open libality of lekhraj 520763site

Gl id-520763
Date: 26-Mar-2024
Smriti Garg
Smt Smriti Garg W/o Sh Raja Garg, Lekhraj Dollar, Faizabad Road Bhoutnath
Ref.: Leave & License/ Lease Agreement dated 2-Mar-2022 executed for installation of
Telecom Tower on the premises situated at Roof Top, Lekhraj Dollar, Sector-5,Indira
Subject: Dear Sir/ Ma'am,
We write with reference to the Leave & License/Lease Agreement dated 2-Mar-2022, (herein
after referred to as ‘Agreement) entered into between You and to install ,operate and maintain
telecom tower (hereinafter referred to as “Tower”) at Roof Top, Lekhraj Dollar, Sector-5,Indira
Nagar,Lucknow,U.P (herein after be referred to as “Site”).
1. That, an outstanding rent/license fee of Rs.198474.18 (Rupees One Lac Ninety Eight
Thousand Four Hundred seventy four and Eighteen paisa Only) for the period from 1July-21 to 30-June-22 shall be paid in favor of Smriti Garg (name of beneficiary).
"1'he Lessor/ Licensor further acknowledges that the Lease Rent/ License Fee till 1-July-21 to 30-June22 is paid to the erstwhile Lessor / Original Lessor/Licensor and the present Lessor/ Licensor shall not
demand the Lease Rent/ License Fee for the said period from the Lessee/ Licensee.
There is no outstanding amount on Lessee/ Licensee except the amount mentioned in above paragraph.
Please acknowledge receipt of this letter.
For, ATC Telecom Infrastructure Private Limited
Read, Understood & Accepted
Authorized Signatory,
(Name of Signing Authority)