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Architectural Design Report: Anthropometry & Space Planning

Table of content
 Overview
 Introduction
o Aim/objective
o Scope
 Literature review
 Case study
 Design proposal
 References
In semester 2nd we have learn about anthropometry in design and how
to create spaces according to human anthropometry. We have created
user defined spaces like toilet, in this semester we get to know about
spaces and dimensions of various spaces used by humans and how one
should design spaces according to anthropometry only to avoid
conflicts. We have done various case studies and had read various
books like Time saver, Neufert to get basic and more basic and efficient
knowledge of spaces and dimensions. We have also done residencial
case study, to get the idea of big spaces and multi purpose spaces and
their conflict according to anthropometry and how to resolve them.
The main objective is to get the basic knowledge of anthropometry and
spaces for single user, multi-activity and multiuser, single user.
The scope is to learn anthropometry is to get idea of design spaces for
single user or multiuser such that it have minimum or no conflicts that
will give full satisfaction to our client and to get the idea of standard
dimensions of furniture and fixtures.
We have done detailed study of anthropometry and spaces with the
proper consult of the books like Times saver standard for architectural
design, Neufert and also with the help of online websites like pinterest,
Wikipedia etc. to give more proper idea there were proper discussions,
lectures with faculty members. In which they have guided us
individually and resolved our conflicts and taught us about designing
spaces according to the users’ anthropometry. We have also designed
living spaces according to anthropometry like toilets, kitchen etc. with
the help of Neufert.
To get more practical aspects of anthropometry spaces we have done
three case studies up till now.
CASE STUDY 1 : Our first case study started with single user,
multipurpose toilet. We were asked to measure the spaces and further
drafted the plans and sections with proper fixtures measurements.
Further we continued our design activities were our level was increased
we were asked to do case study of 3BHK residence house which was
multi user, multipurpose. We have measured each and every objects
and drafted the plan and sections. After that we have done the study so
that we have done the study so that we can show conflicts .Each
student was asked to make conflict sheets individually.
Now we moved ahead with the case study of gateways. Were we
visited various gateways so that we get clear cut idea of dimensions of
ways given for vehicles. We were asked to design gateway for our
university, currently we are working on this activity.
We have referred to various websites and books.
BOOKS: Times saver standards for architectural design.
WEBSITES: https://thearchitectsdiary.com