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Engineering & Physics Test Questions

Which of the following is the basis of Bernoulli’s law for fluid flow?
A. The continuity equation
B. The principle of conservation of energy
C. The principle of conservation of mass
D. Fourier’s law
The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one lb of that substance one
degree Fahrenheit is:
A. Specific heat
B. Btu
C. Latent heat
D. Relative heat
Answer: B
Answer: B
A leak from a faucet comes out in separate drops. Which of the following is the main
cause of this phenomenon?
A. Gravity
B. Air resistance
C. Viscosity of fluid
D. Surface tension
Answer: D
The measure of the fluid resistance when acted upon by an external force is called:
A. Tackiness
B. Density
C. Flash point
D. Viscosity
Answer: D
The heat transfer process in a cooling tower consists of a transfer of heat from water to:
A. None of the above
B. Vapour
C. Unsaturated air
D. Ice
Answer: C
What is the study of condition of air and moisture in the atmosphere?
A. Atmospherics
B. Psychometrics
C. Thermodynamics
D. Gas dynamics
Answer: B
What is the gage used to measure 0.001 to 1 atm pressure?
A. Bourdon
B. Water manometer
C. Mercury manometer
D. Metallic diaphragm
Answer: C
One of the types of non-material nuclear radiation is:
A. Transmulation radiation
B. Walton radiation
C. Gamma radiation
D. Betatron radiation
Answer: C
Which engine is suitable in the power plant to generate power of 100 hp to 5000 hp?
A. Gasoline engine
B. Diesel engine
C. Motor
D. Steam engine
13. The part that directs the flow of the refrigerant through the compressor:
A. Wrist pin
B. Valve
C. Piston
D. Connecting rod
Answer: B
Answer: B
10. In an internal combustion engine, the stroke that discharges gas inside the engine’s
A. Inlet
B. Exhaust
C. Compression
D. Power
14. The odorless refrigerant; its boiling point varies over a wide range of temperatures:
A. Freon 22
B. Freon 12
C. Freon refrigerants
D. Ammonia
Answer: A
Answer: B
11. The ratio between the actual power and the apparent power in any circuit is known as
the ___________ of the circuit.
A. Measured power
B. Capacity
C. Power factor
Answer: C
12. The product of complete combustion of gaseous hydrocarbons
A. Carbon dioxide and water
B. Carbon monoxide
C. Carbon monoxide, water and ammonia
D. Water, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide
Answer: A
15. The boiling point of Freon 22 is:
A. -41.04 ̊F
B. 40.60 ̊F
C. -38.40 ̊F
D. -31.40 ̊F
Answer: A
16. Medium pressure when applied to valves and fittings, implies they are suitable for a
working pressure off from:
A. 862 to 1200 kpa
B. 758 to 1000 kpa
C. 500 to 1000 kpa
D. 659 to 1050 kpa
Answer: A
17. A general term for a device that receives information in the form of one or more physical
guantities, modifies the information and/or its form, if required, and produces a
resultant output signal:
A. Converter
B. Transducer
C. Sensor
D. Scanner
21. A device whose function is to pass an information in an unchanged form or in some
modified form:
A. Relay
B. Sensor
C. Transmitter
D. Transducer
Answer: A
Answer: B
18. In process of pair formation, a fair cannot be formed unless the quantum has an energy
greater than:
A. 2 moC2
B. ½ m V2
C. 0.5Mev
D. hv/C
Answer: A
19. The temperature of hot metals can be estimated by their color. For steel iron, the color
scale at 2200 ̊F is roughly:
A. white
B. orange
C. dark red
D. yellow
Answer: A
20. Mathematically, a thermodynamic property is which of the following?
A. A point function
B. Discontinuous
C. A path function
D. Exact differential
Answer: A
22. A device whose primary function is to meter the flow of refrigerant to the evaporator:
A. Sniffer valve
B. Equalizers
C. Thermostatic expansion valve
D. Crossover valve
Answer: C
23. The volume remaining when the piston reaches the end of the compression stroke:
A. Air cell
B. Combustion chamber
C. Turbulence chamber
D. Pre-combustion chamber
Answer: B
24. Specific heat capacity is an SI derived unit described as:
A. J/kg
B. W/m- ̊K
C. J/m3
D. J/kg- ̊K
Answer: D
25. The fundamental difference between pipe and tubing is:
A. The dimensional standard to which each is manufactured
B. Compression joints
C. The smoothness of the surface
D. Bell and spigot joint
Answer: A
29. Engines using heavy fuels require heating of the fuel so that the viscosity at the injector
A. Around 200 SSU
B. 100 SSU or less
C. 200 SSU ± 50
D. 150 SSU or slightly higher
Answer: D
26. One of the most popular types of compressor is basically made of:
A. Roots type blower
B. Pulse turbo charger
C. Constant pressure turbocharger
D. Turbo compressor
Answer: A
27. Crankshaft of reciprocating type of compressor is basically made of:
A. Semi-steel
B. Aluminium alloy
C. Cast iron
D. Steel forging
Answer: C
28. A chemical method of feedwater treatment which uses calcium hydroxide and sodium
carbonate as reagents:
A. Thermal treatment
B. Lime soda treatment
C. Demineralization process
D. Ion exchange treatment
Answer: B
30. The temperature of a fluid flowing under pressure through a pipe is usually measured
A. Glass thermometer
B. Electric-resistance thermometer
C. Thermocouple
D. All of the above
Answer: D
31. An increase in the deposition of slag and ash on the surface for heating of oil-fired boilers
in both marine and stationary service has affected boiler efficiency. The following are
the causes except:
A. Low temperature corrosion of the cold section of air heaters and duct works
B. Slagging of high temperature superheater surfaces
C. High temperature corrosion of steel
D. Increase of heat transfer in the boiler
Answer: D
32. The type of filter where the filtering element is replaceable:
A. Paper edge filter
B. Metal edge filter
C. Pressure filter
D. Filter with element
Answer: D
33. Which does not belong to the group?
A. Air injection system
B. Mechanical injection system
C. Time injection system
D. Gas admission system
Answer: C
37. What is the function of the compression joint of pipes or tubes?
A. It is used to connect two pipes by welding
B. It is used to connect two pipes by pressing both ends
C. When tightened, compress tapered sleeves so that they form a tight joint on
the periphery of the tubings they connect
D. It connects two pipes with the use of threaded couplings
Answer: C
34. Cooling water system consists of equipment to dissipate that absorbed by the engine
jacket water. Lube oil and the heat to be removed from air intercooler in measurable to
keep the engine outlet water temperature constant and the differential of the cooling
water at a minimum preferably not to exceed:
A. 10 to 30 ̊F
B. 10 to 50 ̊F
C. 10 to 20 ̊F
D. 10 to 40 ̊F
Answer: C
35. There are two board types in the classification of lubricating oils, they are: straight and
A. Active
B. Inactive
C. Crooked
D. Additives
Answer: D
36. Amount of air required in the low by-pass factor
A. Does not change
B. Greater
C. Lesser
D. Indeterminate
Answer: C
38. The component of rotary pump
A. Gears
B. Piston
C. Impeller
D. Screw
Answer: D
39. An instrument commonly used in most Research and Engineering Laboratories because
it is small and fast among the other thermometers:
A. Mercury thermometer
B. Liquid-and-glass thermometer
C. Gas thermometer
D. Thermocouple
Answer: D
40. What is the term used to express the ration of specific humidities, actual versus
A. Relative humidity
B. Absolute humidity
C. Degree of saturation
D. Percent saturation
Answer: D
41. What is the process whereby a fissionable species is utilized as a source of neutrons to
produce more nuclei of its own kind than are used up?
A. Developing
B. Culturing
C. Multiplying
D. Breeding
45. How do you treat a statement that is considered a scientific law?
A. We postulate to be true
B. Accept as a summary of experimental observation
C. We generally observed to be true
D. Believe to be derived from mathematical theorem
Answer: B
Answer: D
42. A process of heat transfer to motion of matter caused by a change in density:
A. Absorption
B. Radiation
C. Conduction
D. Convection
46. The transmission of heat from one place to another by fluid circulation between the
spots of different temperatures is called”
A. Convection
B. Radiation
C. Conservation
D. Conduction
Answer: D
Answer: A
43. What is the most efficient thermodynamic cycle?
A. Carnot
B. Diesel
C. Rankine
D. Brayton
47. What is reoffered by control volume
A. An isolated system
B. Closed system
C. Fixed region in space
D. Reversible process only
Answer: A
Answer: C
44. The diagonal lines in the psychrometric chart represent:
A. Effective temperature
B. Dry-bulb temperature
C. Wet-bulb temperature
D. Dew-point temperature
48. Which of the following types of flow meters is most accurate?
A. Venture tube
B. Pitot tube
C. Flow nozzle
D. Foam type
Answer: C
Answer: B
49. Pneumatic tools are powered by:
A. Steam
B. Water
C. Natural gas
D. Air
53. The specific measurement of moisture content air:
A. Relative humidity
B. Percent saturation
C. Degree of saturation
D. Specific humidity
Answer: D
Answer: D
50. A graphical representation between discharge and time is known as:
A. Hectograph
B. Monograph
C. Hydrograph
D. Topograph
54. Highest pressure drop in refrigeration cycle:
A. Compressor
B. Condenser
C. Expansion valve
D. Evaporator
Answer: C
Answer: C
51. In a diesel engine, what elements in the fuel that make the work of the lubricant more
A. Water and ash content
B. High octane number
C. High cetane number
D. Sulphur and asphaltene content
55. What is an expansion loop?
A. A double long radius elbow to minimize friction losses
B. A pipe bent to a loop to change direction
C. A pipe expander fitting
D. A large radius bend in a pipe line to absorb longitudinal expansion in the pipe
line due to heat
Answer: D
Answer: D
52. What is the function of a radiation pyrometer?
A. Boiler water height
B. Boiler pressure
C. Furnace temperature
D. Boiler drum pressure
56. What is the color code of steam pipe lines?
A. Silver gray
B. Green
C. Red
D. Yellow
Answer: C
Answer: A
57. What is absorb by sulphites in boiler water treatment?
A. Oxygen
B. carbon dioxide
C. Impurities settled in mud drums
D. Carbon dioxide and oxygen
61. Which of the following refrigerant is most highly toxic?
A. Ammonia
B. Freon 12
C. Sulfur dioxide
D. Methyl chloride
Answer: C
Answer: A
58. What is meant by choking in pipe flow?
A. The specified mass flow rate cannot occur
B. Shock waves always occur
C. A valve is closed in a line
D. A restriction in flow area occurs
62. Water turbine converts:
A. Mechanical energy into electrical energy
B. Hydraulic energy into electrical energy
C. Mechanical energy into hydraulic energy
D. Hydraulic energy into mechanical energy
Answer: A
Answer: D
59. What is a check valve?
A. A valve designed to allow a fluid to pass through in one direction only
B. A valve designed to release the excess pressure
C. A valve which allows flow of fluid in either direction
D. A valve used for checking the pressure of fluid
63. How do you differentiate surge from water hammer?
A. Time for a pressure to traverse the pipe
B. The pressure reservoir at the end of the pipe
C. Rate of deceleration of flow
D. Relative compressibility of liquid
Answer: A
Answer: A
60. What is the prime purpose of providing alubricating oil pre-heater in an emergency
stand-by diesel genset?
A. To keep the lub oil viscosity down under cold condition and enhance the
starting of the cold engine
B. To avoid moisture condensation in the engine
C. To avoid corrosion to engine parts
D. To see to it that the lubrication system is functioning properly
64. Throttling of the refrigerant through the expansion valve in a vapor refrigeration cycle
A. Reversible adiabatic process
B. Constant entropy process
C. Irreversible adiabatic process
D. Isometric process
Answer: A
Answer: C
65. Assuming real process, the net entropy change in the universe is:
A. Must be calculated
B. Equal to zero
C. Negative
D. Positive
70. The main cause of air pollution as a result of burning fuel oil is:
A. Sulfur dioxide
B. Silicon dioxide
C. Hydrogen dioxide
D. Nitrogen dioxide
Answer: D
Answer: D
66. What characterizes a reaction turbine?
A. Steam losses,velocity as it leaves the diaphragm
B. Steam strikes the blades at right angles
C. Steam will react with a force in the diaphragm
D. Steam is deflected
71. What takes place in a uniflow scavenging?
A. Turbo blower exhaust header to create vacuum in cylinders
B. Air reversing direction in cylinders
C. Uses two blowers to purge cylinders
D. Air travelling in one direction
Answer: C
Answer: D
67. The work done in an adiabatic process in a system;
A. Is equal to change in total energy in a closed system
B. Is equal to the net heat transfer plus the entropy change
C. Is equal to the change in total energy of closed system plus entropy change
D. Is equal to the change in total energy of closed system plus net heat transfer
72. One joule of work is done by a force of one newton acting through a distance of:
A. One meter
B. One inch
C. A foot
D. One cm
Answer: D
Answer: A
68. How do you increase the output of a centrifugal pump?
A. Speed up rotation
B. Install recirculation
C. Increase the suction pipe area
D. Increase the discharge pipe area
73. In a centrifugal pump, if the impeller is kept the same and the speed varied, the pump
output shall change in accordance to the equation:
Answer: A
69. Based on the first law of thermodynamics, which of the following is wrong?
A. The heat transfer equals the work plus energy change
B. The heat transfer cannot exceed the work done
C. The net heat transfer equals the net work of the cycle
D. The net heat transfer equals the change if no work is done
Answer: B
Answer: D
Q1 = Q 2
Q1 +N1 = Q 2 + N2
74. In an imhoff tank:
A. The effluent contains very little dissolved exygen
B. There are no settling compartments
C. The sludge and raw sewage are not mixed
D. The sludge and fresh sewage are well mixed to give complete digestion
78. With regards to corrosion of metals, passivation is the process that:
A. Intensifies deterioration temporarily
B. Changes the composition of the metal
C. Inhibits further deterioration
D. Alters the grain size of the metal
Answer: C
Answer: C
75. A thermodynamic system which undergoes a cyclic process during a positive amount of
work as done by the system:
A. Reversed Rankine cycle
B. Heat pump
C. Reversible-Irriversible process
D. Heat engine
79. (U + PV ) is a quantity called:
A. Flow energy
B. Shaftwork
C. Enthalpy
D. Internal energy
Answer: C
Answer: D
76. The transmission of heat from hot body to cold body by electromagnetic waves is
A. Conduction
B. Absorption
C. Convection
D. Radiation
Answer: D
77. The boiling point of freon 12 𝐶𝐶𝑙2 𝐹2 :
A. −41.6 ℃
B. −40 ℃
C. −29.6 ℃
D. −41.8 ℃
80. An adiabatic process with no work done is:
A. Isometric
B. Throttling
C. Isobaric
D. Polytropic
Answer: B
81. If an initial volume of an ideal gas is compressed to one-half its original volume and to
twice its original temperature, the pressure
A. Doubles
B. Quadruples
C. Remains constant
D. Halves
Answer: B
Answer: C
82. The increase in enthalpy of a substance when it undergoes some phase change at
constant pressure and temperature
A. Heat of fusion
B. Heat of vaporization
C. Heat of transformation
D. Heat of crystallization
86. A type of boiler which incorporates furnace water cooling in the circulatory system is
otherwise known as:
A. Integral-grate boiler
B. None of the above
C. Integral-furnace boiler
D. Integral-cogeneration boiler
Answer: B
Answer: C
83. If the anti freeze at a certain temperature has a concentration of a known value, what
will be its behavior as it progressively cools?
A. It remains a liquid until the temperature drops to a certain point
B. Cooling the solution below the limit liquefies the entire mixture
C. It freezes out most of water into ice
D. Its stoppage in cooling will result in water and ice mixture
87. One of the best known safety practices in industrial plant is:
A. To provide alert security
B. To provide machines with appropriate guards
C. To maintain a fire brigade
D. To train delivery personnel
Answer: B
Answer: A
84. Dew point is which of the following?
A. Adiabatic saturation temperature
B. Temperature of grains of moisture per lb of bone dry air
C. Temperature of 50% RH
D. Wet bulb temperature
88. Which of the four does not belong to the group?
A. Class d fire – fire caused by lpg
B. Class b fire – fire caused by oil and other hydrocarbons
C. Class c fire – electrical fire
D. Class a fire – fire caused by light combustible materials like paper and wood
Answer: A
Answer: A
85. Air used for comfort cooling shall maintain a movement of from:
A. 4570 to 7620 mm/min
B. 7800 to 9200 mm/min
C. 8500 to 10000 mm/min
D. 8.0 to 10.0 m/min
89. All heavy machinery should be supported on solid foundations of sufficient mass and
base area to prevent or minimize transmission of:
A. Objectionable vibration to the building and occupied space
B. Objectionable vibration or forces from nearby machine
C. Better control of the drainage system
D. Objectionable sound coming from the exhaust
Answer: A
Answer: A
90. On existing installation boiler, to lowest factor of safety permissible shall be:
A. 7
B. 6
C. 5
D. 4.5
Answer: D
94. A specimen is subjected to load. When the load is removed, the strain disappears.
From this information, which of the following can be deduced about this material?
A. It is elastic.
B. It has a high modulus of elasticity.
C. It is plastic.
D. It is ductile.
Answer: A
91. The age limit of horizontal return tubular flue or cylinder boiler having a longitudinal
lap joint and operating at a pressure in excess of 0.345 mpa or 3.45 bar gage shall be
A. 18 years
B. 35 years
C. 30 years
D. 20 years
95. A type of water turbine where a jet of water is made to fall on the blades or buckets
and due to the impulses of water, the turbine starts to move:
A. Pelton wheel
B. Steam turbine
C. Francis turbine
D. Reaction turbine
Answer: C
Answer: A
92. What is the name for a vector that represents the sum of two vectors?
A. Scalar
B. Tensor
C. Resultant
D. Tangent
Answer: C
96. What condition exists in an adiabatic throttling process
A. Enthalpy is variable
B. Enthalpy is constant
C. Entropy is constant
D. Specific volume is constant
Answer: B
93. Which of the process where work done is zero?
A. Isentropic
B. Polytropic
C. Isometric
D. Isobaric
Answer: C
97. The specific gravity of a substance is the ratio of its density to the density of:
A. Mercury
B. Gas
C. Air
D. Water
Answer: D
98. Which is used as a moderator in certain types of nuclear reactors?
A. Vapor
B. Heavy water
C. Hot water
D. Cold water
Answer: B
99. Yeast as raw material for beer making is added to the equipment called:
A. Fermenters
B. Brew kettle
C. Cooler
D. Starting tubs
Answer: A
100. What keeps the moisture from through the system?
A. Dehydrator
B. Aerator
C. Trap
D. Humidifier
Answer: A