Introduction: Jo saan, kam yat aw dey wui kai seu yat bo ming wai ge tin ying 早晨,今日我哋要介紹一部名為《Crazy Rich Asians》嘅電影。 Good morning, today we are going to present a movie called “Crazy Rich Asians” che bo tin ying lo zi mei kwo.. le ko gu zai hai kwan yu yat ko lui zai keu Rachel 這部電影來自美國。 呢個故仔係關於一個名叫瑞秋嘅女仔 Kui hai yat ko hai mei kwo chu san ge ha yan 佢係一個喺美國出生嘅華人。 佢同男友尼克一齊去新加坡參加佢最好嘅朋友嘅婚禮。 在新加坡,她必須面對尼克嚴厲而唔贊成嘅母親。 This movie is from the United States. This story is about a girl named Rachel who is an American-Born-Chinese. She goes to Singapore with her boyfriend Nick to attend his best friend’s wedding. In Singapore, She must then face Nick’s strict and disapproving mother. 《Crazy Rich Asians》搵到咗一種擁抱中國文化嘅方式,同時講述了一個非常 引人入勝嘅故仔。 電影中有好多例子,象徵主義揭示了中國文化中有幾多傳 統。 Crazy Rich Asians finds a way to embrace Chinese culture while telling a very compelling story. There are many instances within the film where symbolism reveals how many traditions are prevalent in Chinese culture ons are prevalent in Chinese culture. Chinese Culture Shown: Crazy Rich Asians finds a way to embrace Chinese culture while telling a very compelling story. There are many instances within the film where symbolism reveals how many traditions are prevalent in Chinese culture. In the movie, we can see Chinese culture being shown. For example, in the movie, Rachel, the protagonist of the film, is planning to go to Singapore, her mother tells her to bring a red dress instead of a white dress because the color red means a lot of things in Chinese culture, for example it represents goodluck, prosperity, and joy. If you wear these colors during any special occasion, you are supposed to be bestowed good upon you. She doesn’t bring a white dress because Ancient Chinese people wore white clothes and hats only when they mourned for the dead. Seeing Asian culture being portrayed in a non-stereotypical way is really new and good, there’s no martial arts and no racial expectations. In this movie, the differences between Chinese culture and American culture are shown, for example family values versus personal happiness. American culture places personal happiness and ambition before the happiness of the family, but Chinese culture demonstrates the idea of filial piety, or respect for one’s parents, elders, and ancestors. Chinese culture shown: - One example is about the nose. In the movie, Nick’s grandmother comments on Rachel’s nose as having a shape that is believed to bring good luck. The nose is another wealthy spot of the face signifying one of the “rivers” of the face. An ideal nose is said to be rounder and fleshier for more wealth and luck. It should look balanced and smooth. - The movie portrays Chinese culture accurately, for instance when Nick’s grandmother comments on Rachel’s nose as having a shape that is believed to bring good luck. This movie represents the clear divisions between Chinese and American cultures and ideals. I think that the reason why we enjoy movies involving Chinese culture is because not only are they entertaining, but they also give a brief message onto what many Chinese traditions are all about. Though some things may be exaggerated to emphasize key points in the plot, they show how many topics in Chinese culture reflect many important things that are done in a person’s life. After doing this project with my teammates, we all got to learn different things and superstitions about Chinese culture. INTRODUCTION: 我們要放映一部叫做《 “Crazy Rich Asians” 》的電影。 這部電影來自美國。這個故事是關於一個名叫雷切爾的女孩的故事, 她是美國出生的中國人。她和男友尼克一起去新加坡參加他最好朋友 的婚禮。在新加坡,她必須面對尼克嚴厲且不贊成的母親。 《Crazy Rich Asians》搵到咗一種擁抱中國文化嘅方式,同時講述了 一個非常引人入勝嘅故仔。 電影中有好多例子,象徵主義揭示了中國 文化中有幾多傳統 Chinese Culture Shown: 在電影中,我哋可以睇到中國文化嘅展示。 例如,在電影中,Rachel 去 新加坡,她的母親話畀佢要帶一件紅色嘅衫裙而唔係白色嘅衫裙,因為 紅色喺中國文化中意味住好多嘢,例如它代表住好運、繁榮和快樂。 如 果你喺任何特殊場合着呢啲顏色,你應該得到好處。 佢唔帶白色衫裙, 因為中國古代人只有為死者哀悼時先着白色緊嘅衫同帽。 另一個例子係關於鼻子。 在電影中,Nick 嘅祖母評論說 Rachel 嘅鼻子 嘅形狀被認為會帶來好運。 鼻子是臉部的另一個富麗堂皇的地方,表示 臉部的“河流”之一。 據說理想的鼻子更圓、更肉,以獲得更多的財富和運 氣。 它應該看起來平衡和光滑 除此之外,我哋仲可以睇到食物、語言同傳統嘅差異。 Chinese Differences: 在這部電影中,展示了中國文化和美國文化之間嘅差異. 例如,家庭 價值觀與個人幸福。 美國文化把個人幸福和抱負置於家庭幸福之上, 但中國文化展示了孝道或尊重父母、長輩同祖先嘅觀念。 另一個例子係關於鼻子。 鼻子是臉部的另一個富麗堂皇的地方,表示 臉部的“河流”之一。 據說理想的鼻子更圓、更肉,以獲得更多的財富 和運氣。 它應該看起來平衡和光滑。 這部電影準確地描繪了中國文 化,例如,Nick嘅祖母評論瑞秋嘅鼻子形狀被認為會帶來好運。 Chinese Similarities: 中國文化與其他文化之間幾乎冇相似之處,因為這部電影主要展示了 中國文化,因為它們係中國人。 這部電影係一部非常好嘅電影,向華 裔美國人展示了中國文化