DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 4TH YEAR 2ND SEMESTER ACADEMIC YEAR - 2023 UNIT CODE-KBA 2405 UNIT NAME -RESEARCH PROJECT FOR BUSINESS INFORMATION PROJECT - CINEMA TICKET BOOKING SYSTEM SUBMITTED BY: DIANA KWAMBOKA MOGA i DECLARATION I hereby declare that this project based lab report entitled “Cinema ticket booking System” has been prepared by in Business Information Technology during the academic year 2023. I also declare that this project based lab report is of my own effort and it has not been submitted to any other university. Name: Diana Kwamboka Moga Signature: ………………………………........ Date: ………………………………......... The research project has been submitted to the Kiriri Women’s University of science and technology with the approval of my supervisor . Supervisor’s name: Augustus Kavila Signature: ………………………………........ ii DEDICATION I am dedicating this project to my mother, Rose Moga for funding my creation of this documentation and the project system altogether, and to my lecturer Augustus Kavila for guiding me throughout it's make. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is great pleasure for me to express my gratitude to our honourable HOD Dr.Samuel Njuguna for giving the opportunity and platform with facilities in accomplishing the project based laboratory report. I express sincere gratitude to our HOD for his administration towards academic growth and also providing us the efficient faculty and facilities to bring our ideas into reality. Finally, it is pleased to acknowledge the indebtedness to all those who devoted themselves directly or indirectly to make this project report success. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION........................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION.............................................................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................................... iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................. v LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................................... viii LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................... ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................... x ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................. xi CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................... 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Background of study ............................................................................................................. 1 1.3 objectives ........................................................................................................................... 3 1.3.1 General Objectives ......................................................................................................... 3 1.3.2 specific objectives........................................................................................................... 3 1.4 Justification ........................................................................................................................... 3 1.5 Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 3 CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................................................... 5 LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................ 5 2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Traditional Theater booking system ...................................................................................... 5 2.3 Kenya national theatre existing system ................................................................................. 5 2.3.1 Proposed System............................................................................................................. 6 v 2.4.2 Factors influencing the adoption of online cinema ticketing ......................................... 6 CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................................................................... 7 METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................................... 7 3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 7 3.1.1 Feasibility study.............................................................................................................. 7 3.1.2 Requirements analysis and specifications ...................................................................... 7 3.3 Tools and Techniques............................................................................................................ 7 3.4 System Models ...................................................................................................................... 8 CHAPTER FOUR ....................................................................................................................... 10 SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND REQUIREMENT MODELLING ............................................. 10 4.1 Project design ...................................................................................................................... 10 4.4.1 Data flow diagrams (DFD) ........................................................................................... 10 CHAPTER FIVE ........................................................................................................................ 17 SYSTEM DESIGN ...................................................................................................................... 17 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT.................................................................................................... 17 5.1 Requirement Specification .................................................................................................. 17 5.1.1 Hardware requirements................................................................................................. 17 5.1.2 software requirements................................................................................................... 17 5.2 Functional Specification...................................................................................................... 18 5.3 Data collection..................................................................................................................... 18 CHAPTER SIX ........................................................................................................................... 21 SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION ............................................................................................... 21 6.1 Coding ................................................................................................................................. 21 6.2 TESTING ............................................................................................................................ 24 vi CHAPTER SEVEN ..................................................................................................................... 26 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................... 26 5.1 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................. 26 5.2 RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................................... 26 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 28 APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................. 29 APPENDIX 1: Proposal Budget ............................................................................................... 29 APPENDIX 2: Project Schedule ............................................................................................... 30 vii LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1 description of entities .................................................................................................... 12 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3.3: System Models ............................................................................................................. 8 Figure 1: DFD Cinema ticket booking functions of the system ................................................... 10 Figure 3.1: Data flow diagrams (DFD) ......................................................................................... 10 Figure 4.2: Activity diagram ......................................................................................................... 11 Figure 4.1: ER Diagram ................................................................................................................ 14 ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS DBMS : Database Management System SDLC : System Development Life Cycle HTML : Hypertext Markup Language SQL : Structured Query Language x ABSTRACT The purpose of Cinema Online Ticket Booking System is to automate the existing manual system by the help of computerized equipment and computer software so that valuable data can be stored for a longer period of time with easy accessing and manipulation of the same. It proceeds through a sequence of well designed forms provided with validations to ensure consistency, reliability, fast management and most importantly correctness of information. Basically the project describes how to manage for good performance and better services for clients. Cinema Online Ticket Booking System is an Internet based application that can be accessed throughout the internet by anyone who has a net connection. This cinema online tickets booking system is one of the best opportunities for those who cannot afford enough time to get their tickets reserved standing in long queues. Tickets can be collected at the counter and watching movies with family and friends is one of the best medium of entertainment after having a hectic schedule. People can book tickets online at anytime of day or night. This project contains entity relationship model diagram based on movie ticket booking system an introduction to relational model also example of some sql queries to retrieve data from the database of this system. Key Words: tickets, online, booking, website, movie xi CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION Database is an organized collection of data. The data is typically organized to model aspects of reality in a way that supports processes requiring information. A DBMS makes it possible for end users to create, read, update and delete data in a database. The DBMS essentially serves as an interface between the database and end users or application programs, ensuring that data is consistently organized and remains easily accessible. The DBMS manages three important things: the data, the database engine that allows data to be accessed, locked or modified and the database schema, which defines the database’s logical structure. These three foundational elements help provide concurrency, security , data integrity and uniform administration procedures. The DBMS can offer both logical and physical data independence. That means it can protect users and applications from needing to know where data is stored or having to be concerned about changes to the physical structure of data. The main purpose of maintaining a database for Cinema Ticket Booking System is to reduce the manual errors involved in the bookings and cancellation of tickets and make it convenient for the customers and the providers to maintain the data about their customers and also about the movies and halls available to them. Due to automation, many loopholes that exist in the manual maintenance of the records can be removed. The speed of obtaining and processing the data will be fast. For future expansion the proposed system can be web enabled so that clients can make various enquiries easily. Due to this, sometimes a lot of problems occur and they are facing many disputes with the customers. To solve the above problem,we design a database which includes customer details, available movies to watch, early booked tickets etc. 1.1 Background of study Cinema ticket booking system is an online based application software basically made up for providing the customer anytime and anywhere services for booking reserving cinema tickets and providing information about the movies and their schedule online. Cinema ticket booking system is an internet-based application that can be accessed through the net and can be accessed by anyone who has a net connection this application will automate booking of tickets and provide an invoice. 1 The administrator can use online movie reservation system to insert and delete data such as movie description movie schedule which will update the related web page and will be accessible by the customers. Online movie ticket booking system provides another way for customers to buy cinema tickets, the system reduces workload on customers it is an automatic ticket booking system. The system is basically aimed to provide complete information of the movie and schedule to the customer according to which he or she can book the ticket. Cinema-going is one of the most popular out-of-home cultural activities affecting a series of social economic and cultural phenomena in modern societies. Cinemas are considered to be an integral part of cities and the contribute to the definition of a local geography and identity. They also contribute to the preservation of collective memory, since they constitute a significant social and cultural practice linked to a specific place, which acts as common reference for landmark for many individuals. Through this project it presents a comprehensive solution for cinema ticket booking. It is a selling software that is easy to understand, easy to use and offers the simplicity of first pointand-click service to customers. The software program is specifically designed for theatre owners to sell tickets online. This intuitive visual interface makes day-to-day aspects of selling exchanging and reporting fast and easy for both the users and administrators. It controls all back and functionalities like movie details ticket rate and show time customer information and sales history saved in a database. The admin manages the report details like counties report daily, weekly, monthly report and movie report etc. This project is aimed at developing cinema tickets bookings for different cinema halls and different movies to watch. 1.2 Statement of the problem The problem of this project is that the administrator does not have the chance to update new movies in the system. For instance in IMAX one is required to go to the physical location to be aware of current movies and book a ticket to see the movie. 2 1.3 objectives 1.3.1 General Objectives The main purpose of cinema ticket booking system is to develop an online ticket booking system. 1.3.2 specific objectives The goals of the system are: To analyse the current system how it works and see of the strengths and weaknesses in the system To design a new system that will help customers book tickets anywhere anytime To develop an online cinema system that will provide customers complete information of the movie To test the system and ensure it works well without any setbacks 1.4 Justification Cinema ticket booking system creates a platform to customers for them to access more information and find other movie deals online. It is also developed to help in real-time process whereby you book a ticket to automatically update it so no one else can take it. The main aim of developing the system is that customers can purchase tickets in advance without ever traveling to traditional box office so that they can't experience another "sold out" show. This makes it cheaper and quick to do so without having to queue for long hours waiting to be attended to. 1.5 Scope Staff can use the system to check statistical information from the system and can update the movies and prices of the tickets The customer will be able to gather information about newly released movies and make his or her decision. To allow customers to book tickets online to save time and labour and rate the movies has the excitement vanishes after standing in hours in long queues to get tickets booked. 3 1.5.1 limitations In this system there is a limitation to information availability as gathering information from some organisations are not willing to offer some data that they consider private and confidential Another limitation is cost as one in case the expense to gather the relevant information pertaining to this project. Time is another limitation as one is required to balance between classwork and developing the system 1.5.2 assumptions Additional training of staff is foreseen for the staff to handle new protocols, software, and hardware. Prices are fixed for the tickets over a period of time. For each screening, a hall is booked as each auditorium has different number of seats. 1.5.3 Project Risk Technical risks refer to anything that could go wrong with your software, hardware, or any manuals or other process documents related to your project. For instance I had to make different programs so as to see which one fitted well and could generate the systems database. External risks are things that could impact your project that are outside of your organization’s direct control. When listing your external risks, analyze the current state of your market 4 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction This chapter presents a review of the literature on traditional Cinema booking system, contemporary theater booking system and Kenya national theatre existing and proposed system with the intended system 2.2 Traditional Theater booking system The theatre provides infrastructure and facilities for a performance to take place which allowing an audience to enjoy this for a fee. A booking system is used to ensure patrons can purchase tickets for a given performance well in advance, and avoid being turned away at the last minute. Cinema ticket booking system prefers tickets to be sold as early as possible for both financial reasons (Hillenbrand 2001) and to avoid a long queue at the entrance just before the performance is due to start. The cinema ticket booking system homepage is the section where bookings are made, being the first point of contact between the theatre and the public 2.3 Kenya national theatre existing system As increasing number of customers standing in long queues outside the theatre is, theater owners "customer delight" face the challenge of providing. Customer strict order and without delay and inconvenience of standing in long queues to pay for their tickets wanted an easy way. Their loyalty program "theatre" to the administration, as well as partners to help maximize their presence at the multiplex other promotional and subscription services provide a mechanism is needed. Cinemas phone book was launched but unsold seats to customers leading to frequent no-shows or because it was not feasible to prove the profitability of the business affected. 5 2.3.1 Proposed System The proposed system is more reliable entertaining and easy than the present system the solution targets those users who do not have spare time to stand in long queue to book tickets. The proposed system is an easy way of ordering and paying for tickets without any delays and inconvenience. Book tickets to people who, without the physical presence it is assured a ticket invoice before going to the cinema halls. Customers who book tickets on their mobile phones, an instant messaging (m-ticket) will receive. By splashing the m ticket at the counter of the multiplex the client can receive physical tickets. No longer issue tickets to stuff at the multiplex complex manual ticket availability and tracking system is needed. Ticket information can be accessed at any time for verification which is safer stored in a database. I want your burger working of project booking information consist of a text which is kept in a database course username all type email and the net amount due to be paid by the customer. The database is modified when the user pays for the ticket 2.4.2 Factors influencing the adoption of online cinema ticketing Cinema ticket booking over the internet. An E-business solution using Microsoft Platform which will enable cinema customers to book they are tickets electronically over the internet from the comfort of their home or office. With the advent of the modern age, the typical user didn't have enough time to stand in line outside the theatres. The online solution allows users to select their shows book tickets and eventually pay for them. This guarantees them reservation even before they arrive at the cinema hall. Customers are provided with a convenient option of booking tickets to the internet via secure channel and for the first-time the customers will experience the advantages of an electronic ordering system. This feature enables customers to get confirmed tickets online from the website. 6 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction There are methods that are used in the system development process, to analyse the cost estimate time and other resources required. There is feasibility study and requirement analysis. 3.1.1 Feasibility study The aim of the feasibility study is to identify the weaknesses and strengths of the existing system and the threats and opportunities that are presented in the environment, if the resources are available to carry out the project and the chance of success, it helps in the course estimating and value attained if the project is undergone. 3.1.2 Requirements analysis and specifications It's a phase where the developer tries to understand the customer's requirements and to systematically organize the specifications into a specification document. Requirement gathering and analysis requirement specification is one of the activities that is carried out during the requirement analysis and specification. The activity analyses the data gathered to get a clear understanding of the system which is developed. 3.3 Tools and Techniques HTML: this is a syntax used to format a text document on the web that describes the web pages it actually has three kinds of code. HTML provides the structure, CSS takes care of presentation and JavaScript which makes things happen. It includes detailed processing models to encourage more inoperable implementations and improves and rationalize the mark-up available for documents. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): is a style sheet language used for describing the look and formatting of a document written in a markup language. It is the iteration of CSS standard with some changes and improvements it has added new features to help developers solve a number of presentations-related problems without resorting to scripting plug-in. 7 JavaScript: is a dynamic computer programming language. It is most commonly used as part of web browsers, whose implementations allow client-side scripts to interact with the user, control the browser. Some dynamic behaviour that can be generated by JavaScript is validating form, performance specifications. It also shares many features and structures of the Java programming language. MySQL: this is the world's second most widely used open-source relational database management system (RDMS). The SQL stands for structured query. It is an oracle-backed open-source RDMS based on structured query language. It is an important component of an open source Enterprise stack called LAMP which is a web development platform that uses Linux as the operating system. 3.4 System Models The SDLC is a series of phases in the development process it provides a model for development and life cycle of an application. The SDLC would help to produce the effective cost-effective and high-quality of the system. SDLC will be used to define tasks performed at each step in software development process. It consists of a detailed plan describing how to develop and maintain and replace specific software it consists of the following steps. Figure 3.3: System Models Planning phase: planning for the quality assurance requirements and identification of the risks associated with the project is done in planning stage. The outcome of the technical feasibility 8 study is to define the various technical approaches is that can be followed to implement the project successfully with minimum risks. Defining requirements phase: define and document the product requirements and get them approved from the user of the system analyst. This is all done through an SRS (Software Requirements Specification) document that consists of the entire product requirement to be designed and developed during the project Life cycle. Designing phase: it defines all the architectural models of the system along with its communication and data flow representation with the external and third-party modules. The internal design of all the models of the proposed architecture should be clearly defined with the minutes of the details in DDS. Developing all building face the actual development starts and the product is built. The programming code is generated as per DDS during this stage. If the design is performed in a detailed and organised manner, code generation can be accomplished without any problems. Testing the system: The defects are reported, tracked, fixed and retested until it reaches the quality standards. Deployment and maintenance: The system is tested and ready to be deployed, it is released formally to the appropriate users(testing). After the system is released, it is maintained and done for the existing user base. 9 CHAPTER FOUR SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND REQUIREMENT MODELLING 4.1 Project design 4.4.1 Data flow diagrams (DFD) A DFD is a graphical representation that depicts the information flow and the transforms the data applied as it moves from input to output. Figure 1: DFD Cinema ticket booking functions of the system Admin Cinema ticket booking Customer Booking Figure 3.1: Data flow diagrams (DFD) Level 0: There are two types of users the admin and the customer. The admin can manage the movie type he or she can add or delete a movie while the user can register or login to the system. The following are activities done by the two users: New registration Login details Registration confirmation by the system 10 Book a ticket Ticket issued by the system Admin can add or delete movies in the system also give details about the movie 4.2.2 Activity diagram Activity diagram graphically represents the sequential business and operational workflows of a system. It is dynamic diagram that shows the activity and the event that causes the object to be in a particular state. The workflow from activity diagram will serve as guide for the system navigation in the final design phase of the system. New registration Login details Registration confirmation by the system Book a ticket Ticket issued by the system Admin can add or delete movies in the system also give details about the movie Figure 4.2: Activity diagram 11 Table 4.1 description of entities It is a description of how people will actually use the system to accomplish a specified goal the actor specify the role played by the user to interact with the system the actors are represented by customers and administrator. Entities Attributes bookingtable bookingID movieID bookingTheatre bookingType bookingDate bookingTime bookingFName bookingLName bookingPNumber bookingEmail amount ORDERID DATE-TIME feedbacktable msgID senderfName senderlName sendereMail senderfeedback movietable movieID movieImg movieTitle movieGenre movieDuration 12 movieRelDate movieDirector movieActors mainhall viphall privatehall users id username name password 13 Figure 4.1: ER Diagram 14 CREATE & INSERT SQL QUERIES Create Table Queries: 1) bookingtable Query: CREATE TABLE `bookingtable` ( `bookingID` int(11) NOT NULL, `movieID` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `bookingTheatre` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `bookingType` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `bookingDate` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `bookingTime` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `bookingFName` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `bookingLName` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `bookingPNumber` varchar(12) NOT NULL, `bookingEmail` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `amount` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `ORDERID` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `DATE-TIME` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp() ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; 2) feedbacktable Query: CREATE TABLE `feedbacktable` ( `msgID` int(12) NOT NULL, `senderfName` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `senderlName` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `sendereMail` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `senderfeedback` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; 3) movietable Query: CREATE TABLE `movietable` ( `movieID` int(11) NOT NULL, `movieImg` varchar(150) NOT NULL, `movieTitle` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `movieGenre` varchar(50) NOT NULL, 15 `movieDuration` int(11) NOT NULL, `movieRelDate` date NOT NULL, `movieDirector` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `movieActors` varchar(150) NOT NULL, `mainhall` int(11) NOT NULL, `viphall` int(11) NOT NULL, `privatehall` int(11) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; 4) users Query: CREATE TABLE `users` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `username` varchar(80) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(80) NOT NULL, `password` varchar(80) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; Insert Queries: 1) booking table INSERT INTO `bookingtable` (`bookingID`, `movieID`, `bookingTheatre`,`bookingType`, `bookingDate`, `bookingTime`, `bookingFName`, `bookingLName`, `bookingPNumber`, `bookingEmail`,`amount`, `ORDERID`,`DATE-TIME`) VALUES (38, 1, 'private-hall', '7d', '13-3', '1500', 'Rajat', 'Kulkarni', '7438344524', '', '200.00', 'ORD74294887', '2020-11-25 18:07:24'); 2) feedbacktable INSERT INTO `feedbacktable` (`msgID`, `senderfName`, `senderlName`, `sendereMail`, `senderfeedback`) VALUES (1, 'Ahmed', 'Ali', '', 'Hello first'); 3) movietable INSERT INTO `movietable` (`movieID`, `movieImg`, `movieTitle`, `movieGenre`, `movieDuration`, `movieRelDate`, `movieDirector`, `movieActors`, `mainhall`, `viphall`, `privatehall`) VALUES (1, 'img/movie-poster-1.jpg', 'Captain Marvel', ' Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi ', 220, '2018-10-18', 'Anna Boden, Ryan Fleck', 'Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn', 0, 0, 0); 4) users INSERT INTO `users` (`id`, `username`, `name`, `password`) VALUES (1, '123', 'Aman', '123'); 16 CHAPTER FIVE SYSTEM DESIGN PROJECT DEVELOPMENT 5.1 Requirement Specification 5.1.1 Hardware requirements The most common set of requirements defined by any operating system or software application is the physical computer resources also known as hardware. A hardware requirements list is when an company by a hardware compatibility list(HCL), especially in case of operating systems. Hardware requirements for present project: PROCESSOR HP core i7 RAM 4 GB HARD DISK 500GB 5.1.2 Software requirements Software requirements deal with defining software resources requirements and pre requisites that need to be installed on a computer to provide optimal functioning of an application. These requirements are generated not included in the software installation packages and used to be installed separately before the software in installed. Software requirements for the project: OPERATING SYSTEM Windows 10 FRONT END: HTML, CSS, JavaScript BACK END: PHP, XAMPP DATABASE: MySQL BROWSER: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome 17 5.2 Functional Specification Login capabilities The system provides the users with the login capabilities Payment details The system process cinema ticketing transactions so that the user is credited with the specified movie they want to watch in the cinema halls. Server module It is a software program on which programs run and specific kind of service to client software running on the same computer Reliability The system is reliable due to the importance of data and the damages of incomplete data Availability The system is available and operational 24-stroke 74 users. 5.3 Data collection I compiled secondary data mainly from the internet, from different sources. Sample screenshots 18 19 20 CHAPTER SIX SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION 6.1 Coding <?php header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache"); header("Expires: 0"); // following files need to be included require_once("./lib/config_paytm.php"); require_once("./lib/encdec_paytm.php"); $ORDER_ID = ""; $requestParamList = array(); $responseParamList = array(); if (isset($_POST["ORDER_ID"]) && $_POST["ORDER_ID"] != "") { // In Test Page, we are taking parameters from POST request. In actual implementation these can be collected from session or DB. $ORDER_ID = $_POST["ORDER_ID"]; // Create an array having all required parameters for status query. $requestParamList = array("MID" => PAYTM_MERCHANT_MID , "ORDERID" => $ORDER_ID); 21 $StatusCheckSum getChecksumFromArray($requestParamList,PAYTM_MERCHANT_KEY); = $requestParamList['CHECKSUMHASH'] = $StatusCheckSum; // Call the PG's getTxnStatusNew() function for verifying the transaction status. $responseParamList = getTxnStatusNew($requestParamList); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD ""> HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" <html> <head> <title>Transaction status query</title> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Evrsoft First Page"> </head> <body> <h2>Transaction status query</h2> <form method="post" action=""> <table border="1"> <tbody> <tr> <td><label>ORDER_ID::*</label></td> <td><input id="ORDER_ID" tabindex="1" maxlength="20" size="20" name="ORDER_ID" autocomplete="off" value="<?php echo $ORDER_ID ?>"> </td> </tr> 22 <tr> <td></td> <td><input value="Status Query" type="submit" onclick=""></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br/></br/> <?php if (isset($responseParamList) && count($responseParamList)>0 ) { ?> <h2>Response of status query:</h2> <table style="border: 1px solid nopadding" border="0"> <tbody> <?php foreach($responseParamList as $paramName => $paramValue) { ?> <tr > <td style="border: 1px solid"><label><?php echo $paramName?></label></td> <td style="border: 1px solid"><?php echo $paramValue?></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> 23 <?php } ?> </form> </body> </html> 6.2 TESTING Testing is the process of executing a program with the intent of finding bugs that makes the application failed to meet the expected behaviour. Regardless of the development methodology, the ultimate goal of testing is to make sure that what is created does what it is supposed to do. Testing plays a critical role for assuring quality and reliability of the software. I have included testing as part of the development process the test cases should be designed with maximum possibilities of finding the error or bags various levels of testing are as follows: Unit Testing: unit testing is the process of testing each individual module to check for any errors and to determine if they meet the requirements. This method incorporates white-box testing techniques. All individual units of the system were tested, one error was identified which was not being able to see the movie prices until you selected whichever you wished to watch. The problem isn't resolved. System Testing: system testing checks that when all the modules are integrated together, overall system functionality is achieved (Pressman 1997). The main aim of the system testing is to discover any errors or bugs on the system is being put together. Integration Testing: also known as integration and testing (I&T), is a software development process which program units are combined and tested as groups in multiple ways (Anon 2008). The integration testing process for the online cinema ticket booking involved bringing together the different modules such as the software application and database and performing checks and simple runs of the system. No errors or problems were identified in this process therefore it was successful. 24 Acceptance Testing: Somerville 2001 notes "This is the final stage in the testing before the system is accepted for operational use". Adhering to the levels of testing unit testing is performed on individual components of the system ensuring the expected behaviour. Later, I have integrated various components together and performed integrated testing and finally acceptance testing is performed to check if the client accepts the system. The web application is tested to see if it can sustain huge amounts of requests providing higher throughput and different loads. 25 CHAPTER SEVEN CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 CONCLUSIONS Nowadays, the traditional book cinema tickets are dying methods. Technology has dominated human life where is the new era. Software and technical equipment, exceptions are reduced and even eliminated. Moreover, for every part of their lives easy, fast and secure way to make the choice. This project is a cinema ticket booking system designed to meet certain requirements. It has been developed in PHP and database keeping in mind the specifications of the system have been created in my SQL server. Cinema companies can meet customer comfort, cinema admin and customer relations complete the process of satisfied good communication in ticket booking. In this platform I have developed, I avoid wasting time, reducing misunderstandings, easy flow of data, customer happiness and are expected to provide less difficult task. Online cinema ticket booking has been developed as a user-friendly system the system can take care of each member whether its owner or viewer. This system can help them to properly manage the system and aid in growth without creating the hassle. This system is completely secure since every user is provided with user details and email so there is no chance of any unauthorised access. Using this system will help in reducing the labour and provide more facility for viewers who will increase their level of ease as they can do everything from anywhere at any time. 5.2 RECOMMENDATIONS Future developments which will be implemented within the cinema ticket booking system are: 1. Security features could be implemented to a higher standard and then a payment feature could be incorporated. Therefore, customers could reserve and prepay for their tickets if they wish. By incorporating this feature the millennium forum will be guaranteed to be paid for reserved tickets. 2. Another feature which could be incorporated into the design would be the ability for customers to choose actual seats. At the minute customers can choose the upper or lower tier, by allowing customers to choose and reserve actual seats could boost 26 customer satisfaction. Also, if the seat has already been reserved for show it will display a red 'X' on un available seats so customers know they cannot select those seats. 3. Usability for visually impaired customers, the usability for visually impaired customers should be integrated into the system so that all customers can use the system with ease and efficiency. 4. Online booking of purchases such as edibles, cold drinks, popcorn etc can be provided. 5. Group booking, any institute or company can book the cinema tickets for students or clients and special discount can be provided to them. 27 REFERENCES 1. A Silberschaltz, H.F. Korth And S Sudarshan, "Database System Concepts", 3/E Tata Mcgraw Hill 1997 2. Thomas M Connolly, Carolyn E. Begg, "Database Systems And Practical Approach To Design Implementation And Management",4/E, Addison-Wesley, 2005 3. Elmasri And Navethe, "Fundamentals Of Database Systems"3/E, Addison-Wesley 2001 4. Anon (2008) Software Testing Club.Com, 2009 "Is Integration A Phase?, Http://Ww.W Software Testing Club.Com/Forum/Topics/Is Integration A Phase 5. Wikipedia For Various Diagrams Https://Www. Wikipedia.Org/ 28 APPENDICES APPENDIX 1: Proposal Budget Task Total (Kshs) Laptop and bag 33,000.00 64 GB Flashdrive 1,500.00 Software Requirements and Web Host 3,500.00 Typing/ Editing 700.00 Printing 850.00 Binding 1,500.00 Stationary 250.00 Totals 41,300.00 29 APPENDIX 2: Project Schedule activity 6th May 2023 June 2023 Problem study Literature review Methodology System analysis Coding Testing Project implementation 30 July 2023 1st August 2023