US011329557B2 United States Patent (12) Jung et al. ( 10) Patent No.: US 11,329,557 B2 (45) Date of Patent : May 10, 2022 ( 52) U.S. CI . ( 54 ) SINGLE - INDUCTOR MULTIPLE -OUTPUT ( SIMO) CONVERTER AND CONTROL CPC CPC ( 71 ) Applicants : SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO ., LTD ., Suwon - si (KR) ; Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , Daejeon ( KR ) ( 72 ) Inventors: Seungchul Jung , Suwon - si (KR) ; Kye - Seok Yoon, Seoul (KR) ; Gyu -Hyeong Cho , Daejeon ( KR) ; Sang Joon Kim , Hwaseong - si ( KR) ; Sang HO2M 3/157 ; HO2M 1/00 ; HO2M 1/0035 ; HO2M 1/008 ; HO2M 1/009 ; HO2M 3/158 ; HO2M 3/1584 ; YO2B 70/10 See application file for complete search history. 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( Continued ) Primary Examiner — Matthew V Nguyen (74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm - NSIP Law Mar. 5 , 2020 ABSTRACT (57) A single - inductor multiple -output ( SIMO ) converter includes a converter configured to provide respective volt ages of a plurality of channels with a single inductor and a control logic configured to control switches of the converter based on clocks corresponding to the plurality of channels, wherein the control logic is configured to compare an output voltage of a selected channel of the plurality of channels that corresponds to a control target to a reference voltage of the 29 , 2018 . Foreign Application Priority Data Jan. 3 , 2019 ( 51 ) Int . Ci . 10-2019-0000545 ( KR) 1/2009 3/2012 6/2013 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Related U.S. Application Data ( 60 ) Provisional application No. 62 / 724,196 , filed on Aug. 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Mi M ** U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 Sheet 2 of 34 US 11,329,557 B2 FIG . 2 201 CLK Frequency controller 225 CLK 3 Rising edge Voutrº Yes Rising edge Rising edge 230 245 qutz YourV (Pulse No (Pulse skip) No skip ) (Pulse No skip ) 235 Power Power transfer transfer Burst Burst Power transfer U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 350 355 Freq. ctrl Vou 30 - CIELD ref s V. 300 compV 353 MBA 310 Lind limat 354 Latch352edcompVeef Rise Latched Rise GAdeapn.Duty w GZCD Adaep.nDu.ty 2D Mp 351 3.4 2V Latched Rise GAdeap.nDuty DI > Ms3D DCLK3 ZCD Soft start up 356 CLKMs2 2 ZCD ZCDD Mgi CLK1 MNO 330 ref compV M?20 Cut Log Cut M519 3 . FIG Contrle CClalock CLKICLK2C0LK? - LO CLSE M839 02 US 11,329,557 B2 Sheet 3 of 34 CH Mp / MN | | ????? ????? sMsiP&rotectionpwiotwcehrcontrle Msza Mga MB | Conny a I ***** U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 Sheet 4 of 34 US 11,329,557 B2 FIG . 4 Sensing @ each CLK Rising edge 42 2 CLK2 CLK3 VX1.8V 02 Vox < 0.8V V < 12V On KA w a n d Sitem 1 win 41WAM coter 1 Pulse skip Burst mode U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 Freq . Ms ? Vol CLKIH CLK2 compV 1250 Rise CLITLA Msi 502 ret SA . FIG Di Ms comp,Viet Latched Rise Gen.Softstart-upAdap.Duty CLK30 GAdeap.nDuty Do ? 503 compV > D Latched Rise ? ? ? GZCD Adeap.nDuty DI Msi ZCDD List lind CLK? M?2ZOD ... ... CLKID EE Mp Contrle Clock Ms Cust 02 US 11,329,557 B2 Sheet 5 of 34 E 351 sMsP&rotectionpwiotwcehrc-ontroler bat : V at Mp | at My | M2 Mocy M53 : M U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 Sheet 6 of 34 US 11,329,557 B2 FIG . SB CLKI Rising edge ? Ms CLK2 V > 1.8V no ??? 03 Pulse - skip 50 * wane w U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 US 11,329,557 B2 Sheet 7 of 34 u ?????? Freq . ????? ????? ???? ???? Contrle ref paenrugtmkamnag cLatched ompv Risa Ms. Chat Latched Risa 604 GAdaep.nDuty Msig aut 6A . FIG Vcomp oste ??? CLK3 Latched Rise CLK20 GZCD Adeapn.Duty MsiD Soft start up ZCDO CLKI ZCD Mp sMsP&rotectionpwiotwcehrcontrle 3-4.2V 0 Mp MN Mya ???? GAdeap.nDuty BI V comp 1 lind ????? Clock V find - CLKI CLK3 LK CLK3 Ms3 CL MB ???? ????? MBO -Ms3 Mga ZCDD U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 US 11,329,557 B2 Sheet 8 of 34 FIG . 6B a ???? CLK2 Rising edge CUKO ????? CLK3 || ?? NOWN nin wasoowww V. {).8V MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMW U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 Freq . M52 US 11,329,557 B2 Sheet 9 of 34 Contrle Clock ctrl CLKIH CLK2 CLK30 " C.37 . ref 02 Latched Rise Mg2 Cat Msz Vo Msi A 7 . FIG GWAVYMZIN ELIO Lind Visa Latched Rise Gen.AupSoftstart-dap.Duty Der CLK3 604 GAdaep.nDu.ty D V.comp o ; Mg . 2 -Y ref Latched Rise AZCD deap.nDuty G CLK20 Ms2ZCD -- Ms D CLKI Mp ????? , bat 3. 4.25 .. MsP&rotectiosnPwiotwcehr contrle TMpa 712 MxQ 713M2 MBOL Ms3 - U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 US 11,329,557 B2 Sheet 10 of 34 TIG.73 ????? CLK2 Rising edge CLK2 (CLK3 ??? ( 1.8V ) V. Increase wwoon {) 2 ( 0.8V ) V. { 12V } Build -up /Freewheeling 2006 Adam w wind. ? U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 US 11,329,557 B2 Sheet 11 of 34 Contrle Freq . ctrl V CLK2CHLK30 Mo3 V M 2 $ CLIEL O 802 803 V Msia Cut 8A . FIG MB Lind Line M compVeel ... SO1 GAdeapn.Duty DoMsDa Latched Risc ... CLK ZCD GAdeapn.Duty ED Soft start up Latched Rise 17 G A d e a p . n D u . t y Di 354 CLK10 Msi Mp Latched coipV CLK2 M2ZCD ZCD sMCP&rotec ionpwiotwcehrcontrle 4.2V 3. MO como My 811 M 2 ???? ????? ? M3 0 U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 Sheet 12 of 34 US 11,329,557 B2 CLK2 ???? ? L CLK3 2 ???? V Ve ).8V 12 w Pulse- skip Indi WE Wome ? U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 Freq . M3 CUIŽALIO 135420 V US 11,329,557 B2 Sheet 13 of 34 Clock CLKI CLK20 CLK3 902 Contrle compNei 02 Latched Rise GAdeap.nDuty Ms2 ref D cV.omp Latched Rise GAdeap.nDuty Msip CutLK DCLK3 Ms3D ZCD Latched Rise De M52 GAdeapn.Duty D ref compV Mpa D Soft start up CLK ! Lina00 ind MN CLKI Msi 351 sMsConP&rotectionpwiotwcehrcontrle V record Mp MNC : om Ms. Mpo M3Meza U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 US 11,329,557 B2 Sheet 14 of 34 FIG . 9B W uu WWW n CLK3 Rising edge 2 CLK2 CLK3 Moving Vo va V 12V 000 W nocy Johanes MA U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 ***** ***** Freq . . **** **** **** **** . Contrle Clock ctrl CLKIO CLK20 CLK3H M33 Cest Me 10 3 VO2 Ms2 az CHECLIEL O Latchedcomp Rise GAdaep.nDu.ty DI Latched Rise ZCDO C 3 L K 5 D 6 GAdeap.nDuty CompV D Mo MSI compVeel Latched Rise? ? GZCD Adaep.nDuty MB : Las00 ing D Soft start up - CDLK2 Ms2ZCD D ? CLKID Msi Mp 351 V US 11,329,557 B2 Sheet 15 of 34 sM,P&rotectionpwiotwcehrcontrle 3-4.2V 1011 T Mp C MNCH a Msz 1012 Mg C 1013 M U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 Sheet 16 of 34 US 11,329,557 B2 FIG . 10B (CIKI ( LK2 ( LKS ???? ? ???? V. 15 Vo Increases 11 Build -up/ Freewheeling Loco* * M U.S. Patent May 10 , 2022 US 11,329,557 B2 Sheet 17 of 34 ---------- -..... ..... Contrle Freg . CLKICH CLKLK32 CLK3 Cuth Mp3 C V.comp in Latched Rise : 349 Ms2 49 cV.omoth Vo . GDAeudnta.yp eo cV.omp Mo Rise Liza Tind MNS 354 ZCD Gen.DutyAdap. CLK2 Ms2 ZCDO. D CD.LK1 Msi Mp 3.2V OD COLK3 Mg3 Latched Rise Gen.A-Softstartupdap.Duty ZCD Cui M M? V Mpy MO ZCD sMsCHP&rotectionpwiotwcehrcontrle Ms ? Moch 1111-Mom U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 Sheet 18 of 34 US 11,329,557 B2 FIG . 11B ? CLK CLK2 CLK3 V _ T ???? *ow Muc Mum Va Still Vs 12V (3 lind U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 US 11,329,557 B2 Sheet 19 of 34 1 Freq . ctrl Contrle Clock CLKI CLK20 CLK3 M. Va Ms MeCherry LAO CHE LILLO CUEL M? ??? vcomp Q Latched Com Rise Msiy ref compV Rise 12A . FIG . Laine lind GAdeap.nDuty GDAeudnta.yp Latched Rise L. GAdeap.nDuty DR Mis D CLK30 20 DV Soft start up CLK2OM2ZCD D 1 M? ??? 7 sMCP&rotecionpwiotwcehr coMntrlCeH bat 3-4,2 V V 1211-MpC 1213-MC - U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 US 11,329,557 B2 Sheet 20 of 34 FIG . 12B wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww WWW wwwww wwwwwwwwwwwww W ? CLKI www ? CLK2 www CLK3 V CONNEN nonchalana Window Magewoon No din V Increases WA und Burst w U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 ---- ---- ---- ----- .---- Freq . Lako V Contrle Clock ef O V CL2TILE Mg2 Voi $ M 2 compVref CLIT K Mois Latched Rise GAdeap.nDu.ty ref Mes Line lind Vcomp Latched Rise GAdeap.nDuty DI CLK30MsiZOD DA Latched Rise G A d e a p . n D u t y D 354 Soft start up CLK2 Ms2ZCD Msi ZCD M ... do ---- .. CLKI CLK20 CLK30 CLI M US 11,329,557 B2 Sheet 21 of 34 ?? 351 spwoitwcehrcontrle CH , M ------ ----- MyaMN Mg C , P& rotection ----------- .. ---------------- ------ Mg20 Mc ------ ----- ------ ----- a , My ----- ------ ----- ---------------- U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 Sheet 22 of 34 US 11,329,557 B2 CLK1 CLK2 w ???? ? ???? Nongono Webova bir V > 12V VS Pulse- skip . U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 US 11,329,557 B2 Sheet 23 of 34 1 ? Low **** 631 DT Smal line 1430 High Ro m F n VHigh< Large ind 1 <MidVhar AVO lind V U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 US 11,329,557 B2 Sheet 24 of 34 ***** ***** Freq . 30 V V. comp,Veli Clotho Vol Ms2 cV.omp Latched Rise GAdeap.nDuty Cutlu M? 14 FIG.15A ref Mes and Contrle Clock CLKI CLKC2LK30 M3 CL3? 2 352 comp . V Rise Mi 312V CLK3M.MszZCD ?? D Soft start up CLKIO ZCD M V Latched Rise 352 GAdaep.nDu.ty D CLK2 Me2ZCDO om GAdeap.nDuty died ??????????? sMsP&rotectionpwiotwcehrcontrle CH M. Mp MNCH wees C Mg ??? 2 een .................. ...... Mp3 Msa ---- U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 US 11,329,557 B2 Sheet 25 of 34 FIG . 15B Vrat 3.0V Adaptive duty control Duty MOONANDOMONDO Constant peak lind ????????????? lied U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 US 11,329,557 B2 Sheet 26 of 34 A " bat V Rauty V duty A 16 . FIG OS du R cellDelay bat C min V D ? Rise edge - forma us V U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 US 11,329,557 B2 Sheet 27 of 34 1750 . WOW X Tsw . cik Light < T. Vo 1730 CLK . t ***** ???? ????? <Heavy Isw Vo T CLK ? t AS1 ??? < Mid 1 > Talk U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 Freq . 355 VO 1810 Mose ist Contrle Clock 1830 CLKICH LK20CLK361 K compVre46 me Latched Rise CUTL M US 11,329,557 B2 Sheet 28 of 34 o LLC CLIT M519 , V comp Latched Rise MB . Luvina lind Latched Rise GAdeapn.Duty CLK3 M93ZCD D Soft start up Ms.ZCD Gen.DutyAdap. CLKIMO ZCD Mp 351 V Gen. Duty Adap , V con , 3.2 V sMP&rostecQionpwiotwcehrcontrle MECH ????? ??? a My ????? Msech Moch ????? ?????????? ????? ????? ?????? CH M U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 US 11,329,557 B2 Sheet 29 of 34 FIG . 18B Heavy li Light Light Wwwwwwwww Www Frequency control um CLK Vo www ? vaincre U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 US 11,329,557 B2 Sheet 30 of 34 * *** 3bit Up / Down counter Up Pulse - skipo 1950 1930 wwwrong Vo www ?? ?L TTTTTTTTTT nown CLK como Pulse -skip Burst wwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 19 SQL DE toDso D IND EN 20 . FIG 1830 US 11,329,557 B2 Sheet 31 of 34 Fall edge - AD Fall-edge cDelaly cellDelay cDelaly Fall edge - Rise edge - DOW D . B2DAR 311 51 cFrheaqnugecry Do We Rise-edge V ?? -- refl V 10 Cuk RECE CLK2D CLK MW CLKI ini U.S. Patent May 10 , 2022 Freq . No Cust , Msal FIG.21A wx US 11,329,557 B2 Sheet 32 of 34 Contrle Clock CLK1 CLK2 CLK32 Vad ?. ???ChatC2 I?? compV Rise 20 MsiaVolM52 C L I L I K O M Bo st Latched compV .. M53ZCD C L K 3 Adap.Duty up start Soft Gen. GAdeap.nDuty MezBI compV Latched Rise CLK20 GZCD Adeap.nDu.ty 7 MB Lind land Buck bo st Ms : DZCD CLKID MN sMP&rsotCecoimnpwiotwcehrcontrle 3-4.2V a Mp " " MyC 0 Ms Moch MC U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 US 11,329,557 B2 Sheet 33 of 34 FIG . 21B V bat 03 Buck - boost lind W MW U.S. Patent May 10, 2022 Sheet 34 of 34 US 11,329,557 B2 FIG . 22 Start Compare output voltage of channel corresponding to control target among plurality of channels to reference voltage of 2210 Select first mode when output voltage of channel is lower than reference voltage of channel, and select second mode when output voltage is higher than reference voltage 2220 channel based on clock of channel Adaptively adjust number of times that pulse triggering power transfer to channel is generated Block generation of pulse when second mode is selected Ead US 11,329,557 B2 1 SINGLE -INDUCTOR MULTIPLE -OUTPUT ( SIMO) CONVERTER AND CONTROL METHOD OF SIMO CONVERTER 2 The control logic may be further configured to dynami cally control a frequency of the clock corresponding to the selected channel based on a number of times that an opera tion is performed in the first mode and a number of times that 5 an operation is performed in the second mode. CROSS - REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS The converter may be further configured to provide the respective voltages of the plurality of channels based on the This application claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C. $ clocks having different phases based on a time multiplexing 119 (e ) of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62 /724,196 filed 10 scheme. on Aug. 29 , 2018 in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office In the first mode , the control logic may be further con and claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C. $ 119 (a ) of Korean figured to adaptively adjust the number of times that the Patent Application No. 10-2019-0000545 filed on Jan. 3 , pulse is generated in aa time interval initiated in response to 2019 in the Korean Intellectual Property Office, the entire an edge of the clock corresponding to the selected channel. disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference for 15 The converter may include the single inductor, and a switching unit comprising first switches configured to select all purposes. the plurality of channels and second switches configured to BACKGROUND control a flow of a current flowing in the single inductor. The first switches may be configured to connect output 1. Field 20 ports of the plurality of channels and the single inductor in series. This application relates to a single -inductor multiple- output ( SIMO ) converter and a control method of the SIMO converter. 2. Description of Related Art The second switches may include a 2-1st switch, a 2-2nd switch , and a 2-3rd switch , the 2-154 switch may be config ured to have a first end connected to an input port of the 25 converter and a second end connected to a first end of the single inductor, the 2-2nd switch may be configured to have a first end connected to the first end of the single inductor, A single - inductor multiple -output ( SIMO ) converter sup- and a second end of the 2-2nd switch isa grounded, and the plies energy needed by a plurality of output voltages using 2-3rd switch may be configured to have a first end connected a single inductor. The SIMO converter recurrently selects 30 to a second end of the single inductor, and aa second end of the output voltages to supply the energy. In this instance , a the 2-3rd switch is grounded. method of controlling the SIMO converter such as a scheme The control logic may include aa switch controller config for selecting the output voltages , an amount of energy to be ured select a first switch for the selected channel from supplied to correspond to the selected output voltage, and among the first switches in response to the pulse being 35 generated, and control the second switches based on a the like may be needed . sequence for generating a desired voltage of the channel. SUMMARY The control logic may be configured to dynamically control a duty -ratio of the second switches based on an input This Summary is provided to introduce a selection of voltage of the converter. concepts in a simplified form that are further described 40 The control logic may be further configured to reset a below in the Detailed Description . This Summary is not current of the single inductor after the power transfer is intended to identify key features or essential features of the triggered due to the generation of the pulse. claimed subject matter, nor is it intended to be used as an aid The control logic may be further configured to dynami in determining the scope of the claimed subject matter. cally control a frequency of the clock corresponding to the In a general aspect , a single - inductor multiple -output 45 channel based on a load in the channel. ( SIMO ) converter includes a converter configured to provide The control logic may include a comparator configured to respective voltages of a plurality of channels with a single latch the output voltage of the channel at an edge of the clock inductor, and a control logic configured to control switches corresponding to the channel, and compare the latched of the converter based on clocks corresponding to the output voltage to the reference voltage of the channel. plurality of channels, wherein the control logic is configured 50 The control logic may be further configured to generate to compare an output voltage of a selected channel of the the clocks corresponding to the plurality of channels based plurality of channels that corresponds to a control target to on an importance level of the plurality of channels and a reference voltage of the selected channel based on a clock control lengths of time intervals corresponding to phases of of the selected channel and operate in one of a first mode that the clocks . adaptively adjusts a number of times that a pulse triggering 55 In a general aspect , a control method includes comparing, a power transfer to the channel is generated , and a second based on a clock of a selected channel corresponding to a control target among a plurality of channels, an output mode that blocks a generation of the pulse . The control logic may be further configured to repetitively voltage of the selected channel to a reference voltage of the generate the pulse in the first mode until the output voltage selected channel, selecting a first mode when the output of the selected channel is higher than the reference voltage 60 voltage is lower than the reference voltage , and selecting a of the selected channel based on a determination that the second mode when the output voltage is higher than the output voltage of the channel is lower than the reference reference voltage , adaptively adjusting, when the first mode is selected , a number of times that a pulse triggering a power voltage of the channel. The control logic may be further configured to block the transfer to the selected channel is generated, and blocking a generation of the pulse in the second mode based on a 65 generation of the pulse when the second mode is selected . determination that the output voltage of the selected channel The adaptively adjusting the number of times that the is higher than the reference voltage of the selected channel. pulse is generated may include repetitively generating the US 11,329,557 B2 3 4 pulse until the output voltage of the selected channel is to a second channel is applied in a SIMO converter, in higher than the reference voltage of the selected channel accordance with one or more embodiments. based on the first mode . FIGS . 9A through 13B illustrate examples of an operation The adaptively adjusting the number of times that the in an example in which a third clock CLK3 corresponding pulse is generated may include adaptively adjusting the 5 to a third channel is applied in a SIMO converter, in number of times that the pulse is generated in a time interval initiated in response to an edge of the clock corresponding accordance with one or more embodiments . FIGS . 14 through 16 illustrate examples of a method of adaptively controlling a duty - ratio in an adaptive duty The method may further include counting a number of generator of a SIMO converter, in accordance with one or times that an operation is performed in the first mode and a 10 more embodiments . number of times that an operation is performed in the second FIGS . 17 through 19 illustrate examples of a method of mode, and dynamically controlling a frequency of the clock dynamically controlling a frequency of a clock correspond corresponding to the selected channel based on a determi- ing to each channel in aa SIMO converter, in accordance with nation that the counted number of times corresponds to a one or more embodiments. 15 preset number of times . FIG . 20 illustrate an example of a clock generator that The dynamically controlling the frequency of the clock generates clocks having different phases in a SIMO con may include increasing the frequency of the clock corre- verter, in accordance with one or more embodiments . sponding to the selected channel when the number of times FIGS . 21A and 21B illustrate examples of an operation of that an operation is performed in the first mode corresponds a soft start -up circuit of a SIMO converter. 20 FIG . 22 is flowchart illustrating an example of a control to the preset number of times . The dynamically controlling the frequency of the clock method of aa SIMO converter. may include reducing the frequency of the clock correspondThroughout the drawings and the detailed description , to the selected channel. ing to the selected channel when the number of times that an unless otherwise described or provided, the same drawing operation is performed in the second mode corresponds to reference numerals will be understood to refer to the same the preset number of times . 25 elements, features, and structures. The drawings may not be In a general aspect , a method includes comparing, in a single inductor multiple output ( SIMO ) converter, an output to scale , and the relative size , proportions, and depiction of elements in the drawings may be exaggerated for clarity , voltage of a selected channel among a plurality of channels illustration , and convenience . to a reference voltage of the selected channel based on a DETAILED DESCRIPTION clock of the selected channel, selecting a burst mode when 30 the output voltage of the selected channel is less than or equal to the reference voltage , and selecting a pulse skip The following detailed description is provided to assist mode when the output voltage of the selected channel is the reader in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the methods, apparatuses, and / or systems described herein . greater than the reference voltage . The method may further include adjusting a number of 35 However, various changes, modifications, and equivalents times a pulse triggering a power transfer to the selected of the methods, apparatuses, and / or systems described channel is generated when the burst mode is selected , and herein will be apparent after an understanding of the dis blocking a generation of the pulse when the pulse skip mode closure of this application . For example, the sequences of operations described herein are merely examples, and are The SIMO converter may dynamically control a fre- 40 not limited to those set forth herein , but may be changed as is selected . quency of the clock corresponding to the selected channel by will be apparent after an understanding of the disclosure of comparing a number of times that an operation is performed this application, with the exception of operations necessarily in the burst mode to a preset number of times , and compar- occurring in a certain order. Also , descriptions of features ing a number of times that an operation is performed in the that are known in the art may be omitted for increased clarity 45 and conciseness . pulse skip mode to the preset number of times . Other features and aspects will be apparent from the The features described herein may be embodied in dif following detailed description, the drawings, and the claims . ferent forms, and are not to be construed as being limited to the examples described herein . Rather, the examples BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG . 1 illustrates an example of an operation of a singleinductor multiple output ( SIMO ) converter, in accordance with one or more embodiments . FIG . 2 illustrates an example of aa control order of a SIMO described herein have been provided merely to illustrate 50 some of the many possible ways of implementing the methods, apparatuses, and / or systems described herein that will be apparent after an understanding of the disclosure of this application . The terminology used herein is for describing various converter, in accordance with one or more embodiments . 55 examples only, and is not to be used to limit the disclosure . FIG . 3 is a circuit diagram illustrating an example of a The articles “ a , " " an , ” and “ the” are intended to include the SIMO converter, in accordance with one or more embodi- plural forms as well , unless the context clearly indicates ments . otherwise . The terms " comprises , ” “ includes , ” and “ has ” FIG . 4 illustrates an example of aa method of operating a specify the presence of stated features, numbers, operations, SIMO converter in aa first mode or a second mode based on 60 members, elements, and /or combinations thereof, but do not a clock , in accordance with one or more embodiments. preclude the presence or addition of one or more other FIGS . 5A and 5B illustrate examples of an operation in an example in which a first clock CLK1 corresponding to a first channel is applied in a SIMO converter, in accordance with features, numbers, operations, members, elements, and / or combinations thereof. Unless otherwise defined , all terms, including technical one or more embodiments. 65 and scientific terms, used herein have the same meaning as FIGS . 6A through 8B illustrate examples of an operation commonly understood by one of ordinary skill in the art to in an example in which aa second clock CLK2 corresponding which this disclosure pertains after an understanding of the US 11,329,557 B2 5 6 present disclosure. Terms, such as those defined in com- light-load voltage may be desired in the first channel. In this monly used dictionaries, are to be interpreted as having a example, as shown in a graph 130 , the SIMO converter 110 meaning that is consistent with their meaning in the context may generate a pulse once per clock such that the light- load of the relevant art and the present disclosure , and are not to voltage desired in the first channel is satisfied . Also , as be interpreted in an idealized or overly formal sense unless 5 shown in the table 150 , a high load of voltage may be desired expressly so defined herein . in the third channel. In this example, as shown in the graph Additionally, in the description of examples, like refer- 130 , the SIMO converter 110 may generate a pulse N times ence numerals refer to like elements throughout the disclo- per clock such that the high load of voltage desired in the sure of this application, and repeated description related third channel is satisfied . thereto is omitted . Further, detailed description of well- 10 When each of the channels has sufficient energy , the known related structures or functions will be omitted when it is deemed that such description will cause ambiguous SIMO converter 110 operates in the second mode to block or skip a generation of a pulse . The SIMO converter 110 operates based on a slow clock interpretation of the present disclosure . FIG . 1 illustrates an example of an operation of a single- to reduce the standby power and rectify multiple output inductor multiple output ( SIMO ) converter. Referring to 15 voltages constantly even when a load current changes. FIG . 1 , a SIMO converter 110 provides desired voltages of For example, when the SIMO converter 110 operates in a plurality of channels. The plurality of channels includes, the first mode and the second mode based on the slow clock for example, a first channel, a second channel, and a third under aa condition requiring a high -load voltage or a high channel. In an example, voltages of the first channel, the load current, a ripple may occur in the output voltage . In this second channel, and the third channel are 0.8 volts (V) , 1.8 20 example, a frequency of a clock may be adaptively varied to V , and 12.0 V , respectively . In an example, the input voltage prevent an occurrence of a ripple voltage . The SIMO con verter 110 may adjust the frequency of the clock to be of the SIMO converter 110 is , for example, 3.7 V. The SIMO converter 110 may operate based on a slow decreased under a light -load condition requiring a light - load clock to reduce a standby power . Each of the channels of the current and adjust the frequency of the clock to be increased SIMO converter 110 may operate based on a clock . An 25 under a high - load condition requiring a high - load current. inductor current may operate in a discontinuous conduction The SIMO converter 110 may improve voltage regulation mode (DCM) based on a clock such that the inductor current characteristics by adjusting the frequency of the clock to be is reset for each clock . Herein , it is noted that use of the term increased in order to reduce an output ripple under the ‘may ' with respect to an example or embodiment, e.g. , as to high - load condition . what an example or embodiment may include or implement, 30 The following description will be made based on an means that at least one example or embodiment exists where example in which a SIMO converter provides desired volt such a feature is included or implemented while all ages of three channels as an example. However, a number of examples and embodiments are not limited thereto . channels is not limited to the example. The number of The SIMO converter 110 may operate in a burst mode channels may vary depending on an example . when an energy transfer to a channel is needed, and may 35 FIG . 2 illustrates an example of a control order of a SIMO operate in a pulse skip mode when an energy is sufficient. converter. As described above , a plurality of channels of a The SIMO converter 110 may compare an output voltage of SIMO converter is sequentially controlled based on a first a channel corresponding to a control target to a reference clock CLK 1 , a second clock CLK 2 , and aa third clock CLK voltage , for example, a desired voltage of the channel based 3. The SIMO converter operates in response to rising edges on a clock of the channel. The SIMO converter 110 operates 40 of the first clock CLK 1 , the second clock CLK 2 , and the in one of the burst mode and the pulse skip mode based on third clock CLK 3 . a voltage comparison result. Referring to FIG . 2 , a clock frequency controller 201 , for In this disclosure, the burst mode may be understood to be example, a CLK frequency controller of a SIMO converter, a mode in which a power is repetitively transferred through supplies a clock corresponding to each channel. When the than the reference voltage of the channel. The burst mode from the clock frequency controller 201 in operation 205 , may also be referred to as a first mode . The pulse skip mode the SIMO converter compares a first output voltage V.outl may be understood as a mode for blocking a generation of corresponding to the first channel to a reference voltage Vrefi , a pulse to the channel. The pulse skip mode may also be of the first channel, and determines if the first output voltage referred to as a second mode . 50 Vouti is higher than the reference voltage Vrefi of the first Hereinafter, the burst mode and the first mode are under- channel at the rising edge of the first clock in operation 210 . stood to have the same meaning and the pulse skip mode and When it is determined that the first output voltage Voutl is the second mode are understood to have the same meaning. higher than the reference voltage Vrefl , of the first channel in When the energy is required in the channel, the SIMO operation 210 , the SIMO converter blocks a pulse genera converter 110 supplies the energy to the plurality of channels 55 tion according to a pulse skip mode , thereby blocking an by adaptively adjusting a number of pulse generations per additional energy supply to the first output voltage V.outl clock , for example, a number of pulse shots per clock . The The SIMO converter transfers a pulse skip signal generated SIMO converter 110 adaptively adjusts the number of pulse by the pulse skip mode to the second clock . Depending on generations in a time interval initiated in response to an an example , the pulse skip signal may be transferred to the the inductor until the output voltage of the channel is higher 45 first clock CLK 1 corresponding to a first channel is supplied edge, for example, a rising edge corresponding to the 60 clock frequency controller 201 . channel. For example , when the energy is still inefficient after one shot of pulse is transferred in a time interval When it is determined that the first output voltage V outl is lower than or equal to the reference voltage Vrerefl of the first channel, the SIMO converter transfers power through an inductor according to a burst mode in operation 220. After corresponding to one clock , the SIMO converter 110 may supply n shots of pulses until sufficient energy is supplied . The SIMO converter 110 adaptively adjusts a number of 65 transferring the power in operation 220 , the SIMO converter times that a pulse triggering a power transfer to the channel compares the first output voltage Voutl to the reference is generated. For example , as shown in a table 150 , a voltage Vren again in operation 210 and repeats a power US 11,329,557 B2 7 8 transfer in operation 220 until the first output voltage Vouti is equal to the reference voltage Vrefl , : The SIMO converter dynamically controls a frequency of the first clock corresponding to the first channel by counting inductor current lind flowing in the single inductor 310 , that is , an inductor current generated due to a power transfer through the single inductor. The first switches Ms?, Ms2,, and mode and / or a number of times that an operation is performed in the pulse skip mode . When the burst mode occurs at least a preset number of times , the SIMO converter output voltages Voi01 ,: Vo2 02, and Vo3 ) of the plurality of channels and the single inductor 310 in series. Among the S3 ,, a 1-154 switch , for first switches Msi, Ms2, and Ms3 switches Mp,, MnN, and MB for controlling a flow of an a number of times that an operation is performed in the burst 5 Ms3S3 connect output ports ( for example, ports outputting increases a speed ( a frequency ) of the first clock . When the SIMO converter reduces the speed ( the frequency ) of the first clock . The aforementioned operations may also be performed in the same manner in the second clock and / or the example , the first switch Ms? is a switch for selecting a first a switch for selecting a second channel, and a 1-3rd switch , for example, the first switch Msz is a switch for selecting a third channel. third clock in addition to the first clock depending on an The second switches Mp, MyN, MB include a 2-154 switch example . 15 Mp, aa 2-2nd switch MyN, and a 2-3rd switch MgB . One end of After the first clock is supplied, the second clock CLK 2 the 2-1st switch Mp is connected to an input port (Vbat- side ) pulse skip mode occurs at least a preset number of times , the 10 channel, a 1-2nd switch, for example, the firstaswitch Ms2 is is supplied from the clock frequency controller 201 based on a time multiplexing scheme in operation 225. In response to the second clock CLK 2 being supplied , the SIMO converter of the SIMO converter 300 and the other end of the 2-1 st switch Mp is connected to one end of the single inductor 310. One end of the 2-2nd switch My is connected to the one compares a second output voltage Vout2 corresponding to the 20 end of the single inductor 310 and the other end of the 2-2nd second channel to a reference voltage Vrer2 of the second switch My is grounded , for example , connected to a ground channel at the rising edge of the second clock in operation GND . One end of the 2-3rd switch Mg is connected to the other end of the single inductor 310 and the other end of the When it is determined that the second output voltage Vout2 , 2-3rd switch M2 is grounded. is higher than the reference voltage Vref2 of the second 25 The SIMO converter 300 uses the single inductor 310 , for channel in operation 230 , the SIMO converter blocks a pulse example , the inductor current lind of the single inductor 310 generation according to a pulse skip mode , thereby blocking to provide the required voltages of the plurality of channels . an additional energy supply to the second output voltage The SIMO converter 300 provides the required voltages of V.out2 the plurality of channels based on clocks having different When it is determined that the second output voltage V out2 30 phases using a time multiplexing scheme . 230 . is lower than or equal to the reference voltage Vref2 of the The control logic 350 compares an output voltage of a second channel in operation 230 , the SIMO converter trans- channel corresponding to a control target to a reference fers power through the inductor in operation 235. After voltage of the channel based on a clock of the channel such transferring the power, the SIMO converter compares the that the SIMO converter 300 operates in one of the first second output voltage V out2 to the reference voltage Vref2 , 35 mode and the second mode described above . again in operation 230 and repeats a power transfer in The control logic 350 controls switches , for example, the operation 235 until the second output voltage Vout2 is equal first switches Mp, My, and Mg and the second switches Ms? , to the reference voltage V ref2 MszS2, Ms3S3 of the switching unit 330 based on clocks , for After the second clock CLK 2 is supplied , the third clock example , CLK1 , CLK2 , and CLK3 corresponding to the CLK 3 is supplied from the clock frequency controller 201 40 plurality of channels . based on a time multiplexing scheme in operation 240. In The control logic 350 includes a switch controller 351 , for response to the third clock CLK 3 being supplied , the SIMO example , a protection & power switch controller, adaptive converter compares a third output voltage V.outs correspond duty generators 352 , comparators 353 , for example, latched ing to the third channel to a reference voltage Vref3 , of the comparators, a zero crossing detector ( ZCD ) 354 , a clock third channel at the rising edge of the third clock in operation 45 controller 355 , and a soft start -up circuit 356 . 245 . The switch controller 351 selects a first switch for a When it is determined that the third output voltage V out3 corresponding channel from the first switches Ms? , Ms2S2, and is higher than the reference voltage Vref3 of the third channel Ms3 in response to a pulse being generated and controls the in operation 245 , the SIMO converter skips a pulse genera- second switches Mp, MyN, and MB based on a sequence for tion to block an additional energy supply . When it is 50 generating a desired voltage of the channel. A method in determined that the third output voltage V.out3 is lower than or equal to the reference voltage Vref3 , of the third channel in which the switch controller 351 controls the switches Mp, My, MB, Msi , Ms2, and Ms3 in response to a pulse being operation 245 , the SIMO converter transfers power through generated will be described in detail with reference to FIGS . the inductor in operation 250. After transferring the power, 5A through 13B . the SIMO converter compares the third output voltage V out3 55 The adaptive duty generator 352 dynamically controls a to the reference voltage Vref , } again in operation 245 and duty - ratio of the second switches Mp, My, and MB based on repeats a power transfer in operation 250 until the third an input voltage of the SIMO converter 300. An operation of output voltage Voutz is equal to the reference voltage V,ref3 the adaptive duty generator will be described in detail with FIG . 3 is a circuit diagram illustrating an example of a reference to FIGS . 14 through 16 . SIMO converter in accordance with one or more embodi- 60 The comparator 353 latches the output voltage of the ments . Referring to FIG . 3 , a SIMO converter 300 includes channel at an edge, for example, a rising edge of the clock a single inductor 310 , for example, Linda a switching unit corresponding to the channel. The comparator 353 compares the latched output voltage to the reference voltage of the channel. 65 plurality of channels of a converter. The ZCD 354 resets the current lind of the single inductor The switching unit 330 includes first switches Msi,) M32, 310 after the power transfer that is triggered due to the and Ms3 for selecting the plurality of channels, and second generation of the pulse . 330 , and a control logic 350 . The single inductor 310 supplies voltages desired by a US 11,329,557 B2 9 10 The clock controller 355 supplies clocks having different phases to correspond to the plurality of channels based on a channel. In this example , the SIMO converter repetitively generates the pulse until the output voltage V03 ( 8.0 V) of time multiplexing scheme . An operation of the clock con- the third channel is higher than the reference voltage ( for troller 355 will be described in detail with reference to FIGS . example , 12.0 V) according to the first mode . For example, 17 through 20 . 5 the output voltage V03 ( 8.0 V) of the third channel is The soft start -up circuit 356 dynamically controls a fre increased to be higher than the reference voltage ( for quency of the clock corresponding to the channel based on example , 12.0 V ) through the pulse generation performed a load in the channel. An operation of the soft start-up circuit twice . Thereafter, the SIMO converter blocks the pulse will be described in detail with reference to FIGS . 21A and generation according to the second mode . 10 21B An operation of a switching unit corresponding to each FIG . 4 illustrates an example of a method of operating a channel in an example in which sequential clocks are supplied to the channel based on the time multiplexing scheme will be described in detail with reference to FIGS . channel, a second clock CLK 2 of a second channel, and a 5A through 13B . third clock CLK 3 of a third channel. The first clock CLK 1 , 15 FIGS . 5A and 5B illustrate examples of an operation in an the second clock CLK 2 , and the third clock CLK 3 are generated based on a common clock or a global clock . For example in which a first clock CLK1 corresponding to aa first example, a rising edge of the first clock CLK 1 is generated channel is applied in a SIMO converter . Referring to FIG . at a first rising edge of the common clock , a rising edge of 5A , a signal 501 is generated in response to a rising edge of the second clock CLK 2 is generated at a second rising edge 20 a first clock CLK 1 being detected. Referring to FIG . 5B , an of the common clock, and a rising edge of the third clock output voltage Voi of the first channel is detected at a point CLK 3 is generated at a third rising edge of the common in time in which the rising edge of the first clock CLK 1 clock . The common clock is divided in the aforementioned corresponding to the first channel occurs . manner to generate the first clock CLK 1 though the third When the signal 501 is generated in response to the rising clock CLK 3 . 25 edge of the first clock CLK 1 being detected, a switch 502 FIG . 4 illustrates an example in which an output voltage is turned on by the signal 501 such that the output voltage 01 of the first channel is transferred to a first comparator Voi Voi 01 of the first channel is lower than a reference voltage , for example, 1.8 V of the first channel at the rising edge of the 503 . first clock CLK 1 , an example in which an output voltage The first comparator 503 compares the output voltage V 01 Voz of the second channel is lower than aa reference voltage , 30 of the first channel to a reference voltage ( for example , 1.8 for example, 0.8 V of the second channel at the rising edge V) of the first channel. A circuit for comparing the output of the second clock CLK 2 , and an example in which an voltage Voi of the first channel to the reference voltage of output voltage V,03 of the third channel is lower than a the first channel may be designed in various ways . A reference voltage , for example, 12.0 V of the third channel common reference voltage Vref and a voltage divider may be at the rising edge of the third clock CLK 3 . 35 used . For example, the output voltage V 01 of the first A SIMO converter compares the output voltage V 01 of the channel may be divided using a voltage divider of aa ratio first channel to the reference voltage ( for example, 1.8 V) of corresponding to the reference voltage ( for example , 1.8 V ) the first channel in response to the first clock CLK 1 of the of the first channel. The voltage divider includes a plurality first channel being supplied . For example, when the output of sensing resistors . The first comparator 503 compares the voltage Voi of the first channel is 1.9 V, the output voltage 40 common reference voltage Vrepand a voltage- divided output of the first channel is higher than the reference voltage voltage , thereby comparing the output voltage Voi of the Vol ( for example, 1.8 V) . In this example , the SIMO converter first channel and the reference voltage ( for example, 1.8 V) blocks a generation of aa pulse according to the second mode. of the first channel. After the first clock CLK 1 is supplied, the second clock The output voltage Voi of the first channel is , for CLK is supplied based on a time multiplexing scheme. The 45 example, 1.9 V as illustrated in FIG . 5B . In this example, SIMO converter compares the output voltage Voz of the since the output voltage Voi ( 1.9 V) is higher than the second channel to the reference voltage ( for example, 0.8 V) reference voltage ( 1.8 V) of the first channel, the SIMO of the channel. When the output voltage V 02 of the second converter generates a pulse skip signal to block the pulse channel is 0.7 V , the output voltage V 02 is lower than the generation according to the second mode . In response to the reference voltage ( for example, 0.8 V) of the second chan- 50 pulse skip signal, the switch controller 351 does not generate nel . In this example, the SIMO converter repetitively gen- a control signal for controlling a switching unit. In this erates the pulse until the output voltage Vo2 ( 0.7 V) of the example, a power transfer to a single inductor Lind is second channel is higher than the reference voltage ( for blocked, so that an inductor current lind is not generated . example, 0.8 V) of the second channel according to the first FIGS . 6A through 8B illustrate examples of an operation mode . For example , the output voltage V 02 (0.7 V) of the 55 in an example in which a second clock CLK2 corresponding second channel may be increased to be higher than the to a second channel is applied in a SIMO converter. FIGS . reference voltage ( for example, 0.8 V) through a pulse 6A through 8B illustrate an operation performed in an generation performed once . Thereafter, the SIMO converter example in which a second clock CLK 2 is supplied to a blocks the pulse generation according to the second mode . SIMO converter based on a time multiplexing scheme after After the second clock CLK 2 is supplied , the third clock 60 a first clock CLK 1 is supplied similar to the example of CLK 3 is supplied based on the time multiplexing scheme. FIGS . 5A and 5B . The SIMO converter compares the output voltage Voz of the Referring to FIG . 6A , a signal 601 is generated in third channel to the reference voltage ( for example , 12.0 V) response to a rising edge of the second clock CLK 2 being of the third channel at the rising edge of the third clock CLK detected . Referring to FIG . 6B , an output voltage Voi of the 3. When the output voltage Voz of the third channel is 8.0 65 second channel is detected at a point in time in which the V , the output voltage Voz of the third channel is lower than rising edge of the second clock CLK 2 corresponding to the the reference voltage ( for example , 12.0 V) of the third second channel occurs . SIMO converter in a first mode or a second mode based on a clock . FIG . 4 illustrates a first clock CLK 1 of a first 2 2 US 11,329,557 B2 11 12 When the signal 601 is generated in response to the rising as illustrated in FIG . 8A . The ZCD 354 allows the inductor edge of the second clock CLK 2 being detected, a switch 602 current Lind to be 0 and prevents a counter electromotive is turned on by the signal 601 such that the output voltage force being applied to a battery. The inductor current Lind Vo2 of the second channel is transferred to a second com- becomes zero by the ZCD 354 in the second mode as parator 603 . 5 illustrated in FIG . 8B . The second comparator 603 compares the output voltage Thereafter, as illustrated in FIG . 8A , a signal 801 is Vo2 of the second channel to a reference voltage ( for generated by the output voltage V 02 of the second channel example , 0.8 V) of the second channel. As an example , the and the ZCD 354. The switch controller 351 transmits a output voltage V 02 of the second channel may be divided signal 811 for the 1-2nd switch Ms2S2 in response to the signal using a voltage divider of a ratio corresponding to the 10 801. The 1-2nd switch Ms2 is turned on in response to the reference voltage ( for example, 0.8 V) of the second chan- signal 811 such that the output voltage Voz of the second nel . The second comparator 603 compares a common ref- channel is transferred to a second comparator 803. As a erence voltage Vrer and a voltage -divided output voltage, comparison result of the second comparator 803 , the thereby comparing the output voltage Voz of the second increased output voltage Voz 02 of the second channel is higher channel and the reference voltage ( for example, 0.8 V) of the 15 than the reference voltage ( for example, 0.8 V) as illustrated second channel . in FIG . 8B , the SIMO converter operates in the second The output voltage Vo2 of the second channel is , for mode . example, 0.7 V as illustrated in FIG . 6B . In this example , FIGS . 9A through 13B illustrate examples of an operation since the output voltage V02 (0.7 V) of the second channel in an example in which aa third clock CLK3 corresponding is lower than the reference voltage (0.8 V) , the SIMO 20 to aa third channel is applied in a SIMO converter. FIGS . 9A converter generates a pulse according to a first mode to through 13B illustrate an operation performed in an example increase the output voltage Vo2 of the second channel as in which a third clock CLK 3 is supplied to a SIMO illustrated in FIG . 6B . The SIMO converter repetitively converter based on a time multiplexing scheme after a generates the pulse until the output voltage Vo2 (0.7 V) of second clock CLK 2 is supplied . the second channel is higher than the reference voltage ( for 25 Referring to FIG . 9A , a signal 901 is generated in example , 0.8 V) according to the first mode . response to a rising edge of the third clock CLK 3 being When the output voltage Vo2 ( 0.7V ) of the second chan- detected . Referring to FIG . 9B , an output voltage Voz of the nel is lower than the reference voltage ( for example , 0.8V) third channel is detected at a point in time in which the rising as illustrated in FIG . 6B , the second comparator 603 trans- edge of the third clock CLK 3 corresponding to the third 30 channel occurs . mits a signal to a second adaptive duty generator 604 . The second adaptive duty generator 604 having received When the signal 901 is generated in response to the rising the signal transmitted from the second comparator 603 edge of the third clock CLK 3 being detected , a switch 902 generates a signal 701 as illustrated in FIG . 7A . The switch is turned on by the signal 901 such that the output voltage controller 351 dynamically controls a duty -ratio of second V 03 of the third channel is transferred to a third comparator switches Mp, MyN, and Mp based on the signal 701 received 35 903 . from the second adaptive duty generator 604. The signal 701 The third comparator 903 compares the output voltage generated by the second adaptive duty generator 604 is used Voz of the third channel to a reference voltage ( for example, to dynamically control the duty - ratio of the second switches 12 V) of the third channel. As an example, the output voltage Mp,, Mn, and M8B based on, for example , an input voltage Voz of the third channel may be divided using a voltage V bat of the SIMO converter such that the inductor current 40 divider of a ratio corresponding to the reference voltage ( for lind is built -up and freewheeled . example , 12 V) of the third channel. The third comparator The switch controller 351 controls the switching unit 330 903 compares a common reference voltage Vref and a using the signal 701 as illustrated in FIG . 7A . The switch voltage -divided output voltage , thereby comparing the out controller 351 having received the signal 701 transmits a put voltage Voz of the third channel and the reference signal 711 for the second switch Mp and a signal 713 for a 45 voltage ( for example , 12 V) of the third channel. 1-2nd switch MsS2, corresponding to the second channel such For example , as illustrated in FIG . 9B , the output voltage that the second switch Mp and the 1-2nd switch Ms2 V03 , may be 8 V which is lower than the reference voltage S2 are turned on as indicated by an arrow 1. In this example of 12 V. remaining switches are off. Through this , the input voltage In this example, since the output voltage V03 ( 8V) of the Vbat of the SIMO converter is supplied to the output voltage 50 third channel is lower than the reference voltage ( for Voz of the second channel through the 1-2nd switch Ms. example, 12 V) , the SIMO converter generates a signal 1001 Thereafter, the switch controller 351 transmits a signal 712 according to a first mode to increase the output voltage V 03 for aa 2-2nd switch, for example, the second switch My and of the third channel as illustrated in FIG . 10A . The signal a signal 713 for the 1-2nd switch Ms2 such that the 2-2nd 1001 may be a signal generated through a third adaptive duty switch My and the 1-2nd switch Ms2 are turned on as 55 generator 1002 and the soft start-up circuit 356 . indicated by an arrow 2. In this example remaining A process of generating the signal 1001 is as follows, for switches are off. Through this, a voltage obtained due to the example. inductor current lind may also be supplied to the output The SIMO converter repetitively generates a pulse to voltage Voz of the second channel. increase the output voltage Vo3 03 ( 8 V ) of the third channel In response to the voltage being supplied to the output 60 until the output voltage Voz is higher than the reference voltage Vo2 of the second channel, the output voltage V 02 voltage ( for example, 12 V ) according to the first mode. of the second channel is increased to be higher than or equal When it is determined that the output voltage Vo3 ( 8 V) of to the reference voltage ( for example, 0.8 V) as illustrated in the third channel is lower than the reference voltage ( for FIG . 7B . example, 12 V) , a third comparator 1003 transfers a signal After power is transferred to the output voltage Voi of the 65 to the third adaptive duty generator 1002. The signal may be second channel based on the signal 701 , the SIMO converter generated as the signal 1001 via the third adaptive duty resets a current Lind of a single inductor using the ZCD 354 generator 1002 and the soft start -up circuit 356. The soft 2 US 11,329,557 B2 13 14 start -up circuit 356 generates the signal 1001 and transfers the signal 1001 to the switch controller 351 to prevent an abrupt increase in current, for example , in rush current. The transfers an inductor current of a single inductor to the ZCD 354 , thereby resetting the inductor current to be zero as illustrated in FIG . 13A . Thereafter, a signal 1301 is generated based on the ZCD switch controller 351 having received the signal 1001 dynamically controls a duty - ratio of second switches , for 5 354 and the output voltage Voz of the third channel. In this example, a 2-1st switch Mp, a 2-2nd switch My, and aa 2-3rd example , since the increased output voltage V 03 of the third channel is higher than the reference voltage ( for example, 12 switch MB. The switch controller 351 , having received the signal V) as illustrated in FIG . 13B , the SIMO converter operates 1001 , transmits a signal 1011 for the 2-15 switch Mp, a 10 in the second mode . signal 1012 for the 2-3rd switch MpB , and a signal 1013 for FIGS . 14 through 16 illustrate examples of a method of a 1-3rd switch M33. The switches ( the 2-1st switch Mp, the adaptively controlling a duty - ratio in an adaptive duty 2-3rd switch MeB:, and the 1-3'd switch M93 ) having received generator of a SIMO converter . FIG . 14 illustrates situations the corresponding signals are turned on . An input voltage in which a variation of an output voltage changes in response Vbat of the SIMO converter is grounded through the 2-3rd 15 to a change in an input voltage Vbat of the SIMO converter switch MB, and only a voltage due to an inductor current lind when a duty -ratio of switches is fixed . A variation Alind of an inductor current Lind based on the is supplied to the output voltage Voz of the third channel input voltage Vbat of the SIMO converter is obtained using through the 1-3rd switch M93. As such, the soft start-up circuit 356 increases the output Equation 1 as shown below. voltage Voz of the third channel to reach aa level of the input 20 voltage Vbat , ( for example, 3 V to 4.2 V) of the SIMO Equation 1 Alind VbatLind- V. DT converter, and then increases the output voltage Voz of the third channel to be equal to the reference voltage ( for example , 12 V) through a boosting operation so as to prevent an occurrence of ripple current due to an abrupt increase in 25 In Equation 1 , Lind denotes an inductor current of the = an amount of current. The soft start -up circuit 356 increases the output voltage Voz 03 of the third channel as illustrated in SIMO converter. Also , a variation AV. of the output voltage V, of the be further described with reference to FIGS . 21A and 21B . current is obtained using Equation 2 as shown below. FIG . 10B . An operation of the soft start- up circuit 356 will SIMO converter corresponding to a variation of the inductor After transferring a power to the output voltage V 03 of the 30 third channel based on the signal 1001 , the SIMO converter Equartion 2 transfers an inductor current of a single inductor to the ZCD 1 Lind ( Vbat - VDT AV = Alind 354 , thereby resetting the inductor current to be zero as C. ?C , Lind illustrated in FIG . 11A . Thereafter, a signal 1101 is generated based on the ZCD 35 354 and the output voltage V 03 of the third channel. The In Equation 2 , C , represents a capacitance value of a switch controller 351 , having received the signal 1101 , capacitor connected to an output port of the SIMO converter. transfers a signal 1111 for the 1-3rd switch M53 . The 1-3rd Also , DT denotes a duty - ratio of switches of the SIMO switch Msz is turned on in response to the signal 1111. The converter. DT may have aa fixed value . output voltage Voz For example, when the input voltage V bat of the SIMO 03 of the third channel is transferred to the 40 third comparator 1003. As a comparison result of the third converter has an intermediate voltage Mid Vobat? the variation comparator 1003 , since the increased output voltage Voz of Alind of the inductor current and the variation AV, of the the third channel is lower than the reference voltage ( for output voltage may be as shown in section 1410 of FIG . 14 . example , 12 V) as illustrated in FIG . 11B , the SIMO When the input voltage Vbat of the SIMO converter has a converter operates in the first mode . 45 higher voltage High V bat than the intermediate voltage Mid As a comparison result of the third comparator 1003 , Vbar, and when DT has a fixed duty - ratio, a peak of the when it is determined that the output voltage V 03 ( 8 V) of inductor current Lind is increased to be higher than the the third channel is still lower than the reference voltage ( for intermediate voltage according to Equation 1 as shown in example, 12 V) as illustrated in FIG . 11B , the SIMO section 1430 of FIG . 14. Accordingly, the output voltage V. converter generates a signal 1201 according to the first mode 50 of the SIMO converter may also be increased to be higher to increase the output voltage Voz of the third channel as than the intermediate voltage according to Equation 2 . illustrated in FIG . 12A . An inductor current generated in the When the input voltage Vbat of the SIMO converter has a first mode increases the output voltage Voz of the third lower voltage Low V bat than the intermediate voltage Mid channel as illustrated in FIG . 12B . Vbat, and when DT has a fixed duty -ratio , a peak of the The switch controller 351 having received the signal 1201 55 inductor current Lind is reduced to be lower than the inter transmits aa signal 1211 for the 2-1st switch Mp, a signal 1212 mediate voltage according to Equation 1 as shown in section rd o o for the 2-3 switch MgB , and a signal 1213 for the 1-3rd 1450 of FIG . 14. Accordingly, the output voltage V , of the switch M53. The switches ( the 2-1st switch Mp, the 2-3rd SIMO converter may also be reduced to be lower than the switch MB:, and the 1-3rd switch M93) having received the intermediate voltage according to Equation 2 . corresponding signals are turned on and remaining switches 60 As such , when the duty - ratio is fixed , a peak of the are turned off. In this example , the input voltage bat of the inductor current Lind is changed in response to a change in SIMO converter is grounded through the 2-3rd switch MB, the input voltage V bat of the SIMO converter, which may and only a voltage due to the inductor current lind is supplied result in a ripple in the output voltage V. of the SIMO to the output voltage Voz of the third channel through the converter. 65 FIG . 15A illustrates adaptive duty generators 352. FIG . 1-3rd switch M93. o After transferring a power to the output voltage Voz of the third channel based on the signal 1201 , the SIMO converter 15B illustrates a graph representing a peak of an inductor current Lind is constantly maintained by dynamically con US 11,329,557 B2 16 15 trolling a duty - ratio of second switches when an input ing to each channel in a SIMO converter. FIG . 17 illustrates output voltages corresponding to load currents I , under a between 3 V and 4.2 V. light load condition , an intermediate load condition , and a The adaptive duty generators 352 of FIG . 15A may 5 heavy load condition . prevent an occurrence of aa ripple in the output voltage V. of A relationship between the load current IL, and a clock the SIMO converter by dynamically controlling a duty -ratio frequency is expressed by Equation 5 as shown below . of the second switches Mp, Mn, and MB based on the input voltage of the SIMO converter. Equation 5 CoV N For example, as illustrated in FIG . 15B , when the input Il voltage of the SIMO converter gradually increases from 3.0 10 V to 4.2 V , the adaptive duty generators 352 may gradually reduce the duty -ratio of the second switches Mp,, My, and In Equation 5 , N denotes a number of clock occurrences MgB.: In response to the duty - ratio of the second switches Mp, andTclk denotes a clock frequency. Tsw denotes a period of My, and MB being reduced , a peak value of the inductor 15 time in which switching occurs for actual power transfer, for current lind is also maintained at a predetermined level . As example, a switching period . such , when the peak value of the inductor current is con In Equation 5 , when the clock frequency Telk cik is fixed , the stantly maintained , the output voltage V is also constantly switching period Tsw changes in response to a change in load maintained to prevent the occurrence of the ripple. current as follows. voltage Vbat of the SIMO converter changes in a range T » = N. Tek = COY (N 21 ) 2 SW 2 ? FIG . 16 illustrates aa circuit diagram of the adaptive duty 20 When the load current of the SIMO converter is an generators 352 . load current Mid I , as shown in section 1710 of In the circuit diagram of FIG . 16 , a length of duty interval intermediate . 17 , power may be transferred by performing the Tduty corresponding to a duty - ratio is obtained using Equa FIG switching once per 4 clocks . In addition, when the load tion 3 as shown below . current of the SIMO is a heavy load current Heavy I? as 25 shown in section 1730 of FIG . 17 , the power may be transferred by performing the switching for each clock . Equation 3 Cduty Cduty Rduty Also , when the load current of the SIMO converter is a light Tduty– Iduty Vth Vbat – V.-Vih = In Equation 3 , Cdut denotes a predetermined capacitor 30 value, R dury denotes a predetermined resistor value (a con stant value ) , Vth denotes aa threshold of aa transistor ( PMOS ) , , denotes a current generated and V onis aa battery constantvoltage value . Iduty based Vbbat. Iduty is determined as , for example, – V. Iduty VbatRduty load current Light I, as shown in section 1750 of FIG . 17 , no or few switching may be performed . FIG . 18A illustrates a clock controller 355 and FIG . 18B illustrates a method of controlling a clock with the clock controller 355 based on an inductor current. The clock controller 355 dynamically controls a frequency of a clock corresponding to a channel based on a load in the channel. 35 The clock controller 355 controls clocks to supply clock pulses having different frequencies corresponding to a plu rality of channels in response to a change in inductor current. In this example, the clock controller 355 controls clocks to sequentially supply clock pulses with different frequencies 40 corresponding to the plurality of channels based on a time multiplexing scheme . The clock controller 355 includes a based on the determined resistor value Rduty, the battery frequency controller 1810 and a 3 -phase (0 ) clock generator voltage V bar, and the constant value Vo . I duty flows through 1830. An operation of the frequency controller 1810 , for the predetermined capacitor Cduty so as to change a voltage example , a Freq controller will be described in detail with of an upper terminal of Cduty. When the voltage changes and reference to FIG . 19. An operation of the 3 - phase clock the voltage exceeds a threshold Vth of a rear - end transistor 45 generator 1830 will be described in detail with reference to ( PMOS ) , a status is transited so that a duty interval Tduty is FIG . 20 . determined . For example, the duty interval Tduty may be For example, as illustrated in FIG . 18B , when aa load of a load current of the SIMO converter is light in a correspond 50 ing channel, no or few switching may be performed. Also , Cduty when the load of the load current is heavy, the power may be transferred by performing switching for each clock . FIG . 19 illustrates a configuration and an operation of the frequency controller 1810 in accordance with one or more Also , when the duty -ratio is adaptively changed as illus trated in the circuit diagram of FIG . 16. a variation AV . of 55 embodiments . controller 1810 counts a number of times The frequency the output voltage of the SIMO converter may be obtained that the SIMO converter operates in a first mode and a using Equation 4 as shown below. number of times that the SIMO converter operates in a second mode using a 3 - bit up/ down counter 1910. The 1 1 Equation 4 60 frequency controller 1810 dynamically controls a frequency AVO -Cduty Rduty Vth (Vbat – V.) Tduty of ?a clock corresponding to a corresponding channel based Lind Co | LindCo on the counted number of times . When the counted number of times corresponds to a preset number of times , the C. corresponds to a capacitance value of a capacitor frequency controller 1810 dynamically controls a frequency connected to an output port of the SIMO converter. 65 of a clock corresponding to a corresponding channel. In this FIGS . 17 through 19 illustrate examples of a method of example, a preset number of times corresponding to the first dynamically controlling a frequency of a clock correspond- mode may be the same as or different from a preset number Tduty Iduty Vih = o = = US 11,329,557 B2 17 of times corresponding to the second mode . In an example, unlike a number of first mode occurrences, a number of second mode occurrences may be input to the 3 -bit up /down 18 on the clocks having different phases generated by the 3 -phase clock generator 1830 of FIG . 20 . FIGS . 21A and 21B illustrate examples of an operation of counter 1910 via another 3 - bit counter 1910. In this a soft start - up circuit of a SIMO converter . FIG . 21A example, the number of second mode occurrences may be 5 illustrates a buck -boost operation and a boost operation for transferred to the 3 - bit up/ down counter 1910 three times preventing an abrupt flow of a current using a soft start -up circuit. FIG . 21B illustrates a change in an output voltage For example, to increase the output voltage Vo0 , the SIMO Voz of aa third channel during the buck -boost operation and converter may operate four times in the first mode (burst the boost operation . mode) as shown in a box 1930 , and the preset number of 10 As described with reference to FIG . 10 , the soft start - up times corresponding to the first mode may be 4. Since the circuit may prevent an abrupt increase in inductor current, number of times that the SIMO converter operates in the first for example, in rush current. mode , which is 4 , corresponds to the preset number of times For example, when a signal is transferred in the soft ( 4 ) , the frequency controller 1810 may adjust a clock 15 start-up circuit , the signal is transferred through the switch frequency to be increased . controller 351 such that each switch performs the buck Also , when the output voltage V. does not need to be boost operation. The buck -boost operation is performed in increased, the SIMO may operate nine times in the second slower than the number of first mode occurrences . mode (pulse skip mode ) as shown in a box 1950 , and, in a an order indicated by arrows 1 and 2 in FIG . 21A . In the buck -boost operation , the switch controller 351 non limiting example , the preset number of times corre sponding tothe second mode may be 9. Since the number of 20 turns a 2-1"1switch switchswitches Mz as indicated by theonarrow and Mp turnsandoffa 2-3'd remaining . In this times that the SIMO converter operates in the second mode, process , an input voltage Vbat of the SIMO converter may be which is 9 , corresponds to the preset number of times , that grounded via the 2-3rd switch MgB . Thereafter, the switch is , 9 , the frequency controller 1810 may adjust a clock controller 351 turns on a 2-2nd switch My and a 1-3rd switch frequency to be decreased. S3 as indicated by the arrow 2 and turns off remaining In an example, a frequency of a common clock is dynami 25 M53 switches . In this process , only a voltage due to an inductor cally controlled by monitoring modes of a single channel current lind may be supplied to the output voltage Voz of the ( for example, 1.8 V) . Since a plurality of channels uses the third channel 1-3rd switch M53. The switch controller frequency of the common clock by dividing the frequency, 351 performsviathethebuck - boost operation until the output clock frequencies of the plurality channels may be dynami 30 voltage V 03 of the third channel is equal to the input voltage cally controlled in response to the frequency of the common Vbat of the SIMO converter. Referring to FIG . 21B , it is clock being dynamically controlled . For example, an output shown that the output voltage Voz 03 of the third channel is voltage V. of FIG . 19 is an output voltage of a predeter moderately increased while the buck -boost operation is mined channel ( 1.8 V) and a clock CLK of FIG . 19 is a performed. common clock . the output voltage V 03 of the third channel is equal In an example, a frequency of a common clock is dynami 35 to When the input Vbat of the SIMO converter, the switch cally controlled by monitoring modes of a plurality of controller 351voltage performs the boost operation. channels . For example, the frequency of the common clock In the boost operation , the switch controller 351 turns on may be reduced by operating at least a preset number of the 2-1st switch Mp and 1-3rd switch M93 as indicated by an times in the second mode (pulse skip mode) in one channel. Also , the frequency of the common clock may beincreased 40 arrow 3 and turns off remaining switches. In this process, in addition to the voltage due to the inductor current lind of by operating at least a preset number of times in the first the , the input voltage V bat of the SIMO converter mode (burst mode ) in another channel. In this example, an mayinductor also be supplied . In this case , the output voltage Voz of output voltage V, of FIG . 19 is an output voltage of a the SIMO converter rises sharply from the input voltage V bat channel among the plurality of channels and a clock CLK of 45 as illustrated in FIG . 21B . FIG . 19 is a common clock . As such , a soft start -up circuit slowly increases the output FIG . 20 illustrates an example of a clock generator that V03 of the third channel to reach aa level of the input generates clocks having different phases in a SIMO con voltage V bat ) ( 3 V to 4.2 V) of the SIMO converter through verter. FIG . 20 illustrates a configuration and an operation of voltage soft start -up circuit a 3 - phase (0 ) clock generator 1830. The 3 -phase clock the buck -boost operation . After that, the of third channel generator 1830 generates clocks having three different 50 quickly the output voltage Vo3 the to reachincreases the reference voltage ( for example , 12 V) through phases in the SIMO converter. The 3 -phase clock generator the boost operation. Through this, the soft start - up circuit 1830 generates clocks having a frequency folk using Equa prevents an occurrence of a ripple current due to the abrupt tion 6 as shown below . increase in the amount of current. 55 FIG . 22 is flowchart illustrating an example of a control method of a SIMO converter. The operations in FIG . 22 may Equation 6 Ick folk be performed in the sequence and manner as shown, 3Celk · Vref1 although the order of some operations may be changed or some of the operations omitted without departing from the In Equation 6 , Celk denotes a capacitance value of a clock 60 spirit and scope of the illustrative examples described . Many capacitor of a capacitor connected to an output power of a of the operations shown in FIG . 22 may be performed in clock in parallel. Vrefi denotes a reference voltage of a parallel or concurrently. One or more blocks of FIG . 22 , and channel ( for example, a first channel) applied to a compara- combinations of the blocks , can be implemented by special tor. Icik denotes a clock current applied from the frequency purpose hardware -based computer that perform the specified controller 1810 to the 3 -phase clock generator 1830 . 65 functions, or combinations of special purpose hardware and The SIMO converter provides desired voltages of aa plu- computer instructions . In addition to the description of FIG . rality of channels using a time multiplexing scheme based 22 below, the descriptions of FIGS . 1-21 are also applicable = US 11,329,557 B2 19 20 to FIG . 22 , and are incorporated herein by reference . Thus, ries storing instructions or software that are executed by the processor or computer. Hardware components implemented the above description may not be repeated here. Referring to FIG . 22 , in operation 2210 , a SIMO con- by a processor or computer may execute instructions or verter compares an output voltage of a channel correspond- software, such as an operating system (OS ) and one or more ing to a control target among a plurality of channels to a 5 software applications that run on the OS , to perform the reference voltage of the channel based on a clock of the operations described in this application. The hardware com channel. In this example, the SIMO converter uses a single ponents may also access , manipulate , process , create , and inductor to provide desired voltages of the plurality of store data in response to execution of the instructions or channels. software . For simplicity, the singular term “ processor" or In operation 2220 , the SIMO converter selects a first 10 “ computer ” may be used in the description of the examples mode when the output voltage of the channel is lower than described in this application, but in other examples multiple the reference voltage of the channel, and selects a second processors or computers may be used, or a processor or mode when the output voltage is higher than the reference computer may include multiple processing elements, or voltage. multiple types of processing elements , or both . Forexample, When the first mode is selected, in operation 2230 , the 15 a single hardware component or two or more hardware SIMO converter adaptively adjusts a number of times that a components may be implemented by a single processor, or pulse triggering a power transfer to the channel is generated . two or more processors , or a processor and a controller. One The SIMO converter adaptively adjusts the number of times or more hardware components may be implemented by one that the pulse is generated in a time interval initiated in or more processors, or a processor and a controller, and one response to an edge of the clock corresponding to the 20 or more other hardware components may be implemented by channel. For example, the SIMO converter repetitively one or more other processors , or another processor and generates the pulse until the output voltage of the channel is another controller. One or more processors, or a processor higher than the reference voltage of the channel according to and a controller, may implement a single hardware compo the first mode . nent, or two or more hardware components. A hardware In operation 2240 , the SIMO converter blocks a genera- 25 component may have any one orofmore ing configurations , examples whichof different include aprocess single tion of the pulse when the second mode is selected . The SIMO converter counts a number of times that an processor, independent processors , parallel processors, operation is performed in the first mode and a number of single - instruction single -data ( SISD ) multiprocessing, times that an operation is performed in the second mode. The single - instruction multiple -data ( SIMD ) multiprocessing, SIMO converter dynamically controls a frequency of the 30 multiple -instruction single -data ( MISD ) multiprocessing, clock corresponding to the channel based on a result and multiple - instruction multiple -data ( MIMD ) multipro obtained by determining whether the counted number of times ( for example, the number of times that an operation is cessing. The methods illustrated and discussed with respect to performed in the first mode and the number of times that an FIG . 1-22 that perform the operations described in this operation is performed in the second mode ) corresponds to 35 application are performed by computing hardware, for a preset number of times . When the number of times that an example, by one or more processors or computers, imple operation is performed in the first mode corresponds to the mented as described above executing instructions or soft preset number of times , the SIMO converter increases the ware to perform the operations described in this application frequency of the clock corresponding to the channel. When that are performed by the methods. For example, a single the number of times that an operation is performed in the 40 operation or two or more operations may be performed by a second mode corresponds to the preset number of times , the single processor, or two or more processors, or a processor SIMO converter reduces the frequency of the clock corre- and a controller. One or more operations may be performed sponding to the channel. by one or more processors, or a processor and a controller, The SIMO converter 110 , the clock frequency controller and one or more other operations may be performed by one 201 , the SIMO converter 300 , the controller 350 , and other 45 or more other processors , or another processor and another apparatuses, and devices, and other components described controller. One or more processors , or a processor and a herein with respect to FIGS . 1-22 are, and are implemented controller, may perform a single operation , or two or more by, hardware components. Examples of hardware compo- operations. nents that may be used to perform the operations described Instructions or software to control computing hardware, in this application where appropriate include controllers, 50 for example, one or more processors or computers, to sensors, generators, drivers, memories , comparators, arith- implement the hardware components and perform the meth metic logic units , adders, subtractors, multipliers, dividers, ods as described above may be written as computer pro integrators, and any other electronic components configured grams, code segments, instructions or any combination to perform the operations described in this application. In thereof, for individually or collectively instructing or con other examples, one or more of the hardware components 55 figuring the one or more processors or computers to operate that perform the operations described in this application are as a machine or special -purpose computer to perform the implemented by computing hardware, for example , by one operations performed by the hardware components and the or more processors or computers. A processor or computer methods as described above . In one example, the instruc may be implemented by one or more processing elements, tions or software include machine code that is directly such as an array of logic gates , a controller and an arithmetic 60 executed by the one or more processors or computers, such logic unit, a digital signal processor, a microcomputer, a as machine code produced by a compiler. In another programmable logic controller, a field -programmable gate example , the instructions or software include higher - level array, a programmable logic array, a microprocessor, or any code that is executed by the one or more processors or other device or combination of devices that is configured to computers using an interpreter. The instructions or software respond to and execute instructions in a defined manner to 65 may be written using any programming language based on achieve a desired result . In one example, a processor or the block diagrams and the flow charts illustrated in the computer includes , or is connected to , one or more memo- drawings and the corresponding descriptions in the specifi US 11,329,557 B2 22 21 cation , which disclose algorithms for performing the opera- tions performed by the hardware components and the meth ods as described above . The instructions or software to control computing hard ware, for example , one or more processors or computers, to 5 implement the hardware components and perform the meth ods as described above, and any associated data, data files, and data structures, may be recorded , stored , or fixed in or on one or more non - transitory computer -readable storage media. Examples of a non -transitory computer - readable 10 storage medium include read -only memory ( ROM) , ran dom - access programmable read only memory (PROM) , electrically erasable programmable read -only memory (EE compare an output voltage of a selected channel, from among the plurality of channels, that corresponds to a control target to a reference voltage of the selected channel in response to an edge of a clock of the selected channel, repetitively generate a pulse to transfer power to the selected channel by selecting a burst mode when the output voltage is less than or equal to the reference voltage until the output voltage is greater than the reference voltage, block the generation of the pulse by selecting a pulse skip mode when the output voltage of the selected channel is greater than the reference voltage , increase a frequency of the clock of the selected chan PROM) , random - access memory (RAM ), dynamic random access memory (DRAM ), static random access memory 15 nel when the burst mode has occurred a predeter ( SRAM ), flash memory, non - volatile memory, CD - ROMs , mined number of times , CD - Rs , CD + Rs , CD - RW , CD + RW , DVD - ROMs , DVD decrease the frequency of the clock of the selected Rs , DVD + Rs , DVD - RW , DVD + RWs, DVD -RAMS, BD channel when the pulse skip mode has occurred the ROMs , BD - Rs , BD - R LTHS, BD - REs , as non - limiting blue ray or optical disk storage examples, hard disk drive (HDD ) , 20 predetermined number of times , and solid state drive ( SSD ) , flash memory, a card type memory control the clocks to supply clock pulses having dif ferent frequencies corresponding to the plurality of such as multimedia card micro or a card ( for example, secure digital ( SD ) or extreme digital (XD )), magnetic tapes , floppy channels in response to a change in inductor current. disks , magneto -optical data storage devices, optical data 2. The SIMO converter of claim 1 , wherein the control storage devices , hard disks , solid - state disks , and any other 25 logic is further configured to repetitively generate the pulse device that is configured to store the instructions or software in the burst mode until the output voltage of the selected and any associated data , data files, and data structures in a channel is higher than the reference voltage of the selected non - transitory manner and provide the instructions or soft channel based on a determination that the output voltage of ware and any associated data , data files, and data structures the selected channel is lower than the reference voltage of to one or more processors or computers so that the one or 30 the selected channel. more processors or computers can execute the instructions . 3. The SIMO converter of claim 1 , wherein the control In one example, the instructions or software and any asso logic is further configured to block the generation of the ciated data , data and data structures are distributed over pulse in the pulse skip mode based on a determination that network -coupled computer systems so that the instructions and software and any associated data, data files, and data 35 the output voltage of the selected channel is higher than the voltage of the selected channel. structures are stored , accessed, and executed in aa distributed reference 4. The SIMO converter of claim 1 , wherein the control fashion by the one or more processors or computers . While this disclosure includes specific examples, it will logic is further configured to dynamically control a fre be apparent to one of ordinary skill in the art that various quency of the clock corresponding to the selected channel changes in form and details may be made in these examples 40 based on a number of times that an operation is performed without departing from the spirit and scope of the claims and in the burst mode and a number of times that an operation their equivalents. The examples described herein are to be is performed in the pulse skip mode . considered in a descriptive sense only, and not for purposes 5. The SIMO converter of claim 1 , wherein the converter of limitation . Descriptions of features or aspects in each is further configured to provide the respective voltages of the example are to be considered as being applicable to similar 45 plurality of channels based on the clocks having different features or aspects in other examples . Suitable results may phases based on a time multiplexing scheme. be achieved if the described techniques are performed in a 6. The SIMO converter of claim 1 , wherein, in the burst different order, and / or if components in a described system , mode , the control logic is further configured to adaptively architecture , device , or circuit are combined in a different adjust the number of times that the pulse is generated in a manner , and / or replaced or supplemented by other compo- 50 time interval initiated in response to an edge of the clock nents or their equivalents. Therefore, the scope of the corresponding to the selected channel. disclosure is defined not by the detailed description, but by 7. The SIMO converter of claim 1 , wherein the converter the claims and their equivalents, and all variations within the comprises: scope of the claims and their equivalents are to be construed the single inductor; and 55 as being included in the disclosure. a switching unit comprising first switches configured to What is claimed is : select the plurality of channels and second switches 1. A single - inductor multiple -output ( SIMO ) converter configured to control aa flow of a current flowing in the comprising : single inductor. a converter configured to provide respective voltages of a 8. The SIMO converter of claim 7 , wherein the first plurality of channels with a single inductor ; and 60 switches are configured to connect output ports of the a control logic configured to control switches of the plurality of channels and the single inductor in series . converter based on clocks corresponding to the plural9. The SIMO converter of claim 7 , wherein the second ity of channels, the clocks , corresponding to the plu- switches comprise a 2-1st switch , aa 2-2nd switch , and aa 2-3rd rality of channels, having different phases from each switch , other, and each of the plurality of channels has a 65 the 2-1st switch is configured to have aa first end connected different clock frequency ; to an input port of the converter and a second end wherein the control logic is configured to : connected to a first end of the single inductor, 9 . US 11,329,557 B2 24 23 the 2-2nd switch is configured to have a first end connected repetitively generating the pulse until the output voltage of the selected channel is higher than the reference of the 2-2nd switch is grounded, and voltage of the selected channel based on the burst the 2-3rd switch is configured to have aa first end connected mode. to a second end of the single inductor, and aa second end 5 18. The control method of claim 16 , wherein the adap of the 2-3rd switch is grounded . tively adjusting the number of times that the pulse is to the first end of the single inductor, and a second end 10. The SIMO converter of claim 7 , wherein the control generated comprises: logic comprises: adaptively adjusting the number of times that the pulse is a switch controller configured to select a first switch for 10 generated in aa time interval initiated in response to an the selected channel from among the first switches in edge of the clock corresponding to the selected chan nel. response to the pulse being generated , and control the second switches based on a sequence for generating a 19. The control method of claim 16 , further comprising : counting a number of times that an operation is performed desired voltage of the selected channel. in the burst mode and a number of times that an logic is configured to dynamically control a duty - ratio of the operation is performed in the pulse skip mode ; and second switches based on an input voltage of the converter. dynamically controlling a frequency of the clock corre sponding to the selected channel based on a determi 12. The SIMO converter of claim 1 , wherein the control logic is further configured to reset a current of the single nation that the counted number of times corresponds to inductor after the power transfer is triggered due to the 20 a preset number of times. generation of the pulse . 20. The control method of claim 19 , wherein the dynami 13. The SIMO converter of claim 1 , wherein the control cally controlling the frequency of the clock comprises: logic is further configured to dynamically control a freincreasing the frequency of the clock corresponding to the quency of the clock corresponding to the selected channel selected channel when the number of times that an 25 based on a load in the channel . operation is performed in the burst mode corresponds 14. The SIMO converter of claim 1 , wherein the control to the preset number of times . logic comprises: 21. The control method of claim 19 , wherein the dynami a comparator configured to latch the output voltage of the cally controlling the frequency of the clock comprises: selected channel at an edge of the clock corresponding reducing the frequency of the clock corresponding to the to the channel, and compare the latched output voltage 30 selected channel when the number of times that an operation is performed in the pulse skip mode corre to the reference voltage of the channel. 15. The SIMO converter of claim 1 , wherein the control sponds to the preset number of times . logic is further configured to generate the clocks correspond22. A non -transitory computer -readable storage medium ing to the plurality of channels based on an importance level storing instructions that, when executed by a processor, of the plurality of channels and control lengths of time 35 cause the processor to perform the control method of claim 16 . intervals corresponding to phases of the clocks . 23. A method comprising: 16. A control method comprising: comparing, based on a clock of a selected channel corcomparing, in a single inductor multiple output ( SIMO ) responding to a control target among a plurality of converter, an output voltage of a selected channel channels, an output voltage of the selected channel to 40 among a plurality of channels to a reference voltage of a reference voltage of the selected channel, clocks the selected channel in response to an edge of a clock corresponding to the plurality of channels, each of the of the selected channel, the clocks corresponding to the clocks having different phases from each other, and plurality of channels having phases different from each each of the plurality of channels having a different other, and each of the plurality of channels having a 45 clock frequency ; different clock frequency; selecting a burst mode when the output voltage is less than selecting a burst mode to repetitively generate a pulse to or equal to the reference voltage , and selecting a pulse transfer power to the selected channel when the output skip mode when the output voltage is higher than the voltage of the selected channel is less than or equal to reference voltage; the reference voltage , and adaptively adjusting, when the burst mode is selected , a 50 selecting a pulse skip mode to block the generation of the number of times that a pulse triggering a power transfer pulse when the output voltage of the selected channel to the selected channel is generated; is greater than the reference voltage , and blocking a generation of the pulse when the pulse skip controlling the clocks to supply clock pulses having mode is selected, different frequencies corresponding to the plurality of increasing a frequency of the clock of the selected channel 55 channels in response to a change in inductor current. when the burst mode has occurred a predetermined 24. The method of claim 23 , further comprising adjusting a number of times a pulse triggering a power transfer to the number of times , decreasing the frequency of the clock of the selected selected channel is generated when the burst mode is selected, and blocking a generation of the pulse when the channel when the pulse skip mode has occurred the predetermined number of times , and 60 pulse skip mode is selected . 11. The SIMO converter of claim 10 , wherein the control 15 2 controlling each of the clocks to supply clock pulses having different frequencies corresponding to the plurality of channels in response to a change in inductor 25. The method of claim 23 , wherein the SIMO converter dynamically controls a frequency of the clock corresponding to the selected channel by comparing a number of times that current. an operation is performed in the burst mode to a preset 17. The control method of claim 16 , wherein the adap- 65 number of times , and comparing a number of times that an tively adjusting the number of times that the pulse is operation is performed in the pulse skip mode to the preset generated comprises: number of times . US 11,329,557 B2 26 25 26. The method of claim 25 , wherein the SIMO converter increases a frequency of the clock corresponding to the selected channel when the number of times that the opera tion is performed in the burst mode corresponds to the preset 5 number of times . 27. The method of claim 25 , wherein the SIMO converter reduces the frequency of the clock corresponding to the selected channel when the number of times that an operation is performed in the pulse skip mode corresponds to the preset number of times. 10