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Franek Kluski's Mediumship: Paranormal Research

Franek Kluski’s
Warsaw, Poland - 1873 -1943
Unique Features of Kluski’s
Physical Mediumship
In search of a Permanent Paranormal Object
Kluski’s Background
Teofil Modrzejewski = Alter Ego Franek Kluski
Middle class family, Catholic and devout
Primary profession as a banker, but was also a journalist, literary writer, poet, engaged in
military service
Happy family life and wide circle of friends
Was well educated and spoke several languages
Extremely reticent to speak, write about psychic phenomena or his mediumship, or perform in
public — but supportive of psychical research and helping grieving individuals
Minimal available 1st person information about his mediumship — wanted to be known for
literary/political engagement.
Personality, Health and Historical Context
Factors in the development of his mediumship
Likeable and social, welcoming and intelligent
Extremely private about inner life and psychic experiences
Poor health during childhood, “delicate constitution” as an adult, and bullet injury
Focused on career, political activism and raising a family ages 20-46
Formal mediumship career lasted 7 years (~46-53 yrs. old). Stopped because of the toll it
took on his health.
Psychic Development
Displayed abilities from an early age + predicted mother’s death as a child.
“Visiting the Mole” : spirit apparitions
Poltergeist-like phenomena on a daily basis
Ever-present spirit entities around him
Conflicted and paradoxical relationship with psychic life
Mediumship Career
Began after a seance in 1918
Became more sophisticated over time
3 distinct stages of development
Mediumship Phenomena
Broad and rich range of physical and mental mediumship phenomena
Similar to what occurred in his everyday life: lights, sounds, movement of
objects, odors
Materialized apparitions – animal and human
Automatic Writing in several languages
Paraffin Mold Experiments
Led by Gustave Geley and Charles Richet of the Institut Métaphysique
International (IMI) Paris– several series of experiments with prolific
The experimenters hoped to produce an “impossible object”/ Permanent
Paranormal Object
Images of the detailed molds
Paraffin Mold Experiments
Paraffin Mold Experiments
Paraffin Mold Experiments
My Attempt to Communicate