Uploaded by Paul Ani

Obesity: Disease or Risk Factor? A Debate

Whose answer is more convincing Jack or James?
Your answer should consider both arguments (balanced), and you should support your point of
view with their words (explicitly quote the source). You should consider the follow:
The strength of their reasoning and evidence
Their use of language
Different Types of information
JACK "Obesity meets the definition of
disease. The American Medical Association's
2013 "Council on Science and Public Health
Report" identified three criteria to define
disease: 1. "an impairment of the normal
functioning of some aspect of the body;" 2.
"characteristic signs and symptoms;" and 3.
"harm or morbidity." Obesity causes
impairment, has characteristic signs and
symptoms, and increases harm and
morbidity. Scott Kahan, MD, MPH, Director
of the National Center for Weight and
Wellness and Preventative Medicine
Physician at Johns Hopkins University,
stated obesity "satisfies all the definitions and
criteria of what a disease and medical
condition is... The one difference is that
people who have obesity have to wear their
disease on the outside."
JAMES: "Obesity is a preventable risk factor
for other diseases and conditions, and is not a
disease itself. Like smoking is a preventable risk
factor for lung cancer and drinking is a
preventable risk factor for alcoholism, obesity
is a preventable risk factor for coronary heart
disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2
diabetes, cancers (like endometrial, breast, and
colon), high cholesterol, liver and gallbladder
disease, respiratory problems (like
asthma), complications during pregnancy and
birth defects, and mental health
conditions. Obesity is simply the result of eating
too much. The average American restaurant
meal portion size is four times as large as
portions in the 1950s and 96% of entrees at
chain restaurants exceed dietary guidelines for
fat, sodium, and saturated fat, with some almost
exceeding daily intakes in one meal.