It is understandable that this particular approach is often employed within phenomenological research, emphasizing the systematic study of conscious experience as it is lived and described by individuals. According to Giorgi (1975), eidetic analysis, as developed by Amedeo Giorgi, involves a rigorous examination of the essential structure (the eidos) of the phenomenon described by participants. This analytical procedure is aimed at uncovering the universal aspects of an experience, highlighting what is essential and invariant across individual descriptions. Through this method, researchers seek to reach a deeper understanding of the fundamental qualities of the lived experience as described by participants. By adopting Giorgi's Phenomenological Analytical Procedure, Whiting (2001) also demystified that researchers are likely engaging in a thorough exploration of the meaning and nuances of participants' lived experiences, seeking to uncover the core elements and universal structures within those experiences. This can provide valuable insights into the essence of the phenomenon under study, offering a comprehensive understanding of the subjective experiences as described by those involved. Please, I would appreciate additional information on this data analysis procedure as it is the core to my data analysis of choice for my study. Thank you. References Giorgi, A., & Duquesne University Press. (1975). An application of phenomenological method in psychology. Duquesne Studies in Phenomenological Psychology, 2, 82-103. Whiting, L. S. (2002). Analysis of phenomenological data: Personal reflections on Giorgi's method. Nurse Researcher, 9(2), 60–74.