Figure 1: Schematic summarizing the origin and general distribution of the cranial nerves. Figure 2: Location of the branchial motor and somatic motor cranial nerve nuclei. Figure 3: Schematic showing the parasympathetic cranial nerve pathways. Figure 4: Somatic sensory pathway of the Trigeminal nerve (CN V). Figure 5: Schematic showing the cranial nerves that carry special sensory information. Figure 6: Special sensory information: Visual pathway involving the optic nerve (CN II). Figure 7: Special sensory information: Peripheral portion of the gustatory (taste) pathway involving the facial (CN VII), glossopharyngeal (CN IX) and vagus (CN X) nerves. Figure 8: Special sensory information: Vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII) carries information related to hearing (cochlear n.) and head position and movement (vestibular n.). Figure 9: Special sensory information: Olfactory pathway involving the olfactory nerve (CN I). Cranial Nerve Sensory or motor? Components Location of Neuronal Cell bodies Olfactory nerve (CN I) Sensory Special Sensory 1st order neurons: Olfactory epithelium Optic nerve (CN II) Sensory Special Sensory 1st order neurons: Retina Oculomotor nerve (CN III) Motor Somatic Motor Nucleus of Oculomotor nerve Visceral Motor (Parasympathetic) Preganglionic: EdingerWestphal nucleus Postganglionic: Ciliary ganglion Trochlear nerve (CN IV) Motor Somatic Motor Nucleus of Trochlear nerve Trigeminal nerve (CN V) Both Somatic (Branchial) Motor Motor nucleus of Trigeminal nerve Somatic Sensory 1st order neurons: Trigeminal ganglion Abducens nerve (CN VI) Motor Somatic Motor Nucleus of Abducens nerve Facial nerve (CN VII) Both Somatic (Branchial) Motor Motor nucleus of Facial n. Visceral Motor (Parasympathetic) Preganglionic: superior salivatory nucleus Postganglionic: Pterygopalatine ganglion Submandibular ganglion Special Sensory 1st order neurons: Geniculate ganglion Vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII) Sensory Special Sensory 1st order neurons: Vestibular ganglion & Cochlear (spiral) ganglion Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) Both Somatic (Branchial) Motor Nucleus Ambiguus Visceral Motor (Parasympathetic) Preganglionic: Inferior Salivatory Nucleus Postganglionic: Otic ganglion Somatic Sensory 1st order neurons: Superior ganglion of Glossopharyngeal nerve Visceral Sensory 1st order neurons: Inferior (Petrosal) ganglion of Glossopharyngeal nerve Special Sensory Vagus nerve (CN X) Both Somatic (Branchial) Motor Nucleus Ambiguus Visceral Motor (Parasympathetic) Preganglionic: Dorsal Motor Nucleus of the Vagus n. Postganglionic: Cardiac, pulmonary & myenteric ganglia Somatic Sensory 1st order neurons: Superior Ganglion of Vagus nerve Visceral Sensory 1st order neurons: Inferior Ganglion of Vagus nerve Special Sensory Accessory nerve (CN XI) Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) UNLABELLED Motor Motor Somatic (Branchial) motor (cranial portion of nerve) Nucleus Ambiguus Somatic Motor (spinal portion of nerve) Nucleus of Spinal Accessory nerve Somatic Motor Nucleus of Hypoglossal nerve Scan for related video and newest content.