Advanced Utility Meter Data Services Your Energy Check-Up Access to AMI (advanced meter information) utility consumption data has heretofore been a service rented by customers from their local utility both in terms of content and availability. Even though facilities have been installing advanced electric metering, the access to that data is has traditionally been non-existent at the Installation level. And, where access exists the question is, is the data valid? Better access to detailed utility data can provide timely insights into consumption habits and enable Customers to validate their energy savings needs. Analysis of facility usage often helps define and emphasize the value of pursuing energy efficiency opportunities. It is expected that this data will provide an important means for Facility Energy Managers to perform their duties for reporting and planning. But the typical uses for this data have been as a static datapoint of the building’s usage. Energy managers want to use the data for enhanced analysis purposes. So, do you have the right data? do you have the right reporting? Energy Check-up Assessment: There are four components to helping a client with their AMI data, Determining data integrity – is all of the interval data that should have been collected actually in the database Evaluating data validity – what percentage of the database is missing values, valid values, and valid zeros; are the valid values representative of the true meter consumption (correct multipliers) Assessment report – detail what is there, is the data correct, what is missing, and why is it missing and what are the causes; based on the client defined objectives, is different data needed for reporting? Recommendations – suggested changes to hardware, communications, data processing to improve data capture and utilization and data accessibility Energy Check-Up Building Performance: Once you have the data, now how can you use it more effectively. First, we need to understand how you want to use the data, what answers do you want from the data? How often do you want to have reporting? What reporting results would help you weekly, monthly, and annually? Typical results are to generate consumption per sqft. These are Static Building Performance Metrics. But we can go beyond the basic utilization metric and use deeper analysis to generate insights as to how the energy is consumed, when and by what? The next level of analysis is for Energy Efficiency Opportunities. Here is where the data is sliced into operation parameters to identify energy consumption profiles that tell a story about what and how energy is used. Does you facility use more energy on a federal holiday than on a Saturday? Lastly, we can use the profile consumption data to develop an Energy Resiliency Generation Portfolio Plan and define when and how much energy is needed, which helps in creating the generation portfolio that best serves the facility’s needs. AMI for all utility consumption needs natural gas, water, steam, as well as electricity and specific equipment Collect all the data, Process the data to ensure it is accurate, and make it accessible for reporting & graphical analysis Zerbco Professional Services David Zerba, CEM & CQM 503-277-9429