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Flash Distillation Exercise: Multicomponent Mixtures

Musa, Mico Moriel A.
CHE310 – Separation Process
Exercise: Flash Distillation (Multicomponent)
Please answer the following problems. Step-by-step solution is required.
1. The stream from a gas well is a mixture containing 50-mol-% methane, 10-mol-%
ethane, 20-mol-% propane, and 20-mol-% n-butane. This stream is fed into a partial
condenser maintained at a pressure of 17.24 bar, where its temperature is brought to
300.15 K (27°C). Determine the molar fraction of the gas that condenses and the
compositions of the liquidand vapor phases leaving the condenser.
F=100 mol
F = L+V
T = 330.15K
P = 17.24 bar (101.325kPa/1.01325 bar) = 1724 kPa
Using DePriester Chart (Fig. 2-10):
KM = 10
KE = 2.1
KP = 0.70
KnB = 0.21
Note that:
Li =
1+𝐾𝑖 ( )
2. A mixture- 25-mol-% n-pentane, 45-mol-% n-hexane, and 30-mol-% n-heptane- is
brought to a condition of 366.15 K (93°C) and 2 atm. What molar fraction of the system is
liquid, and what are the phase compositions?
F=100 mol
F = L+V
P = 2 atm = 202.65 kPa
T = 366.15 K = 93°C
Note that:
Li =
1+𝐾𝑖 (𝐿)
Using DePriester Chart (Fig. 2-10):
KnPen = 2.15
KnHex = 0.96
KnHep = 0.43
Since Lcomputed ≈ Lassumed, therefore L = 73.0181
Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1x0OO64rm6d81-NZfbhwR1EGg6mYHBSI/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=107907468852233635925&rtpof=true&sd=true
“I, Marisse Lyn Dorado, affirm that I have not given or received any unauthorized help on this
exerciseand that this work is my own.”