ENDODONTIC EMERGENCIES drg. Irfan Dwiandhono REFERENSI Walton, R.E., Torabinejad, M. 2002. Principles and Practice of Endodontics. 3rd ed. W. B. Saunders. London Grossman, L.I., Oliet, S., Rio, C.E.D. 1995. Ilmu Endodontik Dalam Praktek. EGC. Jakarta Ford, T.R.P., Rhodes, J.S., Ford, H.E.P. 2002. Endodontics Problems-Solving Clinical Practice. Martin Dunitz. London. Chong, B.S. 2010. Harty’s Endodontics in Clinical Practice. 6th ed. Elsevier. London PAIN…. ✓Physiological ✓Psychological EVALUATION OF THE CASE SEVERITY • Regular daily activities : Sleep, meals, work, etc • Symptons began • Take pain killers • Drug inefficacy / short lasting analgesia • Systemic symptoms / signs : fever • The patient perspective : Emotional condition, pain tolerance KEDARURATAN VS KEGAWATDARURATAN • DARURAT Keadaan sulit (sukar) yang tidak disangka-sangka yang memerlukan penanggulangan segera • GAWAT Kritis / Genting / Berbahaya / Dekat dengan kematian ENDODO NTIC “The condition associated with EMERGE pain and/or swelling which NCIES requires immediate diagnosis and Perawatan kedaruratan endodontik adalah perawatan yang treatment” bersifat sementara dan bertujuan untuk mengurangi atau menghilangkan rasa sakit bagi penderita. TRUE EMERGENCY VS LESS CRITICAL EMERGENCY • True Emergency The condition which requires unscheduled visit with diagnosis and treatment at that time • Less Critical Emergency Less severe problem in which next visit may be scheduled for mutual convenience of both patient as well as the dentist ETIOLOGI ENDODONTIC EMERGENCIES • Kelainan dalam pulpa • Kelainan dalam periradicular • Cedera Traumatik ENDODONTIC EMERGENCIES Pre Treatment Intra Appointment Post Obturation SISTEM PENEGAKAN 1. Pemeriksaan Subjective DIAGNOSA Chief Complaint Present Illness Past Dental History Past Medical History Family History Social History SISTEM PENEGAKAN 1. Pemeriksaan Subjektif DIAGNOSA 2. Pemeriksaan Objektif Extra Oral Intra Oral Asimetri wajah Vitalitas Luka Perkusi Kondisi fisik Palpasi Gaya berjalan Mobilitas SISTEM PENEGAKAN 1. Pemeriksaan Subjektif DIAGNOSA 2. Pemeriksaan Objektif 3. Pemeriksaan Penunjang Diagnosa Rencana Perawatan PULPAL PERIRADICULAR PULP ORIGIN VS PERIODONTAL ORIGIN Periodontal Origin Pulp Origin • • If thermal stimuli lead to severe explosive pain The patient is unable to localize • Thermal test • Electric pulp tester • If pain occurs on mastication or when teeth are in occlusion • The patient is able to localize • Periodontal probing • Palpation over the apex • The mobility of tooth • Selective biting on the object KLASIFIKASI KEDARURATAN ENDODONTIK • Pulpitis Ireversibel akut • Periodontitis apikalis akut • Abses Alveolar Akut • Abses Periodontal Akut • Acute flare-up • Fraktur mahkota • Fraktur akar PULPITIS IRREVERSIBEL AKUT • Nyeri spontan dan tajam, kadang persisten selama beberapa menit • Nyeri timbul bila kena rangsangan termal (dingin atau panas), bertahan dari detik sampai menit meskipun rangsangan telah dihilangkan PULPITIS IRREVERSIBEL AKUT PEMERIKSAAN KLINIS • Extensive atau recurrent caries • Gigi dengan restorasi yang besar dan dalam • Gigi crack atau fraktur PULPITIS IRREVERSIBEL AKUT PULPITIS IRREVERSIBEL AKUT THE CHALLENGE • Identification of the responsible tooth • Obtaining an adequate anaesthesia • Finding the canal orifices because bleeding PULPITIS IRREVERSIBEL AKUT Adequate anaesthesia • Infiltrasi labial / palatal • Block anaesthesia PULPITIS IRREVERSIBEL AKUT Adequate anaesthesia • Intrapulpal injection • Periodontal ligament injection PULPITIS IRREVERSIBEL AKUT Treatment : • Extirpation of the pulp from the chamber Emergency treatment • Root canal treatment • Extraction • Medication : analgesic EXTIRPATION OF THE PULP PULPITIS IRREVERSIBEL AKUT Treatment : • Apabila tidak mempunyai banyak waktu untuk menyelesaikan eksterpasi pulpa & preparasi saluran akar Pulpotomi (debridement, pengeringan, dan penutupan kamar pulpa dengan suatu dressing yang telah diberi obat PULPOTOMI PULPITIS IRREVERSIBEL AKUT • Root canal treatment PERIODONTITIS APIKAL AKUT • Inflammation of periodontal ligament caused by tissue damage usually from extension of pulpal pathosis or occlusal trauma • Pressure on tooth (occlusion / percussion) is transmitted to the fluid which pushes on nerve ending in the periodontal ligament PERIODONTITIS APIKAL AKUT • Bacterial invasion Pulp necrosis • Development of a complex biofilm • Interaction with periapical tissues at foraminal areas • Conflict between bacterial proliferation and host defense mechanisms PERIODONTITIS APIKAL AKUT • Release of inflamation mediators • Immune and inflamatory reactions in the periodontal space • Exsudate infiltrates the periodontal ligament space • Pressure increases on periodontal fibers, already sensitized by inflamatory mediators PERIODONTITIS APIKAL AKUT Symptoms : • Intense pain caused by masticatory movement • Sensation of supraocclusion PERIODONTITIS APIKAL AKUT Examination : • Color alteration • Caries or restoration • Tenderness to touch • Percusion positive • Non vital • Enlargement of the Periodontal Ligament space PERIODONTITIS APIKAL AKUT Treatment : • Open bur / Trepanasi treatment • Occlusal grinding • Root canal treatment X Emergency PERIODONTITIS APIKAL AKUT • Root canal treatment ACUTE APICAL ABSCESS • Formation of a periapical abscess implies the breakdown of body immune system because it contain microbes inside the root canal system • Large number of bacteria get past the apex into the periradicular tissues resulting in local collection of purulent exudates ACUTE APICAL ABSCESS • Bacteria pass the foramen in large numbers, invading the apical periodontium • Release of chemotactic factors (PMN leucocytes) Release of lysosomic enzymes ACUTE APICAL ABSCESS SYMPTOMS : • Pulsating pain • Swelling • Pain to chewing • Sensation of supraocclusion • Mobility • Systematic feature (Fever & Malaise) ACUTE APICAL ABSCESS EXAMINATION : • Non vital • Percussion positive • Enlargement of periodontal ligament space • Radiolucent diffuse PHASE ACUTE APICAL ABSCESS • Initial abscess • Subperiosteal abscess • Final phase abscess ACUTE APICAL ABSCESS 1. INITIAL ABSCESS • Pulp necrotic • No swelling • Canal contain bacteria, biofilm, and PMN (Leucocyte) • Leucocyte release lysosomic enzim Production pus • Acumulate pus high pressure on periapical tissues ACUTE APICAL ABSCESS 2. SUBPERIOSTEAL ABSCESS • Swelling • High pressure on both the periapical tissues and the periosteum • Emergency treatment : Drainage the purulent exsudate ACUTE APICAL ABSCESS 2. SUBPERIOSTEAL ABSCESS ACUTE APICAL ABSCESS 3. FINAL PHASE ABSCESS • The pus break the periosteum and accumulate in the sub mucosa • Swelling on the buccal or lingual aspect of the alveolar bone • Fluctuation • Emergency treatment : Drainage - Access cavity - Incision in the fluctuation zone ACUTE APICAL ABSCESS 3. FINAL PHASE ABSCESS ACUTE APICAL ABSCESS Perawatan : 1. Tindakan untuk meredakan kondisi akutnya, meliputi drainase (open bur(trepanasi)/insisi), occlusal grinding, debridement (pembersihan dan pembentukan saluran akar secara sempurna) 2. Bila pembengkakan luas, lunak, dan menunjukkan fluktuasi diperlukan suatu insisi melalui jaringan lunak 3. Antibiotik diberikan setelah dilakukan drainase ACUTE APICAL ABSCESS Tujuan Drainase : 1. Mencegah terjadinya perluasan abses/infeksi ke jaringan lain 2. Mengurangi rasa sakit 3. Menurunkan jumlah populasi mikroba dan toksinnya 4. Memperbaiki vaskularisasi jaringan 5. Mencegah terjadinya jaringan parut akibat drainase spontan dari abses ACUTE APICAL ABSCESS • Root canal treatment ABSES PERIODONTAL AKUT Tanda dan Gejala : • Rasa sakit dan bengkak • Dapat timbul pada pulpa vital maupun nekrotik • Probing helps in differentiating endodontic from periodontal disease. These abscesses occasionally communicate with the sulcus and have a deep probing defect • Etiologi : Pembentukan nanah di dalam infrabony poket yang dalam ABSES PERIODONTAL AKUT Treatment: ๏ Pada pulpa vital ✓ Dilakukan kuretase, debridement, drainase melalui sulkus, dan insisi jaringan lunak ✓ Bila gagal : PSA ๏ Pada pulpa non vital ✓ Dirawat seperti abses alveolar akut PSA ABSES PERIODONTAL AKUT ACUTE FLARE-UP DURING TREATMENT • The occurence of pain, swelling or the combination of these during the root canal therapy • Etiology : - NaOCl accident - Perforation - Over instrument - Extrusion ACUTE FLARE-UP DURING TREATMENT NaOCl accident • Serious severe situation • Immediate, sudden and violent pain • Swelling and prolonged bleeding in the canal • Lack of control in the irrigation ACUTE FLARE-UP DURING TREATMENT NaOCl accident • Treatment : - Wash with saline or distilled water - Medication : Analgesic - Consider the need to refer to a hospital ACUTE FLARE-UP DURING TREATMENT Perforation • Proximal, buccal, floor • Bleeding in root canal • Treatment : Closure with MTA ACUTE FLARE-UP DURING TREATMENT Overinstrumentation • Uncontrolled enlargement of the foramen • Mechanical agression to the periapical tissues • Debris are pushed out • Overobturation • Medication : Analgesic FRAKTUR MAHKOTA • Nyeri tajam, nyeri yang menusuk terutama sewaktu mengunyah • Transluminasi dapat digunakan untuk menyingkap garis retak pada gigi FRAKTUR MAHKOTA Treatment : • Bila segmen mahkota terbelah dan pulpa tidak terbuka (rasa sakit biasanya akan menghilang) Pulp capping Restorasi • Bila pulpa terbuka • Occlusal grinding PSA vital/non vital FRAKTUR MAHKOTA FRAKTUR AKAR Prognosis tergantung : ❖ Lokasi dan arah garis fraktur ✓ Fraktur horizontal pada servikal / apeks (++) ✓ Fraktur vertikal (-) ❖ Vitalitas pulpa ✓ Vital (++) ✓ Non vital (-) FRAKTUR AKAR FRAKTUR AKAR Tissue response following intra-alveolar root fracture: 1. The coronal & apical fragments become reunited by mineralized origin, which may be of dentinoid or cementumoid (a) 2. The fragments of root don’t reunite, but the coronal portion of tooth is retained, with the fracture line occupied by soft connective tissue (possibly periodontal ligament) (b) FRAKTUR AKAR Tissue response following intraalveolar root fracture: 3. Bone and soft connective tissue (possibly periodontal ligament), 4. Granulation tissue representing an inflammatory response to either pulp or gingival interaction, and with associated expansion of the fracture line and lateral radiolucencies FRAKTUR AKAR Treatment : ✓ No displacement & the crown is not mobile repositioning & splinting ✓ Displacement & sufficient bone to support the coronal fragment traumatic occlusal repositioning & avoid ✓ Repositioning or mobile teeth should be stabilized with flexible splint (wire & composite resin) FRAKTUR AKAR Treatment : ✓ Pulp breakdown in the coronal element (non vital, radiolucency at the fracture line) treatment root canal ✓ During RCT instrumentation and root canal filling should be limited to the fracture line only. Apical pulp retains vital function ✓ If apical periodontitis develops on the apical fragment Apex resection FRAKTUR AKAR FRAKTUR AKAR ENDODONTIC EMERGENCY • Stressful situation • We must to keep and show calm • The knowledge and skill in various aspects of endodontics are required to achieve successful outcome of endodontic treatment TERIMA KASIH irfandrg@gmail.com 08155277884 irfandwiandhono irfandwiandhono