Uploaded by Abby N

Cookery Course Skills & Advice

Cooking skills learned during coures•
ways of adapting recipes,
basic skills,
using knife properly,
how to cook kitchen
how to keep the kitchen while cooking.
making fresh pasta,
How to attrange food on a plate .
Advice for future students•
bring some containers with you,
take good breakfast beforehand,
take photos while working,
The author discussed the new skills he learned during his two-day cookery course, as
well as some advice for future students. First and foremost, he has learned how to
modify recipes, and the basic cooking skills. Then he learned how to use a knife
correctly, as well as how to plan the chicken for cooking.
His workplace used to be completely chaotic, but he eventually got to know how to
keep it clean. In addition, he learned the way to make pasta and how to plate food.He
wanted to advise future students to bring some empty lunch boxes with them because it
is allowed to take the remaining food, to have breakfast before coming, and finally to
photograph your process as it may help you remember step by step tips.