Objective 6: Desirable skills, attitudes and attributes of office personnel Skills Skills are the abilities required to do something well and expertly with your body or with tools/equipment as a result of training, practice or experience. Desirable, basic skills required from an employee are: ● Literacy: The ability to read properly and understand what is read, to explain what is read and to compose business documents. ● Numeracy: The ability to add, subtract, multiply, divide and solve problems involving numbers (with or without a calculator). ● Computer literacy and proficiency in using productivity tools: The ability to use a computer competently, to work productively by selecting and knowing appropriate software packages and search engines, saving and retrieving documents efficiently and backing up your work. ● Effective communication: The ability to write, speak and listen effectively and clearly using appropriate language. ● Time management: The ability to manage time effectively, not wasting time but planning and prioritizing your work/important jobs. ● Analytical, problem-solving: The ability to recognize a situation, examine it analytically, arrive at a workable solution and make recommendations that can be applied to similar situations in the future. The use of tact, initiative and ability to make decisions on behalf of the organization. Attitudes Attitude is how a person thinks and behaves, which is shown in the way they respond to a situation. ● Team-spirit, group dynamics Today most people work in teams. A team is a group of people who: ⮚ have the same aim ⮚ work together cooperatively to achieve that aim ⮚ help and support each other-especially if there is a problem. A team can be very beneficial because individuals all have different strengths and weaknesses, so between you there are many strengths that any one single person could have. Group dynamics refers to the personalities in the group and how these people fit together. This can influence the way the group performs and how it thinks and responds to situations. ● Tolerance and appreciation of diversity At work you will meet a variety of people of different ages, genders, nationalities and ethnic groups. Their religions and beliefs may not be the same as yours. Some may be able-bodied but others may not be. They will also have different personalities and backgrounds. Tolerance means accepting other people, even if they are completely different from you. Meeting other people enables you to broaden your own knowledge and it can be both educational and fascinating. In this situation you appreciate diversity, because it adds to your own experiences and helps you to become wiser as a result. ● Safety Conscious Being safety conscious means that you know that taking risks can cause problems, not just for you but also for others. So you work carefully, report hazards that you notice and obey all safety instructions without being told. ● Environmentally Aware Being environmentally aware means that you think about the consequences of your actions on the planet, so you minimize waste. ● Socially Responsible Being socially responsible means that you try to help other people, especially those less fortunate than yourself. This can include charitable giving, assisting the elderly, becoming involved in the community. Many workplaces pride themselves on being socially responsible and encourage their staff to do the same. Attributes The qualities or characteristics of a person ● Regularity/punctuality: never being late for work and only being absent for a genuine reason, so people can rely on you to be in the right place at the right time. ● Positive work ethic: being cheerful and enjoying work. You do not clock watch and do not need supervision all the time. You are reliable, loyal and always do your best. ● Integrity, honesty, confidentiality: this means you have high standards of fairness and keep your promises. Honesty does not only mean not stealing but also implies honesty in dealing with others, and owning up if you have made a mistake. ● Willingness: you respond positively to a request or a challenge. You do not deliberately act slowly or moan. It will be appreciated by all with whom you come into contact because it shows you are ready to help others. ● Deportment: you dress appropriately, take care of your personal freshness, your hair is always clean and tidy. You always respect other people. How you look, your clothes, your voice, even facial expressions and body language, all send messages about you to others. ● Self-esteem, confidence: you believe in your own worth and are honest about your abilities. You work to high standards and respond positively to new challenges.