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Final Exam Practice Questions

Final Exam Practice Questions
Cherri Taite
Cal State University, San Bernardino
Professor Delacey Foster
May 03 2024
1.) Which of the following is NOT a type of food processing?
a. Cold processing
b. Rehydration
c. Fermentation
d. Irradiation
2.) Which of the following processes changes liquid oils into semisolids and makes the oil
less susceptible to oxidation and rancidity?
a. fermentation
b. hydrogenation
c. rehydration
d. oxidization
3.) Braising and stewing tenderize tough cuts of meat by:
maintaining low cooking temperature to reduce toughening of protein fibers while
extending cooking times to allow collagen to convert to gelatin
4.) Which of the following is NOT regulated by the USDA
a. meat
b. poultry*
c. liquid eggs
d. food additives
5.) Which of the following does not contain phytochemicals
a. pork chops
b. Red wine
c. Coffee
d. Brocoll
6.) The most common sweetener used in candies and chocolates is ____.
a. glucose
b. lactose
c. maltose
d. sucrose
7. ) Which vitamin is used most commonly to control browning in fruits by enzymes?
a. D
b. C
c. B
d. K
8. ____ is the transfer of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves.
a. Radiation
b. Compulsion
c. Convection
d. Conduction
9. ___________ can damage cell walls leading to changes in
product texture and quality during the freezing process.
a. . ice crystals
b. salt crystals
c. carbon dioxide
d. sugar crystals
10. Canning food products is a method of
a. preservation
b. deterioration
c. pasteurization
d. aseptic processing
12. The consumption of the following beverage has decreased over the years
a. Bottom water
b, Alcohol
c milk
13. It is recommended that people consume less than____ Percent of energy from added
A 5%
B 30%
14. The ingredient statement for a food product states that the food contains ‘flour, starch, salt,
flavorings, MSG and BHT. MSG is considered to be a __________
a. flavoring agent
b. leavening agent
c. anticaking agent
d. flavor enhancer
15. What additive is used to slow lipid oxidation, preventing rancidity?
a. salt
b. yeast
c. enzymes
d. antioxidants
16. What is the building unit of glycogen?
1. Fructose
2. Glucose
3. Galactose
4. Mannose
17, What is the food preservation process that eliminates enough moisture so that
bacteria, mold, or yeast cannot survive or spread?
a. Canning
b. Freezing
c. Fermentation
d. Dehydration
18. The protein in meat that is primarily responsible for meat color is _____
a. myosin
b. actin
c. myoglobin
d. hemoglobin
19. Marbling is caused by fat located:
a. intramuscular
b. intermuscular
20. What is the most heat-resistant microbe in canned foods?
21. an internal temperature of 160º to 170ºF is definitely
safe for cooking ____.
a. chicken
b. pork
c. beef
d. lamb
22. Bread is leavened with ____.
a. yeast
b. sugar
c. salt
d. baking soda
Short Answerr
1. Describe scenarios when a food additive can and cannot be used in a product.
Food additives may be added to maintain or improve nutritive value, maintain or
improve shelf life, as well as enhance taste flavor and texture. Additives may not
be used to deceive consumers nor conceal spoilage and/or damage.
2. What is the criteria for a product to be considered Organic?
organic foods may not contain Conventional pesticides , Petroleum-based
fertilizers, sewage sludge-based fertilizers, Genetic engineering, or Ionizing radiation.
Animals must befed organic feed and receive no Antibiotics or growth Hormone
3. List at least three causes of food spoilage
a. Microorganisms
b. Enzymes
c. Drying
d. Bruising
e. Oxidation