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Tactical Monster 12-Week Training Plan

Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
Welcome to your Tactical Monster 12 Week Training Plan.
Specifically created to help you increase your strength and build muscle mass fast,
transforming you into the ultimate tactical monster.
Before you begin I just wanted to thank you again for joining the tribe and starting
your training. It takes a lot of courage to ditch excuses and take action on your
goals, but that is what makes you stand out from the rest.
On the following pages I have laid out a detailed schedule for the next 12 weeks,
comprised of 3 Phases of training, VOLUME, STRENGTH and HYPERTROPHY.
These three phases are specifically designed to work together to give you the
greatest strength and muscle increases. Please be sure to read over the following
pages so that you can have a full understanding of what each phase is designed to
I wont lie to you, this plan will be hard. However, it is through that struggle that you
will see those huge increases. This training plan, along with the nutrition guide
means I can guarantee your mission success.
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
To hit the target we need to first know what we are aiming for. It’s all good and well
to want to be bigger, leaner or have greater energy but the first thing I want you to
do is set a goal. You need a reason to be putting your body through this pain, a
reason for the torture.
Before you begin your training I want
you to sit down and take time to think
about what you really want to achieve.
What do you want to get out of these
next 12 weeks. Don’t stress your goal
doesn’t have to be perfect, I don’t
believe in goals that don’t change, as
you grow your goals should also grow
with you, but if you don’t have any goal
at all what do you have to aim for?
There are a few important things to keep in mind when setting your
goals that will also help keep them achievable.
1.)There are two type of goals to focus on general and specific.
A general goal you may have could be,
“I want to be able to see the veins and vascularity in my arms”
A specific goal would be,
“I will lower my bodyfat % from 14% to 10% in the next 12 weeks”
2.) Keep it short. No more then 5 goals with a combination of general
and specific goals (have at least 1-2 specific goals).
3.) Write them down, no one else has to see them this is just to help
you really commit.
4.)Visualise yourself achieving these goals and imagine just how good
it will feel when you do.
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
-- Henry Rollins
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
We want to record where you were at before you began this training so you can look back
and be proud of how far you have come. When things get tough you need to keep
yourself motivated and what better motivator then seeing your own personal
The number on the scales and reflection in the mirror aren’t enough to see your true
progressions. We are training you to become a tactical monster so not only is
photographic proof important in measuring progress but we also need to measure your
increases in strength and muscle mass, with measurements and performance testing.
Should be taken from the following areas;
Chest - Take just above nipple line,
around. Stand up straight, relax and then
release all the air out of your lunges. Now
take your measurement.
Waist - Measure from just above your
bellybutton and around. Take this while
standing up straight.
For the following measurements, you can
take them with the muscles relaxed or
flexed, just be sure to specify this when
recording your results.
Yes the typical before and after photos. It
does feel odd standing in front of the
mirror posing for a photo but trust me, they
do help you stay motivated. Remember no
one else has to see these photos if you do
not wish, they are for your eyes only so
don’t be shy. Here are some best practices
to help you keep it simple;
• Use good lighting and try and keep the
same lighting for before and after images.
• Aim for a plain background when taking
• Take at least 3 images one from front on,
one from side view and one from back.
Bicep - Taken between shoulder and elbow, • Assume a natural relaxed pose.
choose the widest part of your arm (usually
right in the middle).
Thigh - Taken below the butt but above
your knee. Stand up straight and pick the
We are looking for 5RM’s here. Before you
widest part of your thigh.
begin this training you need to take a day
and test your 5-Rep Max. Your 5-rep max is
the most weight you can lift for 5
If you feel one arm or leg is different from
repetitions of that specific exercise.
the other (usually is the case) feel free to
measure each arm and each leg, just clearly We are testing for increases in these three
document the results.
main exercises, squat, deadlift and benchpress
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
Weeks 1, 4, 7 & 10; Phase 1 – Volume
Weeks 2, 5, 8 & 11; Phase 2 - Strength
Weeks 3, 6, 9 & 12; Phase 3 - Hypertrophy
This is a 3 phase training plan that is specifically designed to help you get the
most out of your training. Due to the very high volume, lifting tempos aren’t
hugely important. Although your focus should be on keeping good form
Below I have explained each phase and WHY you will be training this way, so
please take time to thoroughly read through and understand your training.
This phase focuses on a really high volume of work with the goal of overtraining your
muscles. You won’t be using super heavy weights, as we want to protect your central
nervous system from becoming burnt out and getting hit too hard at first. It will be crazy
hard and don’t be surprised if you have to greatly decrease your usual weights, (It’s
normal due to this high intensity).
During this week you will also experience a lot of muscle soreness. If you are not used to
such a high volume, please start at the lowest amount of sets required for each exercise.
Remember, this is only week one give your body time to adjust.
During this week the volume is lowered, however, the weight you
will be lifting will increase. Unlike the other two phases the focus
here is truly on strength. Your rest periods will also increase this
week as we are trying to lift as heavy as possible for every set.
Please allow yourself this rest time, you may not be sweating but
you are working hard.
Even though phase 1 and phase 3 are similar in aiming for extra
size and time under tension, the volume is lower during this week
to allow for greater adaptation (muscle growth)
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
I realise everyone's schedule is different, so to make this training suit you and your
lifestyle it is optional on how you split up your week. Below I have included 3
variations for you, please choose the one that suits you best they all have the same
great results.
**Along with these splits you will need to add conditioning and active recovery to
your week. 1-3 high intensity sessions and 1-2 active recovery sessions are
recommended each week.
Active recovery sessions are only for days OFF where as high intensity
sessions are to be added on to any ON day of your choosing.
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
The best way to warm up is by beginning each session with a low intensity aerobic
activity then following that with a small dynamic warm-up. Warming up is compulsory
and will set you up for a great workout and minimize injuries. The goal is to get the
blood flowing and build up a light sweat so your muscles are ready for what’s to come.
Also, please refrain from stripping down the minute you step foot into a gym. Wearing
warm clothes is recommended at this time to help raise the body temperature and
speed up the process.
Choose any low intensity activity you
like and perform that for 5-10 minutes.
Whether you want to jog, cycle, row,
walk or perform some shadow boxing
make sure this is the first thing you do.
Follow your low intensity workout with
a small dynamic warm-up to fully
prepare the body for the onslaught.
Work through a range of movement
patterns specifically chosen to get the
muscles, ligaments and tendons ready
for action.
After each workout, take 5-10 minutes minimum to engage in a cool down. Perform a
slow jog or walk for between 800-1000m then slowly work into some static stretching
targeting the areas you have worked that day or areas that may be sore from previous
days workout.
If you are experienced in using a foam roller or lacrosse ball, by all means use it but if
you aren’t make sure you get some assistance.
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
Choose one of the following
conditioning sessions. You may
complete a min of 1 and a max
of 3 sessions per week. Any
more high intensity sessions
than this and you will actually
slow your progress.
Workout 1
5 x Pull-ups
10 x Kettlebell snatches
15 x Kettlebell figure 8's (between
As many rounds as possible in 8
-12 Mins.
Workout 2 - 1-2 Rounds
Kettlebell swings
2 Count Flutter-kicks
Workout 1
3 minutes work / 30 seconds rest
Repeat 3-4x through.
Workout 1
2 Mins Overhead Strikes /2 Mins Step
1.5 Mins Overhead Strikes /1.5 Mins
1 Min Overhead Strikes / 1 Min Stepups
30 Secs Overhead Strikes / 30 Secs
Workout 1
10x Squat Jumps
50m Sprint
50m Slow walk to recover.
Repeat 8-12x through.
Workout 2 - 2-3 Rounds
Alternating sledgehammer strikes
Box Jumps
Workout 2
4 Rounds
50 x Mountain Climbers
25 x Push-ups
1 min Front Plank
2 min jumping rope
Rest 1 minute between set.
Workout 2 - 4-6 Rounds
400m Repeats.
Rest on a 1:2 Schedule. 1 min work
would equal 2 min rest.
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
Workout 1 - Sled Drags
8-10 Intervals of Sled drags for 15-30
seconds at 100% effort.
Recovery- walk for 60-90 seconds
between sets.
Workout 2 - Sled Pushes
8-10 Intervals of Sled pushes for 1530 secs at 100% effort.
Recovery– walk for 60-90 seconds
between sets.
Workout 1
3 Minutes work / 1 Minute rest.
Repeat 3-5x through.
Workout 1
45 seconds work / 45 seconds rest.
Repeat 10-15x through.
Workout 2 - 8-12 Rounds
15 Seconds Battle Ropes
15 Seconds Air Squats
Rest 30 Seconds
Workout 1
4-6 x 500m Intervals
Rest 1 Minute between Intervals.
Workout 2
2000m for time
Workout 2
30 Seconds work / 30 seconds rest.
Repeat 8-12x through.
Workout 1
5 rounds for time
Assault Bike x 1km (0.6miles)
Push-ups x 20
Sit-ups x 20
Workout 2
Tabata Sprints x2
10 seconds work / 20 seconds rest.
(For a total of 8-mins)
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
Active Recovery sessions are very important
to completing this plan. Not only in helping
you recover faster so you can hit the
following sessions harder but also helping you
burn extra calories and lose those extra
pounds you want to take off.
I know a lot of you have been taught before,
that when it hurts to carry on and embrace
the suck. Like they say “pain is weakness
leaving the body”. As much as I agree with
these sentiments, if you are constantly sore
and in pain you are likely NOT progressing or
not to the level you may hope to be.
When it comes to body composition, you
don’t make the greatest gains while you are
in the gym. That comes in the following hours
when you are resting and recovering.
However we don’t have all the time in the
world and we want fast progress so sitting
around and resting all the time isn’t how we
are going to go about things in this plan. We
are going to spend time performing active
recovery so you can increase your
performance at the same time as recovering
from previous sessions.
Along with the following Active recovery
Workouts which will be listed, I recommend
Taking part in other forms of recovery.
These can be as simple as spending ten
minutes static stretching at the end of each
day, taking contrast showers, Epsom salt
baths, regular foam rolling and even
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
Choose from the below and
perform 1 active recovery session
per week. You may complete up to
2 active recovery sessions.
A Long low intensity session performed at
60-75% effort. Choose one of the below and
perform the exercise at an intensity where
you are still able to talk comfortably or
breath throughout your nose the whole
duration of the session.
Run / Cycle / Row / Swim or Hike
Focus on choosing an exercise that is either
suited to your career or an area you want to
improve your skills in (Swimming
Beginner: 20-30 Minutes
Intermediate: 45-60 Minutes
Advanced: 60-90 Minutes
These sessions are designed to create
variety while still focusing on recovery and
building your cardiovascular endurance.
Pick 3 exercises and perform them for
5/10/15 or 20 minutes each. I have laid out
some examples below
Beginner: 5 Minutes of each exercise
Intermediate: 10 Minutes of each exercise
Advanced: 15-20 Minutes of each exercise
Alternatively: Keep the time the same and
add one or two more exercises.
Job Specific Choose either continuous
swimming or sprints.
Continuous Swim: Swim for 30-45
Minutes, alternating strokes between
freestyle, breaststroke and combat side
stroke. This can be performed in
swimwear, wearing fatigues, with or
without fins depending on your needs.
Swim Sprints: Always warm up with a
200m swim before you begin any swim
sprints. Try your hand at one of the
Using a backpack, weighted vest or
Military ruck, load up with adequate
weight and hit the road or hills. Ideally
you will wear issued boots for this if you
are currently serving otherwise trainers
are fine as long as they have decent grip.
Maintain a fast pace but never run while
carrying a heavy load on your back as
this increases risking of injury.
If you are new to rucking, start light (2035lbs) and between 30-60 minutes. To
take it up a notch increase the weight to
45lbs+ and the duration to 60-90
minutes. If you are Preparing for certain
SF selection courses, the demands will
be far greater with weights of 70-100lbs
and times of 120 minutes +.
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
Incline Barbell Bench
Superset w/
Regular Push-ups to failure 4-6 x 10
Dumbbell Overhead press
Superset w/
Rear lateral raises 4-6 x 10
Flat Dumbbell Flyes
Superset w/
Flat Dumbbell bench 4-6 x 10
Side Lateral raises
Superset w/
Plate front raises 4-6 x 10
2 Hand Landmine press
Superset w/
Pike push-ups to failure 4-6 x 10
DB upright row
superset w/
DB Shrugs 4-6 x 15
Rest 60-75 seconds between sets
Deadlift 4 x 12
(Rack from just below knees optional)
Rest 120-180 seconds between
deadlift sets.
Wide Pull-ups 30-50 Reps**
Wide grip Overhand Bent over rows
Superset w/
Close grip underhand bent over rows
4-6 x 10
Wide Lat Pulldowns
Superset w/
Close Lat Pulldowns 4-6 x 10
Barbell overhead press 4 x 20
Rest 60-75 seconds between sets.
Barbell Curls
Superset w/
Close Push-ups to failure 4-6 x 10
Hammer Curls
Superset w/
35-45lb plate hold 4-6 x 10
Seated Dumbbell curls
superset w/
Bench dips 4-6 x 10
Straight bar pushdowns
Superset w/
Cable curls 4-6 x 10
Rest 60-75 seconds between sets
Renegade Rows 3 x Max
Rest 60-75 seconds between sets.
** If you can perform more than 10
Pullups in a row, then hit 50 reps.
Otherwise aim for 30.
Take as many sets as you need to reach
the required reps.
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
Barbell Back Squats
Superset w/
DB Jump squats 4-6 x 10
Leg press
Superset w/
Wall-sit to failure 4-6 x 10
DB RDL 4-6 x 12
DB Walking Lunges 4 x 12 (each leg)
Lying leg curl 4 x 10
Bulgarian Split Squat 3 x Max
Standing Calf raise 4 x 15
Rest 60-75 seconds between sets.
Choose 1 exercise from each group from the following lists and perform 3
sets of 20-40 repetitions
Planks – Front & Sides
(hold each for 30secs to 1min+)
Lower Abs
Reverse crunches
Hanging leg raises
4-Count Flutter kicks
Upper Abs
Butterfly Sit-ups
Cable crunch
Decline Russian twist
Twisting Crunches
Heel Touches
AB Wheel
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
Weighted Dips 5 x 5
Barbell Curls 5 x 5
Close grip bench press 3 x 5
DB hammer curls 3 x 5 (Each arm)
Flat Barbell bench press 5 x 5
Incline Dumbbell bench press
30Degrees 3 x 6
Decline Flyes 5 x 10
Dips 3 x max reps
Rest 120-180 secs between sets.
Barbell Overhead press 5 x 5
Barbell Shrugs 5 x 8
Face Pulls 5 x 8
Side lateral raises Superset with Plate
front raise 4 x 8
Rest 120-180 seconds between
Barbell bent-over row 5 x 5
Deadlift 5 x 5
One arm Dumbbell row 4 x 10
Neutral Pullups 4 x Max
Feet elevated close push-ups
superset w/
Close grip chin-ups 3 x max
Rest 120-180 seconds between
Barbell Back Squat 5 x 5
Barbell Romanian Deadlift 5 x 8
Barbell Lunges 3 x 5 (each leg)
Lying leg curl 3 x 8
Seated Calf raise 3 x 12
Rest 120-180 seconds between
Rest 120-180 seconds between
Choose 1 exercise from each group from the following lists and perform 3
sets of 20-40 repetitions
Planks – Front & Sides
(hold each for 30secs to 1min+)
Lower Abs
Reverse crunches
Hanging leg raises
4-Count Flutter kicks
Upper Abs
Butterfly Sit-ups
Cable crunch
Decline Russian twist
Twisting Crunches
Heel Touches
AB Wheel
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
Incline Dumbbell bench press 45Degree
3 x 15-20
Flat Barbell bench press 3 x 15-20
Kneeling Landmine press 3 x 15-20
Push-ups using push-up bars or hands
on Hex Dumbbells 4 x max reps
Rest 45-60 seconds between sets.
T-bar Row 3 x 15-20
Wide Lat Pulldown 3 x 15-20
One arm Dumbbell row 3 x 15-20
Straight arm Pulldowns 3 x 15-20
Back Extensions 3 x 15-20
Rest 45-60 seconds between sets.
Front Squat 3 x 15-20
Dumbbell Walking lunges 3 x 15-20
(each leg)
Single Leg extensions 3 x 15-20
(each leg)
DB Arnold press 3 x 15-20
DB upright row 3 x 15-20
Seated Side lateral raise
Superset w/
Rear lateral raises 3 x 15-20
DB Shrugs 3 x 15-20
Superset w/
Plate front raise to overhead 3 x 15-20
Rest 45-60 seconds between sets.
Barbell Curl 21's 3 x 21
Bench Dips 3 x 15-20
Incline DB curls 3 x 15-20
(Both arms at same time)
Tricep rope pushdowns 3 x 15-20
Reverse Curls 3 x 15-20
Dips 3 x Max
Rest 45-60 seconds between sets.
Single leg Romanian Deadlift 3 x 15-20
Lying leg curls 3 x 15-20
Standing calf raise 3 x 15-20
Rest 45-60 seconds between sets.
Choose 1 exercise from each group from the following lists and perform 3
sets of 20-40 repetitions
Planks – Front & Sides
(hold each for 30secs to 1min+)
Lower Abs
Reverse crunches
Hanging leg raises
4-Count Flutter kicks
Upper Abs
Butterfly Sit-ups
Cable crunch
Decline Russian twist
Twisting Crunches
Heel Touches
AB Wheel
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
Incline Barbell Bench
Superset w/
Regular Push-ups to failure 4-6 x 10
Dumbbell Overhead press
Superset w/
Rear lateral raises 4-6 x 10
Flat Dumbbell Flyes
Superset w/
Flat Dumbbell bench 4-6 x 10
Side Lateral raises
Superset w/
Plate front raises 4-6 x 10
2 Hand Landmine press
Superset w/
Pike push-ups to failure 4-6 x 10
DB upright row
superset w/
DB Shrugs 4-6 x 15
Rest 60-75 seconds between sets
Deadlift 4 x 12
(Rack from just below knees optional)
Rest 120-180 seconds between
deadlift sets.
Wide Pull-ups 30-50 Reps**
Wide grip Overhand Bent over rows
Superset w/
Close grip underhand bent over rows
4-6 x 10
Wide Lat Pulldowns
Superset w/
Close Lat Pulldowns 4-6 x 10
Barbell overhead press 4 x 20
Rest 60-75 seconds between sets.
Barbell Curls
Superset w/
Close Push-ups to failure 4-6 x 10
Hammer Curls
Superset w/
35-45lb plate hold 4-6 x 10
Seated Dumbbell curls
superset w/
Bench dips 4-6 x 10
Straight bar pushdowns
Superset w/
Cable curls 4-6 x 10
Rest 60-75 seconds between sets
Renegade Rows 3 x Max
Rest 60-75 seconds between sets.
** If you can perform more than 10
Pullups in a row, then hit 50 reps.
Otherwise aim for 30.
Take as many sets as you need to reach
the required reps.
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
Barbell Back Squats
Superset w/
DB Jump squats 4-6 x 10
Leg press
Superset w/
Wall-sit to failure 4-6 x 10
DB RDL 4-6 x 12
DB Walking Lunges 4 x 12 (each leg)
Lying leg curl 4 x 10
Bulgarian Split Squat 3 x Max
Standing Calf raise 4 x 15
Rest 60-75 seconds between sets.
Choose 1 exercise from each group from the following lists and perform 3
sets of 20-40 repetitions
Planks – Front & Sides
(hold each for 30secs to 1min+)
Lower Abs
Reverse crunches
Hanging leg raises
4-Count Flutter kicks
Upper Abs
Butterfly Sit-ups
Cable crunch
Decline Russian twist
Twisting Crunches
Heel Touches
AB Wheel
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
Flat Barbell bench press 5 x 5
Incline Dumbbell bench press
30Degrees 3 x 6
Decline Flyes 5 x 10
Dips 3 x max reps
Weighted Dips 5 x 5
Barbell Curls 5 x 5
Close grip bench press 3 x 5
DB hammer curls 3 x 5 (Each arm)
Rest 120-180 secs between sets.
Barbell Overhead press 5 x 5
Barbell Shrugs 5 x 8
Face Pulls 5 x 8
Side lateral raises Superset with Plate
front raise 4 x 8
Rest 120-180 seconds between
Barbell bent-over row 5 x 5
Deadlift 5 x 5
One arm Dumbbell row 4 x 10
Neutral Pullups 4 x Max
Feet elevated close push-ups
superset w/
Close grip chin-ups 3 x max
Rest 120-180 seconds between
Barbell Back Squat 5 x 5
Barbell Romanian Deadlift 5 x 8
Barbell Lunges 3 x 5 (each leg)
Lying leg curl 3 x 8
Seated Calf raise 3 x 12
Rest 120-180 seconds between
Rest 120-180 seconds between
Choose 1 exercise from each group from the following lists and perform 3
sets of 20-40 repetitions
Planks – Front & Sides
(hold each for 30secs to 1min+)
Lower Abs
Reverse crunches
Hanging leg raises
4-Count Flutter kicks
Upper Abs
Butterfly Sit-ups
Cable crunch
Decline Russian twist
Twisting Crunches
Heel Touches
AB Wheel
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
Incline Dumbbell bench press 45Degree
3 x 15-20
Flat Barbell bench press 3 x 15-20
Kneeling Landmine press 3 x 15-20
Push-ups using push-up bars or hands
on Hex Dumbbells 4 x max reps
Rest 45-60 seconds between sets.
T-bar Row 3 x 15-20
Wide Lat Pulldown 3 x 15-20
One arm Dumbbell row 3 x 15-20
Straight arm Pulldowns 3 x 15-20
Back Extensions 3 x 15-20
Rest 45-60 seconds between sets.
Front Squat 3 x 15-20
Dumbbell Walking lunges 3 x 15-20
(each leg)
Single Leg extensions 3 x 15-20
(each leg)
DB Arnold press 3 x 15-20
DB upright row 3 x 15-20
Seated Side lateral raise
Superset w/
Rear lateral raises 3 x 15-20
DB Shrugs 3 x 15-20
Superset w/
Plate front raise to overhead 3 x 15-20
Rest 45-60 seconds between sets.
Barbell Curl 21's 3 x 21
Bench Dips 3 x 15-20
Incline DB curls 3 x 15-20
(Both arms at same time)
Tricep rope pushdowns 3 x 15-20
Reverse Curls 3 x 15-20
Dips 3 x Max
Rest 45-60 seconds between sets.
Single leg Romanian Deadlift 3 x 15-20
Lying leg curls 3 x 15-20
Standing calf raise 3 x 15-20
Rest 45-60 seconds between sets.
Choose 1 exercise from each group from the following lists and perform 3
sets of 20-40 repetitions
Planks – Front & Sides
(hold each for 30secs to 1min+)
Lower Abs
Reverse crunches
Hanging leg raises
4-Count Flutter kicks
Upper Abs
Butterfly Sit-ups
Cable crunch
Decline Russian twist
Twisting Crunches
Heel Touches
AB Wheel
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
Regular Push-ups 100 Reps**
Incline Dumbbell Flyes
Superset w/
Incline Dumbbell bench 4-6 x15
Dumbbell Overhead press
Superset w/
Seated Dumbbell power cleans 4-6
Flat Barbell bench
Superset w/
Hands raised push-ups to failure 4-6 x15
Side Lateral raises 1 + 1/3 Reps
Superset w/
Plate front raises 4-6 x 15
2 Hand Landmine press
Superset w/
Wide Dips to failure 4-6 x 15
DB upright row
superset w/
DB Shrugs 4-6 x 15
Rest 60-75 seconds between sets.
**Perform in as few sets as possible,
but without going to complete failure at
any stage.
Deadlift 4 x 12
(Rack from just below knees optional)
Rest 120-180 seconds between
deadlift sets.
Close grip Pull-ups 30-70 Reps**
Wide grip Overhand bent over rows
Superset w/
Close grip underhand bent over rows 46 x 15
Wide Lat Pulldowns
Superset w/
Close Lat Pulldowns 4-6 x 15
Renegade Rows 4 x Max
Rest 60-75 seconds between sets.
** If you can perform more than 10
Pullups in a row, then hit 70 reps.
Otherwise aim for 30. Take as many sets
as you need to reach the required reps.
Vary between palms facing chin-ups and
pull-ups with a neutral grip (hands facing
Rope Face pulls 4 x 20
Rest 60-75 seconds between
Barbell Curls—Wide grip
Superset w/
Close Push-ups to failure 4-6 x 15
Hammer Curls
Superset w/
Bent Arm plate hold to failure 4-6 x 15
(Use a 25-45lb plate)
Seated Dumbbell curls
superset w/
Lying Dumbbell tricep extension 4-6 x
Rope tricep pushdowns
Superset w/
Rope Cable curls 4-6 x 15
Rest 60-75 seconds between sets.
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
Barbell Front Squats
Superset w/
Loaded Jump squats 4-6 x 15
(Use either a vest or Dumbbells.
Always choose speed and form
over weight)
Leg press
Superset w/
Wall-sit to failure 4-6 x 15
DB RDL 4-6 x 15
DB Walking Lunges 4 x 15 (each leg)
Lying leg curl 4 x 15
Bulgarian Split Squat 3 x Max
Seated Calf raise 4 x 15
Rest 60-75 seconds between sets.
Choose 1 exercise from each group from the following lists and perform 3
sets of 20-40 repetitions
Planks – Front & Sides
(hold each for 30secs to 1min+)
Lower Abs
Reverse crunches
Hanging leg raises
4-Count Flutter kicks
Upper Abs
Butterfly Sit-ups
Cable crunch
Decline Russian twist
Twisting Crunches
Heel Touches
AB Wheel
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
Incline Barbell bench press 5 x 5
Flat Dumbbell bench press 4 x 6
Cable Crossover - high attachment 5x 10
Push-ups (Loaded)
-Close hand position 2x max
-Wide hand position 2x max
Weighted Wide grip pullups 5x 5
Deadlift 5 x 5
One arm Dumbbell row 4 x 8
Inverted Row 4 x Max
Rest 120-180 seconds between
Rest 120-180 seconds between sets.
Dumbbell Overhead press 5x 5
Barbell Shrugs (3 sec pause at top) 5x 8
Underhand cable Face Pulls 5x 8**
Side lateral raises
Superset w/ plate
front raise 4 x 8
Rest 120-180 seconds between
**Lean slightly forward and use a
underhand grip on the rope.
Lying barbell tricep extensions 5 x 5
Barbell Curls—Close grip 5 x 5
Close grip bench press 4 x 5
DB hammer curls 4 x 5 (Each arm)
Tricep Dips
superset w/
Close grip chin-ups 4 x max
Rest 120-180 seconds between
Barbell Front Squat 5 x 5
Barbell Romanian Deadlift 5 x 8
Barbell Lunges 4 x 5 (each leg)
Lying leg curl 4 x 8
Standing Calf raise 4 x 12
Rest 120-180 seconds between
Choose 1 exercise from each group from the following lists and perform 3
sets of 20-40 repetitions
Planks – Front & Sides
(hold each for 30secs to 1min+)
Lower Abs
Reverse crunches
Hanging leg raises
4-Count Flutter kicks
Upper Abs
Butterfly Sit-ups
Cable crunch
Decline Russian twist
Twisting Crunches
Heel Touches
AB Wheel
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
Incline Dumbbell bench press 45Degree
4 x 20-25
Flat Barbell bench press 4 x 20-25
Kneeling Landmine press 4 x 20-25
Push-ups using push-up bars or hands
on Hex Dumbbells 4 x max reps
Rest 45-60 seconds between sets.
T-bar Row 4 x 20-25
Wide Lat Pulldown 4 x 20-25
One arm Dumbbell row 4 x 20-25
Straight arm Pulldowns 4 x 20-25
Back Extensions 4 x 20-25
Rest 45-60 seconds between sets.
Front Squat 4 x 20-25
Dumbbell Walking lunges 4 x 20-25
(each leg)
Single Leg extensions 4 x 15-20
DB Arnold press 4 x 20-25
DB upright row 4 x 20-25
Seated Side lateral raise
Superset w/
Rear lateral raises 4 x 15-20
DB Shrugs
Superset w/
Plate front raise to overhead 4 x 15-20
Rest 45-60 seconds between sets.
Barbell Curl 21's 4 x 21
Close Grip bench press 4 x 20-25
Incline DB curls 4 x 20-25
(Both arms at same time)
Tricep rope pushdowns 4 x 20-25
Reverse Curls 4 x 20-25
Tricep Dips 4 x Max
Rest 45-60 seconds between sets
(each leg)
Single leg Romanian Deadlift 4 x 15-20
Lying leg curls 4 x 15-20
Standing calf raise 4 x 20-25
Rest 45-60 seconds between sets.
Choose 1 exercise from each group from the following lists and perform 3
sets of 20-40 repetitions
Planks – Front & Sides
(hold each for 30secs to 1min+)
Lower Abs
Reverse crunches
Hanging leg raises
4-Count Flutter kicks
Upper Abs
Butterfly Sit-ups
Cable crunch
Decline Russian twist
Twisting Crunches
Heel Touches
AB Wheel
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
Regular Push-ups 100 Reps**
Incline Dumbbell Flyes
Superset w/
Incline Dumbbell bench 4-6 x15
Dumbbell Overhead press
Superset w/
Seated Dumbbell power cleans 4-6
Flat Barbell bench
Superset w/
Hands raised push-ups to failure 4-6 x15
Side Lateral raises 1 + 1/3 Reps
Superset w/
Plate front raises 4-6 x 15
2 Hand Landmine press
Superset w/
Wide Dips to failure 4-6 x 15
DB upright row
superset w/
DB Shrugs 4-6 x 15
Rest 60-75 seconds between sets.
**Perform in as few sets as possible,
but without going to complete failure at
any stage.
Deadlift 4 x 12
(Rack from just below knees optional)
Rest 120-180 seconds between
deadlift sets.
Close grip Pull-ups 30-70 Reps**
Wide grip Overhand bent over rows
Superset w/
Close grip underhand bent over rows 46 x 15
Wide Lat Pulldowns
Superset w/
Close Lat Pulldowns 4-6 x 15
Renegade Rows 4 x Max
Rest 60-75 seconds between sets.
** If you can perform more than 10
Pullups in a row, then hit 70 reps.
Otherwise aim for 30. Take as many sets
as you need to reach the required reps.
Vary between palms facing chin-ups and
pull-ups with a neutral grip (hands facing
Rope Face pulls 4 x 20
Rest 60-75 seconds between
Barbell Curls—Wide grip
Superset w/
Close Push-ups to failure 4-6 x 15
Hammer Curls
Superset w/
Bent Arm plate hold to failure 4-6 x 15
(Use a 25-45lb plate)
Seated Dumbbell curls
superset w/
Lying Dumbbell tricep extension 4-6 x
Rope tricep pushdowns
Superset w/
Rope Cable curls 4-6 x 15
Rest 60-75 seconds between sets.
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
Barbell Front Squats
Superset w/
Loaded Jump squats 4-6 x 15
(Use either a vest or Dumbbells.
Always choose speed and form
over weight)
Leg press
Superset w/
Wall-sit to failure 4-6 x 15
DB RDL 4-6 x 15
DB Walking Lunges 4 x 15 (each leg)
Lying leg curl 4 x 15
Bulgarian Split Squat 3 x Max
Seated Calf raise 4 x 15
Rest 60-75 seconds between sets.
Choose 1 exercise from each group from the following lists and perform 3
sets of 20-40 repetitions
Planks – Front & Sides
(hold each for 30secs to 1min+)
Lower Abs
Reverse crunches
Hanging leg raises
4-Count Flutter kicks
Upper Abs
Butterfly Sit-ups
Cable crunch
Decline Russian twist
Twisting Crunches
Heel Touches
AB Wheel
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
Incline Barbell bench press 5 x 5
Flat Dumbbell bench press 4 x 6
Cable Crossover - high attachment 5x 10
Push-ups (Loaded)
-Close hand position 2x max
-Wide hand position 2x max
Weighted Wide grip pullups 5x 5
Deadlift 5 x 5
One arm Dumbbell row 4 x 8
Inverted Row 4 x Max
Rest 120-180 seconds between
Rest 120-180 seconds between sets.
Dumbbell Overhead press 5x 5
Barbell Shrugs (3 sec pause at top) 5x 8
Underhand cable Face Pulls 5x 8**
Side lateral raises
Superset w/ plate
front raise 4 x 8
Rest 120-180 seconds between
**Lean slightly forward and use a
underhand grip on the rope.
Lying barbell tricep extensions 5 x 5
Barbell Curls—Close grip 5 x 5
Close grip bench press 4 x 5
DB hammer curls 4 x 5 (Each arm)
Tricep Dips
superset w/
Close grip chin-ups 4 x max
Rest 120-180 seconds between
Barbell Front Squat 5 x 5
Barbell Romanian Deadlift 5 x 8
Barbell Lunges 4 x 5 (each leg)
Lying leg curl 4 x 8
Standing Calf raise 4 x 12
Rest 120-180 seconds between
Choose 1 exercise from each group from the following lists and perform 3
sets of 20-40 repetitions
Planks – Front & Sides
(hold each for 30secs to 1min+)
Lower Abs
Reverse crunches
Hanging leg raises
4-Count Flutter kicks
Upper Abs
Butterfly Sit-ups
Cable crunch
Decline Russian twist
Twisting Crunches
Heel Touches
AB Wheel
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
Incline Dumbbell bench press 45Degree
4 x 20-25
Flat Barbell bench press 4 x 20-25
Kneeling Landmine press 4 x 20-25
Push-ups using push-up bars or hands
on Hex Dumbbells 4 x max reps
Rest 45-60 seconds between sets.
T-bar Row 4 x 20-25
Wide Lat Pulldown 4 x 20-25
One arm Dumbbell row 4 x 20-25
Straight arm Pulldowns 4 x 20-25
Back Extensions 4 x 20-25
Rest 45-60 seconds between sets.
Front Squat 4 x 20-25
Dumbbell Walking lunges 4 x 20-25
(each leg)
Single Leg extensions 4 x 15-20
DB Arnold press 4 x 20-25
DB upright row 4 x 20-25
Seated Side lateral raise
Superset w/
Rear lateral raises 4 x 15-20
DB Shrugs
Superset w/
Plate front raise to overhead 4 x 15-20
Rest 45-60 seconds between sets.
Barbell Curl 21's 4 x 21
Close Grip bench press 4 x 20-25
Incline DB curls 4 x 20-25
(Both arms at same time)
Tricep rope pushdowns 4 x 20-25
Reverse Curls 4 x 20-25
Tricep Dips 4 x Max
Rest 45-60 seconds between sets
(each leg)
Single leg Romanian Deadlift 4 x 15-20
Lying leg curls 4 x 15-20
Standing calf raise 4 x 20-25
Rest 45-60 seconds between sets.
Choose 1 exercise from each group from the following lists and perform 3
sets of 20-40 repetitions
Planks – Front & Sides
(hold each for 30secs to 1min+)
Lower Abs
Reverse crunches
Hanging leg raises
4-Count Flutter kicks
Upper Abs
Butterfly Sit-ups
Cable crunch
Decline Russian twist
Twisting Crunches
Heel Touches
AB Wheel
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com
Congratulations on making it through these last 12-weeks of your
Tactical Monster Training. You definitely should be feeling those
muscle gains by now and seeing the results. This training has not
been easy by any means but you stuck it out in your pursuit to
become a Tactical Monster, and that is something to be proud of.
You are and always will be a vital part of the HTK Fitness Tribe. This
journey you are on doesn’t just stop here it is a part of who you are,
so keep sharing your journey and motivation with the rest of the
Never stop giving it your all and striving to become a warrior every
single day.
You have built that solid foundation, the next best step in your
journey would be to follow on from here with my 12-week Lean
Machine training.
Lean Machine:
A 12-week training plan, specifically designed to accelerate fat
loss while maintaining and enhancing muscle mass and
performance levels. Take it up a notch with more intensity,
more conditioning and really focus on burning that extra fat.
All of our other training plans can be found up on our site at
For any other questions or help with your training, feel free to reach
out to me here at support@hardtokillfitness.co
Prepared exclusively for anthonyd62@yahoo.com