Uploaded by Mary Divine Stephanie Bellin

Personnel Administration: Concepts & Objectives

Morong, Rizal
: EDUC 208 – School Personnel and Administration
: Personnel Administration
: Mary Divine Stephanie P. Bellin
: Emelita F. Jimenez
: March 2, 2024
The successful functioning of an organisation depends on its manpower and quality of
leadership. All other resources like financial, material, technology are important but adequate
utilization of human resource will lead to optimum utilization of other resources.
All resources are necessary to achieve organization objective , but human capital is the most
essential part f the organization
explain the concept of personnel administration;
discuss the nature and meaning of personnel administration;
highlight its evolution and development;
and discuss the scope of personnel administration.
Meriam Webster defined personnel administration as the phase of management
concerned with the engagement and effective utilization of manpower to obtain optimum
efficiency of human resources. Personnel management is basically an administrative task
performed by a supervisor to serve as the link between the organization and its
The term personnel management originated in the U.S.A.
George Elton Mayo (26 December 1880 – 7 September 1949) was an Australian born
psychologist, industrial researcher, and organizational theorist.
Most important breakthrough for personnel administration was Elton Mayo's Hawthorne
experiments and the human relations movement. These experiments paved the way for
using the disciplines of sociology, psychology, industrial psychology, social psychology
etc., with a view to understanding employees and organizational behaviour and
influencing them through a motivational approach. All this led to the gradual evolution and
development of the theory and practice of personnel management.
With the Great Depression in 1929, big business suffered a severe setback. The State,
the public and the trade unions, aimed at efficient professional management. Their
demands were, elimination of waste and maximum utilisation of resources, particularly
human resources.
It was the Royal Commission on Labor which recommended in 1931 the appointments of
Labor Officers to deal with the recruitment of labour to settle their grievances. The
industrial disputes of 1920s forced the government and businessmen to think in terms of
labor problems and promotion of personnel management. The recognition of trade unions
in India gave a new perspective to the employer and employee relationship.
Entrepreneurs like the Tatas, Calico Mills, British India Corporation etc. had appointed
Welfare Officers as early as 1920. These Labor Welfare Officers performed the functions
of redressal of employee grievances and promotion of industrial harmony.
The Personnel Officer deals with labour welfare, industrial relations and personnel
administration. Many companies in India now have specialised personnel departments
and a full-time Personnel Officer in charge.
PA is concerns with framing policies covering:
´Manpower planning, recruitment, selection, placement & termination.
´Education, training, career development.
´Terms of employments, methods, standard of remuneration.
´Working conditions & employee services.
´Formal & informal communication
´Negotiation & application of agreements on wages & working conditions,
procedures for avoiding & settlement of disputes.
´Concern with managing people: rank & file level of employees at work.
´Concerned with individual employee as well as in group, believe in collaboration.
´Does not function as formal organization.
´It’s a central pervasive system of all organization.
´Continuous in nature.
´Performs line & staff functions
The primary objective of personnel administration is to ensure effective utilization of
human resources in pursuit of organizational goals.
Personnel administration has to concentrate on various aspects of management like
recruitment, training, promotion, conditions of service, employee’s welfare, employer
employee relations and processes of morale and motivation.
Salary structuring of employees is a wholesome task because each category has to be
adequately and equitably compensated for the contribution it is expected to make towards
organization's objectives.
´Framing of conduct rules, laying down procedures of disciplinary action, enforcement of
those rules and adoption of appropriate procedures are also a part of personnel
´Employer-employee relations, provision for Joint Consultative Machinery, establishment
of public service tribunals for adjudication, adoption of welfare measures and payment of
retirement benefits etc. to the employees are the added responsibilities of personnel
´Thus the scope of Pai s wide & changes as per the environment
General objectives
1.Maximum individual development
2.Desirable working relationship between employer and employee
3.The administrator provides the tools such as record keeping, policy making, controlling
and advising.
4.Recognize & satisfy individual needs & group goals
5. Maintain high morale & better human relations.
6.To establish & maintain an adequate organizational structure & desirable working
Specific objectives
1.Selection of the right type and number of persons
2. Proper orientation and introduction of new employees to their job
3.Organization of suitable training facilities
4.Provision of better working conditions and facilities.
5.Provision of sound, fair and effective wage and salary administration and incentives.
6.Good industrial relations with representative trade unions
7.Personnel research
No organization can afford to disregard the needs of its personnel. Every organization
must keep its personnel satisfied. Personnel are the means through which organisations