Uploaded by Richard Oliver John

Legal vs Natural Persons: A Commodity Analysis

My conscience woke me this morning as usual to engage in conversation and offer life lessons. “Do
you realize that you a commodity, cheap labour and your value is constantly dropping?” What? My
value as a person is dropping? “No, your value as a ‘commodity is dropping” I am not a commodity, I
am a person. “Really?”
Firstly, let us look at some definitions. And their legal interpretations – by way of Google.
A raw material or natural resource that can be traded. Commodities are categorized into four (4)
groups: agricultural, livestock, metals and energy.
According to law, a person can either be a Natural Person or Legal Person.
A Natural Person is a human individual capable of free thought and endowed with rights and legal
responsibilities. So if you live in a country where you have no or limited rights, you are not a person.
A Legal Person is a registered entity, corporation or group given the legal rights and responsibilities
of a Natural Person.
It may look the same but there is a vast difference. An individual may have human rights but a
corporation does not need it. An individual’s human rights may be temporarily stripped, curtailed,
ignored or taken away, but a corporation has the luxury of being able to defend itself while carrying
on business as usual. In fact, corporation have more influence in the making of policies and laws
than an individual.
On the registration at the birth of a human they are given a legal title to hold for their life time. So, in
addition to being a Natural Person you also have the title of Legal Person. Governments do not deal
with Natural Persons. This is why they are not obligated to help illegal and undocumented natural
persons. You are taught in school to write your name and capitalize the first letters of your name,
but, look at any legal document. You will notice you name is spelt with all capitals. This is your Legal
Person name. To sign certain legal documents you are required to put your signature as well as sign
in ALL CAPITALS to be accepted as legal and or present your registration or identification card.
Now it has been established that there are two of ‘YOU’ let us see which of you is a commodity. You
are going to love this.
One of you sells the other into chattel slavery, guess which one? The Legal You can sit quietly on a
piece of paper for thousands of years, the other has a limited lifespan and must eat, sleep and
generally preserve itself, therefore must enter into legal contracts to ensure this. You work
(contract) to buy food (contract), pay rent or mortgage (contract), pay bills (contract), educate your
children (contract) and on and on. To pay for these goods and services most do not require your
Legal Name (that was done on registering for the service) this is replaced by Legal Tender known as
money. Money is a whole story by itself. Legal Tender is a physical representation of your financial
worth. Yes, but worth to whom? The same one you were registered with at birth. The more you
have the better they look by way of the economy. The better the economy, the better it is to attract
financial investors brining in more jobs to better the quality of life to bring in more investors…. See
how it works. Every time investments are made the country incurs debt.
Your involvement in this process depends on you getting up out of bed and going to work every day,
at least, most days for fifty to sixty years. From the time you can no longer do this you become a
liability you incur debt because someone else has to pay for your maintenance, your lifestyle and
everything associated with it. Therefore, some of the profit the ones you are registered with would
have been getting and keeping they must now spend on you. Whether this be by way of tax returns,
pensions, disability funds, death benefits, subsidies, discounts, medical provisions, housing and
utilities etc.
As the perfect self-sustaining commodity, you are required – expected to keep that Legal Tender
circulating by working for it and spending it, so the real Legal Persons can get it and hoard it and
make your registered Masters look good.