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5 Tips to Learn English

My TOP 5 Tips to Learn English
It`s not a secret, that children can learn new language faster then whoever, but it
doesn`t mean that adults can`t do this as well. I`ve asked all my family about
difficult of learning new language for them and now I can recommend you, how
to learn new language.
First of all, u must understand, for what are u doing this stuff. And if u can say to
yourself exact reasons about it, it`s your time to go. U can start slowly, don`t
hurry up the process, take some new words for you and start to learn how to
pronounce them. As one German translator says:” Pick up 50 words of a language
and start using them on the people.”
Second part of our guide, is that u must make a language-learning a lifestyle
change. Don`t do this stepping over yourself, if do that – it`s not the languagelearning, it`s grinding. Just enjoy the process of formation new personality in you.
The next step in our pyramid of language is that u can walk around the house and
name objects in the language you are learning. Over time, you will begin to name
them without the help of a translator or other resources. Also, u can read some
books or even watch films and serials on the new language! U can use subtitles to
make it easier for you.
Penultimate item in my TOP, is just your phone! We use many gadgets per day, so
u can change their language to that u want. It`s not so difficult, but it may help u
with learning new words and understanding what are they!
And the last step to our vertex is activity irl. Just communicate with people in
some kind if chats, games or even in restaurants. U can say that ur language level
is not so good and people can meet u and tell u some tips or new words.
To sum up, I want to say, that if u really want to learn new language, it`s never be
late to do this, if you`ll take attention to all grammar and vocabular, u`ll be the