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Bionic Eye Technology: How It Works

Project Notes
Parts of Human Eye
What is Bionic Eye?
A bionic eye is an artificial eye that allows the passage of
visual images into the brain. It is a prosthetic implant that
consists of electronic systems such as image sensors,
microprocessors, radio transmitters, and retinal chips. It is
surgically implanted into the eye to restore vision in people
who have some degree of vision loss due to severe
damage to the retina. However, it is not able to work for
those who were born blind or replicate the natural process
of phototransduction perfectly.
What is the purpose of Bionic eye?
Ø The retina, a light-sensitive tissue layer within the inner eye,
transforms images from the outside world into neural
impulses. These impulses are then transmitted along the
optic nerve to the visual cortex in the brain.
Ø People most likely to benefit from a bionic eye are those with:
• Age-related macular degeneration: A condition causing
degeneration in the central retinal cells.
• Retinitis pigmentosa: A group of hereditary diseases that
destroy photosensitive rod and cone cells in the retina.
What is the purpose of bionic eye? (Continued)
ØFor the bionic eye to function, some retinal ganglion cells
must remain intact, and the affected individual must have
had vision at some point in their life to establish the
necessary nerve connections.
ØExtensive damage to the optic nerve or visual cortex
renders bionic eye implantation ineffective.
Components of Bionic eye?
ØExternal Camera and Transmitter
• The camera is mounted on eyeglasses and organizes
visual stimuli from the environment.
• It emits high-frequency radio waves.
ØStimulator Microchip (Internal)
• Surgically implanted into the retina, it replaces
degenerated retinal cells.
• Consists of an electrode array that serves as an electrical
Components of Bionic eye? (Continued)
• The radio waves emitted by the external camera stimulate
the microchip, which then fires electrical impulses.
• These impulses are relayed by the remaining retinal cells,
transduced normally, and transmitted via the optic nerve
pathway, resulting in vision.
How does it work?
The eye networking system involves a camera that are
connected to a pair of glasses, which radiates highfrequency radio signals to a microchip implanted in the
retina. Electrodes on the implanted chip transforms these
signals into electrical impulses to give way to the cells
inside the retina that directly is connected to the optic nerve.
These signals are then transferred with the optic nerve to
the vision processing centers of the brain where they are
perceived as a picture.
How does it work? (Continued)
The Bionic eye has the ability to work as similar to the real
eye, by receiving images from the camera that is placed
along with glasses which the person can wear and is a very
minute device because it easily fits into the glass so that
later on it can be used again, as an artificial eye. The
images captured by the retina are then sent to a small
electronic system. This device has the ability to transform
the given image data to electronic signal and later transfers
it to receivers, to the retina more precisely.
How does it work? (Continued)
The electrode panel gives out pulses which reaches the
optic nerve to the brain, also in case of a damaged optic
nerve the signals can be easily sent with the use of other
specialized devices. Just when the brain gets the signals,
the brain starts processing accordingly letting the blind
person see.
How does it work? (Continued)
A bionic eye is an incredible technological advancement
designed to restore vision for individual who have suffered
severe damage to thei retina. A bionic eye is an electrical
prosthesis surgically implanted into a human eye.The bionic
eye works by using a computer connected chip that is
carefully placed right behind the damaged eye and then
linked to a very small video camera made like glasses so
that the person can wear. The camera captures the image
and sends electronic signal that the brain can easily