An alternative water transport system in land plants M. Biddick, I. Hutton and K. C. Burns School of Biological Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington, PO Box 600, Wellington, New Zealand Research Downloaded from on 23 February 2024 Cite this article: Biddick M, Hutton I, Burns KC. 2018 An alternative water transport system in land plants. Proc. R. Soc. B 285: 20180995. Received: 2 May 2018 Accepted: 9 July 2018 Subject Category: Evolution Subject Areas: ecology, evolution, plant science Keywords: Pandanus forsteri (Pandanaceae), plant water relations, rainfall interception, stemflow Author for correspondence: M. Biddick e-mail: MB, 0000-0002-1196-5698; KCB, 0000-0002-4938-2877 The evolution of vascular tissue is a key innovation enabling plants to inhabit terrestrial environments. Here, we demonstrate extra-vascular water transport in a giant, prop-rooted monocot from Lord Howe Island. Pandanus forsteri (Pandanaceae) produces gutter-like leaves that capture rainwater, which is then couriered along a network of channels to the tips of aerial roots, where it is stored by absorptive tissue. This passive mechanism of water acquisition, transport and storage is critical to the growth of aerial prop roots that cannot yet attain water via vascular conduction. This species therefore sheds light on the elaborate means by which plants have evolved to attain water. 1. Introduction The evolution of vascular tissue has enabled hundreds of thousands of land plants to colonize most of terrestrial Earth [1,2]. Vascular land plants can conduct, transport and store soil water—adaptations paramount to terrestrial life. Water is transported from roots to leaves in xylem as a result of both, transpiration at the leaves, as well as the cohesive and adhesive properties of water molecules [3–5]. However, vascular conduction is contingent on soil moisture, which often occurs patchily in the environment. Further, some plants lack access to soil altogether (e.g. epiphytes); a phenomenon that has driven the evolution of alternative means of water acquisition. Rainfall interception is a complementary and unappreciated water source for land plants. Intercepted rainwater collects at the stem, where it passively descends to the roots via gravity (i.e. stemflow). Stemflow has become an increasingly recognized phenomenon affecting forest hydrology (reviewed in [6,7]), including soil moisture patterns [8–10], chemistry [11,12], erosion [13,14] and understory species composition [15,16]. However, few studies have document traits that increase rainwater harvesting or its physiological benefits (although see [17]). Pandanus forsteri (Pandanaceae) is a giant, prop-rooted monocot that is endemic to Lord Howe Island (figure 1a). New prop roots sometimes take years to reach the ground, during which time they cannot conduct soil water. Here, we investigate morphological traits in P. forsteri that appear to supply prop roots with rainwater before they reach the ground. First, we test whether the gutterlike morphology of its leaves increases the amount of rainwater they capture and channel to the trunk. We then test whether the grooved morphology of its prop roots directs the flow of rainwater to aerial root tips. Next, we quantify the water retention capacity of dead epidermal tissue (velamen radicum) surrounding the tips of aerial roots. Finally, in a long-term growth experiment, we disable each of these traits to establish whether they interact jointly to form a water transport system that facilitates the growth of aerial roots. 2. Material and methods (a) Study site and species Lord Howe Island (figure 1c) is a small (less than 15 km2), subtropical island located 600 km off the east coast of Australia (318330 S, 1598050 E). The island is the remnant & 2018 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved. (a) (b) 2 Proc. R. Soc. B 285: 20180995 Downloaded from on 23 February 2024 (c) Figure 1. (a) Pandanus forsteri (Pandanaceae) is a giant, endemic screwpine that supports itself with enormous prop roots. (b) Intercepted rainwater running down the trunk and a steeply inclined aerial prop root. (c) Lord Howe Island is a UNESCO listed World Heritage Site located 600 km off the east coast of Australia. of a shield volcano that erupted approximately 6.9 million years ago and is now dominated by tropical rainforest [18]. Pandanus forsteri is an endemic and unusually large species of screwpine that produces a central axis with limited radial growth. For support, it produces sequentially larger prop roots through ontogeny (figure 1a). (b) Leaf channels Leaves have deep grooves that appear to capture and channel rainwater (figures 2 and 3a). To characterize leaf channelling, we measured the length, width and channel depth of a single leaf from each of 73 individuals using a pair of digital callipers. Measurements were taken at a randomly chosen distance from the point of attachment (random number generated between zero and total leaf length). Channel area was then calculated as the area of a triangle. To test whether relative channel area increases with total catchment area along the length of the leaf, we used linear regression to test whether the ratio of channel area to leaf width increases with proximity to the trunk (n ¼ 73). To test whether leaf channels capture and transport rainwater, a single leaf from each of 15 individuals was chosen at random. Leaves were placed into a collection container fixed at 308 (mean leaf angle measured in the field) and a mechanical sprinkler system was then used to sprinkle 430 ml of water (the maximum volume of sprinkler apparatus) onto a standardized length of leaf (50 cm). Water was collected at the end of the leaves and weighed using a digital scale (i.e. 1 g ¼ 1 ml). This procedure was then repeated for each leaf after disabling the channel with a layer of adhesive tape that was fitted over the channel along the length of the lamina. We then ran a linear mixed effects model of water captured against channel area, with treatment as a fixed factor with two levels (channels present and channels removed). (c) Root channels Roots often have conspicuous longitudinal grooves that appear to channel the flow of rainwater from the trunk to the tips of aerial roots (figure 3b). To characterize how root channels are positioned along prop roots, one root from each of 83 individuals channel area leaf width 150 2.5 2.0 100 50 50 Downloaded from on 23 February 2024 100 unk ( cm) leaf width 30 50 distan ce to tr 1.5 3. Results 1.0 Leaf morphology is increasingly more gutter-like towards the point of attachment to the trunk (figure 2). Experimentally disabled leaf channels capture less water than control leaves (figure 3a, d.f. ¼ 27, T ¼ 25.250, p , 0.01). Leaves with channels present captured a mean of 426.1 ml of water (+4.5 s.d., range ¼ 415.7, 430), whereas leaves with channels disabled captured a mean of 328.1 ml (+71.3 s.d., range ¼ 144.8, 403.5). The radial position of root channels varied with root inclination (figure 4). Weakly inclined roots (I , 608) primarily produce channels on their upper surface (cardinal mean ¼ 8.118), whereas strongly inclined roots (I . 608) primarily produce channels on their underside (cardinal mean ¼ 177.28). Channels do not form a uniform distribution around a central tendency (T ¼ 0.481, p , 0.01) and the cardinal means of the two groups (less than 608 versus greater than 608) were significantly different (T ¼ 0.406, p , 0.01). Experimental manipulations of root channels demonstrated that channel presence and root inclination interact to determine the amount of water transported to the tips of aerial roots (figure 3b; d.f. ¼ 26, T ¼ 3.452, p , 0.01). The velamen radicum surrounding aerial root tips retained more water than regular root epidermis (figure 3b; d.f. ¼ 9.141, T ¼ 7.478, p , 0.01). Root epidermal tissue held 1.5-times its dry mass when soaked (+ 0.30 s.d., range ¼ 1.18, 2.20). Whereas velamen radicum tissue held 9.6-times its dry mass when soaked (+ 3.33 s.d., range ¼ 4.19, 13.34). The long-term growth experiment illustrated that both stemflow diversion and velamen radicum removal affected root growth. Roots with stemflow diverted grew less longitudinally than control roots (figure 5; d.f. ¼ 13.893, T ¼ 2.475, p ¼ 0.026). Roots with the velamen radicum removed grew less radially relative to control roots (d.f. ¼ 11.892, T ¼ 4.520, p , 0.01). 0.5 Figure 2. Strap leaves in P. forsteri are increasingly more gutter-like towards the point of attachment to the trunk. That is, leaf channels take up a larger portion of leaf lamina closer to the trunk. was randomly chosen for measurement. The orientation of longitudinal grooves on the root surface and root inclination from the ground was measured using an electronic protractor. To test whether the position of root channels varied with root inclination, we separated the data into two distinct categories: less than 608 and greater than 608. We then ran Rayleigh’s test of uniformity and calculated the respective mean cardinal biases. A Watson’s two-sample test of homogeneity was then used to test for a difference between means. To test whether root channels increase the flow of rainwater to aerial root tips, we randomly chose a single root from each of 15 trees. We precipitated 430 ml of water onto the trunk –root junction and recorded the amount water channelled to a silicone interception collar and collection container fitted 10 cm from the root tip. The channel was then disabled using a layer of adhesive tape that was fitted over the channel along with length of the root and the procedure repeated. A linear model was then conducted using treatment as a fixed factor with two levels (channel present, channel disabled) and inclination as a covariate. (d) Root tips Root tips are surrounded by a velamen radicum consisting of dead epidermal tissue that appears to absorb rainwater (figure 3c). To quantify its water retention capacity, we removed a section of the velamen radicum and adjacent epidermal tissue from a single root from each of 10 individuals. Samples were dried using a low heat convection oven to a constant weight, immersed in water for 20 s, strained for 10 s to remove excess water and then weighed. The water retention capacity of each tissue type was then calculated by dividing wet mass by dry mass. A paired t-test was used to test for a difference in the water holding capacity of each tissue type. (e) Root growth To test whether channelled rainwater facilitates the growth of aerial roots, a single root was randomly chosen from each of 30 trees. Root channels in 10 trees were disabled by a silicone interception collar fitted 10 cm above the trunk – root junction. The velamen radicum in 10 trees was surgically removed without damaging the root meristem. The remaining 10 trees were treated as controls. All roots were then ring-marked 10 cm from the tip as a point of reference to measure future growth. After 22 months (September 2015 – July 2017), two dependent variables were measured. Longitudinal root growth was measured as the distance from the ring mark to the end of the 4. Discussion Pandanus forsteri is unusual among screwpines in that adults often grow to over 15 m and new prop roots can remain aerial for years before they ground. During this time, roots are unable to access and conduct soil water. Selection appears to have mitigated this constraint by favouring the evolution of a passive water transport system that does not rely on soil water. Gutter-like leaves intercept and transport rainwater to the trunk, which is then couriered along a network of channels directly to aerial root tips, where it is stored by absorptive tissue. Other plants are known to intercept rainfall with specialized leaves. Tank bromeliads capture rainwater in cup-like structures formed by coalescing leaf axils, which enables them to mitigate drought conditions associated with an epiphytic existence [20,21]. Tropical palms accumulate rainwater and nutrients in their large, upward-facing fronds, Proc. R. Soc. B 285: 20180995 40 (mm) channel 2 ) area (cm 3.0 3 200 root. Radial root growth was measured by dividing post-treatment root diameter (10 cm below ring-mark) by pre-treatment root diameter. Separate Welsh unequal variance t-tests were then used to test for differences in long-term longitudinal and radial root growth between treatments. All statistical analyses were performed in R environment [19]. Radial analyses were conducted using the ‘circular’ and ‘CircStats’ packages. (a) 4 water captured (ml) 500 400 300 Proc. R. Soc. B 285: 20180995 200 channels present channels disabled Downloaded from on 23 February 2024 (b) 450 water captured (ml) 400 350 300 250 channels present channels disabled 200 40 60 50 root inclination (°) 70 water retention capacity (c) 12 10 8 6 4 2 root epidermis velamen radicum Figure 3. (a) Gutter-like leaves intercept and transport rainwater to the trunk. Leaves with these channels disabled capture less water. (b) Root channels direct descending rainwater to aerial root tips. When disabled, roots transport less water to the root tip, particularly at shallower root inclinations. (c) Dead epidermal tissue (velamen radicum) that stores water at growing aerial root tips. Dried samples of velamen radicum retain markedly more water (greater wet mass : dry mass ratio) than regular root epidermis when immersed in water and strained. which then descend the trunk and creates an area of high soil moisture and nutrients at their base [17,22 –24]. Though the acquisition of supplementary water transcends leaf traits. Plants also capitalize on intercepted rainwater through the production of adventitious roots. Some tropical trees, for instance, produce adventitious roots in the presence of strong stemflow, exploiting its nutrient content before it reaches the soil where it can be leeched by competing understory species [13,25]. Desiccation resistant Velloziaceae similarly use adventitious roots in their ‘pseudostems’ of dead leaf bases to absorb rainwater incidentally trapped inside [26–28]. Most curiously, Amazonian trees have been shown to produce apogeotropic 100 50 C 90° Downloaded from on 23 February 2024 270 90 270 0 90 180 180 I < 60° 60° > I > 70° 270 90 I > 70° Figure 4. Pandanus forsteri produces aerial prop-roots that differ in their inclination relative to the ground. Prop-roots bare deep channels on their surfaces. The orientation of root channels radially is closely associated with root inclination (I ). Shallowly inclined roots (I , 608) primarily have channels located on their upper surface (i.e. 2708 , x , 908, where 08 ¼ upper root surface oriented skyward), whereas steeply inclined roots (I . 608) tend to have channels on their underside (908 , x , 2708). Near-vertical roots seldom have channels, whereas shallowly inclined roots often have several. roots that grow vertically up the trunks of neighbouring trees, thereby securing first access to nutrient-rich stemflow [29]. Results from this study demonstrate that mechanisms of rainwater harvesting can be much more sophisticated than previously thought. Pandanus forsteri produces root channels that orient the flow of intercepted rainwater to the tips of aerial roots. Channels on the upper root surface of weakly inclined roots reduce the amount of stemflow that is lost to gravity by preventing runoff. Similarly, channels on the underside of strongly inclined roots reduce run-off by increasing the surface area contacted by stemflow. Near-vertical roots generally lack channels, presumably because water passively descends regardless. Root channels maximize the volume of stemflow that reaches root tips primarily by modulating its course. Prior studies have shown the influence of hydrophilic –hydrophobic properties of plant surfaces on water dynamics [30–32]. While the water-repellent nature of Pandanus leaves presumably facilitates the movement of intercepted rainwater to the trunk, the degree to which such properties modulate stemflow dynamics in P. forsteri is not yet known. The production of root channels entails a physiological cost. Root channels are formations of missing vascular tissue and therefore reduce the cross-sectional area of prop roots. As the primary function of roots is to conduct soil water and minerals, and to provide structural support, root channels necessarily reduce both. The results presented SD VR 5 AB B 0.9 0.8 C SD VR Figure 5. The effects of stemflow diversion (SD) and velamen radicum removal (VR) on root growth after 22-months compared to control roots (C). Groups sharing common letters do not differ significantly, while groups that do not share letters are statistically distinguishable. Outliers are denoted by closed circles. here, however, suggest the cost of their production is outweighed by their benefit to growth while aerial. Many epiphytes are aerially rooted and therefore prone to drought-induced cavitation and embolism that can render vascular tissue dysfunctional [33–35]. Some epiphytic orchids avoid drought by absorbing and storing incident rainfall in a sheath layer of dead cells that surrounds root tips (‘velamen radicum’, [36,37]). Pandanus forsteri is not epiphytic. However, it does produce aerial roots that are enclosed in a type of velamen; supporting the recent discovery that the velamen radicum is not an exclusively epiphytic adaptation [38]. Experimentally removing the velamen radicum affected root growth differently than diverting stemflow. Diverting the flow of rainwater to aerial roots constrained their longitudinal growth. Removing their absorptive velamen radicum constrained their growth radially. Why the velamen radicum and stemflow affect root growth in different ways is unknown. Pandanus forsteri has evolved a simple water transport system that captures, transports and stores rainwater, facilitating the growth of its aerial prop roots that cannot yet attain water from the soil. This system is relatively simple compared to vascular conduction in that it is comprised of organs that have evolved to perform other functions, but have been modified to fulfil the additional role of rainwater harvesting. Nevertheless, P. forsteri illustrates how plants have evolved innovative and alternative mechanisms of water acquisition. Better understanding such adaptations might prove important to predicting the outcomes of a changing climate for species already under water constraints. Data accessibility. All data are deposited at: dryad.2dp8877 [39]. Authors’ contributions. The study was conceived together by M.B. and K.C.B. All experimental and morphometric data were obtained by M.B. The long-term growth experiment was supervised by I.H. for its 22-month duration. M.B. wrote the manuscript with significant inputs from K.C.B. and I.H. Competing interests. We declare we have no competing interests. Funding. We received no funding for this study. References 1. Raven JA 1977 The evolution of vascular land plants in relation to supracellular transport processes. In Advances in botanical research, pp. 153 –219. London, UK: Elsevier. 2. Lucas WJ et al. 2013 The plant vascular system: evolution, development and functions. J. Integ. Plant Biol. 55, 294–388. (doi:10.1111/jipb. 12041) 3. Tyree MT, Zimmermann MH 2002 Hydraulic architecture of whole plants and plant performance. In Xylem structure and the ascent of sap, pp. 175–214. Berlin, Germany: Springer. Proc. R. Soc. B 285: 20180995 0 AB post/pre-treatment root diameter longitudinal root growth (cm) B A A 0° root inclination (I) 1.0 150 4. 6. 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