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Radford University Comprehensive Safety Plan

Comprehensive Safety Plan
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Safety Policy
3.0 Organization
4.0 Functions of the Safety Office
5.0 Laboratory Safety
6.0 Biosafety
7.0 Radiation Safety
8.0 Hazardous Waste Management
9.0 Fire Safety
10.0 Occupational Safety
11.0 Occupational Health
12.0 Hazard Communication
13.0 Environmental Health
14.0 Emergency Preparedness
15.0 Student Safety
1.0 Introduction
Radford University is committed to an environment that is free from recognized safety hazards and
complies with applicable laws concerning hazardous chemicals, radiation, fire prevention, occupational
health & safety, asbestos abatement, and handicapped accessibility. To effectively meet the goal of
reducing accidents and illnesses the university has developed this Comprehensive Safety Plan. The Plan
is managed by the Environmental Health and Safety Office and reviewed annually to meet the
appropriate needs of the university. The purpose of the plan is to provide guidance and direction for the
environmental health and safety program at the university.
2.0 Safety Policy
Protecting the health and safety of employees, students, visitors, and the environment is of primary
concern to Radford University. This goal can be met by developing a comprehensive environmental
health and safety program that strives to eliminate or reduce hazards. Radford University takes an
active role in identifying hazards before injuries and illnesses occur. An effective safety program can
benefit the university community by reducing illnesses and injuries to personnel, preventing property
damage, and preserving the environment. Radford University will make every reasonable effort to
promote, create, and maintain a safe and healthful environment through adherence to basic safety
principles, sound management practices, and compliance with applicable federal, state, and local
standards. A written Safety Policy, approved by the president of the university and the University Safety
Committee, has been developed. The policy outlines the basic responsibilities for environmental health
and safety concerns at the university. It stresses that every effort will be made to reduce accidents,
confirms compliance with applicable health and safety regulations, and emphasizes the university's
commitment to a safe and healthful operation.
3.0 Organization
A University Safety and Health Committee has been developed to oversee the Environmental Health and
Safety Program at the university. The Committee performs the following functions:
 Reviews inspections, accidents, and employee complaints.
Recommends, reviews, and approves policies, regulations, and manuals.
Increases safety awareness and encourages compliance with safety rules.
Recommends corrective actions.
Monitors the operation of facilities and users.
Reviews violations for failure to comply with regulations.
Evaluates the effectiveness of the environmental health and safety program.
Analyzes accident and injury data with the goal of reducing accidents.
Members include the Fire Safety Inspector, Safety Manager, Environmental Inspector, Facilities Director,
and representatives from academia, housekeeping, facilities management, laboratories, and the student
body. Subcommittees concerned with specific hazards are formed from the main Committee as needed.
Meetings are held quarterly.
The purpose of the Environmental Health and Safety Office is to ensure the safety and physical well
being of the faculty, staff, and students at the university. The program's overall objective is to reduce the
number and severity of illnesses and injuries on campus by reducing or eliminating hazards. This
objective is achieved through inspections, environmental surveillance, training, hazardous chemical
management, and plans review. These efforts are channeled into several specialty areas including: fire
protection, radiation safety, hazardous materials management, laboratory safety, occupational health &
safety, asbestos management, and environmental health.
The University Environmental Health & Safety Manager ensures that faculty, staff, and students are
provided with a working/living environment that is free from physical harm by identifying and
correcting possible hazards related to the daily operation of the university. The Safety Manager
develops, implements, and maintains university safety regulations to ensure compliance with applicable
OSHA, NRC, EPA, DOT, NFPA, and State requirements. Reporting to the Director of Facility Planning &
Construction, the Safety Manager is responsible for managing the university's safety programs,
including environmental hazards, asbestos, hazardous waste, emergency response, radiation safety, fire
safety, general safety, and safety training.
The University Fire Safety Inspector inspects all buildings on campus to ensure compliance with both
state and OSHA fire code regulations. The Fire Safety Inspector prepares reports indicating areas that
are not in compliance with applicable regulations, performs tests and inspections of fire alarm systems
and fire protection equipment, and reviews construction proposals for code compliance. The Fire Safety
Inspector reports to the Safety Manager.
The Environmental Inspector ensures compliance with applicable environmental laws, maintains the
university's Pollution Prevention Plan, provides assistance with OSHA, EPA, DOT inspections, performs
industrial hygiene sampling, chemical hygiene inspections, and maintains and develops asbestos, lead
paint programs. The Environmental Inspector reports to the Safety Manager.
The Environmental Health and Safety Office reports to the Director of Facility Planning & Construction
who reports to the University President. The program is recognized and supported by top level
management and appropriate funds are provided for environmental health and safety concerns.
In order to have an effective health and safety program, employee participation and cooperation are
essential. Employee support is actively sought through employee safety committees, suggestion
programs, workplace inspections, participation in writing rules, and training sessions. Employee safety
committees are actively encouraged and supported. Small employee safety committees are organized by
the Safety Office to directly solicit employee input into the safety program. Employees select their own
representatives and meet monthly or quarterly to discuss safety concerns with the Safety Manager.
An employee suggestion program has been created to allow employees to anonymously cite safety
problems and offer corrective actions. Employees are encouraged to develop their own safety training
sessions on a voluntary basis. Consideration is also being given to allowing employees to identify and
correct hazards in their work areas by conducting routine inspections. Employee comments are actively
sought by the Safety Manager when writing safety rules and regulations.
The university is a member of the National Fire Protection Association, National Safety Council,
American Society of Safety Engineers, and the American Industrial Hygiene Association.
4.0 Functions of the Safety Office
The Environmental Health and Safety Office conducts inspections, performs industrial hygiene sampling,
recommends methods to correct hazardous conditions, develops procedures, provides training to
employees and students, investigates accidents and occupational illnesses, maintains records, and
monitors and evaluates program performance. The purpose of the program is to improve the safety and
health of the work environment by reducing hazardous condition that can cause occupational illnesses
and injuries. The safety office strives to accomplish its goals by gaining the cooperation of employees
through guidance and counseling rather than enforcement. Top management has made the commitment
to allocate resources, develop programs, provide training, and provide the necessary personal protective
equipment to ensure a safe and healthy work environment.
To ensure that the university's policy for a safe and healthy environment is carried out, the
Environmental Health and Safety Office conducts periodic inspections of all campus facilities. The goal is
to reduce accidents and injuries by eliminating or reducing safety and health hazards, and examining
unsafe practices among employees. Inspections also ensure compliance with OSHA, NRC, NFPA, BOCA,
EPA, and applicable state and local codes. At least every six months the Safety Manager and Fire Safety
Inspector conducts a comprehensive safety inspection of all campus facilities. Certain high risk areas
such as laboratories may be inspected quarterly. Informal cursory inspections may be conducted
monthly. Written reports listing the problems discovered and recommended corrective actions are sent
to the Department Head or supervisor in charge of the area. Work orders are sent to Facilities
Management to correct problems that are their responsibility. Typically, imminent hazards must be
corrected immediately, serious violations within 30 days, and non serious violations within 60 days.
Departments are expected to use their own funds to correct minor problems or seek a budget
adjustment for more expensive items. Re-inspections are conducted by the Safety Office to ensure that
deficiencies are corrected.
Problems are resolved by written or oral consultation with employees, supervisors or department
heads. It is rarely necessary to pursue matters to a higher level of authority. In some instances conflicts
may be brought before a committee for resolution. For example, the Radiation Safety Committee must
enforce NRC regulations on campus. Unsafe acts conducted by employees are discussed with the
employee and/or immediate supervisor. The Safety Office has the authority to shut down operations
that are an imminent hazard to life, limb, property, or the environment.
In addition to in-house inspections, the university is routinely inspected by the State Fire Marshal's
Office and the Insurance Carrier. The university is also subject to unannounced inspections from the
Virginia Department of Labor, State Bureau of Radiological Health, State Bureau of Hazardous Waste
Management, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the Environmental Protection Agency. Reports
from these agencies are forwarded to the Safety Manager.
To ensure safe work practices in all campus activities the Safety Manager ensures that appropriate
environmental health and safety rules and regulations are written and communicated to employees and
students. Written rules and regulations set standards for safe work practices, establish a basis for
disciplinary actions, and demonstrate good intent and program control to regulatory agencies. Several
safety manuals and procedures have been written for employees and are part of this Safety Plan. Greater
emphasis in the future will be placed on developing safety rules and regulations for students who are
engaged in hazardous operations. The Safety Manager also plans to conduct job safety analysis to
develop safety procedures for specific operations and jobs. Input from affected departments is sought by
the Manager when developing safety rules and regulations.
Ensuring that employees and students receive proper safety training is an important function of the
safety program. The Safety Manager is responsible for ensuring that employees are adequately trained
in safety practices. Professors are responsible for training students exposed to hazardous conditions.
The Safety Manager works with professors to ensure that students receive proper training. Several
safety training programs are OSHA mandated such as Hazard Communication, Bloodborne Pathogens,
Respiratory Protection, Hearing Protection, Lockout/Tagout, Confined Space, and Laboratory Safety.
These programs are normally developed and taught by the Safety Manager. Training is documented and
conducted by lecture and safety video tapes. Employees have an opportunity to ask questions. In
addition, the Safety Manager conducts training sessions in general safety topics such as ladder safety,
office safety, slips and falls, safety equipment, and the use of personal protective equipment. On occasion
safety training may be conducted by other qualified persons. Training is conducted when a new
employee is hired or transferred to a new job, when new equipment is installed or a new task is
assigned, or any time a lack of employee knowledge or skill is creating accidents or hazards. Supervisors
are responsible for ensuring that employees posses the necessary knowledge and skills to safely operate
machinery and equipment in their area.
The Safety Manager is developing a safety and health orientation program for all new employees. This
program will instruct employees in the general health and safety regulations on the campus, employee
rights, organization of the campus safety program, general emergency procedures, and the employee's
responsibility in accident prevention. Specific training will be given before employees begin their new
All work related accidents and incidents are investigated or reviewed by the Safety Manager, in
cooperation with supervision, to determine the causes and to recommend corrective actions to
eliminate or minimize the event. An Accident Investigation Form (PDF) is used . All accident reports are
filed with the Human Resources Department and a copy of the First Report of Injury is sent to the Safety
Office for review. Emphasis is placed on the importance of reporting all accidents and incidents to
supervision, whether they result in personal injuries, illnesses, property damage, or near misses.
Accident investigations are based on fact finding, not fault finding. Based on the investigation conducted
by the Safety Office the following actions may be taken:
 A work order may be executed to make appropriate repairs to eliminate or control a hazard.
The employee may be counseled about safe practices.
A safety program may be created to include procedures and training.
Personal protective equipment may be issued.
Environmental health and safety regulatory agencies require employers to maintain certain records. The
maintenance of good records is important in showing control over safety programs, defending the
university against law suits, monitoring the effectiveness of the safety program, analyzing accident
trends, and justifying program expenditures. The Safety Manager maintains employee training records,
inspection reports, accident investigations, industrial hygiene reports, environmental reports, and
hazardous waste manifests. The Human Resources Department maintains records on occupational
injuries and illnesses (OSHA forms, 200 and 101), and medical records.
The Safety Manager and the Director of Facility Planning & Construction monitors routine activities of
the safety program to ensure they are carried out as planned. The purpose of monitoring is to identify
potential problems early so that appropriate corrective actions can be taken. The status of the following
activities is routinely checked:
 Routine inspections of facilities and equipment are performed at agreed upon frequencies.
Re-inspections are conducted in a timely manner to monitor progress toward compliance.
Accident and incident investigations are fully completed.
Proper training is given when new employees are hired or their job changes.
Rules and regulations are updated as needed.
Required records are kept up-to-date.
Regular safety meetings are held.
The direction, effectiveness, and efficiency of the safety program are periodically evaluated by the Safety
Manager, Director of Facility Planning & Construction. Since the overall goal of the safety program is to
reduce the number and severity of illnesses and injuries, the Safety Manager periodically examines
accident reports to compare present statistics with the past. These data may point out areas of program
success or failure and can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the safety program. Additional funds
staffing, or a change in direction may be indicated. In addition to an internal evaluation, the Safety Office
mails an annual evaluation form to departments soliciting opinions and suggestions to improve safety
services to the campus community.
5.0 Laboratory Safety
Exposure to chemicals can cause serious health effects such as skin rashes, cancer, organ damage, and
birth defects. In addition, some chemicals are safety hazards with the potential to cause fires and
explosions. To protect employees and students from hazards associated with the use of chemicals in
laboratories and to ensure compliance with OSHA standards the university has developed a
comprehensive Laboratory Safety Program.
The foundation of the program is a Chemical Hygiene Plan that describes the hazards associated with
various classes of chemicals, safety procedures, personal protective equipment, safety equipment, and
emergency procedures. The goal of the Plan is to reduce illness and injuries from exposure to hazardous
chemicals used in laboratories. A copy of the Chemical Hygiene Plan is located in all laboratories that use
hazardous chemicals. The plan has been approved by the University Safety Committee and the
Laboratory Safety Committee.
The Chemical Hygiene Plan requires that an individual be designated as a Chemical Hygiene Officer. This
person is qualified by training or experience to provide guidance in chemical and laboratory safety. The
Safety Manager will serve as the Chemical Hygiene Officer for the university. The Safety Manager
inspects laboratories, using the laboratory inspection worksheet (PDF) for compliance with the
Chemical Hygiene Plan on a quarterly basis.
Training is also a key to assuring the safe operation of laboratory facilities. Students receive training in
laboratory safety principles before working in laboratories. Professors are responsible for training
students and assuring safe practices in laboratories. Students receive a handout that describes general
laboratory safety procedures (PDF). The Safety Manager is responsible for ensuring that workers
receive proper training in handling hazardous chemicals. Training materials are selected from the
Chemical Hygiene Plan.
The University Health and Safety Committee regulates the safe use of chemicals in laboratories. A
laboratory safety committee that reports to the main Committee is created as needed to handle specific
concerns in laboratory safety (e.g., approval of the Chemical Hygiene Plan).
Several small kits for handling chemical spills are located throughout the facility. These kits contain
materials such as spill socks and pillows, bulk absorbent materials, gloves, plastic bags, and scoops.
Additional equipment is located in the Safety Office and the Emergency Response Van. Laboratory
personnel are permitted to clean up small spills of relatively non-hazardous materials. Laboratory
personnel are instructed to notify the Safety Manager for handling large spills. A mercury spill kit is also
located in the Chemistry Department.
Personal protective equipment is required when hazards cannot be controlled by engineering or work
practice controls. Several types of personal protective equipment are available to reduce exposure to
hazardous chemicals. These include eye protection, gloves, protective aprons, and respirators. Wraparound plastic safety glasses and chemical splash goggles are available to students and workers for
protection from potential splashes and explosions. These glasses are ANSI Z87.1 approved. Adequate
gloves and aprons are available to protect personnel from contact with hazardous chemicals.
Respiratory equipment is NIOSH approved. Safety equipment is chosen in cooperation with the Safety
Manager. It is the responsibility of the faculty teaching the course to ensure that students and laboratory
assistants are trained and use the proper personal protective equipment.
The safe operation of a laboratory depends on the proper use of laboratory safety equipment. This
equipment is designed to protect personnel from injury and minimize damage if an accident occurs.
Essential to safety in a laboratory is adequate equipment to fight or prevent fires. Portable ABC fire
extinguishers are located in all laboratories. A Class-D reactive metal fire extinguisher is located in the
chemistry department. Two flammable liquids storage cabinets and an explosion proof refrigerator are
located in the chemistry department. In addition, fire blankets are located in several laboratories. Safety
showers and eyewash units are located in all laboratories using hazardous chemicals. Showers and
eyewash units are tested every six months by the Safety Office. Eyewash units are tested weekly by
laboratory personnel. An adequate number of first aid kits are available to laboratory personnel. First
aid kits are inspected periodically and restocked by laboratory personnel. All safety equipment is
purchased and located with the cooperation of the Safety Manager and/or Fire Inspector.
Thirty-nine chemical fume hoods (PDF) are located in the Chemistry, Biology, and Geology Departments.
Face velocities are tested every three months by the Safety Office using a Dwyer Thermal Anemometer.
Acceptable face velocities are 100-125 fpm at a sash opening of 12-18 inches. Unacceptable face
velocities are reported to Facilities Management for repair. A laminar flow hood is located in the Biology
Department. This hood is inspected yearly by a licensed contractor.
Bulk quantities of flammable liquids are stored in a flammable storage room. This room contains
explosion-proof lighting, a separate ventilation system, and a sill across the door to contain spilled
liquids. Two flammable liquid storage cabinets are located in the Chemistry Department. One liter of
flammable liquids is allowed outside of the flammable storage cabinet.
Compressed gas cylinders are stored and handled according to OSHA regulations. Cylinders are secured
by a chain. Oxidizers and flammable gas cylinders are separated by 20 feet in storage. Proper protective
clothing such as goggles, face shields, rubber gloves, and aprons are worn when handling acid, alkaline,
and toxic gases.
6.0 Biosafety
Safe methods for handling Biosafety Level 1 and 2 infectious agents in the laboratory have been
developed. Protection of personnel is provided by good microbiological techniques, the use of
appropriate safety equipment, and proper waste management practices. Infectious microorganisms are
handled according to procedures recommended by the CDC/NIH Biosafety in Microbiological and
Biomedical Laboratories. Only Biosafety Level 1 and 2 microorganisms are used in teaching laboratories
at the university. Standard microbiological practices are followed. Procedures that may create aerosols
are performed in a biological safety cabinet. Waste is steam autoclaved. Instructors are responsible for
ensuring that safe practices are followed.
The university is committed to maintaining high standards for the care and use of animals in research
and teaching. A manual has been written that describes policies and procedures for the housing, care,
and use of animals at the university. Radford University accepts the HHS Principles for the Care and Use
of Laboratory Animal Subjects, and the NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. The
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is responsible for assuring university compliance
with these guidelines. Approval must be obtained from the IACUC before work with animals can begin.
Procedures have been developed that require the review and approval of all activities involving the use
of human subjects in research. Approval of the University's Committee for the Review of Human
Subjects Research must be obtained prior to initiating a research project involving human subjects.
Proposed research is reviewed based on three categories of risk developed by the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services.
7.0 Radiation Safety
State and Federal regulations require that the use of radioactive materials and radiation producing
equipment be licensed and carefully monitored. The purpose of the Radiation Safety Program is to
ensure that faculty and students use radioactive materials and equipment safely in university
laboratories, and keep exposures to radiation at a level that is as low as reasonably achievable.
The Radiation Safety Committee regulates the safe use of radioisotopes, x-ray equipment, and nonionizing radiation on campus. The Committee develops university regulations and oversees their use,
approves all applications for the use of radioisotopes and x-ray equipment, and monitors the operation
of the facilities and users. Members are selected based on their experience in the safe handling of
radioactive materials, x-ray equipment, or non-ionizing radiation. An individual with administrative
responsibilities serves as Chair of the Committee. The Radiation Safety Officer is an ex-officio member of
the Committee. The Committee meets at least quarterly.
The Safety Manager serves as the Radiation Safety Officer for the campus. The Radiation Safety Officer
supervises the university's Radiation Safety Program and advises others in the safe use of ionizing and
non-ionizing radiation. The Radiation Safety Officer is responsible for the purchase, receipt, and delivery
of radioisotopes, inspecting equipment and laboratories to ensure safe practice and compliance with
applicable regulations, personnel monitoring, maintaining licenses, and proper waste disposal.
The Geology Departments maintains a closed beam analytical x-ray system that is licensed and
inspected by the State. To be in compliance with State regulations, the university has developed
an Analytical X-ray Equipment Safety Manual. This manual describes the radiation safety program and
regulations for the safe use of the equipment. In addition, training material is included that describes the
general properties of ionizing radiation, radiation detection equipment, personnel monitoring devices,
biological effects, radiation hazards, and procedures to minimize exposure. Users of analytical x-ray
equipment are required to read the manual and pass a test administered by the Safety Manager.
Analytical x-ray equipment is inspected every six months by the Safety Manager to ensure compliance
with State and university regulations.
To ensure that radioisotope are used properly at the university a Radioisotope Safety Manual has been
written. This manual describes the radiation safety program at Radford University, fundamentals of
radiation, safety procedures, methods to reduce exposure, and State and university regulations
concerning the safe use of radioactive materials. Users of radioactive materials are required to read the
manual and pass a written test administered by the Safety Manager. The safety manual also describes
proper procedures for handling radioactive waste. Short-lived radioisotopes (less than 90 days) are held
for decay and long lived isotopes are sent to a licensed facility. The radioisotope program at the
university is licensed by the State Bureau of Radiological Health and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
and is subject to inspections from these agencies. The Safety Manager also conducts periodic inspections
of facilities and users to ensure compliance with State and university regulations. Radioisotopes are
currently not being used at the university
A manual for the safe use of lasers has been developed. This manual is based on safety recommendations
issued by the American National Standards Institute. Hazards associated with the use of lasers and
safety guidelines are included. The laser safety program provides training to personnel and ensures that
hazardous systems are operated safely. For example, all lasers must be registered with the Safety Office,
Class III and IV lasers are required to be operated in a laser controlled area, and users must wear
appropriate eye protection. Users of Class III and IV lasers are required to read the manual and pass a
test administered by the Safety Manager. The Safety Manager conducts periodic inspections of laser
systems to ensure compliance with the safety regulations in the manual.
Microwave ovens are inspected annually in the Resident Halls by the Safety Office to ensure that leakage
is below federal limits. Ovens not meeting leakage standards are removed from service.
Individuals exposed to radiation in excess of 10% of a legal limit receive a personal monitoring device.
Thermoluminescent type dosimeters are used at the university. Badges are purchased from a certified
dosimetry company and changed quarterly. The Safety Manager is responsible for managing the
radiation dosimetry program at the university.
The Safety Manager conducts periodic surveys of facilities and equipment using a Ludlum Model 3
survey meter equipped with a low energy pancake probe. This instrument can detect alpha, beta, and
gamma radiations. The instrument is calibrated yearly by a licensed facility.
8.0 Hazardous Waste Management
Hazardous waste is strictly regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency under the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act. This Act mandates a "cradle-to-grave" system for managing hazardous
waste. The purpose of the hazardous waste management program at Radford University is to protect
human health and the environment from improper waste management practices.
The hazardous waste management program is designed to coordinate the collection, classification,
analysis, packing, and shipping of waste chemicals generated at the university. The program is managed
by the Safety Manager with the assistance of the Laboratory Manager. A Hazardous Waste Management
Manual has been written that describes procedures to collect, store, and dispose of hazardous waste.
Sections include responsibilities, waste reduction, definitions, restrictions, containers, proper storage,
handling of hazardous waste, and procedures for chemical spills. Individual generators of hazardous
waste are responsible for ensuring that waste is handled properly before pick up by the Safety Manager.
Hazardous waste is disposed of at least twice a year by a licensed hazardous waste management service.
Manifests are maintained by the Safety Manager. Required hazardous waste reports are completed by
the Safety Manager.
The university is a small quantity generator producing between 100 and 1000 kg of hazardous waste
per month. Several hazardous waste streams have been identified on campus. Departments producing
hazardous waste include Printing, Art, Facilities Management, Chemistry, Biology, Boiler Plant, Drama,
and Photography. The largest producer of waste is Facilities Management which generates
approximately one 55-gallon drum of flammable liquids per month. Efforts are underway to reduce the
quantity of these solvents. One approach being considered is the use of latex and low solvent paints.
Darkrooms generate approximately 20 gallons of waste fixer per month. The university is planning to
purchase a silver recovery unit to reduce the cost of disposal of this waste stream. Proper containers,
labels, training, and a copy of the Hazardous Waste Management Manual are given to generators.
Emergency procedures for hazardous waste spills have been written and are included in the Emergency
Response Plan. Several spill kits have been distributed to departments using chemicals. Individuals
involved in hazardous waste management are trained in the proper methods to handle a spill. The Safety
Manager serves as the primary emergency contact in case of a spill.
A waste minimization plan has been written that outlines procedures departments can use to reduce the
amount of hazardous waste generated at the university. This Plan is included in the Hazardous Waste
Manual. Recommendations include the purchase of smaller quantities, using less toxic materials,
recycling, maintaining a chemical inventory to reduce duplicate purchases, cleaning out old stocks to
remove potential explosives, and the use of microscale techniques in laboratories. These procedures
have been issued to all affected departments.
The Safety Manager has taken the 40-hour Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
(HAZWOPER) course. This course allows the Safety Manager to conduct training at the hazardous
materials awareness, operations, and technician level. Police Officers and Facilities Management
employees are trained at the awareness level. The Laboratory Manager is trained at the technician level.
Generators are trained at the appropriate level depending on their involvement with hazardous waste.
Satellite storage areas are located in the Chemistry Department, Facilities Management, Art Department,
and darkrooms. Waste is properly stored in these areas and then taken to two storage lockers behind
the Boiler Plant before disposal by a licensed hazardous waste firm.
Infectious waste containing human blood or other potentially infectious materials are double bagged in
red plastic bags and disposed by a licensed firm. Disposal sites are located in Student Health, and the
Athletic Training Room. Infectious waste is either steam autoclaved or incinerated. Manifests are
maintained by the Safety Office. Small quantities of infectious waste generated in microbiology
laboratories are steam autoclaved on-site.
9.0 Fire Safety
The Campus Fire Safety Inspector is responsible for ensuring that all university facilities comply with
applicable fire codes. This is accomplished by on-site inspections, review of proposed construction
plans, and ensuring that recommendations made by the Virginia State Fire Marshal's Office are
completed. The Fire Safety Inspector also provides training in fire safety to all departments on campus,
investigates fires on campus for cause and origin, and ensures that fire safety systems are properly
installed, tested, and maintained in a safe and operational condition. The Fire Safety Inspector reports
directly to the University Safety Manager.
A Fire Safety Plan has been developed for the university. The Plan is designed to provide instructions for
identifying, monitoring, and addressing fire safety issues at Radford University. The Plan describes
emergency procedures, drills, inspections, training, and procedures to use in the event of a fire. In
addition, the Fire Safety Plan describes duties and responsibilities of building wardens, floor wardens,
campus police, and provides for notification of campus administrators and decision making authority.
The Plan is evaluated and revised annually by the Safety Manager and the Fire Safety Inspector.
Pull alarm stations are located throughout the major buildings on campus. If an alarm is heard in the
Residential Halls, the building and/or floor warden will call the fire department at 911 and the campus
police at 1-5500. Building and/or floor wardens will assist in the evacuation of the floor, close all doors,
keep all persons at a safe distance from the building, and direct the fire department to the scene of the
fire. In academic buildings, the Fire Safety Inspector shall perform these duties. The senior fire safety
person at the scene will decide when the building can be re-entered. Individuals in buildings without
pull stations will call the fire department directly.
The Radford City Fire Department is located approximately two miles from campus. Traveling time is 35 minutes. The department maintains a full time staff of seven and a volunteer staff of thirty. The
Radford City Fire Department has two pumper trucks, a mini-pumper, one utility truck, a pickup truck,
and a 95-foot aerial platform.
Fire drills in the residential halls are conducted monthly by the Resident Directors in cooperation with
the Fire Safety Inspector and Building Wardens. The Building Warden issues a report to the Fire Safety
Inspector. Fire drills in academic buildings are conducted as needed under the supervision of the Fire
Safety Inspector.
The university maintains appropriate fire suppression systems in each building to include: fire
extinguishers, sprinkler systems, standpipes, interior hose packs, automatic halon extinguishing
systems, and fire hydrants strategically placed throughout the campus. Approximately 1000 portable
fire extinguishers are located on campus. The Fire Safety Inspector is responsible for training,
inspecting, testing, and refilling fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers are inspected monthly. An
inventory of all fire extinguishers on campus is maintained by the Fire Safety Inspector. Currently, code
numbers are placed on all fire extinguishers. The possibility of using a bar-code system for marking
extinguishers is being explored. Building and Floor Wardens assist the Fire Safety Inspector in the
Resident Halls.
Approximately 50 standpipes are inspected every year for water flow by personnel in Facilities
Management. Automatic sprinkler systems are located in the following buildings: Dalton, Russell,
Norwood, Muse, Preston Stage, Porterfield Stage, Davis hall, and the Dedmon Center. All systems are
inspected quarterly by an outside contractor. Fire suppression systems in the kitchens are inspected and
cleaned by an outside contractor. Hoods and ducts are cleaned quarterly. Filters are inspected and
changed as needed. Fusible links are replaced every six months. The Fire Safety Inspector conducts
periodic inspections to oversee the work of the contractors.
All university buildings are inspected quarterly by the Fire Safety Inspector. These inspections include
such items as fire extinguishers, fire alarms, and violations of fire and safety rules. In addition, annual
inspections of heating units, electrical panels, large motors, and air-conditioning equipment are
conducted by Facilities Management. Periodic inspections are also conducted by the State Fire Marshal's
Deficiencies concerning unsafe conditions are issued to appropriate supervisors in Facilities
Management for correction. Re-inspections are conducted monthly by the Fire Safety Specialist.
Deficiencies not corrected are reported to the Safety Manager. Violations concerning unsafe acts are
reported to the individual and his/her immediate supervisor. Failure to comply with fire safety
regulations may lead to disciplinary actions including possible dismissal.
A building warden is designated for each residential building. Trained by the Fire Safety Specialist, the
building wardens provide safety education to residents, inspect buildings for compliance with fire
regulations, assume responsibility for building evacuation, and offer assistance in case of fire.
Residential buildings are also assigned floor wardens who assist in inspections, and evacuations. The
Fire Safety Inspector serves as building warden for the academic buildings, with monthly inspections
assigned to a building fire and safety Manager who is a building occupant. Monthly inspection reports
are returned to the Fire Safety Inspector for review.
Evacuation routes have been placed on each floor and in classrooms of every building showing
emergency exits and escape routes, as well as locations of fire extinguishers and fire alarms. Posting
evacuation plans in buildings improves awareness of fire evacuation routes. According to Campus
surveys, 29% of administrative faculty, 35% of faculty, 44% of part-time faculty, and 30% of classified
staff said they were not adequately informed of their building's emergency evacuation procedures.
Fire alarm systems are installed, repaired, and routinely tested by the Safety Office and Facilities
Management. Smoke detectors are located in all Residence halls. Hard-wired detectors are located in the
halls and battery operated detectors are located in the rooms. Battery powered smoke detectors are
located in off-campus buildings. In addition some smoke detectors are connected to fire doors. Batteryoperated smoke detectors are inspected annually and the batteries changed. Hard-wired smoke
detectors are inspected semi-annually. Overhead halon systems located in computer rooms are
inspected every six months by an outside contractor.
10.0 Occupational Safety
Procedures for the use of personnel protective equipment (PPE) have been written. PPE is required to
protect workers from workplace hazards and contaminants when engineering and administrative
controls are inadequate. The need for PPE is decided by the Safety Manager in cooperation with
supervision. All PPE is approved by the Safety Manager. Management may determine specific types of
safety equipment based on price, comfort, and style. Personnel are trained by the Safety Manager in the
proper use and maintenance of PPE. Personal safety equipment, except safety shoes and prescription
safety glasses, is supplied by the university at no cost to employees. Employees are expected to wear
assigned PPE and are subject to disciplinary action for not wearing the equipment.
The following types of PPE are available to workers at the university:
1. Protective eye and face equipment is required where there is a reasonable probability of injury to the
eyes. Tasks include using hand and power tools, handling toxic or corrosive chemicals, grinding,
welding, and machine operations. Eye and face equipment meets the requirements of ANSI Z87.1.
2. Protective hard hats are worn whenever there is possible danger of head injury. Hard hats are worn to
protect workers from falling objects such as tools, bricks, boards, equipment, building materials, and
scaffolds. Protective helmets meet the requirements of ANSI Z89.1.
3. Proper safety shoes are required in areas where there is a reasonable probability of falling objects or
slipping. Safety shoes with steel toes are worn by employees routinely exposed to objects weighing
more than 15 pounds. Slip resistant shoes are required in areas that have a high potential for slippage,
e.g., kitchens. Safety-toe footwear meets the requirements of ANSI Z41.1.
4. Hearing protective devices such as ear plugs, canal caps, and ear muffs are worn by employees
exposed to noise levels above 90 dB TWA. Employees exposed to noise levels above 85 dB TWA are
enrolled in a hearing conservation program. The Safety Manager conducts noise surveys of the
workplace using a Simpson Sound Level Meter Type S2A to determine employee exposure.
5. Employees exposed to an elevated fall hazards higher than 6 feet are provided with safety harnesses
securely attached to a lifeline or part of the structure.
6. Protective clothing is worn to protect workers from potential harm to the body from exposure
associated with hazardous work. Employees who handle corrosive or toxic chemicals are issued suitable
protective clothing.
7. Employees are protected by suitable gloves when it is necessary to protect the worker from rough,
sharp edged objects, temperature extremes, toxic or corrosive chemicals, infectious agents, and
energized electrical equipment. Rubber protective gloves used by electrical workers conform to ANSI
The university has established a lockout/tagout program to ensure that equipment is isolated from
potentially hazardous energy, and locked and tagged out prior to maintenance. The program includes
procedures for shutdown, equipment isolation, lockout/tagout, release of stored energy, verification of
isolation, and training. Tags, individual locks, gang locks, valve locks, plug locks, and chains have been
purchased. Training is provided by the Safety Manager to ensure that the purpose and function of the
energy control program are understood by affected employees. Periodic inspections are conducted by
the Safety Manager to ensure compliance with lockout/tagout procedures.
This program addresses electrical safety requirements that are necessary for the safeguarding of
employees in their workplaces. The program is designed to address concerns that electricity is a serious
workplace hazard, exposing employees to electric shock, electrocution, fires and explosions. This
program covers electrical safety work practices for qualified and unqualified persons. Qualified persons
are those who are familiar with the construction and operation of the equipment and the hazards
involved. They are permitted to work on or near exposed energized parts and have been trained in
avoiding electrical hazards. Unqualified persons are those with little or no such training.
Procedures have been written to allow workers to safely enter confined spaces. Confined spaces have
small openings, are not meant for human occupancy, and may contain a hazardous atmosphere (e.g.,
manholes). Before entering a confined space the atmosphere is tested for oxygen, combustible gases,
and toxic gases using a Lumidor GasPro Plus Monitor. Testing is performed by the Safety Manager or
other qualified individual. All personnel involved in confined space work receive appropriate training in
hazard recognition, personal protective equipment, communications equipment, and rescue procedures.
Training is conducted by the Safety Manager. An entry permit is completed by a qualified person before
entering the confined space. Appropriate rescue and ventilation equipment has been purchased. The
Radford City Fire Department serves as the rescue team in case of an emergency. The Safety Manager
visits sites to ensure that an entry permit has been completed and workers are wearing proper rescue
A Fall Protection Program has been written for the university to ensure that employees are protected
from fall hazards greater than six feet. Each year, falls consistently account for the greatest number of
fatalities in the construction industry, and are a major concern in other industries. Events surrounding
these accidents involve a number of factors, including unstable working surfaces, misuse of fall
protection equipment, and human error. The use of guardrails, fall arrest systems, safety nets, covers,
and travel restriction systems can prevent many deaths and injuries. A training program has been
developed that covers fall protection systems such as guardrails, safety nets, personal fall arrest
systems, warning line systems, safety monitoring systems, and covers. The proper use of safety
harnesses, lanyards, rope grabs, and safety lines are also discussed and demonstrated.
Accident prevention begins with the proper inspection use, and storage of tools and equipment. A
program is planned to ensure that tools and equipment are used safely. The Safety Manager will develop
procedures and train affected employees. Emphasis will be placed on selecting the right tool for the job,
using tools correctly and safely, keeping them in good condition, and storing them properly. Power tools
are inspected for proper cords, plugs, and grounding pins. Procedures and training are planned for
safely using ladders, scaffolds, woodworking machines, and providing proper guarding on machines.
Procedures have been written for materials handling and storage. The Safety Manager conducts training
classes in proper lifting techniques and back injury prevention. An adequate number of material
handling equipment is present such as carts, drum trucks, and hand trucks. The Safety Manager plans to
conduct a Job Safety Analysis of tasks to ensure that materials are being handled properly. An
ergonomics approach to materials handling is also being actively pursued. Examples include reducing
the size of the load, changing the height of a pallet or shelf, or installing a mechanical lifting aid.
A program has been developed to ensure that forklift trucks, pallet trucks, and motorized hand trucks
are operated safely. Only qualified operators who have received training in safe operations are
permitted to operate powered industrial trucks on campus. Training is conducted by the Safety Manager
and an experienced driver. The training program consists of a lecture on proper procedures, video tape,
and an evaluation of driving skills. Authorized drivers must pass a driving test. Powered industrial
trucks are inspected before operation and receive regular maintenance as recommended by the
The university has developed a program for CDL drivers on campus that is conformity with Department
of Transportation Regulations. The program is designed to prevent accidents from the misuse of alcohol
or use of controlled substances. The rule requires that covered employees be tested for five specific
drugs as well as alcohol, and sets the times, terms, and conditions of testing. Pre-employment, random,
post-accident, and reasonable suspicion testing are required. It mandates privacy in collection
techniques, confirmation of positive results, collection of split samples, and confidentiality of results.
The program also include provisions for treating employees in need of assistance due to misuse of
alcohol or illegal use of controlled substances.
A program has been developed to protect employees from hazards that may be encountered while
working in trenches and excavations. The program includes provisions for employee training, hazard
identification and control, and safe work practices that must be followed while working in an excavation
or trench.
Welding, cutting, and brazing are hazardous activities that pose a combination of both safety and health
risks to workers. The risk from fatal injuries alone is more than four deaths per thousand workers over a
working lifetime. Radford University has developed a program to protect workers from the hazards
associated with these operations. The program covers fire prevention, confined spaces, protection of
personnel, and ventilation.
All pressure vessels such as boilers are inspected yearly by a licensed state inspector. Records are
maintained by Facilities Management. Compressed gas cylinders are stored in compliance with OSHA
regulations. Flammable and oxidizing cylinders are separated by 20 feet or by a 5-foot high wall that has
a half-hour fire rating. Cylinders are secured by chains or wire cage while in storage. Empty cylinders
are separated from full cylinders. Periodic inspections are conducted by the Safety Manager to ensure
compliance with OSHA regulations.
All vehicles are inspected routinely by Facilities Management to ensure safe operation. A safety checklist
is being prepared for mechanics to ensure that proper routine maintenance is performed. The Safety
Manager plans to conduct defensive driving courses for campus personnel. All university owned vehicles
on campus have safety belts and drivers are required to wear them.
Contractors are expected to abide by applicable OSHA, EPA, and State regulations while on campus.
Contractors must take steps to protect the health and safety of employees, students, and visitors while
performing their work. Contractors must enforce safety rules among their employees and obey
university safety rules. The University Safety Manager has the authority to shut down work that is
deemed an imminent hazard. The Purchasing Department has the authority to stop operations if a
violation of university procedures is noted. Prior to a contractor beginning work, a precontract
performance conference may be held. Special safety conditions or restrictions concerning the job are
discussed with the Safety Manager as well as an evaluation of the safety program of the contractor.
The university recognizes the importance of designing the job and workplace to fit the worker. This
allows work to be done with a minimum of physical and mental stress. Improving the design of the
workplace can improve employee morale, increase productivity, and reduce injuries. The university is
committed to improving the ergonomic environment in the workplace. The Safety Manager manages the
Ergonomics Program at the university by analyzing work methods and work places using basic
ergonomic principles, identifying ergonomic problems, establishing priorities, and resolving problems
with the assistance of supervision. The Safety Manager will perform an Ergonomic Task Analysis of the
workplace with the goal of collecting data to identify problem work environments and processes.
Emphasis is placed on manual material handling and repetitive motion injuries.
To ensure compliance with building codes, plans for capital outlay projects and major renovations are
review by the State Division of Engineering and Buildings, Fire Marshal's Office, and Radford's Planning
and Construction Department. Plans are reviewed at Radford University by a Registered Architect,
Professional Engineer, Certified Plant Engineer, Certified Construction Specifier, and a Licensed
Asbestos Inspector. In-house projects are reviewed by Facilities Management in cooperation with the
Safety Office.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against disabled persons in public
activities, services, or programs and became effective in July 1992. Compliance with the ADA is handled
by the Human Resources Department and Facilities Management. To comply with the Act, Radford
1. Reviews policies and procedures regarding employment to ensure equitable treatment and
reasonable accommodations for disabled applicants and employees.
2. Reviews and updates job descriptions to reflect the essential functions of the job and the minimum
qualifications, including physical requirements.
3. Provides education to supervisors responsible for hiring and making work assignments regarding
their responsibilities for providing reasonable accommodations.
4. Modifies buildings, restrooms, sidewalks, etc. to provide access to disabled persons.
First aid kits are located throughout the university in the housekeeping closets. Kits are readily available
for all laboratory personnel. First aid kits in Facilities Management are stocked by the Safety Office.
11.0 Occupational Health
In addition to making the workplace safe for workers, the Safety Office works with supervisors and
management to ensure that the workplace is free from recognized health hazards.
The Safety Office monitors the workplace to determine conditions that may have an adverse effect on
health, are uncomfortable or irritating, or that may effect the ability of workers to perform their normal
tasks. Several instrument are available in the Safety Office to monitor the workplace. These include air
monitoring equipment, noise meter, radiation survey meter, light meter, gas meters, and an air flow
The Safety Office is responsible for responding to indoor air quality complaints. All complaints are
investigated and an indoor air quality questionnaire is completed by complainants. Facilities
Management works with the Safety Office in alleviating air quality complaints. If indicated, the Safety
Manager can monitor the air for suspected contaminants using a Lumidor Gas Monitor, a Sensidyne Gas
Detector and an air sampling pump.
Radford University has developed a respiratory protection program to permit employees to work safely
in hazardous atmospheres. This is accomplished by ensuring that employees are properly trained, the
correct respirator is selected, employees are medically able to wear respirators, and respirators are
cleaned and maintained properly. Respirators are issued to prevent overexposure to chemical hazards
and when necessary to protect the health of the employee. The Safety Manager supervises the
respiratory protection program and decides the need and type of respirator used by employees. Only
NIOSH approved respirators are used. The Safety Manager ensures that respirators fit properly and that
employees are trained in the proper selection, use, and care of respirators. Employees are evaluated by a
physician to determine if they are physically able to perform the work while wearing a respirator. This
review includes a brief health history and a pulmonary function test.
The university has a comprehensive wellness program for all Radford University employees. The
CommonHealth Program has been in place at Radford University since 1989. The program offers free
medical screening and educational programs. The purpose of the program is to reduce injuries and
absenteeism, increase productivity, improve morale, and provide social benefits to employees. Emphasis
is placed on the development of good habits that affect health and personal well being such as
nutrition/weight loss, exercise/fitness, smoking cessation, back strengthening, safety, and stress
To help employees cope with personal problems that could affect job performance and safety, the
Commonwealth of Virginia has developed a State Employee Assistance Service (SEAS). The SEAS is a
confidential counseling, assessment, and referral service available to employees at the university to help
employees resolve problems. Services offered include mental health, financial assistance, substance
abuse, family concerns, legal assistance, and marital concerns. Entry into the program is voluntary and
offered at no cost to employees.
The Safety Office maintains the asbestos program at the university and coordinates the asbestos
abatement program. The objective of the program is to identify and maintain, in safe condition,
asbestos-containing material (ACM) that remains in university buildings. The Program also addresses
emergency response procedures, recordkeeping requirements, and procedures for cleaning asbestos
floor tiles. The management of ACM is an involved and ongoing process with observations, assessments,
and possible response actions occurring daily. The program is designed for quick reference by
maintenance and housekeeping personnel, campus contractors and vendors, and university employees.
All buildings on campus have been surveyed for ACM. Campus areas containing ACM are identified on
floor plans. Warning signs have been placed at all entrances to mechanical rooms containing ACM.
Notification is given to appropriate departments when an abatement project is planned. All maintenance
and custodial staff are given a two-hour asbestos awareness training program. Except for floor tile
removal, the university's Facilities Management Department does not perform asbestos abatement
activities. Most asbestos removal is contracted out to a licensed asbestos abatement firm. Air samples
and bulk samples are performed by a contractor. Maintenance workers are advised of the proper
procedures to follow when they contact ACM. When building renovation activities are planned, the
supervisor in charge provides a detailed assessment of the project area to see if any ACM will be
A program has been developed to ensure that employees are not overexposed to lead. Overexposure to
lead is one of the most common overexposures found in industry with most over-exposures found in the
trades, such as plumbing, welding, electrical work, carpentry, and painting. Significant lead exposures
can also arise from removing paint from surfaces previously coated with lead-based paint, such as in
renovation and demolition. The program applies to all construction work where an employee may be
occupationally exposed to lead. Construction work is defined as work for construction, alteration and/or
repair, including painting and decorating. In addition, a lead paint disclosure program was developed for
the university.
A program has been designed to reduce or eliminate workplace exposure to crystalline silica at the
university. Exposure to crystalline silica can cause silicosis, a serious lung disease. The Safety Office
plans to inspect the following work operations to determine if employees are exposed to silica above the
Sawing, hammering, cutting, drilling, grinding, and chipping of concrete or masonry
Chipping, hammering, and drilling rock
Dry sweeping or pressurized air blowing of concrete, rock, or sand dust
Crushing, loading, hauling, and dumping rock
Demolition of concrete and masonry structures
Concrete mixing
Working with ceramics, clay, and pottery
An Exposure Control Plan has been developed for the university. This plan identifies workers who are at
occupational risk for contacting blood or other possible infectious materials. The plan includes methods
for reducing exposure and requires the use of universal precautions, engineering controls, work practice
controls, and the use of appropriate personal protective equipment. Affected employees are trained by
the Safety Manager or other qualified person on the requirements of the Standard and HIV, HBV, and
HCV. Hepatitis B vaccinations are offered to select employees at risk for contacting blood as part of their
job duties. The following departments include employees who are at risk: Student Health, Police,
Athletic Trainers, Housekeepers, Lifeguards, and Nursing. Appropriate engineering controls and
personal protective equipment have been distributed to affected departments. The Safety Manager
conducts periodic inspections to ensure compliance with the Exposure Control Plan.
Procedures have been developed for the safe use and storage of pesticides. All pesticide applicators on
campus are certified by the State of Virginia. Pesticide applicators use the lowest toxicity material that
will do an adequate job. Restricted use pesticides and pesticides that are carcinogenic are not used on
campus. Pesticides are properly stored according to State regulations. Eyewash units and emergency
showers are located in storage areas. Warning signs are posted when pesticides are used. Applicators
wear proper personal protective equipment to include respirators, goggles, and protective clothing as
recommended by the manufacturer. Applicators are trained in the safe use of respirators and other
personal protective equipment by the Safety Manager. The Safety Manager also trains users on the
hazards associated with the use of pesticides. Pesticide containers are triple rinsed and the rinsate is
placed back in the sprayer.
Standard operating procedures have been developed for the Dining Services. Procedures have been
written for inspections, recognizing food contamination, and pest contamination. In-house sanitation
inspections are conducted monthly by the Nutritionist and/or Unit Manager. Items covered include,
food, food protection, personnel, food equipment and utensils, garbage and refuse disposal, insect,
rodent, and animal control, floors, walls, and ceilings, lightning, and storage of toxins. A copy of the
inspection is sent to the Dining Services Director with appropriate measures taken to correct
deficiencies. Managers conduct periodic training sessions with all employees on sanitary food-handling
practices and personnel hygiene. Insect and rodent control is handled by continual turnover of
inventory, frequent cleaning, good screens on windows and doors, and spraying with insecticides.
Dining facilities are inspected every six weeks by the Health Department and consistently receive an
excellent rating.
12.0 Hazard Communication
The purpose of the Hazard Communication Program is to inform non-laboratory employees of chemical
hazards they may encounter in the workplace and to provide measures to minimize exposures. The goal
of the Program is to reduce the incidence of illness and injuries from chemical exposure.
A written Hazard Communication Program has been developed for the university . The Program
includes provisions for labeling, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs), chemical inventory, and employee
training. The Program covers such areas as maintenance of a hazardous chemicals inventory, provision
of MSDSs for all hazardous chemicals, and training of employees. All new employees are required to
attend an orientation session on working with hazardous chemicals. The Hazard Communication
Program and MSDSs for hazardous materials are available for inspection by employees. The Safety
Manager manages, reviews, and updates the Program as necessary. In addition to the written program,
a Hazard Communication Safety Manual has been written for non-laboratory personnel. This manual
describes the hazards associated with various classes of chemicals and methods to reduce exposures.
Training sessions are developed from the information contained in the manual. A copy of the manual is
kept in all affected departments.
Chemical inventories are maintained by all departments that use hazardous chemicals. Inventories are
periodically inspected by the Safety Manager to ensure compliance. The university is actively pursuing a
method to centralize the purchase, receipt, and delivery of chemicals to departments on campus. A
centralized system would ensure compliance with regulatory agencies and reduce the generation of
hazardous waste.
MSDSs are maintained by all departments that use hazardous chemicals at the university. The Safety
Manager periodically inspects departments to ensure that MSDSs are available for all hazardous
chemicals. MSDS files are maintained in the following departments: Chemistry, Biology, Physical Plant,
Housekeeping, Dining, Recreation, Athletic, Drama, Printing, Photography, Student Health, Geology, and
Geography. To ensure compliance with employee right-to-know requirements, the Safety Office has
contracted with a fax-on-demand service for MSDSs.
It is the responsibility of department supervisors to check incoming chemicals to ensure that they are
labeled properly. Chemicals will not be accepted unless they contain the name of the chemical, hazard
warnings, and the name and address of the manufacturer. Department supervisors will also ensure that
secondary containers are properly labeled. The Safety Manager periodically inspects departments to
ensure that labeling requirements are being met.
Employees exposed to hazardous chemicals outside of laboratories receive training on the Hazard
Communication Standard, physical and health hazards associated with chemicals, and methods to
reduce exposure. Training is conducted by the Safety Manager. Training is performed at the time off the
employee's initial assignment and whenever a new hazard is introduced into the workplace.
13.0 Environmental Health
The environmental health program strives for a healthier and cleaner environment through programs of
toxic pollution reduction, air, water, and solid waste management, recycling, and energy efficiency. The
Safety Manager conducts yearly environmental audits to develop general strategies for implementing
environmental improvements.
The university produces many waste streams including hazardous waste, spills and leaks, water
discharges, obsolete inventory, municipal solid waste, air emissions, energy waste, and evaporative
losses. To manage these waste streams the university has developed a Pollution Prevention Plan.
Pollution prevention emphasizes reducing or eliminating these wastes at the source through efficient
use or conservation of raw materials and energy. This includes all pollution: hazardous and
nonhazardous, across all environmental media (air, water, soil) and from all sources. The second
priority is to reuse or recycle generated wastes. As a last resort, pollution should be disposed of in a
manner that reduces risk to public health, safety, and the environment. This plan identifies current
pollution prevention practices and recommends additional methods to reduce or eliminate wastes
generated at the university.
A wide variety of hazardous waste is generated by the university. Departments generating hazardous
waste include chemistry, biology, printing, art, theater, darkrooms, and the physical plant. The
university has developed a hazardous waste management program to ensure that hazardous waste is
handled properly, and a waste minimization program to reduce the quantity and toxicity of hazardous
waste. Hazardous waste is disposed of through a licensed firm by incineration when possible.
Radioactive waste is held on site for decay. Infectious waste is steam autoclaved or incinerated by a
licensed firm. Questions asked during the yearly audit include:
1. Which departments on campus generate hazardous waste and how much?
2. How is hazardous waste stored and disposed of?
3. What are the costs associated with hazardous waste disposal?
4. What is being done to minimize the quantity of hazardous waste generated?
Universities can contribute to air pollution through releases of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur
oxides, lead and particulant matter, and toxic air pollutants from laboratories and physical plant
operations. Possible sources include laboratory fume hoods, paint booths, vehicles, boilers, and steam
plants. The university actively pursues methods to reduce air pollution. For example, to reduce toxic
vapors released during painting operations the university is increasing its use of low solvent and latex
paints. Questions asked during the yearly environmental audit include:
1. What departments and sources emit air pollutants? Are these releases above government
limits? Does a report have to be generated under SARA Title III?
2. Are permits needed from air pollution agencies?
3. What is being done to reduce or control the quantity of air pollutants generated on campus?
Are alternatives being considered?
4. What quantity of each pollutant is being released?
All water coolers on campus have been tested for lead levels. Water coolers exceeding legal limits have
been replaced with non-lead lined coolers. Toxic chemicals are not poured down the drain or into the
environment where they could pollute drinking water or endanger the groundwater. Toxic chemicals
are disposed of through a licensed hazardous waste firm. The university actively explores conservation
measures to reduce the amount of water used on campus. For example flow restrictors are used on
showers, and irrigation water is pumped from the New River. The following questions are asked during
the annual audit:
1. How much water does the campus use annually? Has it increased or decreased over the
previous year?
2. What percentage of water is used indoors versus outdoors?
3. Is there a system to monitor for leaks or water efficiency?
4. What type of irrigation system does the campus use?
5. Is there a water conservation program on campus?
6. Where does the campus water supply originate? What is the status of that supply?
All lifeguards and managers have received training in CPR/First Aid and OSHAs Bloodborne Pathogen
Standard. All individuals who handle chemicals wear appropriate personal protective equipment when
handling chemicals and have received Hazard Communication Training.
Radford University has AST systems at three areas: the Boiler Plant, the Dedmon Center, and the
Facilities Management area. An Underground Storage Tank (UST) system is also operated at the
Facilities Management area. Two 50,000-gallon aboveground No. 2 fuel oil tanks are located at the Boiler
Plant. These tanks are situated in separate concrete containment dikes with capacities of 60,000 gallons.
A 10,000-gallon aboveground No. 2 fuel oil tank is located at the Dedmon Center. This tank is situated in
a concrete containment dike with a capacity of 12,000 gallons. A 2,000-gallon aboveground diesel fuel
tank, a 500-gallon aboveground used oil tank, and a 10,000 gallon underground gasoline tank are
located at Facilities Management. The UST is equipped with overfill protection, spill containment basin,
and a leak detection system. The diesel tank is equipped with a level gauge and overfill protection
system. The liquid level is visible during filling in the used oil tank.
Under Section 312 of SARA Title III the university is required to file a yearly Tier II report for all
hazardous chemicals that are present at the university in amounts greater than 10,000 pounds, or are on
the SARA list of extremely hazardous substances and were present at the university in amounts greater
than 500 pounds (55 gallons) or the SARA threshold quantity for the substance, whichever is less. In
addition, the State Emergency Response Commission must be notified. To meet these regulations the
Safety Manager is responsible for completing the Tier II report and the emergency notification report
before March 1 of each year. The only chemicals the university is required to report are gasoline, fuel oil,
and gas chlorine.
The university actively pursues methods to decrease energy consumption on campus. For example, new
energy efficient ballasts are used for fluorescent light fixtures, motion sensors are being placed in
classrooms, incandescent lights are being changed to fluorescent, and energy conservation measures are
used for chemical fume hoods. The Safety Manager asks the following questions during the annual
environmental audit:
1. How much energy is used on campus? Have there been any changes from the previous year?
2. What conservation measures have been implemented? What measures are being
3. Are new buildings designed to be energy efficient? Is there a computerized energy
management control system?
4. What sources of alternate energy could be or are used?
Radford University has developed a Refrigerant Recycling Program that is designed to reduce emissions
of CFCs and protect the earth from the penetration of harmful ultraviolet radiation. Penetration of
ultraviolet light can cause health and environmental concerns including increased incidences of skin
cancers and cataracts and damage to crops and marine organisms. This program is designed to reduce
emissions of CFCs and HCFCs to the lowest achievable levels during the service, maintenance, repair, or
disposal of appliances at Radford University. A CFC Management Plan was also developed for the
phaseout of CFCs. Strategies for maintaining, converting, or replacing existing equipment with
appliances that use alternative refrigerants are included.
14.0 Emergency Preparedness
An Emergency Response Plan has been developed to prepare the university to properly handle
emergency situations that may occur on campus. The plan contains procedures for notifying appropriate
personnel, defines responsibilities, and provides guidelines for handling most campus emergencies. The
following types of emergencies are covered by the manual:
 Bomb threats & explosions
Chemical spills
Radiological emergencies
Blood spills
Asbestos releases
Natural emergencies
Medical emergencies
Utility failures
Emergency recovery
An Emergency Notification List and an Emergency Call List is included in the Emergency Response Plan.
Phone numbers for Radford University personnel, local, state, and national agencies are included.
A Disaster Plan has been written for the university and is included in the Emergency Response Plan.
All Safety Office personnel have taken the 40-hour HAZWOPER course and are qualified to clean up
hazardous waste spills at the university and to train others at the hazardous materials awareness level.
All Police Officers, several Facilities Management Plant employees, and select individuals across campus
have been trained at the awareness level.
Radford University does not have an internal confined space rescue team. The Radford City Fire
Department will serve as the rescue team for confined space emergencies.
The Safety Manager is an American Red Cross certified instructor and will coordinate CPR/First Aid
training and AED training across the campus. An AED procedure manual has been written. Several
individuals in Facilities Management, Athletic Department, and the Police Department have been
A Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure/Oil Discharge Contingency (SPCC/ODC) Plan has been
developed to provide university personnel with information necessary to prevent oil and fuel discharges
from ASTs and to safely and properly respond to a spill incident.
15.0 Student Safety
Although OSHA regulations only cover employees, a campus comprehensive safety program should be
extended to cover students as much as possible. The university has a morale obligation to ensure that
the health and safety of students is not compromised. Laboratories and other work areas occupied by
students comply with applicable OSHA regulations. Adequate safety equipment and personal protective
equipment is designated for these areas.
Several procedures concerned with student safety have been written. The Safety Manager works with
departments to develop adequate safety procedures for students who use hazardous chemicals and
equipment. The following safety practices have been developed to protect students:
1. Students using analytical x-ray equipment are required to read the Analytical X-ray Safety
Manual and pass a test before using the equipment.
2. Students using radioisotopes are required to read the Radioisotope Safety Manual and pass
a test.
3. Users of Class III and IV lasers must read the Laser Safety Manual and pass a test
administered by the Safety Office.
4. Currently, chemistry students are trained by their professor in basic safety procedures
before the first lab and receive a handout about general safety practices. The Safety Manager
plans to create a Laboratory Safety Manual for students from the Chemical Hygiene Plan.
This will be made available to all professors and students who use chemicals for training
purposes in the future.
5. Procedures have been written for the use of Biosafety Level 1 and 2 organisms in
microbiology laboratories. These procedures are provided to students before class. The
Safety office has developed a complete Biosafety Manual that can be used by students taking
Microbiology, Immunology, and Parasitology classes.
6. Nursing and Medical Technology students receive training on OSHAs Bloodborne Pathogen
Standard, HIV, and HBV. Training is performed by the Safety Manager or other qualified
individual. Procedures concerned with the use of universal precautions in the clinical and
nursing lab areas have been developed. All nursing students are required to use universal
precautions when faced with clinical or lab exposure to blood or other potentially infectious
body fluids. Nursing students are also required to have a physical examination and a
complete immunization record on file with the School of Nursing. Vaccination for the
hepatitis B virus is encouraged but not mandated.
7. All art majors are required to take a university course in art safety. This course describes
health hazards of art materials, tools, and processes used in art studios. Proper ventilation,
personal protective devices, fire safety, and OSHA regulations are discussed.
8. Procedures for using laboratory facilities in the Physical Sciences Department have been
9. Students in the Department of Health Services are instructed prior to using laboratories of
the dangers of food services to include fires, falls, and cuts/abrasions. All students are
instructed to report problems immediately to instructors.
10. Students taking courses in the Department of Recreation are required to purchase and
follow safety guidelines developed by various outdoor associations such as the Virginia
Association for Outdoor Adventure Education, and the American Canoe Association.
11. Students working with clients in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
receive handouts on HIV/AIDS.
In the academic area, there is a lack of consistency in the detail of safety guidelines and the methods of
distribution of safety information to students among the departments. Detailed safety guidelines are
needed in laboratories, health clinics, art studios, physical education activities, and other areas using
hazardous materials. The Safety Manager plans to work with departments to generate additional safety
guidelines for students and to assist in the development of appropriate training sessions. Many of these
procedures and training materials can be developed from existing programs that have been written for
Students using hazardous materials or equipment are required to wear the same personal protective
equipment used by employees. For example, students in chemical laboratories must wear appropriate
eye protection, and respirators must be worn by certain art students. Usually the university supplies this
equipment at no cost to students.
An Accident Report (PDF)is completed for students involved in accidents in laboratories. A University
Incident Report is completed for student accidents occurring in other areas. Copies of these reports are
sent to Human Resources and the Safety Office for review. Students needing medical assistance are sent
to the Infirmary. The Safety Manager investigates the accident and makes recommendations to prevent a
recurrence of the incident.
Health and safety awareness programs are regularly scheduled for students at Radford University. The
purpose of these programs is to promote a safer and healthier campus environment by helping students
become aware of their behavior. Programs are periodically presented by the Dean of Students Office,
Residence Life, and Center for Counseling and Student Development. Topics include alcohol and
substance abuse, AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, CPR, rape and assault, stress management, and
other health and safety issues.