Abdomin/o Abdomen Abort/o Miscarry Abrasion/o To rub away Acid/o A solution or substance with a pH less than 7 Acr/o Extremity Actin/o Radiation Aden/o Gland Adren/o Adrenal gland Albin/o White Albumin/o Albumin (a protein) Alveol/o Air sac, alveolus Amni/o Amnion An/o Anus Andr/o Male Angi/o Blood vessel Ankyl/o Crooked Anter/o Front Aort/o Aorta Append/o Appendix Appendic/o Appendix Arter/o Artery Arteri/o Artery Arthr/o Joint Articul/o Joint Asthen/o Weakness Atel/o Incomplete Ather/o Fatty plaque Atri/o Atrium Audi/o Hearing Aut/o Self Azot/o Urea, nitrogen Bacteri/o Bacteria Balan/o Glans penis Bi/o Life Bil/i Bile Blast/o Germ, bud, developing cell Blephar/o Eyelid Botul/o Sausage Brachi/o Arm Bronch/i Airway, bronchus Bronch/o Airway, bronchus Burs/o Purse or sac, bursa Calc/i Calcium Calc/o Calcium Carcin/o Cancer Cardi/o Heart Carp/o Wrist Caud/o Tail Cec/o Blind intestine, cecum Cellul/o Little cell Cephal/o Head Cerebell/o Little brain, cerebellum Cerebr/o Brain, cerebrum Cervic/o Neck, cervix Cheil/o Lip Chol/e Bile, gall Cholecyst/o Gallbladder Choledoch/o Common bile duct Chondr/i Gristle, cartilage Chondr/o Gristle, cartilage Chori/o Membrane, chorion Chron/o Time Chym/o Juice Cirrh/o Orange Coccidioid/o Coccidioides immitis (a fungus) Col/o Colon Colon/o Colon Colp/o Vagina Coni/o Dust Condyl/o Knuckle of a joint Conjunctiv/o To bind together, conjunctiva Cor/o Pupil Coron/o Crown or circle, heart Cost/o Rib Cran/o Skull, cranium Crani/o Skull, cranium Crin/o To secrete Crypt/o Hidden Cutane/o Skin Cyan/o Blue Cyes/o Pregnancy Cyesi/o Pregnancy Cyst/o Bladder, sac Cyt/o Cell Dacry/o Tear Dent/o Teeth Derm/o Skin Dermat/o Skin Dilat/o To widen Dips/o Thirst Dist/o Distant Diverticul/o Diverticulum Dors/o Back Duoden/o Twelve, duodenum Dur/o Hard Ech/o Sound Electr/o Electricity Embol/o Plug Embry/o Embryo Encephal/o Brain Enter/o Small intestine Epididym/o Epididymis Episi/o Vulva Erythr/o Red Esophag/e Gullet, esophagus Esophag/o Gullet, esophagus Esthesi/o Sensation Extern/o Exterior Fasci/o Fascia Fec/o Feces Femor/o Thigh, femur Fet/o Fetus Fibr/o Fiber Fibul/o Fibula Flux/o Flow Follicul/o Little follicle Fung/o Fungus Gangli/o Swelling, knot Ganglion/o Swelling, knot Gastr/o Stomach Gingiv/o Gums Gli/o Glue Globin/o Protein Glomerul/o Little ball, glomerulus Gloss/o Tongue Glott/o Opening into the windpipe Gluc/o Sweet, sugar Glute/o Buttock Glyc/o Sweet, sugar Glycos/o Sweet, sugar Gnos/o Knowledge Gonad/o Sex gland Gravid/o Pregnancy Gravidar/o Pregnancy Gyn/o Woman Gynec/o Woman Halit/o Breath Hem/o Blood Hemat/o Blood Hepat/o Liver Hidr/o Sweat Hirsut/o Hairy Hom/o Same Home/o Sameness, unchanging Hormon/o To set in motion Hydr/o Water Hyster/o Uterus Iatr/o Physician Idi/o Individual Ile/o To roll, ileum Ili/o Flank, hip, groin, ilium of the pelvis Immun/o Exempt, immunity Infer/o Below Inguin/o Groin Ir/o Iris Isch/o Hold back Ischi/o Haunch, hip joint, ischium Jejun/o Empty, jejunum Kerat/o Hard, cornea Ket/o Ketone Keton/o Ketone Kinesi/o Motion Kyph/o Hump Labyrinth/o Maze, inner ear Lact/o Milk Lamin/o Thin, lamina Lapar/o Abdomen Laryng/o Voice box, larynx Later/o Side Lei/o Smooth Leuk/o White Lingu/o Tongue Lip/o Fat Lith/o Stone Lob/o A rounded part, lobe Lord/o Bent forward Lumb/o Loin, lower back Lymph/o Clear water or fluid Mamm/o Breast Man/o Thin, scanty Mast/o Breast Mastoid/o Resembling a breast Maxim/o Biggest, highest Meat/o Opening, passage Med/o Middle Medi/o Middle Melan/o Black Men/o Month, menstruation Mening/i Membrane Mening/o Membrane Menisc/o Meniscus Menstru/o Month, menstruation Ment/o Mind Metr/i Uterus Metr/o Uterus Muc/o Mucus Muscul/o Muscle My/o Muscle Myc/o Fungus Myel/o Bone marrow; spinal cord, medulla, myelin Myos/o Muscle Myring/o Membrane, eardrum Myx/o Mucus Narc/o Numbness Nas/o Nose Nat/o Birth Necr/o Death Nephr/o Kidney Neur/o Nerve Noct/o Night Nosocom/o Hospital Nucle/o Kernel, nucleus Obstetr/o Midwife Ocul/o Eye Olig/o Few in number Onych/o Nail Oophor/o Ovary Ophthalm/o Eye Opt/o Eye Or/o Mouth Orchi/o Testis Orchid/o Testis Orex/o Appetite Organ/o Tool Orth/o Straight Ost/o Bone Oste/o Bone Ot/o Ear Ovar/o Ovary Ox/i Oxygen Pancreat/o Sweetbread, pancreas Pariet/o Wall Parot/o Parotid gland Patell/o Patella Path/o Disease Pect/o Chest Pector/o Chest Ped/o Child Pedicul/o Body louse Pelv/o Bowl, basin Pen/o Penis Peps/o Digestion Pept/o Digestion Peritone/o To stretch over, peritoneum Petr/o Stone Phag/o Eat, swallow Phalang/o Phalanges Pharyng/o Throat, pharynx Phasi/o To speak Phleb/o Vein Phragm/o Partition Phragmat/o Partition Phren/o Mind Phys/o Growth Physi/o Nature Plasm/o Form Pleur/o Pleura, rib Pneum/o Air, lung Pneumon/o Air, lung Poikil/o Irregular Poli/o Gray Polyp/o Small growth Por/o Hole Poster/o Back Presby/o Old age Proct/o Rectum or anus Prostat/o Prostate gland Protein/o Protein Proxim/o Near Pseud/o FALSE Psych/o Mind Pub/o Pubis Pulmon/o Lung Py/o Pus Pyel/o Renal pelvis Pylor/o Pylorus Radi/o Radius Radic/o Nerve root Radicul/o Nerve root Rect/o Rectum Ren/o Kidney Retin/o Retina Rhin/o Nose Rhiz/o Nerve root Rhythm/o Rhythm Rhytid/o Wrinkle Rrhythm/o Rhythm Sacr/o Sacred, sacrum Salping/o Trumpet, fallopian tube Sarc/o Flesh, meat Schiz/o To divide, split Scler/o Hard, sclera Scoli/o Curved Scop/o Viewing instrument Seb/o Sebum, oil Semin/o Seed, sperm Sept/o Putrefying; wall, partition Sial/o Saliva Sigm/o The letter s, sigmoid colon Sinus/o Cavity Skelet/o Skeleton Somat/o Body Son/o Sound Spadias/o Rip, tear Sperm/o Seed, sperm Spermat/o Seed, sperm Sphygm/o Pulse Sphyx/o Pulse Spir/o Breathe Splen/o Spleen Spondyl/o Vertebra Staphylococc/o Staphylococcus (a bacterium) Steat/o Fat Sten/o Narrow Stern/o Chest, sternum Stigmat/o Point Stomat/o Mouth Streptococc/o Streptococcus (a bacterium) Super/o Above Syn/o Connect Synov/o Synovial Synovi/o Synovial Tampon/o Plug Tars/o Tarsal bone Tax/o Reaction to a stimulus Ten/o Stretch, tendon Tendon/o Stretch, tendon Tens/o Pressure Test/o Testis, testicle Testicul/o Little testis, testicle Thorac/o Chest, thorax Thromb/o Clot Thym/o Wartlike, thymus gland Thyr/o Shield, thyroid Thyroid/o Resembling a shield, thyroid Toc/o Birth Tom/o To cut Tonsill/o Almond, tonsil Tox/o Poison Trache/o Windpipe, trachea Trich/o Hair Troph/o Development Tubercul/o Little swelling Tympan/o Eardrum Umbilic/o Navel, umbilicus Ur/o Urine Ureter/o Ureter Urethr/o Urethra Urin/o Urine Vag/o Vagus nerve Vagin/o Sheath, vagina Valvul/o Little valve Varic/o Dilated vein Vas/o Vessel Vascul/o Little vessel Ven/o Vein Ventr/o Belly Ventricul/o Little belly, ventricle Vertebr/o Vertebra Vesic/o Bladder Vesicul/o Small bag Volv/o To roll Vulv/o Vulva Xer/o Dry Zo/o Animal, living