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Assessment in Learning Exam

1. Self-and peer assessment can be very
effective when there is a/an -----.
A. Consensus of evaluation result
B. Observation
C. Portfolio
D. Rubric
2. Which group of scores gives us the most
variety or dispersion?
A. 0.15
B. 0.50
C. 0.75
D. 0.85
3. In an 80-item exam, these are the
means of students’ scores in the
different subject: Math-37, English-53,
Science-42, Social Studies-45. What can
we infer from the given data?
A. The examinees seem to be quite good in Math.
B. Science seems to be the most difficult exam.
C. English appears to be the easiest test.
D. Social studies appear to be most favorite
compared to the other three subjects.
4. An examinee posted a score within +1
SD to +2 SD. This indicates that his
performance is ______.
A. Superior
B. Above average
C. Average
D. Below average
5. Most items in the test have negative
discrimination indices. This only implies
Most items were too difficult.
Anyone could get the questions right.
Quality of instruction was good.
A. II only
B. I and II
C. III only
D. I and III
6. When Rica took the college entrance
exam in YVZ University, she obtained
P30 (30 percentile score). Based on her
percentile rank, what will most likely be
the decision of the university on Rica’s
A. The university will admit Rica.
B. The university will reject Rica.
C. The university will give Rica 70% chance.
D. The university will put Rica in the honors class.
7. What is the mean when the scores in the
distribution are: 2,2,4,5,7,9,9,10?
A. 2 and 9
B. 5 and 7
C. 5
D. 6
8. Mrs. Bartolome wishes to ensure that
her students have mastered the lesson
on integers. What sequence of teaching
activities will be most effective for this?
A. Teaching>posttest
B. Pre-test>teaching>posttest
C. Review>pretest>teaching>posttest
D. Pre-teaching>posttest>re-teaching of the
unlearned concept> posttest
9. All of the following statements about
counseling is true, EXCEPT:
A. Teachers may serve as counselors in the
B. The aim of counseling is to make the
counselee happy at the end of the
C. The counselor helps in resolution by
uncovering emotional issues of the counselee.
D. The counselee must be open and willing to
participate in the process so that counselling
will be successful.
10. Which of the following is most
accurate description about grades?
A. They speak about our IQ level.
B. They are a measure of achievement.
C. They predict our future success.
D. They motivate learners to do better in school.
11. An assessment tool that is used to
individual student behaviors, skills, and
attitudes as they relate to the outcomes
in the programs of studies is known as
A. Standardized test
B. Normative Test
C. Anecdotal Record
D. Checklist
12. This assessment tool is a purposeful
collection of student work samples.
A. Portfolio
B. Collection file
C. Body of works
D. Detailed Observation
13. This is a type of assessment that
metacognitive skill, eventually making
them lifelong learners.
A. Assessment FOR learning
B. Assessment AS learning
C. Assessment OF learning
D. Assessment BY learning
14. This condition happens when those
who did well and those who did poorly
on the overall test chose the correct
answer for a particular item with equal
A. Positive Discrimination Index
B. Negative Discrimination Index
C. Zero Discrimination Index
D. Constant Discrimination Index
15. This is a measure of central tendency
that is computed by summing all the
scores and dividing by the number of
A. Median
B. Mean
C. Mode
D. Midpoint
16. The score in a distribution that occurs
most frequently is known as _______.
A. Median
B. Mean
C. Mode
D. Range
17. Kurtosis or the “peakedness” of the
curve has different types, one of which
is a curve that appears flat. This is
known as ______.
A. Leptokurtic
B. Mesokurtic
C. Platykurtic
D. Bellkurtic
18. Which among the following shows an
alternate response test?
A. Essay test
B. Matching test
C. Standardized test
D. True or false test
19. As a test creator, how can you make
the multiple intelligences concept an
important factor in making a test for a
large group of students?
A. Make the questions cater to the more
intelligent ones.
B. Make questions with plausible options.
C. Make questions that are age-and grade levelsensitive.
D. Make questions that appeal to various
forms of intelligences.
20. Before scoring the essay test of her
students, Mrs. Lopez sets up a set of
criteria to increase ____.
A. Usability
B. Objectivity
C. Reliability
D. Validity
21. Teacher John would like to find out the
personal-social adjustment of the
students. He would most likely do a
A. Dyads
B. Discussion
C. Sociogram
D. Team building activities
22. Which is the most stable measure of
central tendency?
A. Mean
B. Mode
C. Range
D. Median
23. An item has a positive discriminating
power when______.
A. It is easy to answer by both groups
B. It is difficult to answer by both groups.
C. It is incorrectly answered by superiors and is
correctly answered by inferiors.
D. It is correctly answered by superiors
and is not answered correctly by
24. Teacher Zoey requires her students to
submit a portfolio that shows their best
literary compositions from among all
their finished works. What type of
portfolio is she requiring?
A. Growth Portfolio
B. Display Portfolio
C. Working Portfolio
D. Documentation Portfolio
25. In the present marking system of K12, how are learners’ behavior reported?
A. Pass-fail system
B. Numerical rating
C. Anecdotal records
D. Non-numerical rating
26. The scores of a batch of BLEPT
reviewees in a pre-board examination
are said to have a correlation of 0.75
with their actual BLEPT ratings. What
can be inferred about the pre-board
A. There is predictive validity.
B. Scores are widely scattered.
C. Examination has concurrent validity.
D. Reviewees performed better than expected.
27. Which of the following is the
advantage of portfolio assessment?
A. Learners are assessed objectively.
B. Learners are assessed in a manner that is
from the teachers’ biases.
C. Learners are assessed based on a wide
range of evidences of learning.
D. Learners can demonstrate what they can do
without any evidences of learning.
28. What is the lowest mark that can be
reflected in the report card?
A. 60
B. 65
C. 70
D. 75
29. Which of the following test is
considered to be relatively less reliable
for scoring and grading?
A. Essay
B. Completion
C. Matching type
D. Alternate response
30. Teacher Myrna is asking her students
to identify the equipment in the Physics
Laboratory. Under the cognitive domain,
in which assessment level is this?
A. Creating
B. Analyzing
C. Remembering
D. Understanding
31. Based on assessment result, Teacher
Carl concluded that his students have
attained the lesson’s objectives so
Teacher Carl______.
A. Should enrich the lesson
B. Should conduct remediation
C. Must review the past lessons
D. Can proceed with the next lessons
32. Which of the following types of
objective tests measures the greatest
variety of learning objectives?
A. Short-answer
B. Matching Type
C. Multiple choice
D. Alternate response
33. Which of the following statements can
be considered a limitation of true-false
A. Scoring is easy, objective, and reliable.
B. Oversimplified, hard-to-measure HOTS.
C. Scores are easily influenced by guessing.
D. Cannot measure complex learning outcomes.
34. Which of the following situations is an
example of diagnostic assessment?
A. Teacher Dina who administered an
achievement test to Grade 6 students.
B. Teacher Wendy who administered a quiz at
the end of the unit in Trigonometry.
C. Teacher Rubin who administered a 20item test to determine specific concepts
difficult to students.
D. Teacher Gabby who required his students to
do journal writing after discussion on a news
35. Among the types of objective tests
below, which does NOT belong to the
A. Completion
B. Matching Type
C. Multiple Choice
D. Alternate response
36. Mr. Velasquez administered an
achievement test in Mathematics. He is
in the process of counting the scores
obtained by his students. This process is
A. Testing
B. Evaluation
C. Assessment
D. Measurement
37. Teacher Nerissa is interested in
establishing the stability of an
achievement test in Science. Which of
the following methods will provide the
most relevant information?
A. Split-half
B. Test-retest
C. Parallel test
D. Kuder-Richardson
38. Teacher Steph construct a table of
specifications and made it as basis for
his quarterly assessment in English. The
students can be assured that the test
A. Reliability
B. Content Validity
C. Predictive Validity
D. Internal Consistency
39. Teacher Karylle asked her class to
provide feedback on each other’s
learning. Which form of assessment was
A. Self
B. Peer
C. Objective
D. Summative
40. What does Kyle’s percentile score of
82% in his class mean?
A. He got 82% of the items correctly.
B. He scored less than 82% of the class.
C. He exceeded the passing percentage.
D. He scored better then the 82% of the