HKIE Transactions, 2014 Vol. 21, No. 1, 35–49, Effects of stiffness nonlinearity on E standard penetration test N correlations for analysing wall deflections in Hong Kong excavations C.W.W. Nga , A.K. Leunga∗ , S.S.K. Kwokb and F.H.T. Yipb a Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China; b Housing Department, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China (Received 31 October 2012; accepted 8 March 2013 ) Soil stiffness is one of the vital soil parameters governing lateral wall movements of an excavation. For the design of excavation and lateral support (ELS) works in Hong Kong (HK), it is a common practice to idealise soil as an elastic material, whose stiffness is characterised by a constant called Young’s modulus (E ), that is then empirically correlated to uncorrected standard penetration test (SPT) N values through a correlation factor, f . Although soil stiffness is well recognised to decrease with an increase in strain nonlinearly, most existing E – SPT N correlations do not consider stiffness nonlinearity explicitly. In order to account for the influence of strain non-linearity on soil stiffness, 2 new sites were instrumented and monitored, and 12 other relevant case histories in HK were interpreted and back-analysed by using FREW and Plaxis 2D. It is revealed and verified that reduction of soil stiffness with an increase in strain can be correlated with an increase in final excavation depth (Hf ). This is because an increase in Hf mobilises larger soil strains to result in a decrease in soil stiffness. For practical purposes, some moderately conservative Hf – dependent E – SPT N correlations are established for fill and completely decomposed granite and they are verified with independent field measurements. Keywords: soil stiffness; nonlinearity; excavation; wall deformation; E – SPT N correlation; decomposed granites Background In urban areas of major cities like Hong Kong (HK) where the costs of land are relatively high, multi-propped excavations for underground facilities are often in demand. Figure 1 shows a typical multi-propped excavation in HK and typical profiles of wall and ground deformations. The definitions of some key parameters are shown, including (i) final excavation depth, Hf ; (ii) intermediate excavation depth, Hi ; (iii) average prop spacing, h; (iv) maximum lateral wall displacement, δhm and (v) maximum ground surface settlement behind the wall, δvm . Lateral deformation of retaining wall associated with excavation is always one of the major concerns for practitioners to design against serviceability limit state. It has been identified that lateral wall movement is generally governed by six major factors, namely (i) soil type and its properties such as stiffness; (ii) depth and geometry of excavation; (iii) types and stiffness of lateral support systems; (iv) construction methods like top-down or bottom-up; (v) construction practice such as workmanship and (vi) groundwater conditions like elevation of groundwater table.[1–3] It is well known that soil stiffness is not constant but it is affected by many factors such as stress level, strain level, stress history and stress path.[4,5] Figure 2 ∗ Corresponding author. Email: © 2014 Taylor & Francis shows laboratory-measured relationships between normalised secant shear stiffness (Gsec /p , where p is mean effective stress) and shear strain for saturated fill and completely decomposed granite (CDG) specimens that were sampled from Kwai Shing circuit (KSC) and Kowloon Bay [6] in HK. Shear strain is defined as twothird of the difference between axial and radial strain under triaxial loading condition. At very small strains (<0.001% [7]), the shear modulus is assumed to be elastic, Gmax . For an isotropic elastic material, the relationship between effective Young’s modulus (E ) and Gmax can be expressed as: Gmax = E , 2(1 + v ) (1) where v is the Poisson ratio. As shown in Figure 2, Gsec /p values of both fill and CDG reduce from their maximum values (i.e. Gmax /p ) at 0.001% of shear strain to low values nonlinearly. The range of strain, where Gsec /p reduces significantly, lies within the typical strain range for excavations in medium and dense soils like CDG.[8,9] Similar stiffness reduction curves of other HK soils including completely decomposed tuff and rhyolite are also observed.[5,10] 36 C.W.W. Ng et al. where f is a constant correlation factor. Based on backanalyses of measured wall deflections, f -values reported in the three local documents range from 0.8 to 2. Chan [12] carried out back-analyses for seven selected deep excavations in HK (Hf ranging from 12 to 34 m) and recommended that f -values for fill, alluvium and marine deposit (MD) are 1.5, while that for CDG is 2.0. Although many f -values have been stated in the literature, they were back-analysed mainly from case histories having deep Hf . It is expected that an excavation having deeper Hf would have caused greater stress relief and hence larger shearing of soil behind a retaining wall. Since larger induced shear strain would lead to greater mobilisation of E (refer to Figure 2), a lower f -value would be resulted. Obviously, the use of low f -values in design would be expected to over-predict wall deflections for shallow excavations substantially. This is because lower degree of soil strains and hence higher E can be mobilised in relatively shallow depths. The use of a single constant f -value in existing correlations is thus unable to capture different degrees of mobilisation of E for excavations having different Hf . The objective of this paper is to propose some new E – SPT N correlations which take into account the stiffness nonlinearity explicitly. Two new excavation sites in HK are selected for instrumentation and monitoring wall deflections during constructions. Back-analyses are conducted for the two instrumented sites and some other relevant case histories using two softwares, FREW [13] and Plaxis 2D, which are both pre-accepted by the Buildings Department (BD). By investigating any correlations between excavation d dvm Hi h1 Hf h2 h3 dhm Average prop spacing N h= Â hi i=1 N Figure 1. Typical profiles of wall and ground deformations for multi-propped excavation and definition of parameters used in this study (modified from Clough and O’Rourke [17]). Despite the complex soil-structure interaction involved in an excavation and highly nonlinear behaviour of soil, it is a common practice to idealise soil as an elastic material, whose stiffness is characterised by a constant E and empirically correlated it to uncorrected standard penetration test (SPT) N values in HK for the design of excavation and lateral support (ELS) works. Three local documents, GCO,[1] GEO,[2] and GEO,[11] summarise some empirical E – SPT N correlations, which are generally expressed as follows: E = f · N (MPa), (2) 3500 Gmax/p' Fill-B-F3 (p' = 27 kPa) CDG-KS34-1 (p' = 30 kPa) 3000 Upper bound (Ng et al. 2000) Lower bound (Ng et al. 2000) Lab test on fill and CDG from Kwai Shing Circuit Lab test on CDG from Kowloon Bay Gsec/p' 2500 Typical strain range for retaining walls Mair (1993); Ng and Lings (1995) 2000 1500 1000 Very small strain range Large strain range Small strain range 500 0 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 Shear strain, eq(%) Figure 2. Laboratory-measured stiffness reduction curves for saturated fill and CDG sampled from KSC and Kowloon Bay [6] in HK. Notes: Gsec denotes secant shear modulus; shear strain εq is defined as two-third of the difference between axial strain εa and radial strain εr (i.e. 2(εa − εr )/3) under triaxial loading condition. HKIE Transactions (a) (b) 0 0 5 (c) SPT N value SPT N value 25 50 75 100 0 (d) SPT N value (f) SPT N value (g) SPT N value 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 1000 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 20 40 60 80100 0 Fill CDG (e) SPT N value Fill 25 50 75 100 Fill Fill MDG Depth (m) SPT N value Fill Fill 10 CDG 37 CDV MD Fill 15 MDG CDG 20 MDG AL MDV/SDV MDG 25 Measured SPT N value Linear regression N95L profile Figure 3. Geological profiles and SPT N profiles of the two newly instrumented HA sites (a) KSC; (b) SUK and five past HA sites; (c) HHE; (d) SCR; (e) TTE; (f) CWR and (g) ECW. depth and E values that were back-analysed, new E – SPT N correlations are established for fill and CDG and they are then verified by field measurements. It is recognised that the use of E – SPT N correlations to analyse wall deflection greatly simplifies the complexity of soil-structure interaction involved in ELS works. However, it is unrealistic and not the intention to address all complex soil-structure interaction problems in this paper since simplicity is intended to be preserved as much as possible for practical designs in HK. Categorisation of collected case histories In order to carry out detailed analyses and to develop new E – SPT N correlations, two new sites in Kwai Chung and Sham Shui Po from Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA), namely KSC, and So Uk site Estate (SUK), were instrumented for monitoring both lateral wall displacement profiles and ground surface settlements. In addition, five past HA’s sites in Hung Hom, Chai Wan, Sham Shui Po, Wong Tai Sin and Kowloon Bay, namely Hung Hom Estate (HHE), Ex-Chai Wan Estate (ECW), Sai Chuen Road (SCR), Tung Tau Estate (TTE) and Choi Wan Road (CWR), were collected. However, only ground settlement data and SPT N profile are available in these five cases. Figure 3 shows the ground profiles for the seven HA’s cases. Similar mixed geological conditions were identified in all cases (except TTE), comprising successive layers of fill, MD, and/or alluvium (AL), and/or decomposed granites or volcanic. The Hf of the seven HA’s cases range from 4 to 7.5 m. In all seven cases, relatively soft walls such as sheet-pile wall (i.e. flexural stiffness of ∼104 kNm2 /m) were adopted and the bottom-up construction method was employed. In all seven HA’s sites, no grouting and hydraulic cut-off were used to control seepage. Other details of each HA’s case are summarised in Table 1. Leung and Ng [3] and Chan [12] have collected 15 nonHA’s deep excavation case histories in HK. Among the 15 collected cases, eight of them (i.e. cases CS, DC-I4, DCI6, HS-QR, HS-DV, EH, FW and LWH; refer to Table 1) documented relevant information including geological and groundwater conditions, SPT N profile, construction method and sequence, the ELS system adopted and field measurement on lateral wall displacement at Hf . Similar to the seven HA’s cases, typical mixed geological conditions were identified in all the 15 non-HA’s cases. Except EH, the 14 non-HA’s cases have Hf deeper than 16 m. In these 14 case histories, stiff walls such as diaphragm wall were adopted and the top-down construction method was used. The flexural wall stiffness is about two orders of magnitude higher than that in HA’s cases. For case EH, the Hf is 12 m and a softer sheet-pile wall was used. The bottom-up construction method was employed. Other details of the 15 non-HA’s cases are summarised in Table 1. A categorisation method was proposed by Leung and Ng [3] to divide HK case histories into two groups based on SPT N values at half of Hf : N ≤ 30 (Group A) and N > 30 (Group B). According to GEO,[14] coarse materials with N values less than and more than 30 are classified as loose and dense, respectively. The N value of 30 was thus used to differentiate wall deformation characteristic of excavations in loose and dense grounds. Based on this categorisation method, there are 17 and five cases belonging to Groups A and B, respectively (see Table 1). In order to take the effects of Hf , wall stiffness and construction method into consideration, it may be logical and reasonable to further divide case histories in each Group into two sub-groups. For Hf shallower than 16 m, using wall types with stiffness softer than 104 kN/m2 /m and the bottom-up method, they are categorised as “softer” subgroup. On the contrary, cases belong to “stiffer” sub-group when Hf are deeper than 16 m, used wall types stiffer than 106 kN/m2 /m and adopted the top-down method. 38 Table 1. Some detailed information of the 22 collected non-HA’s and HA’s excavation case histories in HK. Construction method Excavation depth, Hf (m) Groundwater table (m depth) Wall type Wall stiffness, Ew I (kNm2 /m) Average prop spacing, h (m) δhm (mm) δvm (mm) Reference 6.5 4.1 40 15 24 3 Davies and Henkel [34] Chu et al. [16] 79 86 50 30 24 N/A Lui and Yau [19] Chan [12] Humpheson et al. [35] Group A (SPT N ≤ 30 at Hf /2) “Stiffer” sub-group Chater Station (CS) Cheung Sha Wan (CSW) Dragon Centre (DC)-I4 Dragon Centre (DC)-I6 Hong Kong Station (HKS) HSBC Headquarters Queen’s Road (HS-QR) HSBC Headquarters Des Voeus Road (HS-DV) Sheung Wan Crossover (SWC) Site Q Top-down Diaphragm wall 4.6 × 106 26 14 2.5 1.5 27 27 23 1.5 1.5 4 9.0 × 106 5 5 4.6 16 2 2.7 × 106 5.3 30 10 18 3 5.3 42 20 32 1 2.9 20 N/A Fraser [37] 18.6 3 4.6 N/A 16 Chan et al. [38] 27.5 N/A N/A 1 Walsh and Fung [36] Data from HA 4.6 × 106 “Softer” sub-group Evergreen hotel (EH) Hung Hom Estate (HHE) Sai Chuen Road (SCR) Tung Tau Estate (TTE) Ex-Chai Wan Estate (ECW) Choi Wan Road (CWR) Kwai Shing Circuit (KSC) So Uk (SUK) Bottom-up Argyle Station (AS) Festival walk (FW) Luen Wo Hui (LWH) Site P Wong Tai Sin Station (WTS) Top-down Sheet-pile wall 3.4 × 104 2 2.5 0.65a 2.73a 2.3 Solider pile 7.7 × 104 1.7 × 104 9 × 104 1.7 (Single prop) (Cantilever) 3 3 5 4.9 2.4a Sheet-pile wall 1.75 × 104 1.1 2 4 1a Pipe pile wall 9 × 103 1.5 7.3 1 5 6 (Single anchor) 15 1 25 32 17 13.6 18.7 Ground surface 11 4 2 Ground surface 3.6 4.6 4.2 3.4 4.7 43 45.5 24 N/A 24 N/A 8 6 2 N/A 12 7.5 2 2.5 6.2 4.2 4.5 a Piezometer installed was at least 30 m away from the excavation area. 1.46 × 104 Group B (SPT N > 30 at Hf /2) “Stiffer” sub-group Secant pile wall Diaphragm wall 3.5 × 106 4.6 × 106 2.1 × 106 Morton et al. [39] Wang [18] Leung [40] Chan et al. [38] Morton et al. [39] C.W.W. Ng et al. Site HKIE Transactions Nevertheless, it is identified that mobilisation of shear strain, and hence stiffness, of soil may not be influenced by the flexural stiffness of braced wall (ranging within four orders of magnitude between sheet-pile and concrete diaphragm walls) based on 110 case histories documented worldwide.[15] Among the 17 case histories in Group A, eight of them (all the seven HA’s cases and case EH) are classified as “softer” sub-group, while in Group B, all cases are classified as “stiffer” sub-group. Since there are limited case histories in Group B (i.e. 5) and only two of them (i.e. FW and LWH) have relevant information for conducting detailed analyses, any E – SPT N correlation is not derived for Group B in this paper. Observed deformation characteristics of HK excavations Figure 4(a) correlates Hf with measured δvm values for 14 out of 17 cases in Group A. Correlations for the three cases HKS, SWC and EH are not shown because δvm values are not available. For the seven non-HA cases belonging to the “stiffer” sub-group, δvm increases with an increase in Hf generally. For case CSW, a small δvm of 3 mm was recorded Maximum ground displacement, dvm (mm) (a) 50 40 CS CSW DC-I4 "Stiffer" sub-group DC-I6 (non-HA project) HS-QR HS-DV Site Q Lower and upper bounds-non HA Average-non HA HHE ECW SCR "Softer" sub-group TTE (HA project) CWR KSC SUK Lower and upper bounds-HA Average-HA Clough and O'Rourke (1990) (Sand) 30 20 10 (Grout-treated ground) 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Two newly instrumented sites (b) Final excavation depth Hf (m) Figure 4. Correlations between (a) Hf and δvm and (b) δvm and δhm for some case histories in Group A. 39 due to increased ground stiffness by grout treatment.[16] Excluding this unusual case, the mean δvm /Hf for nonHA cases is 0.12%. The peak δvm /Hf in HK excavation (i.e. 0.15%) is one half of that observed in similar excavations in sandy materials worldwide (i.e. 0.3% [17]). For the seven HA’s cases belonging to the “softer” sub-group, δvm /Hf values vary widely from 0.01% to 0.11% with a mean value of 0.06%. The mean δvm /Hf of 0.06% is unusually small since it is only one-fifth of that observed from similar excavations in sandy materials worldwide (i.e. 0.3%). Figure 4(b) correlates δhm with δvm for eight cases including CS, CSW, DC-I4, DC-I6, HS-QR, HS-VR, KSC and SUK in Group A. Correlations of δhm − δvm for the other nine cases are not shown since δhm and/or δvm is/are not reported. Excluding case CSW, the mean δhm /δvm of the five non-HA cases, which belong to the “stiffer” subgroup, is found to be 2.53. On the contrary, relatively large δhm /δvm values of 7.5 and 15 are found for the two newly instrumented HA sites KSC and SUK (“softer” subgroup), respectively. When compared with the overseas measured mean δhm /δvm derived from up to 30 excavations using similar construction methods in sandy materials retained by sheet-pile walls worldwide (i.e. 1.33 [17]), local measured δhm /δvm values are considerably higher. This appears to be physically impossible to have unusually small settlement but to have large wall movements. It should be pointed out that it is not uncommon to observe settlement markers installed on road pavements in some excavation sites in HK. Thus, observed small δvm values in Figure 4(a) and large δhm /δvm values in Figure 4(b) are not surprising in HK excavations. Numerical analyses for developing new E -SPT N correlations Analysis plan and procedures In order to develop new E – SPT N correlations, four series of numerical analyses were conducted by using FREW and Plaxis 2D. In FREW, a plane-strain ELS system is analogous to a classical “beam on elastic foundation” but in the vertical plane. A retaining wall is modelled as an elastic vertical beam joined by a series of nodes, and soil on each side of the wall is connected to these nodes. Only horizontal force can be transmitted between the soil and wall. At each stage of excavation, three stiffness matrices are assembled; one represents the wall for bending, while the other two represent soil on each side of the wall. Soil mass is modelled as an “elastic block” and the behaviour of each “elastic block” is represented by a flexibility matrix that is pre-calculated from finite element (FE) calculations.[13] Each “elastic block” is discretised into 101 elements in height, while the length of each “elastic block” is divided into a series of unequal elements, which increase in length away from the vertical 40 C.W.W. Ng et al. Table 2. A summary of the analysis plan. δhm (mm) 23a 14a 13a 19a 15a 31a 19a 17a 25a 20a 1 HHE ECW TTE SCR CWR To back-analyse f -values based on deduced δvm through overseas correlations [17] 7.5 4.5 4.2 6.2 4.9 KSC SUK DC-I6 To back-analyse f -values based on measured wall deflections 4 5 6.5 15.5 1 To explore any major difference in backanalysed f -values using FREW and Plaxis DC-I6 To correlate mobilised shear strain and shear modulus with excavation depth 7.5 27 23 30 27 0.5 m depth (measured) Refer to Lui and Yau [19] and Wang [18] Plaxis 2D DC-I6 To verify newly proposed E – SPT N correlations 12 At surface (assumed) FREW 3 4 HHE DC-I4 GWT δvm (mm) Case 2 Objective Excavation depth (m) Series At surface (assumed) Software FREW 7.3 15 Refer to Wang [18] 31 79 Plaxis 2D 21 aδ vm and δhm for the five HA’s projects are deduced by using overseas δvm /Hf of 0.3% and δhm /δvm of 1.33.[17] wall. A unit horizontal force would apply to each element attaching to the wall. The horizontal displacements at all nodes due to this unit load would then be calculated and stored as flexibility coefficients in the flexibility matrix. By the principle of superposition, the total horizontal displacements at all nodes due to any load combination would be estimated. The stiffness of soil is then determined by inverting this flexibility matrix. More detailed descriptions of the theoretical background and method of analysis of FREW are given in Pappin et al.[13] Series 1 aims to back-analyse f -values for the two newly instrumented HA’s cases, the five past HA’s cases and case DC-I6 using FREW. Since wall deflections for the five past HA’s cases (i.e. HHE, SCR, TTE, ECW and CWR) are not available for back-analysis, overseas correlations derived by Clough and O’Rourke [17] were used to deduce δhm . By using overseas δvm /Hf of 0.3% and δhm /δvm of 1.33, the deduced δhm values for cases HHE, SCR, TTE, ECW and CWR are 31, 25, 17, 19 and 20 mm, respectively. Since lateral wall displacements deduced by overseas correlations are higher than those by local correlation, more conservative (i.e. lower) soil stiffness would thus be back-analysed. For the two new HA’s cases, KSC and SUK, measured wall deflections were back-analysed. For case DC-I6, field-measured wall deflections at two Hi s, 6.5 and 15.5 m (documented in Wang [18]), were selected for back-analyses. Wall movements at other Hi s were reserved for verifying new E – SPT N correlations in Series 4. In each case, an appropriate f -value is obtained by matching measured/deduced δhm with predicted one at final snapshot at Hf as close as possible. Other details of the analysis plan are summarised in Table 2. In Series 2, back-analyses of two selected cases HHE and DC-I4, which belong to “softer” and “stiffer” subgroups, respectively, were repeated using another BDapproved software, Plaxis 2D. This aims to explore any major difference of f -values that were back-analysed between FREW and Plaxis 2D. The analysis procedures of each case were identical to those in Series 1. In Series 3, a plane-strain FE analysis was performed to explore any correlation between excavation depth and mobilised shear strain for soils behind a retaining wall using Plaxis 2D. Case DC-I6, which is a typical multi-propped deep excavation, was selected for analysis because it has a comprehensive set of relevant information and field data including SPT N profile, groundwater table (GWT) and wall deflections.[18,19] It should be noted that wall deflections for cases DC-I4 and DC-I6 were measured at the same site of Dragon Centre but from two different inclinometers, I4 and I6.[19] By using an advanced soil model (i.e. Hardening Soil model with small-strain stiffness (HSS)), which can capture nonlinear HKIE Transactions strain-dependent stiffness observed in laboratory tests (Figure 2), mobilised shear strain at each intermediate excavation stage was computed and then correlated with excavation depth. The analysis procedures were identical to those described by Wang.[18] In Series 4, four analyses were conducted to verify new E – SPT N correlations developed later. Field-measured wall deflections at two other Hi s, 12 and 21 m (documented in Wang [18]), were selected for evaluating new correlations for “softer” and “stiffer” sub-groups, respectively. Other details of the analysis plan are summarised in Table 2. Ground and groundwater conditions, SPT N profile and FE mesh For cases KSC, SUK and HHE (Figure 3(a)–(c)), similar ground conditions are found, consisting of successive strata of fill, CDG and moderately decomposed granite (MDG). Based on limited SPT N data, a mean N profile is determined using the ordinary least squares method. For case KSC, the mean N value increases from 5 near the ground surface to 50 at the surface of MDG stratum generally. For cases SUK and HHE, the mean N profiles are uniform in fill. A linear increase of N value is observed in CDG. Readings from piezometers show that GWTs for cases KSC, SUK and HHE were located at 1, 6 and 2.5 m depths, respectively. It should be noted that the piezometer in case KSC was installed at about 30 m away from excavation. For case SCR (Figure 3(d)), relatively thick layers of soft materials including fill, MD and AL were encountered. Although mean N values are considerably scattered, they appear to be constant in the top 15 m of the ground. There is a slight increase of mean N values in the AL layer up to 20 m depth. A piezometer located at least 30 m away from excavation recorded that GWT was at 0.65 m depth. As shown in Figure 3(e), a thick layer of fill was identified up to a depth of 25 m in case TTE. A uniform mean SPT N profile is observed in the top 15 m generally but there is a linear increase of N values below 15 m depth. A piezometer located at least 30 m away from excavation recorded that GWT was at 2.73 m depth. For case CWR (Figure 3(f)), an 11 m-thick fill stratum overlies an MDG stratum. Based on limited N data, a uniform distribution of mean N value is approximated. According to a piezometer located at least 50 m away from excavation, GWT was identified at 2.4 m depth. For case ECW (Figure 3(g)), the ground conditions are different from other HA’s cases where layers of decomposed volcanic, instead of granite, were underlain by a 4 m-thick fill stratum. The mean N profile increases from 10 at the ground surface to about 100 at 10 m depth in the CDV stratum. Based on readings obtained from a piezometer installed at about 5 m away from excavation, GWT was identified at 2.3 m depth. It 41 should be noted that there are exiting pile foundations at 20 m (i.e. 2.67 Hf ), 27 m (i.e. 6.0 Hf ), 18 m (i.e. 2.90 Hf ), 28 m (i.e. 6.67 Hf ) and 60 m (i.e. 12.2 Hf ) behind retaining walls in cases HHE, ECW, SCR, TTE and CWR, respectively. Since these distances are well beyond the influence zone of HK excavations that were identified by Leung and Ng [3] (i.e. d > 2.5 Hf ), any stiffening effect of pile groups on ground mass behind each retaining system can thus be neglected. Obviously, different choices of SPT N profiles from a set of N data would lead to different E back-analysed. In order to derive moderately conservative E – SPT N correlation(s), a lower bound of 95% confidence interval of mean N value (N95L ) is determined for each case history using the statistical method. N95L profile means that for a given set of SPT N data, there is 95% of probability for N data to be higher than N95L . The approach adopted is consistent with that suggested in Eurocode (EC) 7 [20] and CIRIA report 185.[21] Since actual GWTs adjacent to retaining walls in four of the seven HA’s cases are not known (i.e. KSC, TTE, SCR and CWR), it would be on the conservative side to assume that GWTs were located at the ground surface in back-analyses of all the seven cases in Series 1 and 2. Since vertical distributions of porewater pressure along depth during excavation in all seven HA’s cases are not available, the hydrostatic pore-water pressure distribution was assumed in the designs of all seven HA’s cases and also in each analysis in Series 1 and 2. For analysis in Series 3, the FE mesh adopted in case DC-I6 are shown in Figure 5. By taking the advantage of plane of symmetry, only one half of the excavation was simulated. As shown in the inset of the figure, the ground consists of a layer of fill, MD, CDG and a thick MDG stratum. The mean N values are distributed quite uniformly in the top 15 m and then increase to about 200 before reaching the bedrock. For retaining a 27 m-deep excavation, the top-down method was adopted and a 1.2 m-thick concrete diaphragm wall was constructed in conjunction with five levels of concrete basements. According to piezometers installed adjacent to the wall, the main GWT at 1.5 m depth was specified before excavation at both retained and excavated sides. Since toe grouting was carried out at the concrete diaphragm wall to control seepage during construction,[19] the hydrostatic pore-water pressure distributions were assumed both inside and outside of the excavation at each construction stage. Input parameters for soil, wall and prop/tie-back When conducting analyses using FREW in Series 1 and 4, effective cohesion c (i.e. shear strength attributed to bonding), effective friction angle φ , Poisson ratio v and E for each soil type are needed. In both series of analyses, all soil types were assumed to reach a critical state. Mobilised 42 C.W.W. Ng et al. Plane of symmetry Diaphragm wall 0 B/F A B1/F SPT N value 100 150 200 0 Fill Fill 5 MD B2/F 50 MD 10 15 B4/F B CDG Formation level Depth (m) B3/F 20 CDG 25 30 35 40 Bedrock 45 50 Measured SPT N value MDG Linear regression N95L profile Figure 5. FE mesh and SPT N profile adopted for analysing case DC-I6 (Series 3). Note: Two soil elements A and B are taken to evaluate mobilised shear strain and shear modulus in Figure 6. Figure 6. Correlations of mobilised shear strain and normalised Gsec /p with excavation depth. friction angle at the critical state φcs for each soil type was taken from HA design reports, while effective cohesion was specified as a small value of 0.1 kPa to prevent any numerical instability. The profile of E value was deduced by multiplying f -values to mean N or N95L profile. For all analyses in Series 1 and simulation using new correlation in Series 4, the N95L profile was used. When the existing correlation (Equation (2)) was used in Series 4, the mean N profile was adopted. As revealed from test results reported by Wang and Ng,[22] v value of CDG was estimated to be 0.17. For simplicity, v of all other materials in each case was assumed to be the same. Table 3 summarises the input parameters. For each soil type, the coefficient of earth pressure at .[23] It is recognised rest (K0 ) is estimated by 1 − sin φcs that K0 of residual soil can be affected by various factors such as soil type, overconsolidation ratio, wall type, wall installation methods [24,25] and also the degrees of weathering process which lead to decreases in unit weight, strength and stiffness.[26] Since there is a lack of reliable in situ meaurement of K0 values and initial stress (prior to excavation) in the ground, the Jaky equation, which is commonly used for conservative estimation of K0 of residual soils and saprolites in HK practical designs,[1] was adopted for back-analysis purpose. For coefficients of active (Ka ) and passive (Kp ) pressure, they were estimated using the Coulomb’s theory, which considers the effect of soil–wall interface friction δ. The estimated Ko , Ka and Kp are summarised in Table 3. When Plaxis 2D was used in Series 2, a linear elasticperfectly plastic model with Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion (MC) was adopted for fill, MD and CDG in both HHE and DC-I4. When stress states were within the yield surface of MC, the soil behaves elastically and it obeys Hooke’s law for the isotropic linear elasticity, which is characterised by two material properties, E and ν . Since soil is modelled to be an elastic-perfectly plastic material in MC when yield stress is reached, yield surface is thus fixed and it is not affected by plastic straining. At plastic state, the yield surface of soil is characterised by shear strength parameters, c and φ , while dilation angle ψ is HKIE Transactions Table 3. Soil type Fill MD AL CDG A summary of input parameters adopted for analyses in Series 1, 2 and 4. c (kPa) (◦ ) φcs Unit weight (kN/m3 ) v K0 Ka Kp 0.1 35 30 32 35 19 0.17 0.43 0.5 0.47 0.43 0.24 0.30 0.28 0.24 7.36 4.98 5.77 7.36 ref (MPa) Gmax pref (kPa) v c (kPa) (◦ ) φcs 105 27 0.17 98 30 0.1 0.1 0.1 32 32 35 Table 4. A summary of input parameters adopted for case DC-I6 in Series 3. Soil type Model Fill MD CDG MDG HSS MC HSS Elastic ref (MPa) γsat (kN/m3 ) E (MPa) E50 19 19 19 22 43 – 13 – 15,000 m γ0.7 (%) 25 0.5 40 0.5 1.2 × 10−3 – 1.6 × 10−3 – 0.2 – Notes: Models MC, HSS and Elastic refer to Mohr-Coulomb, Hardening Soil Small and Elastic models, respectively; γsat denotes ref denotes the secant stiffness at 50% strength at a reference confining pressure pref and m is the fitting the saturated unit weight; E50 parameter. used to control plastic volumetric strain increment. For comparing any difference of f -values that were backanalysed between Series 1 and 2, all parameters inputted were identical. Since dilatancy was not considered in FREW, the dilation angle in Plaxis 2D was taken to be zero for all soil types. On the other hand, MDG was modelled as an elastic material. A constant E and v of 15 GPa and 0.2 [27] were specified, respectively. For simulations in Series 3, the HSS model was adopted for fill and CDG. The HSS model was developed on the basis of the Hardening Soil Model (HS), which is an elasto-plastic model in Plaxis 2D allowing yield surface to be expanded upon plastic straining. The HS model characterises compression and shear hardenings through the developments of irreversible plastic strains due to primary compression (under oedometer and isotropic loading conditions) and deviatoric loadings, respectively. When subjected to primary deviatoric loading, stiffness of soil is allowed to decrease hyperbolically and irreversible plastic strains are developed simultaneously. To consider stiffness nonlinearity, the following hyperbolic empirical equation is added in the HS model (i.e. becomes the HSS model) to allow Gsec to vary with shear strain, γ , nonlinearly [28]: Gs Gmax(ref ) = 1 , 1 + a|γ /γ0.7 | (3) where Gmax(ref ) is the reference elastic modulus at very small strains (Figure 6) at a reference effective minor principle stress σ3(ref ) ; γ0.7 is the shear strain at which the secant shear modulus Gsec reduces to 72% of G0(ref ) ; and a is the fitting parameter, which was taken as 0.385.[28] Santos and Correia [28] identified that when γ was normalised by γ0.7 , an almost unique relationship between normalised shear modulus (i.e. Gs /Gmax ) and normalised shear strain (i.e. γ /γ0.7 ) was obtained. Based on the measured stiffness reduction curves from KSC shown in Figure 2, it is found that Gmax(ref ) and γ0.7 for fill are 105 MPa and 1.2 × 10−3 %, respectively, whereas Gmax(ref ) is determined to be 98 MPa and γ0.7 is 1.6 × 10−3 % for CDG. The shear strength parameter φcs of both fill and CDG was taken from Wang,[18] while c was set to be 0.1 kPa. Due to the lack of experimental data on stiffness reduction curve for MD, the soil model MC was adopted for simplicity. By using the existing E – SPT N correlation (Equation (2)), adopting the mean N profile (Figure 6) and assuming the f -value to be 1.0, a uniform E profile of 13 MPa was specified in MD. of MD was taken from Wang [18] and c of 0.1 kPa φcs was specified. Similarly, MDG was modelled to behave elastically. All input soil parameters are summarised in Table 4. For structural components of the ELS system, a retaining wall was modelled as an elastic beam in FREW and as a “Plate” element in Plaxis 2D. Each node of a “Plate” element in Plaxis 2D has three degrees of freedom, translations in vertical and horizontal directions and in-plane rotation. When a retaining wall was modelled as an elastic “Plate” in a plane-strain analysis in Plaxis 2D, the wall had unit width and it behaved as an elastic beam, which allowed both axial deformation and in-plane bending. For prop, it was modelled as an elastic spring in FREW and as a “Fixed-end anchor” in Plaxis 2D. The flexural or/and axial stiffness of a retaining wall and prop/anchor were taken from design reports for the seven HA’s cases and from Wang [18] for case DC-I6. 44 C.W.W. Ng et al. Table 5. A summary of back-analysed f -values of fill and CDG from Series 1 and 2. Series 1 Case HHE ECW TTE SCR CWR Software Hi or Hf (m) Fill CDG 7.5 2.0 3.5 6.2 2.0 4.2 2.0 4.5 2.0 FREW 4.9 2.0 N/A Results of back-analysed f -values Back-analyses from Series 1 show that there is a consistent f -value of 2.0 for fill in all the seven HA’s cases. The same f -value of 2.0 is found in case DC-I6 at Hi of 6.5 m, but a lower value of 1.0 is back-analysed at Hi of 15.5 m. For CDG, an f -value of 3.5 is found for case HHE. For the two new HA’s cases, KSC and SUK, which have comparable Hf , the same f -value of 5.0 is obtained. For case DC-I6, f -values of 3.0 and 2.0 are back-analysed at Hi s of 6.5 and 15.5 m, respectively. When compared with the back-analysed results from the seven non-HA’s cases reported by Chan [12] (“stiffer” sub-group), the higher back-analysed f -values for the seven HA’s cases and case DC-I6 (at Hi s of 6.5 and 15.5 m) (“softer” sub-group) are expected. This is because the Hf of these cases are much shallower and there are thus smaller mobilisations of soil strain and hence soil stiffness, as compared with the seven cases back-analysed in Chan.[12] When back-analyses were repeated for HHE and DCI4 using Plaxis 2D (Series 2), the same set of f -values is obtained for fill and CDG. This is expected because the same linear elastic-perfectly plastic soil model (i.e. MC in Plaxis 2D) and same input parameters are used in FREW and Plaxis 2D, despite their different numerical techniques adopted to compute soil stiffness matrices. Any E – SPT N correlations derived using FREW and Plaxis 2D (using soil model MC) are thus considered to be consistent for analysing wall deflection. Table 5 summarises back-analysed f -values for each case history in both Series 1 and 2. Mobilisation of shear strain and shear modulus during an excavation Based on the computed results from Series 3, Figure 6 correlates any intermediate excavation depth Hi with mobilised shear strain for both fill and CDG in case DCI6. At each Hi , computed shear strain of each material was obtained from a soil element located near the mid-depth of the corresponding stratum right behind the diaphragm wall (i.e. elements A for fill and element B for CDG; Figure 5). As shown in Figure 6, when the excavation reaches Hi of 6.5 m, computed shear strains of fill are higher than that in CDG because the first stage of excavation took place mainly at shallow depths in fill. The greater stress relief 2 KSC SUK 4 2.0 5.0 5 2.0 5.0 DC-I6 HHE DC-I4 Plaxis 6.5 2.0 3.0 15.5 1.0 2.0 7.5 2.0 3.5 27 1.0 1.5 in fill in front of the diaphragm wall thus causes greater mobilisations of shear strain. As excavation progresses downwards from 6.5 to 27 m, the shear strains of both materials increase significantly by more than an order of magnitude. The increase of shear strain is attributed to an increase in shearing upon greater stress relief at deeper Hi s. When the formation level reaches 27 m depth, the final shear strains in fill and CDG are 1% and 2%, respectively. Since shear strain of soil is not easy to be determined accurately both in laboratory and in the field, the observed consistent correlations for both fill and CDG suggest that Hi can be used as an indirect parameter to represent the degree of mobilisation of shear strain induced by an excavation. This is similar to that reported by Stroud [29] who identified that normalised bearing stress (q/qult , where qult is the ultimate bearing capacity) is an indirect measure of shear strain mobilisation when devising E – SPT N correlations from in situ plate-load tests. By mapping computed shear strain to normalised stiffness reduction curves as shown in Figure 2, correlations between Hi and Gsec /p for both fill and CDG are depicted in Figure 6. As expected, there are consistent reductions of Gsec /p due to the greater mobilisation of shear strain at deeper Hi s for both materials. Since mobilised shear strains in CDG are always smaller than those in fill at any Hi , Gsec /p of the former material is thus larger. Obviously, shear moduli of both materials are not constant but they can be mobilised to different degrees at different Hi s. In other words, the existing empirical E – SPT N correlation (Equation (2)), which can deduce only a constant soil stiffness, cannot capture the mobilisation of nonlinear strain-dependent stiffness correctly. Observed variations between back-analysed f -values and final excavation depth Figure 7 correlates Hf with f -values back-analysed from the 14 case histories in Group A, including (i) the seven HA’s cases, (ii) case DC-I6 at Hi s of 6.5 and 15.5 m and (iii) five out of the seven cases reported by Chan [12] (i.e. EH, HS-QR, HS-DV, CS and DC-I4). Case HKS, which is one of the seven cases reported by Chan,[12] was not included in developing a correlation because the wall movements were most likely stiffened by adjacent pile foundation. 8 Back-analysed f value "Softer" sub-group HA cases 7 KSC 5 4 CDG Fill Proposed for CDG Proposed for Fill SUK DC-I6 (Hi = 6.5m) 3 2 HHE EH DC-I6 (Hi = 15.5 m) 45 for 0 m ≤ Hf < 16 m, (4a) For fill, "Stiffer" sub-group E = (−0.06Hf + 2)N 6 HKIE Transactions HS-QR HS-DV E = 1N for 16 m ≤ Hf ≤ 27 m. (4b) If N95L is larger than 30, use N95L equal to 30, unless further justification can be made. For CDG, CS DC-I4 E = 2.8N 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 Final excavation depth Hf (m) 25 30 Figure 7. Variations of back-analysed f -values with final excavation depth Hf from 12 case histories. Among 10 cases in the “softer” sub-group, there are six cases encountering CDG stratum. It can be seen that the back-analysed f -values of CDG decrease from 5.0 to 2.0 as Hf increases from 4 to 16 m. For a deeper Hf , there is a larger mobilisation of soil strains behind a retaining wall and this hence causes a greater reduction of E (or f -value; Figure 6). On the other hand, fill was encountered in all the 10 cases. When compared with CDG, lower back-analysed f -values are found (between 1.0 and 2.0; Figure 7). This may be because fill in each of the selected cases was situated in shallow depths and was looser than that of natural CDG. For Hf shallower than 4 m, f -value cannot be back-analysed due to the lack of field data. For the four cases in the “stiffer” sub-group, similar reductions of back-analysed f -values are found for fill (from 1.5 to 1.0) and CDG (from 2.0 to 1.5) as Hf increases (Figure 7). However, the observed reductions of f -values are evidently smaller than those found in cases in the “softer” sub-group. This is consistent with the laboratory measurements shown in Figure 2 that for a given increase of soil strain, there is a smaller reduction of soil stiffness at a relatively large strain level when compared with that at a small-strain range. The back-analysed f -values from the four cases in the “stiffer” sub-group are similar to the reported f -values in GCO,[1] GEO [2] and GEO [11] (i.e. 0.8–2.0). This is expected because f -values reported in the three documents were also back-analysed from some HK multi-propped excavations, which have relatively deeper Hf . Proposed new moderately conservative E -SPT N correlations Based on numerical back-analyses of wall deflections at final snapshot (i.e. at Hf ) from the 14 relevant HA’s and non-HA’s case histories, the following moderately conservative correlations between E (MPa) and SPT N are recommended for fill and CDG by (i) assuming GWT at ground surface and (ii) using the N95L profile for simplicity and practical purposes: for 0 m ≤ Hf ≤ 7 m E = (−0.09Hf + 3.45)N (5a) for 7 m < Hf ≤ 27 m. (5b) Any correlated E value from Equation (5a) and (5b) should not be higher than 250 MPa, if no other detailed justifications are made. This upped-bound value of 250 MPa is deduced from laboratory and in situ tests on CDG that were reported by Ng and Wang [30] and Wang and Ng.[22] It should be noted that all N values studied in the case histories in this paper are smaller and equal to 85 when Hf are shallower than 7 m. Hence, if N values larger than 85 are encountered in excavations deeper than 7 m, cautions should be taken on the use of new correlations above. When any correlated E values through Equations (4) and (5) are to be used for predicting wall deflections, the Observational Method described in EC 7 [31] and CIRIA report 185 [21] is recommended. As far as lateral wall displacement is concerned, the Observation Method suggests to monitor wall deflections continuously during construction and field measurement at each construction stage is then cross-checked with prediction based on the newly proposed correlations.[32] For more conservative designs, some engineers would like to select minimum SPT N values, Nmin . It is interesting to note that for a given δhm value, a higher f -value is required to devise a higher E profile to match the δhm when using a lower Nmin profile (comparing the N95L profile) for back-analysis. Since any f -value back-analysed using a lower Nmin profile should be well above the two proposed correlations as shown in Figure 7, the new E – SPT N correlations expressed in Equations (4) and (5) remain unaffected and they are thus equally applicable when N95L or Nmin profile is used. It is well known that the SPT N value can be affected significantly by many factors such as free-fall energy of hammer (i.e. method of releasing hammer, types of anvil and length of rod), effective overburden pressure and relative density.[33] However, excavations of some case histories including CS,[34] HS-QR and HS-DV [35] and EH [36] were constructed before the publications of Geoguide 2 (1987) and BS1377-7 (1990), when the SPT was standardised for HK practice. Thus, the measured SPT N values in all these previous case histories collected could not be corrected consistently. Even though other excavations after 1987 might have met the requirements of both Geoguide 2 and BS1377-7, the correction of N value for 46 C.W.W. Ng et al. (a) Lateral wall displacement (mm) 0 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 (b) Lateral wall displacement (mm) –20 0 0 G/F slab 20 40 60 80 100 120 G/F slab B1/F slab B1/F slab 10 10 20 20 30 30 B2/F slab Depth (m) Depth (m) B3/F slab 40 50 40 50 Measured 60 Measured Computed-existing 60 Computed-new 70 Computed-existing Computed-new 70 Figure 8. Comparisons between measured and predicted lateral wall displacements at Hi s of (a) 12 and (b) 21 m for case DC-I6 (Series 4). effective overburden pressure is still difficult and unreliable due to uncertainties of groundwater conditions. For instance, the period of GWT monitored may not be consistent with that when SPT was conducted. Also, some SPTs were carried out above GWT (Figure 3) and the effects of soil suction on N value were not known for sure. For the ease of practical designs, N values used in the newly proposed correlations are not corrected. Verifications of new correlations with field measurements In order to verify the new E – SPT N correlations (Equations (4) and (5)), a series of four analyses were conducted using FREW (i.e. Series 4). For verifying the new correlations for the “stiffer” sub-group (i.e. Hf > 16 m), measured wall deflection at Hi of 21 m in case DC-I6 was used. Due to the lack of independent case history in the “softer” sub-group, a wall deflection profile at Hi of 12 m of the same case history was used to verify new correlations for this sub-group (i.e. Hf ≤ 16 m). For each Hi (12 and 21 m), two numerical runs were conducted to predict wall deflections using E profiles that were deduced by existing and new correlations. When the existing correlation (Equation (2)) was used in the first run, an f -value of each soil type was taken to be 1.0. The mean N profile (solid line in Figure 5) was adopted, while the measured GWT at 1.5 m depth was specified. The simulation was repeated in the second run but a mobilised E profile was estimated by using the new correlations (Equations (4) and (5)). For Hi equal to 12 m, f -values of fill and CDG determined are 1.3 and 2.5, respectively. For Hi equal to 21 m, f -values of 0.7 and 1.5 were found for fill and CDG, respectively. To apply the moderately conservative correlations, the N95L profile (dotted line in Figure 5) was adopted, while GWT was assumed to be at the ground surface both inside and outside of the excavation in the analysis. Also the hydrostatic pore-water pressure distributions are assumed. Figure 8(a) compares measured and predicted lateral wall displacements when excavation progresses to Hi equal to 12 m. Clearly, when the existing correlation is used, the peak wall displacement at 15 m depth is over-predicted by more than 100% significantly. The substantial over-prediction is because the use of small f -values in soil stratum (i.e. 1.0) underestimates E . On the contrary, when larger mobilised E is estimated using the new correlations, the predicted wall displacement is much closer to the measured data. It should be noted that some over-predictions of wall displacement using the new correlations (Equations (4) and (5)) are not surprising because these correlations were derived based on conservative assumptions on the N value (i.e. lower value of N95L ), GWT (i.e. at ground surface) and overseas correlations.[17] It is evident that a closer prediction of field observation is obtained when stiffness nonlinearity is considered in the newly developed correlations. The peak wall displacement predicted by the new correlations is three times closer to the field-measured value, when compared with existing correlations. Comparison between measured and predicted wall deflection profiles at Hi of 21 m is shown in Figure 8(b). As expected, the predicted wall displacement using the E deduced by the existing correlation is significantly larger than the field measurement. This is because the deduced E is significantly underestimated when a small f -value of 1.0 is used. When HKIE Transactions the mobilised E profile is estimated by the new correlations, a closer prediction is obtained. By allowing for the reduction of E as Hf increases, the closer agreement between field and predicted wall deflections verifies that the f -values estimated by using the new correlations are reasonable. Summary and conclusions By carrying out field monitoring on two newly instrumented excavation sites in HK, collecting and categorising HK case histories and conducting series of numerical back-analyses using two BD-approved computer softwares FREW and Plaxis 2D, new correlations between E and SPT N values were investigated and proposed by considering stiffness nonlinearity explicitly. Based on the investigation, some conclusions may be drawn as follows: (i) 22 case histories in HK (including the two newly instrumented sites) were collected and reviewed. They may be categorised into two groups based on the mean SPT N value – N ≤ 30 (Group A; 17 cases) and N > 30 (Group B; five cases) at half of final excavation depth (Hf /2). Among the 22 case histories, only 12 of them documented relevant information including ground and groundwater conditions, the SPT N profile and measured lateral wall displacement at Hf for carrying out detailed back-analyses. (ii) In each Group, cases are further divided into two sub-groups, depending on Hf , wall stiffness and construction method. For cases having Hf shallower than 16 m, using wall stiffness softer than 104 kN/m2 /m and the bottom-up construction method, they were categorised as “softer” sub-group (eight cases in Group A and none in Group B). Cases belong to “stiffer” sub-group if they have Hf deeper than 16 m, used walls stiffer than 106 kN/m2 /m and the top-down construction method (nine cases in Group A and five cases in Group B). (iii) Based on back-analyses on wall deflections at the final excavation (i.e. at Hf ) from 12 case histories, it is verified that reduction of soil stiffness can be correlated with an increase in Hf . This is because an increase in Hf mobilises larger soil strains, leading to a decrease in soil stiffness. (iv) For two selected case histories in “softer” and “stiffer” sub-groups, the same set of f -values was back-analysed for both fill and CDG when using both FREW and Plaxis 2D. (v) For practical design purposes, new moderately conservative Hf – dependent E – SPT N correlations are established for fill and CDG. By 47 allowing for the reduction of E as Hf increases, close agreements between measured and predicted wall deflections verify that the f -values estimated by using the new correlations are reasonable. It should be pointed out that the newly proposed correlations are based on a limited number of case histories in HK. The use of any finding from this study should be treated with caution. If in doubt, the observational method recommended by EC7 and CIRIA report 185 may be adopted in conjunction with proposed equations. Further improvements and refinements of the proposed correlations may be made and extended to other soils when more relevant and reliable field data including wall deflection and GWT are obtained in future. Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge the research contract – HAXX07-13N0010/11PG provided by the Hong Kong Housing Authority for the research work presented in this paper. Notes on contributors Ir. Prof. C.W.W. Ng is Chair Professor of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He was elected as an Overseas Fellow at Churchill College, Cambridge University in 2005 and Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences in 2008. His main interests include soil-structure interaction problems and unsaturated soil behaviour and modelling. Professor Ng has published over 150 SCI journal articles and many conference papers. He is the main author of two reference books including “Soil-structure engineering of deep foundations, excavations and tunnels” and “Advanced unsaturated soil mechanics and engineering”. Dr. A.K. Leung is a Lecturer in the Division of Civil Engineering at the University of Dundee, the UK, after he obtained a Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2011. In 2013, he was elected to be the Secretary of the Scottish Universities of Geotechnical Network (SUGN). His research interests are unsaturated soil mechanics and its engineering application including slope stability and the design of unsaturated backfilled material for hot pipeline installation. Dr Leung is recently investigating the use of plants and energy piles as sustainable engineering solutions for stabilising infrastructure slope. 48 C.W.W. Ng et al. Ir. S.S.K. Kwok is a Chief Geotechnical Engineer of the Housing Department (HD) of HKSAR Government. After graduating from the University of Hong Kong in 1980, he joined the Consultant Company first and then HD. He became a Chartered Engineer in 1984. His main interests are site formation construction, foundation works and related research work. Ir. F.H.T. Yip is a Geotechnical Engineer of the Housing Department of HKSAR Government. He graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University with a BEng (Hons) degree in Civil Engineering. He has over 18 years working experience in the geotechnical engineering industry. 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