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Skemp's Understanding: Instrumental vs Relational in Math

There are two mains types of understanding described by Skemp namely:
instrumental and relational understanding.
1. Instrumental understanding can be defined as using ‘rules without reasons’.
2. Relational understanding can be defined as the use of ‘rules with reasons’ or using
rules after making sense of them.
To what extent do you think that this can be implemented in the classroom ? Provide one or
two examples to distinguish between the two types of understanding. Use a concrete example
in the primary school classroom.
Why is it important for students to have relational understanding? What are the benefits and
challenges that you may face in teaching for relational understanding?
Both the theory of Skemp instrumental and relational understanding can be
implemented in the classroom.
1. Theory of Skemp instrumental understanding
For instance, to teach area of a rectangle, we can teach the pupils the use of the formula;
Area of rectangle = length x width.
The child will use the rule to find the answer without knowing the reason.
2. Theory of Skemp relational understanding
On another hand, the same topic can be taught by using squares (1m x1m or 1cm x
1cm). Let’s say we have a rectangle with length 5cm and width 3cm. We will ask the
pupils to fill the row with the 1cm x 1cm squares. We will have rows of 5 squares and
columns of 3 squares. The pupils will then count the total number of squares (15
squares). So, the area is 15cm².
It is important for students to have relational understanding because it allows them to
conceptualize or put in a context a particular problem. Knowledge is gained from active
participation and practice.