need the MD4 mind-field since they
are connected to another type of template.
 The Panergeia Series help you out as a mind-field, that is as a nonactivated MD4 mind-field as dormant MD genetics.
 The Restoration Program will lead you to the restoration areas
after death where you will restore your light body.
 The next level is aimed at waking up fast and to reconnect to the
galactic core.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
Understanding Consciousness Genetics
This is a topic with many layers and I am only scratching the surface
here. We have been over some of the EARTH history and how this all
came to be, and we need to look into the consciousness genetics (the
CGs) simply because it is vital to really understand the battle that is still
going on in and outside the EARTH program (the EP).68
Many suggestions have been claimed on the Internet; what appears
over and over is the 12 stranded DNA (all thinking in biological terms
here) following the 12 chakras but not really giving deeper directions
on how to activate the dormant DNA (stating that we can turn “junk
DNA” i.e. unused layers of protein being ready to code to DNA, into 12
strands does hardly suffice as a scientific method to do this). And
where are the 12 chakras we have to activate to do this? The position
of these varies a lot. And how would a 12 strand DNA coding effect the
biological form we have now? I mean; all the sayings that the 12 strand
DNA biological coding would activate higher layers of consciousness is
not convincing, if not direct disinformation because only the slightest
mutations in the already present genomes and small deviations in the
chromosomes create massive disorders in the body and the result is
malfunctioning biological systems, from disability disorders to direct
physical mutations.
The primate type of body we have today is engineered to fit the
hijacked program. It is set up to run on 2 strands (actually 2.5) linking
the EM processing abilities of the brain to real consciousness abilities
from the LIFE principle integrated into the artificial orb, i.e. the soul69
expressing only 2.5 percent of the original type of consciousness from
There is a list of abbreviations on the last page.
Cf. the Restoration Program Handbook.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
the true human template. The primate body is engineered to fit the
hijacked EP constructed reality out of EMF and not real energy.70
Therefore there is no use in thinking we can alter the biological
DNA, because the biological DNA is an artificial construction running on
electromagnetic energy, which is why the attempts, from factions
against the ruling powers, to alter the body type by creating hybrids of
new off-planetary genetics and the primate body type to be inserted
into the EP, from the 30-50´ties and onward, were doomed to fail. The
biological DNA is not able to express true consciousness outside the
limitation of the 2.5 percent as long as the EPES71 is connected to the
hijacked program (the EP) being energetically controlled by it, keeping
the 2.5 percent in check.
Today the factions behind the hybridization programs and other offplanetary factions trying to shift the rules of the game are inserting
directly altered bodies, resembling the human vehicle, but they are in
fact being totally different cf. the abandoned children left in bushes etc
or they are genetically manipulated in abduction of the children after
birth getting all genetics, blood work, cells etc replaced onboard crafts
to be able to sustain a variation of the true human template created to
fit the engineered primate body without being linked to the EP and the
energetic control of it.
These types of hybrids are the next generation of “humans”, or
Homo Novus, bringing in the 3rd wave to change the EP from within.
But first they have to adjust their working essence, i.e. partially moving
their real CGs from e.g. OD5 or OD7 to the vehicle, learning to
Real energy resembles what science calls quantum energy and beneath this the
point zero field energy. Other systems are not based upon EMF and atoms which is
why we do not see life “out there” since there is no life in electromagnetic settings.
The only real type of energy we see in our solar system is the sun, being the core of the
original planetary system or the outer domains.
EARTH Program Energy System.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
administer the new artificial body and adjusting this to their true
consciousness, because there is no natural link between consciousness
and energy as they are accustomed to. This means that they have to
reshape their projected CGs to be able to bridge to the electromagnetic generated cells before they can run on full capacity. They do
this by a sort of adjusted version of quantum bridging making them
able to work through the artificial structure, cf. the term working
essence. They literally move portions of their CGs from one level of this
planetary system and into the EP. The alteration is possible given the
fact that their vehicles are not linked to the pillars of the EP and thus
not kept in check by the EP.
But the rest of us, not being worker humans, can awaken the CGs of
the MD mind-field and reattach to the true consciousness, creating the
awareness we need to get out after death, i.e. shedding off the energy
and artificial DNA. We cannot change our bodies, but we can change
our consciousness abilities by shifting the programming of the OD
chakras, i.e. mind and emotions, from outside dominated to inner
dominated as a first step.
Therefore we have to transform the OD chakras and free them from
their attachment to the pillars of the hijacked program72 kick-starting
the awakening process of the MD mind-field and the CGs placed there.
That is possible because the MD mind-field is still there as a part of the
OD chakra system, but being dormant due to the outer controlled 2.5
percent via the EP. No real energy is flowing into the MD mind-field
since it is all being directed into the hijacked program by the normal
day living, feelings, thoughts, interactions, entertainment, sex and all
sorts of drugs varying from obvious drugs to covered up drugs in
The attachment to the 12 crystal pillars is directing the true capacity of the OD
chakras to the hijacked downsized EM program via an inserted dark mega pillar in the
middle, being the 13 pillar or the Metatronic pillar, distorting the other 12.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
chemical compounds in foods etc. Especially meat, alcohol and sex are
the three main ingredients to keep the masses from awakening. Meat
prevents the real energies from entering the OD chakras keeping the
cells and glands polluted with dead energy, alcohol dims down the
processes of the cells in the body and brain, making them run on a
lower frequency and sex directs all energies in the chakras towards the
two main chakras below the heart chakra, i.e. the solar plexus and the
Consequently the 12 strands are not biological strands belonging to
our type of artificial bodies, as in something we would be able to hold,
but belongs to the original biological forms in the cosmic evolutions.
The seven OD chakras in the original Restoration Program energy
system (the ORPES) were created to regenerate the 7 strands from any
energy system, i.e. what we could call an expression of appearance.
An expression of appearance would in a typical reality field be made
of energy and consciousness expressing the CGs from the overall five
evolutionary races. Thus seven of the strands in an expression of
appearance would generate the bodily structure and the other five
strands would be the CGs behind being able to express their types of
consciousness into various forms.
The ORPES mirrored this in the artificial gridworks and their systems
to be able to rebuild the scattered 12 types of CGs from the original
but now demolished template, i.e. the seven expressing the bodily
form via the PNS-Heart system and the five unfolding the template
consciousness via the CNS-Brain system.
The fragmented CGs (DNA strands) being set into the ORPES would
regenerate back into the original lifeform, via the holographic settings
of the original EARTH program, consisting of a seven layered energy
system giving access to interdimensional travel in all 7 reality fields in
one domain with a five layered consciousness being able to connect to
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
the 5 evolutionary collective networks unfolding in all five domains,
which the true human template were set up to evolve via the domains.
But there are more things we have to remember when the talk is
about the “human race holding 12 strands of DNA being all dormant
and awaiting to be awakened” and “this is unique for the human race
which is why the off-planetary races want our energy, keep us as slaves
etc.” (I am here quoting the many ideas on the Internet here): in OD4,
OD5, etc. all types of true human templates evolved back then (and
now) as advanced beings. This is not something special to OD3; it is a
common trait in all developed races to hold this possibility, cf. the
explanation above of the 7 CGs to unfold an expression of appearance
and the 5 CGs to express the five evolutionary lineages in the template,
we all hold and have. But these abilities were lost in the reptoid Taran
experiment, as you might remember.
Subsequently there is no such thing as a specific Earth human race.
The original OD3 did hold their version of the true human template,
but only on the first level, expressing the insectoid level, so the original
race in the OD3 was not highly evolved but only in their beginning
process of the full outer domain evolution. The more evolved races
were to be found in the other reality fields of the ODs, but the
Restoration Program (the RP) was put in the OD3, which is the clue to
the solution of it all.
The RP was put in the OD3 for various reasons and, as you already
know, was created to regenerate fragments from the true human
templates being scattered in imploding systems etc. The Restoration
Program was therefore an artificial construction to begin with, in this
reality field, but it was downsized after the takeover.
What the hijackers were after is not the “highly evolved human
race” but the ORPES being able to regenerate all systemic and overall
cosmic types of bodies, making them able to travel interdimensionally
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
as all beings could in the beginning. They are also interested in the
ORPES ability to regenerate scattered templates as well as fragmented
CGs. It is the RP and the recreational abilities this hold that is extremely
valuable to trade as well as to fight over, because the ones controlling
the hijacked program also control the ORPES integrated into the
program and along with it the dormant original CGs in the MD mindfield. The dormant CGs are the clue to the attempts of reclaiming and
repossessing the CGs being collected and inserted into the RP eons
ago, as well as the CGs inserted into test subjects in recent times by
the participating degressive off-planetary races attempting to recreate
what was lost.
The fighting over CGs and the chaos in the EP and amongst factions,
is happening now because the hijacked program is starting to dissolve
and the participants leave to avoid the safety mechanisms that is
initiated when a field start to deplete beyond a certain limit, cf. what is
happening to our OD3.
And it should be added to this as well: The EP was divided into
different sections being ruled by different off-planetary participants in
this trade. Some experimented a lot, creating vast amounts of bodies
to be set into their section of the program, to be able to generate
different timelines connecting to other reality fields on a subconscious
level of the EPES. To fully understand this: they attempted to link the
artificial vehicles to their own reality fields by using the MD mind-field,
experimenting on level of energetic stress it could hold before
collapsing, i.e. the many weird diseases on cellular levels in humans.
Some are worker humans, that is being inserted into the EP to
maintain it and others are real test subjects being abducted all the
The controllers of the overall hijacked program in the OD3 are
reptoids but not reptilians. They are the lower classes of Lizzies having
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
got the daily control over certain parts of the EP, unfolding their
primitive sense of world order. The Lizzies are predominantly found
behind the religious, political and scientific systems running the tow
forms of systems we know: the apparent political and scientific
systems and the hidden ones, doing the real galactic politics and
trading off areas to off-planetary experiments. The reptilians work via
the true government in OD4, the military hidden organizations and
intergalactic organizations being quite content with the way the
primitive Lizzies unfold their “world dominion”, cf. the Illuminati.
The real powers are divided into the LWB and the RWB, the first coworking with the controllers the latter fighting them to their teeth.
Seen in the overall picture there has never been any true OD3
human race, the primate body with its OD chakras was created by the
off-planetary races, and the five evolutionary lineages of the first wave
partaking in the restoration program have long gone or been scattered
and fragmented into manipulated MD genetics to use that word here,
since it is the most appropriate.
The MD genetics are the principles behind the stem cells and it is
what makes the body unfold and come to life. Because of the
engineered soul the MD genetics are never really felt or acknowledged
as a principle of higher consciousness in the CNS-Brain gridwork, which
is the entrance point to the MD genetics after the OD chakras and the
PNS-Heart gridwork has started to run on higher frequencies.
Therefore we have to work tremendously hard to transform the
elementals to higher frequency energy, expel the IPB in the CNS-Brain
gridwork and let go of the engineered soul as well, before the MD
genetics creating the cells in our body can be awakened and we are
able to link to the MDs and pull in MD energy to revive our mind-field
because as long as we only run on the OD chakra energies in the lower
frequency levels of the OD3, we are purely energetic beings and hold
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
no real consciousness. The mind-field only runs on MD energy so we
have to activate our MD genetic to be able to link to the middle
domains and pull in energy from here.
This aware conscious principle behind the body then becomes what
we could consider to be the true us, or at least the MD genetics that
constitute a real being. The MD genetics have been implemented into
the morphogenetic template holding the energetic structure to create
the type of biological DNA73 that fits most optimal to the wanted
outcome or the reason to integrate and activate this type of energy
system, or body, into the program. So in a way the MD genetics is the
real us, and at the same time, it is sort of what we got or are made out
of. Most of the time it is like a sort of surprise egg because we really do
not know what is the ruling principle in our bodies, i.e. which stellar
race we belong to or where the real true consciousness fragments we
are made of stem from, unless we have a chosen walk-in. A good hint
to understand bloodlines is to look into the noble families in history.
Walk-ins or the old version of hybrids traded their way into the
program using nobilities and royal houses etc. What we understand to
be the Illuminati74 is in reality the OD version of the integrated stellar
The mtDNA is the bloodline marker in this whereas the double helix DNA runs the
machinery of the cells in the body. The MD genetics determines the sequences of the
A,T,G and C but the mtDNA holds the pure evolutionary DNA. A bloodline signifies one
of the five evolutionary races that gave the main energetic input to generate the
morphogenetic field behind the primate body. Thus the original program held five
different primate races connected to each of the factions represented in the hijacked
program. The purer the bloodline the more of the original MD genetics does this body
hold. Such bodies are created to make aware humans. Most of these are used by the
factions behind the program – both benevolent and malevolent factions. Remember it
is a polarity game. MD genetics and bloodline are thus very important parts in this
game of power. Walk-ins trade their way into one or the other factions buying genetics
and the most optimal morphogenetic template.
The enlightened ones or the fraternities are more correct and they are all related to
bloodlines and nobilities of this world. Each of the fraternities is off-springs of the
original five primate races created to hold direct integrating principles. The later
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
races that took on the possibility to become part of the hijacked
Most denied and chose other ODs to implement into or heightened
their MD genetics to accommodate the other dimensions in this OD.
OD5 and OD7 hold many of the third wave star races and they are the
voices behind the so-called stellar activation cycle and the new level of
teachings trying to teach the more or less robotic human energetic
machinery that they have a choice in all of this, albeit many of their
human counterparts were very early on replaced by clones.
The most important thing to understand here is that in the new
program, being a part of the grand cleanup of the OD3, OD4 and OD6,
the animal-like or robot-like humans, to use that degrading word, will
be taken out by natural circumstances. They will simply not be able to
reproduce children and their bodies will go into a faster rate of
Only specific lineages or bloodlines will be able to produce children
in the future and the ones being born will hold an awakened mind-field
being fully aware of their connection to their off-planet families or
more correctly the network of consciousness they are linked to in
other MD systems or ODs where this star race unfolds.
addition of the five primate races held less possibility to be awakened and only few
bloodlines hold this capacity today. They are all linked to the fraternities being either
the benevolent or malevolent ones. 1/3 of the fraternities work to free and awaken
what can be awakened in humanity that is to restore the mind-field and revive the MD
genetics. Reattach humanity to the MDs and thus give the ability to hold real
consciousness and become real humans. The Free Worlds are a part of this.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
Setting the Time Travel Coordinates
Originally the pineal gland was a mean to telepathic contact as well as
a tool to set the time travel coordinates (TTC). But how does this work,
the settings I mean? For this we have to use symbols and as it happens
I got this information before I even started to think about the pineal
gland article.
Year equals a reality field
Month equals
a quantum field
Day equals
a quantum bridge
The Now
Second equals
an atomic nodal point
The six pointed star is the
symbol of the lineages bearing
the ancestral genetics from the
priestly lineages being able to
travel in all domains.
Minute equals
an atomic sequence
Hour equals
an atomic field
A TTC: 5 o´clock, 6 minutes, 5 seconds on the date 07.25.2014 which equals the
coordinates: There are 6 coordinates in our reality field being the
entry points to dimension 1-6. Each coordinate holds the other five dimensions as
possibilities which mean that each number is multidimensional, cf. the
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
What is Quantum Bridging?
Time travel does not happen via an Einstein-Rosenberg bridge, i.e. a
link between two points in time and space creating a worm whole.
Space-time does not bend and thus it is not possible to connect the
two ends of the bridge to each other as proposed by this theory.
Why does space-time not bend? Well since both time and space as
such are illusions, they do not exist and since they do not exist, there
are no technology related hereto in the real sciences of the higher
worlds and stellar races. But time travel is still possible, although it
happens via quantum bridges and what are such things.
Human sciences are boggling with the idea of quantum fields
behind every electromagnetic phenomenon including gravity and
naturally this is correct. Quantum fields are made up of possibilities
and probabilities and as you know these is the outer domain version of
the networks of consciousness linking all galaxies together. Networks
of consciousness evolve via gridworks of energy and together energy
and consciousness make up the fabrics of our entire Multiverse. Not
time and space.
A Quantum Bridge
Point Zero
Point A
Point B
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
How does Quantum Bridging work?
We could use an analogy to explain how it works. It is like going into an
elevator and as you stand inside of it, you watch how the numbers
raise following the floors you pass through. You do not really notice
any differences when you move from point A to point B. You just enter
the elevator and step out when the correct floor is reached. The same
happens in the alteration of the quantum potentials, i.e. the true
energy, in your body, which is a necessity to quantum process.
The scientists working in the underground facilities in our reality
field make the quantum processing all the time unknowingly.
The display in the elevators, taking them “down” to the facilities
underground, is showing them the wrong “direction”.
In reality they are going up, so to speak, to Mars or processing into
another dimension, in this case the 6th. The elevators are quantum
alteration chambers and while you are within this your CGs connect to
the quantum fields being accessed via technologies in the quantum
alteration chambers and the quantum properties are reset to the time
travel coordinates (TTCs) needed to rematerialize or quantum stabilize
on Mars.
The atomic body does not sense a thing since this is happening in
the 4th dimension and on the layers behind the 3rd dimensional body.
Naturally the Scientists undergoing this on a daily basis are being
altered by infusions of higher frequency energies and alterations of
their mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). This happens during dreamtime and
without their knowledge and only if they have the genetic potentials to
make these modifications do they become part of these programs.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
From the MD4 Mind-field to the True Human System
The last couple of days have been rough to handle on my account.
Why is that? Well this all has to do with my walk-in being a somewhat parallel genetic version of me. My walk-in came from a similar
OD reality field75 in another cosmic creation and I became consciously
aware of her around 2010, albeit she showed me that she linked to my
energy system after I was born, so in a sense I have had many souls,
i.e. the remains of the manifestation that was a part of the original
EARTH program in the MD frequency levels and not being active before
the MD4 mind-field was re-created, the engineered soul integrated
into the CNS-Brain gridwork along with the intermediary
intradimensional lower being creating the ego and the elementals of
the PNS-Heart gridwork creating the psyche and then her.
This constitutes five different aspects in me I have had to cleanse
and take control over76 and five types of consciousness linked to
specific MD genetics77 in me (a very common thing for the humans in
A parallel consciousness that chooses to travel to another OD does that for many
reasons. My walk-in came to undo some energetic settings in her light body related to
a similar OD planet in the Andromeda Galaxy being another version of this reality field
in that quadrant. She walked in to get a second chance on this level of the evolutionary
process since the MD consciousness only was granted to a selected few in that parallel
world. Most had given up the process of transforming energy into pure consciousness
since the MD level was lost and had gone all transhuman instead. The rest were left to
dissolve in the wild areas outside the dome cities given that there were no connection
to the return path of that system. She was picked up by an Andromedan section of the
Free Worlds and transferred into this OD system to regain what was lost. My EPES
fitted the genetic set up she needed and since I did not really hold any true
consciousness, she traded her way into this body.
To fully understand this read the Restoration Program Handbook.
MD genetics differ from OD genetics since the first is linked to consciousness and the
latter is linked to biology as in molecular DNA or EM energy.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
the Earth experiment to hold genetics from many different species), so
I have been busy, but without her none of this would have happened.
She and the section of this OD and the Andromedan section of the
Free World Communities (the FWC) have been the driving force to
make it happen. This body, i.e. me, almost drowned when I was very
little and she connected to me at that moment. She has popped in and
out of my mind since I was a small child making me quite detached
from this reality field and the hijacked program I grew up in. At times
the memories of her previous life on her home planet have merged
with mine making me see possible futures for this quadrant that did
not belong here. At other times she has used it to motivate me
creating scenarios I needed so I could move on.
The contact person within the Andromedan section of the FWC
have visited me and taught me many things talking to me and her at
the same time. Given the fact that she has been in this body as long as
the other aspects in me, I term her I-she. Within a week or two I will
not make this distinction any longer which is why I have to write this
down now before the merging is complete.
When you work with consciousness and energy long enough and
cleanse your OD chakras so they run on higher frequencies (which is
the beginning of freeing yourself from the controlled experiment Earth
is) you understand that the concept of “this is my body” is an illusion. It
is an electromagnetic system of sub-fields and it houses several beings
placed there for various purposes. They can merge and leave as they
please.78 A merging resembles a sort of ecstasy which is why many
energetic beings79 uses the moment when humans have sex to do this,
In the ordinary electromagnetic body this is mostly elementals, lower IPBs and at
times deceased that do this, creating variation in mood and ideas of self.
These beings are part of the experiment and are created for the purpose.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
since the PNS-Heart gridworks at this point is elevated and elemental
beings80 can enter as easy as anything.
Changing of elementals is used for many purposes since they link to
specific types of energy in the program. Or the humans in question
have such a low vibrating energy system that they attract elemental
energy from the surroundings. Every psychic outburst of anger, love,
compassion etc. releases elemental energy into the surroundings and
your psyche determines what type of energy exchange your body is
involved in.
So the first step in freeing yourself is to alter your psyche, i.e. the
PNS-Heart gridwork, and the elemental energies it runs on by learning
to control your mind and emotions. You have to become harmless in
all meanings of the word (Buddhist teachings focus a lot on this) and by
the type of food you eat. Eat only biodynamic foods and preferably
from the plant kingdom. Eggs and very small amounts of butter, milk,
cheese etc. are also neutral in terms of elemental energies, whereas all
sort of meat, incl. fish, pulls your elemental energies downwards since
it is dead matter (energy encoded with violence) and you will become
a generator of energy not being able to house the consciousness
principles of the MD mind-field.
Other types of beings can enter or leave when humans are under
the influence of narcotics, alcohol or mind-altering medicine, during
sleep in dreams etc. This method is used when the intradimensional
being, the lower IPB81, has to be changed in the CNS-Brain gridwork to
Elemental beings are the type of subtle energy that generates the psyche and they
are formed in the PNS-Heart gridwork with its seven outer domain chakras.
The IPB is your ego and it controls the elementals in the PNS-Heart gridwork. The IPB
determines what kind of energy this body is to utilize and thus what type of psyche this
body holds via the neurotransmitters. The IPB uses the CNS-Brain gridwork and the
homeostasis principles in the system (electromagnetic balance) to do this unless the
electrochemical forces of the PNS-Heart gridwork are so polluted that the outer shell
controls the body. In such cases the ego is “weak” and there is no “self-control” in
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
make the engineered soul able to work with the electromagnetic body
in another way or to make the body respond to new settings of the
program being activated in that area. The IPB bridges between the
CNS-Brain System and the engineered soul. A departing creates a sense
of small death, sadness and the feeling of loss or emptiness without
any reason. If a new lower IPB does not enter, which is done to make it
possible to extract the engineered soul holding the real LIFE principle,
in such cases the experiment is deemed “not viable” and the soul can
be used better in another body, the abandoned body is usually taken
over by elemental beings. After the departure of the lower IPB and the
soul there is no control element present in the CNS-Brain and the body
runs on the fumes of the engineered soul so to speak until it burns out
of energy. Usually such a body can exist for quite some time, up to 30
years or more, all depending on what types of elementals that take
over the body and if a unattached IPB or dark being possess it or not.
During events where the human is unconscious, e.g. in narcosis,
accidents or the so-called NDE the engineered soul can be replaced.82
So the only constant thing in Earth humans is the electromagnetic
information being imprinted into the synapses of the brain, the cellular
memories and the epigenetics imprinted into the biological DNA: All in
relation to intake of food, drugs, use of sex etc. It is entirely controlled by the lower
types of elementals.
It is not Jesus or Buddha NDEs see, nor family members but holograms covering up
the fact that they are presently in the OD3.5 altering stations where this procedure
happens. The tunnel of light is the extraction of the previous soul still being connected
to the CNS-Brain gridwork which is why the mind registers the event. The soul is then
being replaced and the uplifted CNS-Brain gridwork is then put back into the normal
OD2.5-OD3 frequency range of the experiment. When they wake up, they are like a
whole other person. Naturally; they have got a new engineered soul or a controlled
walk-in. Some stellar races being a part of the experiment does not want to take part
of the electromagnetic body in the duration of a lifetime so they enter when the body
holds all the needed requirements to do the job or the experiment to be performed in
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
all constituting the sensation of “self” or “I”, albeit most so-called
changes in the sensation of self have their origin in beings entering and
leaving. The level of cleanness in the chakras determines how the
electromagnetic body is being used by the experiment.83
When beings like me have cleansed the OD chakras and have lifted
the overall energies of the system, exchanges of energies continue to
happen albeit it happens with my consent and it is consciousness
principles that use this body instead. The plus side of this is that every
time a consciousness principle connects to my energy system asking
me to mediate energy in healing, energy work or telepathic messages
(I do no channeling) I get the same level of energy they hold. They have
to project their energy level into my auric field to make me able to
mediate their messages or to perform the work they need to get done
and thus I evolve my energy system more rapidly. This will end now, I
hope, since I-she is now the sole principle in me and I-she are about to
start the integration of her light pattern. This will constitute me as a
free being and not one of the experiments, albeit there is still the
question of what sort of trading she has done or contract she holds
with the FWC and the benevolent forces to get here.
In the process of the merging the chakras have to adjust, the
gridworks of the CNS-Brain and the PNS-Heart adjusts as well and until
this happens my whole body is in transition. This transition has to be
integrated and I write to do this. When I write and ask questions I pull
forth the consciousness from her and together we integrate the new
frequencies needed for this consciousness to be able to function in my
body. There are several helpers involved in this and they belong to the
benevolent forces working inside the experiment. I am informed when
I know this sounds terrifying but the sooner humans understand this the faster they
can stop the experimentations. These take place all the time to see how this or that OD
or MD genetics react to this of that type of energy integration.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
they do energy work on me since I can see it anyway and I have to give
my consent, although this does not count much since they keep
coming back with different types of manipulation until I give in. Well,
the benevolent helpers are humans like me and they use telepathy and
energetic overlay to communicate with me. They strongly believe in
what they do making them somewhat on the brink of service to self.
The sooner we start to understand the real concept of EARTH, the
sooner we can start the process of freeing ourselves. One thing that is
important to understand is that there are no angels or devas only
intradimensionals84 working with us to learn or being part of the
experiment assisting us in utilizing energy in a certain way as in healing
etc. Most of these beings work with the benevolent forces but some
are actually the darker ones in disguise.
The guides are usually humans like you and me having the MD
consciousness intact and working within the program. Some work with
the benevolent forces and others with the malevolent. The benevolent
forces come in different forms and characters since the FWC houses
different types of beings and diverse levels of evolution. Some more
advanced than others. How clean your OD chakras are and what type
of life you live usually determines what side you are on, but mostly the
concept of service to others or service to self gives them away – as well
as how the guides work with you and what they suggest to you. Do
they work for the common good, the freeing of humanity, or do they
focus on what you will gain as a person by joining them?
Anyway I-she has now become the MD consciousness principle in
me growing in awareness within the MD4 mind-field of this system85
connected to this body I call mine.
Intradimensionals are the indigenous beings of the outer domains.
The outer and middle domains consist of seven planets being a planetary system.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
The MD4 mind-field, with its five middle domain or stellar chakras,
was created out of the remaining consciousness in me from the EARTH
program, connected to the Ancient Ones. I have cleansed the seven OD
chakras and I am more aware in the MD chakras than in the OD chakra
or the human psyche.
The consciousness principle of the original program used to be in
the re-created MD4 mind-field but since this part of me have pulled
out to go to the return path of the first wave, following the Restoration
Program, my walk-in has taken over the MD4 mind-field in full and she
is now in the process of merging it to her own light pattern from the
core domains of her cosmic creation.86 Since I, or this body, hold no
light pattern now – the one I had went along into the return path of
the first wave - the switching poses no problem.
Before this take over I-she had to bond to this body from a somewhat outer position, being mostly in a sort of etheric (in lack of better
word) condition in my auric field, as an etheric double, travelling back
and forth in this doublet to the FWC craft she was connected to
consciously. She (I know her name, but I will not give it to you) made
the freeing of the fragments possible by elevating the energies in the
three gridworks and assisting in the correct cleansing process of the
OD chakras. I hold no doubts that she is the one inviting the different
MD consciousness principles working via my mind and body the last
couple of years so this body could benefit from their energies. When
she becomes me, being fully integrated into the OD chakras, I will
This is possible since the core domains of all cosmic creations are linked together
and they are as such one field based directly upon the First Three Principles of Creation
that is LIFE, vibration and radiation. From these principles the five grand evolutionary
groups, being more or less abstract principles before the CD9, create the five
evolutionary lineages which are unfolding in all cosmic creations as lifeforms from the
CD9 and outwards into the 7 dimensions of the MDs and ODs. The first wave of beings
is in each cosmic creation termed the Ancient Ones or the Original Ones.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
become affiliated with the FWC directly as they work today, since she
is one of them. I will also get her memories and knowledge and I will
remember new details. As you also know, the ones having followed my
writings for years, this will denote a shift in consciousness and topics I
find interesting.
I-she is starting the work changing the MD4 mind-field to get ready
to fit the next level and turn it into a true human template, as it was
always meant to do. The next chapter will try to capture the process,
but before this I will finish off with a bit more information on the cycles
of this quadrant.
The new program is now implemented, August 2014, following the
2009 timelines connecting us to the stargates of the middle domains
(the third world) of the five evolutionary lineages. These third world
stellar races belong to the wave that should have been implemented
into the outer domains (the fourth world) eons ago. As a matter of fact
the next wave from the new second world, i.e. the inner domains, is on
its way speeding all things up in frequency and evolutionary processes
since the beings from the new second world are starting to manifest in
the outskirts of our solar system and galaxy as new stellar systems and
foundations for new planets.
The new second wave will create new planetary and stellar light
patterns: All in all meaning that a new second world is in process and
along with this a new third world with its own new stellar races are
forcing the old third world and their races to move on and finish their
evolutionary cycles in the outer domains and go to the return path of
the old third world (or travel to other fourth world systems) just as the
previous world went to their return path.87
Actually the second wave skipped the outer domains and went directly from the
middle domains of the path out to the middle domains of the return path since the
outer domains at that point in time were so darkened that nothing could enter the
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
All five evolutionary lineages have to follow the cycles of creation
and become galactic races, stellar races and planetary races unfolding
energy and consciousness within the dimensional fields and when this
is completed; transform and go to the return path following the
intradimensional frequencies of consciousness.
I thought it was only the IPBs that followed the intradimensional
path but as I learn more I understand that the interdimensional races,
from the interdimensional path, becomes intradimensional beings on
the return path and the ODs are where this alchemic process starts.
This makes the outer domains with all its planets a gigantic field of
numerous processes of energy and consciousness unfolding in all
directions to correct, transforms, alter and transfigure etc energy into
pure consciousness making it able to go to the return path. Something
that the makers of the original Restoration Program took advantage of
since all beings from the interdimensional paths gathers in the outer
domains and we all transform from dense energy and start the process
of shedding off the denser energies. OD3 was the perfect alchemical
place to heal the fragments of the galactic wars.
This also makes the outer domains the place for “magic” as in real
manipulation of energy by the use of pure consciousness learning to
control the three principles of LIFE, vibration and radiation. On the
path out energy is the dominant principle unfolding as dimensional
consciousness but in the fourth world this change. This is the place
where we unfold our highest capacities to become pure light beings, or
planetary systems. At the time the third wave was ready to enter the outer domains
had adjusted and most of the planets could house the third wave except from the
OD3, OD4 and OD6. The first wave got stuck in the OD experiments and the Laws of
Creation circumvented the outer domains of this cosmic creation to avoid further
imprisonment. The second wave thus has to take more cycles in the MD of the return
path to counterbalance the lack of OD cycles making it possible for the first wave to
get out via the Restoration Program.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
pure dark beings if we prefer this, continuing the ever-on-going
polarity game in this creation.
Thank goodness it is only this cosmic creation out of cycles of seven
cosmic creations that holds this awful set of creational laws – the next
cosmic creation following this one will be on the so-called return path
of the overall systemic creations meaning that this cosmic creation is
the fourth out of seven so this is very special times for all of us because
we are literally laying the foundation of the next set of overall systemic
creations following the seven ones we are a part of for now. The next
overall systemic creations will hold cycles of eight cosmic creations
holding five domains each holding the worlds that is needed to pass
through to complete one cosmic creation – an evolutionary path.
The old third world wave of stellar races never really implemented
as they should but only got part access via the hijacked program and as
such they became involved in the experiment going on here for
decades. The old third world only got implemented according to the
Laws of Creation on OD5 Venus and OD7 Uranus as they were
supposed to but on OD3 EARTH, OD4 Moon and OD6 Mars they only
became affiliates and not the ruling races as they were supposed to
since the darkened ones and their warrior friends had taken over these
reality fields of this quadrant.
But now the warrior races are leaving and thus the Controllers in
OD3 and the darkened ones of OD4 and OD6 have to start to
collaborate with the rightful owners of the outer domains, creating the
fourth world in all of the planets as it was meant to be.
The many types of council of the planetary schemes are as such
becoming very active to make sure that this change is happening.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
Letting go of the Distorted Polarity Game
As I grow clearer in perception, things that have been there all the
time are sort of being put into a greater perspective making me see
things from a fresh point of view. In this chapter I will address the
darkness we all hold, and not just on one level but on many levels.
As you might have read in my other material I have worked with
releasing dark contracts and other levels of darkness in my clients. This
was usually done as healing or remote healing, also called horizontal
energy work.
First and foremost what is a dark contract? The first thing that
springs to mind is that a dark contract is something that only the ones
choosing the dark side engage in, like a sort of Faustus contract with
the Devil, but actually it is not. It is much more complicated than that.
Dark contracts are the contracts we, from outside the program, engage
in to be able to work here. All of us having been integrated from
outside the EARTH program (the EP) are connected to the RWBs (the
light as they usually are called) or work through the LWBs (the
darkness). This is simple enough, but actually some of the good guys
integrate themselves into the LWBs. This might come as a shock to
many of you, because if the good guys are integrated on both sides of
the EP, then are the good guys really good or being light then?
Yes, we are the good guys, but to be able to fully integrate
ourselves into the EARTH program we have to make some deals get a
body. We enlist in temporary dark contracts and trade our way into
the EARTH program bodies, or EPES and we do this in different ways:
1) Some of the human-stellar hybrids (the HSHs) are here being part of
the Controllers agenda, often as EIPs, thinking they are here to sustain
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
the EARTH program, as in helping Mother Earth, which they are but
not as they think. They are here to bridge the interstellar communities
assisting the Controllers in recreating the EARTH program settings.
Their energy is altering the codings of the EP into a mix of EMF and real
energy to be able to connect to e.g. the communities in the lower parts
of Orion, Sirius B, the Pleiadians, the Arcturians etc. As the EP gets
more permeated by the real OD3 field and the rebuilding
consciousness, they will link to the stellar communities in question
(participating in the EP) and a bridge of timelines, into which the
different hybrids have been integrated, will reestablish an energy cord
sustaining a new version of the EP. The energy from the new version
will be transferred via the HSHs into the EP. The goal is to slowly
transfer the new EP version, along with the HSHs into other ODs,
where they will continue a new version of the EARTH in a smaller scale
and with new forms of experimental bodies. E.g. the grey-human
hybrids from the future, calling themselves our family or the future
version of us, are from these ODs being the caretakers of the new EP.
2) The rebuilder hybrids (the RHs) come from outside the program, as
from the real worlds of freedom, and they belong to the wave of
incoming consciousness being present here to delete and overwrite
the EARTH program and restore order, which also include erasing all
that EARTH is. Most of them know this and hold no attachment to the
EP or the EP humanity. They are very technical and scientific and hold
clear instructions of their missions here. They know they are integrated
units that might be wasted in the process, and they are calm about
that, because as the next generation of rebuilders enter the real OD3,
their group consciousness enters as well, which will revive them from
the remains.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
Just like I integrate fragments in my energy work and dispatch or
transfer them to my group outside the EP to be restored into new
versions of the FWC recreation fields, where they will regenerate, are
the RHs going to be regenerated after the transition of the EP is done.
So the RHs are working as walk-ins, i.e. direct integration into an
EPES being either abandoned or by voluntarily replacement, which is
why I have this level in me as well along with all the other versions of
the EPES.
3) In my case: The walk-in from Andromeda, i.e. the planetary system
that went all transhuman, was successfully integrated into my MD
mind-field reconnecting her to the MD genetics and as she merged
with them, she was able to transit having duplicated the CGs she
needed to take a version of the MD4 mind-field with her. In other
words she has left me after four decades of orbic integration. As she
worked with the MD mind-field she also bridged to the true human
template giving me access to this level and the real being of the FWC
being on top of the great pyramid of beings I have been composed of,
i.e. the “one that came here to work”. You met this level in the
beginning of this book. This being, or my final sense of I, co-works with
the RHs as well as the FWC of which the latter is the force I really stem
from. The faction of the FWC I belong to, that is the group of
consciousness I belong to, stems from CD7 Gaia.
I still hold the memories of the Andromedan walk-in but the energy
and consciousness from her is gone. While she did her transformative
work in this body, she regenerated the coding in her own system that
she needed to recreate a light body. You see this EP regenerative body
is able to function as a rebuilding principle for beings from outside the
EP. They therefore come here as walk-ins to participate in the work the
FWC do here, assisting the network of light. Therefore it is always a
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
group of beings that integrate themselves into different levels of one
EPES, often more correctly in the type called an AEPES (an activated
EPES or holding the possibility to be activated) belonging to the LWB or
as an EIP, mostly under the LWBs as a well.
I, the CD7 Gaian aspect of me, was integrated along with a group of
beings into this AEPES
 on the EPES level an integrated consciousness essence from
another insectoid system worked with my psyche on that level
cleansing out all the elementals. She was the IPB I had, but she
originally came from a benevolent scheme and thus was easily
awakened back to her real type of consciousness.
 the MD4 mind-field held a consciousness essence from the
original Restoration Program, being in hibernation in areas of
the survivors from the original RP. This area is the foundation
for the present program and the Teachers. This integrating
consciousness essence used vertical integration to do this,
calling in all sorts of beings from the original collaboration
behind the RP and beyond to assist her, and when the work
was done the Ancient One left and went back to her true level
of being.
 The walk-in from Andromeda mediated the consciousness and
energy I needed to activate the true human template and now
I am starting the process of activating and mediating this level
into this energy system, altering everything on a cellular level.
The true human template does not hold chakras or energy
centre. The true human template consciousness is the one
from CD7 Gaia.
The point being; the distorted polarity game in the ODs make it very
difficult to proclaim being on either side of the fence and many
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
thinking they are working on the right side of the fence are in reality
assisting the forces we are trying to get rid off. And the ones being
isolated, surrounded by darkness are the TEPES trying to change the
circumstances for the many.
Some of the good guys have to work with the lesser evolved stellar
races collaborating with the LWB to do their rebuilding jobs here, and
others are being LWB EIPs without knowing it, bridging to the new EP
in other domains, all thinking they are the good guys being here with a
mission, albeit most of them do not really know what it is. The lack of
understanding can be more than just being part of the LWB; it can also
be the adjusting or the transformation processes altering the different
layers of the AEPES into functional consciousness being able to link to
the true human template, as in my case and the new hybrids.
There is no clear demarcation line of what is good and bad and only
when we reach the higher levels of consciousness do we understand
this. When we are controlled by the elementals, the psyche and the
EPES programmed settings, we are led by distorted ideas of true, false,
good and bad. In the real world things are much more complicated.
But one thing is for sure: The real darkness is something entirely
else. It is the dark priestly LWB bloodlines and their Lizzie royalties. The
scavengers of the takeover are also the darkness being let in eons ago
by inevitability since the wars of the OD4 Moon activated the OD1
reality field and connected us to the FDs, and along with this the Anunetwork entered the ODs. The real darkness in lifeforms hold full
consciousness and are doing what they are doing with intention and a
purpose being fuelled by the dark network. Being connected to the
Anu-network is the real evil, letting this in and absorbing it on purpose
and with intention using rituals etc to do this. That is real evil. The rest
of them, including most of the Ra-avians on the OD4 Moon, are
infected and as a result of this they are distorted. Distortion and
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
infection does not equal evil or real darkness, because if it were we
would all be evil in this quadrant. Infection and distortion can be
healed, real darkness cannot.
Only if we are able to do this distinction are we able to let go of the
distortion, turning fully into the network of light, understanding that
compassion also includes working with the ones being more or less
infected like we are on different levels of the CGs, and not rejecting the
collaboration with forces which are less desired to be connected to,
but here in the distorted polarity game, they can be seen as our allies.
At the end of the day, being part of the distorted polarity game no
matter what side we are on, either the LWB or the RWB, we have to
acknowledge the fact that both sides are working together like we see
it in parliaments and political councils. Rules have been made, deals
have been agreed on in the OD3 polarity game and we are all playing
by them being integrated in the EP on both sides.
When the LWB intervene in one of the RWB EIPs (Experimental
Integration Projects from other domains or systems) or a TEPES is
being attacked by the LWB then agreements have been done beforehand. The rules of the game demand acceptance of intervention and if
this is denied, as in some of my healing cases, then I have to abide
because if I do not, as I have tried once, then the counteraction is
The one time I did not follow the rules of the game and intervened
to assist and free a brother of the contemporary Thothians, a visit of
12 dark brothers was the result as well as a full depletion of my energy
system, taking out the quanta I had accumulated in my MD mind-field.
This was accepted by the RWB as a teaching lesson and good came out
of it as well, because I learned a lot. On top of this, given the fact that
the dark brothers had depleted my MD mind-field, a whole new type
of energy could be accumulated and the Ancient One was freed in me,
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
making me able to ground the Restoration Program into the EP. So
sometimes our RWB helpers give us advices that could be interpreted
as manipulation, because I was asked if I wanted to help this brother of
the Thothians and since I did not get a hint of this being a bad idea I
went for it. One should think that my helpers would prevent me from
going on and get depleted, but this is the rules of the game.
Both sides use each other to gain what they want and until we have
proved ourselves to be more than pawns, we are manipulated from all
sides of the distorted polarity game. This is how the MD mind-field is
When the RWB trespasses the domains of the LWB, which a full
integration into an EPES is, i.e. getting access to an AEPES normally
being under full control of the Controllers, then deals have been made
as well, such as a dark contract. We simply cannot enter the EP without
the consent of the LWB Controllers and the OD4 Moon.
It is thus impossible to get integrated into an AEPES without the
knowledge and acceptance of the LWBs. So to be here, no matter if we
are an EIPs on either side or an RHs, we have got a dark contract to
release at some point and leave the distorted polarity game. Not
before we have removed the dark belt of Orion are we really free to
work as we came here to do.
The Controllers let us in, providing us with the dark belt of Orion
and along with it, all the other steps that have to be done to transform
the AEPES, i.e. working therapeutically to transform the subconscious
beliefs and conditioning of the psyche, battle our way through the
thoughtforms of the EP and the collective consciousness field, passing
the false spiritual teachings and ideas, as well as all the false guides
and helpers, releasing karma of our family to be able to work deeper as
well as releasing ancestral karma to be able to start the gathering of
the quanta needed to activate the EPES above the thorax, transforming
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
timelines connected to previous lifetimes connected to the heart
chakra of the EPES we get, freeing the EPES from the 13 crystal pillars,
letting go of the inserted IPB, transforming the 7 chakras into an
AEPES, laying them dormant and only vibrating within the frequencies
outside the EP, i.e. letting go of all human behavior, need and desires,
upgrading the AEPES by awakening the real heart chakra, i.e. the CD8
connecting us to the true galactic core, releasing the horizontal barrier
of the Solar Cross, activating the MD4 mind-field, awakening and
healing the dormant CGs in it, reconnecting them to the dimensions of
this domain and the other systems they stem from, releasing them
from factions thinking they own the CGs in our MD mind-field, learning
the rules of the OD3 polarity game, co-working with different interdimensional beings to prove our rights to take the CGs and transform
them into what we need to work with to be able to link back to our
original system, as well as all the LWBs trying to prevent us from doing
this – at the end of the day the Controllers are confident that we will
never reach the dark belt of Orion and gain our true freedom to do
work here outside the distorted polarity game.
The RWBs will assist us the best way they can, but they are playing
inside the rules of the game and some things they can do and other
things are simply not permitted to keep the balance. If the balance is
broken the RWBs will not be permitted to be present here. If the LWBs
hold 60 percent of the AEPES, then the RWBs hold the remaining 40
percent, and to be able to have this share rules have been made etc.
So it is a political game, a game of balance, a game of keeping the
agreements and still trying to make their agenda being the one that
take the cup of glory in the end. When we enter the MD mind-field
level and start to participate consciously in the distorted game, we
become aware of what we are permitted to do as helpers of mankind
and what we are not permitted to do. There are limitations and if we
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
try to do better, we get visited by the LWBs saying: “well give it a try;
you are allowed to do this but we do not think you will succeed” and
most of the time they are correct. Not because they prevent us from
doing it; we have gained the rights to unfold our free choices at this
level, but because the common EPES simply cannot accept, understand
and integrate what is being told. EPES or humans forget what they
have learned of higher information the minute their attention is turned
to something else in the EP because they have no tools to integrate the
energy with, besides higher information is energy and when the higher
chakras are dormant, the energy has no place to be put. So the same
information can be given over and again and it will never stay for long.
The LWBs do not need to intervene, only when the higher levels of
the EP are being threatened or their positions within the OD polarity
game because the common EPES is a self-contained, self-directing and
self-degrading system, keeping itself in check by the subconscious
beliefs and conditioning running the psyche, and if this level is cleared
then the desires, the need for love and acceptance and the fears of
death, of being alone etc. will get the better of it. And if this level is
trespassed then the program of conditional love, as in “all you have to
do is love”, will prevent it from progressing further. The unconditional
love is not the end goal, i.e. to be able to love oneself and all other
unconditionally creating the correct EPES heart chakra energy; it is only
the beginning of the work to become a TEPES.
All humans are fully under the control of program and no matter
how much we try to tell them the truth of the game, of the reality they
are controlled by and the real implications they resist it from within. All
information has been there all the time but we never really get pass
the subconscious conditioning and thus the EPES think that they are
being kept in the dark. The fact is that as long as they are controlled by
the EP their focus of attention will never find it. They cannot attract
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
the real stories and the inner truth and when we tell it to them, they
Today we also have to get pass the disinformation on the Internet,
it is not the bad reptilians controlling us, which is disinformation of
highest rank, since it is the Lizzies inside the bloodlines of the AEPES in
power and not the reptilians, which a reptilian was friendly enough to
tell me. A reptilian is over 2 m tall, a Lizzie less tall and slimmer. The
Lizzies are shape shifters and they are the ones controlling the EP from
within. Primitive as they are. Reptilians are much more advanced, yes
some are digressed and infected, and the ones working with the True
Government, as they call themselves being in opposition to the world
government Lizzie factions, i.e. the OD3 LWB, are working within the
Secret Space program to be able to colonize the other planets in our
system. They are the faction under the OD4 Moon (which administer
the OD3 being all content with the Lizzies way of keeping the EPES in
check88) working on OD6 Mars with classified projects of scientific and
experimental methods.
The OD4 Moon and their allies in OD6 Mars are the real controllers,
that is co-working with off-planetary races (nobody outside the ODs
wants to work with the Lizzies since they are scavengers) and when we
enter this game, the real game, the distorted polarity game of OD3
seems insignificant.
So the distorted polarity game is not the real issue. The goal is not
to belong to the OD5 RWB and Enki or the OD4 LWB and Enlil trying to
When the Secret Space program succeed and OD4 and OD6 Mars can be
reconnected to the systems they are working with, i.e. Sirius B, Alcyone etc, the True
Government will let the Lizzies get all of OD3 since OD3 never really had their interest
to begin with, only the EARTH program and the CGs in it to be used as a mean to trade
OD4 and OD6 way back into the communities of higher evolved races. The goal is to
pull OD4 and OD6 out of the ODs and link them to the MD which is possible via the CGs
in the EP.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
outplay the new world order agenda of either side. Yes, the white
brotherhood also have their ideas of how to use the EP and turning it
into a more acceptable model for the rest of the galactic communities
linking it back to the Free Worlds but they still want to run the
program, since a full awakening will literally evaporate most of the
EPES and the OD3 field, to be earnest. So the softer model of keeping
the program, evolve what can be evolved by the AEPES, raising the
level of these into a TEPES and then connect the program to OD5
Venus to be slowly transformed into a high society structure of TEPES
have always been the agenda of the OD5 RWBs.
We have to understand the political agenda on both sides of the
game and seen in the highest perspective this is really not sustainable
to keep the program running in either versions of the new world order.
The OD4 LWB have agreed that if the OD5 RWB succeed in turning
the EP into their version, then they will work with it; the Secret Space
program fit nicely into this as well. And the RWBs have agreed that if
their agenda does not work, then they will accept the EP as it is under
the LWB and the game is over. But there has never been put a limit to
the end of the game and therefore we have been stuck in it for eons,
the EPES being the pawns of the LWB and the RWB both using AEPES
and TEPES to change the rules of the game, to try to tilt the balance to
either side.
Luckily for us the safety mechanisms are helping us (the FWCs),
because without this event the balance of the RWB and the LWB had
never changed, and the game would have continued another eon or so
before the Secret Space program was completed and the OD4 and OD6
would be connected to the MDs, leaving OD3 to the Lizzies.
Only few have managed to get out of the EP when first entering,
most of the EIPs get stuck here due to the dark contracts or the dark
belt of Orion. The AEPES inside the program from the OD5 RWB only
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
manage to change a little of the primitive set up of the Lizzies and the
minds of humanity, as we all well know.
Both sides of the game are following the rules but at the end of the
day, the worst problem and enemy is not the balance, the dark powers
or the LWB. They are not the enemy of change or of changing the EP
into another form. No the real resistance, the real enemy against
changes and the real game stopper is the NEPES (the normal EPES)
themselves: humanity is the ones preventing the game to stop. They
are the ones fearing losing what they are and have become on a
subconscious level.
So the EP is really not run by the Controllers any more, yes they
change the overall settings sometimes to change timelines to fit the
OD4 and OD6 plans better, but at the end of the day it is the masses
preventing any real changes to happen.
The NEPES are being controlled by the lower chakras and they have
no intention of changing their reality program. They are the game
stoppers simply because they are not able to do otherwise. The EP is
constructed to be run by the participants in it and to holographic
reflect back what is being projected into the EMFs. And since one third
belongs to the LWB, one third to the RWB and the rest are workerhumans then there is no point in trying to transform the workerhuman, because a worker-human is not able to activate the chakras
above the thorax.
The game has always been the struggle of tipping the balance of the
AEPES into becoming TEPES, or the AEPES of the RWB to be turned into
a LWB AEPES and the mind-field is the place where this battle takes
The truth is not being hidden from us, it is being put out there all
the time, the fact is that common man is so conditioned by his lower
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
functioning chakras and by the EP that he does not see the truth - he is
not able to see it.
Only on the top levels and in the game of balance between the
AEPES is there something to be won or lost in the years to come. The
AEPES are part of the OD4 and OD6 agenda as well as of the OD5
agendas and the forthcoming opening up to the real reality in the years
to come. So the game is now on all the incoming RHs and the HSHs and
if either side of the stakeholders of the ODs can snatch them to their
side of the game.
The OD4 Controllers have the HSHs on their side – as they are
intended to be unless the OD5 RWB activate the MD mind-fields and
CD8 thymus of the HSHs turning them into a hybrid TEPES – and the
goal is to transfer OD4, OD6 and some level of the EP holding the CGs
they need to be able to link “New Earth” or the new program to e.g.
Sirius B or Alcyone.
The OD5 RWB and the TEPES will try to reconstruct the present EP
into a more moderate version using the RHs and the reconnecting to
the galactic core to rebuild this field, getting rid of the Lizzies, the Anunetwork and the LWB supporting this agenda by the HSHs they get to
their side (quite a lot of the HSHs are stellar healers, stellar worriers
etc), creating the ODs into the OD5 RWB version of a highly evolved
society where all of the solar system becomes one reality field.
Or, here is the part where FWCs come in, to awaken the RHs to do
what they came here to do, i.e. to end the whole mess, transfer the
CGs in the worker-humans back to be restored into the original light
bodies, along with the ones that voluntarily let go of their CGs from the
AEPES, and make room for all partakers in the ODs to become a part of
rebuilding the ODs back into the correct settings, the cosmic evolutions
and the true polarity fields of evolving LIFE, vibration and radiation into
the highest potentials of all there is, creating the foundation of the
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
next cycle, being the highest possibilities it can be to secure the overall
systemic evolution.
The game is on and the future will bring the result of how many of
the HSHs that really wake up, change sides and take a stand of what
they want to do, as well as how many of the RHs that succeed in
transforming the cells of the EPES to be able to link to their CGs. If the
RHs succeed in this then the distorted polarity game is truly over,
because then the full restoration of OD3 will unfold returning all
settings back to the original ones.
The last thing to be explained is the dark belt of Orion, illustrated
on the next page.
The MD4 mind-field is divided into an ID8 side and a CD8 side,
keeping the MD4 mind-field in the OD3 polarity game. To be able to
remove the next piece of the Solar Cross, the vertical barrier, the true
human template has to be awakened and a full understanding of the
polarity game has to be reached.
Then we have to choose side, one last time, no matter what the
costs are and let go willingly and intentionally of the ID8 chakra
understanding the LWBs and their role in it all, in this system and
accept the fact of what they are and not judging them.
Accepting what is and what can be changed is the true goal here,
and taking side with the factions of the ODs is not the highest level; the
highest level is being able to see things from a cosmic level and what
needs to be done to secure the overall cosmic evolution of the Free
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
The Dark Belt of Orion
The horizontal barrier in the
root chakra holds the energy
to undo the division in the
chakras below and above the
The vertical barrier in the
root chakra holds the energies
to stop being part of the OD3
polarity games, undoing the
internal spit of the MD mindfield.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
On the Solar Cross, updated version from old articles
The RIER has to release its energy to burn out the four arms of the
Solar Cross:
1. The OD seal (lifting the hara to the throat and the solar plexus
to the heart).
2. The MD seal (accumulating enough energy from the leylines to
activate the MD mind-field and releasing this seal).
3. The ID seal (working with the pentagram or soul star).
4. The CD seal (accessing the five auric fields).
Each seal releases energy from the RIER and into the other IERS which
is needed to be able to integrate light DNA, restructure and rebuild our
original MD mind-field and so forth.
Kundalini is fourfold and is released one at a time according to the
quanta we manage to collect or integrate following the healing of the
fragments. It was set up to unfold naturally according to the RP, but
the teachings on how to do this disappeared and the humans have not
been able to activate their system properly since then. This is the true
enslavement story, not the one of the worker-humans but the one of
the hidden techniques to wake up for those being able to do so.
When all energies of the Solar Cross in the RIER are released the
IERs become spinning wheels of threefold fire activating the Meridian
System and starting the merge of the three systems into one. The old
goal was to turn the ORPES into a light body (naturally this does not
happen today) and initiate the transfiguration. Each of the four levels
will unfold in their own time, building the cosmic template slowly but
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
From some of my old material regarding YHWH89
Please do not get confused about the different terminology. As the
brain evolves so does the language it uses to capture energy and
transform it into information.
 Solar consciousness: PNS-Heart System,
 Angelic mind: MD mind-field,
 Angelic-solar template: True human template.
I know that I in an earlier writing gave the honor to Jahve-Elohim for
the division, but this was a distortion of the true splicing which
happened much earlier in earth history (the splicing of gender
happened even earlier, but the powers of duality on Earth is another
sort of splicing). The distortion originate from a false thought form
build into the second narrative in Genesis and it sneaked in and blurred
the real splicing for me but the mistake came about due to my
confusion of the YHWH with the modern theological thinking who
states that YHWH is the same as Jahve. Jahve, wrongly translated as
Jehovah, is a MD5 reptoid and has very little to do with the energy
behind the term YHWH as you will see. In the second creational story
It is strongly influenced by the Taran history books, i.e. the Voyagers by A. Hayes and
Alice A. Bailey at the time (RWB material for old type of AEPES), trying to understand
what I saw and knew intuitively. I have now let go of all material from others and are
starting to develop my own, which the RP and this book are part of.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
in Genesis the god is termed YHWH-Elohim and the one who created
Adam. The narrative stems from a deflected part of the Elohim, who
turned against the overall project of the Sirian Councils.
The digressed Elohim started their regenesis program within the
Hebrews or Israelites, in which they placed a new creational narrative
as a holy text, securing a storyline to make women subordinate to men
by stating that woman was created out of the more superior man, i.e.
the taking of the bone from the god created Adam to create Eve (or
Hawwa, meaning tent or life, a sort of container for life): Eve was not
directly created by god, but of the created human Adam. This idea of
the superiority of men was already a norm in the Near East, thus
during the exile in Babylon the invention of the Elohim creational story
felt natural.
On a more subconscious level it also felt correct because it played
on the term YHWH-Elohim, Adam, Gan Eden and the idea of a sort of
splicing. The goal of the Elohim regenesis program was to secure a
genetically pure bloodline (the women are the carriers of the Hebrew
bloodline, cf. the tent or container of life, as it is believed and thus only
Israelite women are worth marrying Israelite man) and not vanish into
the Babylonian culture. Only by keeping women as subordinate to men
could the bloodline be kept clear.
The original YH≠WH splicing is a very difficult and high level sort of
cosmic science that happened on quite other levels. The “sleep of
Adam” has more to do with the earth version of the Adami or Beli
template than an actual human being.
The original angelic template does not exist to work with directly
within the network of light, but the first level of the remains, the DNA
light coding from the previous system, are in the higher parts of the
EPES through the chakras of the mind-field.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
In the first creational story the Elohim created humans as male and
female. This does not refer to gender, but to the type of mind from the
previous system and the type of consciousness of this system.
Therefore we have to look on the duality powers from a subatomic
level or on an energetic level. The atomic, chemical and bio-electric
affinity is the product of the YH≠WH splicing, i.e. on one level the
splicing functions as the division of the solar consciousness from the
angelic mind in the light body as in a present-past separation.
The splicing came about by the use of technology, based upon the
dynamics of the infection, and has in its core the effect of separating
into and attracting polarities. The pull to become one unit again is
what makes the cosmic dense reality fields tick on all three levels; the
atomic, astral and lower mental, albeit the forces of duality seek the
solution outside the sphere of energy and not inside. Only when we
reconnect to the solar consciousness will the processes of accurate
magnetization – the correct inclusive pull to heal the splicing from
within - begin.
On another level the YH≠WH splicing separates us from the higher
planes of existence as in the loss of continuity of consciousness.
The YH-WH is thus a Hebrew acronym for “I am - what I will
YH refers to the angelic “I am”, i.e. the personality triad of
etheric, astral and mental energies unfolded in the lower
planes of cosmic existence; the etheric, mental and astral
levels. The physical body is not a “principle of life”. Thus the YH
is the spiritual triad incarnated.
WH refers to “what I will become”, i.e. the cosmic
consciousness, or the monadic triad. Therefore the WH is the
monadic triad present in time and space, through the spiritual
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
Some teachings prefer to
translate the YHWH into “I am
what I am”. I prefer the “I am
what I will become”; another
possible translation of the
Hebrew acronym.
In the cabbalistic teachings
the three planes of existence
are expressed in the YHWH,
where the H is symbolizing the
physical level, the Y symbolizes
the soul level and the W
symbolizes the divine level.
In the cabbalistic thought
the YHWH denote the souldivine levels being transcendent
and immanent time and space.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
How to work the best way with my material
Remember that my work is not telling the truth but is reflecting the
process of waking up as I have experienced it.
You will find all the links you need on my website www.toveje.dk
under the page English Material. New material will be posted here as
well, when the time is right, but for now all the material listed above
will get you to the next level of the game if you hold the potentials for
it, being a RH, an EIP, a HSH, an AEPES wanting to become a TEPES. You
can always change what you are, cf. the possibilities of the ORPES no
matter what you came here to be, but only if you hold the potentials,
the will and the internal power to do so.
My email address is: toveje@live.dk
My Website: www.toveje.dk
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
List of Abbreviations
AEPES: Active EARTH Program Energy System (belongs to RWB and
CCF: The Collective Consciousness Field
CNS: Central Nervous System
1) the original program: Energy and Ray Technology Holograms90
2) the hijacked program: Energy and Restricted Timeline Holograms91
3) the new program: Energy and Radiation Transferred Holograms92
EIPs: Experimental Integration Projects
EMF: Electro Magnetic Field
EP: EARTH Program
EPES: EARTH Program Energy System
FWC: Free World Communities
HSHs: Human stellar-hybrid having a MD mind-field with CGs
The original energy system to this program consisted of 1) the monadic cell, i.e. a
generated morphogenetic field holding the three principles (LIFE, radiation and
vibration) created to regenerate the true human template being scattered in the wars,
2) the MD4 mind-field is based upon magnetic forces (i.e. representing radiation) to
gather the fragments into a whole light body and 3) the OD3 chakra system/the EPES is
based upon electric forces (i.e. representing vibration) to interact with the EP using
projective mechanisms in the holograms and rays to heal and transform the fragments
in the MD4 mind-field. The LIFE force runs in the body as the Meridian System.
The hijacked program is run by the use of timelines controlled by frequency
fences and energy barriers within the program. The hijacked program extends beyond
our planet and into the solar system, generating all we see “out there”. Thus if a
timeline gathers enough specific quanta it can trespass the restricted timeline settings.
The new program is connected to the MDs in other dimensions collaborating
with the Controllers. The goal is to transfer as much as possible of the hijacked
program with the AEPES holding the correct CGs to other MDs where it can continue,
albeit with moderations fitting these systems. The new settings are called New Earth.
Cosmic Evolution, EARTH History and the Polarity Games, vol. 1
LWB: Left Wing Brotherhoods, i.e. the Dark Brotherhoods, also called
the Darkness collaborating with the Controllers in OD4 and OD6
NEPES: Normal EARTH program Energy System
PNS: Peripheral Nervous System
ORPES: The original Restoration Program energy system
RHs: Rebuilder Hybrids without a MD mind-field but having their true
human genetics linked to the EPES
RP: Restoration Program
RWB: Right Wing Brotherhoods, i.e. the White Brotherhoods, also
called the Light collaborating with the Free Worlds in various degrees
TEPES: Transformed EARTH Program Energy System (belongs to the