REVISION(S) Octave Filter Set Type 1624 (English DK BE 0563-12) A revision of the previou$ Instruction Manual (English DK BE 0563-11) to comply with new instruments: • Level Recorder Type 2317; • Power Supply ZG 0254; Curves on Inherent noise and Phase shift have been included. Dept.3, June 1985 "• 31 ... OCtave Filter set The selectable centre frequency range is from 31 ,5 Hz to 16 kHz and a linear position gives a frequency band from 5 Hz to 75 kHz. The analysed signal may also be weighted by selecting "A" or "C" frequency weightings on the Sound Level Meter. + Brliel & Kjmr Instruction Manual Octave Filter Set Type 1624 aro.aaaq., Type 1624 Rudy for nut:Filtet • An Octave Filter Set primarily intended for use with Precision Integrating Sound Level Meter Type 2230 or 2233. Used with either of the Sound Level Meters, it forms a compact and portable lightweight unit enabling in situ octave acoustic analysis. Semi-automatic recording of the analysis is possible using either Level Recorder Type 2317, 2306 or Type 2309. Manual stepping of the filter is indicated by a green LED. The selectable centre frequency range is from 31 ,5 Hz to 16 kHz and a linear position gives a frequency band from 5 Hz to 75 kHz. The analysed signal may also be weighted by selecting "A" or "C" frequency weightings on the Sound Level Meter. + Bri.iel & Kjc:er OCT AVE FILTER SET TYPE 1624 From serial no.1 032482 Revision May 1985 CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION AND SPECIFICATIONS (PRODUCT DATA) ............................................................................ 1 2. CONTROLS .................................................................................................................................................................. 5 3. OPERATION ................................................................................................................................................................. 7 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. PRELIMINARY ........................................................................................................................ 7 POWER SUPPLY .................................................................................................................... 8 Battery check .......................................................................................................................... 8 Battery replacement .............................................................................................................. 8 Mains Supply and Charger ................................................................................................... 8 FREQUENCY ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................... 9 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 9 Frequency Analysis ................................................................................................................ 9 Frequency Analysis with Level Recorder .......................................................................... 10 Frequency Analysis with earlier Level Recorder ............................................................. 13 4. APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................................................. 14 5. SERVICE AND REPAIR ........................................................................................................................................... 16 types 1624 and 1625 Octave Filter Set and Third Octave/Octave Filter Set USES: • Filter Sets for Sound Level Meters • Semi-automatic octave noise analysis (Type 1624) • Loudness evaluation in accordance with ISO R 532 (Stevens and Zwicker) • Noise checking to octave and third-octave limiting curves • Automatic 1f3 octave and octave (with 1f1 or 1f3 oct. step) noise analysis (Type 1625) • Building acoustic measurements • Attenuation of background noise • Sound power measurements on machines • Distortion measurements FEATURES 1624: FEATURES 1625: • 10 octave filters in accordance with IEC R 225-1966, DIN 45651 and ANSI S1.11-1966 Class II requirements; and unweighted linear response • 31 third-octave and 31 overlapping octave filters in accordance with IEC R 225-1966, DIN 45651, DIN 45652, and ANSI S1.11-1966 Class II & Ill requirements; and unweighted linear response • Centre frequencies from 31 ,5Hz to 16kHz, frequency range 22Hz to 22kHz (octave), 5Hz to 75kHz (Lin) • Centre frequencies from 20Hz to 20kHz, frequency range 18Hz to 22kHz (1/3 oct.) and 14Hz to 28kHz (oct.), 3Hz to 75kHz (Lin) • 0 dB nominal filter attenuation • 0 dB nominal filter attenuation Octave Filter Set Type 1624 and Third Octave/Octave Filter Set Type 1625 are primarily designed for use with Sound Level Meters Types 2230, 2231 and 2233 for in situ octave and 1/3 octave acoustic analyses. The Type 1624 enables octave analysis to be carried out, while Type 1625 offers 1/3 octave analysis and octave analysis in octave or 1/s octave steps. Both filters are compatible with either of the Sound Level Meters, forming a complete, compact and portable, lightweight unit. Semi or fully automatic analysis recording is possible with a portable Level Recorder Type 2317 or 2309. BP 0106-14 Bruei&KJType 16.2 4 Centre frequency Hz Recording On ... lin• 18 k. Reset 8k • R..dyfor 4k • next filter • --Bruel & Kjmr Type 1625 (Pr&$01 Enablol Filter Step (Preset) Stan 260. 1211. Stop Recording Step Size 63 • 1/ 3 1 / 3 31.5 . 'Reco~;:; Octave filter Set Fast 1 / 1 Oct . Slow Recording Speed 1/ 3 - 1/ 3 1 11 1 / 1 Oct. Bandwidth 1 / 1 Octave Filter Set - :--8 60 10 dB 6 45 - - - 105 2 5 0 0 Rec . No.: _ Date: _ _ Sign.; _ _ 0 QP 1124 0 10 20 Hz 50 100 200 2 500 kHz 10 400ABCL•n. 20 (1612/2112) Zero Level: Mulliply Frequency Scale by : A B C lin.BJ0067 Fig. 3. Frequency characteristics of the 10 octave filters in Type 1624 Sound Level Meter. The analysis can be recorded semi-automatically with the Level Recorder Type 2317 or 2309. Fig. 1. Sound Level Meter Type 2230 with 1f3-1f1 Octave Filter Set Type 1625 The Octave Filter Set Type 1624 and the Third Octave/Octave Filter Set Type 1625 are both active filters, which are small in size and light weight. Both are easily fitted to the bottom of the Sound Level Meter Type 2230, 2231 or 2233, ensuring both mechanical and electrical connections with proper matching of input and output impedances. Adding a Filter Set to a Sound Level Meter greatly extends the uses of the instrument, enabling detailed frequency analysis to be carried out. For semi-automatic recordings, the Filter Set is connected to the Level Recorder by the control cable AQ 0034. The ground connection is ensured by cable AO 0173 used to connect the Sound Level Meter to the Level Recorder. See Fig.4. The SPL for the selected frequency band is obtained from the Sound Level Meter Output, and the start/stop of paper movement is controlled by the Filter Set. The recording is made on graduated paper with a scale of 15 mm/octave, such as QP 0124 for Type 2317. The Type 1624 contains 10 active octave filters with centre frequencies from 31,5 Hz to 16kHz. Each octave filter satisfies the requirements of IEC Recommendation R 225-1966, DIN 45651 and ANSI Sl.ll-1966 Classll, see Fig.2. The total frequency range is from 22Hz to 22kHz as can be seen in Fig.3. A linear position is also available covering the frequency range from 5Hz to 75kHz (-1 dB). IX)-2 "0 -1 g0 ·.p t ~ 2 Level Recorder 2317 a; 3 t:: 4 <( 5 The overall frequency range of both filters sets covers the entire audio-frequency range with the centre frequencies arranged according to the preferred frequencies of ISO R 266, DIN 45401 and ANSI S 1.6-1960. The filters may be switched in successively manually (Type 1624 or 1625), or automatically (Type 1625). The level in each frequency band is displayed on the Sound Level Meter and may be noted in a measurement report or plotted on graph paper. For greater convenience the analysis can be recorded in situ, either semi-automatically (Type 1624) or automatically (Type 1625) using one of the portable B & K Level Recorders Type 2317 (one channel) or Type 2309 (two channels). 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1D 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.5 Frequency relative to centre frequency f/fm Two Channel Level Recorder 2309 8502l6 170125/2 Fig. 2. Top of an octave filter characteristic from the Filter Set Type 1624 Fig. 4. Set-ups for semi-automatic octave analysis and recording with T y pe 2317 or 2309 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Bri.iel & Kjar RecOI"ding Mode· DC Lin Cl!l DC Log 0 AC Log 0 AC A' _ _ Range : 2.Q__(d8) Paper Speed: _ 3 _ mmts Wr Speed :~mm/s Aec . No.: _ _ dB The signal fed to the Filter Set is also weighted as selected on the Sound Level Meter ("A", "C", "Lin. 20Hz to 20kHz" or "All Pass 10Hz to 50 kHz"). Octave Filter Set Type 1624 The Type 1624 permits octave frequency analysis when used with a 2 dB oate:_ _ 10 Time: _ _ Sign.: _ _ Zero Levei ;_§Q_ 0 ~~':;'~~ oo;.: _ 9 ~ analysis 20 with 1624 and 2317_ 30 St•rl Lin. Oct aft--}---" QP 0151 St•rt Line- t il ()day•- 20 31,5 Hz 25 40 63 SO 125 80 100 250 160 200 500 315 400 630 800 1kHz 1.25 1,6 2 16 2 ,5 3,15 10 12,5 lin. 20 !2s 3,15 1613/ 161 83031912 Fig. 5. Octave analysis of machine noise using the set-up in Fig.4 When recording each octave, the filter output is disconnected from the Sound Level Meter during the first millimetre which corresponds to the settling time. Once the recording of one octave is completed, the paper stops and the indicator READY FOR NEXT FILTER lights up. At the end of the analysis the SPL with the linear weighting (or "A" or "C" if applied on the SLM) is recorded. co -2 "'0 c: 0 ·.::; "' c: s :::l :( Max. Ripple (peak-to-valley) 0 2 0,5 dB 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1/3 _111 Oct. Filter Set Type 1625 18 The Type 1625 permits 1/3 octave and octave frequency analysis. Octave frequency analysis can be made with octave or l/3 octave step size. An unweighted frequency response (Lin) from 3 Hz to 75 kHz is also available. 20 The Type 1625 contains 31 active 1/3 octave filters and 31 overlapping 1/1 octave filters at 1/3 octave intervals covering 11 octaves. Centre frequencies are from 20Hz to 20kHz. Each filter fulfils the requirements of IEC recommendation 225-1966, DIN 45652 and ANSI Sl.11-1966 Class III for 1/3 octave filters; and DIN 45 651 and ANSI Sl.11-1966 Class II for 1/1 octave filters, see Fig.6. The total frequency range is from 18Hz to 22kHz (1/3 oct.) and from 14Hz to 28kHz (1/1 oct.). The level in each frequency band can be read on the Sound Level Meter's digital display, the centre frequency of the filter being displayed on the Filter Set. The filter centre frequency being selected manually by push button. 22 0,4 0,6 0,5 0,7 0,8 1 1,4 1 ,8 2,5 0,9 1,2 1,6 2,0 Two Channel Level Recorder 2309 Frequency relative to centre frequency f/fm 850217 17 124 1 Fig. 7. Automatic lj3 octave analysis and recording with Type 2317 or 2309 Fig. 6. Top of a lj3 octave filter characteristic from the Filter Set Type 1625 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo BrUel & Kjar ~ordlng Mode: DC Lin. t8 DC Log. 0 AC log. 0 AC Av.,..i,.. _ _ Range : _ (dB) Paper Speed : ~mmls Wr. Speed: ~mm/a 20 Roc. No. , _ .dll Date: _ _ 10 Ttme ~::' Leve1 ,_§Q_ ~ ~~~~rneob;.:_ 1o 1/3 octave analysis 2c with 1625 [j]Jli_[]JI!li[Ji[l l!lil l l il il l lilil l t~![ j_[j [ij and 231:,,., L~~ Octo~-f- OP0151startlln~~ti3 0c.'•.,.-~2s 31,5Hz 63 .. oso 125 eotoo 250 160200 500 3ts•oo 630800 1kHz usu 2 2.S3,ts The filter scanning is electronically programmed and controlled to obtain an RMS read out error less than 0,5 dB over the whole analysis range. The settling time and the paper drive speed are controlled by the Filter Set to ensure a precise recording in a minimum time. The filter scanning is electronically controlled and programmed to optimise the recording. The Filter Set increases the Level Recorder paper speed as the analysis band centre frequency is increased. Thus, an accurate recording is obtained in a minimum of time. 16 zoJ~~Cin.l.§15=a_=~=~.,.,~,..,31= 1 ~J 112 Fig. 8. Third-octave analysis of machine noise using the set-up in Fig. 7 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Recording Mode: DC lin. lliO BrUel & Kjar DC Log. 0 AC Log. 0 AC Aver-.ging - - Range : _§Q_(dB) Paper Speed: ~mm/s Wr. Speed : __g§.Q_mm~ 20 Rec. No.: _ _ dB oate:_ _ Time: _ _ dll 10 Sign .: _ _ Zero Level :~ 0 M~~ht~re Obj.:_ 10 ~ ~~~·~~~)l 10 (1625!@TIT 30 Start Line Oct•,.____.:f--' 31,5 Hz 63 125 250 500 1kHz 2 QP 0151 Start Line 113 Oct~•- 20 25 40 SO 80 100 160 200 315 400 630 800 1,2 5 1.6 2 .5 3,15 When the Filter is connected to a Level Recorder Type 2317 or 2309 the recording of the analysis and the filter stepping is carried out automatically. The Level Recorder is connected to the Sound Level Meter using cable AO 0173, and to the Filter Set using control cable AQ 0034. See Fig.7. wt2.s 10 ~ 16 10 12,5 20 !r.;;.:::.:in.3,-;:.15---=--:-;::-,;o.61""31'"'t~] ~2 Fig. 9. Octave analysis with 1/3 oct. step size of machine noise using the set-up in Fig. 7 The starting frequency is selectable to eliminate low frequency components and the analysis can be interrupted and restarted during recording with the "Start/Stop" push button. An analysis can also be stopped before completion and the paper automatically moved to the next start position, ready for a new run. Recording of octave analysis with 1/3 octave or 1/1 octave step size is also automatic. For octave analysis with octave step size, a choice between three series of centre frequencies is offered (lowest frequencies 20, 25 or 31,5 Hz). Two analysis recording speeds ("Fast" or "Slow") are available to allow for stabilization of the Sound Level Meter detector depending on whether a "Fast" or "Slow" time weighting is selected on the Sound Level Meter. Power supply The active filters contained in the Filter Sets are powered from the Sound Level Meter through the 15 pin connector, provided the EXT. FILTER switch on the Sound Level Meter is set to "In". The battery pack in the Filter Set contains 4 cells IEC LR 6 (B&K No. QB 0013) and is always connected in parallel with the battery pack in the Sound Level Meter. The battery life (alkaline cells) of the Sound Level Meter/Filter Set is approximately 12 hours with the Type 1624 and approximately 8 hours with the Type 1625. The Mains Power Supply and Charger ZG 0254, including a drawer with rechargeable cells can be used to power the Filter Set. 3 Specifications 1624 and 1625 1624 Octave Filter Set Type 1625 Third-Octave and Octave Frequency Range Selective 22 Hz to 22 kHz 18 Hz to 22 kHz (113 oct.), 14 Hz to 28 kHz (111 oct.) Linear Typical 5Hz to 75kHz (-1 dB) Typical 3Hz to 75kHz (-1 dB) 10 active 6-pole Butterworth octave filters 31 active 6-pole Butterworth third-octave filters and 31 overlapping 111 oct. filters at 1fs oct. intervals covering 11 octaves In accordance with standard IEC R 225-1966, DIN 45 651 and ANSI S 1.11-1966, Class II IEC R 225-1966, DIN 45 652, DIN 45 651 and ANSI S1.11-1966, Class II & Ill Centre Frequencies 31,5 Hz to 16kHz 20 Hz to 20 kHz Attenuation at Centre Frequency 0 dB ± 0,5 dB 0 dB ± 0,5 dB Peak-to-valley Ripple < 0,5 dB < 0,5 dB Attenuation outside Pass Band See Fig.2 & 3, > 60 dB at 8 f 0 and 1/s f 0 See Fig.6, > 75 dB at 5 f 0 and 1/s f 0 (1/s oct.) > 60 dB at 8 f 0 and 1fs f 0 (111 oct.) Filter Shift Slider switch Green lamp indicates time for filter switching when used with Level Recorder Manual or Automatic with Level Recorder. 1fs oct. or 111 Oct. steps for 111 oct. analysis Remote Control Semi automatic of Level Recorders Types 2317 and Automatic to/from Level Recorders Types 2317 and 2309 via cable AQ 0034 2309 via cable AQ 0034 Band-Pass Filters Input Impedance 10 kn in series with 5 J.LF 10 kn in series with 15 J.LF Input Terminating Impedance ~ ~ 100 n 100 n Max. 2 V sinus (2,8 V peak) Input Voltage Max. 2 V sinus (2,8 V peak) Output Impedance < 5 n in series with 15 J.LF < 5 n in series with 2,2 J.LF Output Terminating Impedance ~ 10k Q //1nF ~ 10k11//1nF Inherent Noise f 0 Hz max.J.LV 31 ,5 Hz 63Hz-16kHz Lin Magnetic Sensitivity (50 Hz) 200 (typ. 140) 150 (typ. 70) 250 (typ. 120) f 0 Hz (oct. or 1/s oct.) 20Hz-40kHz 50Hz-10kHz 12,5 kHz-20 kHz Lin Approximately 1 mV output for 100 A/m field strength Operating Temperature -10 to + sooc (+ 14 to +122 ° F) Storage Temperature -20 to +50° C (-4 to +122°F) Batteries Removed Influence of Temperature on Attenuation Influence of Humidity on Attenuation Batteries Dimensions Weight max. J.LV 250 (typ. 170) 150 (typ. 80) 200 (typ.110) 250 (typ. 120) < 0,5 dB (-10 to +50B C) 0 < 0,5 dB for 0 to 90% relative humidity at ~ 40° C without condensation 4 x 1,5 V IEC Type LR6 (QB 0013). Batteries used as extra supply for SLM Length 105 mm (4,1 in)- Width 85 mm (3,3 in)- Height 47 mm (1 ,8 in) 450 g (1 lb) including batteries Accesso,ies Included 4 Alkaline batteries 1 Plug Accessories Available 1 ,5 m control cable AQ 0034 1 ,5 m control cable AQ 0182 Mains Power Supply and Charger ZG 0254 QB 0013 JP 0802 T00517GB1 2. CONTROLS Brilel & KJ8!tr Centre Frequency Ty~MJ 1624 H.i!: lin • 11H• 8k. Ready~r 4 k. neKt Filter 63 • 31 ,6. y f!IIC:.:~,: Octave Filter Set Fig. 2. 1. Front view of the Filter Set READY FOR NEXT FILTER: A green LED lit to indicate that the measurement at the selected frequency band has been completed and another frequency band may now be selected. Note: This facility functions only when the filter is synchronised for operation with Level Recorder Type 2317, 2306 or 2309. CENTRE FREQUENCY: Slide switch with ten octave settings with centre frequencies from 31 ,5 Hz to 16 kHz and a setting for linear broad-band response from 5 Hz to 75 kHz. To begin a recording of an analysis at the lowest centre frequency when the Filter is synchronised with one of the above mentioned Level Recorders, the switch should be moved to the "Start Recording" position and released. 15 PIN CONNECTOR: 15 pin connector for use with the Sound Level Meters Type 2230 or 2233. This connector ensures signal connection, connection between the Sound Level Meter and Filter batteries, and power supply to the Filter Set when the Filter Set is included in the measurement circuit (i.e. EXT. FILTER "In" on the Sound Level Meter). LOCKS: Two spring loaded catches for securing the Filter Set to a Sound Level Meter. RECORDER CONTROL: 8 pin DIN socket for synchronization of the Filter Set with Level Recorder Type 2317, 2306 or 2309. 5 Filter Output -11 V Not used OV Not used + 11 V Signal ground Filter Input 00888000 00 80800 ov Not used +5V +Batt . -Batt . Power On/ Off -5V 830457 Fig. 2.2. 15 pin connector for Sound Level Meter Type 2230 or 2233 Not used Not used Filter shift pulses from Level Recorder + 6 V from _.--+ollt--- Level Recorder (indicates Recorder "On") 0 V to stop Level Recorder immediately Level Recorder ground 830074 Fig. 2.3. Recorder Control socket Battery drawer which accepts four 1,5 V alkaline cells (lEG type LR6, AA size). These are connected in parallel with the batteries in the Sound Level Meter (see section 3.2). This drawer can be replaced by the drawer fitted with rechargeable cells supplied with the Mains Power Supply and Charger ZG 0254 (option). BATTERY DRAWER: 1 Recorder Control 0 Fig. 2.4. Side view of the Filter Set 6 3. OPERATION 3.1. PRELIMINARY The Octave Filter Set Type 1624 employs only one active filter. The centre frequency can be varied in nine steps from 31,5 Hz to 16kHz in accordance with national and international standards and recommendations. Fig. 3. 1. Filter Set with the Sound Level Meter Type 2230 The Type 1624 is primarily designed for use with Sound Level Meters Type 2230 and 2233 to which it fits directly both mechanically and electrically. All electrical connections between the Filter and the Sound Level Meter are made via the integral 15 pin connector of the instruments. To fit the Filter Set to the Sound Level Meter, remove the protective plastic plate at the bottom part of the Sound Level Meter. Press the two side locks on the Fi Iter Set and engage the connector. Push gently until the two side locks are fastened, ensuring that the locks are again in their outer position. To insert the Filter Set in the measurement chain, set the EXT. FILTER switch on the Sound Level Meter to "In". The measured signal on the Sound Level Meter is now filtered in an octave band of centre frequency as indicated by the CENTER FREQUENCY selector. The signal is also weighted as selected on the Sound Level Meter, i.e. "A", "C" or "Lin". The SPL for the selected octave band is displayed on the Sound Level Meter. Semi-automatic recording of the frequency analysis can be obtained using Level Recorder Type 2317, 2306 or 2309 (See section 3.3). 7 3.2. POWER SUPPLY 3.2.1. Battery check The Filter Set is powered via the Sound Level Meter to which it is connected. The batteries contained in the Filter Set are not used to power the Filter Set directly, but to increase the life of the Sound Level Meter power supply. Life time with alkaline batteries and Sound Level Meter Type 2230 or 2233 is approximately 12 hours. To check the battery level of the Filter Set, connect the Filter Set to the Sound Level Meter, remove the battery drawer from the Sound Level Meter and check the display on the Sound Level Meter for "BAT" indication. If the "Bat" sign appears, approximately half an hour operation time is left, when using these batteries alone. If the "BAT" sign, and a non-resettable "t" appear, the Filter batteries must be replaced if they are alkaline type, or recharged if Ni-Cd cells are fitted. Note: Only one set of batteries, either in the Sound Level Meter or in the Filter Set, is sufficient to power both instruments. Battery life is reduced to approximately 6 hours. For long term storage, it is recommended that the batteries are removed in order to maintain their life and also as a general safety precaution. 3.2.2. Battery replacement Unlock the battery drawer and pull it out. Remove the depleted batteries and place four new batteries with polarities as shown in the drawer. Push the drawer back into place until the lock is secured. Fig. 3.2. Battery replacement 3.2.3. Mains Power Supply and Charger ZG 0254 (option) The battery drawer of the ZG 0254, containing 4 rechargeable cells, can be recharged either in or outside the Filter Set via the socket on the side of its battery draw. The Charger delivers enough current for simultaneously powering the Filter Set and Sound 8 Fig. 3.3. Mains Power Supply and Charger Type ZG 0254 Level Meter and recharging the cells to which the charger is attached. When only recharging the cells (drawer pulled out or instrument switched off), a recharging cycle takes approximately 5 hours. When recharging cells while powering the instrument, the recharging time is of course longer. Note: It is not necessary for both battery sets, in the Sound Level Meter and in the Filter Set, to be rechargeable. To avoid confusion, however, only those with rechargeable cells have the socket receiving the charger mounted on the side. If both instruments have rechargeable battery sets, it is necessary to use a separate power supply for each set. 3.3. FREQUENCY ANALYSIS 3.3.1. Introduction In this Instruction Manual discussion is confined to the practical aspects of performing frequency analyses with a Filter Set and Sound Level Meter combination. For comprehensive details on the theory of analysis, the book "Application of B & K Equipment to frequency Analysis" by R. B. Randall should be consulted. In the following paragraphs, the settings given for the Sound Level Meter apply to both the Types 2230 and 2233. When the settings for the two sound level meters are different, the setting for Type 2233 is given in brackets. 3.3.2. Frequency Analysis The frequency selector is stepped manually to display, on the Sound Level Meter, the SPL in the various frequency bands. The green LED is inactive unless the Filter Set is connected to a Level Recorder. Proceed as follows: 1. On the Sound Level Meter set: DETECTOR: TIME WEIGHTING: "RMS" "Fast" or "Slow" 9 DETECTOR: TIME WEIGHTING: DISPLAY: SOUND INCIDENCE: EXT. FILTER: POWER: OPERATING MODE: FSD: RESET: FREQ. WEIGHTING: 2. "RMS" "Fast" or "Slow" "SPL" ("Lr" for 2233) As required "In" "On" "Operate" As required "All" or "Max./Min." ("Max." for 2233) "All-Pass" (The weighting selected is applied to the signal analysed) Select the frequency band on the Filter Set, and read the corresponding level on the Sound Level Meter display. To avoid noting analysis results by hand, the Level Recorder Type 2317, 2306 or 2309 may be be used for semi-automastic recording of analyses. 3.3.3. Frequency Analysis with Level Recorder Semi-automatic recording of octave band frequency analysis is possible using Level Recorder Type 2317, 2306 or 2309. Recording of the frequency analysis provides a hardcopy result which is very convenient for documentation in reports. Fig. 3.4. Level Recorder Type 2317 The synchronization of filter stepping and paper advance is achieved using control cable AQ 0034 (or AQ 0182 for earlier 2306 Level Recorders, see section 3.3.4), while the level for each octave band is transmitted by cable AO 0173 connected to the Sound Level Meter (see Fig.3.5). 10 Level Recorder 2317 (or 2306) Two Channel Level Recorder 2309 83004811 Fig. 3.5. Set-ups for semi-automatic octave analysis and recording with Type 2317, 2306 or 2309 The Type 1624 is equipped with a green LED which is lit when analysis in one octave band is completed and the centre frequency has to be stepped to the next centre frequency. Recordings may be made on a frequency preprinted paper (see Fig.3.6). 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 BrUei&Kjar Recording Mode: OCLin Q!!l DClog . 0 ACLog. O AC Av•.. ing _ _ Range : ~(dB) PaperSpeed: _ 3_ mm/s Wr Speed : ~mm~~ ~~-~~~~~~~11111~1~11~1~1~11111 Oate: _ _ 10 Time : _ _ Sign.: _ _ Zom Le•e1 oJ!Q_ 0 M:~hi~eobj.:_ lo ~ analysis 20 with 1624 and 2317_ 30 QP 0151 ~:::: ~:: ~~~~~~ 25 ' ~~ SO 31 5 125 63 80 100 1 250 160 200 315 400 S00630 800 k~2~ 1.6 2 4 2.5 3,15 1 16 S 6.3 B 10 12.5 20 ri;,!2~'-"'; · n.3,.,--15--::40:--:-;-:-LI"------;;16;-;-o13/;;o,16j 83031912 Fig. 3.6. Octave analysis on Type 2317 or 2306 For octave band analysis recording proceed as follows: Recording with Type 2317 Carry out preliminary checks on all three instruments (Sound Level Meter calibration, battery level, etc.) and load the Level Recorder with recording paper QP 0124. Connect the Sound Level Meter to the Level Recorder using cable AO 0173, and calibrate the Level Recorder for AC Log or DC Lin (see Instruction Manuals for 2317 and 2230). Set the controls on the Sound Level Meter as follows: DETECTOR: TIME WEIGHTING: DISPLAY: SOUND INCIDENCE: EXT. FILTER: POWER: OPERATING MODE: FSD: RESET: FREQ. WEIGHTING: "RMS" "Fast" or "Slow" "SPL" ("Lr" for 2233) As required "In" "On" "Operate" As required "All" or "Max./Min." ("Max." for 2233) "All-Pass" (The weighting selected is applied to the signal analysed) 11 Without readjusting its calibration for AC or DC recording, set the controls on the Level Recorder as follows: WRITING SPEED: PAPER SPEED: POWER: PAPER DRIVE: PEN LIFT: "Normal" "1 mm/s" or as required In In Off Proceed with recording of the analysis, as outlined later in this section. Recording with Type 2306 (or Type 2309) 1. Carry out preliminary checks on all 3 instruments (battery level, etc.) and calibrate the Sound Level Meter. 2. Load the Level Recorder with recording paper QP 0124 (QP 2100 for Type 2309). If the Sound Level Meter is equipped with a DC output, connect this output to the Level Recorder using cable AO 0173 and calibrate the Level Recorder for DC Lin (see 2230 and 2306 Instruction Manuals). If the Sound Level Meter used is the Type 2231, then its AC Output must be used. The Level Recorder must then be calibrated for AC Log recordings, and its WRITING SPEED set to "1 00 mm/s" (see point 5). 3. Fasten the Filter Set to the Sound Level Meter and interconnect the REMOTE CONTROL sockets of the Filter and Level Recorder as shown in Fig.3.5. With earlier Type 2306 Level Recorders use cable AQ 0182 (see section 3.3.4.). 4. Set the controls on the Sound Level Meter as follows: DETECTOR: TIME WEIGHTING: DISPLAY: SOUND INCIDENCE: EXT. FILTER: POWER: OPERATING MODE: FSD: RESET: FREQ. WEIGHTING: 5. "RMS" "Fast" or "Slow" "SPL" ("Lr" for 2233) As required "In" "On" "Operate" As required "All" or "Max./Min." ("Max." for 2233) "All-Pass" (The weighting selected is applied to the signal analysed) Without readjusting its calibration for AC or DC recording, set the .controls on the Level Recorder as follows WRITING SPEED: PAPER SPEED: POWER: PAPER DRIVE: PEN DRIVE: "250 mm/s" ("1 00 mm/s" when using Type 2231) "Ext." In In In Recordings with the Level Recorder Type 2309 are similar to those with the Type 2306. Proceed with recording of the analysis, as outlined overleaf. 12 Recording of the analysis: On the Filter Set slide the CENTRE FREQUENCY selector to "Start Recording T" or to another centre frequency. When the paper stops, switch PAPER DRIVE "Off" and move the paper so the pen lies 7,5 mm before the starting centre frequency printed on the recording paper. Depress PAPER DRIVE. To start recording slide the CENTRE FREQUENCY selector to "Start Recording T" for a frequency analysis from 31,5 Hz, or to the centre frequency chosen to start the analysis. The recording of an octave has a length of 15 mm. During the first millimeter, which corresponds to the settling time, the Sound Level Meter is disconnected from the Filter and a low level is recorded. During this same time, the green LED - READY FOR NEXT FILTER is Lit. The level in the octave band is then recorded over the last 14 millimeters and the green LED - READY FOR NEXT FILTER is lit again. Slide the CENTRE FREQUENCY selector to record the next octave until the analysis is completed. After the highest octave is recorded, slide the CENTRE FREQUENCY selector to "Lin." to obtain the "All-Pass" recording. To record the "A" or "C" frequency response when the frequency analysis recording is completed, set FREQ. WEIGHTING to "A" or "C" and EXT. FILTER to "Out" on the Sound Level Meter. Slide the CENTER FREQUENCY selector to the next filter or to "Lin" or to "Start recording", and the "A" or "C" frequency response will be recorded. 3.3.4. Frequency Analysis with earlier Level Recorder Type 2306 Level Recorders with serial number 718058 or higher Level Recorders before serial 1---------i number 718058 1/ 3 oct 5 mm 1 / 1 oct 15 mm Fig. 3. 7. 5 mm 113 octave and 15 mm octave paper drive adjustment with Level Recorder 2306 13 Complete details of synchronization and use are given in the 2306 Instruction Manual. It should be noted, however, that when using a Level Recorder Type 2306 before serial number 576 700, it will have to be modified by connecting a 1 kQ resistor between the two solder points indicated in Fig.4.4, or the filter cannot control the recording (the "Ready for next filter" LED will not light). 14 4. APPENDIX Lin I Buffer and Low Pass Filter I Input Low Pass Filter ~ II o Octave Band Pass Filter I I I I I ~ Oct. I I I I I Output I Ready for next Filter I I I .,.. ' I I/ I I I ~-L __ L __ L ________ L __ I I Filter Switch Block Diagram of Type 1624 Octave Filter Set 830073 Fig. 4. 1. Simplified block diagram of the Filter Set 1624 Equiv. SPL. dB +20 0~ ---~~----------------------------------------------------- 31,5 125 63 250 5 0 1k 2k 4k Sk 16k Frequency Hz 84035011 Fig. 4.2. Inherent noise level of 2230 Sound Level Meter with the Filter Set 1624 Phase deg. 841057 Fig. 4.3. Phase relationship 15 5. SERVICE AND REPAIR The Type 1624 is designed and constructed to provide the user with many years of reliable operation. However, should a fault occur which impairs its correct function, then its internal batteries should be removed to prevent risk of further damage. For repair consult the separate Service Instruction Manual available for the Type 1624 or contact your local 8 & K service representative. Under no circumstances should repair be attempted by persons not qualified in the service of electronic instrumentation. 16 1624 + Printed in Denmark by Ncerum Offset Bri.iel & Kjcer DK-2850 N.LERUM, DENMARK Telephone: + 45 2 800500 Telex: 37316 bruka dk 0 ° English OK BE0563-12 1624 + Printed in Denmark by Ncerum Offset Bri.iel & Kjcer DK-2850 N.LERUM, DENMARK· Telephone: + 45 2 800500 · Telex: 37316 bruka dk English DK BE 0563-12