B2U4 Reading and Thinking Space: The Final Frontier 语篇分析 杭州市长河高级中学 陈怡宁 内容 一、单元整体 二、Space: The Final Frontier语篇分析 三、文本与高考真题的关系 一、单元思维导图 Book 3 Unit 4 Space Exploration 主题语境:人与自然-宇宙探索-地球与宇宙奥秘探索 教学板块 语篇 语篇类型(技能) 语篇内容 语篇主题 Listening and Speaking talk about how to become an astronaut 访谈 (听说) 介绍中国人杨利伟成长为著 名航天员的过程 国内著名人物的太空探索 Reading and Thinking Space:The final frontier 科普文(阅读) 人类太空探索的伟大成就 国内外太空探索的伟大成就 介绍 Listening and Talking Talk about life in space 访谈(听说) 介绍Captain Brown在太空站 的生活。 太空生活 Reading for Writing Is exploring space a waste of time and money? 议论文(读写) 关于太空探索的不同看法 太空探索的意义 Video Time Exploring Mars 视频(看) 火星探索介绍 火星探索进程 Reading and Writing Homes on Mars 说明文(阅读) 关于在火星建立人类居住地 人类生活在火星上的可行性 的看法和科学实验 探讨 说明文(阅读) 四种与单元主题太空探索有 关的知识介绍 关于宇宙的科普知识 项目 展示中国的太空探索成就 中国的太空探索成就 Expanding your world Project Give a presentation on China’s space exploration 单元语篇整理 二、Space: The Final Frontier语篇分析 语篇分析框架 What Why How 主题语境和内容 主题意义 组织特征 (朱晓燕,2023) 01 01 What 理解语篇的主题语境和内容 单元标题 点明话题围绕太空探索展开 主题语境 • 人与自然 Learn about the development of exploration SPACE: THE FINAL FRONTIER 活动标题 关注太空探索的发展 主题群 • 宇宙探索 子话题 space:文章话题围绕太空展开 文章标题 • 地球与宇宙奥秘探索 the final frontier: 这是作者的观 点/态度表达,认为太空是人类 探索宇宙的最后的边界,指明 语篇可能带说明性质。 Jade Rabbit Apollo 1 Moon Landing Challenger after the accident 插图: • 巧妙地点出语篇介绍的事件 • 对人类太空探索成果的高度 肯定 明线:时间顺序 02 Why 明确语篇传递的主题意义 进一步思考的问题: 1. 作者对于太空探索持什么样的态度? 2. 在航空事故出现后,人类是否停止了对太空的探索?你从中学到了什 么? 3. 人类探索太空的意义是什么? 5. 为什么中国航天事业可以发展如此快? 4. 你认为哪些因素推动了人类航空事业的发展? 5. 你认为太空是“最后的边界”吗?为什么? 主题意义 语篇描述了人类太空探索的发展历程和重大历史事件,一方面帮助学生 了解人类为探索宇宙付出的努力;另一方面帮助学生了解我国在太空探索领 域所取得的辉煌成就以及为人类太空事业的贡献,从而坚定文化自信,增强 爱国情怀和民族自豪感。 价值观的教育 教师要引导学生学习科学家和宇航员不畏困难、刻苦钻研、勇担重任、 无私奉献的精神,同时也要树立远大志向,刻苦学习,为中国的航天事业贡 献自己的力量。 03 How 识别语篇的组织特征 宏观组织结构(连贯) 1.文体特征 语篇类型:科普类小品文 语篇体裁:说明文 2. 内容结构 篇章结构&语篇模式 可以探讨的问题: 第二段和第四段都讲了人类 在航空航天上取得的成就, 第三段却讲了遇到的困难阻 碍,在段落衔接上是否出现 了偏移? “一般-特殊/概括-具体”模式。 微观组织结构(衔接) China's space programme started later than those of Russia and the US, but it has made great progress in a short time. China became the third country in the world to independently send humans into space in 2003, when Yang Liwei successfully orbited Earth in the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft. Then Shenzhou 6 and 7 completed a second manned orbit and the first Chinese spacewalk, followed by the vehicle Jade Rabbit being sent to the moon to study its surface. After that, China launched the Tiangong 2 space lab into space and Tianzhou 1 to dock with it. This signalled one step further in China's plan to establish a space station in the future. More recently, China has sent Chang'e 4 to explore the surface of the far side of the moon to make measurements and observations. 三种衔接手段 例子 1. 语法衔接 1)替代:those 2)省略:started later than those of Russia and the US 2. 词汇衔接 1)词语重复:China,space,surface ,sent 2)同义词:send-launch 3)反义词:started-completed 4)上下义词:country-China, Russia and US, spacecraft-Shenzhou 5,Shenzhou 6 and 7,Tinazhou 1, Chang'e 4, space lab-Tiangong 2, vehicle - Jade Rabbit 1)连词:but, when, and 2)副词:then 3)词组(短语):followed by, after that, more recently 3. 连接 二、文本与高考真题的关系 “地球与宇宙奥秘探索”主题语境在近十年高考题中的考察 试题 语篇 内容 体裁 词数 2020年全国卷I 语法填空 嫦娥四号无人探测器 在月球背面成功着陆 说明文 191 2019年高考全国卷Ⅱ 阅读理解D篇 美国一所中学与 NASA合作的科研项 目 说明文 263 2018年高考英语北京 卷 阅读理解B篇 宇航中心项目简介 应用文(简介) 298+84 “地球与宇宙奥秘探索”主题语境在近十年高考题中的考察 试题 语篇 内容 体裁 词数 2020年全国卷I 语法填空 嫦娥四号无人探测器 在月球背面成功着陆 说明文 191 2019年高考全国卷Ⅱ 阅读理解D篇 美国一所中学与 NASA合作的科研项 目 说明文 263 2018年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解B篇 宇航中心项目简介 应用文(简介) 298+84 基于语篇的高考任务型阅读解题 “Are we alone? What's out there?”Looking up at the stars, people have always wanted to learn more about space, and scientists work hard to find answers . They make vehicles to carry brave people into space to find out the secrets of the universe. _____ 同义复现 A.Although scientists try to make sure nothing goes wrong, accidents can still happen. B.They also really wish to discover other planets that are suitable enough to support life. C. After many experiments, they succeeded in making rockets that could escape Earth's gravity. D.The future of space exploration remains bright. Before the mid20th century, most people felt travelling into space was an impossible dream. However, some scientists were determined to help humans realize their dream to explore space. ___________. On 4 October 1957, the Sputnik 1 satellite was launched by the USSR and successfully orbited around Earth. Afterwards, the USSR focused on sending people into space, and on 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in the world to go into space. Over eight years later, on 20 July 1969, American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon, famously saying, “That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.” Following this, many more goals were achieved. For example, America's NASA space agency launched Voyager 1 on 5 September 1977 to study deep space, and it still transmits data today. A.Although scientists try to make sure nothing goes wrong, accidents can still happen. B.They also really wish to discover other planets that are suitable enough to support life. C. After many experiments, they succeeded in making rockets that could escape Earth's gravity. D.The future of space exploration remains bright. 2024年1月浙江:说明文,人与社会,如何有效进行在线学习? 宏观 概述:在线学习在 大学日益普及,采 访学生和教授给出 建议 具体:给出的 三个建议 考虑线上学习 是否适合自己 将在线课程纳 入每周日程 在线上学习中 建立社交连接 In the past few years, online learning has become a significant part of the university and college experience. 36 But are all online courses created equal? How can you be sure that digital learning is right for you? 37 We interviewed students and professors to get their advice about online courses. The most obvious advantage of online learning is that you can study anywhere and anytime. 38 “I think a point that many people lose sight of is how easy it can be to fall behind schedule,” says graduate student Amanda Bindman. Before choosing to study online, consider whether you’re a selfmotivated learner and if the material seems interesting enough to keep you going. The tip that comes up most often is simple: build online courses into your weekly schedule, just like what you would do with in-person courses. 39 He noted that his online students usually end up with lower grades. It is so easy to let an online course slide, but your grades will suffer as a result. Be sure to schedule set times to watch your lectures, read materials and contribute to online discussion boards. 40 A social connection is often a big part of learning. There are things you can do to ease this problem. Jessica Pink, an undergraduate student, suggests taking online courses with a friend, so you can motivate each other to stay on track. You can also find students on the class discussion board to organize a study group, or schedule in-person meetings with your professor to discuss course concepts. The most obvious advantage of online learning is that you can study anywhere and anytime. 38 “I think a point that many people lose sight of is how easy it can be to fall behind schedule,” says graduate student Amanda Bindman. Before choosing to study online, consider whether you’re a selfmotivated learner and if the material seems interesting enough to keep you going. 设空处前 后语义构 成转折 同义替换 A. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t deadlines. B. Your motivation should be your main concern. C. Do you know that online courses are also part of your education? D. Professor Alex Davidson teaches the same course in person and online. E. The chief complaint about online courses is that they lack human interaction. F. If you take an online course, what can you do to ensure the best possible grade? G. A survey found that 29 percent of college students registered for online courses. The tip that comes up most often is simple: build online courses into your weekly schedule, just like what you would do with in person courses. ___39___ He noted that his online students usually end up with lower grades. It is so easy to let an online course slide, but your grades will suffer as a result. Be sure to schedule set times to watch your lectures, read materials and contribute to online discussion boards. A. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t deadlines. B. Your motivation should be your main concern. C. Do you know that online courses are also part of your education? D. Professor Alex Davidson teaches the same course in person and online. E. The chief complaint about online courses is that they lack human interaction. F. If you take an online course, what can you do to ensure the best possible grade? G. A survey found that 29 percent of college students registered for online courses. ___40___ A social connection is often a big part of learning. There are things you can do to ease this problem. Jessica Pink, an undergraduate student, suggests taking online courses with a friend, so you can motivate each other to stay on track. You can also find students on the class discussion board to organize a study group, or schedule in-person meeting s with your professor to discuss course concepts. A. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t deadlines. B. Your motivation should be your main concern. C. Do you know that online courses are also part of your education? D. Professor Alex Davidson teaches the same course in person and online. E. The chief complaint about online courses is that they lack human interaction. F. If you take an online course, what can you do to ensure the best possible grade? G. A survey found that 29 percent of college students registered for online courses. Thanks for your listening!