DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS MNNIT ALLAHABAD Course Coordinator: ” B. Tech. II Semester- 2012-2013 MATHEMATICS-II (MAM201)-Tutorial Sheet-Unit-1 Q.l Form the partial differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary constants from the following (a) 4 + 4- + 4 = I • (b) (* - A)2 + O’ - *)2 + ?2 = c2 . (C) z = (X2 + a)(y 2 + b). a2 b2 c2 Q.2 Form the partial differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary functions from the following (a) z = en-y/(x-y),(b) z = f(x + ay)+g(x - ay), (c) z = /(x + iy) + F(x -iy), (d) f(x + y + z,x2 +y2 -z2) = 0. Q.3 Solve the following PDE’s by Lagrange’s method (a) p cos(x + y) + q sin(x + y) = z , (b) yzp + xzq = xy , (c) x(y 2 + z)p - y(x2 + z)$ = z(x2 - y2), (d) (z2-2yz-y2)p+(xy + xz)q = xy-xzt (e) y2p-xyq = x(z-2y) ■. Z-xZ^VZS^ 9u du (f) p+3<y = 5z +tan(y-3x), (g)x—+ y—+ z—- = xyz . dx dy dz Q.4 Obtain the complete solution of the following PDE’s by using standard form 1,11, III, IV (a) p + q = pq , (b) x2p2 + y2q2 = z2 , (c) p2 + q2 = z,(d) (p3 +?3) = 27z, (e) p2 + q2 =x + y , (f) z = xp + yq + logp<? . Q.5 Solve the following PDE’s by Charpit’s method (a)z = p7, (b) xp + yq = pq, (c) (p2 + q2)y = qz (e) z = xp + yq + p2 +q2, (£) z2 = pqxy (f) (p + q)(xp + yq) = 1. Q.6 Obtain the general solution of (2y + z)p + (y + 2x)q = 4xy - z. Also, find the particular solution which passes through the straight line z = l,y = x. 3 Q.7 Find the equation of the surface satisfying t = 6x y and containing the two lines y = 0,z = 0, y-1, z = l. (d) (y + z)p - (x + z)q = x - y. Q3. (a) cot{y(x + j) + ^},log{cos(x + y)+sin(x+j*)}-x->’] = 0, (b) ^(x2-j2,x2-z2) = 0, (c) 0(x2 + y2-2z,xyz) = 0, (d) 0(x2 + y2 + z2,y2-2yz-z2) = 0, (e) ^(x2 + y2,yz-y2) = 0, (f) ^[^-Sx, e-5x{5z+ tan(y-3x)}] = 0, (g) <!>( —,—,xyz-3w) = 0. y z Q4. (a) z = ax + ■ + c, (a-I) (c) 4(1 +a2 )z = (x + ay + b)2 , (b) z = cxay^ , where b = -Jl-a* , (d) (l + a3)z2 =8(x + aj> + 6)3, (e) z + 6 = |-(x + a)3/2 + -|(.y - a)3Z2, (f) z = ax + 6y + logah. Q5. (a) l4z = ax + — y + b, (b) az =-°X+-^-- + b ,{c) z2 = a2 v2 + (ax + 6)2 a 2 (d) z =bxay^1 a, (e) z = ax + by + a2 + b2 , (f) -Ji + a z - 2y]x + ay +b . Q6. </>{x-y2 + z,x2 -+z) = 0, z(\-y) +x-y2 + x2 =1 Q7. z = x3y3 + .y(l--v3). DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS MNNIT ALLAHABAD Course Coordinator: ' B. Tech. II Semester- 2012-2013 MATHEM A1 ICS-li (MA-1201)-Tutorial Sheet-Unit-2 Q.l Solve the following PDE’s . . d2z d2z d4z d^z d^z d4z d4z d^z dx2 dy2 dx4 dx^dy dxdy5 dy4 dx4 dy4 (d) (D2 +DD' +D' -l)z=0,(e) (D2-2D')z = 0. Q.2 Find the general solution of the following PDE’s a2 ^2 2 (a) ^--a2^- = x ,(b) (D2 -6DD' +9D' )z = 12x2 + 36xy, dx2 dy2 d2z d2z (c) —— + —— = cos mx sin nv , (d) 4r - 4s +1 = 16log(x + 2y), dx2 dy2 (e) (D2-DD,-2£>’2)z = (y-l)ex .(f) (D2-2DD' + D'2)z = ex + 2y + x3 , (g) (D2 - DD‘ +D' - l)z = cos (x + 2y) + ey. Q.3 Classify the equation: d2u d2u dx2 dy2 dt dx1 dxdy . . du 2 d2u . dx2 d2u dt2 dy2 2 d2u dx2 dx dy Q.4 Using the methods of separation of the variables, solve - 0 ,(b)3^ + 2^ = 0 .where u(x,0) = 4e~x (a) , . (C) d2u 2 d2u ... du 2 d2u ~T = C T’(d) 17 = C 2 ’ dt2 dx2 dt dx2 du d2u Q.5 Solve the heat equation — = c2 ——, where u(0, /) = 0 , u(l, r) = 0 t > 0, dt dx2 when 0 < x<±. 2 • 0, when — < x<l A, «(*,0) = { Q.6 Find the temperature distribution w(x, t) in a thin rod of length /, if the initial temperature through the rod is f (x) the ends x = 0 and x = /, of the rod are insulated. 9 i/fi/quis u w xwsoo(/f-2/)uquis w(l“) I= u **u u»s . „ Z Z <» 3 t >+ gO 00 0 / = (/‘X)n •£&* *7’^7SOO(X)/J’1= uy £= I c 0 I 1 ‘ *P(*)/ J- = °K 0J9qM ‘ Tin7 503 ‘i-<—•,0 i y “Is J=w * 3 —=(^Ksd V-KM) z z = 'x)n (q)‘ ‘x)n ag + iJ 3’tf‘iia U> /+ y ‘oqoqBJBd !l = / + tx ‘an°qj9d^H ‘I < / + zx JI (P) ojIoqjadXH (□) •oiJoqBJBd (q) ‘opdflia (B) -fO • A-ax - (<Q + x)uis Y - (x + K) c(px a + (O ^ra = z (3) ‘ ^+Zz+xa + (x + <^x + (x + 'f^ = z G) ‘ra<f + (x-X')^ + (xz + /C)^ = z (a)‘X'{.X9+ t7X0i + (x{; + a-)^x + (x£ + 4-)V = z (p) U+ IU * K£x9+ t,x0l + (x’£ + '<)^y + (JfE + <Ol^ = z (0) ‘-^r + (x»-A‘)^ + (xp + Z)^ = z (b)’zO E •jueisuoo XiBfliqJB 9JB q puB v a-iaqAt ‘ + ^ay = z (a) ‘(x-K)Z<f>xa + (/Ql0r a = z (p) ‘(x?-X’)^ + (x7 + X’)^ + (x-X’)^ + (x4-X’)10 = z(o) ‘(x + 4)tV_.x + (x + A’)l^x + (x + X’)^ + (x-X’)I0 = z (q) * (x - A") + (x +/)'^ = z(b) •[£) uaMSuy 0 = (X' ‘^)r» = (/C ‘o)A« ‘0 = (^‘x)n ‘ Z x = (o‘x)m‘jz>X->o 'x>x>q joj‘ zXQ 0 = -— + -—SAPS 8-0 nzQ »ZQ •QO ‘I>x>o 3JaqM0 = (:‘l)n PUB o = (/‘O)« zxe fQ ‘xzz uis£ = (o €x)n suonipuoo Xiupunoq aqj qjiM ‘------ = —uopraba iroq aqj oajos L'b n^Q nQ DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS MOTILAL NEHRU NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ALLAHABAD ASSIGNMENT-3, MATHEMATICS-II (MA-201), SEMESTER-n, 2012-2013 Q. 1 Find the Laplace transform of the following functions: (i) sin/z33z (ii) sin/i3rcos7r (iii) /2e"3,sin5t (iv) e~*' sin 3/sin 5/ Q. 2 Find the Laplace transform of the functions sm(r-^/3), t >n/3 z..„ . (i) /(O=|r-l|+|r+l|,^O(ii) /(0 = (in) sintcostlogtd(t-x)where, 0 ,t<Jtl3 S(t-n) is Unit Impulse function. Q.3 Find the Laplace transform of the functions (i) f (0 = cos^ (ii) f(j) = s^nflZ where, a is constant. Does the Laplace transform of /(/) = ^^ exist? ft t t Q. 4 By using the Laplace transform evaluate the following integrals co • co 00 -/ • 2 4 z,. rsinz . .... r 3 . , . _z.... re sin 1 . (1) j------ dt (11) J t3 e sintdt =0 (111) |------------- dt Q. 5 Find the Laplace transform of the erf ft Q. 6 Find a function /(/) for each of the given function F(s)given bellow such that £{/(/)} = F(s) (i»)4+ (0-4= x/s2+4 Sm -1 V 52 7 z. x 3s + 7 z v 32 z ,x e4-” , m s2 --------- (iv) —----------- (v) :------ 7 (vi)-------- — (vil)—------- 3s + 2 s2-25-3 (16s2+1)2 (s + 4)5'2 (s2+4)2 Q. 7 Find the values of the following by using the convolution theorem - -](u) r‘[ jciiiir't-] (ivjr’tcot-'^j (v)£-‘[iog^] 1 (s-2)(s +1) (s +16) 2 s(s+4) s+b Q. 8 Find solution of each of the following initial value problem by using Laplace transform X0) = l,y'(0) = -l (а) y"-3y'+2y = 4t + e3' (б) ym+2yn-y'-2y = 0 y(0) = l, /(0) = 2, /'(0) = 2 (c) ty"+(l-2t)y,-2y = 0 XO)=1, y(0)=2 X0) = l, y'(0) = 2 (d) y"-ty'+y = l t, 0£t<l, X0) = 2 0,■* t>l (/)/’+5/+6y = l-u(r-3)-u(r-5) X0) = 0, /(0) = 0 (e) y'+3y = < Q. 9 Solve the following simultaneous equations by using Laplace transform (a) (D2-3)x-4y = 0, x+(D2 + l).v = 0 given thatx = y = — = 0 and — = 2 art = 0;Z) s — dt dt dt (b) (D2 -\)x + 5Dy = t, 2Dx-(D2-4)y = 2 given thatx = y = ^- = ^ = 0 at/ = 0; Da-y- dt di dt Q. 10 Solve the following initial-boundary value problems. (a) . u„ + xu, = 0, u(x, 0) = 1, u(0, /) = t (b) . u„ =ua, x>0, t>0, w(x,0) = e"\ u,(x,0) = 0, u(Q, t) = 0, u(x, t) is bounded as x -> 00 DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS MOTILAL NEHRU NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ALLAHABAD ASSIGNMENT-4, MATHEMATICS-II (MA-201), SEMESTER-II, 2012-2013 Q. 1 Find the Fourier series of the given function on the given interval. 0, -7r<x<-n/2 -x, -2<x<0 kt ~n/2<x<rr/2 (ii) /(x) =|cosx|, -;r<x<;r (iii)/(x) = x2, 0 < x < 2 0, x/2<x<ir / —._ -A 2 Q. 2 Find the Fourier series to represent f (x) = ■ ' , 0 < x < 2n. Hence obtain the following relations: K_ 11.11 1 I 1 1 (i)-yl——rH—r +....... =---- (ii) —z---- 5"*—5----- » + .......... I2 22 32 42 6 l2 2’ 32 42 12 Q. 3 Find the Fourier series for the function/(x) = x + x2, -n<x<n . Hence show that „ 1 l2 1 22 1 32 1 4 <2 12 <*,1111 — H—— ———-F 6 I2 2!2 32 42 Q. 4 Find the Fourier series of the function f(x) - 0, -;r£x£0 sin x, 0<x£< and hence show that _1___ 1__ J___ 1_ 4~2 + 1.3 3.5 + 5.7 7.9 + Q. 5 Obtain a half-range cosine series for /(x) = - kx, 0£x£f/2 and hence sum of the series k(t-x), 1111 I2 32 52 72 Q. 6 Write the Fourier cosine series and Fourier sine series for the following function -74- —4- —4—7 +........... x, 0£x<l (D/W = 1, l£x<2 (ii)/(x) = e“\ 0<x£2 3-x, 2^x<3 Q. 7 Find the complex form of Fourier series of /(x) on the given interval 0)/W = (ii)/(x) = ^, -2<x<2 0, 1 x<2 Q. 8 Find the Fourier integral representations of the following functions sinx, - 2 < x < 0 cosx, 0<x^2 0)/W = 0, |x|>2 Q. 9 Find the Fourier sine integrals of the following function sinhx, 0^x£3 (»V(x) = In 1 0, x>3 , , 0, 0<x<l = ' 1, l<x<2 0, x>2 Q. 10 Find the complex form of the Fourier integrals of the following function ri+x, |x|^l ; (ii)Z(x) = 4 (i)/W = w» |x|>fl DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS MOTILAL NEHRU NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ALLAHABAD ASSIGNMENT-5, MATHEMATICS-II (MA-201), SEMESTER-II, 2012-2013 Q. 1 Find the Fourier transform of the following function 0, (0/(0 = 0<t <a a^t^b- (ii)/(0 = e-?/2 (iii)/(t)=/7(t-3)^' (iv) /(f) t>b 0, Q. 2 Find the Fourier transform of the function /(x) = • sin sa cos sx^ 1, W<a l<>. |x|>« and hence evaluate (H) j sin 5 , ------- ds s Q. 3 Find the Fourier sine transform of the following function (i)/(x) = - (ii)/(x) = —(iii)/(x) = -2-x X x{a +x ) Q. 4 Find the Fourier cosine transform of the following function ax + P~ax 1 2 Q. 5 Find the finite Fourier sine transform of the following function (i) /(x) = cos kx (u) /(x) = X1 (Hi) /(x) = ec x Q. 6 Find the finite Fourier cosine transform of the following function - x + y- (ii) /(x) = sin mx (iii) /(x) = - (i) /(x) = 3 2zr k sin kn Q. 7 Find the solution of the following differential equation (i) y•-4y = H(t)e*, -n<t«n (u)y"+3y'+2y = <5(t-3) Q. 8 Find the solution of the following initial boundary value problem ... du 2 ^2u . n (l) —= C --,-co<x<oo,t >0, dt dx -2|x| ,-oo<x<oo u(x,0) = e ■ • •< .... du d2u . a „ (n)—=—?)0<x<oo,r >0, dt dx w(x,0) = < 1, 0<x^£ ; u(0,z) = 0, t>0 0, x> £ < * .... d2u d2u n (m) —7+—7 = 0,—oo < x < oo,0 < y<n dx dy u(x,0) = e’21 H(x) u(x,tr) = 0, -oo<x<oo «>0 Answer: Assignment-3. , 5 3(52-58) .u 10(3?+65+ 2) _______________________ >62 30(5 + 4) z » 11* (?+58) 2 -365 2 ’ 1 ' (?+6s + 34) 2 ’ ‘ V ’ (52+85 +20)(52 + 85 + 80)’ (52 - 81)(52 - 9)’ 1» 1»“ z 2 e~* e~"n 2. i.-(l + —)ii. £—in. 0.3. (i) J-e-|M,(ii)tan-‘(l/5)(iii)no; 4. (i)- (ii) 0 (Hi) (>/<) log 5; 5. —2= 5 5 5+1 V5 2 5V5 + I 6i. (l/2)sin2r; ii. (8 /15) >/7/7; iii. 6Z + 1-4V77JT-(7/3)e-27'3; iv.4e5'-e"; v. (/ / 4)sin(r / 4); vi. (4/3V#)(Z-3)lJ/2e-*t'-4,(;(r-3); vii. (l/4)(sin2/ + 2Zcos2r); y 5) 7. zsin4/. 2 sin r - cos /); iii. (1 /16)(1 -1 sin 2t - cos 2/); (iv) —sin2<; (v) e* e‘ 8 t t 8 a. 3 + 2/ + (l/2)(eJ'-e')-2e2'; b. (1/3) (5er+e’2')-<?"; c. e2'; d. 2Z + 1; e.[(3r-l + 19e’J')u(/) + (l-3i + 2e-3O’l))M(f-l)]/9; f. (1 / 6)[1 + 2*?~3'-3e~2,]M(r) - (1 / 6)[1 + 2e_3(,_3) - 3e”2(,'3) ] u(r - 3) - (1 / 6)[1 + 2e’1(M) - 3e*2(”5) ] u(t - 5); 9. a. x = 2rcosh/,j' = (l-/)sinh/; b. x = -/+5sinf-2sin2t, y = l-2cos/ + cos2/ 10. a. u(x, r) = 1+ [(r—x2/2) —l]w(r —x2/2); b. w(x, z) = e"Jcoshr-cosh(r-x)u(Z-x) Assignment-4 , ... k 2k-^rl . ,nn. ,,..x2 4.cos2x cos4x . UO “ + —2J~sin(—)cosnx](n)-+-(— --------- 77~+-) 2 tc n 2 n n 3 15 .... 7 2 .. ,nnx. . 2 8(1 —(—1)”). . ,nnx. n2 -^cosnx (m) - + 2J^-r(5cosn^-l)cos(—)-{—cosnn~ + --<}sin(—); 2. — + 2}—— (n«-)3 6 nn 2 nn (nxy 2 12 Zi « 1 1. i^(-ir'-i 3. — + 42,—— cos nx- 22,-—— sinnx;4. —+ -sinx + —> -—------- cosnx n 2 n2-1 5. kf 2ktr„ n2x2 4 ,nn. , . 2 . 2 65-. 1 . nn 2/ur ,nnx. 6 I . . nn . 2nn . ,nnx. 0. (1) — + —-y —{cos------- COS717T + COS —— 1} cos(—-),—2,—{sin — + sin—— 1} sin (—) 3 n n 3 3 n 3 3 3 3 (n)^(l-e"2) + 4£ 1 ,{l-e cos nn} cos------ , 2/r> -------- z—^{l-e cos nx} sin (------ ) 4+n n 2 4 + nrC 2 7. (i)4+J-£l(e""-e-""/2)e'1""2 (ii)V —^-y[{l-(-l)”e'2}e",x'/2] 4 ^4 + nsr 2m 8. (i)/j(ta) = 2[zasin2®cosh2+cos2tusinh2]/(l + tn2), B(cd) = 2[sin2tycosh2-tacos2o>sinh 2]/(1 + <w2) (ii) A(cd) = —[—y2—+—— {cos 2(co +1) + sin 2(<y +1)} + —!— {sin 2(cd -1) - cos 2(<a -1)} 1 2 CD -I l + O) CD-I B(co) = -[—7^-------- — {cos 2{cd + 1) + sin 2(fi>+l)} + —{sin2(cy-l)-cos2(<a-l)}] 2 co -1 l + O) CD-I 9. (i) B(cd) = 2[ sin 3<y cosh 3 - cd cos 3<y sinh 3] I (1 + cd2 ), (ii) B(cd) = 2[ cos cd - cos 2cd] I cd 10. (i)c(cd) = —-—sinh(a(2 + io))) + —-—sinh(a(2 - ita))] (ii)c(ta) = 2i[sin a)-cDe"u]/ cd2 2 + ico 2-icD Assignment-5 xx . |2 r-b cos ab + a cos co a sinab-sincoa 2 ] (ii) e-’/2 Q.l (i) -[-------------------------------+ <o Vn co - , 2sinfi>a _ ... [*♦ |x|< O'2^’’“’*0 (,,lo. |x|> (ii)^ a 2 _(iv)-4P(4 + jcj) ^2) J^tan-'^/aXiioPPd-e" ”) Q.3 (i).P(ii) J V2 Vn (iii) -f—e [2cos™^e^ - (ii) Jj-e"'" ,-«2/4 2cosa e‘u + e e'" 2 cos a + 4(ii)(-l)"(4-— n n n+c (iiO-P-T, k *0,1, 2, 3 n2-k2' N2 (a +0) ) a<2;r a >I2n ■a’a Q.5(i)-P-r[l-(-ircos^] n -k 2m T, If m-n is odd “T> n>0 -(-1)’e"] Q.6(i)p-n 2 . (»i)- n • L 0, n = 0 0, If m-n is even Q.7 (i).y(Z) = ._(1/8)e*’ t<0 (H) (0 = l[e-</-3)_e-4«-3)]H(f_3) —e [-(1/8)^', r>0 3 2 00 1 Q.8 (i)u(xj) = — f-------- -cos(iyx)e■ cmlda)t (ii)M(x,7) = —[—(l-cos(ty^))sin(a>x)e‘" 'dco zr —'30 4 + <y (iii)w(x,,y) = ~ j s|nh[p > )1—[2cos(q?x) + c?sin (a)x)]da) 2 4, (4 + <» ) sinh(<v zr) i Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad Department of Mathematics Tutorial Questions for First B.Tech Sub: Mathematics- II (MA-1201), Units -V & VI 1) Let V be the set of all ordered pairs (x,y), where x, y are real numbers .Let a»(xl>gyl) and b=(x2,<y2) be two elements in V. Define the addition as a + 6 = (xp>'I) + (x2,j'2) = (2xl -3^,^ -/2)and the scalar multiplication as a(x|t/() = («Xj !3.ayx /3). ShowthatV is not a vector space. Which of the properties that are not satisfied? 2) Let V be the vector space of all 2X2 real matrices. Show that the sets And 3) Let V be the vector space of all polynomials of degree S3.Determine whether or not the set S = p3,/2+f,?4-f + l} spansV? 4) Let v, =(1,-1,0),v2 =(0,1,-1) and v3 =(0,0,1) be elements of 1R* .Show that the set of vectors {vp v2, v3} Is linearly independent. 5) Find the dimension of IR* spanned by the set {(1 0 0 0),(0 1 0 0),(l 2 0 l),(0 0 0 1)}. Ans:<4 6) Let T be a linear transformation function defined by T 'r 2 u -2 <3, 'r J fJ -2 ,T I? i lo 1/JJ 7) Let T be a linear transformation form IR* into IK2 defined by TX = AX. A = X = (x,^,z)r. Find Ker(T), ran(T) and their dimensions. 2 L\ I 1 0‘ -1 0 I 8) For the set of vectors (4.6) are ,njjncj /'* \where transformation T: IR2-+IR\ such that TX^^~2 matrix of linear ~7) and7*2^"2 2 -1 2 -3 9) Write f* + / + l as a linear combination of the elements of the set S:|3ZJ2 -l,t2 + 2/4-2} .Show that 5 is the spanning set for all polynomials of degree 2 and can be taken as its basis. Ans: r2+r + l = [-r+(/2-l) + 2(/24-2r + 2)]/3 10) Reduce the following matrices to row echelon form and find their ranks. ■ 1 3 5' 2 -1 4 -2 8 2 ’1 2 3 4' 2 I 4 5 1 5 5 7 _8 1 14 17 (ii) Ans:2,2 11) Solve the following systems of equations using Gauss elimination method (i) 4x-3<y-9z + 6w = 0 2x + 3y + 3z + 6w = 6 4x~21j'-39z-6w = -24 (ID x+2y-2z = 1 2x-3j> + z = 0 3x-f-14y-5z = 5 Ans:( i)x = l + z-2w and y = (4-5z-2w)/3 where?, w are arbitrary. (ii) ^ = 1.7 = 1.2=1 12) Solve the following homogeneous system of equations AX = 0 where A is given by 2 1 ' ’1 2 <-3" '1 1 -1 r 1 -1 1 1 -1 2 3 1 4 3 2 1-1 1 3 2—61 (ii) (iii) Find the rank () and nullity (). Ans:(i)2,0 (ii)3,0 (iii)2,2 13) Determine which of the following systems are consistent and find all the solutions of the consistent system i 1 1 1 1 ‘ X T I -1 1 1 0 1 1 -1 1 y z 1 1 1 -1 vv 0 0 An^l1’3’3) >'«) 14) Using Gauss-Jordan method find the inverses of the following matrices 1 ■ 'l 1 0 l' -1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 4 4 1 1 1 -1 1 0 0 1 1 1 (i) Ans:( i) '-1 1 (H) 1 r '-1 -1/3 1/3 1 ' 1 -1 1 i I 0 0 -1 1 1 -1 i -1 1 0 0 -1/3 0 ‘ 1 2 O' 16) Verify Cayley-Hamilton theorem for the matrix A = -I 1 2 1 2 1 1/4 1 1/3 (ii) 15) State and Prove Cayley-Hamilton theorem 1 1 1 -i Also (i) Obtain A ',A} (ii)find Eigen values of A, A2 and verify that Eigen values of /l2 are squares of those of A ,(iii)find the spectral radius of A . '-1 10 12' 1 11 10 -1 16 17 Ans:(i) (ii)9,l,-l (»i)3 '1 0 0 17) If A = 1 0 1 , then show that A" - A" ~+A2-I for n£3.Hence find A50. 0 1 0 ' 1 0 O' 25 1 0 25 0 1 Ans: 18) Find the Eigen values an-! the corresponding Eigen vectors of the following matrix 1 0 1 0 0 1 Ans;^=[o.o,i]r,x,-[i,o,o]r 1 -1' 19) Show that the matrix A = -2 1 2 0 1 2 is diagonalizable. Hence, find P such that P~'AP is a diagonal matrix. Then, obtain the matrix B = A2 + 5A 4- 3/ . 20) Examine whether the matrix ,where is given by '1 2 2' 0 2 1 -1 2 2 (i) A = (ii) J = -2 2 -3‘ 2 1 -6 is diagonalizable. If so, obtain the matrix P such that -1 -2 0 P~'AP is a diagonal matrix. (il) diagonalizable, P~'AP = <//ag(5,-3,-3) Ans: (i) not diagonalizable 21) The Eigen vectors of a 3X3 matrix A corresponding to the Eigen values 1,1, 3 are [l,0, — l]r,[0,1,— l]r ,[l,l,0]r respectively. Find the matrix A 22) obtain the symmetric matrix B for the quadratic form (I) Q = 2x ^3x^2 + x2 B= Ans: (i) 2 3/2 3/2 1 (ii) B = 1 1 -2' 1 -5 3 -2 3 4 23) Verify Cayley-Hamilton theorem for the matrix A .Find A 1,if exists, where Jis ' 1 0 —4 "1 i i 0 5 4 i 1 i -4 4 3 i i 1 (il) Ans: (i) P(2) = A3-92?-9A + 8Z = 0;J-’ =1/81 16 16 -20 13 4 4 -5 (ii) P(A) = ^’-3A2 + 6A-4 + 2t = 0;J"1 =l + 3i/10 7-1 1 1 r-1 1 1 1 1 i-1 24) Find all the Eigen values and corresponding eigenvectors of the matrices given below, which of the matrices are diagonalizable. (i) ’1 1 1 0 i —i —i 1 i 3' 1 0 3 -2 0 1 ’1 '0 1 (ii) -1 -1 2 1 1 1 o' 0 -1 -2 1 -2 1 -2 (iii) 2 Ans: (i) («) z.0.0:[l,0,0,l]r, [1,-1,-1.0]r;A-2:[l. 1,0,0)r^ = -2:[;diago„ali,aWe 1,1,1: [0,3, 2] ’> not (jiagOna|jZab|e A 25) Show that the matrices given below are diagonalizable .Find the matrix P such that P 1AP is a diagonal matrix. 0 2 1 2 0 3 1 -3 0 (H) 5 -6 -6 -1 ,1 IT 2 J -6 -4 Ans: (i) A = 0: [3,1,-2]r; A = 2i: [3+i,l + 3i,-4f ;A = -2i: [3-i, 1 -3/,-4]r p= ’3 3+/ 3-i' 24 -8 16 1 1 + 3/ 1—3/ =1/32 2/-6 2-6/ -8 -2 -4 -4 . -2i -6 2 + 6/ -8 (ii) A = l:[3,-l,3]r;A = 2.2:[2,0,l]r,[2,l,0]r ’3 2* 2 '-I 2 2* -6 -5 3 2 -1 0 1 ;P-'= rx J 3 1 0 -1 26) Eigen values: 1,1,1; Eigen vectors: Z1, . Ans: -ii P= r '0 2 2' '1 0 0‘ 1 -1 1 ■,p-' =1/4 2 0 2 A = PDP~' = 0 1 0 1 1-1 2 2 0 0 0 1 27) Let a 3X3 matrix A have Eigen values l;2,-l.Find the value of the determinant of the matrix B^A-A-'+A1 Using Eigen values :ntd 1? igen vectors to solve linear first order systems